Reinforced pipes for heating. Polypropylene pipes for heating: fiberglass and foil reinforced

Today, pipe products reinforced with fiberglass are successfully replacing the usual metal structures and are used to transport hot coolant in water supply and heating systems. Reinforcement gives the pipes the necessary resistance to high pressure and temperature.

Modern materials for the manufacture of pipes - polypropylene today are widely used for various pipeline systems.

They are affordable, easy to install and hygienic. But they have one significant drawback: under the constant influence of high temperatures and high pressure, especially if they act simultaneously, they quickly deform and wear out.

Such pipes are extremely susceptible to linear expansion, i.e. elongation and sagging during temperature changes, therefore it is not always advisable to use them in heating systems.

In order to increase the service life of pipes and their wear resistance and reduce the coefficient of thermal expansion, a reinforcement method is used, i.e. strengthening the walls with more heat-resistant materials that create a strong frame inside the pipe and prevent it from lengthening.

Types of reinforcement of PPR pipes

To strengthen polypropylene pipes using the reinforcement method, the following materials are used:

  • fiberglass is located inside the pipe;
  • aluminum can strengthen the pipe walls from the inside or outside, or it can be soldered between polypropylene layers.

Both types of reinforced pipes are suitable for installing a heating system in an individual residential building, as well as for connecting to a centralized system. But builders generally prefer fiberglass reinforced pipes because they are easier to install.

Note! The reinforcement with the help of a composite, that is, a mixture of fiberglass and polypropylene, gives even greater strength to the reinforced pipes. This creates a solid structure at the molecular level.

Glass fiber reinforced pipe structure

Fiberglass is a material that began to be used for reinforcement later than aluminum foil.

Gone are the days when water and sewer pipes were made of metal. Modern pipes are made from plastic polymers. This material is hygienic and easy to install, and its service life reaches 50 years. There are a great many different types of plastics. The most common are polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE). Polypropylene pipes can also be reinforced (PPR) and unreinforced. The abbreviation PPRC means that in front of you is a reinforced polypropylene pipe.

Features of reinforced polypropylene pipes

Advantages of reinforced polypropylene pipes

Disadvantages of polypropylene pipes

  • Sun rays negatively affect the structure of polymers, therefore, polypropylene pipes cannot be used outdoors
  • linear expansion polymer reinforced pipes 2 times the expansion of metal pipes

In this regard, reinforced polypropylene pipes are used in the system hot water supply. They are produced by double coextrusion. A layer of thermoplastic polymer is applied to the reinforcing frame under high pressure from the outside and inside. In air, the plastic hardens, resulting in a strong bond with the rigid frame.

This applies to all types of polymers, both PVC, and polypropylene and other varieties. However, the technological properties of reinforcing pipes vary considerably. It depends on what material it is made of reinforcing frame. Most often, either aluminum foil or fiberglass is used as a frame. Aluminum-reinforced pipes have less thermal expansion. The diffusion barrier prevents free oxygen from penetrating through the pipe walls, therefore, calcium does not settle, which means that the walls of the boiler and radiators are not oxidized.

Glass fiber reinforced pipes (PPR-FB -PPR) have fiberglass strands brazed into polypropylene as a frame. These are three-layer structures consisting of an outer polypropylene layer, a fiberglass reinforcing layer and an inner polypropylene layer. As a result of extrusion, all three layers are sintered into a single crust and form a very strong pipe body. Such pipes more plastic than pipes reinforced with aluminum. In addition, the radius of the latter is limited to 63 mm, and the former reaches 125 mm in diameter.

The only drawback of fiberglass-reinforced pipes is that they are smaller than those of aluminum-reinforced pipes. resistance to internal pressure. In this regard, for their fastening, it is necessary to use a larger number of fasteners. It is possible to install polypropylene pipes using glued couplings (glue is applied to the coupling and part of the pipe, and then within 15 seconds the glue “grabs” the coupling), but this method is not considered reliable. You can use press fittings for metal-plastic pipes, but diffusion welding is considered the most reliable method, when the pipe and the melted sleeve form a single body.

Due to the high popularity of reinforced pipes among consumers, some manufacturers, in order to reduce the cost of the final product, use in the production process low quality raw materials. Moreover, in appearance, it is almost impossible to distinguish a quality product from a fake. Fiberglass comes in a variety of colors, so you shouldn't be guided by its shade. The seller of polypropylene reinforced pipes must have a certificate, and he must also allow the buyer to check the condition of the product by external inspection. Fasteners must also be of high quality, in particular, they must include brass. Only high quality polypropylene pipes have a strong connection and anti-corrosion properties.

Pipe markings and their indicators

The latest development in the plastics industry is high temperature polypropylene "Random copolymer"(PPRC type 3). Its main advantages are:

Below are the main physical and mechanical properties of PPRC material (type 3).

Pipes made of PPRC polymer type 3 can be used as piping networks for cold and hot drinking water in residential buildings and office buildings; for the operation of installations using compressed air; in heating networks; as a pipeline for agricultural needs; in an industrial pipeline network.

Consider technical characteristics of PP-R pipes three-layer fiberglass-reinforced FIBER (PN 20).

Name Manufacturer country Maximum working pressure Maximum working temperature Estimated service life Outside diameter Price, diameter 40 mm, length 1 m
VALTEC Italy 20 bar 95 0 C 50 years 20−63 mm 170 rubles
Ekoplastik Czech 25 bar 80 0 C 50 years 16-125 mm 365 rubles
FV-Plast Czech 20 bar 95 0 C 50 years 16-110 mm 180 rubles
Kalde Turkey 20 bar 90 0 C 50 years 20-110 mm 111.72 rubles
Banninger Germany 20 bar 90 0 C 50 years 20-125 mm 188 rubles
YarInterPlast Russia 20 bar 110 0 C 50 years 20-110 mm 137.25 rubles

Glass fiber reinforced polypropylene pipes ideal for systems autonomous heating and hot water supply. However, in order to make the most of the best qualities of this material, the manufacturer's recommendations must be followed. Also, in order to avoid contact of water with the reinforcing middle layer, a special facing tool must be used during installation.

On the Internet, users leave many positive reviews about polypropylene pipes.

Fiberglass Reinforced Pipes Installation

More recently, mainly traditional or steel were used for. But the appearance of polypropylene products has significantly shaken the leadership position of metal products. Fiberglass-reinforced pipes began to be strengthened especially in the market. Why do consumers increasingly prefer these kinds of polypropylene products? What are their advantages? And are there any fundamental disadvantages? To your attention not only the answers to the questions asked, but also the main subtleties of choosing pipes reinforced with fiberglass.

Benefits of pipes

Polypropylene pipes reinforced with a fiberglass frame have a number of advantages that make them attractive for use in a heating system:

Disadvantages of pipes

The disadvantages of polypropylene heating pipes with fiberglass reinforcement are much less than the advantages, but they should not be overlooked either.

  • The coating of products can be damaged by ultraviolet rays, therefore it is not recommended to install them in open space - it is advisable to mount pipes in solid foundations: in floors or walls.
  • Pipes reinforced with fiberglass are characterized by low resistance to internal pressure - according to this indicator, they are inferior to similar polypropylene products with an aluminum frame.

Advice. To prevent fiberglass pipes from deforming under high pressure, mount them using as many fasteners as possible - if the product is not firmly fixed, it will simply sag.

  • The external rigidity of the fiberglass frame is slightly less than the rigidity of the aluminum frame, therefore such pipes are not very resistant to severe mechanical damage.

Since the popularity of reinforced pipes is growing at an incredible pace, some unscrupulous manufacturers use low-quality fiberglass in order to reduce costs and increase production. In order not to fall for the trick of such manufacturers and not to lose your money, be sure to ask the seller for quality certificates of the offered polypropylene products.

Pipe selection: dimensions and pressure

Even the highest quality pipes will be able to fully demonstrate their merits only on one condition: if they are correctly selected for a specific heating system. And for this you need to take into account two most important parameters: size and pressure - they directly affect the conditions in which this or that product can be used.

Polypropylene pipes and fittings

So, given the inner diameter, there are three functional groups of pipes:

  • for central or autonomous heating systems - with a diameter of 20-50 mm;
  • for risers - with a diameter of 10-75 mm;
  • for underfloor heating - with a diameter of 16-90 mm.

Most commonly, standard heating systems use pipes with an inner diameter of 20-25 mm. The maximum outer diameter can be up to 1200mm.

Advice. When deciding on the specific indicators of the outer and inner diameters of pipes, take into account the throughput of the heating system in which they will be installed.

As for the pressure, here you should pay attention to the marking of the pipes - it makes it clear what the maximum pressure of the system can withstand specific reinforced polypropylene products:

  • PN-10 - 1 MPa;
  • PN-20 - 2 MPa;
  • PN-25 - 2.5 MPa.

Important! Do not buy pipes marked PN-6 - they are not suitable for the heating system.

As you can see, fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes are a worthy alternative not only to the usual metal products, but also to many innovative products. They are easy to install, environmentally friendly, resistant to very high temperatures and have a solid service life - these qualities make pipes an ideal material for organizing a functional and durable heating system.

Polypropylene pipes and fittings: video

Polypropylene pipes for heating: photo

According to its technical characteristics, polypropylene is a versatile building material that is used for the installation and reconstruction of industrial facilities, public and residential premises.

Currently, polypropylene reinforced pipes are widely used for the installation of heating, water supply and sanitary facilities. In many respects, they are significantly superior to similar products made from other materials.

Main characteristics of polypropylene pipes with fiberglass

Reinforced plastic pipes are more convenient and reliable in operation than conventional polypropylene pipes. When heated, polypropylene pipes grow and lose the required rigidity. Therefore, fiberglass is used to enhance the rigidity and durability of products. Fiberglass products are more resistant to extreme temperatures and aggressive substances.

Polypropylene pipes fiberglass reinforced by extrusion, in the process of which a three-layer structure is formed. The outer and inner layers are made of polypropylene, the inner layer is made of fiberglass.

Fiberglass reinforces the pipe structure. Such products have increased strength and ductility. They are not prone to delamination, as they have an integral structure. The fiberglass layer is organically fused into the polypropylene.

Advantages of reinforced polypropylene pipes

  • have anti-corrosion properties;
  • withstand high working pressure;
  • resistant to weathering;
  • low level of hydraulic resistance;
  • environmentally friendly.

Polypropylene pipes reinforced with fiberglass can operate at temperatures from -50 to +350 degrees and have a service life of about 50 years. Reinforced models are marked as PPP-FB-PPR.

Features of the installation of polypropylene products

There are several types of welding:

  • polyfusion (coupling), pipes with a diameter of no more than 63 mm are used;
  • butt (flanged), diameter not less than 63 mm;
  • using electro-fittings.

Fiberglass products cannot be bent, therefore, tees and angles are used for connection. Various structures are created from polypropylene pipes using fittings, which are subdivided by fastening methods, material of manufacture, etc.

According to the connection methods, they are distinguished:

  • flanged;
  • crimp;
  • threaded;
  • welded.

Polypropylene fittings are mainly welded and threaded, and have certain notches with which they establish their position during welding. For repairs in difficult conditions electrofusion fittings are used having an electric heater.

In the process of installing the pipeline, a certain order of work is observed. Since the structure of the products does not contain metal, the elements necessary in size are measured and cut off with nippers.

With insufficient heating the joints will be unreliable, and when overheated, deformation of the structure occurs. The installation of the product must be carried out at an air temperature of at least 5 degrees.

In order to avoid contact of water with fiberglass in the water supply system and a possible adverse effect on human health, trimmers are used during the installation of the pipeline. With their help, the inner reinforced layers are cut to a shallow depth. During the heating of the pipe and its welding, the outer layers are melted and cover the middle. Resulting in contact of fiberglass with water is excluded and at the same time the quality of the installation is improved.

The disadvantage of fiberglass structures is that they have a lower resistance to internal pressure. Therefore, more fasteners must be used during the installation process. At the same time they have low thermal conductivity, which allows you to maintain the temperature of the coolant.

When heated, fiberglass has a greater expansion compared to an aluminum layer (by 5-6%). However, the process of installing such a pipeline is made much easier than for models with aluminum reinforcement and does not require additional processing of products. Resulting in saves installation time and additional costs, while the quality of work is not reduced.

The fields of application of polypropylene reinforced pipes are characterized by wide versatility. The traditional direction is the use in plumbing, sewerage or heating systems.

For sewage facilities, products are used with a length of about 4 m and a diameter of 16 mm to 125 mm, in water supply systems - with a diameter of up to 110 mm. For underfloor heating, products with a diameter of no more than 17 mm are used.

Polypropylene piping systems located under the roads are protected with reinforced concrete boxes. The advantage of reinforced products is that the material retains its integrity during freezing. They also do not form deposits.

Large diameter fiberglass products can be used in ventilation systems, since they are lightweight and do not create large loads on the wooden partitions of structures.

Fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes are widely used in agriculture - in drainage and irrigation systems. They are used as process pipelines for transporting liquids and gases that are not aggressive to the pipe material.

Fiberglass pipes are usually reinforced with fiberglass in various colors - orange, red, blue or green. Such a coloring pigment does not affect anything. A colored stripe can be applied on the longitudinal surface, which means that red is suitable for hot water supply, blue for cold water, and two at once - about the versatility of the model.

When choosing polypropylene pipes, you must be guided by the following parameters:

  • product diameter;
  • maximum temperature value;
  • limiting pressure value;
  • chemical exposure;
  • linear expansion.

Of great importance is the degree of the expected load on the pipes, the type of water supply, the main points of the installation of the heating system.

Polypropylene reinforced pipes in many respects and characteristics have established themselves as the most reliable and convenient in operation. At the same time, they are affordable, aesthetic and make it easy to create a modern and durable system of engineering communications.

Polypropylene in the construction industry is used for different tasks. However, the most useful and demanded area of ​​its application is the creation of pipes for heating and water supply systems.

It is from polypropylene that plastic modern pipelines are assembled. Fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes are especially popular, since the reviews and their characteristics are truly unique.

Purpose and application

Technical polypropylene samples are used to assemble mainly civilian pipelines. By itself, polypropylene has excellent properties, as well as good reviews. It does not react to corrosion, has a high working pressure and is very durable.

In terms of strength, this material is a cut above all other building polymers. However, strength is also achieved due to the rather impressive thickness of the pipe walls. For polypropylene samples, their thickness can reach 6-7 mm.

The only problem with such products is that polypropylene is able to expand due to thermal stress. In this case, the pipe not only increases in size, but also loses a substantial percentage of its rigidity.

It was to eliminate such problems that polypropylene products inside with fiberglass were invented. Their peculiarity is that there is a reinforcing layer of fiberglass inside the pipe. This is a kind of rigid frame for the pipe, which will hold the polymer in its normal state.

Products with aluminum reinforcement are also produced. They are also good and suitable for various jobs that are associated with the installation of pipelines. However, aluminum is not as reliable in limiting thermal expansion. But welding of pipes made of polypropylene reinforced with fiberglass in this regard is much more reliable.

It is worth noting that the developers have a special marking for fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes. The labeling is designed to make it easier for customers to do their job. Products made from ordinary polypropylene are marked with PP.

The PPR indicator is already a marking of a reinforced pipe. And PPRS is a polypropylene model that is reinforced with the latest development in this area. In their manufacture, a special copolymer is used, which qualitatively improves all the properties of the product.

Characteristics and properties

The characteristics of the glass fiber reinforced polypropylene pipe are its main advantage. Which, however, is quite natural.

PP pipe reinforced with fiberglass is able to withstand heavy loads. First of all, welding takes into account the increase in the rigidity and ductility of the product. Fiberglass works here as a stabilizing frame.

The operating temperature limit is also significantly increased. PPR tube reinforced with fiberglass can be operated without problems at temperatures from -50 to + 350 degrees. Moreover, in the specified range, the size and welding of the pipe will change only slightly. The average thermal expansion is only 1 centimeter per 1 meter.

With an increase in the working marks, the pipe will lose its rigidity, but only slightly. And the most important thing is that the inner reinforced layer of fiberglass threads will not allow it to burst, even if the critical indicators are exceeded.

The technical characteristics of the fiberglass reinforced pipe also allow their use in outdoor pipelines.

When working with ordinary materials, it is not recommended to use standard plastic products outside the building, since after several cycles of freezing and thawing there is a high chance of damage. But the plastic pipe reinforced with fiberglass does not expose such restrictions.

Another big plus is that the PPR pipe reinforced with fiberglass is much easier to install, the welding is better than its aluminum counterparts. When trimming models with aluminum reinforcement, they need to be further cleaned, calibrated and remnants of the metal sheet removed.

Fiberglass is introduced into the product by extrusion. As a result, welding provides a completely monolithic material that lends itself perfectly to various manipulations and is easy to work with.

Advantages and disadvantages

Based on the above properties, we can highlight the main pros and cons of polypropylene pipes with fiberglass reinforcement.

Main pluses:

  • Durability;
  • Corrosion resistance;
  • The minimum indicator of thermal expansion;
  • Increased structural rigidity and overall strength;
  • Simplified installation process;
  • Versatility;
  • Wide operating temperature range;
  • The price of a fiberglass-reinforced pipe, although higher than other polymer products, is still quite acceptable and justified.

As for the disadvantages, these products also have them and relate rather to diseases of most polymeric materials of this type.

The main cons:

  • With direct and prolonged contact with sunlight, the polymer begins to break down;
  • Linear expansion of this type of product is higher than that of metal.

Types and differences

There are several main types of such products. Each type has its own markings so that the welding corresponds to its working pressure. The higher this indicator, the stronger the welding, the more reliable and expensive the product.

  • Products with PN-10 marking can withstand a pressure of 10 bar and are used for equipment mainly in cold water supply systems. The price of PPR pipe reinforced with fiberglass PN-10 is 0.7-1 dollars per 1 m.
  • PN-16 pipelines withstand a pressure of 16 bar and are used to equip heating and water supply systems. The price of PP pipe reinforced with fiberglass of this type is at the level of 1-2 dollars per 1 running meter;
  • Products labeled PN-20 are considered the most popular and demanded. It is used to create circuits in underfloor heating systems, stationary heating systems, etc. These pipes are sold for 3-4 dollars per meter;
  • Polypropylene pipe PN 25 reinforced with fiberglass withstands pressure from 25 bar, is used as the main element for the assembly of central heating systems. The price of a PN25 pipe reinforced with fiberglass is 4-6 dollars per 1 m.
  • PPRS pipe reinforced with fiberglass, in essence, is not a separate type, but it would be a mistake not to indicate it here. As mentioned above, a high quality polymer is used in its creation, which significantly improves its performance. These products are very durable, resistant and elastic. Capable of dampening noise and vibration. You can buy them for $ 4-8.

It should be understood that the price of fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene products is largely determined by their thickness. A segment with a diameter of 16 mm will cost 2-2.5 times cheaper than a similar one with a diameter of 40 mm.

Welding of reinforced (PP) polypropylene pipes (video)

It is very easy to find polypropylene pipelines in the store. They differ from other plastic products in matte color with wall thickness. Reinforced samples are also distinguished by the fact that a line of a certain color can be seen in the center of the wall in the section. This is the reinforcement layer.

The color of this layer and of the polypropylene itself will tell you little about it. Each developer uses his own technologies and in this regard, the standards are almost not unified. However, be careful and remember that before you buy fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes, you need to make sure they are reliable.

The fact is that many manufacturers are trying to save their resources, therefore they produce products from recycled materials. It is quite obvious that in terms of quality they will be inferior to the original products. It is better to refuse to buy such products.

Make sure in advance that the seller has all the sales authorization certificates. The presence of documents almost always guarantees that you are buying genuine branded products that will serve you for more than a dozen years.

The increase in pressure is not critical, however, it reduces the possible duration of their service life. At the same time, the manufacturer can no longer guarantee their normal operation.

Pay attention to the diameter of the product, as well as the thickness of their walls. For example, polypropylene products reinforced with glass fiber 40 mm in diameter are more likely to be used for laying the main branches of water supply or heating.

However, it will not be profitable to buy it for the equipment of the entire system. For such purposes, samples with a diameter of 15-25 mm are better suited.

Remember that polypropylene products are of serious thickness. Therefore, a pipe with an outer diameter of 20 mm can have half the nominal size, which will certainly affect its throughput.