Different patterns on middle fingers. What do patterns mean on your fingers

If you look carefully on the pads of your fingers, you will see pictures on them. These patterns in the chiromantia are of great importance, since they can make a characteristic characteristic and highlight the main features of its character.

What patterns on the fingers in the chiromantia

There are three types of patterns: loop, curl and arc.

Each finger can have different patterns. In order to compile your forecast and identify the characteristic features of the person, it is necessary to identify the most common pattern on the fingers. It is also important to compare patterns on the active (right for right-hander) and passive hands. Passive hand will tell that parents are laid in you, about your desires and opportunities. Active hand is a reflection of your life pathwhich you chose yourself.

The value of patterns on the fingers in the chiromantia

Arc - This is the easiest pattern. The same can be said about your character. You appreciate ordinary things, strive for quite achievable and real objectives. You are straightforward, purposeful, know how to think logically and seek your own goals.

The loop - You have a friendly character. You are sociable, sociable, sometimes are inconsistent because of the unwillingness to live monotonously and boring. Often you get under the influence of other people. You have a lot of interests, you will entail all the new and unknown. In life you are a practical and rational man.

Curl - This is a sign of individuality. If you have exactly this pattern on all your fingers, this pattern is dominated, this indicates a strong character, ambitions, the power of spirit and confidence. You non-standard look For life, and this is very different from other people. By nature you leader, but a single leader.

Complexlooks like a weakening of two hinges. He is like a sign Yin-Yan. People with a predominance of such a pattern on the fingers is very indecisive. They constantly doubt everything, which makes it difficult for them in their personal life and career.

For chirromants, patterns on the fingers are of particular interest. After all, they are hidden personality and human abilities. For a complete analysis of the personality of a person, it is necessary to take into account not only the prevailing patterns, but also each of them depending on the location on one finger. By comparing all the data in, you can learn about yourself a lot of new things, which will help you deal with problems in your life and better understand your essence. We wish good luck and do not forget to click on the buttons and

18.06.2014 09:45

In the Hiromantia, moles in the hands are paid no less important than lines. It is believed that moles ...

In July, the first season of the romantic TV project "Bachelor" ended. And he ended quite unexpectedly for the viewers. ...

If with good lighting carefully look at the pillows of your fingers, you can see that the lines fold in strict patterns. It can be arcs, loops and curls.

1. Dougie.
People with arcs are found quite often, but usually such a drawing is located just two to three fingers (arcs on all ten fingers - very rarity). For such people, physical potential is not important, they prevail psychological, personal qualities. At the owners of "Doug" a very non-advisable character.

They are never considered with the opinion of other people, because they always know that white, and what is black. The victims of a complete defeat in something, they, as if throwing out all of the heads, with the persistence again they are accepted for their own. Always rush into leaders, becoming intractable and stubborn chiefs.

2. Loops
"Loops" on the temperament of choleric or approaching them. Owners of ten loops at normal work are very energetic, but in extreme situations "Come", since they have limited physical potential. Most of all, they are depleted on the boring monotonous work, which they are not interested.

The "loops" is better than everyone else, adapted to life in society, to fruitful communication with others: they are friendly, the stacks, responsive, are frankly frank, they are easy to compromise, ready to help without special benefits for themselves, but to sacrifice everything for the sake of idea either will not be. They are completely satisfied with their modest place under the sun, and of them are perfect leaders.

3. Curls
"Curls" - "Hollow in the clouds" people of Bohemia. Creatively very gifted, everyone is grabbed on the fly, they are very quickly studying, they grab immediately for several cases, but often they are not completed, losing interest in them. Only they themselves are able to make themselves do something. Despite its colossal endurance, the owners of "curls" do not tolerate unpleasant circumstances.

They are constantly unhappy with themselves, prone to self-confidence and painful doubts. A large number of curls speaks about a thin, excitable psyche. They are distinguished by, on the one hand, a very high nervous organization, on the other, the instability of the psyche, a tendency to depression.

But pure patterns, as well as clean tempera types, almost does not happen, most often there are complex combinations. So with arcs and loops, even with minor loads work almost at the limit of their capabilities.

If, in addition to the loops and arcs, there are also curls, it says not so much about the level of the real possibilities of a person, how much about inability to correct their strength. The combination of loops and curls suggests that a person has large reserves and can adapt to the most difficult conditions.

The direction of the loop on the palm symbolizes the focus of spiritual energy, which orients the corresponding finger, the direction of the brush shows the path of the implementation of the energy: intro and extravenutive orientation. The radial loop suggests that the energy is mainly related to the improvement of the personality, and the elbow is that the main need of a person is the implementation of in its social environment.

Lock loop

The elbow loop is focused on the outer, elbow side of the hand.

It symbolizes social openness and demonstrates the ability to adapt to the surrounding.

Often the elbow loop is on the thumb, which speaks of congenital flexibility and adaptability to circumstances. If such a loop appears on a larger thumb, it will partly compensate for the straightness and clumsiness of its owner.

The loop on the finger of Jupiter belongs to a person who can adapt, but not moving ambition. It is multilateral, prone to improvisation. With a strong index finger and a pronounced bug of Jupiter, the elbow loop reveals the temperature of the Sanguinik in all its diversity.

In the chiromantia, the elbow loop on the finger of Saturn testifies to the practical warehouse of the mind and collectivism.

This type of papillary lines on unnamed finger reveals congenital interest in artistic creativity and surviving character. If the loop is stretched up, a person can comprehend the height of art; In addition, it issues his idealism.

The elbow loop is the belonging of the mother's, it is ideal for its properties. Among congenital qualities are dominated by contact industry, the speed of response and the ability to find an accurate wording. These challenges must correspond to the harmonious form of the mother. In this case, the elbow loop indicates the ability to figure out the depths of his subconscious.

Papillary loops have a different location: low, medium or high. If the Bazal Triad is shifted to the side, the loop "settles" down. The photo shows the lowest elbow loops on the fingers of the artwork masters.

  • Lowly located figure identifies the ability of a person to realize their talents in practice.
  • If the loop is located high, a person has abilities to abstract thinking and their ideals.
  • If the loop occupies a central position, a person can equally implement both its abilities: to theoretical and practical classes. Such a figure indicates a successful combination of theory and practice.

Basic elbow loop left hand in the chiromantia loop

If the radial loop on the moon hill is located at the end of the mind line and open to inner side Palm, loop open to outdoor side Palm, that is, focused on the bottom of the hypothenary. This means that the properties of the moon or uranium are oriented towards external environment, Introducing extravel features in the character of a person.

From an astrological point of view, the formation of a radial loop on the palm is depending on the influence of Mars. Such a person has a choleric temperament, he is a pronounced extrovert, independent and claiming leadership. The elbow loop depends on the effect of air elements, temperament in this version resembles a type of a sanguinic, with an extractative feature, sociable, clever, multilateral, with flexible intelligence, a variety of emotions.

The elbow loop in the hyroman loop can not be attributed to air signs - weighs and twins; Their influences are subordinate to the double loop, which will be said a little later.

People with the elbow loop of the hypothenary instinctively feel the hidden attack of events, changes taking place with people and the properties of things. Many of the people with the elbow loop "skin feel natural relationships, which is why some of them become slugs, others understand the strength of plants. The actions of these people are based more in feelings than on mind. True, the same loop is found in 70% of people with Down syndrome. Conducting astrological analogies reveals in the horoscope a strong influence of "female" planets - Venus, Moon and Saturn. First of all, the influence of the moon is felt, and among the karmic planets - pluton. The presence of uranium and Saturn, as well as the sanguine influence of the signs of twins and weights, as well as Aquarius is always felt.

The carpal loop of the hypothenary opens to the wrist, this area is associated with the properties of Neptune.

Such a turn of the loop resembles a tipped horn, in this case it is comparable to the inspiration vessel. People with "loop inspiration" transcendental influences are supplanted all the others

All owner of the carpal loop, whose prints are assembled in my collection, have the ability of mediums. All of them see prophetic dreams Also, they are well interpreted by the symbolism of dreams of other people. It should be noted that the accuracy of the interpretation over time is confirmed. Obviously, the owners of the carpal loop on the palm of the palms are freely oriented in the sphere of collective unconscious.

The astrological analogs "The loop of inspirationals relate to the influences of the Moon and Neptune, and are also quite often associated with Pluto or Uranium.

As noted above, there are various options "Funks". "Funnels" on the hypothenear must necessarily relate to the data of the papillary drawing of the fingers and palms, as well as with common view hands.

Distinguish the "funnels" in the form of spirals, circles and ellipses. But most of the "funnels" at the Moon Bugre has a specific and often combined form. Spirals are associated with the influence of the Moon in the horoscope, the "funnels" - circles - with Pluto, and the ellipses belong to the aspects of Neptune or the combinations of Neptune and the Moon. It is believed that the legal spiral is associated with the influence of the Sun (fire), and the left-hander spiral - from the moon (water), circular funnels "- with Pluto / Sun (element of fire), and" almond-shaped "- with neptune / moon (water ).

The center of the leaving round spiral, on the periphery of the turning ellipse.

"The funnel at the Moon Bugre symbolizes an outstanding ability to concentrate their mental strength. At the same time, this is also a sign of their overvoltage, which is asked for mental health. The categorization in the assessment of this feature is unacceptable without analyzing the nature of the palm lines is undoubtedly one: such a chirological basis is intensifying the psychological abilities of a person to the border of the generally accepted norm.

"Funka" on soft hand With a weak thumb can mean the presence of any complexes. In a strong hand, these are non-good adaptation abilities due to extraordinary solutions. Others use powerful streams of their subconscious mind in creativity, they have the ability to gain in the image, which is often used by talented actors.

Radial loops ("Loop Mars")

Radial loops on the palms are usually found on index fingers, less often - on large and medium.

Radial loops on large fingers indicate people who are always able to implement their intentions everywhere. The large-fingered radial loop shown in the photo was not inherited to children. But the daughter of this person has radial loops on both fingers of Jupiter and a similar pattern on Mars Bugre.

People with radial loops on the index fingers (the bottom photo) are able to adapt to the circumstances to achieve the goal. Radial loops on hand in chiromantia indicate a dynamic and impulsive temperament.

It is quite rare to detect a radial loop on the middle finger. She points to a person with an analytical warehouse of the mind, aspiring to professional growth, independent in work and very reluctantly hosting opinions around. The woman with this sign is noticeable in the character of men's features.

Middle and index fingers of the left hand

Papillary patterns of hands

Skin areas looking like loops on the palm, are found on the palms quite often. And although the curls are not as common as looped papillary patterns, they have the same meaning only more accentuated.

Raji loop papillary pattern

Very peculiar configuration. Sometimes it is found with an additional radius, directed downwards, is directed to a point between the index and middle fingers (the fingers of Jupiter and Saturn). Symbolizes power and status. Typically, the owners of this sign are appearing outwardly attractive, successful, arrogant. The name of the sign as it may indicate belonging to the Persons of the Royal Blood or Local Aristocracy.

Looped papillary patterns of serious intent

Located between medium and nameless fingers (respectively, the fingers of Saturn and Apollo). This configuration is very common. Characteristic for people adapted to serious mental work, hardworking.

Loop feeling humor

Located between Mercury and Apollo, it testifies to the sense of humor, about the love of the word, writing texts, communication. If this part of the palm is sufficiently developed, then for its owner is also characteristic of animals. In the case when there are celebrated on the hills, then with all the love for an animal, the subject will not be enough time to care for them. Sign of the ability of K. foreign languages Will a pronounced curl in the center of the loop.

Looped papillary memory patterns

The memory loop is easy to see from the end of the head. It indicates good memory and ability to use different dating with a business benefit. For a person with such a sign on the palm, a very pragmatic approach is characterized when choosing acquaintances.

Loop imagination

It indicates a developed imagination and intuition. They are used consciously if the sign is close to Mars's Hill. Curl testifies to the gift of the psychologist. In the hiromantia loop on the palm of the Luna - about love for nature, active classes, such as fishing.

Looped papillary patterns vanity or style loop

It is located between Mercury and Apollo, directed to the nameless finger. The view is widespread that signals the vanity. Typically, the owners of such a sign on the palms are proud of themselves, their affairs. It is characterized by a pronounced individual style.

Loop twins

Comparison loops options to analyze from an astrological point of view are much more complicated than the main types. To understand the papillary lines, it is necessary to estimate the harmony of their drawing and the number of curls. But if the symbolism of fingerprint is considered in the context of palm lines, you can come to an amazingly accurate description of the nature of the person and the style of its behavior. The easiest thing is understood as the meaning of the "twin" loop, the mysterious is the drawing of the side axis. Exploring papillary lines from the point of view of astrological analogies, I first found the "twin" axis with a significant load aspects aspects of the scale of the scales, then the dominant of twins and partly the Aquarius was found, that is, air elements (contacts). In the effects of a sign of scales, like in any other zodiacal sign, a radical face of choice is felt: a balance between any polar phenomena. In addition, scales are the only "male" sign, the ruler of which is considered the "female" planet Venus. The astrological analogues in the description of the Lena "Twin" are easy to conduct, especially considering the properties of weights and / or twins. Their influence on the formation of the hinges "twin" is not much different. Depending on the accents, such a papillary loop in the Hiromantia may indicate a desire for harmony and equilibrium and at the same time talks about the multi-faceted personality. In the first case, scales are a large influence on its formation, in the second - twins. But one way or another, both of these signs in the horoscope are very significant.

Among the undoubted qualities represented by the 2ft, the "twin", it turns out the ability to establish links and harmonious coexistence in the medium. The "twin" loop looks good in hand, for example, the head of the personnel department, which will agree with the staff of the manual. Such a type of loop speaks of consignment in the team, just as born under the sign of scales and twins, these people are very reluctant to remain alone, preferring communication.

The "twin" loop belongs to a person with multilateral interests, able to combine incompatible. Such people feel thinly nuances in communication, prefer to bypass sharp corners and wait in conflict situations. It is sometimes difficult for them to take unambiguous decisions, on the one hand, due to the desire to pay tribute to both, and the other, on the other, due to natural indecision.

The properties of the hinges "twin" are optimally revealed in combination with a large distance between the lines of life and the mind. In this case, you can expect sober and weighted actions. In a pulmonary person with a rapid reaction, which is prone to "Bure and Natik", if there is a penetration, "twin", then such a wide period occurs extremely rarely.

A clear, beautiful loop, "twin" talks about the need for a harmonious environment, which, often, such a person creates.

The structure of the papillary pattern on the hypothenera corresponds to the loop that can be traced on the thumb.

Options for twin loops, otherwise a double loop on the palm on the moon hill, indicate a large role of subconscious in the thoughts and actions of a person. Their character depends on the shape of the hand and signatures of the palm.

In strong hands with developed and proportional to large and index fingers, the "twin" loop indicates the favorable features of the psyche. Such a person is able to adapt to the requirements of the current moment.

On the hands with an emphasized long fingers, the twin on the hillock of the moon testifies to observation, the ability to evaluate the mental state of a person for a number of signs, including by the expression of the person of the interlocutor. Good psychologists and psychiatrists, social workers are possessed by a cup of all this ability, therefore, in the English-language literature, this loop is called "psychological twin." But over time, these specialists may discover signs of splitting consciousness as well.

The "twin" loop on thin and nervous hands reveals the lability of the psyche, a tendency to frequent change of mood, hidden complexes and neurosis. These people are not confident in themselves and neurasthenic.

"Funnels" on the palm

there is different forms "Funks": Simple curls, swirling to the right or left; Double and concentric in the form of a circle, ellipse and almonds. Forms of curls can not always be clearly distinguished.

"Funca" is a sign of individuality. "Funnels" various shapes They are interchangeable. The spiral rotating in the right side indicates the dynamic development of a strong personality. The left spiral says, above all, about spiritual strength, about the gift of intuitive foresight, which helps in emergency situations. At unexpected events requiring instant actions, a person responds extremely quickly. But this is not a consequence of vaccine decisions, but rather the gift of instinctive finding a right decision. The concentric spirals point to people mosted in the dogmas. The ellipse indicates the susceptibility of everything beautiful, in some cases it is a sign of narcissism. The almond-shaped "funnel" indicates a tendency to parapsychology and paranormal phenomena and / or traction to the partner, which is under the strong influence of Neptune.

A man with a papillary "funnel", in essence, very susceptible, even if externally (due to influences, for example, a vopotary hand), he may seem somewhat rude. The harder "funnel", the more difficult the psyche. Such a person will never accept a hasty decision. Unexpected changes to the plans are unpleasant. First it should be internally tune in to new wave And mentally lose all possible situations.

Samples of almond "funnels" on all fingers, except for the Mizinz

The almond-shaped "funnel" is noticeably stretched and often occupies the entire pillow of the finger, so in the papillary figure the phalanges often lack basal lines and triads, ordinary for other types of loops.

Clear almond-shaped "funnel" with several basal curls

People with almond "funnels" discover:

  • very weak connection with parents, "No roots";
  • at times, severe relations in the family or with a partner, the properties of the character defined by the influence of Neptune;
  • interest in parapsychology.

I have handprints with almond-like "funnels belong mainly to the active, obsessed people who are capable of unexpected acts (the influence of uranium).

Often they have an intuitive understanding of the collective unconscious. Therefore, it is not surprising that such variants of the papillary pattern are found on the hands of healers and spiritual shepherds, as well as seams, magicians and writers - the effect of neptune can be multifaceted.

But, of course, in one "funnels" it is impossible to make serious conclusions, for this requires the analysis of the whole palm, but it is better to compare it with the data of the horoscope, since it is in this case most informative.

The central axis of the palm ("peacock eyes")

The central axis consists of radial and elbow loops, combined into a single "funnel". This is a simultaneous connection of loops and "funnels", so such a picture has a symmetry axis, and he, at least there are two delta. The central axis in the English-language literature is called the "peacock eye", because such a figure resembles a drawing on a peacock tail.

The "peacock of the eye" of the loop in the Chiromantia is usually found on the indicable sIl by a nameless finger, occasionally - on average and mismincing. A man with such a curl on a unnamed finger has charm and good observation.

Pavlin eye prints belong to people with developed feeling Beautiful and abilities for creativity. In my collection, designers, designers, jewelers, dentists, etc. were in my collection with such a sign.

At the central axis, "peacock eyes", there are astrological parallels. It is characteristic of the combination of the properties of the Sun and Pluto with the qualities of Venus. In addition, the entire fullness of feelings is revealed under the influence of Neptune. If the "peacock of the eyes" is located in the radial loop, in natal map The effects of Mars and / or Pluto are dominated.

The double loop consists of two mutty loops, moving one to the other in the photo. The central curl has its "twin" shifted to the periphery. As a rule, a triad is located from the bottom of the twin hinges - the triangular compound of basal loops.

Now you know what a loop in the palm of your hand.

Papillary patterns arise from the fetus of a person at the time of the formation of the skin and remain unchanged to his very death. The structure of papillary patterns is strictly individually. Numerous studies have proven that papillary patterns are not repeated from different people. Even Siamese twins, bodies and souls, which are in one degree or another are interconnected, have various patterns on the fingers.

I will stop in this article, mainly on the main types of papillary pattern on the tips of the fingers and will not go into an in-depth analysis of all varieties and subspecies (such as: complex, false, abnormal, etc .. patterns), as it will already be Not developing article, but certified work for a narrow circle of readers. It is boring and does not significantly affect the overall picture of the main sections of the article.

There are three, basic, species of papillary pattern: arcs, loops, curls.

In different years and in different countries Studies were conducted on the proportionality of the capillary pattern on the fingers, and that's what happened:

Arcs are extremely rare - 5-10%,

The loops are found in most people - 60-65%,

Curls manifest much less frequently - 30%

But here I would have made one significant and important clarification: when drawing up statistics of arcs or loops, they were taken into account, mainly those hands on which this drawing is available on most fingers, when taking into account curls, there were hands that have at least one complex pattern. In addition, we can say that people who have on all fingers or arcs or loops are a big set, especially the second, but people who have at least most of the curls on the fingers are not so much. Therefore, true "envy", in fact, is also extremely few, otherwise brightly gifted people would be a pond of a pride.

Arc (Arch)

Arc- Indicates enough ordinary and practical people who prefer to talk about conversations, as, often, do not know how to express their thoughts, are limited in emotional terms. These are very reasonable and economical, even greedy people. Such a person does not like change in life, extremely conservative. One day, having found his place under the sun, does not spend the strength in search of the best share, I am pleased with what has. It is possible not to expect brilliant abilities in science, technician, art, but general practical affairs, he does not succeed at all. The nature of such people is heavy, explosive. In everyday life, these people "rod as tanks". A man with a arc goes to his goal the most direct expensive, without being distracted along the way anything is superfluous. IN married life Such people are distinguished by exceptional devotion, very rarely allow themselves to be intruddled on the side, but they also require absolute loyalty in response. Without possessing heroic health and endurance, in sex, as in sports, the owners of the arc are sprinters for short distances. Mad sex, but not long. About three times in a row speech and can not go. It is difficult for them and the second to master, but the first one - it will be certainly stormy, albeit a few primitive and monotonous.

1. Arc on the big finger - Ability, without spending strength in vain, to quickly achieve conceived, I use an absolutely direct approach to solving problems.

2. Arc On the index finger - Sign of reliability, dedication, practicality and seriousness in everything.

3. Arc on middle finger - Realistic attitude to life based on material values, independence.

4. Arc on unnamed finger - principle, loyalty to the principles, habits and partners.

5. Doug. on Mizinza - Practicality, courage.

The loop

If on the fingers of the loop, then we have a diversified personality, with good mental and mental qualities. However, sometimes they lack initiative and determination. Their natural caution and flexibility of character can lead to uncertainty. They are friendly, emotional, sensitive. This type is a sprinter on average distances, so in sex it is good to combine and quantity and quality. "Loops" windy, are inconstant and often have several parallel ties. You may have many talents, but for success you have to focus on something one. With this type of patterns are born " Salieri, but to become " Mozarts "It is necessary to have "curls", that is, and with hinges you can achieve great fame, fame, but only hard and hard work. Divine gift, mostly comes to people with curls.

Let's go back to the hinges:

There are two types of loops: directed towards the big finger ( radial loop) and towards the Misinza ( lock loop).

Radial loop Indicates the improvement of the person itself. Such a person is independent, decisive, with leadership qualities. And it is not by chance, since this loop, often, is associated with the planet of Mars, having similar characteristics.

1. Radial loop on the big finger - The ability to implement your ideas.

2. Radial loop On the index finger - The ability to adapt under the circumstances. Impulsive character.

3. Radial loop on middle finger - Analytical mindset, as well as extreme independence. Such a person loves to seek everything himself, without someone's help.

Lock loop - The ability to adapt to the circumstances. In contrast, from radial, the person from the elbow loop is more sociable, multilateral, diverse and flexible.

1. Lock loop on the big finger - Character flexibility and high adaptability.

2. Lock loop On the index finger - a tendency to improvisation, versatility.

3. Lock loop on middle finger - Practical mind warehouse. To achieve success, there is a powerful support for the team, partners, friends.

4. Lock loop on unnamed finger - predisposition to artistic creativity, high art.

Curls (to this type I would take all varieties: almond funnels, spirals, ellipses, "peacock eyes", because, in fact, they all have a sign of bright individuality)

Curls! About these curls! How I love you! This is my favorite drawing, and not because I am the owner of almost all varieties of curls, but due to the fact that they are multifaceted and unpredictably affect the human psyche, the development of the personality and the application of its unique opportunities. And this is very interesting, not that with banal arcs or loops, where everything is predictable and understandable.

The more difficult curl, the more difficult the psyche of a person. Such a person will never accept hasty decisions, and every a hundred times will think. His motto: "Some seven times - a rejection once" or "careful - God protects." Holders of curls are extremely susceptible and easy wound. They have exceptional memory, abstract thinking and developed subconscious. I would also noted: congenital self-confidence, ambition, big ambitions, as well as bright personality, originality and ability to work alone. But such a person is quite secretive, touchy, incredulous and selfish, and therefore, in combination with other negative character qualities, it can be dangerous for others. The complex pattern or allows you to achieve incredible vertices of fame in science, art, or provides nervous breakdowns and constant depression, which often leads to various mental illness.

And it is not surprising that among the owners of a large number of curls there are not only outstanding figures of arts and science, but also serial killers, and sexy maniacs. The owner of "curls" is a contradictory personality: either a genius, or a villain. Visual example Two characters can serve: Sherlock Holmes and professor Moriarty.

And let these characters - collective imagesThey really had real prototypes.

This is how Konan-Doyle his heroes describes:

Holmes -multifaceted personality. He is at the same time a talented violinist, a good boxer, a skillful actor and an excellent chemist.

Moriarty -the head of a powerful criminal organization, a genius of the criminal world. It comes from a good family, received a brilliant education and from nature is endowed with phenomenal mathematical abilities. When he was twenty-one, he wrote a treatise about Binome Newton, who won European fame. After that, he received the Mathematics Department in one of our provincial universities, and, in all likelihood, he was expected brilliant future. But in his veins flows the blood of the criminal. He has a hereditary tendency to cruelty. And his extraordinary mind not only does not die, but even strengthens this tendency and makes it even more dangerous. ...

"And here Ostap suffered ... .."

The number of identity development options, some behavioral reactions, the winners of curls are huge: from the poet Yesenin to Maniac Killer Chikatilo.

By the way:

The fateful role in fate Chikatilo played precisely curls, and more precisely - the left type of dermatoglyphic asymmetry, which is found only at the winners of curls. What is the meaning of asymmetry?

And the fact that when the number of curls on one hand significantly exceeds their number to another, such a person is extremely unbalanced.

If curls are more on right hand, their owner is quick-tempered, but also leaving.

If more on the left hand - compacted, malicious, hidden and even prone to the appearance of obsessive ideas.
Stop! Returning to Curls.
If briefly, the more sowing in the head, the more curls on the fingers.

1. Curl on Big finger - Excellent memory, conservatism.

2. Curl On the index finger - Initiative, restless personality.

3. Curls on middle finger - People are not loving routine work, prefer creative directions. For them, social recognition of their talents is very important. Often choose an unusual profession.

4. Curl on unnamed finger - increased susceptibility and sensitivity. Such a man is valued homemade, comfort. Artistic abilities.

5. Curl on Mizinza - Professional flair, developed abstract thinking and intuition.

Curls! Everything is good, but as practice shows: the more curls, the harder to make a career. Holders of curls are individualists who are not accustomed to work in a team. They are extremely not corporate. A large number of curls prevents person to focus on the main thing. They give so much time to trifles that, often, turn on the spot in thought, while the owners of arcs and loop, they strongly go ahead on the service staircase. The optimal number of curls is 3-4.

And finally: with small children who have curls, you need to be extremely patient. The whip method cannot be applied to them, since they are extremely offended, whims and vintage. And to turn a gifted person in some maniac-psychopath is very easy, because these areas bordered very closely.

And a bit can be stopped on interesting and unusual patterns:

Double loop (twin loop)

A double loop consists of two twisted loops moving one to another. Such a loop speaks of a versatile personality, about bright giftedness in many areas, the personality of not predictable, mysterious, mystical. In such a person, often, it is not combined: logical and not logical, realistic and absurd.

"Peacock Eye"

"Peacock Eye" - a person has good insight, developed by a sense of excellent and bright abilities in creativity, charm, good observation and intuition.

That's it!

Papillary patterns on the fingers - a separate extensive topic, which covers a large knowledge section: genetic features, professional and sports orientation, health, temperament, type nervous system and others. Study of individual patterns on the skin is engaged in scientific discipline Dermatoglification. As part of this science, specialists allocate three main types of patterns: this loop, arc and curl. Other patterns are only their varieties.

When analyzing the papillary patterns on the fingers, all prints in the aggregate should be considered, without highlighting some particular pattern, while ignoring the rest. Yes, in some cases, when the pattern "informally" differs from the total type, we must give it special attentionSince it indicates the specific qualities of a given personality. For example, we discover that loops are present on all fingers, and on one - arc, etc. Such an characteristic pattern adds its "note" or focus in a human psychotic, definctly dilutes the main "set" of qualities. If the palm is present part of the loops and part of the curls, then we can make a general conclusion that a person sociable, sociable, flexible in nature with its inherent nature creative and analytical data. Important, of course, the position of the patterns. So, the curl on the indicated finger means not the same as on the nameless. Nevertheless, the overall picture is important.

Below we will attempt brief description The values \u200b\u200bof papillary patterns, based on the work of the domestic Hirologist Evgenia Ostrogorsk "Chiromantia. Lines of fate. " Ostrogorsky highlights six main subtypes of patterns on the fingers: loops, arcs, curls, complex curls, tent arc and coupling of the eye. However, again we repeat that the position of the pattern on a concrete finger has its meaningful meaning.

So, loop Meet sociable, sociable and company people. Such personalities are flexible by nature, easily adapt to a new surrounding, confidently feel in the company and work well in the team. Quickly find a common language with others. Well adapted to life.

Dougi. Peculiar to very focused and hardworking people whose interests are directed in the material side. Such people are stubborn, go to goals directly (across alive). Unambiguous and conservative. Do not tend to lead any intrigues. Open, straight and practical. There is love for manual work.

Curls Prophty people with a complex organization of psyche, individualists, independent, deepened in themselves. So people are best working alone with them. As a rule, they are intellectually gifted, possess high levels Thinking. Nevertheless, the degree of their intellectuality must be judged, paying attention to other features of the palm.

Double loops (complex curls) Specify the ability to see any problem from different sides. Their owners are multilateral personality. These are diplomatic, but not confident people. It is difficult for them to bring things to the end, it is difficult to make decisions.

Tent arc. It is found in an easily excitable person prone to strong feelings. This is a sign of enthusiasm, artistry, anxiety, impulsiveness. Such people are usually very active, emotional and creative. They have explosive type of character, they are full of inspiration and original ideas.

"Peacock Eye" It is found in people with a well-developed feeling and abilities for creativity. The field of manifestation of talent depends on what finger is this species curl.

Some additional features of the main patterns we can find in the book "Chiromantia" of the Australian Chiromant Andrew Fitzgerbert. So, according to the chiromant, people who prevail arcs Fingerprints are usually suspicious, do not believe anything until they ourselves are in practice. They can and love to work with their hands, easily create and reveal things. Therefore, of them are wonderful workshops. They can be reeded, because being tireless workers, such people can bring to bring to the end. They are always practical, they are trying to benefit from everything. The character of them is discreet, such people do not like to demonstrate their feelings around. Positive qualities include psychological sustainability, realism and practicality. Negative qualities include reluctant perception of changes, lack of responsiveness.

People who prevail looped Patterns on the tips of fingers, easily adapt to different circumstances. They are easy to communicate with them, they are friendly, open and always remove the best of situations in which they turn out to be. They produce a good impression on others. So, if people with arc and especially curl fingerprints often have a rather difficult character, the owners of loopers are able to get along with everyone. Positive traits Such people include flexibility and sociability. Negative features are under the lack of individualism, strong "consent."

People with predominant curls (circular) patterns on the pillows of fingers - pronounced individualists, they are difficult to call "one of the many." They always have clearly formulated ideas for any reason, are able to keep their experiences with themselves, often gifted by some talents. Such people are usually quite demanding to others, not being as demanding to themselves; They always need "special conditions". Positive qualities of people with circular fingerprints include attentiveness and general abilities. Negative qualities: a closure, excessive immersion in itself, individualism (too much "I").

In general, it can be said that the owners of a loop pattern are social people who work well in the team. Curl owners can also show themselves in society, but are inclined more to analytics and work alone. People with a large number of arcs are often engaged in manual labor. As often happens in nature, in any of the designated psychochips, you can find our pros and cons. So, someone can upset, finding that he has on his fingers only "simple" pattern in the form of loops or arcs, wanting to have a more rarely encountered curl pattern. But curls, as a rule, testify not just about intellectual or artistic abilities, but also about a certain exacerbation of perception, about significant individualism. Such people are much more difficult to get around with others, they are much more likely to "devour from the inside" themselves, without being satisfied with their results and generally others. If you extend, then we can say so: having equal starting conditions and equal time for training, the artist with curls on the fingers will reach more in the skill and creative (if it will diligently engage and hesitate his egocentric nests) than the artist with loops on the fingers. And on the other hand, although people with a loop pattern on the fingers and will be much longer to go to the same purpose that people with curls, but they will enjoy communication, from their team, will be at a much lesser degree susceptible to stress and "self-naming" . Being people of foreign and sociable, it is much easier for them to achieve "simple human happiness", to come to a harmonious partnership. Immediately note that this example It is only a simplified illustration. Of great importance for the analysis of the character, temperament and human abilities, the form of the palm, the length of the fingers, the nature of the lines, etc.

As E. Fitzgerbert notes, the loop is the most common type of prints characteristic of the average person. Next, the frequency of occurrence go arcs and curls. These three main types of patterns in the total amount give 80 percent of all occurrence. Much more rare on occurrence are patterns of tent arch, a complex curl and curl of "peacock eyes". Nevertheless, despite the fact that the loop pattern is the most frequent phenomenon, it is considered in the Golden Middle Chiromantia between the complex and simple organization of the psyche. Thus, the most simple mental organization and predictability (and it cannot be said that this is bad, by no means) are observed in people with an arc pattern, and the most difficult organization of the psyche and the nervous system - in people with curls.

Sources and literature:

Ostrogorsky E. Chiromantia. Lines of fate. - M., 2015.
Fitzgerbert E. Chiromantia. - M., 1997.

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