DIY garden benches. Do-it-yourself easy-to-make wooden benches

A bench as a household item in antiquity competes with a stool. Because if a stump or boulder is already a stool, then a fallen tree is a bench or, if a bough leaves it, on which you can lean with your back - a bench. In the last two forms, she has successfully survived to this day, to which we will return.

A bench, with or without a back, “on a piece of paper” is not a piece of furniture, not a building, not gardening equipment, and is generally not classified in any way. Therefore, it exists in many different types, and no restrictions are imposed on its construction and design. The requirements of ergonomics, strength and reliability must be observed in it, but for oneself, no one has the right to make claims.

Most often, this kind of seat is street: courtyard, garden, country, park. It can be the simplest bench from a board on a pair of logs, a classic village bench for gatherings, no less classic garden sofa and park bench, the top row in Fig.

A wooden bench is an exquisite and in many ways defining face landscape design, therefore, is the object of close attention of specialists of the corresponding profile. In the 2nd row from the top in Fig. individual results of their investigations. But the prices are my respect, sometimes more expensive than a good furniture set. Here and unique material, and design, and wages of craftsmen who embody all this in the product. And most importantly - the complete absence of restrictions on cheating, because they are luxury goods.

Exclusive samples of benches / benches are technologically not so complicated that they cannot be made by yourself. However, in this article we will see how to make a bench with our own hands, being content with the usual carpentry work methods and not even the most difficult of them. It will turn out something like those on the 3-4 rows of Fig. And the acquired skills will be quite enough to create a unique one later, there would be material. You may have to master only the simplest methods of weaving from a vine on your own.

And at home?

The bench, in fact, has never been completely forced out into the street. There were, are and will be benches in utility and utility rooms. Now they are gradually returning to living rooms: the increasingly popular studio apartment is essentially the same hut where they lived all together in one large room. And the shop for centuries has proved its ability to establish a cheerful and benevolent life in housing not for biryuks. And we will further highlight the section on some types of indoor benches.

What to do?

The seat and back of the bench are almost always wooden. The metal cools, rusts, which is why it requires annual painting, and gradually wears out. Plastic is cheap, requires minimal maintenance at first, but is uncomfortable and does not last long outdoors and / or with intensive use by random people. We are talking here about the arrangement of private properties, so we are most interested in a bench made of wood, as a harmless material that is most pleasing to the eye and touch.

Note: the wooden parts of the benches are impregnated with biocides before assembly. The most affordable in this case is used engine oil. Varnish (prime, paint) the entire product after a week of drying after impregnation. Lacquer is preferable to take acrylic on water based, it somewhat protects the tree from darkening under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

However, the supports / legs or the power frame of the bench may not be wooden. For example, profile metal is better resistant to shocks and impacts and in contact with the ground is more durable than wood, especially concreted. Therefore, for public benches - street, yard - such an execution is preferable, especially since a simple country bench on a steel base will cost less, if only due to the smaller volume of blanks to be delivered to the assembly site.

Bench and stone

A very good garden bench is obtained on a stone base. For example, in pos. 1 fig. flagstone only adds naturalness to the tree and masonry seams do not detract from it at all. The creators of the one in pos. 2, they simply poured the bottle into wire baskets, which at the same time served as supports for the tray-table. A bench with flower girls on pos. 3, nothing prevents them from leaning instead of them on mini-rock gardens. If you build a pergola over such a bench, you get a very cozy alcove, pos. 4.

Note: there are also benches with a stone seat, but a suitable slab will be expensive, the stone for it needs quite valuable rocks, very viscous, resistant to fracture and chipping.

To take a rest

In the country, I want to have a good rest, especially after agricultural work. Therefore, it is highly desirable that the dacha bench meet the requirements of industrial ergonomics:

  • Seat height 400-500 mm.
  • Seat width 500-550 mm.
  • Back height 350-500 mm.
  • Backrest tilt 74-78 degrees.
  • Seat profile (back with seat) is smooth, without a dip under the buttocks.
  • In the region of the neck and knees, smooth bends of the profile are made back and down, respectively, so that you can tilt your head and tighten your legs without feeling a sharp rib.

Note: The dimensions of the bench are selected within the recommended limits individually for height and physique.

Drawings of a garden sofa suitable for such conditions are shown in fig. Its design is quite labor- and material-intensive, but technologically not complicated: there are no parts whose configuration would require the use of patterns or templates. Its significant drawback is a large waste of expensive timber, 1.3 m from a 6-meter workpiece, and a 3-meter one is small. Garden bench-sofa on the trail. rice. it is simpler and a thick beam is not needed for it, but 4 parts need to be cut along the grid. Which, however, in the presence of a jigsaw is not scary.

And the kids too

How children love to play on the benches, it is known whether it is a noisy flock with elbows banging, or the whole puppet world of a little housewife. As well as the fact that at the same time they fidget with enthusiasm, crawl, and, not feeling lateral support, slap. There is nothing wrong here, it's a child's business. But there will be less roar and pouting faces if the children's bench is equipped with low railings. However, she does not need a back, so that several slobs can approach both front and back, or sit on a seat astride, legs dangling.

A suitable hybrid of a bench, bench and sofa in this case is shown in fig. It is better to put this building near the nursery playhouse. However, see how it will be more convenient for you, this bench is suitable for adults in size, and it is much easier to make it than the previous one.

By the whole world

A table with benches in the country to each other and ask. On the already equipped, with overgrown trees, the site will have a cozy family recreation area: a table with benches. Scheme with the dimensions of one of the designs of the combined country table with benches in one block is shown in fig. Its design is characterized by ease of assembly and disassembly and the almost complete absence of metal fasteners.

There are only 4 one-piece and somewhat technologically complex connections in this product: manual frezer wood or not. But for the winter, the whole complex is easy to disassemble, fold into a compact package and put away in the pantry. Material - weather and pest resistant wood: tar pine, larch, oak. On the base panel you will need plywood 24-30 mm, waterproof or double impregnated with a water-polymer emulsion.

Note: it is desirable to attach to the lower edges of the base panels with glue and self-tapping screws wooden bars square section. This will additionally protect the plywood from delamination. Gluing the connection is mandatory, otherwise, due to capillary blocking, the service life of the panels will only decrease.

Combi for two

Fans of philosophical and romantic tête-à-tête in the bosom of nature may like a paired garden bench chair with a back and a table. For a volume of favorite poems, of course. The scheme of its device is shown in fig. on the right, and the drawings and assembly diagram in fig. below. Material everywhere - 30 mm board. This product is already designed for enough experienced craftsmen, because patterns are given only for shaped parts (there is a grid pitch of 10 mm), and other dimensions will have to be restored according to base grid(see Attachment); forming a radius of recesses for the backs in the rear support of 1300 mm.

metal based

A professional pipe 40x40x2.5 with welded ends, thrown directly to the ground in the Moscow region, rusts through and through in more than 15 years. And after that, the remaining box can hold the bench no less. There is no need to talk about strength: even Hollywood superheroes do not cut steel with their hands. True, in the USSR they once bungled a rather stupid movie in which the late Lev Durov pierced a metal tank with his finger. Tin, for drinking water.

So, with the strength and durability of metal benches, everything is OK. Garden benches from a profile pipe can be quite attractive, see fig. But pay attention: a pleasant appearance is achieved by using parts bent along the radius. To achieve the same aesthetic effect with straight pipes, you need at least twice as much work and material, as in the lower right in Fig.

To smoothly bend workpieces, you need a fairly expensive and complex pipe bender for profile pipes. An alternative option is hot bending of a pipe filled with sand. But, firstly, at current prices, he needs a forge with a forge: in order to bend the sides of the bench in the tutorials with the help of a propane burner, at the bottom left in the figure, you need to almost completely burn a 20-liter gas cylinder. Secondly, hot bending is a delicate matter. If you manage to ruin no more than 3 blanks before the part comes out without wrinkles and with the ends in the same plane, you are a born blacksmith.

The next circumstance is that the strength of the metal profile bench is significantly excessive. Therefore, if you do this, the main thing is your own taste and invention. And we give a couple of drawings of benches from a professional pipe 40x40x2.5 for a purely utilitarian purpose. On the left in fig. - a large economic, and on the right - Scott's shop. Why she and what to do with her is well known to fans of bodybuilding and fitness.

Is it just a pipe?

Professional pipes are pulled from ordinary structural steel, and nowhere has anyone said that any other metal will not fit on the bench. For such cases, in Fig. a few examples of metal benches. Pos. 1 - a shop for secluded and little visited places. It makes no sense to steal it: the “fat” is scanty compared to the fuss of robbery and disassembly, and the secondary tree is not yet accepted anywhere. Material - steel strip 4-6 mm thick. Violent fun legs from it will not stand, so this shop is mainly for the cemetery.

Pos. 2 - bench / wicker lounger for sun and air baths. It does not press anywhere, the body breathes from all sides. The base is from an old Soviet clamshell, so a child will rearrange it much more conveniently. load-bearing frame instead of now expensive aluminum, it can be assembled from propylene water pipes.

A complete functionally and aesthetically pleasing garden bench, pos. 3 is assembled on the basis of worn parts of agricultural machinery and vehicles. The latter, however, is not necessary: ​​instead of leaf springs, the same steel strip or corner will go.

About transforming benches

Transformable furniture saves a lot of usable space. In a city apartment, this dignity is decisive. Unfortunately, it is the only one: transformable furniture is more complicated, more expensive, less functional than conventional furniture, and requires additional user operations when transferred to a different use case.

“Transfurniture” came to the garden/cottage, probably only under the influence of fashion. A transforming garden bench is most often either a twin bench or a lounger, laid out with a table with benches, see fig. However, basking in the sun is more pleasant after all on something soft, like the braid described above. And if the transformer is a double bench, then it is a garden bench, not a park one. It is not customary to sit with your back to each other between relatives, friends and acquaintances.

There is one more circumstance: there is many times more dust and climatic influences on the street than at home. therefore, if, say, a transforming apartment table, with careful use, will last 7-10 years, then a garden one will last 3-5 years, especially with wooden hinges.

In general, transformable garden furniture is an amateur business. If you want to practice mechanics with kinematics - your will. But it’s really easier and more sense to think over the layout of the site so that everything you need fits there separately.

Benches indoors

A bench as a piece of furniture is absolutely necessary in a bathhouse: they change clothes on it, douse themselves from a gang, relax after steaming, drink tea with lime blossom, dried raspberries or blueberries. Very helpful, by the way. But to suffice after something cold or to get strong is a devastating perversion for health.

But for a bench, a bath is not a pleasure, but hard labor: every now and then dampness, the temperature can jump from -30 to +60 in 2-3 hours. Therefore, firstly, the tree for bath bench rot-resistant, but free of resins, tannins, salicylates, aromatic compounds, and other natural chemicals is required. And it needs to be treated only with biocides from refined mineral oils or based on silicone. Steamed skin is sensitive to substances that are harmless to it under normal conditions, and when sweat is reabsorbed, unwanted “additives” penetrate the body.

Secondly, in a small bathhouse, where the beds do not fit, they steam on the bench. And what is this steam, if it squelches under the stomach? Therefore, a bench in the steam room is made in the form of a lounger with gaps or a lattice of small slats, see fig. But even in this case, a porous tree is required, which easily absorbs moisture and just as easily releases it into the air.

Thirdly, there should be no metal parts in the bath bench that can be accidentally touched. The thermal conductivity of the metal is high, therefore, it gives off heat easily. A piece of wood heated to +80 can be touched fearlessly, and a piece of iron at +60 (which is normal for a bath) will burn.

The best bath benches are made from the Asian Tughrak poplar. Its almost complete replacement is aspen or black alder. Linden and birch are much worse, easily rot. Silvery poplar, sycamore will last longer, horse chestnut or, in the southern regions, ailanthus. All these types of wood in the bath will not slip only if the bench dries well, for which there should be no gaps in the structure that can retain moisture for a long time. And it is desirable to have the entire product easily disassembled for maintenance and, if necessary, replacement of unusable parts.

Brand shops do not meet the latest conditions and the roads, because. made from special varieties of tropical wood. And a home-made bench in the bath is no worse than a “company” can be made at least according to the drawing in fig. With a thickness of 50 mm seat / lounger boards, its length can be increased up to 2 m in order to bathe lying in full height. Then the width is needed from 60 cm; it is obtained by adding a board and a pair of its heels with legs. The red arrows show the oak leg pads, they greatly increase their resistance to decay.

Not only in the bath

In addition to the bath, the benches, as mentioned at the beginning, are also returning to the living quarters. And not only in studio apartments: in country house or in the kitchen, a bench will save a lot of space. Do not be surprised, a bench under the wall, equivalent to a pair of chairs in the same place, saves about 0.5 square meters. m area. And this is already a small stove or a corner fireplace, plus you can sleep on the bench. Of course, the view of the house bench should be more elegant, but it is assembled “in furniture style”, from wood on dowels or from chipboard on confirmations. A technologically simple version of a home bench for two riders is shown in Fig. It is also suitable for urban cuisine, if there is no place for a soft corner.

Note: in fig. on the right - options for making the well-known household mini-bench from cash scraps. Height - on the knees; seat dimensions - according to their own fifth point.



Here we will talk about benches from improvised materials. Since the log shop is perhaps its oldest variety, we are looking for logs of a suitable thickness, from 200 mm. Because independent logging is prohibited by law (although it is practiced in some places) and does not benefit nature, we pay attention primarily to dry fallen trees (easier to process) or unusable trees cut down in the garden. Curves, knotty - so much the better; visible roughness gives the log bench only more rustic charm, see fig.

Next, you should turn the log into a bench. Here you can find instructions like: “Precisely (carefully) sawing the log along.” Without a sawmill with a centering and feed mechanism? Advisers of this kind about the processing of wood have a clearly vague concept. In fact, a log bench at home can be made in 2 ways.

The first one gives a large waste of material, therefore it is suitable only if there is an excess of it, but it is available to any amateur, and you can work with an ordinary crosscut saw, even a hand one. For those who don't know: the wood is sawn along the fibers with special longitudinal saws. So, first we make cuts on the log to the desired depth more often, pos. 1 in Fig., and break out the pieces with a crowbar (this is by no means only a thieves' tool), a nail puller or a mount. They jump out of dry deadwood as if by themselves, but on damp timber you will have to sweat over the first ones, and remove the others with a chainsaw, it also cuts along, pos. 2.

Next, first, with an ax and a chisel, we remove the remains of chips, pos. 3, and then we rough-out the surfaces with a plow (planer). The finished product is processed with a grinder, pos. 4, or just hand sanded. In this way, a solid log bench is obtained. Debark the sides or leave it as is, and biocide, stain, and varnish the same as you would for any outdoor wood. Slightly rotted deadwood (with dark spots) will first have to be treated with a wood reducer (clarifier).

For the second method, you only need a chainsaw, because. she cuts both along and across. It requires a sure eye, a steady hand and a strong grip, but the result is a full-fledged bench with a back, as in fig. above, with virtually no waste. Technological process in this case, it is elementary, and the bench is completely ready for gatherings 2-3 hours after starting the saw, see video:

Video: a log bench without nails

Rough but fast and easy

Summer residents-developers, as a rule, do not immediately think about benches. And soon they realize that in vain: on bricks, a box or a random block of wood you can’t rest and don’t really eat. If by this time the first pallet from under the brick has been released, then it will go to the bench, which can be built within an hour, just right.

Pallet benches can also be made in two ways. According to the first, a standard pallet 110x80 cm is sawn into 2 unequal parts, on the left in the figure, which will go to the seat and back. Simple and fast, but on the side struts and legs, on the right there, additional lumber is required, or you need to remove the board from the seat with the back, and an uncomfortable gap forms under what they are sitting on.

The second method requires additional work on disassembling the pallet, see below, but it allows you not to touch the boards prepared for the construction site and the bench comes out more conveniently, because. its back is slanted. The first cut is made across the top, where there are more boards, sides of the pallet, pos. 1 in fig. The next one is across the lower side (red line in pos. 2), but from the opposite side of the upper side of the middle bosses (shown by the red arrow).

Next, the part with 2 rows of bosses is disassembled, as shown in pos. 3. The bosses of the upper shield are inserted into the openings of the remainder, pos. 4, for which they will have to be moved apart with a crowbar or mount (double-sided arrows in the same place), and fastened with nails or self-tapping screws, as shown in pos. 5. Remains visible in pos. 4, will go on legs, pos. 6.

How to disassemble pallets

The pallets are assembled on nails with sunken caps, and the nails sit very firmly in them, especially those that have rusted in pallets that have been used for a long time. If you disassemble them as usual, then one or several boards will definitely crack. Therefore, the board being taken away is first slightly gently lifted; it is more convenient to do it with an ax, because. it gives a large footprint. Then the same board is put in place and the nails are pulled out by the hats that have appeared with a nail puller or tongs.

Simple and economical

Construction pallets are made from quality wood, which can later find diverse application; at least for the construction of a barn or the construction of a rack. If we already disassemble the pallet, then it is advisable to put less wood on the bench from it. simple bench, which will require hardly half the boards of the pallet, and the bars will all remain for better use, is shown in fig. on right. Its back is somewhat flatter than ergonomics requires, due to the smaller width of the seat; so this bench is quite comfortable.

A bit about technology

Bolted connections are often used in garden furniture. If it is one-piece and not articulated, it is better to hide the bolt heads with washers and nuts with them. The first for aesthetics, and the second so as not to get scratched.

For hidden connection wooden parts bolts will require, in addition to a twist drill for wood, a feather drill, on the left in fig. Use a pen to select holes for the head and nut. After assembly, the rest of the threaded body of the bolt is cut off with a grinder and the connection is tightened again, because. when pruned, it weakens. Then the holes are filled with wood putty; you can thickly knead the sawdust yourself on the Express glue (liquid nails) or PVA for wood. Not on office PVA for paper!

As for the hinged joints, steel clips must be inserted into the bolt holes in both connected parts, their diameter must be taken into account when drilling. Without clips, the bolt will quickly break the tree and the hinge will go floundering at random.

Clips for the bolt can be rolled from tin or galvanized. In this case, twice a year, at the beginning and end of the season, 2-3 drops of engine oil are allowed into them. If it is nevertheless rusty and seized, brake fluid will help out, the same 2-3 drops. The rust from it becomes limp and the hinge "lets go" almost instantly. After the "brake" it is again dripped with oil.

The manufacture of furniture for summer cottages also requires thorn-groove joints, on dowels and dowels (through round wooden bosses). In that case, first, wooden fastener made from the same wood as the parts to be joined. For outdoor use, a certain amount of strength has to be sacrificed in order to ensure that the temperature coefficients of expansion, moisture capacity, swelling and shrinkage of the wood of the entire assembly are the same. Otherwise, the connection will quickly loosen up.

Secondly, it is very, very desirable to make connections for "open sky furniture" with wedging, see fig. on right. The wedges are cut out of hard resistant wood: oak, walnut, boxwood, dogwood. Their thickness is 2-2.5 mm, but not narrower. achievable wood-to-wood connection accuracy plus or minus 1 mm.

An important condition: the wedges must be oriented across the fibers of the attached part, otherwise it may split during landing and subsequently the connection will fall apart. If the parts are connected perpendicular (crosswise), then the wedges in the dowel (nagel) should be oriented at 90 degrees relative to each other. The rest of the production garden furniture does not contain anything that would not be subject to the usual working ingenuity.

Application: how to take dimensions on a grid

Let's look again at the drawing of the paired "romantic-philosophical" bench. How to calculate the missing dimensions? First of all, we visually determine the type of oblique projection; in this case it is an isometry, so both oblique axes are equal.

Then we take a more authentic part, for which the linear size is indicated; in this case, this is a tsarga with a length of 1350. According to the drawing, using the Pythagorean theorem, we determine its length in fractions of the grid step. Correlating it with a known linear size, we obtain a scale factor. If the projection is arbitrary, then it will be necessary to calculate 2 scales for 2 details, for each of the oblique axes.

Then it starts pretty painstaking work: the missing dimensions are determined from the drawing in fractions of the grid step and multiplied by the scale. For each pair of parts to be joined, we do a fit check, taking into account that the wood accuracy is 1 mm. If, for example, the spike turned out to be thicker than the groove associated with it, it’s understandable that it won’t fit, you need to look for where the error crept in. If it’s already more than 2 mm, it’s also not good, it will hang out and the error will begin to accumulate in the calculations. And if the spike enters the groove with a gap of 0-2 mm, everything is type-top, they calculated perfectly.

Lightweight and comfortable garden bench it will be possible to put it on a cozy veranda or place it in the shade of trees so that you can hide from the heat and enjoy reading a book or a pleasant conversation. So, we will describe the main stages of its manufacture.

Whatever material you decide to make a bench from, so that it is as convenient as possible, certain proportions should be observed during its construction:

  • height: the seat is always located at a level of 0.5 m from the ground;
  • width: not less than half a meter;
  • back height: 0.45 m;
  • angle of inclination: ideal 45°;
  • armrest height: calculated from the level of the seat and should be 20 cm.

If the bench is dug into the ground, the length of the legs increases by at least 70 cm. In this case, its legs are lowered into the prepared pits, covered with stones and poured with concrete. Do not forget to pre-treat the wood with a solution that protects against rot and mold.

DIY bench step by step

The back and seat of the garden bench is best done not with a solid canvas, but with a small distance between the boards. In this case rainwater it will drain completely from them, the boards will be better blown, and the product will be less prone to rotting:

You can replace the stain strong mortar potassium permanganate. A tree treated with a similar composition acquires a dark and saturated color. Depending on the amount of manganese, you can get a shade of walnut or a rich mahogany color.

Bench from wide boards

Flexible vine or wicker bench

Eco-friendly garden furniture, not only a bench, but also chairs and even a table, can be made from pre-soaked willow or vine twigs. You can also use branches of hazel, willow, aspen or even birch, but in the latter cases, the product will last much less, and it will look more rough.

To collect raw materials, it will be necessary to wait for the time of "ripening" of the shoots. The optimal season for harvesting branches is from September to March. It is at this time that the rods acquire the required flexibility:

Types of benches

We have described only the simplest options for making a garden bench. You can make it from almost any material:

If you are planning to make a wooden outdoor bench, it is better to use softwood or larch, which is difficult to rot. Remaining by inheritance old furniture from oak or hazel can also be used as a material to create a durable and very original garden product.

Is it worth buying a bench or should you make it yourself?

Buying a bench for the garden, of course, is much easier. Moreover, the simplest of them are quite cheap.

But still, the work done by one's own hands will bring more satisfaction. And with a certain patience and skill, even made from improvised means, it can become an exclusive work that you will not be ashamed to show off to friends and neighbors. For example, in the next photo, the bench is made of ordinary pallets, painted with bright paint and decorated with decorative pillows.

Respite during the day is just as necessary as sleep at night. To smoke at work in a summer cottage, sit in the shade after long working days, enjoy the long-awaited evening atmosphere or even go in for sports - comfortable wooden benches are used for this.

Buying chic furniture for the street - now few people can afford such a ruin of a wallet. Making a bench with your own hands according to the drawings is a triple benefit:

  • A practical product made of wood, which takes into account all individual wishes and elements, an order of magnitude higher than stamped factory models, focused on saving material. Ordering a bench for an individual master also does not always live up to expectations.
  • Do-it-yourself manufacturing will require costs only for consumables, and if they are already available, then it will do without investments at all.
  • The construction of interior and landscape elements for giving to your own taste can hardly be called work. It is always a pleasure to create something new for yourself with knowledge of the matter, so that later you can be proud and enjoy the labors of your work.

Why wood?

Wood is the most suitable material to make a shop with your own hands. This is due to its qualities:

Requirements for material and tools

Wood must be of high quality. For the bench, you should choose elements without knots, cracks, rotten areas. The convenience of processing and connecting parts, as well as the service life of the finished product, depend on this.

Special attention: only dry wood is suitable for starting work. A wet board is the reason for the deformation of the bench and its destruction when the weather conditions change. Before processing, the material must be thoroughly dried.

The breed is not limited to anything: to make a garden bench for a summer residence, any available wood will do. Oak is the most durable, but heavy. If you stand a bench all your life in one place, it is better to choose it.

Pine - optimal choice for all types of products. It is the most common building material: wood will be easy to find at home or purchase at the nearest base; affordable, moderately durable, less susceptible to the influence of temperatures. Linden, larch and other species are also used.

Making a bench with your own hands is carpentry work, it will require simple carpentry tools. For the sake of safety and quality of work, it is recommended to use only reliable, serviceable tools. Strongly fixed hammer handles, planer blades, a sharpened hacksaw or a solid blade on an electric saw are the key to effective results.

wooden bench construction

The general structure of a wooden bench will come in handy for those who decide to make it with their own hands. Before starting work, it is recommended to make a drawing of the future creation with the dimensions and arrangement of the elements. It will help you quickly make the necessary wooden parts of the bench and correctly assemble them into one garden structure. Each element of the drawing performs its function, without which the product will be unfinished, unreliable or not convenient enough:

  1. The legs of the bench are supports. For a comfortable landing, they are taken to a height of 40-50 cm from the ground. A lower or higher position forces one to take an unnatural posture, from which rest becomes a torment and an unfavorable strain on the spine. Depending on the length of the bench made of wood, provide different amount elements: maximum every 150 cm. Rear and front supports - at the same level between them. Usually two pairs are needed, as most wooden benches are small.
  2. Between the legs and seats of the bench, the schemes provide for intermediate transverse and longitudinal beams, because the plane of the seat is not always formed by one board. They are necessarily attached around the perimeter of the seat to the tops of the legs, but if the distance is large, there may be additional transverse elements that are already attached to the longitudinal beams. Intermediate wooden supports may be absent only if the bench seat is made of wide boards.
  3. The seat is formed from elements nailed to the intermediate beams and extending beyond the legs by 5-25 cm. It is recommended to choose even boards.
  4. Screed - an element of the strength of the bench. On the drawings, it can be made in different forms, but the function is the same: rigid fastening wooden frame. This can be one beam or board, connected to the ends of the bench legs at a height of 20-30 cm, or corner bars fastening each leg to intermediate beams. The tie prevents loosening of wooden supports.
  5. The backrest is a functional element that divides all benches into two configurations: with and without it. It serves for greater comfort and relaxation of the back. The back should not be vertical at 90 ° - this is an uncomfortable position. The optimal angle of inclination from the plane of the seat is 110-120°. The presence of the back requires the modernization of the drawing of the legs. The footprint needs to be increased. Geometrically, the load is already distributed on the seat and the horizontal projection of the backrest. The back legs of the wooden bench are extended further from the middle or tilted so that the lower points go back. The back consists of supports and a plane. The first are attached to the legs at an angle, boards or slats are attached to them.

General manufacturing principles

The assembly of the wooden parts of the bench is done using screws or nails. The second option is recommended. High-quality long nails will provide a stronger connection, and soft modern self-tapping screws often break and over time can no longer hold the rigidity of the wood frame.

The wooden surfaces of the seat and backrest must be carefully sanded. The functional planes of the bench can be different shapes: straight or curved for beauty and comfort. For example, the back of the seat can be made in the form of a boat, and the edges of the seat and back are rounded. The result is achieved by changing the shape of the transverse beams in the drawing (the upper edges are cut out in a wave).

In order to save material and time, you can often find benches where there are gaps between the slats in the seat and back. A simple example: city alleys. This does not cause inconvenience and, in general, is practical, however, it is recommended to avoid such savings when making your own. A capital garden bench made of wood with full-fledged elements is more beautiful and safer for health. The gaps between the seat and back play the role of drafty windows: after sitting on a bench, an unhardened person can get sick.

The order of assembly is not set by anything. If the seats and backs consist of many rails, it is first recommended to make and fasten the frame elements and the screed according to the drawing, and then perform the formation of the planes. If there is no backrest, and the surface of the bench is one large and durable board, it is advisable to use it as a basis for connecting the remaining elements.

Wood processing is a mandatory process. Immediately after the manufacture of the bench, it is necessary to impregnate the wood with insect and fungal protection agents. Further painting will not only give a finished look to a wooden product, but also save it from external weather influences.

decorative value

Those who say that there is no beauty in wooden benches, just no taste. This is one of the landscape and interior elements that form general form cottages or premises. Recreation areas primarily attract the attention of visitors and the owners themselves. Therefore, beautiful handmade wood products are wealth for the home and soul.

Experienced craftsmen, designers and creative beginners often surprise with their unique solutions. When using seemingly the most inappropriate wooden elements - knotty logs, stumps, old snags, masterpieces are created that are proud and admired. Only an individual approach to the manufacture of benches with your own hands will help make the summer cottage unusual and pleasant.

Product Application

The bench is an ambiguous element. Application finished products applies to the suburban area, and to living conditions and for specific needs. From where the wooden bench will be used, some of its structural features during manufacture.

The garden bench is most in demand, because it is necessary in any dacha yard. The backless option is characterized by the presence of only the seat surface, there is no element of vertical back support. Such a bench for a summer residence is less convenient, but it is easier to make it yourself according to the drawings.

The option without a back is chosen by those who do not like to sit still for a long time: a couple of minutes of respite and back to work. The small weight of the product and the simple distribution of the load allow the use of thin wooden or even 2 metal legs. for giving is more attractive, convenient, but more difficult to manufacture.

A beautiful and comfortable bench can be placed on the porch of the house, in the gazebo or indoors, where it will play the role of a full-fledged wooden furniture. Benches often designed for this complement soft material: the backs and seats are covered with a blanket or bedspread, upholstered with leatherette on cotton wool or foam rubber, faux fur, etc.

For sports needs (for example, for training with dumbbells), a backless wooden bench is a great option to get benefits. Optimum coverage seat surfaces - linoleum with lining.

In suburban areas, I want to not only work to get good harvest. There is a desire to admire the fruits of your labor, admire the sunset, communicate with relatives and friends, and breathe fresh air. In order to comfortably spend time in your suburban area, you need to acquire comfortable garden furniture. Bench - perfect option for inexpensive and efficient arrangement garden, decoration of the natural landscape and quality leisure activities.

Some stone, metal or wooden benches can be a real decoration of the site. In a traditional garden, a wooden bench made in victorian style, will certainly attract the eye, a rough bench made of logs in combination with similar structures of gazebos and houses will become part of the entire ensemble of the suburban area. Therefore, it is very important to choose the appearance of the bench in advance, even before it is made. If you already have dominant solutions in the landscape, for example, a recreation area built in Japanese style, then the bench should be made in a restrained, strict form, without pretentiousness and catchy colors. But if the bench will complement children's Corner for games and pastime for kids, then its elements can be painted in bright, multi-colored juicy tones.

The appearance of the bench is of great importance, but the most important thing is the comfort of the model. Be sure to carefully consider the height of the bench, the width and depth of the seat, the slope of the backrest and the quality of the finish, as they say, without a hitch ...

Before you make a bench, you should provide for the conditions for its operation. If it is planned to make a stationary bench with a long period of use, its deepening into the ground is considered, preferably to a freezing depth, but not less than 40 cm. If the bench is moved around the site or hidden for the winter season, it should be as light as possible and occupy a minimum of space. So at this stage, first of all, the practicality and functionality of the product are taken into account. Usually bulky stationary benches are made for use in large areas, and in small areas it is rational to place light, portable models that can be moved to the recreation area upon arrival of guests, and then placed in a quiet, secluded corner.

Also pay attention to exterior finish garden bench. Currently, modern manufacturers offer a huge selection of different finish coatings for any surfaces.

Note! Wooden products can be coated with yacht varnish with a special primer, or painted with moisture-resistant paint for exterior work. metal elements from above they are protected with solutions and paints with an anti-corrosion effect. Even stone surfaces that have been treated can be impregnated special composition, which will protect them from temperature changes, give them shine and depth.

The construction of a wooden bench begins with the development of a sketch. At this stage, it is determined what elements the shop will consist of. The width and length of the bench is calculated depending on the space it occupies. The height of the product from the ground to the seat should be about 50 cm. The height of the back is usually made from 40 to 50 cm, and it should have a slope of about 20-30 degrees.

All curly elements of the bench in the form of templates must first be drawn on paper or thick cardboard, and subsequently made using a hacksaw or electric jigsaw. When all the measurements and sketches are made, they start cutting out the blanks.

The next step is the surface treatment of the wood. Using a grinder, remove all notches and smooth the surface. If the bench is installed permanently, then it is necessary to fix the supports by digging into the ground to a depth of at least 40 cm. lower part pre-impregnate the supports with machine oil and additionally wrap them with oiled polyethylene or any hygroscopic film. After installing the supports, the bench is assembled. To do this, the remaining elements of the product are installed in the prepared mounting grooves, which are fastened with self-tapping screws or bolts.

For the manufacture of wooden, stationary or portable benches, stable and practical rounded wooden blanks of round shape can be used for the legs. You can buy them in any specialized store or in the market with goods for the garden. Most affordable option- These are pine round logs with a smooth surface and a diameter of 80 mm (minimum). For the seats and back of the bench, boards with a section size of 20 × 120 mm are suitable; for armrests, you can purchase wooden blocks with a section of 35 × 55 mm.

After assembly, the surface of the wooden bench is treated with an impregnation that protects the structure from fungi and moisture, and coated with a protective varnish or paint.

The base of the garden bench can be made of brick or any stone that can be finished on top. facade tiles, the same as on the house or gazebo. It will look very harmonious and beautiful.

Before laying, it is necessary to prepare the base, dig a trench 10 cm deep. After preparation, crushed stone and sand are poured into the recess, rammed, constantly spilling water. The substrate is concreted from above and leveled. Columns made of stone can be of arbitrary width, the main thing is that the height with a bench should be no higher than 45-50 cm, and no lower. After masonry mortar grasp, after two days, you can lay two wide wooden boards on top of them, at least 20 mm thick. Boards, of course, are pre-treated, sanded and sanded.

For a stone bench, the base can be made of stone, brick, metal or wood. The bench itself is made of natural or artificial stone. As a natural surface, you can use any whole piece which will be on sale. The main thing is that one surface of it should be perfectly flat, and the second can be easily adjusted during the manufacture of the legs of the bench. Artificial stone slab can be made independently, from concrete mortar with the addition of fine gravel or marble chips (for beauty), reinforcement and special form(which you can also do yourself). If special plasticizers for extreme climatic conditions are added to the concrete mortar, the finished stone will last for many years.

The base for a garden bench made of stone must be mounted to the depth of freezing of the earth so that the product stands stably and for a long time. In our climatic conditions, this size can be up to 70 cm. This design of the bench will serve you reliably and efficiently for many years.

A stone bench will give the site solidity, it will last longer and will cost less than a bench made of wood. You can arrange your own flower beds from slabs or blocks, or build a bench that will be connected to a stationary barbecue. During operation, benches made of stone may not be very comfortable. This problem is solved by placing decorative pillows or mattresses on the bench, which will become an additional decoration of the landscape area.


Convenient bench-table transformer:

How to make a simple wooden garden bench step by step:

A photo

Do-it-yourself bench: drawings with dimensions, photos. How to make a bench with a wooden back with your own hands.

A light garden bench is useful for you to relax in the country, you can sit on the bench in the garden and relax in the shade of trees. wooden benches harmoniously decorate your corner for relaxing in a summer cottage, and if the bench is also made by hand, it will become the pride of the owner.

Bench materials:

  • Boards with a section of 20 x 100 mm or a similar size.
  • Screws.
  • Lacquer or paint.


  • Hacksaw.
  • Plane.
  • Roulette, square, pencil.
  • Screwdriver or curly screwdriver.
  • Drill with a drill with a diameter of 2 mm (the diameter of the drill must be less than the diameter of the screws).

Bench assembly diagram.

  1. - legs.
  2. - frame.
  3. - back support.
  4. - seat slats.
  5. - back straps.

How to make a bench with a back.

The drawings provide detailed drawings with dimensions for the manufacture of a garden bench.

Let's start making a garden bench, and start by making the legs for the bench.

Mark the cut lines on the board and saw off the blanks for the legs with a hacksaw. Smooth out the ends of the legs sandpaper.

Bench side assembly.

We attach the upper support to the front and rear legs. Align the legs with the support, drill holes and fix them with screws. Let's make two sides.

Assembly of the bench seat frame.

We saw off blanks for the seat frame. We combine the frame blanks, drill holes and screw in the screws.

Assembly of the frame and sidewalls.

Now you need to connect the sides of the bench and the seat frame.

Bench back.

We saw off 3 supports for the back.

We install and fasten the seat back supports, as shown in the figure.

Fit the slats to the seat frame, making sure you place them at the same distance, drill holes and secure the slats with screws.

Now fasten the planks to the backrest supports.

Armrest attachment.

Install the armrests on the sides of the bench, drill holes in the armrests and secure them with screws.

The screw heads can be hidden by covering them with wood putty, then let the putty dry for a few hours. Roughen the hardened putty with sandpaper, and then apply several coats of paint or varnish to the bench to improve the appearance of the bench.

How to make a bench photo.