The difference between the houses is frame timber or panel board. What is better frame house or timber house? Briefly about the technologies of building a log house and frame

For several decades, the debate about which house is better - from a bar or a frame has not subsided. This can be estimated if we consider several criteria, comparing frame structures and buildings from a bar. This will allow you to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each option, making the right choice.

Which house is cheaper

As practice shows, the construction of a frame house is about 30% cheaper compared to building from a bar. This is due to the fact that the first option is based on a well-dried edged board, which is two, and sometimes three times cheaper than a bar. Among other things, the cost of profiled or glued timber is higher compared to double or sawn timber. This cost difference is due to manufacturing edged boards and timber. These manipulations are carried out using one technology, but the timber takes 5 times more. If it comes about a double beam, then the technology turns out to be more complicated, but the material costs are comparable to those that go to the construction of a frame building.

In order to make glued laminated timber, sawn timber waste is used, but the production technology is more complex, it involves more operations, all this increases the cost of laminated veneer lumber.

A little more about the cost

If you are deciding which house is better - from a bar or a frame, then you must remember that the construction of the latter is accompanied by the need to purchase cladding and thermal insulation. As a rule, the following is used as a heater:

These materials are much cheaper than a bar, and to save money, a small section bar is used, which then requires thermal insulation. This allows you to slightly reduce the difference in cost, but it cannot be less than 20%. If we take the cost as the basis for comparison, then the frame building is in the lead in this matter.

Comparison by construction technology

Quite often, modern consumers decide which house is better - from a bar or frame. If the work is carried out independently, then it will be easier to build a house from a bar, because there are fewer nodes in it, and the construction of a frame structure involves the connection of many elements, this should include:

  • diagonal and horizontal jumpers;
  • vertical load-bearing boards;
  • metal corners.

The latter will serve as connecting elements. Once the framing is complete, it is necessary to fill the hollow space with thermal insulation and reinforce the finish, which increases the complexity of the process. By this parameter it can be argued that a house made of timber will be better than its opponent.

Which house is warmer

If you, too, still cannot decide which house is better - from a bar or a frame, then a comparison should be made according to one more criterion, which is expressed in heat loss. The solution to this issue will depend on many factors. If we compare buildings with the same wall thickness, then the heat loss of frame housing will be much lower, you can count on a difference in the range from 50 to 90%.

This is due to the fact that the thermal conductivity of the material is higher compared to the thermally insulated material, which indicates that with the same wall thickness in the frame building it will be more comfortable in winter. If the question of which house is warmer - a frame house or from a bar is important for you, then it is better to choose a frame house, because it will be noticeably more comfortable in it, and the costs will be much less or the same as when building a house from a bar.

Resistance to negative influences

If you want to build a house for permanent residence, but you cannot decide what will be the basis of its walls - a frame or a timber, then these two materials should also be compared in terms of resistance to external influences. It includes fire, flood, wind and earthquakes. For this factor, it is rather difficult to compare the described opponents, because the stability will depend on the measures taken, which can increase the rigidity and strength of the structure.

When it comes to timber structures, then they use wooden wedges and expansion joints that connect the crowns. Whereas in a frame house, diagonal jumpers are used to increase strength and rigidity, which, together with vertical and horizontal boards, form a triangle. Fire resistance also does not depend on the type of building, this factor will be influenced by the correct processing of lumber. If wind resistance is important to you, then you only need to strengthen the foundation. Bar and frame houses will equally cope with gusts of wind up to 50 meters per second, if they are protected from damage and built according to technology.

Comparison by microclimate

When choosing a house for permanent residence, you also need to pay attention to how comfortable the indoor microclimate will be. According to this parameter, a log structure is better, since the wood absorbs excess moisture in the rooms and brings it out, which is much more efficient compared to the building that is sheathed and insulated.

For this reason, the installation of forced and natural ventilation systems in a frame house is required, which are designed to fill the room with oxygen and remove excess moisture. This indicates that the cost of creating similar systems will increase, because for airing in a house from a bar, it will be enough just to open the window.

When houses made of profiled timber are additionally insulated from the outside, then they should also be supplied with ventilation systems, because the vapor permeability of wood, thermal insulation and cladding will be less. According to this parameter, houses made of timber are the best, but only those whose walls have a sufficiently impressive thickness that does not require additional insulation.

Comparison of the complexity of the repair of load-bearing walls

The walls of a frame house, like buildings made of timber, need to be periodically repaired. In the first case, for this, it is necessary to dismantle the cladding, remove the thermal insulation and replace the damaged supporting board, which is located diagonally or horizontally. At the next stage, the insulation is installed in its place, and the wall is again closed with sheathing.

Carrying out such work does not imply the need to use special equipment, however, only highly qualified builders will be able to cope with the task. But when repairing a house from a bar, you should be guided by other rules that indicate the need to raise the crown above what requires replacement. A jack is used for this. The next step will be the removal of the faulty timber, as well as the laying of the whole element. Difficulties can arise if, during construction, the crowns were connected by shrinkage compensators or wooden wedges. In this matter, the walls of a frame house are much easier to repair.

Frame house construction technology

The foundation for a frame house can be anything:

  • tape;
  • pile-screw;
  • columnar.

If you decide to use the second technology for erecting the base, then you should prepare piles that can be installed on your own. If they have an impressive diameter, then you will have to use special equipment.

At the first stage, the site is marked out, the soil is leveled so that the piles can be set at the level. They should be placed in the corners, deepening by 0.5 m. At the final stage, it will be necessary to cut the piles to the required level.

Such a foundation for a frame house involves the subsequent concreting of the supports and the installation of tops. The master will have to make the strapping using square beams. Before installing the upper part of the piles, they are treated with mastic, after which roofing material should be laid on them in two layers. The harness is strengthened with fastening screws. Only after that you can proceed to the subfloor arrangement, for which logs are used.

Building walls

Frame houses, the construction technology of which is described in the article, should be erected from a board, which is first installed in the form corner posts... The elements can be strengthened with steel corners. The next step is to install the rest of the racks. In the corners, the bars are strengthened by cutting, in other places - by means of steel corners. This knot will make up the top harness. To give the structure strength, it is necessary to install diagonal slopes.

Frame houses, the construction technology of which should be studied by you, if you plan to carry out the construction yourself, assume the presence ceiling beams, which are installed by punching, using steel corners or perforated brackets. The next step will be the installation of the rafter system and exterior decoration. To decorate the walls, you can use stone, siding or any other material that is installed on the crate. Insulation of a frame house is carried out using mineral wool, which is supplemented with a vapor barrier film. It is necessary to insulate not only the walls, but also the roof, floor, as well as floors.

The technology of building a house from a bar

If you want to equip a cellar or basement in the house, then it is best to prefer strip foundation... For loose, muddy and moist soil, screw piles are suitable. Small buildings usually installed on a slab solid foundation. After the base is ready, you can proceed to laying the first crown, this is done on double layer roll insulation, which can be roofing material and bitumen.

Every detail of the house should be treated with an antiseptic. Fire retardants can also be used to prevent fires. The first board must be rigidly reinforced to the foundation through a layer of waterproofing. Thermal insulation of a timber structure is required, as is the insulation of a frame house. To exclude cold bridges, you can use jute insulation, which is laid between the logs. The roof system will be equipped on the basis of the Mauerlat, on which the rafters are laid. Then you can proceed to laying the vapor barrier and thermal insulation layers, as well as covering material.


In order to understand which buildings are better - houses made of profiled timber or buildings erected according to frame technology there are many criteria to consider. Some of them have been highlighted above. A number of experts believe that the comparison is inappropriate in this case, because none of the described buildings can be worse or better, they are simply different.

For example, a frame house will be practical, inexpensive, easier to repair, but it is possible to organize the microclimate that is right for a person in it with some effort.

If the question of what is cheaper for you is a house from a bar or a frame house, then you should choose the last option, because the first is more expensive, but prestigious, and if you carry out the correct construction, you can exclude unnecessary financial investments and additional efforts. Such a building itself will form a good indoor microclimate. Based on these beliefs, it can be argued that for some consumers a frame building will be better, while for others - a building made of timber.

Unlike concrete, wood has a high level of environmental friendliness of the material. In the face of any developer there is a choice - which is better to use for construction wooden house frame or timber?

To get a complete answer to the question posed, it is best to analyze both materials for the following characteristics:

  1. Strength and durability.
  2. The difference in the price of the material and the calculation of its cost.
  3. Construction speed and ease of operation.
  4. Environmental friendliness.
  5. Constructive and architectural abilities.
  6. Advantages and disadvantages.

Let's consider each of the points in more detail in order to understand which of wood materials will receive priority.

Comparison of strength and durability

Considering the strength of materials, you can safely give preference to frame buildings. The fact is that the period of operation of the frame, even if different chemicals and antiseptics, is about 25 to a maximum of 30 years. After a certain time interval, such a structure requires the obligatory replacement of the bearing racks, which will wear out from the negative influence of natural factors.

A building made of timber can serve for about 50 years, while without various deformations and changes in operational characteristics... In such houses, there is one small detail to consider. Before they began to produce, many used profiled material, which did not undergo processing at all in the factory.

After the release of glued timber into the society, the service life of timber houses has increased significantly and is over 80 years.

Many developers believe that the log construction option is much more reliable and more durable. It is worth noting their differences:

  • A frame house is presented in the form of several layers of decoration, the gaps of which are filled with insulation. This type is completely non-functional and does not have a sufficient level of strength. The walls of such a house are easily destroyed and opened.
  • A house made of log walls is presented in the form of wood, which by nature has sufficient strength. A 150 mm thick timber is a very reliable barrier.

From the point of view of strength and durability, the timber option is much better.

Price difference

Most important point for any developer - price policy, namely the total cost of housing. This criterion is very important and it is he who guides the future owner of the building.

For some reason, the majority of the population believes that it is much lower in cost than one built from beams, but this is not at all the case. If you look at it well, then the price for both options is approximately at the same level.

You can verify this by examining each of them in more detail:

  • Firstly, the timber is not as expensive as advertisements from different companies suggest, since there is more than enough material and production is developed at a good level.
  • Secondly, the timber does not require various additional work and exterior decoration, thanks to its beautiful and aesthetic appearance... While for frame buildings, both internal and external finishing are required.
  • Thirdly, frame structures require immediate payment for both material and facing works due to the short construction time. The costs of a house from a bar can be easily distributed over two seasons, since the lines of its construction are somewhat longer.

Advice! If we consider both materials in completely identical projects, then the timber option can be much more profitable in cost.

Calculation of the cost of a log house

The cost of this house consists only of the wood price. By itself, this material is more expensive than the frame, but much lower in cost with complete set insulating materials. However, this case applies only to solid bars. If we are talking about high-tech projects with use, then construction will incur costs slightly higher than the foreseen level.

Advice! The construction can become more expensive only if the exterior decoration is additionally made on the glued beams.

When it comes to pricing for laminated veneer lumber or frame, there are a number of important factors in favor of the first option:

  1. When building a house from a bar, all funds are spent on purchasing glued beams, not counting the costs of laying the foundation. Regardless of its high price, which is fully reimbursed by the absence of costs for wall cladding.
  2. Glued timber, designed according to the latest technology, and a specialist is strongly not recommended to carry out its finishing, especially since the timber has natural beauty and style. Therefore, the developer will significantly save on the purchase of finishing materials, which will significantly reduce the final cost of housing.
  3. The glued beams are designed according to the tire-groove system, in which all the constituent elements of the structure are tightly connected to each other. Houses made of this material do not require installation of heat and waterproofing layers.

If we compare the costs of cladding material, thermal insulation, decoration and the work of craftsmen for frame housing, then log buildings as a result, can be much cheaper.

Calculating the cost of a frame house

The cost of timber frame housing is made up of the following materials:

  • Wood.
  • Hydro and thermal insulation.
  • Facade work.
  • Decoration Materials.

Frame houses will be cheaper in price if they are made according to old technologies, while there was no large assortment of materials. Modern material has a low competitive price, but for long-term work, such a technology will be too expensive in heating and building maintenance.

When building houses from this material, additional heat-insulating, waterproof, noise-absorbing and wind barrier materials are now used. They are the ones who form the structure wall structures from multiple layers. Due to the set of these materials, costs increase several times.

The total cost of buildings depends on the material that will be used for the construction vertical posts, horizontal strapping, etc. In this situation, it can be used as ordinary timber and metal profiles.

Advice! If any metal is used to create a housing frame, then its cost will instantly increase by about 20-30%.

The presence of various nuances in the technology of erecting structures from a frame requires special knowledge, which increases costs due to the cost of specialists.

Advice! The price for 1 m2 of frame-panel building depends on the choice of insulation material and cladding. For example, if you use SIP panels, then the house will be built faster, and its cost will be lower, and quite the opposite, when you use OSB panels.

Difference in construction complexity

From point of view construction works materials should be analyzed in accordance with the following points:

  1. Construction speed.
  2. Ease of operation.
  3. The time required for construction from the very beginning to its commissioning.

In terms of speed, the frame house bypasses the timber one several times. The construction of the building takes place very quickly, and due to the use of dried wood, after commissioning, you can immediately enter.

Timber house it takes a little longer to build due to such moments:

  • Housing requires solid foundation, which takes about 5-7 days.
  • The laying of elements is carried out individually, if you do not use a constructor for the house.
  • Editing requires more concentration of attention, accuracy and time.

Advice! You can enter a house from a bar immediately after commissioning, but finishing can only be carried out after a few months, since it takes time for the building to shrink.

There are two options for building a house from beams:

  1. Made of profiled material with special grooves, which is very easy to lay.
  2. From unplaned beams, which are low in price, but with more laborious installation and finishing. Plus, they require additional thermal insulation.

Advice! A house from not planed material should withstand about a year while it settles, and from profiled material - about 6 months.

Eco-friendliness comparison

Giving preference to a certain type of housing, the parameters of its safety are important for a person. They cause great chagrin modern materials for finishing frame-panel buildings. They do not at all meet the required indicators and environmental standards, therefore, the timber this indicator outperforms the frame.

The timber structure perfectly retains heat inside the room. Therefore, the cost of heating a log house will be lower than that of a frame building with high level heat transfer.

Comparison of structural and architectural capabilities

When the construction of a house is planned according to a complex project with different geometric elements or configurations irregular in shape, then frame option is in the lead, since the technology of such a construction option provides for the creation of unusual, complex and interesting structures.

Timber structures are somewhat simpler, but they are not inferior at all in terms of beauty and their natural airy forms. By using modern technologies you can create more complex elements it just takes a little longer. For laying timber, there are specially designed fasteners that allow you to apply your imagination to this material to the maximum.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of a frame house


  1. Construction speed.
  2. Low cost of materials.
  3. No shrinkage.
  4. Resistance to natural factors.
  5. One-time payment for construction.
  6. Lack of expensive foundation.


  1. The service life is 25-30 years.
  2. High costs for Decoration Materials.
  3. For styling, specialists who know all the nuances of technology are required.

The advantages of a log house


  1. Reliable and durable walls.
  2. The service life is over 80 years.
  3. Easy to install, no additional workers required.
  4. Material costs can be split over two seasons thanks to the phased construction option.
  5. Does not require facade finishing.
  6. Possesses excellent thermal insulation.


  1. It is necessary to wait for shrinkage.
  2. It takes a lot of time to build.


Building a house is a very important matter, which should be approached with the utmost seriousness and care. Each developer independently determines which material should be given more preference. According to all the information provided, preference is given to construction from a bar.

Advice! When choosing a material for construction, take into account the climatic conditions of the territory where the house will be located. In addition, pay attention to the GOST standards, which perfectly describe the norms for the construction of various buildings.

For many decades, the debate about which house is better - a frame or from a bar has not subsided. In this article, the specialists of the Russian Stroechka company will try to determine the criteria by which a house can be evaluated, and then they will compare houses from a bar and frame structures. This will help you evaluate the pros and cons of each option and make the right choice.

Criteria for evaluation

To evaluate each house, we suggest using the following characteristics:

  • price;
  • the complexity of construction;
  • heat loss;
  • resistance to external influences;
  • microclimate in the house;
  • the complexity of the repair of load-bearing walls.

Construction cost - which is cheaper than frame or timber?

The construction of a frame house is 25-35% cheaper than the construction of a building from a bar. This is due to the fact that the main material for a frame house is a well-dried edged board, which is 2-3 times cheaper than a bar. In addition, the cost of glued or profiled timber is slightly higher than that of sawn or double timber. Read about what a double bar is in the article. Such a difference in cost arises due to the fact that the production of edged boards and edged beams is carried out using the same technology, but the timber takes 3-5 times more. Double bar produced using a more complex technology, but the material costs are comparable to those that go to the construction of a frame house. produced from sawn timber waste, but using a more complex technology, which implies a large number of operations, which ultimately increases the final cost of laminated veneer lumber.

When building a frame house, you have to buy insulation and sheathing. In most cases, mineral wool, granular polystyrene or polystyrene foam are used as insulation. Such materials are cheaper than a bar, in addition, in order to save money, a bar of a small section is used, which then has to be insulated. This allows the difference in price to be slightly reduced, but it is never less than 20%. According to this parameter, a frame house is better than a house made of timber.

Complexity of construction

A house from a bar is much easier to build due to the fact that it has fewer elements. Unlike a house made of timber, the construction of a frame building requires a huge number of elements - vertical load-bearing frame boards, horizontal and diagonal jumpers, as well as metal corners, which play the role of connecting elements. After the frame has been erected, it will have to be filled with insulation and covered with cladding, which further increases the complexity of the work. For this parameter, a house from a bar is better frame structure.

Heat loss

In terms of heat loss, it is difficult to compare with frame ones, because this parameter depends on many factors. If we compare houses with the same wall thickness, then the heat loss of a frame building will be 50–90% lower. This is due to the fact that the thermal conductivity of wood is much higher than insulation materials, therefore, with the same wall thickness in a frame house, it is warmer. For this parameter, the frame house better structure from a bar, because it is noticeably warmer in winter with the same or even lower construction costs.

Resistance to external influences

Under external influence means wind, flood, earthquake, fire. By this parameter, it is difficult to compare wireframe and log houses because it depends on the measures taken to increase the strength and rigidity of the structure. In log houses, shrinkage compensators and wooden wedges connecting adjacent crowns are used as such a measure. In frame houses, to increase rigidity and strength, the number of diagonal lintels is increased, which, together with the vertical (bearing) and horizontal boards, form a triangle. Resistance to fire also depends not on the type of house, but on the correct processing of the lumber. Wind resistance depends on the foundation and the attachment of the bottom board to it. A properly constructed frame and timber house can withstand wind gusts up to 50 meters per second without damage. How will they behave at home with more strong wind, unknown. After all, a wind of such strength is extremely rare.

Microclimate in the house

By this parameter, a house made of timber is much better. After all, wood is much more efficient at absorbing excess moisture in rooms and bringing it out than a combination of wood, insulation and sheathing. For this reason, it is necessary to install systems of natural and forced ventilation that will not only fill the rooms with oxygen, but also remove excess moisture. Because of this, the costs of creating ventilation in frame houses are several times higher. To create a normal microclimate in a house from a bar, it is enough to open the window. If a house from a bar is insulated from the outside, then it is necessary to create the same ventilation system in it as in a frame structure, because the vapor permeability of the combination wood-insulation-sheathing is much less than that of a bar. For this parameter better at home from a bar, but with a reservation - this applies to houses from a bar of sufficient thickness, which do not need additional insulation.

The complexity of the repair of load-bearing walls

The load-bearing walls of any wooden house have to be periodically repaired. In frame houses, for this, the sheathing is removed, the insulation is removed and the damaged load-bearing, horizontal or diagonal board is replaced. Then the insulation is installed in place and the wall is covered with sheathing. Such work does not require special equipment, but only a highly qualified carpenter can carry it out. In a house from a bar, they use a different technology - the crowns above the damaged bar are raised with a special jack, the faulty bar is removed and the same one is laid in its place, only a whole one. Difficulties arise if, during the construction of a house, the crowns were connected with wooden wedges or shrinkage compensators. Therefore, a frame house is better in this parameter, because it is much easier to repair.


We showed the main characteristics wooden houses... According to one of these characteristics, houses made of timber are better, according to others, frame structures are better. Therefore, it cannot be said that a frame house is better or worse than a house made of timber, it is just different. These are houses of different classes. Frame house- inexpensive, practical, easier to repair, but the organization of the correct microclimate requires additional efforts. A log house is more expensive, more prestigious, with correct construction he independently, without additional efforts or financial investments, organizes a good microclimate in the rooms. Therefore, in some conditions, a house from a bar will turn out to be better than a frame structure, but in some it is vice versa.

Construction of houses from lightweight materials recent times got wide use... This technology allows you to quickly erect walls and basic structures without the use of heavy construction equipment.

By using lightweight materials, significant savings can be made on foundations, the cost of which can be approximately 30% of the cost of the entire building. To understand which house is better, frame or timber-built, it is worth considering the features and advantages of each option.

What are the main features worth considering

Certain indicators are extremely important for a building. Before starting construction, it is worth deciding on the approximate amount that can be spent on work, it also all depends on the expected results. When deciding which house is better, you need to answer the following questions for yourself:

  • you need a building "for centuries" or housing for one generation;
  • in what climatic region the construction is planned, how severe the winters are here;
  • is there a desire to independently understand the intricacies of the construction process;
  • what aesthetic requirements are imposed on the house, whether it will fit into the surrounding environment.

Having answered all these questions for yourself, you can begin to study the advantages and disadvantages and choice the best option.

This construction technology has been used for a long time. She managed to gain trust and popularity among the population. The advantages of making a house from a bar include:

  • environmental friendliness and safety for health;
  • good ventilation, provided that the facing and thermal insulation materials(the walls of a wooden house "breathe";
  • attractive price for wood, availability of this material;
  • the ability to refuse finishing, both external and internal, provided that full complex works to protect the walls of a house from a bar from negative factors environment(moisture, fungus, mold, etc.);
  • reducing the load on the foundations and their cost, there is no need to arrange powerful supports for a wooden building, even on weak soils, screw metal piles may be enough.

Sectional diagram of the wall and floor

But besides the advantages, buildings made of timber have their own disadvantages. In many ways, they are expressed by the properties of wood. The disadvantages include the following features:

  • Wall shrinkage... A log house must be left unfinished for 1-2 years. During this time, the height of the walls decreases. An exception to this rule will be a glued timber building. But in this case, it is better to wait a couple of months before finishing work. If this feature is not taken into account, the finish will be damaged during the period of active shrinkage of the wall material.
  • Restrictions on the choice of thermal insulation materials... A building made of timber is not recommended to be insulated with foam or expanded polystyrene. These materials are characterized by low vapor permeability and air permeability. They create a greenhouse effect inside the building. Some of the positive properties of wood as a wall material are lost in this case. For thermal insulation, mineral wool is suitable, which has good vapor permeability.
  • The need to eliminate cracks and caulking walls... Lumber walls dry out over time. At the same time, gaps appear between the individual crowns, into which penetrates cold air... To prevent such a phenomenon, it is required to carefully dig the building even at the construction stage. It is highly likely that the procedure will have to be repeated during operation.
  • High fire hazard... Wood is highly flammable and burns quickly.

    A log house can pose a serious danger when neighboring buildings are ignited, as well as during forest fires. To increase the resistance of the material to fire, special impregnations are used. Such substances are called fire retardants. But it is important to remember that they cannot guarantee complete safety, but will only increase the time for evacuating people.

Cracking of the timber does not add aesthetics to the facade, and can also cause cold bridges.

Many disadvantages of buildings from a bar are deprived of buildings from glued material. When deciding which house is better, it is worth remembering the disadvantages of glued timber:

  • Availability in the composition chemical substances, which significantly reduce the environmental friendliness of the building. It is important to control that components that are harmful to human health are not used during production.
  • High price. Building made of laminated veneer lumber can be more expensive brick house... Here, all the advantages of relatively less powerful foundations come to naught. The construction price is often grossly and unreasonably high.

The advantages of glued material deservedly include high strength. But in private construction, it is rarely necessary to block large openings. The high costs often don't pay off.

When deciding which house is better, it is worth considering the construction time. A house made of timber will be warm, durable and reliable, but it will take several years to build and decorate it. All the advantages of this option are relevant only if the technology for performing the work is observed.

This technology has been used relatively recently. The option has not yet managed to be trusted, many are suspicious of it. Often these suspicions are completely in vain.

The frame option, subject to construction, can become a reliable home for the whole family. The advantages of this construction method are many:

  • No shrinkage... Exactly the same wood as in the previous case can be used as a frame. But the important difference lies in the spatial arrangement. Across the fibers, the material gives a fairly strong shrinkage, and along it is practically zero. When installing the frame racks vertically, it is possible to solve the most main problem wooden houses.
  • Frame type buildings are inexpensive... It is possible to save money both on the material of the walls and on the foundations. The walls are not completely laid out of wood, the use of a frame allows you to reduce the consumption of materials.
  • The frame version is assembled quickly without the use of special equipment... Unlike a block building, the work can be done alone. It is difficult but feasible.
  • The wall consists of a frame, insulation and sheathing... After the walls are erected, an already insulated structure with a flat base for finishing is obtained. There is no need to further level the surface or remove various defects... This reduces both labor and time costs.
  • The frame house allows you to easily lay communications or wires in the walls... In a wooden building for this, you will have to provide for special gaps between the wall and the finish or lay the wiring in an open way.
  • The walls of the building are thin... This allows not only to reduce the consumption of materials, but also to increase the usable area of ​​the building.
  • The frame option involves work at any time of the year... It is only important that the temperature does not drop below minus 15 degrees. All processes are carried out without water, the site remains relatively clean.

When choosing which option is better in an earthquake-prone area, no doubt it is worth giving the palm to the frame house.

The frame house provides reliable protection by cold... Thanks to thin and light walls it heats up quickly. But it is also worth remembering about the rapid cooling. The option is perfect for both permanent residence and quality country house... If necessary frame type buildings can be moved to another site. But such a possibility should be provided even at the design stage.

What to choose

If there is a choice, which option is better, if you need to quickly build a house, then you should give preference to the frame one. More monumental buildings, on the other hand, are made from wood. They can serve for more than one generation, provided that they were correctly designed and built.

It is better to entrust the project of a building from a bar to professionals. They will be able to pick up optimal thickness walls for reasons of heating technology and strength. It is also necessary to perform a full calculation of the foundations.

A frame building is an option for one generation. If built well, it can last longer, but the original idea is this. The option is perfect for summer cottage construction, but this does not mean that it is not suitable for permanent residence.

When choosing, it is important to take into account the seasonality of operation. If wooden house do not use half of the winter, and then move to it, it will take a lot of time to warm up. The frame will warm up faster, so it is good during breaks in living.

It is also worth considering the aesthetic features. The timber always looks attractive and presentable. If necessary, a frame house can be easily given any look. Modern finishing materials open up a huge scope for creativity and experimentation.

The decision is always made in individually depending on the conditions and preferences of the future owner.

Let's divide the note into the following introductory blocks for ease of reading and drawing conclusions:

Price and delivery of the house kit

What is more profitable to build - a timber or a frame? Many people are asking this question. First, let's consider what the cost of the final project depends on:

  • The cost, first of all, depends on the size of the project and your appetites and budget - what more house, the more expensive it is, the higher the ceilings, the more floors, etc.
  • The price of a house also depends on the purpose of using the house. You have to decide what you need a house for - for summer residence, seasonal or permanent, of course, permanent residence is ideal for all seasons a priori, such a house can be used comfortably both in summer and in winter. I also ask you not to forget that when more insulation of the project (whether it be floors, rafters of a beam and its thickness or insulation of a frame house as a whole), your heating bill also depends.
  • Delivery - remoteness from the manufacturer can also play a big role in the final cost of the house, of course, delivery is more than relevant for remote regions - Murmansk, Crimea, Tatarstan - for example, delivery to Murmansk at a house 9x9 under permanent place residence can vary from 240,000 to 300,000 rubles. - on this topic not so long ago, who have not read, check out.

The total cost of the house with the assembly of the project at the customer's site for permanent residence from a profiled bar, or in a frame design at the customer's site, is often equal. House price from prof. timber 150x150mm is comparable to the price of a frame project with walls under 250-300mm ...

Construction time:

Cottage or country house made of profiled timber with frame attic it is assembled slightly faster than a wireframe project, which can be a small plus in bad weather conditions.

Form factors of construction

Profiled timber can be ordered in three possible configurations:

  • For shrinkage of materials chamber drying or natural moisture
  • Turnkey made of materials of chamber drying, or natural moisture (under your responsibility, you must understand about possible consequences such a purchase: from fungal foci, to uneven shrinkage). It is important to pay attention to the fact that turnkey houses are put in combined version- the first floor is always prof. timber, attic is always frame.
  • Partially finished house tailored to your budget

Frame projects are also available in three trim levels:

  • Frame of the frame, with possible cross-insulation, as in the catalog Finnish houses, with exterior decoration and roofing, or without finishing at all
  • The frame is medium - outside the house is completely ready, windows and external doors are present, but inside the project is insulated, closed with vapor barrier, without any finishing. This option is optimal for people who want to decorate the house on their own.
  • Complete frame - a fully finished turnkey frame house, excluding communications, but with possible mortgages for water and electricity

As you can see, any technology can be tailored to your budget and stretch the construction and spending on the house.

Housekeeping, pros and cons of timber and frame:

Several advantages of a frame house in terms of operation:

  • Frame house a priori warmer at home from a profiled bar with the minimum permissible insulation for the region and competent work in the field (be it design or assembly)
  • Frame house easily repaired
  • In any wireframe project from the materials of chamber drying, you can immediately live, heat, not wait for the shrinkage of the house, which in fact is absent in the frame house
  • The ideal geometry of the walls when choosing a planed material, again, the geometry of the walls does not change, unlike a timber wall, which can crack, burst, regardless of drying and shrinkage
  • At any time you can change the design of the walls, cladding, etc., without "dancing with tambourines" around the timber walls, without any floating beacons, etc.
  • Easy possibility of mortgages for hidden electrics
  • Practically monolithic walls without joints, all joints of insulation and wood in our configurations are additionally insulated
  • At good insulation at home from 200 / 250mm in central Russia and the North-West of our country you will receive ridiculous bills when heating your house with an electric boiler, not to mention gas heating or combined heating with a stove or fireplace. I heat my house with 18 kV boiler of the Polish company Kospel and live in the house all year round, in my house there are 23 batteries, of which no more than half work with periodic switching on from the sensor, there is also a 200-liter OSO boiler, an induction oven and a kettle, which we use all the time - so we pay about 5000-7000 rubles per month in winter for everything, with gas heating, the volume would be 3 times less! If you chose and insulated it by 250mm, the bills will be 2 times less (my family lives in a house with a larger area).

Cons of frame houses:

  • Personally, I cannot single out large and capacious drawbacks in frame houses, the only drawback that can be easily blocked in advance is the drying out of the finish, and if you paint the walls after installation, then after the first winter (for indoor) and summer (for outdoor) You will see unpainted locks for imitation of a bar - the issue can be easily solved by painting an imitation of a bar "on the ground", or painting grooves and locks in advance. In my house, I painted everything on the walls, all the walls in my house are either whitish or white, after the finish dried up, we repainted only 1 room, in other rooms the grooves fit into the style. Why does drying take place, you ask - after all, finishing of chamber drying? Yes, finishing in a chamber drying, but after the very first winter, the humidity of the interior finishing will drop to 8-9 percent, which will correspond to the furniture humidity, with all the consequences.
  • Any new holes in the walls and penetrations must be made as correctly as possible, if in a bar of a house you can easily cut a penetration under coaxial pipe boiler or for supply ventilation, then it is advisable to foresee everything in the frame in advance so that we make all the holes ourselves - we did everything beautifully with competent penetrations, glued vapor barrier and other points. If you do it yourself, then simply "drilling" of the walls will not be enough, you will need to remove the imitation of the timber locally (with our groove it is as simple as possible, on any crown), and make the correct penetration with gluing, otherwise the insulation around the penetration will come to disrepair.
  • The house does not breathe - any frame house should not breathe, inside the walls are sewn up with a vapor barrier, so that steam from the room and saturated air does not enter the insulation. This minus is easily solved. forced ventilation and natural ventilation- a penny question.
  • Some customers talk about the dangers of insulation in frame houses - I ask you not to pay any attention to the insulation at all, any insulation is closed on 2 sides with films (wind protection and vapor barrier) and you will never come into contact with it, just do not forget that in the same house from a bar, you will find the same insulation in the ceilings and the roof.
  • A frame house requires more attention to the assembly of units than a timber frame, but unlike a timber, it is more maintainable. Again, we carry out total control over all remote objects - new technologies allow, and we do not hire temporary workers, each foreman is responsible for his house with work, as we are responsible to the customer with almost unlimited warranty obligations.

The advantages of operating and living in a profiled bar:

  • Profiled timber - an array with all the consequences (walls breathe, excellent indoor climate)
  • No wall trim from profiled timber is required
  • A tribute to tradition

Cons of operating a house from a profiled bar:

  • Array of walls - above noted that this is a plus? But this is also a minus, including the profiled beam can burst and crack, live its own life separate from you with all the consequences - alas, this is so, but correct assembly, Availability the right amount dowels minimize these consequences, but do not exclude them by 100%
  • Profiled timber 150x150 is a breakaway point for permanent residence, the thicker the timber, the better and warmer, but the rise in price by the 200-250th timber in comparison with the insulation of the frame will be significant, because not only cubic capacity will be added to the material, but also delivery
  • Number of joints in the outer walls. Any joint with uneven shrinkage can become a cold bridge, this is one of the biggest disadvantages of any house made of wood, in contrast to a frame house, where the insulation is almost monolithic.
  • A house from a bar requires attention and periodic maintenance many times more often than a frame house

Conclusions, and what would I end up building again?

If viewed under year-round residence with an attic, I would again opt for a frame house made of kiln-dried and gouging materials, with insulation 250 / 300mm. With regards to the house made of profiled timber - I still refer the house data to summer cottages or seasonal, but many will disagree with me, for example, our leading manager from St. Petersburg Dmitry Pestov lives in a house made of profiled timber 150x150mm in full 2 ​​floors, his floors are insulated with PPU, he lived in a house without external insulation for 2 years and paid for heating like me, having a house area 2 times less, this year he insulated the house and is more than happy. Of course, it's up to you and we do not insist on any decision, we build houses from profiled timber and frame houses with love, but what I will always insist on is materials for chamber drying and gouging, do not skimp on configurations!