Do-it-yourself round bench around a tree (photo and drawing). How to build a round bench around a tree Modern deck plank benches around trees

Connoisseurs of natural harmony strive to turn a place in the shade of a fragrant linden, mighty oak or compact chestnut tree into a cozy corner of relaxation and solitude.

For some gardeners optimal solution will put an ordinary bench under the tree, while others are looking for original ideas.

In any case, a lawn under a tree can not only perform an aesthetic function, but also carry a functional load, serving as a place for a family tea party, an evening conversation with friends, or lonely thought.

Create a flower bed under a tree

A flower bed around a tree looks spectacular, and for inexperienced inhabitants, such an idea seems simple and easy to implement. However, when creating it, it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of the type of tree and the plants growing under it. ornamental plants. There are species that do not tolerate any vegetation in the zone trunk circle. Such individual farmers include birch, willow, spruce, Walnut, larch, maple, irga, thuja and pine.

These tree species have a surface root system and will oppress any closely growing plant, competing for nutrients and moisture. It is better to arrange the trunk circles of this group of trees in some other way than to create a flower garden doomed to death. Lawn grass will grow well under such trees.

However, with a strong desire, in such cases it is possible to create some elevation from the soil mixture in the form of a podium, the design of such a flower garden will be discussed in more detail below. Hazel and chestnut produce substances that are toxic to other plants.

Apple, pear, mountain ash, linden, oak, poplar, ash and fir easily let grassy neighbors under their crown, allowing you to create luxurious compositions.

Regardless of the type of tree, when planning and arranging a flower garden, you will need to take into account some more features of such a design project. Flower plants are selected only shade-tolerant and resistant to uneven moisture. These plants include all types of hosta, most groundcovers, dwarf conifers, some perennials (bergenia, periwinkle, Volzhanka, lily of the valley, saxifrage, lungwort, snowdrop, ferns, foxglove, violet, raven, slipper, Goryanka, anemone) and bulbous.

Usually flowering shade-loving plants occurs in early spring, when the crown still lets in enough sunlight. Although the main decoration of the shady flower bed is decorative foliage.

Before planting flowers around a tree, you need to properly prepare the place. Removed first upper layer soil. This is done very carefully so as not to damage the root system of the tree. In some cases, planting is carried out in "pockets" between thick root branches. The bottom of the dug hole should be lined with non-woven material to protect the root system and restrain its growth.

Next, be sure to lay out a drainage layer of pebbles, broken bricks or crushed stone 10 cm thick. The removed soil is replaced with a nutrient mixture of compost, soddy soil and peat with complex mineral fertilizers. In the presence of rhizomes of weeds, it is recommended to carefully select them. Seedlings are planted in moist soil. Free areas are mulched with sawdust or wood chips. Complex flower beds of plants with different habits are made according to the principle: the higher, the closer to the trunk.

The shape of the flower bed can be either round or asymmetrical. So that the soil does not spill out and is not washed out during irrigation, the border of the flower garden must be marked using decorative stones or a border made of wood or plastic. The arrangement of flowers in a flower bed does not have to follow any scheme; chaotic compositions look interesting and natural.

DIY raised flower bed under a tree

While creating flower bed under unfavorable trees, difficulties may arise due to the many roots penetrating the topsoil in the near-stem circle. Perennials with deep-penetrating roots cannot be used for the composition; it is much more profitable to plant annuals (ageratum, begonia, amaranth, annual asters, succession, carnation, gazania, lobelia, verbena).

To increase space for root growth flower crops, you can design a raised or multi-tiered flower bed on the site under the tree. To make the side of an asymmetric flower bed, you can use wooden slats and plastic bottles, and for a round one, bricks, old tires and a plastic curb are suitable. Easy and quick to make a square wooden box from boards. It is important that the height of the soil covering the tree trunk does not exceed 10 cm. If the root neck is somewhat raised above the soil level, then the soil can be covered even higher.

You can make a flower bed of logs in an original and low-cost way. To do this, thick branches or the trunk of an old tree are sawn into cylinders 20–30 cm long, which, in turn, are split into halves. In construction stores you can buy ready-made borders. Harvested logs are treated with an antiseptic and dried.

Then the geotextile tape is cut off, to which the logs are attached with staples or nails. Geotextiles will protect the tree from moisture and extend the life of the curb. At the next stage, the finished border is buried in the soil around the tree and fixed with steel rods. After layout nonwoven fabric, drainage and backfilling devices, the flower bed is ready for planting.

Resting place under the tree: bench and table

The trunk circle zone can be not only beautiful, but also useful. A round, hexagonal or square bench around a tree trunk and a table will complement a well-maintained garden without requiring highlighting. separate place. The bench and table can have a different design, differing in style and complexity of execution.

Most often, garden furniture is arranged under birch, chestnut, walnut and willow. The main rule: buildings should not fit snugly against the trunk, be sure to leave room for growth. Wood is more acceptable as a material, but metal and stone are also used.

Of the breeds, it is preferable to choose larch - the record holder for durability and resistance to external influence. Less expensive options: pine, acacia, spruce and cherry.

The most common garden bench design is hexagonal, backless or high backed.

To do simple bench with your own hands, you will need to do the following work:

  • preparation of the material (wide boards for the seat, 12 bars about half a meter long for the legs, 6 planks for the back, small blanks for joining and self-tapping screws);
  • section size determination (largest side = trunk diameter + 15 cm, smallest inner side = longest side length / 1.75);
  • cutting the parts that make up each of the 6 sections, while the cut angle should be 30º;
  • processing of all parts and places of cuts with an antiseptic, followed by drying;
  • assembly of sections, consisting in fixing the seat slats to meter-long transverse boards;
  • assembling the legs, which consists in fixing the outer and inner legs to a common wide bar using self-tapping screws, as a result, 6 prefabricated elements should be obtained;
  • fastening adjacent sections to the legs, in this case two parts of 3 sections each should be obtained;
  • fastening parts around a tree;
  • installation of back parts;
  • the finished structure is coated with a wax-containing impregnation.

The table around the tree of the simplest design consists of metal frame with bars fixed around the trunk, and a tabletop consisting of several sections. The connection of the frame and the tabletop is carried out by means of wooden planks.

How to arrange a gazebo around a tree?

If the creation of a flower bed and a bench seems too simple and unoriginal, you can think about building something larger, for example, a gazebo or a cozy seating area.

A plot under a tree can be a great place for an open garden gazebo. At the same time, the crown of the tree will serve as a natural canopy from the scorching sun, and if the shade does not seem enough, then you can plant actinidia - a fruit-bearing vine weaving along the branches with large leaves protecting from the sun and light summer rain.

A garden gazebo around a tree serves as a comfortable place not only for outdoor activities and communication, but can also be a great corner for sleeping and reading. Its design can be very different, the design depends on general style garden. A simplified solution is a small wooden deck podium.

If you add a low fence to the raised flooring, you get a fairly simple open gazebo.

For those who want to create more monumental structures and, so to speak, rise above the ground, buildings on high wooden racks can be advised. They look quite impressive, and allow you to enjoy the picturesque view of the site.

All considered design ideas design of the site in the zone of the near-trunk circle can be actively used on any garden plot, adding new details and modifying the proposed appearance of the building. In addition to the options presented, the area around the tree can be decorated with pebbles, sown with grass or mulched with wood chips. In some design styles such minimalism is the best choice.

Landscaping is not a one day affair. In addition to the construction of the main buildings and the arrangement of the garden, you always want to allocate a place to relax, where you can enjoy unity with nature. And the main element of such a cozy corner in the open air will certainly be garden furniture. If free space there are not so many on the site, you can use the near-trunk areas of trees by installing under them round bench with a table. Let's take a closer look at how to build a round bench and garden table around a tree.

Benches around a tree have been topping the list of popularity among landscape designers and connoisseurs of comfort and beauty for many years. Made of metal or wood, with or without backrest, simple designs or graceful ornate items - they never go out of style.

The reason for such popularity, most likely, is that they act as a frame for the trunks. Large sprawling trees have an attractive effect on a person, because under its powerful branches anyone feels protected.

A bench under a tree is a kind of symbol of the unity of a person with the nature around him: while retaining its functional and decorative qualities, it becomes part of an inhabited garden

The key element of this pair is, of course, wood. Therefore, the bench framing it should not constrain, much less damage the trunk. A round bench is best placed under a chestnut, birch, willow or walnut tree.

Fruit trees- far from the best way. The falling fruits of the trees will spoil appearance furniture, leaving traces on the light surface of the wood.

It’s great if a picturesque panorama of a beautiful flower garden, pond or arch with climbing plants opens from the bench

On hot summer days, it is pleasant to relax on such a bench, hiding under the shade of foliage. V autumn months when the leaves have already fallen, you will enjoy the warmth of the last rays of the sun.

The choice of materials for construction

Garden furniture is designed not only to provide comfortable conditions for relaxation in the middle of green spaces on fresh air, but also to act bright accent original design shady corner.

The material for its manufacture can be: wood, stone, metal. But still, it is wooden furniture that looks most harmoniously on the garden plot.

Having a unique texture, benches made of wood look equally good both among the greenery of the garden and against the background of stone and brick buildings of the site.

When choosing a material for creating a wooden bench or table, give preference to wood species with a dense structure. They are able to better withstand the negative effects of precipitation, while maintaining a presentable appearance for several seasons.

Larch is excellent for making garden furniture: the amount of oils and adhesives makes it the least vulnerable to high humidity and temperature fluctuations

Among inexpensive breeds for manufacturing outdoor tables and chairs, pine, acacia, cherry or spruce are also well suited. beautiful color and texture have oak and walnut. But even with high-quality processing, they are less resistant to climate change, and under the influence of direct sunlight they can even gradually dry out.

Regardless of the choice of wood species, in order for garden furniture to last more than one season, everything wooden details and elements must be treated with protective impregnations both from the front and from the back.

Master class # 1 - we make a round bench

The easiest way to make a circular bench is to create a hexagonal structure with a back adjacent to a tree trunk. The legs of the bench should not damage the aerial parts of the roots of the plant. Determining the distance between the seat of the bench and the trunk of a tree, it is necessary to make a margin of 10-15 cm for its growth in thickness.

For the manufacture of a round bench, which will act as a frame for a tree with a trunk diameter within 60 cm, you will need:

  • 6 blanks each 40/60/80/100 mm long, 80-100 mm wide;
  • 12 blanks 50-60 cm long for legs;
  • 6 blanks 60-80 cm long for crossbars;
  • 6 strips for the manufacture of the back;
  • 6 strips to create an apron;
  • self-tapping screws or screws.

Use only well-dried wood for work. This will reduce the likelihood of cracks on the surface during the operation of the bench.

From the tools you need to prepare:

  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • electric saw or hand saw;
  • Bulgarian with a nozzle for grinding;
  • garden shovel;
  • hammer.

The circular bench is a design consisting of six identical sections. The size of the sections depends on the diameter of the tree. It is measured at the height of the seat, adding 15-20 cm to the result for a margin to ensure further growth of the tree. To determine the length of the short sides of the inner slabs of the bench, the result of the measurements is divided by 1.75.

So that the assembled circular bench has correct form and perfectly even edges, the cut angle of each section should be equal to 30 °

To create symmetrical even edges and obtain even bevels between adjacent seat slats, when cutting, the parts should be interconnected with meter boards.

Seat blanks are laid out in four rows on a flat plane. So that when assembled, the seat boards do not adjoin closely to each other, at the stage of assembling the structure, gaskets 1 cm thick are installed between them.

On the extreme board, which will act as the short side of the inner plate of the bench, cut points are marked at an angle of 30 °

Having outlined the place of the cut along the last board, they transfer the line to the boards of neighboring rows, maintaining the same angle of inclination. In each next row, the plates will be longer than in the previous one. Using the same technology, 5 more templates of the same size are cut out.

It is easy to check the correct dimensions of the seat by laying out all the templates and joining their edges so that an isosceles hexagon is obtained.

After making sure that the calculations are correct and that the seat elements are assembled correctly, they begin to manufacture the legs of the bench. The design of the circular bench provides for the installation of internal and external legs. Their length depends on the desired seat height. On average, it is 60-70 cm.

To stiffen the structure, connect the legs with crossbars, the length of which will be equal to the width of the bench seat

Cut out 12 identical legs to the height of the seat. If the ground around the tree has uneven surface, make blanks for the legs a little longer than the intended size. In the future, during the installation process, you can always trim the height by adding or, conversely, removing the layer of soil under the legs of the bench.

To connect the legs with crossbars parallel to each other, marks are made on the support posts and crossbars, which will serve as a guide when drilling through holes. To create a rigid structure, holes are drilled in a checkerboard pattern, placing them diagonally and capturing the legs with crossbars.

V through holes insert the bolts and, having threaded a washer with a nut on them, with the help of wrench tighten tightly. The same actions are performed when tightening the remaining five knots.

The easiest way to connect the legs to the seat of the bench is by placing them in an upright position and fixing them with clamps, and then placing the seat boards on them

The seat strips are laid out on the support posts in such a way that the joints between the boards are located exactly in the center above the legs. The strips themselves need to be moved slightly towards the front legs so that they go beyond the edges.

After making sure that the assembly is correct, two adjacent sections are connected. First, the external support posts are screwed, and then the internal legs are “planted” on the screws. The result should be two assembled sections, each of which includes three interconnected strips.

The assembled halves of the circular bench are installed on opposite sides of the tree, joining the edges of the adjacent strips

“Having gained” the joints, re-adjust the location of the outer three supports, and only after that tighten the screws. Having leveled the horizontal surface of the bench with the help of a level, proceed to the installation of the backrest.

The backs of all six seats are installed along the rear edge, placing them flush and fixing them with a bolted connection

For ease of use, the end bevels are cut at an angle of 30 °. To fix the elements of the bench, the guide screws are screwed through the holes with inside seat and grabbing the back. Using the same technology, all adjacent backs are connected.

At the final stages, an apron is mounted from separate strips. To determine the length of the strips, measure the distance between the outer legs of the bench. Having cut six blanks for an apron, the short edges of each are beveled at an angle of 30 °.

To install the apron, alternately apply the boards to the outer sides of the seat, and, fixing it with a clip, screw it to the legs of the bench with screws.

The finished bench can only be sanded, eliminating all roughness, and coated with water-repellent oil impregnated. A good result is also given by wax-based formulations that create on the surface thin film, which prevents the penetration of moisture from the environment.

The manufacturing process of a four-sided bench is not much different from the production technology of a hexagonal bench.

By setting up a circular bench in a cool corner of the garden, you can enjoy at any time, leaning on the rough bark of the trunk and listening to the sounds of nature.

Workshop # 2 - building a garden table around a tree

A logical addition to a circular garden bench would be a table around a tree, which can also be placed under a neighboring plant.

Under the arrangement of the table, it is better to choose a tree with a spreading crown, so that the shadow from it covers not only the countertop, but people sitting at the table

The look and shape of the table can be anything from traditional square designs to countertops. irregular shape. We propose to build a structure, the tabletop of which is made in the form of a head of an opened flower.

The project is designed to decorate a tree trunk, the diameter of which does not exceed 50 cm. If the tree you have chosen for installing the table is still growing, be sure to make an additional margin for the central hole of the table top.

To make a table around a tree you will need:

  • cut plywood 10-15 mm thick, 1.5x1.5 m in size;
  • board 25 mm thick and 20x1000 mm in size;
  • 2 cuts of a metal strip 45 mm wide and 55 mm thick;
  • wooden block 40x40 mm;
  • self-tapping screws for wood and metal;
  • 2 coupler bolts 50x10 mm;
  • 2 nuts and 4 washers.
  • paint for metal and impregnation for wood.

When determining the dimensions of the metal strip, be guided by the thickness of the wood, but at the same time make an additional margin of 90 mm for attaching parts.

Boards for the tabletop are processed in the form of a petal, rounding the outer edges and making the inner parts narrower for the middle of the flower.

A circle is cut out of a sheet of plywood with a diameter of 10-12 cm less than the size of the countertop. A hole is cut in the center of the circle, the size corresponding to the thickness of the trunk. For mounting, the circle is cut in half, the workpieces are varnished.

The frame of the structure is constructed from bars 40 cm and 60 cm long. For blanks 60 cm in size, the ends are cut off at an angle of 45 ° so that one side retains the same length. Wooden blanks are cleaned sandpaper and cover with impregnation.

The ends of two cuts of a metal strip with a cross section of 45 mm are bent at a right angle and covered with 2-3 layers of paint. To assemble the structure, bars are screwed to metal blanks in such a way that their ends do not protrude beyond the edge of the strips. The result should be a design that looks like a barrel, but in a mirror version.

The assembled frame is put on a tree trunk, placing it under metal elements gaskets - pieces of linoleum. Bolts and nuts are tightly tightened. Semicircles of plywood are screwed to the vertical elements of the frame using self-tapping screws. Petals are laid out on a plywood circle, forming a tabletop in the form of a flower.

Each petal of the “flower” is fixed with a self-tapping screw, deepening the hats as much as possible so that they do not protrude above the surface

The surface of the petals is treated with sandpaper. If desired, the gaps between the boards are covered epoxy resin. The side faces and the surface of the tabletop are treated protective composition which will minimize exposure to moisture and insects. To give the countertop the desired shade, use impregnation with pigment or ordinary stain.

Whichever version of the circular bench or table you choose, the main thing is that it is in harmony with the landscape surrounding it. In any case, handmade garden furniture will delight you every time with its originality and uniqueness.

Many summer residents are trying to equip and ennoble their plots with any possible ways. In order to land plot or the garden were more attractive, cozy and warm, most often artificial reservoirs, ponds, fountains and waterfalls, flower beds and slides are created. Do not forget about a secluded corner in which you can settle down after a hard, hot day. To do this, you can build a gazebo or platform with garden furniture, but if there is not so much free space on the site, then you can limit yourself to a small table.

It becomes especially pleasant to be in the garden and relax, sitting on a wooden bench made with your own hands.

In order to create, you first need to carefully consider all the little things, and then start building your little corner.

So, first of all, you need to decide on the type of bench, its construction and location. Garden interior designers recommend building benches around a tree, because it has a fairly attractive appearance and is practical solution in interior design.

Such a decision will not only save space in the yard or garden, but also make it unusual, because this is the original choice of a bench. It is best to choose an adult, powerful tree with a massive green crown of leaves and a wide trunk. In this case, the bench around the tree will become great place for rest and relaxation. Many amateur gardeners can already boast that they have already made a bench around a tree with their own hands. Naturally, this is not an easy, but quite real task, which will be within the power of both a teenager and an adult man.

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Important nuances necessary for the construction of the bench

So, you have already decided on the choice of the type of bench. Now you need to select a tree around which the bench will be built. A walnut, chestnut, willow or even birch tree is considered an excellent option. Fruit trees in the future may bring some discomfort due to fallen fruits that will fall directly on the bench itself. To avoid such unpleasant trifles, it is recommended to choose other trees.

When choosing a tree for a bench, it is best to use oak, cherry or softwood lumber. Oak wood has a higher value than coniferous wood, but oak has a greater resistance to harmful factors and diseases. Therefore, if you want the bench to serve for a long service life, you need to choose a higher quality wood for the manufacture of the bench.

To build a bench with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  1. Self-tapping screws.
  2. Hammer.
  3. Screwdriver or screwdriver.
  4. Saw.
  5. Shovel.

In addition to the above tools, you also need: wood, anti-rot waterproofing, paint, varnish and decorative stones. If you plan to paint the bench different colors paints, it is necessary to prepare all the desired colors. Paint and varnish must be special (for street tree). Before starting work, all wood must be treated with a special solution or waterproofing agent and left to soak and dry for 12-18 hours.

Since the finished bench will be hexagonal, that is, the bench will have six sections around the entire perimeter, all edges must be symmetrical and even. All sections must be made at an angle of 30 degrees, the length of the section must be determined by the thickness of the tree trunk. Next, on a flat, dry surface, it is necessary to lay out the prepared boards, leave gaps of about 1 cm between the boards. Cuts are made on the first board at an angle of 30 degrees, then all the rest are placed. Each next circle of boards should be longer than the previous one, so it will be more convenient in future work.

Next, you need to make 6 legs for each connection. The length of the legs will depend on the desired height of the bench, and the legs themselves are made from several racks. The crossbar connecting the legs should correspond to the length of the entire edge of the bench. We install the finished legs vertically and begin to assemble the bench sections by fastening them to the bench legs. When assembling the bench, it is best to divide it in half into equal parts in 3 sections. In this case, when assembling, it will be easier and more convenient to connect them and install them around the tree.

Consumption ecology. Manor: The bench around the tree is made of specially treated pine. The product is very convenient, since one of the parts of the bench is in the shade. In the photo, the bench looks very original. Let's take a closer look at the manufacturing process.

As a rule, wooden benches are made in the form of a hexagon. They can be with or without a back. It is better that the trunk diameter reaches more than 500 millimeters. If the tree is still growing, it is worth considering what diameter it will be in the future. To make a bench around the oaks, you need a larger one. The product can be made in the form of an octagon.

Tools and materials

To make a bench with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • screws;
  • planed lumber (section is 70x70 millimeters) - 4 pieces of 2 meters each, length - 480 millimeters;
  • planed material with a section of 45x70 millimeters - 9 meters;
  • terrace boards with a section of 22x95 millimeters - 30 meters;
  • corners - 8 pieces.

Do not forget about cement - you will need about 2 bags and materials such as varnish, paint, wood impregnation. It is not necessary to paint the finished bench.

Planed lumber will be required to make a bench around a tree

Wood also has special requirements. To make a bench, you will have to find a tree that is highly resistant to weathering. It can be different types tropical wood. If the rocks are not so resistant, they will have to be treated with special impregnations.

To make a bench with your own hands, pine, made under pressure, is often used. If there are knots on the rock, this is not an obstacle for impregnation treatment. Any additional processing not required.

Step-by-step instruction

Making drawings

The bench is usually made of 6 parts of equal size, in the photo it looks very original. First you need to determine the diameter of the tree trunk. If it is young, it is necessary to add 30 centimeters, if an adult - 15. To determine the length of the short part individual element divide by 4. Mark the length on a measuring stick and saw off the edges at a 30 degree angle.

Drawing of a bench around a tree

Product size

To make the bench, complete the starting board template based on the measurements you found with the corners sawn off at 30 degrees. Next, lay 3 boards parallel to the board and separate them with centimeter spacers. Reiki applied to wooden elements(taking into account the angle of 30 degrees of the initial board). Put a mark.

To make a bench, you need to complete the template of the initial board, based on the identified dimensions with corners

sawing boards

The cut should be done like this. Set the saw to 30 degrees. Saw the 3 boards marked earlier to length with opposite angles at both ends.

It is necessary to cut the boards according to the marks


Now you need to assemble a hexagon with your own hands. This is done on a flat surface, do not forget to add centimeter spacers. Start from the inside of the seat. It is important to clarify whether the corners fit.


Making the legs is pretty easy. They include an inner and outer leg, located between 2 supports. It will take 12 elements to assemble 6 frames. Craft 12 supports. The end of each of them should be sawn off at an angle of 30 degrees.

Bolt holes

Although they are not visible in the photo, the recesses for the bolts should be prepared in advance. Take a drill and make holes, the indent from the front edge of the outer support should be 5 centimeters. Make a mark on the vertical flat side at the indicated location. Repeat the procedure on the other side of the support.

Leg pinning

Fasten the supports and legs with your hands. Place the bolts into the holes. Use an adjustable wrench to tighten the bolts with a nut and washer.

Section Assembly

Place your feet vertically on a flat surface with your hands. Secure using clamps. At the top of the leg of the assembly between the boards, install spacers. The edge of the board should be on half of the leg of the assembly. The boards are fixed to the legs with self-tapping screws. Fasten the legs to 4 sections. As a result, 2 groups should come out, each with 2 sections. Install the last section. On opposite sides of the trunk, place 2 groups. Fasten them with the remaining 2 sections.

End of work

Align the item. To do this, using a spatula, dig the legs into the ground. If necessary, cut and put the backs, that's all, in front of you is an almost finished bench that will look good on a photo in a family album. It remains only to make an apron.

To do this, measure the distance between the long support points in the sections. Make 6 bars at an angle of 30 degrees. Fasten the bar using a clamp. Next, you should drill holes, mount to the outer leg. All sections should be processed in the same way. The final stage is the grinding of roughness. The result is a very comfortable bench.

The final stage in the construction of a bench around a tree is the grinding of roughness

  • If you deviate a little from the size of the bars and support boards, there is nothing to worry about, just the design of the bench will change a little, it will still look spectacular in the photo. However, the outer frame must still be in the shape of a square. The dimensions of the short sides are decisive, and the thickness of the timber, multiplied by 2, should be added to the long ones.
  • Water is able to penetrate the tree through the lower parts of the legs, so it is recommended to treat them with azure or special oil. A wax-like composition gives a good effect; in the photo, a bench soaked with this product will look great.
  • If you are going to make a back, you should foresee 4 components, 4 backs and loose seats. As a result, when assembled, you get an octagon.
  • load capacity finished product sufficient. If you think that the load will be large, install additional supports in the inner square. But if the ground is uneven, installation can cause problems.
  • If the elements of the bench were processed under pressure, the product will be resistant to sunlight and adverse weather conditions. In this case, the tree should not be painted, the sections are not subjected to additional processing.
  • It is recommended to lean back a little. The design of the legs with two points of support on the seat allows you to give the bench stability.
  • It is important to determine in advance where the bench will be placed. On the ground, before installation, markings are made in the form of a regular 6-pointed star or octagon. It is very simple to draw a star - superimpose 2 equilateral triangles on top of each other.

Do-it-yourself bench around a tree (video)

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To make a bench around a tree, you will need

  • planed lumber 45 x 70 mm (A), about 9 m
  • planed lumber 70 x 70 mm (B), approx. 2 m: 4 pieces x 480 mm
  • terrace boards 22 x 95 mm, about 30 m: 8 pieces of 520 mm (C),
  • 8 pieces of 650 mm (D), 40 pieces of different lengths (E)
  • screws
  • corners: 8 pieces

lumber features

If the dimensions of the bars and support boards are slightly different from those indicated here, it does not matter - because the design remains unchanged. The outer frame must in any case be square; the length of both short sides is decisive; for the long sides, double the thickness of the timber should be added.

This bench, like all furniture and structures that are installed in the garden for a long time, is made of weather-resistant impregnated wood. All construction details are impregnated under pressure. Pressure impregnated wood does not need to be painted, as the impregnation is sufficient for protection, and since all cuts are closed, they also do not need to be treated. Moisture can only be absorbed into the wood through the undersides of the legs, and therefore this surface must be coated with blue or wood oil. A very good protection is also provided by a wax-like compound for the protection of the ends of the wood, which coats the surface with a water-repellent layer.

The crown of the old willow, under which the bench stands, is light and airy, the leaves rustle from the slightest breath of wind. Leaning back on the rough bark of the trunk is very pleasant

The layout of the corners is clearly visible on the plan. The four legs have sufficient load capacity.” If you are looking for heavy loads, you can install additional legs in the inner square. However, this can lead to difficulties with installation on uneven ground.

Prefer a homemade bench with a back?

The bench consists of four separate parts and four loose seats, as well as backs. The fabricated parts form an octagonal bench. The slightly reclined back is very comfortable. Thanks to the thoughtful design of the legs with only two points of support on each seat, the bench is stable and very load-bearing. The inner diameter is 65 cm, which means that the bench is suitable for trees with a trunk girth of up to 200 cm.

Suitable wood for making a bench

Wood used in the garden must be weather resistant. Larch and types of tropical wood are famous for their special natural endurance. In less resistant breeds, weather resistance is achieved due to special processing. For this, protective impregnations are used, which must be periodically renewed. Increasingly, pressure impregnated softwood (especially pine) is used. Pine has many knots, but due to the fibrous structure, the impregnation penetrates deeply. Pressure impregnated wood does not require additional protection. Only the cutting surfaces need to be processed.

We make a bench with our own hands - photo and work progress

  1. A bench around a tree can be built quite quickly. Cut the frame parts and legs according to the dimensions indicated in the list of materials. For sawing the seat boards, which are beveled at 22.5 degrees at the ends, a miter saw is useful.
  2. Connect the frame parts (A) using the corners. Screw the corners flush to the ends of the four inner parts.
  3. Then align the parts in the desired position and secure the free sides of the corners.
  4. Legs (B) are installed in the corners of the outer frame. On the one hand, they are fastened with four, on the other, with two screws.
  5. The support boards for the seat (C) are beveled at the end on both sides by 22.5 degrees; the result is obtuse angle in 135 gr. The sections will subsequently be closed with slats (D).
  6. Saw off one end of the beveled seat board, then measure the length and saw off the other end. The first set of five boards will serve as a template for the rest of the segments.

Round bench around a tree - drawings

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