How can a timber wall be leveled? A wall of a bar - features of the construction of log structures Aligning the walls of an old log house with studs.

I continue to talk about building a house with my own hands, which is built from a profiled beam. Wood is a rather capricious material, so all sorts of nuances associated with the house can arise.
Today we will consider one of them, namely, the one that bent the walls out of the timber. In this video I will show one of the options for how to straighten the walls in wooden house... I will level the wall in a house from a bar with the help of a casing (casing)
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Aligning the walls in log house may be required after completion of the shrinkage period or several years after construction. It is quite difficult to achieve perfect styling, and after the walls dry out, the timber may turn out to be curved, and in front of fine finish you will have to carry out additional rough work. Aligning the walls log house can be carried out in several ways, most often such work is inexpensive.

Video: How to strengthen the wall of a wooden house

Overview of materials for leveling walls

To prepare the walls for decoration, you can use several types of materials, the choice depends on financial capabilities and on what kind of decoration is supposed to be used to create the interior. Most commonly used wireframe method however there are other options. Let's take a closer look at the most common solutions:

  • Plasterboard sheets. it inexpensive material, allowing you to eliminate unevenness of the surface and hide wires and other communications.
Alignment with gypsum board will allow you to prepare the walls for wallpapering, laying tiles and others finishing works, while the walls will become as even as possible. In this case, a frame made of a metal profile is attached to the walls, and screwed to it drywall sheets.
  • A similar option is to level timber walls with plywood sheets. They are stronger than drywall, in addition, you can purchase a moisture-resistant material that can be used in the kitchen and other rooms with high humidity.

Video: Aligning the walls of a log house

The plywood thickness for leveling is 6-9mm, thinner material may deform. For fastening, a frame and frameless method.

  • When decorating old houses, plaster can be used. Plastering solution makes it possible to level the surface from the inside and outside, it will prepare the house for decoration.

Feature for wooden walls will be the installation of an inclined frame made of so-called shingles - thin wooden planks, which are placed in several perpendicular layers. Without such a frame, the plaster simply will not stick to the wall.

Leveling options must be provided even at the construction stage so that the costs of this work are included in the estimate. Wall height one-storey house from a bar, on average, is about 3 meters (the net ceiling height in the room will be 2.7 m), and, knowing the size of the house, you can calculate how much it will take to cover the walls with plywood or lay other materials. Plywood can be simply painted, drywall will require additional finishing.

The main stages of wall alignment

Aligning walls from a bar with your own hands - part rough repair, which is carried out after shrinkage.

In the old house, the existing decoration is being removed from the walls. You also need to remove protruding nails and other traces of the previous owners.

The house needs to be caulked, the surface of the timber is treated with antiseptic solutions to prevent rotting.

Shouldn't be neglected careful preparation walls: after alignment, they will be hidden from view, and destructive processes will proceed unnoticed.

In the old house, you will also have to repair cracks in the timber; for this, a special construction sealant... This will increase the thermal insulation properties of the building and prevent further damage. It is also recommended to treat the wall with a fire retardant.

The next one is very important step- creation wooden lathing- the frame to which the drywall sheets will be attached. To do this, using a level and a plumb line, determine the depth of irregularities: if the wall of a log house is bent, a frame from a bar is installed different thickness so that in the end you can attach the drywall to a relatively even base.

If in your private house there is a wall made of timber, using our article, you can independently strengthen it and correct this defect. Please be aware that this way we used in a house that is already 5 years old. New homes are shrinking and it will be more difficult to align the wall. To avoid difficulties, when building a house in the openings, a window must be made, since if the wall has already been driven, it will be much more difficult to do this.

Strengthening the wall of a wooden house: materials and tools

  • Metal corner 60 mm
  • Screw "Capercaillie" with a hexagonal head 8 * 90 (one for each timber)

  • Reinforced washers М8 (by the number of screws)
  • Oil for making screws easier to tighten (any machine oil will do)
  • Bulgarian
  • Drill

  • Wood drill 5 * 100 mm
  • Drill for metal 10 mm
  • Key drill bit 13 mm or any key 13
  • Roulette
  • Pencil or marker

How to strengthen the wall of an old house from a bar

We measure the height of the opening and saw off the metal corner 10 cm larger than it.

Saw off one of the corner walls 5 cm from each end, as shown in the photo. This is necessary so that you can fix the metal corner in the upper and lower bars.

Remember that when working with a grinder, you need to follow safety precautions and use glasses or a special shield to protect your eyes!

We put a metal corner in the opening and drill holes with a diameter of 10 mm approximately in the center of the bar and at the ends of the corner. This is necessary to secure the corner to the top and bottom rails. You can drill directly into the doorway, or move to more comfortable spot where it is not scary to pour metal shavings.

Opposite the holes in the corner, we drill similar holes in the bar itself to a depth of 5 mm.

The corner is attached to wood grouse screws. It is advisable to first dip the screws in oil - this will facilitate the tightening process.

First you need to tighten the screws without tightening them all the way. This can be done with a drill if it is powerful enough. Do not forget to put on a reinforced washer for each screw.

After that, one by one we stretch the screws with a key, trying to ensure that all the bars are pulled to the corner and stand as evenly as possible.

It is important to stop in time and not to tighten the screws too much, since the timber can be initially folded unevenly and fixed with pins in this position, and excessive force can lead to the breakage of the screw head.

The result is a reinforced and leveled timber house wall!

V recent times When building a house, many people choose wood as the main material. In particular, timber, which in many ways better than brick... True, walls made of timber are inferior, for example, to foam concrete in terms of the degree of thermal conductivity. But if you properly carry out the insulation of the house, then you will be able to achieve good indicators. Please note that insulation must begin at the time of construction. Must fit between the crowns insulation material... It will dry out and shrink over time. Therefore, in about a year (as soon as the walls of the house sit down and dry), you will have to do thermal insulation and caulking all the walls.

Insulation materials used

You will be interested in:

When insulating a wall from wooden beam it is important to remember that only plant-based natural fibers are allowed. They should not contain any artificial additives. Only in this case it will be possible to ensure the ecological purity of the atmosphere. No unpleasant odors, extraneous sounds, harmful substances, will not appear in the house after processing the walls.

Lumber walls can be leveled in several ways. They are all relatively inexpensive.

Before you start leveling, you need to prepare the walls. Here you can use different types materials. The choice depends on your finances and on the choice of finishing methods. The wireframe method is most often used, but there are others.

Plasterboard sheets

This material is inexpensive, allows you to eliminate surface unevenness and hide wires and other communications.

With this method, you can prepare the walls for wallpapering, laying tiles and other finishing work. Curved walls will turn flat.

What to do:

attach to the walls metal carcass and attach drywall to it.


Plywood sheets are stronger than drywall sheets. They are also moisture resistant, and if you buy required material, you can easily use it in the kitchen, bathroom and other most humid places.

For leveling, plywood with a thickness of 6-9 mm is used, otherwise it may deform.

What to do:

for fastening, a frame (like drywall) and frameless method are used. In the future, plywood can be simply painted, in contrast to drywall, which requires additional finishing.


If your house is already old, then it is better to use this method. With the help of plaster mortar, you can level the surface from the inside and outside and prepare the house for finishing work.

What to do:

before plastering the walls, an inclined frame made of shingles should be installed on the tree - thin wooden planks that are placed in several perpendicular layers. Plaster in a different way simply does not stick to a wooden wall.

Leveling options need to be foreseen even at the construction stage so that the costs of this work are included in the estimate. The height of the walls of a one-story house made of timber is on average about 3 meters (the net ceiling height in the room will be 2.7 m), and knowing the size of the house, you can calculate how much it will take to cover the walls with plywood or install other materials. Plywood can be simply painted, drywall will require additional finishing.