Which brick is better for facing the house - ceramic or silicate. The choice of facing bricks, their size and types How to choose the right facing brick

Facing bricks can turn any house, new building or existing, but a little neglected, into an attractive and elegant building. And it does not matter what material the house is built from - brick or timber, concrete blocks or monolithic aerated concrete.

Brick facing, which is better?

Looking at a hardware store various models facing brick, pay attention to its external parameters. The size facing stone, mostly hollow, the same as that of ordinary brick - 250x120x65 mm (85 mm). For products High Quality all stones are of the same size, moreover, the curvature of the sides and faces, delamination or cracks are not observed.

Main specifications, which the best facing brick should have - high strength, low water absorption and frost resistance. The strength characteristics of the front element show the ability of the product to withstand variable loads that occur: during external temperature changes, shrinkage of the building or from microseismic effects.

The best facing brick is the one that has increased options for density and frost resistance, low level water absorption, and excellent texture. To finish the facade, three types of facing products are used:

  • ceramic brick
  • Hyper pressed brick
  • Clinker brick

Ceramic bricks are distinguished by excellent thermal insulation qualities, long service life and low price. However, its tendency to increased water absorption requires, at the end of the masonry, to take measures to hydrophobize the front surface of the brick. The excellent frost resistance of hyperpressed bricks is explained by the high density of its structure, and the non-firing production technology makes it possible to obtain bricks with perfectly smooth surfaces.

Clinker brick is created from especially refractory grades of clay and fired. Clinker stone has a wide range of colors, excellent design and performance characteristics, and a fairly high cost.

Which facing brick is better. Reviews

Judging by customer reviews, the leading positions in the ranking of facing material brands belong to clinker bricks. Decorating the house with facing bricks significantly reduces the level of heat loss of the building, gives the house architectural expressiveness and emphasizes its style features.

The outer walls of the house are protection from the weather, the walls themselves also need protection. Most often, this role is played by brick cladding, and the main thing here is to choose right kind and brand of material.

Every homeowner wants their home to last a long time. minimal cost for repair and maintenance. Of course, if the cottage is built according to the latest building codes, insulated in accordance with climatic standards, lined with clinker tiles or plastered, then it does not need additional protection.

When we are talking about old buildings made of wood, wood materials or porous blocks made of lightweight concrete (foam concrete, aerated concrete), protection of the outer surface is a must. Made of brick, the exterior cladding performs several functions:

  • protection from adverse climatic factors (precipitation, high and low temperatures, wind);
  • improvement of thermal characteristics;
  • improvement in appearance.

The industry produces several types of bricks with different characteristics, designed for various conditions operation. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you should study their main properties.

Types of material, which is better to choose

Facing bricks are produced by firing ( different kinds ceramic and clinker) and without firing method (hyperpressed and silicate), which gives the material completely different qualities. For the choice of material for external wall cladding, the following characteristics are important:

  • weight - affects the power and thickness of the foundation;
  • strength grade;
  • frost resistance mark - the number of freeze-thaw cycles that the material withstands during 1 season, for external cladding according to building regulations cannot be less than Mrz 35 for walls and Mrz 50 for a plinth, cornice and parapet;
  • water absorption - shows how much moisture the material absorbs within 24 hours when completely immersed in water, materials with high level water absorption is not suitable for, cornice and parapet, since when the moisture-saturated material is frozen, the front surface of the masonry is destroyed;
  • thermal conductivity - is needed to calculate the required thickness of the masonry or the thickness of the insulation.

When choosing a cladding and buying a material, you should familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's passport for a batch of goods, which indicates these indicators. A high-quality bar has a uniform color throughout its thickness, without damage to the integrity of the edges and the front layer. The pink tint of ceramics is a sign of underburning; too dark or black color (except for colored and clinker) indicates burnout.


Ceramics is the oldest invention of mankind in the field of artificial building materials. An ordinary ordinary brick is produced by the method of semi-dry or plastic pressing from clays with various additives, followed by firing at t = 900-1000 ° C. Unlike ordinary, facing material must have:

  • increased frost resistance - the minimum value of Mrz 35;
  • minimal moisture absorption - 2-6%;
  • increased strength - from M 75;
  • vapor permeability - ceramics have the property of "breathing", that is, releasing excess moisture into the atmosphere.

Ceramic facing bricks are made with various finishes front surfaces, it can be textured, glazed or engobed. By applying the front decorative layer, the brick is given a wide range of colors - from white to black.

Ceramic bricks are produced corpulent and hollow with different amount voids. The voids reduce the weight of the masonry and thermal conductivity, but make it more vulnerable: in a harsh climate with a large number of freeze-thaw cycles, a brick with a low frost resistance grade quickly collapses, and the front surface peels off in the area of ​​the outer row of voids.

The weight of a corpulent bar is 1650 kg/m3, a hollow one is from 1350 to 1480 kg/m3.


Clinker bricks have been made for over 200 years from special fireclay clays with various mineral additives at elevated temperatures (up to 1300°C) and continuous firing. Available in full-bodied and hollow, single, euroformat, narrow, thin or curly. Clinker differs from conventional ceramics in its enhanced characteristics:

  • it is stronger (from M 150);
  • heavier (1800-2000 kg/m3);
  • has minimal water absorption (2–3%);
  • increased frost resistance (from Mrz 75).

The clinker manufacturing process uses special shale clays, additives of only mineral composition, hand molding or extrusion and a large amount of energy. The production method makes the cost of the material much higher than conventional ceramics.

The appearance of clinker depends on the method of production and additives: made by hand and fired in authentic kilns, it has uneven edges and an interesting texture, spectacular color transitions.

The clinker produced on modern lines is distinguished by its ideal geometric shape. The color range depends on the mineral pigments included in the composition of the mass for pressing - from almost white to dark red, brown and black.

Clinker brick is a real aristocrat in the world of facing materials.


Sand-lime brick is made from a mixture of quartz sand, lime and additives by the autoclave method, which makes the cost of the material much lower than that of ceramics. According to its characteristics silicate brick significantly inferior to clinker and ceramic:

  • frost resistance - Mrz 25 - 35;
  • water absorption - 13-15%;
  • greater weight - 1800 kg / m3.

ATTENTION: Due to low frost resistance and high water absorption, silicate brick is forbidden to be used when laying and facing the most loaded and weather-prone structures - plinth, cornice, parapets, various protruding elements.

However, silicate bricks are actively used for wall cladding due to their good geometry, wide enough color scheme and cheapness.


The material obtained by hyperpressing surpasses even clinker in its characteristics: the strength is higher natural stone, zero water absorption, fire resistance.

The technology of hyperpressing consists in exposing the molded mixture high pressure at elevated temperatures, due to which the fusion of the components occurs at the molecular level. The production uses a large amount of electricity, which leads to a high cost of the product.

Hyper-pressed bricks are produced in a wide variety of shapes, textures and colors. It is used both in the exterior and interior of buildings. It can be used for lining stoves, fireplaces and chimneys.

Main dimensions

Facing bar dimensions domestic production defines GOST 530-2007, which subdivides the dimensions of products as follows:

  • single brick- 250x120x65 mm;
  • one and a half - 250x120x88;
  • double - 250x120x138;
  • narrow - 250x60x65;
  • thin - 250x22x65.

The document gives the manufacturer the right to produce products of other sizes as agreed with the buyer. In addition to rectangular bars, cladding material is produced in various figured rounded shapes for laying out arches, frames, fillets.

ATTENTION: The EU countries produce products according to their own standards, the brick is distinguished by a thickness reduced by 0.7.

Popular colors

The color of the front surface depends on the degree of firing, the composition of the initial mixture, the dyes used, the method of finishing. Different batches of material even from the same manufacturer differ in color, so you need to purchase a brick from one batch, and if this is not possible, then with facing works the master must mix bricks from different batches.

TIP: Body-dyed brick is preferable, because even if the face layer is damaged, the color will remain unchanged.

In addition to colored, facing bricks can have a smooth or chipped surface.


Brick facing red - ordinary clay ceramic or clinker brick, moreover, than more time firing, the more intense red color. A silicate or hyper-pressed bar can turn red when a dye is added. Red color is obtained by applying glaze or engobing.


Red ceramic bricks with a glazed or engobed front surface are produced and yellow color. Silicate, clinker or hyper-pressed material is made yellow by the corresponding mineral dyes introduced into the mixture. Bricks of yellow color are produced in different shades - from light to rich ocher.


Sand-lime brick without the addition of dye is white with a slight grayish tint - this is the most economical option for obtaining a white facade. Pure white can be hyper-pressed material, clinker with special additives, red ceramics with a painted front layer.

How to get rid of efflorescence

Efflorescence - a whitish coating on the front surface of the masonry, has nothing to do with the quality of the brick. The appearance of efflorescence is determined by the additives introduced into masonry mortar, most often during winter laying.

Eliminates efflorescence from laying masonry on hard solutions with a low moisture content. The use of hard mixtures is mandatory when finishing with a material with low moisture absorption - clinker or hyperpressed.

The possible appearance of plaque prevents the use of water repellents - organosilicon compounds that give the masonry water-repellent properties. Penetrating into the pores of the material, the water repellent creates a film that prevents the movement of moisture, but at the same time depriving the brick of the ability to breathe.

Special building washes have been created to remove salt deposits. There is folk methods fight against efflorescence: washing stains with a 5% solution of vinegar, hydrochloric acid or ammonia.

How much does it cost

The cost of facing material depends on the type, characteristics and location of the manufacturer.

Most cheap option- cladding with white silicate bar: raw materials for production are available everywhere, the steaming plant does not take up much space, and electricity costs are low. The price of white silicate brick starts from 9 rubles / piece.

Ceramic facing bricks have a wide variation in cost: the products of the factory in Revda (Urals) from 8 rubles / piece. up to 78 rubles / pc. imported production.

The cost of clinker starts from 70 rubles / piece. production of the Russian Federation up to $ 254 per m2 of Quebec clinker with a size of 230x105x71, white color.

Prices for hyper-pressed material start from 12.5 rubles / piece. for a narrow format (actually a tile with a thickness of 22 mm, up to 71 rubles / piece for a one and a half format product.


The house, lined with brick, gives the impression of a solid, well-groomed dwelling. By choosing a combination of products of different colors and textures, you can turn a simple box into a building with spectacular architecture. The main thing is to take into account all the characteristics when choosing a material. Responding to main question: what is facing, - we answer with confidence: necessity and decoration.

The question of how to choose a facing brick is simple only at first glance. This is due to the fact that in addition to the appearance (and this parameter, of course, is key), there are many factors that determine the suitability of the finishing material for use in a given situation. In our article, we will try to analyze these factors in as much detail as possible so that you can approach the issue of selection and acquisition decorative stone the most informed.

Requirements for a brick

Before starting a review of the main parameters, it is necessary to decide - what should it be?

Today, we can formulate a list of several requirements:

  • First of all, the material is simply obliged to have an attractive appearance. Exterior decoration is carried out to improve the aesthetic characteristics of the house, and therefore the blocks must be quite beautiful.

  • The requirement for color fastness is a direct consequence of the previous one, since it is weather and UV resistance that determines how a house will look a few years after finishing.
  • The low water absorption of the material is also very important. Due to this, dampness does not penetrate into the thickness of the wall, and in a room finished with such a brick, it is maintained normal level humidity.

We will talk in more detail about the compliance of the front brick with these and other requirements in the relevant sections.

Product range

Main types of material

The choice of a facing brick begins, as a rule, with the definition of its type. Basically, exterior finish buildings can be carried out using almost any brand of building material, but, nevertheless, some varieties are better suited for this task than others.

According to the production method, facing blocks are divided into:

  • Roasting. This category includes ceramic and clinker bricks. The raw material for their production is clay, which is subjected to heat treatment to give building block strength and resistance to various impacts external factors(humidity, ultraviolet radiation, chemical substances etc.).
  • Ceramics and clinker most often produced without the addition of artificial pigments, because their color range is limited to different shades of clay used.

  • Non-fired. The non-fired category includes pressed, hyper-pressed and silicate bricks.
  • Pressed and hyper-pressed face blocks contain Portland cement. This component, when exposed to high pressure, ensures the connection of limestone raw materials into a single monolith. The resulting block can be used without additional heat treatment.

  • Silicate building brick more often used for the construction of the structures themselves, and not for their external decoration. And yet, some brands of silicate blocks, which are made from a mixture of lime with carefully sifted quartz sand, can be used as a cladding.

As for the cost, unfired models are definitely more affordable. It costs more and may not be affordable for everyone. And yet, if possible, then it is worth dwelling on the last two options, since, subject to the laying rules and proper care, fired clay is able to maintain its appearance for decades.

Strength and frost resistance

If we talk exclusively about functional indicators, then two parameters are critical for facing - mechanical strength and resistance to low temperatures:

  • The strength of the facing brick primarily provides the wall with resistance to mechanical stress, and also reduces the risk of cracks and deformation of the masonry under its own weight. The strength grade is indicated using an index, in which the figure shows the allowable load in kilograms per square centimeter of surface.

  • For example, if we mention double silicate brick M 150, then this means that its strength is 150 kg / cm 2.
  • is determined by the number of freezing-freezing cycles that a brick can withstand without the appearance of signs of destruction, and is indicated by the index F (from the English Frost - frost). So, the F50 brick withstands at least 50 such cycles, and at the same time does not lose its characteristics.

Note! The frost resistance of the finish is important not so much in cold latitudes as in the zone temperate climate. Exactly at middle lane winter is characterized by a multiple change in temperature, which leads to a rapid failure of the cladding with insufficient frost resistance.

Shape and type of surface

The configuration and features of the front surface of the decorative masonry is another parameter that needs to be considered. And if the functional difference between the silicate block and hyperpressed decorative panel only specialist masons can know, then you can quite decide on the appearance yourself.

As for the shape, everything is quite simple here: a brick is either rectangular or shaped. Rectangular models used for both masonry walls and cladding large planes, and shaped (with beveled or rounded edges) are used for finishing decorative elements. Most often, these details are included in the design of arches, parapets, window sills, etc.

The surface of the material can also be different:

  • Smooth- the most common type. This variety is one of the most affordable, because it low price determined by the ease of manufacture. At the same time, you should not assume that “cheap” means “ugly”: a wall finished with small bricks with a smooth front side looks quite presentable. The main thing is to choose a masonry pattern and properly arrange the seams.

Advice! For smooth brick masonry, experts recommend using a contrasting compound for grouting, otherwise the wall relief will be lost.

  • Textured the surface gives the masonry the appearance of natural stone, wood, marble, etc. The texture of the brick is laid at the molding stage, and in the process of hardening (temperature or hydraulic) it is only fixed. Textured masonry can be used both for facing planes and for decoration. individual elements– plinths, corners, slopes of windows and doors, etc.
  • Glazed. To give the block a glossy shine after firing, a special glaze is applied to it, and then the product is fired again, but at a lower temperature. Only ceramic and clinker varieties of stone are subjected to glazing, as hyper-pressed models do not withstand the temperatures required for glaze baking.

Note! The layer of glaze gives the masonry frost resistance, and allows it to withstand up to 100 freezing-freezing cycles without signs of degradation.

  • Engobed. This type of surface is typical for most expensive models which are used in finishing design projects. When engobing is applied to the dried workpiece decorative composition which is then fired. When fired, the mixture polymerizes, giving the surface a matte texture.

As you can see, there are quite a few options. And if we take into account that each of them is available in many color variations– then it becomes even more difficult to decide. That's why, before choosing a brick for building a house, you should have it on hand finished project. Thanks to this, you will be able to get an idea of ​​​​how the building will look, which means that you will not make a choice at random, but will be guided by clear criteria for appearance.

So, we got acquainted with the main characteristics of the material. But how to choose a specific batch so that the brick lasts as long as possible, and laying it with your own hands goes without unpleasant surprises?

The following is a kind of instruction that will help you significantly reduce the risks when purchasing a brick:

  • Perforation. Most facing grades (both fired and non-fired) are made hollow. To save the solution without compromising the thermal insulation characteristics, it is worth choosing varieties with a maximum volume of internal voids and a minimum size of one hole. That is, many small cavities are better than several large ones.

  • Pressed Models are produced with a very smooth "bed" - the widest plane. To ensure effective adhesion of the block and mortar, choose a brick from the "young lot". This is due to the fact that immediately after production, unreacted Portland cement remains in the composition of the material, which plays the role of a good binder.
  • In order to guarantee the uniformity of the color of the entire lined surface, material should be purchased from one batch. Otherwise, the façade can be “spotted” as it is virtually impossible to avoid slight changes in pigment concentration during production.

Advice! Almost any material fades under the sun during the first year of operation. Consider this, and when deciding which brick to choose, give preference to brands that are half a tone or a tone darker than originally intended.

  • To check how the cladding behaves over time, you can take one block from a trial batch and boil it in tap water until it is completely evaporated. If the stains remain and are not removed with a damp cloth, the same will happen to the walls of your house in a couple of years.

  • Check the geometry of several pieces of material taken at random from a batch. For cladding, it is very important that both the shape and size of the bricks match as much as possible. If there are deviations greater than allowed by GOST (4.5 mm in length, 3.3 mm in width, 2.3 mm in thickness) - the purchase should be abandoned.

It is also worth carefully inspecting the surface of the products and the condition of their edges. On the planes there should be no white spots that indicate the presence of lime, and the edges should be even, straight and without chips. Some manufacturers make face blocks with a chamfer, which not only protects the ribs from damage, but also gives the masonry a more attractive look.

Perimeter chamfer - protection against chipping


When deciding which facing brick to choose, criteria should not be limited to the type of material, shape or surface texture. A complex approach, taking into account the maximum number of parameters and strict selection of the purchased batch are a guarantee that the decoration of the house will be beautiful and durable. In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

The walls of any building need protection from the weather, the harmful effects of heat and frost, and mechanical stress. The role of such protection is performed by the outer lining. And since in our country it is most often made of brick, a legitimate question arises: which facing brick is better to use for this?

Regardless of what the house itself is built from, it can be faced with brick. The masonry construction technology will differ slightly depending on the material of the main walls, but this does not affect the choice of brick.

Differences between ordinary and facing bricks

Made from the same raw material, facing and ordinary building bricks have many differences.

  • Structure - unlike a full-bodied ordinary artificial stone, the front one is hollow, with several cavities. They make it lighter, simplifying transportation and the work of builders, and also increase the thermal insulation properties of the cladding.
  • Frost resistance and moisture resistance of facing bricks are higher. This is important, since he has to withstand the constant negative impact of the external environment.
  • Appearance. Color, shape, texture of the surface of facing bricks can be any. This allows you to implement any exterior solutions, harmoniously fitting the building into the surrounding landscape.
  • The price of such a brick is higher. The cost of cladding will also be higher compared to conventional masonry, as they require care, accuracy and creativity. But if they are made with high quality, then the owner of the house for decades will not have to worry about repairing or reconstructing the facade.

For reference. It is worth noting that silicate building bricks, unlike ceramic ones, have a smooth and even surface, so houses completely built from it do not need additional decorative finishing.
If the outer walls are two- or three-layer structures with heat-insulating layers of foam or mineral wool, then there is no need for additional insulation of facades.

Comparative analysis of silicate and ceramic facing bricks

The main requirements for outdoor finishing materials are high performance characteristics and attractive design. Let's see which brick has these parameters better.

Performance characteristics

Let's compare the parameters on which the durability of a brick facade and its thermal insulation properties depend.

  • Water absorption. In silicate stone, it is higher than in ceramic and reaches 13-15%. Fired clay products are more resistant to moisture, and some types, for example, have very low water absorption (only 2-3%).

  • Frost resistance. For the climate of most of our country, this is one of the main indicators. It directly depends on water absorption, as it shows how many cycles of freezing and thawing a material saturated with moisture can withstand without losing strength. And the more moisture it contains, the greater the load it experiences. In silicate brick, frost resistance is 25-35 cycles, and in ceramic, at least 50.

For reference. The most frost-resistant is clinker brick, in which this indicator is 100 cycles.

  • Thermal insulation properties also directly depend on the water absorption of the material. The presence of moisture in it dramatically reduces the ability of a brick to retain heat, and in our climate, where rain and sleet are common, this should not be neglected.
    It is precisely because of the high water absorption that silicate brick loses its heat-insulating properties very sharply under real operating conditions. What can not be said about ceramics: it is characterized by fairly stable thermal conductivity.

Note. dries much faster than silicate, which has a positive effect not only on its strength and thermal insulation characteristics, but also does not allow mold and fungi to develop on the surface.

  • Wear resistance and strength. And again, clay artificial stone comes out on top, which is distinguished by better resistance to aggressive external influences and mechanical damage. Try to split this and that material with your own hands, and you will see for yourself. Of course, provided that the brick is of high quality.
  • Weight. Facing creates a significant load on the foundation. You can reduce it by reducing the density of the facing brick. This is achieved by increasing its voidness. For silicate bricks, this figure is 15-30%, and for ceramic - 40-55%. Accordingly, the cost of building a foundation for facing the facades of the latter will be lower.

  • Soundproofing. It should be recognized that due to the greater density of silicate stone, it does a better job of isolating airborne noise penetrating into the room from the street. However, the sound absorption of ceramics is not much lower.
  • fire resistance. Perhaps this is not the most basic parameter by which it is worth evaluating the merits of the facing material, and, nevertheless, in case of fire, the silicate brick will begin to collapse after 2 hours, and the ceramic one will resist fire for 4-6 hours.

  • Environmental friendliness. If the instructions and requirements for the composition of raw materials are followed in production, then neither red nor white brick contains substances harmful to health. Both of them are made from natural materials: the first from clay, and the second from sand and lime.
  • Vapor permeability. This figure is often referred to as breathability, and clay products have better breathability. Insufficient vapor permeability of silicate brick requires a device air gap between bearing wall and facing, and for this it is necessary to make a wider foundation.

There is no need to clarify that all of the above points speak in favor of the traditional ceramic brick. Although the significantly lower cost of silicate may be decisive for many.

Design possibilities

We all want to live not only in a warm and good, but also in beautiful house. Everyone has their own idea of ​​beauty. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the external data of the facing material.

When choosing which brick is better to veneer the house, you need to correlate exterior finish with his architectural style with the surrounding landscape. Although you can do the opposite: to change the appearance of your home beyond recognition. The range of brick products will easily make it possible.

In this regard, it is difficult to compare ceramic and silicate bricks. Both of them can have a variety of shades, a smooth or textured surface, imitate natural stone etc. And yet ceramic products look more natural and natural.

The dimensions of those and other materials make it easy to combine them in masonry, creating quite original and interesting solutions.


A huge range of facing bricks on the modern market makes you rack your brains over which one to choose. But, if you clearly define the requirements that you make to the appearance and quality characteristics facades, the task is simplified.

In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic. She will help you make the right choice.

Such a building material as facing brick is universal. It is endowed with strength, moisture resistance and durability.

The main characteristics that you should pay attention to are its frost resistance, water absorption and geometry. We give preference to the brick, the characteristics of which have the best performance.

Features of the front brick

Unlike the usual one, the finishing one has its significant advantages. Its smooth surface and artistic features allow you to give brick houses a beautiful appearance. What is facing brick? This is a building material that has the following characteristics, namely:

  • the absence of all kinds of flaws on the surface, including shells, cracks, etc.;
  • precise geometry of corners and edges;
  • texture and color variety within even one type.

For example, the color of a ceramic brick, depending on the color of the clay, is orange, yellow, brown, however, when a dye is added to the initial raw material, it is possible to achieve the desired shade for the product.

Brick for facing the house should protect the structure from natural factors that affect it negatively, these are:

  • temperature fluctuations;
  • wind;
  • rainfall, etc.

If you veneer a building with a product good quality then it will look amazing. The corners of this building material there are:

  • straight and even;
  • bevelled;
  • rounded.

Products differ in structure. There is a full-bodied material and a hollow one, more often called effective slotted material.

Varieties of facing bricks

Before choosing a facing brick, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with its varieties. All this variety has its advantages and a certain purpose. They are classified by:

  • method of production manual production and with the use of equipment;
  • technologies - hollow and full-bodied;
  • colors;
  • surface features, etc.

The surface of bricks for finishing can be different: smooth, matte or for all kinds of textures - wood or stone. Thanks to special technologies, the entire mixture or a certain side is colored.

The process in which only the front part is stained is called engobing. The front side of the glazed bricks is covered with a special glaze, thanks to which ready product glitters. Such a brick is used for interior decoration, for example, with its help, designers create mosaics, panels.

Today, the combined product is the most popular. It combines the features of several types of material. For example, an interior brick may have chocolate color with oak texture. interest in this finishing material called:

  • originality;
  • refinement;
  • the possibility of forming individual decoration.

The main thing is that the brick for interior decoration should be used carefully and correctly. Its features are:

  • fortress;
  • durability;
  • resistance to fire, all kinds of aggressive conditions.

Many types of facing bricks are good at keeping cool in the summer months and warm in the winter. They are distinguished by increased aesthetic properties and resistance to abrasion.

Brick for interior decoration is used for decoration:

  • canteens;
  • bathrooms;
  • bedrooms
  • kitchen rooms;
  • offices;
  • hallways.

The stoves and fireplaces lined with it look very elegant. For finishing houses, there are various types of these building materials:

  • silicate;
  • ceramic;
  • hyperpressed;
  • clinker.

Which brick is better for facing a house can be determined only by getting acquainted with their characteristics. The fact is that they have a different composition of the feedstock, manufacturing technology and cost.

Brick sizes

The dimensions of the brick are very important in finishing work. This primarily applies to cases where it is necessary to implement a certain architectural idea, which requires the use of various textures and colors. If the size of the facing brick is different, then the completed work does not look very nice. In the presence of uniform values, it is possible to combine different textures and colors in the decoration.

At present, there are possible values modern material. Linear dimensions divide products into three types:

  • single;
  • one and a half;
  • double.

Gradually, this series is replenished with the fourth type - eurobrick, which is somewhat smaller in width than a single one.

As a rule, the size of facing bricks is standard. The length and width of all products is 250x120 mm. They only have a different thickness, which is:

  • standard single facing brick is 65;
  • one and a half - 88 mm;
  • double - 138 mm.

The weight of a brick depends on:

  • the material used;
  • appointments;
  • forms;
  • size.

silicate brick

Silicate facade brick consists of:

  • purified quartz sand;
  • moisture;
  • lime.

The last two components make up approximately 10% of the total mass. In order for the product to turn out to be of high quality, there is a main condition, namely, the solution must be prepared from components purified from:

  • manganese;
  • clay;
  • organic impurities.

In lime, which must not be burnt, a large amount of calcium oxide should not be present. The production process of the silicate product is carried out under high pressure. Its characteristics are as follows:

  • high coefficient of moisture absorption;
  • weak frost resistance;
  • significant weight.

The thermal conductivity of a brick is average. The fact is noted that adverse conditions operation, it quickly becomes unusable. Its weight varies depending on the type used. One and a half facing weighs from 3.7 kg to 4.2, double view - from 5 to 5.8 kg.

Ceramic products

To obtain ceramic bricks, the solution is prepared from high quality clay without sulfates and marl. After molding the product, it is left to dry, and then the mixture is sent for firing. If underburning or overburning is allowed during the production process, this will adversely affect the quality.

In the overburned state, it will acquire a black tint, and if underburned, it will look light. He considers it good if the surface is semi-matt. When choosing a ceramic material, you need to know that its structure is porous at a break and emits ringing sound. Facing ceramic one and a half can weigh from 1.32 to 1.6 kg, and double 2.7-3.2 kg.

Hyperpressed brick

The solution for obtaining this type of product includes all kinds of screenings:

  • dolomite;
  • shell rock;
  • marble;
  • lime rocks.

The solution is made with the obligatory addition of high quality Portland cement, which is an astringent component. Then the solution is brought to the state of the mixture, which is subjected to pressing and steaming. As a result of the fact that there is little water in the raw material, there are no cavities in the product even after firing. Such types can be faced with the walls of buildings. They have a smooth surface or one that is called "torn stone".

Hyper-pressed products in their properties are close to natural stone, and therefore they are quite massive. Before using, you need to find out how much one product for the facade of the house weighs. Facing weight:

  • standard single - 4.2 kg;
  • half block - 2 kg;
  • shortened "under the stone" - 4 kg.

Clinker models

In the manufacture of clinker facing bricks, special clay is used. Roasting is carried out at high temperature giving different shades to the final product.

Characteristics of the clinker material:

  • increased strength;
  • frost resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • heat resistance;
  • ease of maintenance.

If you choose a full-bodied clinker facade material, then it must be borne in mind that sufficient strength and density increase its weight. Strength is determined by weight. Certain dimensions must correspond to the specific weight of the brick. This type of building material is available in various configurations and colors.

It must be borne in mind that, regardless of the manufacturing technology, all facing bricks and its types: clinker, ceramic and others are mainly produced hollow. Due to this, they become lighter, less thermally conductive and inexpensive.

Solid material is produced in the form of a parallelepiped, and may also have a non-standard configuration, which is called shaped or curly. For facing bricks, the dimensions and geometry can be completely different. The most popular are:

  • semicircular;
  • trapezoidal;
  • twisted;
  • wedge-shaped.

Judging by customer reviews, the highest rating belongs to the clinker building product.

Variety by color

Facing brick for the facade is produced various colors. The most common:

  • Red;
  • yellow;
  • White.

Brick red owes its color to the iron contained in the clay. This universal building material, as a result of firing at a high temperature, becomes:

  • reliable;
  • durable;
  • durable.

Basically, clinker and ceramic bricks have this color.

For the manufacture of white building products, lime and sand are taken. Such a brick for interior decoration has excellent aesthetic qualities and performance:

  • high strength;
  • frost and water resistance;
  • resistance to temperature changes.

Can be used for interior wall decoration decorative types that mimic natural stone. For these cases, silicate species of various colors are chosen. The facade of the house, finished with a special type of such a building material, the texture of which resembles a chipped stone, takes on a delightful appearance.

For those who love colored walls, manufacturers are ready to offer a smooth, hollow face brick, painted in different colours. The pigment used in silicate products is very resistant. Therefore, for facing bricks, the sun's rays are not terrible.

Full-bodied and hollow types

The brick front unary corpulent is applied to facing of walls of buildings, socles, fences. The thermal performance of buildings will improve significantly if construction works made using a hollow building product.

The front hollow single brick is endowed with thermal insulation qualities and good technical properties. The front hollow single material, having perfect lines and internal cavities, will lighten the weight of the structure.

If the further operation of the material is associated with a high load, it is necessary to use a full-bodied one. It will give the design greater reliability and safety. The full-bodied has no voids and cracks. This material is characterized by strength, the indicators of which may be different.

The walls of buildings laid out using a single cladding product will make the building warmer and more beautiful. Decorating buildings with such building products emphasizes the style features of the house and gives it architectural expressiveness.