Is it worth looking for a job in the fall. Autumn work in the garden by months Drawing of autumn work in the garden

Autumn is coming and every gardener is preparing to carry out the maximum number of cases that will bear fruit in the spring. It is important not only to harvest, but also to prepare the beds, store vegetables, and carry out autumn work in the garden. In the article we will tell you about the most important work in the country, which should not be forgotten in September.

Autumn garden work

In the garden, as in the garden, you need to perform a number of activities:

  • prepare trees and shrubs for the winter period;
  • apply the necessary fertilizers;
  • make a series of landings, which in the next season will please us with high results.

Everything takes time. Therefore, do not stretch the pleasure, let's get started.

Preparing trees and shrubs for winter

  1. In September, it is early to do pruning of garden trees, the formation of shrubs. But it is worth complying with sanitary standards. Remove broken and dry branches. Treat the cut sites with either garden varnish or a mixture of clay and manure. Do not leave open areas. Insect pests will definitely take advantage of your negligence.
  2. If leaf fall has passed (depending on the region of residence, this is observed in some areas), do not try to remove the foliage. Only burn litter if it has been affected by pests or disease. Leaf litter will act as an organic fertilizer if it is decomposed in a near-stem hole. In addition to laying under the crown of a tree, fallen leaves are also suitable for a greenhouse, greenhouses or a compost heap.
  3. You can produce. Why are trees painted or whitewashed? In winter, the sun heats up brightly and sometimes damages the bark. Cracking occurs after freezing. In order to prevent the influence of the sun's rays in the winter and spring seasons, it is worth protecting the bark. Whitewashing is carried out with lime. Some experienced gardeners add Ecogel and Farmayod to the solution. The drugs have a bactericidal effect and protect the trunk and skeletal branches from infections. If you know how much, then add sulfur. This substance will scare away rodents.
  4. Spray the bushes and trees with the following drugs: Bitoxibacillin or Lipidocide. For any processing, remember about. If the remaining insects, thanks to your actions, remain on the ground, they will certainly seize the moment and return to the tree.

Fertilizing and watering

  1. Fill the stem circles with water. Spill liberally, especially if no more watering is expected. By hydrating the roots, you will provide your trees and shrubs with moisture for a long time.
  2. Apply fertilizer. If you need to reduce the acidity of the soil - dolomite flour, if there is not enough organic matter - compost or humus. Minerals are recommended to be applied in the spring. Do not feed trees and shrubs with fresh manure. It contains gases: ammonia and propane, which do not fertilize the soil, but cause irreparable harm. Microorganisms and worms do not live in such land.

Vermicompost must be prepared from fresh manure... Spread the valuable fertilizer on an allowable area 20 cm high. Pour with water, then with M-preparations, pierce with a pitchfork and cover with straw or sawdust. The future fertilizer will begin to breathe, steam will flow. The formation of beneficial aerobic bacteria began, and the decay process began.

When the gases evaporate, the unpleasant odor disappears, and the mass acquires an earthy color - your fertilizer is ready. It is in this version that it is safe and even useful for your land. Can be applied both under trees and in.

Autumn work in the garden (video)

Autumn planting in the garden

Most summer residents are adherents of autumn plantings. What can you plant in September?

  • raspberries;
  • currants;
  • gooseberry;
  • fruit trees: apple, pear, plum, quince, sweet cherry;
  • garden strawberries.

The main thing when planting in autumn is to act according to agricultural technology.... Process the seedlings, properly prepare the soil, spill the earth. Some plants require sheathing with sheeting or spunbond. September is a good time for planting. There are still no active frosts and temperature drops.

Preparing a vegetable garden for winter

In the garden in the fall there is more trouble than in the garden. It is necessary to collect vegetables, clear the beds of weeds, prepare the soil for the next season. But we are practically experts! We will act thoroughly!

Harvesting and preparing for storage

Vegetables that need to be harvested in September last longer. In most cases, gardeners are favored by warm and sunny weather. It is possible to collect dry roots and avoid rotting processes. When picking vegetables, be sure to dry them in the sun for several hours., shake off excess soil, sort: large - small, whole - injured.

Collected in September:

  • carrot;
  • beets;
  • potato;
  • cabbage;
  • and a number of other vegetables, depending on the timing of their ripening.

To ensure their long-term preservation, it is worthwhile to provide boxes, preferably wooden. Lay the roots in rows: small at the bottom, large at the top.

Some summer residents sprinkle carrots and beets with sand. Do it or not, you decide. On the one hand, the sand retains moisture, and the vegetable does not deteriorate longer. On the other hand, there are many harmful bacteria and microorganisms in the sand, which cause a rapid decay process if an injured root crop is caught.

How to cover plants for the winter (video)

Cleaning the garden in autumn

  1. The first step is to get rid of the remnants of cultivated plants. If they were sick, we burn them. Only necessarily in an old barrel or other metal container, but not on the ground. Use ash in spring as fertilizer.
  2. We clear the garden from grass. In September, not all weeds bloom, you can catch it if you haven't done it in some areas.
  3. We spread rotted, prepared in advance manure, peat, compost in the beds - the future fertilizer for plants.
  4. We disinfect the territory of spring plantings. You can use a solution of potassium permanganate for processing: 10 gr. for 100 liters of water or baking soda: 1 heaped tablespoon for 10 liters of water. Spill thoroughly. Use Fitosporin in the second step. Follow the instructions.
  5. Change the soil in the greenhouse and greenhouses. Do not want to change - use bleach: 150 gr. by 1 m 2. Such processing is enough not to remember about it for three years.
  6. Remove the drip irrigation system to keep it from freezing. Remove thermostats from greenhouse doors and windows.

Planting green manure and fertilizing

Oats, white mustard, rye are widely used in the country. If you have sandy soil on your site, you should not use rye. She will dry up the earth. It is better to sow it on clay and loamy soils. White mustard, on the other hand, is perfect.

After 20 - 25 days, you can mow the tops of useful herbs with a flat cutter or a hoe, and embed them in the ground. Not worth digging up. Siderat roots make a great treat for underground residents: worms and other insects. Eating the lower parts of the plants, they will process them into vermicompost. You will get two benefits: organic fertilizer from tops and loose soil from decay products.

In addition to planting green manure, you can mulch the ground. Suitable mulch:

  • rotted sawdust;
  • hay;
  • straw;
  • compost;
  • peat;
  • humus.

What is the use of mulch in the fall, you ask?

  1. You will provide the land with natural organic fertilizer.
  2. Mulch will act as a barrier for melt water to drain, which in spring wash out the top fertile layer of the earth.
  3. Winter plantings can be preserved under such a “blanket”.

Provided that they grew in your garden in summer and autumn and pleased with flowering marigolds, use them as fertilizer... Grind as much as possible and dig up the ground. When planting flowers in the ground, remember that they will save your future plantings from nematodes, wireworms and the Colorado potato beetle. Marigolds have a frightening aroma. Many insect pests cannot tolerate it and leave such places. This fertilizer will make your site healthier.

Dry some of the "orange" ones. In the spring and summer of the next season, you can make an infusion of them and spray on cultivated plants that are susceptible to the influence of onion flies, aphids, whiteflies and pest butterflies.

Autumn planting in the garden

What can be planted in the fall before winter? Often these are root crops. Having prepared the beds, you can sow radishes, carrots, beets, onions, garlic in the fall. This should be done before the first frost. Use mulch or spruce branches. If the frosts in your area of ​​residence are severe, prepare a covering material. To carefully select the planting material, disinfect it and, only after the above procedures, plant it in the ground.

Autumn work in the country in September: what else is worth doing

In the fall, at the dacha, many gardeners are engaged in business, the results of which will be seen only in spring or summer next year:

  • clean, sharpen and sanitize inventory
  • carry out minor repairs of garden houses: whitewashing, painting
  • repair fences, hedges, gates, utility rooms
  • canning vegetables and making jam
  • dried apples and pears, grapes and plums
  • cleaning greenhouses and household premises
  • lay compost heaps

They try to have time to complete as many things as possible, so as not to be distracted in the spring, and to prepare for winter. They do not postpone until tomorrow what they can accomplish even today. After all, springtime is completely different chores: sowing seeds for seedlings, grafting, fertilizing, preparing plants and planting them and many more worries for a hardworking summer resident.

What fertilizers to use in the fall (video)

After completing all the cases, gardeners can breathe a sigh of relief and a sense of accomplishment. The harvest has been harvested, the land has been prepared, and sanitary measures have been taken. All that remains is to drink a cup of green tea with the neighbors, say goodbye and go on a well-deserved winter vacation. After all, there are three working seasons ahead, a new harvest, pleasant chores, sun and good mood.

With the arrival of the beautiful autumn season, the summer cottage season is slowly coming to an end. However, the golden fall still has some work to do. The complex of gardening work during this period is simple, but very extensive: the owners collect the gifts of the harvest, plant seedlings, and also prepare the soil, trees and the entire household plot for winter rest.



Mid September is a prime time to harvest most varieties of fruits.... At the same time, try not to allow the crop to overripe, otherwise the fruits will be worse stored, and in a strong wind they can break off and deteriorate.

It is convenient to determine the degree of ripeness of apples or pears by examining the seeds inside the fruit. If they are white - pick the fruits early, if the color is light brown - just right, if the shade of the seeds is dark brown - the fruits are already ripe. To easily remove the fruit, do not pull it, but push it up a little while twisting it around its axis.

After September 15-20, start pruning plants, remove damaged and diseased branches. Sanitary pruning is usually done in autumn; it should not be as intense as in spring. At the same time, scoop up the remains and start from the leaves of healthy trees.

This month propagate summer flowering plants by branching or dividing into new processes. And from the end of September, you can start planting young seedlings - add a nutrient mixture under them, water well and mulch.

Prepare holes or trenches for spring plantings as needed. It is advisable to overlay them with slate so that the roots do not interfere with neighboring bushes.

Until there is a freeze feed fruit trees phosphorus and potassium preparations, then. Nitrogen must not be added in the fall.

Fruit trees can be fertilized from the second half of September(for adult specimens up to 2 kg under the trunk, every few years). To do this, make a groove along the contour of the trunk circle, pour ash there, then cover everything with earth.

If you are growing strawberry, then you should cut its leaves, and then feed it with liquid manure or complex fertilizer.

For a flower bed, September is disembarkation time that bloom in spring: crocuses, etc. Also this month begins the winter (early).

If there is a non-draining artificial pond, cover it to prevent falling leaves. Also look after: apply autumn dressing, aerate, trim borders, lay a new lawn, etc.


Cabbage among the main vegetables, it is usually harvested later, since it tolerates frost the most easily. And to protect the heads of cabbage from cracking in rainy weather, slightly tear their roots, slightly pulling them out of the ground.

  • Tip: Choose the most suitable day for gardening and gardening.


Garden work

Continue sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs in October... Clean the trunks and skeletal branches of trees from damaged bark, moss, lichen. Whitewash the trees to protect them from frost, sunburn, and bugs. You can add a little bone glue and red clay to the lime - this will prevent the whitewash from being washed off during prolonged rains. Treat the hollows with garden pitch.

In October should be in advance install supports, frames, make garters... Raspberries, or a vine, before the onset of frost, should be bent, tied to pegs or to a frame, but it is better to cover them later, after the first frost.

To protect against rodents wrap and tie a roofing felt or a special net to the bottom of the trunks of garden trees. This is especially important for young plants.

Continue propagating and replanting young trees until mid-October.(assuming they have already shed their leaves) or plant them permanently, currants, blackberries, gooseberries or honeysuckle.

if you have gladioli, cannes or dahlias- it's time to dig them up and send them to storage in the cellar in a container with dry sand or sawdust. Also in October plant annual bulbs that will bloom in summer (daylily, allium, montbrecia, etc.).

After all work, collect and discard large debris and branches. Rotten and fallen fruits, leaves of diseased plants must be removed or burned. Rake the foliage of healthy trees again and transfer to the compost heap, tamp everything well.

Finally, in October, clean the gutters in the house, bring summer garden furniture into the annex, sweep, insulate the chimney, etc.

Work in the garden

Dig up the remaining roots in the first half of October:, beets, radishes, etc.

If you have a greenhouse, prepare it for winter: check all the elements, clean it, disinfect it with bleach (300 g / 10 l.).

Also, clean the garden completely outdoors.

If the beds are small, they can be dug up for the winter. Fertilize for spring planting if necessary. The soil can be covered with a dark film so that the ground warms up faster and is less clogged with weeds.

Towards the end of October or even at the beginning of November, 3 weeks before the first frost and at a constant temperature of about + 5C, start planting tulips and(, winter garlic, sorrel, onion, lettuce, celery, dill, etc.). Plant them a little more from the plan, as some of the seeds may die.



Before the first frost sprinkle tree trunks peat or dried compost in a layer of 4-7 cm.

When the first persistent frost appears cover up heat-loving plants covering material - spruce branches, agrofibre, etc. Do not forget that you need to build frames or bend branches ahead of time, in October, even at above-zero temperatures.

Make 1-2 handy bird feeders and after the snow falls, start them on the sly. This is a good deed, besides, feathered friends will always help your garden get rid of pests.


Mulch the beds with plants for winter sowing with peat, compost, straw or leaves. This must be done before the first snow falls.

This completes the autumn chores at the dacha. Now all plants and land can winter calmly, waiting for warm and sunny spring days.

Autumn is a great time of the year! Golden leaves swirl in the puddles when it rains outside the window, it's so nice to sit with hot tea and cookies at home.

But autumn is not a time for rest. It's time to pick vegetables and other work in gardens and vegetable gardens.

Harvesting work in the garden (vegetable garden)

Harvesting begins long before the arrival of autumn, since all vegetables, fruits and berries ripen at different times. But in autumn there is a lot of work, since the warm days are already behind and the plants have little light and heat to continue bearing fruit.

In the southern regions of our Motherland, autumn is milder and comes later, so people there harvest 2-3 harvests. In colder regions with a harsher climate, cultivated plants yield once a crop. Consider a region with a sharply continental climate, in such an area the following fruits are usually harvested in September:

  • tomatoes,
  • eggplant,
  • zucchini,
  • pepper,
  • potato,
  • corn,
  • green beans,
  • late apples.

Early October:

  • pumpkin,
  • carrot,
  • beet,
  • turnip,
  • White cabbage.

Other work in gardens and vegetable gardens

When all the work on the harvest has been completed in full or in part, it is necessary to remove excess branches and stems from the site and prepare the land and plants for a good wintering.

Such works include:

  • digging (plowing) of the earth, for early planting in the spring;
  • pruning trees;
  • cleaning of fallen leaves under the base of the tree so that it does not freeze from severe frosts;
  • covering with sawdust and other material of delicate crops, in case of a harsh winter, for example, grapes and roses;
  • Planting frost-resistant crops such as garlic or onions in winter for early spring harvest.

Working at home in the fall

When the crop is partially harvested, the question of its storage arises. In winter, it is so nice to eat vegetables and fruits grown by your own hands, without chemicals. Let's consider the options for how to do this:

  • canning vegetables and fruits (pickles, jam, fermentation),
  • freezing (in special chests or large freezers),
  • drying fruits (apples, cherries, apricots, grapes) and even vegetables (sun-dried tomatoes),
  • processing of fruits and berries into marshmallow.

Autumn is a wonderful time of the year. But there is usually no less work in the gardens and vegetable gardens in the fall than in the summer. It is not for nothing that there is a proverb among the people that in the fall a day feeds a year.

For the formation of a successful personality from childhood, important concepts should be invested in the perception of the child's world. Hard work is one of them. That is why in the lessons in the elementary grades, the question of how human labor differs in autumn from work in other seasons is considered. It is also important to bring to the consciousness of the kids why it is so important to work actively not only in spring and summer.

And no frost will be terrible!

Human labor in the fall is somewhat different from other seasonal jobs. Children should already understand that all living things in Eurasia are beginning to prepare for the cold season. Therefore, the first important thing for people is to insulate their homes - their own house and buildings intended for wintering pets.

In apartments, most people seal up the cracks in the windows. This is done so that cold air does not blow from them in winter. Although in many homes today, plastic windows are installed, which provide airtightness. But they also require some preparation for the winter period.

At the same time, the hostesses do a general cleaning of the premises: they sort out the stored things, throw out unnecessary trash, wash the windows. After all, it will be more difficult to do this in winter than in autumn.

Caring for our smaller brothers

The dwellings of animals that spend the winter outside human homes also require special attention. These include cows, horses, sheep, goats, rabbits, chinchillas, ferrets, minks, poultry and bees.

The work of a person living in this in the fall is very different from the occupation of a city dweller. After all, a villager needs to seal the cracks in the cowshed, in the poultry house, insulate the cages intended for small animals or bring them into covered rooms, move the hives with bees to Omshanik.

And the most caring owners do not even forget to hang a piece of thick fabric or a rubber mat on the entrance to the entrance and check whether it is convenient for the animal to go inside, whether it understands how to do it.

Caring for our smaller brothers, that is, for living beings inhabiting the planet, is an important and necessary work of a person in the fall. At school, children make bird feeders, hang them up and in winter make sure that they always have food for the birds.

Harvesting feed

Everyone who maintains livestock that feeds on hay begins to take care of winter feeding in the summer. Hay time is a hot time.

Grass for hay is mowed, dried, stacked in stacks. But in the fall, you need to take care that the hay does not rot from rainfall on it. Therefore, food for herbivores should be moved indoors or carefully covered.

on the fields

For many, the onset of autumn is associated with an abundance of vegetables and fruits. But as practice proves, it is difficult to grow a crop, but it is not easier to harvest it without losses either.

It's a hot time for you. Combine harvesters harvest wheat, rye, oats, buckwheat, peas and other crops in the fields all day long. It is very important to do all the work before the rainy season. Otherwise, the entire crop will rot on the vine.

However, machines may not always be able to completely harvest all ears. A lot of them fall to the ground. Earlier, children even took off from classes and went to the fields to help adults there - to pick up fallen ears. This was a feasible contribution to human labor in the fall. Grade 2 already coped with this task quite efficiently.

Today children are no longer involved in such work, but in vain. The younger generation is losing touch with the land, and respect for the work of grain growers. Hence the abundance of photos on the Internet with buns on their feet imitating home slippers ...

Harvesting - don't yawn, don't lag behind!

Beets and potatoes, carrots and other root vegetables are also harvested. Large farms do this using special machines. But private villagers sometimes dig up their crops the old fashioned way, with a shovel and a rake. Most of the children have not only heard about it - they themselves are familiar with such a man's labor.

In the fall of the 1st grade, together with the teacher, it is imperative to dig out several bushes of potatoes, carrots, beets on his own. Then the children will understand how hard it is for a person to get food and, perhaps, will become more careful with them.

Soar, cook, roll up

But you really want to preserve the fruits grown in dachas and vegetable gardens and enjoy them in winter! Therefore, human labor in the fall is often associated with conservation. During this period, many housewives cook jams, pickle and pickle vegetables, make compotes, dry mushrooms and herbs for seasoning.

Cleaning of the territory

How many fallen leaves on the ground in autumn! It is beautiful. But over time, they will rot. Because of this, many harmful microorganisms will multiply rapidly in a favorable environment for this. Therefore, human labor in the fall is associated with their harvesting. In the world around them, in the classroom, children not only talk about this, but they themselves help adults in this lesson.

In gardens and dachas, people also remove fallen leaves, tops from the harvested crop.

Planting plants in autumn

Although plants slow down in winter, many of them require planting in late autumn. For example, some varieties of garlic are necessarily planted before winter.

Most shrub and tree seedlings also thrive best in the fall. Experienced gardeners with the onset of cold weather vaccinate fruit and berry trees. So the plants are least of all injured and tolerate this procedure more easily.

Many people are already preparing the land for spring planting in the fall. To do this, they apply fertilizer to the plots, dig up vegetable gardens.

It is very important to complete each activity on time. Only then can you expect an excellent result.

September and October are perhaps the hottest days for employees of recruitment agencies and personnel services of large companies. Resumes and applications for the selection of employees fall on them like autumn leaves on the paths of parks - continuously and from all sides. But does this mean that right now, in the first half of autumn, is it worth starting to look for a job? The answer to this question sounds like this: it depends on whom and in what area.

For example, fall is not the best time to look for a job if you are applying for low-paying positions. Let's say, to the places of unskilled workers or novice specialists. According to the employees of the personnel services of large retail chains, it is at this time that workers who quit in April to spend the summer at their dacha return to them. And it is clear that preference will be given to those who have already managed to recommend themselves. Moreover, in the summer these places are occupied, as a rule, by students looking for a part-time job - and in September they throw all their strength into study.

By the way, it is the graduates of universities in September-October that are taken to beat the thresholds of personnel services. Not everyone has time to find a job according to their specialty - or according to their needs - before the end of their studies. And many are betting that it will be easier for them to apply for a better place with a new diploma. So the autumn days are distinguished by the increased activity of such, as they said before, young specialists. And there are, alas, much more of them than the places they can take.

Highly paid, please do not worry

Autumn is the time when people enter the labor market who have decided to radically change their field of activity or at least leave the company in which they have worked for many years. The explanation for this approach is simple. As a rule, it is in the spring that middle and top managers receive bonuses for their work in the past year. In addition, many believe that it is necessary to get some rest before looking for a job and possibly going to a new job. And that's true: who knows how quickly it will turn out to achieve the next vacation in a new company!

But this is what makes finding a job in the fall more difficult for such people. In the face of increased supply on the labor market, employees of personnel services and representatives of recruiting agencies can afford to tighten requirements for candidates. For example, in the summer, when the demand is low, they could close their eyes to the discrepancy in the specialty in the diploma place for which the applicant applies, or to the lack of highly specialized experience. And when there are at least five candidates for each seat, you can demand more stringently and offer fewer.

More places, less chances

At the same time, almost all recruiters unanimously say that it is in the fall that many companies begin to search for new employees. As a rule, this is due to the fact that the management expects to try newcomers in business before the New Year. Then financial plans for the next year can be made up taking into account their successes or failures, understanding whether it is possible to count on a new employee.

It is in the fall that many trading companies and chains begin to look for employees - on the eve of the New Year's growth in demand. And in general, as representatives of many recruiting agencies say, autumn is the time for seasonal job search, when there are more vacancies, but the competition is tougher. In particular, personnel officers believe that Russian business is characterized by a cyclical nature associated with public holidays and New Year's holidays, and for a number of reasons the hottest time for recruiting is October and November. Accordingly, this period accounts for the largest flow of applicants wishing to change jobs with a higher salary.

It turns out a paradoxical situation: more vacancies are opened, and it becomes more difficult to find a job! Although, if you think about it, then there is nothing strange in this state of affairs. Vacancies appear also because the specialists who occupied them are starting up in search of new jobs - that is, they are actually trying to transfer to the same positions in other companies. At the same time, those who have left competing companies claim their positions, so the market, in general, is not changing too much. And the main growth in the supply of jobs is due to low-skilled and seasonal jobs, for which too many candidates traditionally apply.

Autumn Recruiting Principles

What is to be done by someone who has decided to postpone the search for a new job for "after vacation", but in the end is faced with a lack of adequate offers? First of all, if such a person did not manage to quit before looking for a new job - do not quit! Yes, finding a full-time job is not an easy task. But to a candidate who works, the attitude will be more loyal than to a non-working one. The logic of recruiters is simple: those who are looking for a job while sitting at home will probably agree to a lower salary and tougher conditions, because they have nowhere to go. Conversely, a working candidate may look forward to a better offer. After all, if he has interested a new employer with his candidacy, then you need to try to "outbid" him.

Another rule of the autumn job search is the widest possible coverage. Do not limit yourself to looking for offers in a narrow field of your specialty! At the very least, capture all adjacent ones. For example, if you work as a journalist in the print media, do not be too lazy to send your CVs to television, the Internet, and PR services. It is very likely that out of two dozen possible options, at least one will be realized. And if there are about ten such options, the chances are even higher!

And most importantly, don't hesitate to ask for more than you have right now! Even if you are applying for a job in an area that you still did not have the most detailed idea about. You will always have time to reduce your requirements, and if you have to reduce from the existing level of wages or the amount of work, then work in a new place will simply lose its meaning. By reducing the overstated requirements, you guarantee yourself at least preservation of the existing status quo. And recruiters and HR staff are also well aware that most often they are dealing with overstated requirements - and they try to insist on lowering them. Moreover, it is autumn, there are many candidates, and there is someone to choose from, even if the salary is below the market average ...

Tatiana Rubleva