Homemade glue at home. How to make different types of glue with your own hands: the best recipes

Before puzzling over the question of how to dilute PVA glue with your own hands, decide what kind of work you need it for. Your own prepared composition can be justified only if you are not sure about the quality of the material from the counter of the hardware store.

It's not news to anyone that the use of PVA glue is very diverse, both for external work and for internal work. Therefore, below we will talk in more detail about what PVA glue is, how to prepare it at home and for what work you can use it.

Making PVA glue

What is PVA?

DIY PVA glue

PVA - polyvinyl acetate, which contains an emulsion and various plasticizers and additives that increase the adhesive properties of the mixture.

Any adhesive solution can be diluted in various proportions with various additives, which can give the adhesive unique characteristics and change its color. If you plan to apply liquid wallpaper to the walls or glue thin-layer paper wallpaper the color-matched glue will greatly facilitate your work.

To explain why PVA glue is so popular, its properties, which KMTS glue cannot boast, will help:

  1. Frost resistance

Here we are talking about the frost resistance of an already applied layer of glue. If the glue complies with GOST y, in liquid form it is afraid low temperatures... Therefore, if you store the substance in a cold place, you can safely throw it away, because all its adhesive properties will be lost.

  1. High adhesive properties

According to GOST, industrial PVA glue has a breaking strength of the glued joint of about 550 N / m. But, self-made glue is not inferior in its strength if the entire cooking technology is followed. Therefore, it can be used to glue the fiberglass on the walls, use the substance as a foam adhesive and as an adhesive for extruded polystyrene foam.

  1. The material is safe to store, manufacture and use

Since the substance does not contain toxic, flammable or other harmful components, it will not harm your skin. One but! Protect your eyes while working, because even a small drop of glue in the eye will not do anything good. But, even if such a nuisance happened to you - do not panic, it is enough to rinse your eyes thoroughly running water and this will not affect your vision in any way.

  1. The mass dissolves well in water and easily contacts with an organic solvent

The substance is easily combined with benzene, methanol, acetone and other solvents. But, please note, if the glue is diluted with a toxic solvent, the whole mixture will also become hazardous to human health.

  1. After drying, the substance does not shrink and does not form cavities. If in the process of work you have formed excess substances, they can be easily removed with a sponge.
  2. After drying, a sufficiently strong mass is obtained with which it is possible to fill various installation gaps, the size of which is up to 2 mm.

I would also like to note that with the help of glue, you can smooth out small errors that have formed a joint of different thicknesses.

How to prepare glue for different jobs?

You can talk about what kind of work this or that glue solution is intended for immediately after you see the first letter of the abbreviation, which is spelled out in GOST.

According to GOST, there are such types of glue:

  • PBA-K - substance for office work;
  • PBA-B and PBA-O - wallpaper glue(modified stationery);
  • PBA-MB - universal composition that can work on paper, wood, leather, fabric and metal. Also, the substance can be used to glue extruded polystyrene foam, pvc, smallpox, osb.
  • PVA-M is a super PVA glue, an improved universal composition that is excellent for osb slabs and is widely used as glue for plastic corners;
  • dispersion - low water base for polyvinyl acetate emulsion.

About what features PVA glue has and specifications stated in the table below.

Please note that PVA, like KMTS glue, must be used at above-zero temperatures. But, if the substance is in the composition mortars, this limitation is removed.

In this section, we talked about gluing different materials, but how to glue and how to glue the fiberglass? Fiberglass is a kind of cobweb that is used to level the walls before wallpapering. For gluing such material, you can use both a special substance that is sold in the kit with the canvas, and ordinary PVA glue.

How to make DIY glue?

Making PVA glue at home

To dilute or prepare 1 liter of glue with your own hands, you will need the following set of components:

  • 100 g white, well-sifted wheat flour;
  • 20-30 g of ethyl alcohol (technical);
  • 5-10 g of fine gelatin;
  • 5-10 g glycerin;
  • if necessary, organic dye of a light shade.

And so, how to cook glue from flour? First of all, you need to dilute the gelatin with water and leave the gruel for 24 hours. If the substance is too thick, it can be mixed with hot water breaking all the lumps. All subsequent actions will be carried out after the expiration of the day.

For the preparation of glue, we need 2 containers (preferably enameled). I would like to immediately note that the glue is boiled in a water bath. For cooking, pre-soaked gelatin is poured into a smaller container, and water is poured into a large container and put on fire.

Bring the gelatinous mass to a boil, then add flour little by little. The technology for performing work is similar to cooking semolina, so be prepared for constant stirring so that lumps do not form. It will take you about 60 minutes to cook.

When the solution is cooked and you get the required consistency, you will need to add alcohol, pigments and glycerin to the gruel. After adding these components, the glue is kept in a water bath for about half an hour, stirring all the time.

Upon completion of all manipulations, the agent is cooled and checked whether the adhesive properties have been achieved.

If the mass is cooked correctly, it can be stored in liquid form for six months by tightly closing the neck and preventing hypothermia.

If cooking glue from flour is unacceptable for you, as it is time-consuming, familiarize yourself with how to boil glue from starch. For this you do not need any additional components - only hot water and starch, the adhesive characteristics from such a small variety of ingredients will not be diminished.

If you plan to use the substance only for wallpapering, prepare KMTS glue, which is also easy to make at home.

Well, now you know how to make PVA glue at home, and we hope that our tips will help you cope with this task. The main task is to observe all proportions and do not forget to mix the mass thoroughly - this is what will help you create a homogeneous and effective substance.

Not a single renovation, whether in an apartment or a house, is complete without glue. Today, the choice of adhesive mixtures in the store is very, very large. But, their quality, sometimes, leaves much to be desired. Many builders make homemade glue at home directly from available tools. However, we note that in each case the composition of the glue may be different, because it can be suitable for different materials, for example, one for paper and the other for wood.

In this article, we'll take a look at various homemade glue mixes that can be made easily at home without spending a lot of money on making it. So let's go!

Traditional flour paste recipe

Such glue is used quite often in a variety of situations. Most often, they resort to cooking itin an urgent need, for example, when the glue from the store runs out, during a wallpaper update. Therefore, in order not to run to the store for a new pack (which, apparently, will only be used by 1/3), it is easier to make your own glue, which will not be a drop worse. Plus, this glue is not toxic, and it is completely safe for use at home. The main component is flour, which is for sure in every home. The relationship of the glue is as follows - 1 liter of glue is enough for 2, 3 rolls of wallpaper.

Prepare the following components:

The container in which the glue will be mixed;

6 tablespoons of flour per liter of water;

Water, according to the amount of flour (1 liter per 6 tablespoons).

You need to prepare the glue as follows:

1. Heat water to a boil;

2. In a separate container, stir the flour with cold water before the formation of a mixture, like liquid sour cream (and always without lumps);

3. Now, pour boiling water into this mixture in a thin stream, while constantly stirring it with a spoon;

4. After mixing, boil the resulting mixture again and leave to cool.

The finished consistency should resemble a thick jelly. Similarly, you can prepare such a glue using starch instead of flour, and it will not differ a bit from flour. In some cases, such glue can be even more effective than store-bought glue. If you are afraid to apply such glue to wallpaper, test it on small pieces of wallpaper by gluing them together. In general, this adhesive can be used on any wall surface, paper to cardboard and other types of paper. In short, experiment and see everything with your own eyes.

Homemade PVA glue

The second, no less popular and effective is PVA home glue. If you think that glue is made at a factory using some special technology, you are mistaken, because exactly the same glue can be made at home. Agree, this type of glue is one of the most common. It is used in bothin the stationery sphere, and in the construction industry, that is, in fact, it can be called a universal glue. Well, it's time to move on to how to make it all the same. This will require:

1. Distilled water in a volume of 1 liter;

2. Photographic gelatin (can be purchased at any camera supply store) in an amount of 5 grams;

3. Pharmacy glycerin (4 grams is enough);

4. Wheat flour, about 100-150 grams;

5. Ethyl alcohol in a volume of 20 ml (can be bought at any pharmacy).

Conventionally, manufacturing can be divided into two stages:

it preliminary preparation, during which gelatin must be soaked in a glass of water;

And the cooking process itself.

So, a day after the gelatin swells, you can start making PVA.

∙ Place distilled water in a water bath, in a container. Next, add gelatin to it, and stir with flour, stirred in a little water (again, without lumps);

∙ Bring the mixed consistency to a boil, but do not boil in any way. Notice how the mixture becomes thick and white, like sour cream. Stir it so that in the end the glue is homogeneous, without lumps.

∙ It remains to add only glycerin and ethyl alcohol. Stir constantly and stir the mixture again so that it is as thick as possible. The stirring time should be in the order of 10 minutes, so do not assume that two stirring with a spoon will be enough. You can use the glue only after it has completely cooled.

How to make wood glue with your own hands?

This glue is ideal for wood. It also effectively bonds paper and cardboard, other cellulose materials, and in some cases even plastic. However, this glue has a couple of disadvantages:

First, it does not last too long in liquid form and is perishable;

And secondly, it has just a disgusting and pungent smell, with which you can only put up with it.

Partially, this problem disappears if it is previously boiled and made into a gelatinous mass. Then, its validity increases, and if necessary, you can cut off a piece of the required size, heat it over low heat, and operate. There are several recipes for making such glue. The most basic and affordable for you, we will describe below.

Method one.Take regular wood glue. Grind it and soak it in water until it swells completely. So, it will soften and become like jelly. In this same state, place it in a melting pot called oilcloth. The easiest way to make such a container is from an ordinary tin can (condensed milk or canned pineapples). Load the gelatinous mass into such a jar and put it in a water bath (this should be very low heat). Stir the warming mass with a wooden spoon or stick (for example, from sushi). You need to stir constantly, because in case of burning, the mass will acquire a yellowish color, while losing its adhesive qualities. After the transition of the mass to liquid state, dilute it with vodka with the following ratio: 720 grams of glue needs 950 grams of vodka. Then, for every 100 grams of glue, add 12 g of powdered alum. The resulting homemade wood glue will have high degree adhesion and have excellent water-repellent characteristics.

Method two.In the same glue, mix wood glue and water in a ratio of 1 to 1. After the mixture starts to boil, it will thicken a little, and at this stage it must be poured into a ceramic mortar and pounded with a pestle until a gelatinous mass is formed. Then, put the glue on a plate, refrigerate, and cut into desired pieces. If necessary, mix the glue with vodka in a different ratio - 720g (glue) / 360 g (vodka). Bring the mixture to a boil, then cool and use it.

Method three.Boil a mixture of one liter of water, a kilogram of wood glue, and one liter of 9 percent table vinegar in a water bath. Then, stirring this consistency, gradually add a liter of vodka to it.

Method four. Dilute wood glue with water in a ratio of one to one. Heat it in a water bath until the mixture is completely thickened. After that, add one part of glycerin (equal to the part of the glue that was originally taken). Put on low heat and wait until the water evaporates completely. It remains only to put it in a mold and dry the glue. Stir 1 to 1 with water before using.

Homemade foam glue

Recently, the need for such glue has become acute. This is due to the fact that there are more cases of wall insulation, sound insulation, in which it is necessary to use foam, and other materials like it. You can use glue from a store, but, as a rule, it is afraid of solvents like acetone. Therefore, you can also use the wood glue above.

Otherwise, you can make glue, especially for foam, from homemade cottage cheese. To do this, you need to mix slaked lime with homemade cottage cheese in equal proportions, stirring, to get a homogeneous mass. Try to use this glue immediately after mixing, as it hardens rather quickly.

Casein based adhesive for wood and leather

For gluing wooden or leather goods, casein glue will be very effective. This kind of homemade glue is also suitable for other materials, for example, for gluing puzzles. But, in order to make such a glue, you need to get the casein itself, so the whole process of preparing the glue must be divided into two stages.

The first step will be to isolate casein from the curd. For this, the curd must be fat-free. To get such a cottage cheese, it can be soaked in a soda solution, while you need to dilute 1-2 tablespoons of soda per liter of water (about 15-20 minutes). After, it must be thoroughly rinsed with running water, squeezed out and dried until firm. Now, it remains to prepare a powder from it, which will be dry casein.

In the second step, you need to prepare the glue itself. To make it, you need to pour casein into a flat dish, pouring a thin stream of water into it. Remember to stir the mixture. The ratio will be as follows: for one part of casein, you need to take two parts of water. It is necessary to get a thick mass. Now, the most important part of the preparation comes, this is the mixing of the given mass. The better and better you mix the mixture, the better the glue will turn out. In general, this procedure will take at least 30 minutes, although using a mixer it can be done faster. As a result, such glue will perfectly glue wood fragments, as well as leather, for example, shoes. You need to use such glue as soon as possible, within 3 hours after production.

Handicraft glue

Many housewives are engaged in needlework. Quite often they make fabric flowers, which require special fabric glue. You can also make this glue yourself at home. There are several simple ways that we will now consider.

Method number 1

This will require 3 tablespoons of flour and a glass of water. Dissolve the flour with a little water, heat the rest of the water, and pour the flour mixed with water into it in a thin stream.

Method number 2

In the second method, we need a tablespoon of flour, also a tablespoon of starch, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and a glass of water. Stir all the ingredients and bring to a boil, making sure that no lumps form.

Method number 3

You will need a bag of gelatin, two tablespoons of flour, a tablespoon of sugar, and a glass of water. Soak the gelatin in 1/3 cup of water overnight, and in the morning in the rest of the water, mix the gelatin and the rest of the ingredients. Bring to a boil, and then store the glue only in the refrigerator.

Dextrin based adhesive

For practicing with paper, various kinds of application, it is far from always possible to use PVA glue. For example, a dextrin-based adhesive that is easy to make at home is ideal. In order to get dextrin, you can use starch. Take a bowl, pour starch into it and put it in the oven over low heat. Gradually increase the oven temperature to 160 ° C and hold it for about an hour and a half. So, the starch will break down and turn into dextrin.

For the glue, you need 3 tablespoons of dextrin, 5 tablespoons of water, and a spoonful of glycerin. Mix the dextrin with water, heat the mixture to completely dissolve the dextrin, and only then add the glycerin. Stir, and after cooling, you get a ready-made glue.

Acetone and linoleum based adhesive

To make homemade glue at home, you can read a lot of recipes, and one of the cheapest is such glue. So, for its preparation you need to take old linoleum, cut it into small pieces, and put on the bottom of the dish. Pour it with acetone, in a ratio of 1 to 2 parts (1 part linoleum, 2 parts acetone). Then, close the container hermetically, and leave for 12 hours (preferably in a dark place). After this time, the glue will be ready. It can be used to glue metal, porcelain, wood or leather.

Universal moisture resistant glue

Quite a simple recipe for homemade all-purpose glue that is moisture resistant. To do this, it is enough to take wood glue, soak it in water until it is completely swollen. Then, bring to a gelatinous state, pouring linseed oil into the container.

Well, as you can see, there are very, very many ways to make homemade glue at home. In addition, each glue is suitable for use with one or another type of material. Plus, these are not all recipes for homemade adhesives, because there are really a lot of them.

Polyurethane foam. Help in choosing. Application secrets

At the time of the repair, it is often necessary to use adhesives... With their help, you can glue the wallpaper, lay out the tiles. Adhesive often becomes one of the main components of the cement composition.

To save your finances on buying pre-made mixes, you can learn how to make homemade glue yourself. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the algorithms for making a variety of mixtures.

The recipe for the most powerful universal solvent foam adhesive

This adhesive is used when there is no required consistency in the house or it ends at the most necessary moment. The substance is suitable when sudden cracks appear on the roof. Some people prefer to use such an adhesive for the purpose of fastening objects in the interior or for mounting a cornice on the ceiling.

Solvent and foam glue can be called the most reliable, therefore, using it, you can not be afraid that the fastened parts will begin to fall off after a while.

The glue gained popularity due to the reliable fastening of materials such as gas-filled polystyrene, baseboards and furniture elements.


Styrofoam glue recipe

In order to create the required adhesive consistency, it is enough to perform a number of simple steps:

  • Pour the solvent into a container. Suitable acetone or solvent No. 646, 647. The volume depends on the required amount of glue after creation.
  • Pour polystyrene into the solvent and keep the material in it until a viscous substance begins to form.

The resulting glue is used to bond different planes. When the consistency hardens, it reliably holds the treated surfaces for a long time.

You can use a brush to apply the material. This is ideal if you need to renovate your roof. When the material solidifies, it resembles glass.

We looked at the first method, which described how to make glue at home from foam and solvent.
To create a bonding compound, you can simply apply the crumbled foam to the desired location and spray it with solvent. During the reaction, the material begins to melt, expand and fill all cracks. Thanks to this, a high-quality sealing occurs.

As an example, we can consider the process of gluing cracks on the roof (slate). The composition can be applied and reliably fasten the joints of the roofing material. Please note that if it is liquid, it will be unusable.

Features of the composition

As in any other process, in working with chemistry, you need to adhere to specific rules. Mixing work should be carried out away from sources of ignition. The resulting mixture not only ignites quickly, but also burns for a long time.

It should be noted that cooking is best done on fresh air, it will not harm your health, as mixing in the room can lead to poisoning with chemical vapors.

In addition, one must not forget about that. That the mixed consistency can be used only after a day, and with an increase in the layer thickness, the hardening time increases.

A similar adhesive composition is used in the event that there is no necessary glue or it runs out at the most inopportune moment.

Dissolving the foam

To make the resulting consistency dry faster, it is recommended to choose solvents that contain acetone. If done correctly, the result can withstand almost any temperature extremes. For this reason, this glue is used on the roof and in cracks in the house.

Which foam is right

We looked at how to make foam glue at home. Now you need to familiarize yourself with what kind of components can be used to create.

Polyfoam is a material made of foamed masses. It is very often used for the purpose of insulating living space. Depending on the manufacturing process, polystyrene is grouped into 3 categories:

  1. Without pressing. In the final version, such material looks like balls that are interlocked. If you rub several elements of this foam against each other, then it will begin to crumble, and the balls will separate. The option is used to obtain the glue in question. It can be easily dissolved in acetone and turned into a mass of the required consistency.
  2. Using pressing. The material has an increased strength factor, in contrast to the previous considered option.
  3. Extrusion. This is a foam with a homogeneous structure, since elevated temperatures are used during its manufacture.

In addition to the listed options, you can also use granular foam. However, before using it, you need to test it for solubility. It will be appropriate to say that this version of the foam is considered the most convenient in creating glue.

Thus, with a solvent and foam at your disposal, you can get an adhesive that is reliable and can last for a long time.

The recipe for how to make wallpaper glue

If you plan to glue the wallpaper, but you don’t want to waste it, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the instructions from the site on how to make glue at home. You will need to take as a basis:

  • flour;
  • water.

The number of components used will be selected based on the amount of work to be done. Make the calculation on the basis of the ratio of three tablespoons of flour and 500 milligrams of water.

The creation process itself is very simple, and everything will take no more than thirty minutes.

This glue will become ideal option, if in the process of gluing wallpaper, the desired consistency is over, and there are no building stores nearby.

How to organize the creation process:

  • water is put on the included stove and wait until it starts to boil;
  • in a separate plate or saucepan, dilute the flour with half a mug with a small amount (preferably purified) liquid;
  • the composition is carefully added to the already obtained boiling water and thoroughly mixed;
  • bring it to a boil again and remove from heat.

We leave the composition to cool. When it has completely cooled down, use as directed.

The mixture looks like jelly outwardly. Some people think that this particular glue is ideal for decorating rooms with wallpaper. It is elementary in cooking, does not need rare elements, and most importantly, it does not contain harmful chemical components.

The recipe for how to make wood glue

Glue for carpentry work is one of the most common and most commonly used consistencies. You can also do it yourself.

The process is elementary, and if you approach this matter thoroughly, you will get a composition that can combine wood products. Of course, this glue has its own negative qualities- this is a sharp and unpleasant aroma, as well as the period of use of the prepared composition.

What methods can be used to prepare wood glue.

Option 1

This cooking option is intended for long-term storage of the finished glue. As a result of cooking, you get a solid glue, which, if necessary, can be cut into pieces and used.

Would need:

  • take wood glue, grind and put in a bowl of water;
  • wait until the mass swells and becomes soft;
  • pour water with dissolved glue into the oilcloth, set it to warm over steam;
  • stir the consistency regularly.

You can remove the glue from the stove when the water from the container has practically evaporated. We pour the ready-made glue into molds and leave to cool completely.

Another version of carpentry glue is made according to one of the most well-known technologies today. Is there a dry composition? Use it for cooking purposes. You will need a glue mass of 360 grams of the composition and 500 grams of vodka.
All components are combined and 100 grams of alum is added to them. We are waiting for everything to boil. Use the consistency after you wait for it to cool completely. The adhesive will be durable and water-repellent.

Option 2

Consider another option for making a cool consistency of carpentry type. It is designed for use in the steam cooking process.

You will need (based on 500 ml of liquid):

  • 500 grams of glue;
  • half a tablespoon of vinegar;
  • 500 grams of vodka.

The glue is poured into the liquid and acetic acid is added to the composition. The consistency is cooked until you notice that the glue ingredient has dissolved. After that, vodka is poured into the composition and mixed.

This cooking method can be improved, but for this you need to take 250 grams of adhesive, the same amount of water. Bring everything to a boil and add glycerin at the end of cooking.
Ready mix poured into molds and used as needed. Please note that before the process of use, the composition must be diluted with water in equal proportions.

Silicate paper glue recipe

If there is a need for silicate glue for paper, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following creation technology, which will be given below.

This glue is indispensable if a person likes to practice the technique of folding paper figures. It is silicate glue that is suitable for this task.
Not many people know that this adhesive consistency can be used in relation to wooden objects, which refers to additional advantages.

The main component of the silicate glue is dextrin. You can even cook it at home. What is required of you for the work process:

  • put two small spoons with starch in a container made of heat-resistant material and heat in the oven;
  • when the temperature indicator reaches 150 degrees, the composition is put into the oven. The approximate cooking time is one and a half hours. The component is ready.

We are preparing glue. We prepare: glycerol, dextrin, water.

The first thing to do is combine the water with dextrin. We heat the mixture and wait until the component melts in water. At the final stage, add glycerol to the mixture obtained earlier. When the consistency becomes room temperature, you can use the prepared glue.

How to make PVA glue at home

If you are one of those who are often faced with the need to use a PVA composition, check out detailed description how to make quality PVA glue at home.

Before making your own PVA glue at home, prepare:

  • water;
  • gelatin;
  • flour (preferably wheat);
  • glycerol;
  • ethanol.

As for the amount of each ingredient, you will need at least 500 ml of water. for such an amount of liquid, take a few grams of gelatin and the same amount of glycerin, and 50 grams of flour is enough. For ethyl alcohol, take 10 milligrams.

To understand how to properly make glue at home, we recommend that you read the detailed instructions:

  1. Pre-put gelatin in liquid and leave until the next day. During this period, it will swell.
  2. Once the gelatin is cooked, a steam bath should be organized. Place a container of liquid on the stove. Find a bowl that can hook onto the edges of the pot of water. Please note that the container should not touch boiling water.
  3. Gently add gelatin to a separate plate with water and stir until completely dissolved and add flour. Put the whole thing on a little heat and stir thoroughly while cooking.
    When the mixture is similar to thick sour cream, remove from heat.
  4. Add glycerin to the consistency you have and pour in the alcohol. When the finished composition cools down, it can be used as directed.

Now you have learned how to properly make PVA glue at home. This cooking method is elementary, many components are at home, or purchased within walking distance.

Flour glue recipe (for fabrics)

It takes a lot of glue to glue all kinds of fabric-based ones. If the additives are selected in the correct amount, then you can prepare and stock up on a few liters of glue. High Quality... The glue will not deteriorate and will not lose its qualities even if it is located at room temperature.

In order for the fabric to stick together firmly, you need to make a grain-type paste. To this end, a wheat or oat grain must be broken up on an electrically powered coffee grinder. Of course, you can use a manual unit, but the grinding quality will not be high.

The resulting mass does not need to be sieved, it is poured with water and boiled. When everything swells, the consistency will need to be passed through cheesecloth, you do not need to wipe the mixture through it. Alcohol and PVA glue are poured into the liquid, we described above how to make the glue correctly at home. The finished consistency can be used as intended.

If you plan to work with heavy fabrics, then instead of wheat and PVA, you can brew rye grains in a steam bath and add wood glue with alum.

The need for glue can arise at any, even at the most inopportune moment. You can't talk about saving if, to eliminate small defect in the house you have to buy a whole package of industrial glue. It is more economical to cook it yourself and in the amount you need. All this allows you to solve the problem of the sudden end of the adhesive.

PVA glue is considered a versatile tool and an excellent helper. And this applies not only to clerical issues. It helps not only to fasten together various materials but also helps to create unusual and useful things. What kind of crafts can be made using this glue, we will consider in this article.

Characteristics of PVA glue

PVA glue is a universal composition most often used in Everyday life... Thanks to its composition, you can bond a variety of materials: leather, paper, wood, fabric and many others. The glue has several varieties, depending on the area in which it is used.

The composition has a number of positive characteristics:

  • excellent adhesive ability;
  • resistance to variable temperatures;
  • cost-effectiveness and elasticity of the seam;
  • non-toxicity;
  • resistance to high humidity.

In addition, PVA glue has a relatively low cost, while it is actively used both for domestic and industrial purposes.

Varieties of crafts

Often, creative people ask themselves what kind of crafts can be made from glue? In fact, the choice of options is quite extensive. Thanks to its positive characteristics with the help of this glue, you can create a huge variety of crafts. Consider the most interesting ideas and instructions on how to do it yourself at home.

The simplest thing to do is to apply the papier-mâché technique shown in the photo of the PVA glue crafts. The technology involves the use of ordinary paper to create a voluminous thing of any shape and size.

Gingerbread man

These include, for example, "Kolobok". To create, you need a balloon, paper cut into small pieces, and PVA glue. The creation process primarily involves the application of glue (in a generous layer) to the ball, after which paper is applied to it.

The number of layers must be at least ten. Before starting the application of each subsequent layer, the previous one must dry thoroughly. The final layer is recommended to be made of clean white paper, so that after drying it can be painted.

Making a lampshade is considered no less beautiful. This is one of the original glue crafts for decorating a room with a different stylistic solution.

The technique involves the use of threads instead of paper, and the technique is largely similar to the previous version, since instead of paper, threads are applied to the ball.

Acrylic paints

PVA glue is great for cooking acrylic paints... Buy ready-made version sometimes not everyone can afford it, so you can use a more budgetary option.

For cooking, you need a combination of PVA glue and gouache. The mixture is perfect for painting on different surfaces, as well as for painting a variety of crafts.

Due to the fact that the composition includes glue, gouache gains strength and evenly lays on work surface, while maintaining its durability over a long period of time. It is necessary to mix the ingredients on the palette in a 1 to 1 ratio, 1 to 2 is also allowed, it all depends on the volume.

Christmas balls

One more original idea was making Christmas decorations from a ball, threads and PVA glue. How to make such beautiful craft with your own hands?

In order for the craft to turn out neat and beautiful, you should adhere to the technology on how to make a craft out of glue:

  • a balloon with a volume of no more than 10 cm is inflated;
  • the thread is threaded into the needle and a bottle of glue is pierced through so that the fiber is thoroughly saturated with glue (it is better to use a needle so that it is slightly thicker than the thread);
  • the ball is wrapped with threads in different directions so that there are no gaps, even the smallest;
  • the tip of the thread is fixed by threading it under the layers already on the ball.

After completing the main stage of creating the craft, it must be left for a long time so that it dries well. After the threads are completely dry, the ball can be burst and untied with gentle movements.

As a result, you will get an excellent frame from some threads. At the final stage, all you need to do is tie a ribbon and place the decoration on the New Year's beauty.

Using a similar technique, you can create toys not only in a round shape, but also in the shape of animals or a snowman. To make the latter, you will need a small amount of cotton wool. Which must be cut into pieces and rolled into three balls of different sizes.

After that, the glue should be diluted in water in a 2: 1 ratio. You can add glitter to this mixture if you like. Spread the solution on each ball and fasten together. Further, the matter will remain small, only to supplement the figure by making it a nose from cotton wool and a toothpick, eyes from buttons or beads and handles from pre-prepared twigs.

The technology for creating crafts from PVA glue is quite simple. It does not require large financial costs, and in the manufacturing process you will need a little patience and a flight of imagination.

Photo of crafts from PVA glue

Before pondering how to make PVA glue at home, you need to decide - why is such "chemical creativity" necessary at all? Self-production adhesives are relevant in cases where there are doubts about the quality of purchased analogs or they are absent in retail.

PVA glue - basic characteristics

In addition, glue self-made you can give unique features by changing the recipe, it is permissible to paint it in light colors. At applying liquid wallpaper or pasting walls with thin paper rolls matching the adhesive layer to their color will greatly facilitate the work. The repair popularity of PolyVinyl Acetate emulsion on water based(this is how the abbreviation PVA stands for) is associated with its impressive properties:

  • Frost resistance - it is important to understand that it comes about the resistance to freezing of an already applied adhesive layer. PVA in liquid form does not tolerate frost! If you leave a container with liquid polyvinyl acetate glue for the winter in a "cold" garage or cellar, then in the spring it can be safely thrown away - the thawed liquid will not glue thin sheets of paper;
  • High adhesive power. For a reliable connection of the parts of the glue unit, a relatively small amount of glue is needed; after tight mating of the parts, it is difficult to break them (more often the break occurs along the base material, and not along the glue edge). According to the current standards for industrial PVA, the breaking strength of glued joints is from 400 to 550 N / m. Home-made glue will be no less durable if you follow the technology of its manufacture (see below);
  • Safety in manufacture, storage and operation. PVA has no toxic components, is non-flammable and does not emit harmful compounds... It does not harm the skin of the hands, except that the eyes should be protected from glue splashes - but even with such a nuisance it is easy to cope, it is enough to rinse with water, and the organs of vision will not be affected at all;
  • Good solubility in ordinary water and compatibility with organic solvents - benzene, methanol, acetone, etc. If PVA is diluted with toxic solvents, then their negative properties for humans are transmitted to the entire emulsion.;
  • Due to the high strength of the applied thin layer, this glue is indispensable for small thickness of the glued surfaces;
  • When dry, polyvinyl acetate is not characterized by shrinkage, no cavities are formed in it. Excess glue is easily removed from the outer surface with an ordinary sponge and does not harm the most delicate coating (wallpaper glitter, thin paper, etc.);
  • The dried adhesive mass is quite strong, it can be filled with thin mounting gaps (up to 2 mm). it useful property demanded when decorating walls with wallpaper, especially when painting non-woven wallpaper- in this way it is possible to "smooth out" minor imperfections such as joints of various thicknesses.

How to make glue for different cases of repair life

The collective name "PVA glue" covers a wide range of adhesives, whose recipe and purpose are very different from each other. Their purpose can be judged by the letter marking - the scope should definitely be indicated on the packaging and in the technical documentation:

  • PVA-K is an ordinary stationery composition. A flowing liquid of white (yellow shades are allowed) color, without lumps, a film on the surface of the tube is possible. PVA-K absolutely does not tolerate the effects of water, the glued surfaces exfoliate even with a slight frost... Due to savings on plasticizers, this variety is cheap, but it is limited by the office area of ​​application - gluing sheets of paper and thin cardboard up to A4;
  • PVA-B or PVA-O - household glue (wallpaper), an improved modification of the stationery. It tolerates the impact of moisture well, the surfaces pasted over with it can be repeatedly thawed and frozen to temperatures of - 35 ˚C ... - 40 ˚C. It is used for gluing concrete, wood, putty and plaster surfaces with wallpaper with a paper "backing", with the exception of heavy rolls - for such it is better to use liquid nails or special formulations from the manufacturer;
  • PVA-MB is a universal adhesive formulation that is compatible with both paper products and fabric, leather, wood, metal and glass. Thick liquid without lumps, frost-resistant after application up to - 20 ˚C;
  • PVA-M is an improved universal glue (super-PVA). Frost-resistant up to - 40 ˚C, strength and moisture resistance allow gluing on PVA-M not only any wallpaper, but also facing tiles and linoleum (with the exception of rooms with constantly high humidity);
  • PVA dispersion is a low-water base for any polyvinyl acetate emulsion. It consists of polymer and colloidal components, from which PVA glue of other varieties is made by adding water. Differs in high-speed gluing, fingers stick to each other almost instantly during testing. It is used very widely - as an additive in plaster solutions, in the printing industry, footwear and leather industries, in the production of textiles, etc.

In its pure form, any PVA glue must be used at positive air temperatures - in the composition of building solutions, the use of dispersion has no climatic framework.

How to make PVA glue at home - Khimprom in miniature

To learn how to make PVA glue at home, you need to purchase minimal set adhesive ingredients. 1 liter aqueous solution would need:

  • Wheat flour, white, well sifted - 100 grams;
  • Ethyl alcohol, you can technical - 20-30 grams;
  • Fine gelatin, it is also called "photographic" - 5-10 grams;
  • Common glycerin - 5-10 grams;
  • Organic coloring pigment, light tones - as required.

Preliminary preparation is needed to prepare an aqueous solution of gelatin - it is diluted from a ratio of 10 grams of water to 1 gram of dry gelatin and left to “soak” for a day. If the jelly is too thick (the quality of gelatin may vary), it can be diluted with hot water and mixed thoroughly. Further chemical manipulations will be carried out the next day.

We need two enamelled vessels, and one must be structurally combined with the other. The fact is that homemade PVA must be boiled in a water bath. Pour gelatin solution and water into a smaller container, set in a bowl of water big size and put on a strong fire.

It is required to bring the gelatin-water mixture to a boil and only then gradually add flour. The process is similar to the preparation of semolina porridge - if you want this dish to turn out without lumps, you need to stir constantly. Only now the semolina is cooked quickly, and it will take at least an hour to completely dissolve the flour in water with gelatin (and our glue brew must be stirred all the time wooden spoon, what do you want?).

When the required consistency of thick sour cream is reached, it's time to add alcohol, glycerin and dye. After adding these components, homemade PVA must still be held in a water bath for 30 minutes, without stopping to stir thoroughly. Then it remains to cool the resulting composition and make sure of its adhesive qualities in the repair business. A properly prepared glue has a shelf life of at least 6 months in liquid form, if you do not forget to carefully seal the neck and do not expose the container to frost.