How to replace a burnt out fluorescent lamp. Connection diagram for fluorescent lamps: connecting fluorescent lamps with a choke

Fluorescent lamps are connected in accordance with a slightly more complex circuit compared to their closest “relatives” - incandescent lamps. To ignite fluorescent lamps, starting devices must be included in the circuit, the quality of which directly determines the life of the lamps.

To understand the features of circuits, you must first study the structure and mechanism of action of such devices.

Briefly about the features of lamp operation

Each of these devices is a sealed flask filled with a special mixture of gases. Moreover, the mixture is designed in such a way that the ionization of gases requires a much smaller amount of energy compared to ordinary incandescent lamps, which makes it noticeable in the lighting.

In order for a fluorescent lamp to continuously produce light, it must maintain a glow discharge. To ensure this, the required voltage is supplied to the electrodes of the light bulb. The main problem is that a discharge can only appear when a voltage is applied that is significantly higher than the operating voltage. However, lamp manufacturers have successfully solved this problem.

Electrodes are installed on both sides of the fluorescent lamp. They accept voltage, thanks to which the discharge is maintained. Each electrode has two contacts. A current source is connected to them, which ensures heating of the space surrounding the electrodes.

Thus, the fluorescent lamp lights up after its electrodes have warmed up. To do this, they are exposed to a high-voltage pulse, and only then the operating voltage comes into effect, the value of which must be sufficient to maintain the discharge.

Luminous flux, lmLED lamp, WContact fluorescent lamp, WIncandescent lamp, W
50 1 4 20
100 5 25
100-200 6/7 30/35
300 4 8/9 40
400 10 50
500 6 11 60
600 7/8 14 65

Under the influence of a discharge, the gas in the flask begins to emit ultraviolet light, which is imperceptible to the human eye. To make light visible to humans, the inner surface of the bulb is coated with a phosphor. This substance shifts the frequency range of light into the visible spectrum. By changing the composition of the phosphor, the range of color temperatures also changes, thereby providing a wide range of fluorescent lamps.

Fluorescent lamps, unlike simple incandescent lamps, cannot simply be plugged into an electrical network. For an arc to appear, as noted, the electrodes must warm up and a pulse voltage must appear. These conditions are ensured using special ballasts. The most widely used ballasts are electromagnetic and

Prices for fluorescent lamps

Classic connection via electromagnetic ballast

Features of the scheme

In accordance with this circuit, a choke is connected to the circuit. Also, the circuit must include a starter.

Starter for fluorescent lamps - Philips Ecoclick StartersS10 220-240V 4-65W

The latter is a low-power neon light source. The device is equipped with bimetallic contacts and is powered from an electrical network with variable current values. The throttle, starter contacts and electrode threads are connected in series.

Instead of a starter, an ordinary electric bell button can be included in the circuit. In this case, voltage will be supplied by holding the bell button pressed. The button must be released after the lamp is lit.

The operating procedure of the circuit with an electromagnetic type ballast is as follows:

  • after being connected to the network, the inductor begins to accumulate electromagnetic energy;
  • electricity is supplied through the starter contacts;
  • the current rushes through the tungsten heating filaments of the electrodes;
  • the electrodes and the starter heat up;
  • the starter contacts open;
  • the energy accumulated by the throttle is released;
  • the voltage on the electrodes changes;
  • a fluorescent lamp gives light.

In order to increase the efficiency and reduce interference that occurs when the lamp is turned on, the circuit is equipped with two capacitors. One of them (the smaller one) is located inside the starter. Its main function is to dampen sparks and improve neon impulse.

Among the key advantages of a circuit with an electromagnetic type ballast are:

  • time-tested reliability;
  • simplicity;
  • affordable price.
  • As practice shows, there are more disadvantages than advantages. Among them it is necessary to highlight:
  • impressive weight of the lighting fixture;
  • long lamp on time (on average up to 3 seconds);
  • low efficiency of the system when operating in cold conditions;
  • relatively high energy consumption;
  • noisy throttle operation;
  • flickering, which negatively affects vision.

Connection procedure

Connecting the lamp according to the considered scheme is carried out using starters. Next, we will consider an example of installing one lamp with the inclusion of a model S10 starter in the circuit. This state-of-the-art device has a non-flammable body and high-quality construction, making it the best in its niche.

The main tasks of the starter come down to:

  • ensuring the lamp is turned on;
  • breakdown of the gas gap. To do this, the circuit is broken after a fairly long heating of the lamp electrodes, which leads to the release of a powerful pulse and direct breakdown.

The throttle is used to perform the following tasks:

  • limiting the current value at the moment of closing the electrodes;
  • generating voltage sufficient for gas breakdown;
  • maintaining the discharge combustion at a constant stable level.

In the example under consideration, a 40 W lamp is connected. In this case, the throttle must have the same power. The power of the starter used is 4-65 W.

We connect in accordance with the presented diagram. To do this we do the following.

First step

In parallel, we connect the starter to the pin side contacts at the output of the fluorescent lamp. These contacts represent the leads of the filament of the sealed bulb.

Second step

We connect to the remaining free contacts.

Third step

We connect the capacitor to the supply contacts, again, in parallel. Thanks to the capacitor, reactive power will be compensated and interference in the network will be reduced.

Connection via modern electronic ballast

Features of the scheme

Modern connection option. The circuit includes an electronic ballast - this economical and improved device provides a much longer service life of fluorescent lamps compared to the option discussed above.

In circuits with electronic ballast, fluorescent lamps operate at higher voltages (up to 133 kHz). Thanks to this, the light is smooth and flicker-free.

Modern microcircuits make it possible to assemble specialized starting devices with low power consumption and compact dimensions. This makes it possible to place the ballast directly into the lamp base, which makes it possible to produce small-sized lighting fixtures that are screwed into an ordinary socket, standard for incandescent lamps.

At the same time, the microcircuits not only provide power to the lamps, but also smoothly heat the electrodes, increasing their efficiency and increasing their service life. It is precisely these fluorescent lamps that can be used in combination with devices designed to smoothly regulate the brightness of light bulbs. You cannot connect a dimmer to fluorescent lamps with electromagnetic ballasts.

By design, the electronic ballast is an electrical voltage converter. A miniature inverter transforms direct current into high-frequency and alternating current. It is this that goes to the electrode heaters. As the frequency increases, the heating intensity of the electrodes decreases.

The converter is switched on in such a way that the current frequency is initially at a high level. The fluorescent light bulb is connected to a circuit whose resonant frequency is significantly lower than the initial frequency of the converter.

Next, the frequency begins to gradually decrease, and the voltage on the lamp and the oscillating circuit increases, due to which the circuit approaches resonance. The heating intensity of the electrodes also increases. At some point, conditions are created that are sufficient to create a gas discharge, as a result of which the lamp begins to produce light. The lighting device closes the circuit, the operating mode of which changes.

When using electronic ballasts, the lamp connection diagrams are designed in such a way that the control device has the ability to adapt to the characteristics of the light bulb. For example, after a certain period of use, fluorescent lamps require a higher voltage to create the initial discharge. The ballast will be able to adapt to such changes and provide the necessary quality of lighting.

Thus, among the many advantages of modern electronic ballasts, the following points should be highlighted:

  • high operating efficiency;
  • gentle heating of the electrodes of the lighting device;
  • smooth switching on of the light bulb;
  • no flicker;
  • possibility of use in low temperature conditions;
  • independent adaptation to the characteristics of the lamp;
  • high reliability;
  • light weight and compact dimensions;
  • increasing the service life of lighting devices.

There are only 2 disadvantages:

  • complicated connection diagram;
  • higher requirements for correct installation and quality of components used.

Prices for electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps

Electronic ballast for fluorescent lamps

Connection procedure

All necessary connectors and wires are usually included with the electronic ballast. You can see the connection diagram in the presented image. Also, suitable diagrams are given in the instructions for ballasts and lighting fixtures themselves.

In such a scheme, the lamp is switched on in 3 main stages, namely:

  • the electrodes warm up, which ensures a more gentle and smooth start-up and preserves the life of the device;
  • a powerful impulse is created that is required for ignition;
  • the operating voltage value is stabilized, after which voltage is supplied to the lamp.

Modern lamp connection schemes eliminate the need to use a starter. Thanks to this, the risk of ballast burnout in case of starting without a lamp installed is eliminated.

The scheme for connecting two fluorescent light bulbs to one ballast deserves special attention. The devices are connected in series. To complete the work you need to prepare:

  • induction throttle;
  • two starters;
  • directly fluorescent lamps.

Connection sequence

First step. A starter is connected to each light bulb. The connection is parallel. In the example under consideration, we connect the starter to the pin output at both ends of the lighting fixture.

Second step. Free contacts are connected to the electrical network. In this case, the connection is made in series, through a choke.

Third step. Capacitors are connected in parallel to the contacts of the lighting device. They will reduce the severity of interference in the electrical network and compensate for the resulting reactive power.

Important point! In ordinary household switches, this is especially typical for budget models, the contacts can stick under the influence of increased starting currents. In view of this, for use in combination with fluorescent lighting devices, it is recommended to use only high-quality ones specially designed for this purpose.

You have become familiar with the features of different connection diagrams for fluorescent lamps and now you can independently cope with the installation and replacement of such lighting devices.

Good luck!

Video - Connection diagram for fluorescent lamps

The fluorescent lamp is very common due to its efficiency. The lifespan of such lamps is quite long, but still not infinite. You can learn how to easily and quickly replace a fluorescent fluorescent lamp, and what nuances need to be taken into account when replacing them, from this article.

Such lamps are most often used in ceiling lamps, to illuminate the work surface of kitchens, in bathrooms, as lighting in mirrors, etc. Lamps are available in various sizes and wattages.

In most cases, the reason for the lack of glow is the lamp itself, although sometimes the culprits are the inductor (ballast) or (if present) the starter. A burnt-out lamp can most often be identified by a dark-colored ring on the bulb near one end of the lamp.

Replacement procedure

1. Turn off the lamp. If the lamp burns out and you are not sure whether the lamp is on or off, it is better to turn off the electricity supply at the panel.

2. Remove the lamp shade or grille to provide access to the lamp. Transparent shades of ceiling lamps can be attached to the lamp body with screws or latches. Inspect the lamp and unscrew the screws, or release the latches and remove the lampshade or reflective grille.

On small single-lamp lamp models, the shade is often fixed to the lamp itself. To remove such a lampshade, simply gently pull it, starting from any edge. After this, you will have access to the lamp for replacement.

3. Remove the lamp. To do this, take both hands closer to the edges of the cylindrical bulb of the lamp and rotate it around its axis 90 degrees (the direction of rotation does not matter). Gently pull the lamp away from the fixture. The contact pins of the lamp should come out of the socket guides with little effort.

4. Buy a lamp of a size and power that matches the parameters of your lamp. If you cannot accurately determine the characteristics of a burnt-out lamp, take it with you to the store so that sales staff can select the correct replacement lamp.

5. Install a new lamp into the fixture. To do this, carefully insert both ends into the socket until it stops and carefully rotate the lamp around its axis 90 degrees (the direction of rotation is still not important). In some cases, you will feel a slight click as the lamp locks into position.

6. Turn on the lamp and check its functionality. If everything works fine, reinstall the lampshade or decorative grille. If the lamp does not light up, then turn off the lamp switch and try to carefully move or slightly rotate the lamp in the socket, or remove it and install it again.

If, after all attempts, the installed working lamp refuses to light, most likely the problem lies in a burnt-out inductor (replacing it is often comparable in cost to the cost of the lamp) or starter. All these parts are located inside the lamp body, and replacing them will require additional skills, especially replacing the choke.

If you do not have independent experience in performing such work, entrust it to a specialist or buy a new lamp if the cost of repair is equal to the cost of the lamp itself.

We should also talk about replacing a burnt-out fluorescent lamp in a tabletop office or home lamp. Such luminaires mainly use fluorescent lamps with sockets such as G23, GX23, 2G11, etc.

There may be some differences in the size and shape of the bases, but the principle of connecting the lamp to the lamp socket is the same for all. Thus, these instructions can be applied to all such lamps.

Replacement procedure

1. Before removing a fluorescent lamp with a G23 socket from the lamp, it is necessary to turn off the lamp, i.e. unplug the power cord from the outlet.

2. Place the lamp on the table and turn the shade up so that it is convenient for you to remove the lamp. Most often, the free end of the lamp is attached to the lampshade using a special plastic clamp.

In order to remove the light bulb from the socket, first gently pull it by the edge of the bulb in the direction from the lampshade, as if bending it, thereby removing it from the retaining bracket. If this bracket is already broken off (a fairly common occurrence), then skip this point.

Take the lamp with your hand (grab it with your fingers) by the bulb and simply pull it, shaking it slightly, in the direction from the socket hidden in the lamp body. The lamp should, with slight resistance, jump out of the socket.

3. Buy a new lamp. If you cannot unambiguously determine the size of the lamp and the type of base, then take the burnt-out fluorescent lamp with you to the store or market when you go to look for a replacement. This way, the seller can easily select the new lamp you need.

4. Install the lamp in the lamp. Once you have mastered the procedure for removing the lamp, it will not be difficult for you to do the reverse. Insert the new light bulb with the base into the socket and press the end of the bulb, pushing the light bulb into the socket. It should go into the cartridge all the way with a barely noticeable click.

Be careful when inserting the bulb back into the plastic retainer. Over time, the plastic of the retainer becomes extremely brittle and can easily break. At the same time, do not be too upset if this happens - this will not affect the operation of the lamp in any way.

IMPORTANT: A fluorescent lamp contains 3 to 5 mg of mercury, a very toxic metal. You should absolutely not throw away used lamps with household or construction waste. As a result of damage to the bulb of such a lamp, mercury will be released into the environment. Please ensure safe disposal of the fluorescent lamp.

By clicking on the image below, you can watch a short video on how to replace a fluorescent fluorescent lamp. The video will open in a separate window.

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How to change a light bulb if the old one is burned out? For everyone, this seems like an obvious and simple action, but if you replace the light bulb incorrectly, you can get bad consequences.

Everything is very simple at first glance, however, in order for the light bulb to last as long as possible, you need to follow several rules.

Which light bulbs require proper replacement:

  • incandescent light bulb;
  • halogen;
  • replacing the LED light bulb;
  • luminescent.

Replacing an incandescent light bulb

Before you begin the process of replacing the light bulb, make sure that there is no leakage at all. To do this, move the machine’s toggle switch to the “off” state in the distribution panel.

After you complete this action, be sure to check whether the apartment is actually de-energized, since sometimes distribution panels can be difficult to understand, and there are no marks there.

Tip: Before turning off the power, check to see if any appliances are turned on, as they may be damaged or even burnt out.

The power of lamps is measured in watts, and usually a lamp with a power of 100 watts is suitable for simple use.

How to change a light bulb correctly:

  • to replace a light bulb, unscrew the old lamp counterclockwise;
  • screw in the new lamp clockwise, but do not use much force when screwing in, because you can damage both the lamp and the luminaire;
  • turn on the toggle switch in the distribution panel;
  • turn on the switch of a regular switch.

If you change the lamp in a chandelier, you do not need to stand under it when you turn it on for the first time. Externally, the lamp may be in good working order, but in fact, sometimes there are defective lamps. When turned on for the first time, such devices may explode and injure you with shrapnel.

How to change a halogen or LED light bulb

In suspended ceilings, spot lighting is usually based on the use of halogen or LED lamps. In order to correctly replace such a lamp without being struck, you need to know some nuances.

First you need to unlock the light bulb in the lamp housing. To do this, carefully remove the special round-shaped ring. After the lock is removed, you can unscrew the lamp. Usually this is not difficult.

When replacing the light bulb, hold all parts with your hands, since the retaining ring has the appearance of a spring that can slip out of your hands.

If you previously had yellow lamps, but there was not enough lighting in the room, you can purchase a new lamp of the same color, but white. It will give more light, and the amount of energy will be spent the same as the yellow one.

If you are faced with the issue of adding more to your room, it is worth considering that you will need the same light bulbs as the ones you already have.

The thing is that different lamps not only have different features, but also appearance, so it is advisable to use lamps from the same manufacturer in the same room when it comes to spot lighting.

And the most important thing about halogen lamps is that they should not be touched with bare hands. All actions should be carried out only with gloves, because this will help protect the lamp from premature damage.

By the way, if you do touch the light bulb, don’t be upset, you can gently wipe it with a cotton swab with a little alcohol on it.

Replacing fluorescent lamps

When using this type of lamp, it is important that it is in order.

Replacing such a light bulb is not at all difficult; it is similar to the process that we described when replacing an incandescent lamp.

However, if such a lamp has burned out for the first time, you need to remember that when purchasing a new one, its power should either correspond to the old lamp, or be based on the following principles...

Firstly, fluorescent lamps give a greater glow with less power, so there is no point in looking for the most powerful one, because 50 W may well be enough for you to illuminate a large room.

Secondly, this particular type of lamp gives soft light and diffuses it well, so you definitely won’t need several lamps in one room.

However, it is worth understanding that if you decide to replace, for example, a conventional incandescent lamp with a fluorescent lamp, then the latter option will possibly flicker and also be very sensitive to high temperatures. At the same time, little will affect the service life of such a lamp, and it often lasts 10-20 times longer than an incandescent lamp, of which, by the way, you may need several for one room. Create in your room and protect your eyesight!

A suspended ceiling in an apartment is already a common thing for us, rather than an exception. And just imagine, the craftsmen made you a brand new slatted metal ceiling. He was living his life, providing light in the house, when suddenly he took a light bulb and burned it out. Just think, a light bulb - what nonsense! How many times have we changed them? Only now I noticed that we actually changed the ordinary electric lamps on our chandeliers and sconces a hundred times, but how to change a halogen light bulb on a suspended ceiling - many here have little experience, and some have never changed them at all. The same applies to small light bulbs on specific lamps with narrow shades where a hand cannot fit.

How to replace a halogen lamp on a suspended slatted ceiling and in a specific lamp

After such a lamp burns out, you think, oh well... There are 9 lamps on the suspended ceiling anyway. Well, just think, one burned out, while it’s still light, I won’t even bother. Have you ever thought about the real reasons for not replacing a lamp after it burns out? That's right, you reasoned this way because you weren't sure that you could change such a light bulb yourself. You've never done this before. This is how time passed. Then another lamp burned out, then another. And now you are already living with six lamps. But when it becomes completely dark in the room, you suddenly come to your senses and realize that you can’t live like this any longer! We urgently need to buy new lamps. But the main question remains unanswered. Still, how to change a light bulb on a suspended ceiling?

So that you never have questions like this again, I have prepared a video tutorial for you on how to replace halogen lamps on a suspended metal slatted ceiling and on a lamp with a specific narrow shade:

If you suddenly have a problem replacing a regular incandescent lamp when, for example, it bursts and some of the fragments remain above your head in the socket. In this case, read my article

With the advent of cheap LED light bulbs on the market, the question of replacing them arises more and more often. To replace, you must first know the type of base. The figure below shows examples of LED type: E-27, E-14, GU-10, GU-5.3, G-9, G-4, GX53.

When replacing a light bulb, you need to pay attention to what type of lamp was installed in the spotlight. There are several types of spotlights:

  • LED lamp MR-16 is used in luminaires DL-11;
  • LED lamp minion E-14, used in recessed spotlights of the R-63 brand;
  • GX-53 closed type lamps.

Let's look at examples of how to change an LED light bulb in spotlights.

Always turn off the mains power before replacing!

Replacing a GU5.3 or GU10 LED Bulb

Such a base is often secured with a retaining ring. They are secured in the socket with two conductive pins until they click (GU5.3) or by turning 90 degrees (GU10). Replacing them is quite simple using the following instructions.

  1. Turn off the network power;
  2. Before replacing, check the power of the lamp being replaced. It must correspond to the burnt-out power. If you install a more powerful lamp, you can damage the controller or transformer, if installed. When installed, they are calculated for a certain power indicator of the connected load;
  3. remove the retaining ring, which is located along the diameter of the body. Pull it gently and the light bulb will easily come out of the spotlight. If the ring has two tendrils sticking out inward, just squeeze them;
  4. remove the light bulb from the socket, holding the base with your other hand, install a new one;
  5. return the retaining ring to the groove.

Replacing E-14 and E-27 lamps

For this type, replacement is even easier. You need to unscrew the old light bulb counterclockwise and screw in the new one clockwise, while de-energizing the room in advance. It is necessary to screw in all the way, without applying any effort.

Pay attention to the base. E-27 is a well-known standard, the diameter is the same as that of a regular incandescent light bulb. E-14 – base with a smaller diameter. If in doubt, take the burned out light bulb with you when purchasing.

Closed type GX53

They are often called a pill. These are some of the easiest lamps to operate and replace. The easiest way to change them is:

  1. Turn off the network power;
  2. We take hold of the lamp and turn it counterclockwise until it stops. The rotation angle is no more than 10-20 degrees and it will freely fall out of the grooves;
  3. insert a new tablet into the grooves and turn clockwise until it stops. Ready.

These miniature light bulbs are similar in design, they differ in size, but their installation principle is the same. Due to their low weight, they are attached only to the socket with the base. Additional fastenings are usually not provided. Let's look at how to replace such a light bulb in a spotlight.

  1. De-energize the lamp by turning off the mains power;
  2. if there is a decorative light diffuser, remove it;
  3. We take the body of the light bulb and pull it out with a slight force;
  4. install a new one by inserting the pins into the socket. If you have a halogen, when installing, handle it only with gloves or a cloth.

Replacing light in furniture lighting

Any spotlights on furniture and kitchen equipment are replaced in 99% of cases using one of the above methods. The whole difficulty of replacement lies in dismantling the decorative lamp diffuser.

Strict requirements for the appearance of the lamp force designers to hide the fastenings as much as possible and you need to use your imagination to understand how to remove this or that lamp.

Precautionary measures

  • When replacing, always turn off the mains power;
  • Before replacing, try to wait until the lamp has completely cooled down (read:);
  • Twist light bulbs in glass housings with extreme care. Over time, under the influence of temperature changes, the material loses its strength. Take special care of your eyes;
  • If there is insufficient contact between the conductor and the socket, under the influence of high temperatures, the light bulb body may “stick” to the base. In this case, it is better to disconnect the cartridge itself from the wiring and continue dismantling below.