Exterior plaster of the foundation of the house. Selection and application of plaster for the plinth

The base of the house for long-term preservation of its qualities needs to be protected both from natural factors and from accidental mechanical damage. A proven, widely used remedy is the plastering of the foundation, protruding above ground level.

The technology, the speed of applying the solution for a professional and for a beginner who wants to do everything with his own hands will differ. The lack of skills will affect the tool used. However, although the composition of the work is not very difficult, it requires thoroughness in execution.

How to plaster yourself, the order of work

The lower part of the house is more exposed to snow, rain, living inhabitants. Paneling is faster in terms of turnaround time. The solidity of the frozen mass provides reliable protection, maintainability of individual sections, thermal insulation and the ability to change the design by changing the outer layer. That is why we first plaster, and then the foundation of the house can be finished with other selected materials. You can also plaster under the stone. The work is divided into 4 main stages.

Surface preparation

Basement priming

Regardless of the foundation material (concrete, expanded clay concrete blocks, brick, rubble stone), for a strong adhesion of the mortar, it will be correct to perform the following operations:

  1. Cut off protruding parts, sagging, cracked areas;
  2. Cut cracks, clean out broken pieces of seams;
  3. Clean smooth areas with a metal brush;
  4. It is recommended to make notches on concrete;
  5. Treat with a primer.

The primer composition of deep penetration will increase the adhesion of the surface of the foundation of the house. Deep cracks (cavities) are puttied before applying the main plaster. As a result, the plane should be vertical and rough. During the construction of a new house, the outer walls were not exposed to the environment for a long time. Operations for their thorough cleaning, most likely, will not be required.

The area under the wall of the house is covered with roofing material to prevent mixing of falling plaster mixtures with earth and debris. Subsequently, a blind area will lie here.


Installation of beacons for plaster

The result upon completion of the work satisfies when everything is done, not only qualitatively, but also beautifully. The upper border looks good if the level is kept horizontal. When parallel to its ground, the building seems crooked.

For an even vertical surface and a given layer thickness, beacons are attached to the foundation stone. In the purchased version, this is a metal V-shaped profile with mounting planes. The profile is set according to a plumb or level. Fix with a sufficiently thick solution. The distance between adjacent landmarks is from one and a half to two meters.

Belt of Strength

Before applying the mortar, the composition of the protective belt covering the foundation of the house includes a reinforcing mesh (ordinary chain-link or flatter plaster meshes of various designs). Fastening is carried out with a dowel at the rate of 20 - 30 pieces per square meter. At the corners, the mesh is overlapped in a double layer. It should not protrude beyond the beacons and sag in waves.

Tool you will need

Plaster tools

For work, you will need a surface preparation tool, measuring fixtures and a tool for applying and leveling the mortar. For decorative coating your requirements. At all stages, depending on the possibilities, the operation greatly facilitates and speeds up the power tool. For example, dust, small fragments of stone from cracks can be removed with a paint brush, rotary soft brush or blown out with a compressor. The protruding parts of the foundation should be correctly removed with a hammer, a circular saw, and not with a powerful puncher. If the work is supposed to be done by hand, the use of fixtures and equipment for the first time can backfire: tighten, complicate, affect quality. What you should not refuse an electric assistant - in the preparation of the solution.

Receptions and materials

Lightweight, breathable foundation plaster can be made of cement-lime mortar. From above, such a composition is usually whitened or painted. It is not recommended to tile it with ceramic tiles - most likely, it will fall off over time. But it is easily repaired and weakly susceptible to mold in wet conditions.

Base layer

To create a strong and durable coating for the base of the house, we choose cement grade 400 and always quarry sand in a ratio of 1 to 3. Dry mix in a concrete mixer. Add water in small portions to get a thick plastic mass. Depending on the climatic zone, experts will recommend which plasticizers are best used as additives in the main composition. Watch the video on how to plaster the foundation with your own hands.

Before plastering, a cement mortar of the consistency of sour cream 5-9 mm thick is sprayed onto the prepared base over the entire surface. After it dries - cement "milk".

The covering layer should only be applied to one side of the wall at a time. To make it easier to create even corners, a beginner can fix a bounding board on an adjacent surface (a formwork option for stopping and leveling the line). The thickness was previously set by beacons.


The plaster is allowed to set, and then a rough leveling with a wooden grout is carried out on a wet surface. To withstand until reaching the fortress is recommended up to 2 weeks. It is advisable to cover with a film and moisten periodically.

Outer coating

When the surface is planned to be embroidered "under the stone", then they do it until it is completely dry. Then there is no chipping of grains and cracking. Jointing, depending on the depth of the relief, is performed with a scalpel, trowel with the formation of smooth edges and drops. The upper layer is "ironized" with wetting.


Now, after the final drying, you can use a plastic composition (paint, fine crumbs, decorative dry or ready-made mix) or solid tile materials as an external decorative coating.


Textured plaster

The listed stages of work contain two key points:

  • Solution preparation;
  • Compliance with application technology.

It is necessary to plaster without coming off at least one side of the house. Then the applied composition dries evenly, seizes monolithically. It is desirable to limit as much as possible sudden changes in temperature, humidity, direct sunlight, weathering. For this, there are film materials.

If everything is done correctly, then the check will be long. If not, you'll find out quickly.

The plaster of the basement and foundation of the house performs several functions at once: practical - it protects the base from a harmful, aggressive environment, extending the service life, aesthetic - it decorates the exterior of the house, collecting the architectural ensemble into a single, complete picture.

In the article we will talk about the main methods of plastering the foundation and plinth, which solution is better to use, how to decorate the bearing elements of knowledge with your own hands.

Features of plastering the basement and foundation

Socle - protruding above the soil surface, a supporting structure responsible for the redistribution of loads on the foundation. It is subject to harmful atmospheric, chemical and biological, mechanical influences, experiences significant temperature deltas, and therefore needs strong protection. There are several options for cladding: tiles, siding, stone, but the most affordable in terms of cost, quality, durability, maintainability and practicality, of course, is finishing the basement with plaster.

It is better to insulate the foundation and plinth before plastering

Important stages of plastering the plinth

It is necessary to prepare the base for plastering with special care: beat off convex layers, bubbles, with a hammer. Remove dirt and dust, it is recommended to rinse with a stiff brush.

  • Block or brick base - we scrape out the weak layers of the mortar, sweep and clean the seams with a brush.
  • We examine the monolithic concrete foundation. We reveal cracks, we shtrob gaps, we knock down ledges, we clean.

We apply a deep penetration primer.

Requirements for mortar for foundation plaster

The plaster mortar for the foundation is prepared exclusively on cement, M400 and above. Additives that improve waterproofing characteristics and plasticizers can be added to the mixture. The ratio for the foundation is cement: sand - 1: 3, the sandstone must be washed, without clay impurities.

Advice: You can buy a ready-made plaster mixture marked "for the foundation." It correctly maintains the proportions of all components.

foundation plastering process

We make notches along the entire plane of the foundation with a hammer or chisel. We close the cracks with a cement-sand mortar, by pegs, we fix the reinforcing frame, wetting the surface. We make a spray on the foundation, a layer of up to 10 mm. On the dried layer, again apply a primer. With a thick mixture, we apply a covering layer of plaster on the foundation. We rub the surface. It is applied to visible areas, as in technology with a base.

For a more detailed process, see the video on how to make decorative foundation plaster with your own hands, a video with detailed technology will help you not make fatal mistakes.

The basement is the lower part of the building to the floor of the first floor. As a rule, it protrudes beyond the plane of the bearing wall, forming a step. Often it acts as a building envelope for basements or semi-basements.

In cottage construction, the plinth is assembled from foundation reinforced concrete blocks, monolithic concrete or red ceramic bricks. These materials need to be protected from rain, snow, seasonal temperature changes, and they should not stand out against the background of the facade. Therefore, in most cases, do-it-yourself plastering of the foundation of the house is done.

Plastering a basement or a wet facade is the application of a cement-sand or other coating that performs protective and decorative functions:

  • Protective. The plaster layer alone or as part of a more complex coating (stone, ceramic granite, embossed plaster, insulation) partially or completely protects the surface from mechanical damage, freezing. It creates a water-repellent barrier, protects against the formation of fungus. The plaster does not transmit ultraviolet rays.
  • Decorative. Mosaic plaster for the basement hides all the flaws and irregularities, decorates the facade of the house. It helps to create a unified color and stylistic composition.

Advantages and disadvantages

Finishing the plinth with plaster is the most popular method, but like any building technology, it has a number of advantages and disadvantages:


  • Plaster can be applied both on a clean base and on a heater.
  • The plaster mixture is easy to prepare at home, you can buy ready-made in bags. Application does not require special and expensive tools. All work can be done by hand.
  • Huge selection of dry textured plaster mixtures. The finished surface can be painted in any color, which allows you to create a unique facade for each house.
  • High coefficient of vapor permeability. The walls breathe without accumulating moisture in the thickness of the building structure.
  • Affordable price. Acceptable prices for material and work per square meter.


  • The service life of a plastered plinth is much less than a stone one.
  • In some cases, the plaster layer has insufficient strength. It can be destroyed or damaged. Even a small chip or crack gets water, which gradually destroys the plaster layer.
  • Ordinary cement-sand mortar absorbs moisture. For ready-made composite plaster mixtures, the moisture absorption coefficient is less, but still not sufficient. Therefore, the finished surface is painted with special facade water-despression paints.
  • In its pure form, the plaster freezes through. There are heat-insulating types of plaster mixture, but they do not give a good result without the use of sheet insulation.


What is the best plaster for the basement. There is no direct and unequivocal answer to this undergrowth. Plaster mixtures can be divided according to the composition and texture of the finished surface.

An example of textured plaster

According to their composition, they are divided:

  • Portland cement and sand based plaster. Inexpensive material that is used for the first leveling layer, exclusively on a clean stone or concrete base. It is also possible to plaster the plinth along the grid and then apply the second finishing layer or. You can buy a ready-made mixture or mix the solution directly at the construction site.
  • Portland cement-based plaster with additives that allow it to be applied to a surface sheathed with basalt mineral wool or foam plastic. It is used to obtain the base layer or as the only finishing material.
  • Plaster based on acrylic resins. It can be applied both on a clean concrete or brick surface, and used for the “wet facade” technology. It is moisture resistant and does not crack from seasonal temperature fluctuations. Due to the presence of mica, small stones or linen fibers, it is suitable for creating a decorative textured surface.
  • Silicone plaster. The most expensive and high quality material. It is elastic and durable, does not collapse from the action of shrinkage deformation and seasonal temperature fluctuations. It has a high coefficient of vapor permeability, which allows the plinth to "breathe". It is used only for the finishing decorative coating of the facade.

By invoice

classic smooth

The first base leveling layer is made of cement-sand or plaster with additives. The second layer of . Then the plinth is painted.


More efficient option. Due to additives in the composition of the solution or mechanical action on the surface, a relief pattern is obtained. There are several types:

  • "Bark beetle". Demanded mixture for finishing the plinth. After application, an original surface is obtained, covered with small grooves;
  • A composition that imitates a surface covered with granite or marble chips;
  • "Venetian", After application, the effect of facing the plinth with large-sized pieces of marble is created.

Under the stone

It consists of natural binders, plasticizers and natural stone filler. To imitate different types of natural stone, a fine or medium fraction filler is used. The finished surface is very durable, protects against getting wet and mechanical destruction of the base.

Application technologies

Plastering the basement is available to everyone. It can be done by hand. The main stages of the work are the same when using different materials, the set of tools is also the same.

Consider several options for plastering the basement of a residential building.

Under the stone

Plastering a basement under a stone with your own hands consists of several stages:

  1. Preparatory work. They include applying a base layer of plaster to the surface of the plinth. All deep potholes and irregularities are sealed before application. Then the surface is treated with a deep penetration primer, which dries for 3-4 hours. The base plaster layer is applied on a clean base or on a grid. It all depends on the roughness of the surface.
  2. If the difference between the top and bottom of the plinth is insignificant, then a layer of plaster without a mesh with a thickness of 20-30 mm is sufficient.
  3. If the difference between the top and bottom of the base is visually noticeable, then a galvanized stack with a cell size of 25-25 mm is used.
  4. The base surface is treated with a deep penetration primer.
  5. The final layer of plaster is applied under the stone with a thickness of 10-30 mm. The solution is mixed in a wide bucket using a mixer or a perforator with a special nozzle.

The pattern of masonry may be chaotic or regular.

To obtain a surface of wild stone, the mixture is applied in small areas and compacted with a trowel. After setting, the plastered area is processed with a grater.

With the help of a decorative plaster mix and a chisel, an imitation of surface cladding with pieces of stone of the right or wrong size is created.

The basement of the house with a "wet" facade

In this case, the base is preliminarily or. They are mounted on for a wet facade.

  • Applying a base coat. Plastering is always carried out over a fiberglass mesh. It is attached to the mortar and then sealed with a plaster mixture. To finish the insulated basement, a simple cement mortar is not used. Ready mixtures with additives are used;
  • Application of the second layer. The surface of the plinth is treated with soil. Then decorative or smooth plaster is applied. The thickness of the layer of decorative plaster is 10 mm;
  • The finished plinth of the wet facade is painted. Often darker colors are used than for the main surface.

Plastering the plinth under the tile

Finishing the basement with a plaster mixture is a good way to quickly, efficiently and inexpensively equip the basement of a house. It is necessary to follow the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturers of finishing materials, as well as to perform work in acceptable weather conditions. The result is a beautifully executed and durable foundation of the house.

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If the above-ground part of the foundation is not protected from mechanical and atmospheric influences, it will gradually collapse. The formation of cracks and washing out of the masonry mortar from the seams and joints will lead not only to the weakening of the structure, but also to the appearance of dampness in the house, worsening the microclimate in it.

Plastering the foundation with your own hands is the most effective and inexpensive way to avoid this, while at the same time giving the base a decorative look and ennobling the facade.

Before talking about how to plaster the foundation of a house, you need to understand how to do it, what composition to use. Here it must be borne in mind that the base carries a huge load. And the point is not that a building stands on it and presses with its weight - the foundation itself is responsible for this, and not its decoration.

In this case, load means the aggressive effect of the atmosphere - precipitation, temperature changes, sunlight, etc. As well as mechanical effects, which cannot be avoided due to the location of the structure.

Based on this, we can conclude that the plaster must be durable, resistant to moisture and other harmful environmental factors. The answer to the question of how to plaster the foundation is unambiguous: cement-based compositions. Only they have the listed characteristics.

Note. Silicate and silicone compounds also have excellent protective properties and strength characteristics. But their price is very high compared to cement, which entails high costs for finishing.

Finished plinth plasters

Manufacturers of dry building mixes offer a lot of ready-made compositions for finishing plinths. In addition to sand and cement, they include various additives: plasticizing, waterproofing, increasing the frost resistance of plaster, etc.

Among the most popular are the following:

  • Volma-Sokol. Water- and crack-resistant high-strength plaster based on Portland cement, reinforced with fibers.

  • Eunice Silin ground. Water-repellent, frost-resistant, weather-resistant cement mixture.

  • Sokelputz Knauf. High-quality socle plaster with high adhesive properties. Waterproof, frost resistant.

In addition to the main leveling, there are also cement plasters, with which the plinth can be given a decorative look. They may have different colors and textures.

Decorative compositions are applied after the base layer has completely dried.

Homemade basement plaster

The most affordable and budgetary way to finish the foundation is to prepare a mortar and plaster it with your own hands. In order for the coating to turn out to be of high quality and durable, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions of cement and sand and add water-repellent additives to the composition.

Advice. As such an additive, you can use PVA construction glue, which is added to water for mixing. It gives the solution plasticity and improves its adhesion. A more modern tool is a dispersion of the synthetic polymer Latex Profi, which is perfectly compatible with cement.

Instructions for the preparation of plaster mortar:

  • Sift dry quarry sand through a metal mesh with a fine mesh to get rid of dirt, plant residues and large fractions;
  • Pour it into a mixing container or into a concrete mixer;
  • Add cement. If it is brand M500, then the ratio should be 1:4 (for 1 part of cement 4 parts of sand), and if M400, then 1:3;
  • Thoroughly mix the dry ingredients so that the mixture acquires a uniform color without streaks and stains of pure cement;

  • Before preparing a mortar for foundation plaster, dilute waterproofing additives in clean water;
  • Add water, constantly stirring the solution and achieving the desired density. Its quantity depends on the type of work: for the first priming layer, the solution must be liquid, and for the main covering layer, it must be plastic, not fluid.

Note. It is necessary to prepare the solution after all the preparatory work for cleaning the foundation has been completed.

Stages of plaster

Before plastering the foundation of the house, you need to examine it for cracks, crumbling areas, deformation protrusions and other defects.

Preparatory work

Preparation of the foundation for plastering consists in removing poorly adhering materials from its surface. For example, if it is made of bricks or blocks, the seams should be cleaned of destroyed mortar. If it is a concrete tape with cracks, then they are embroidered in width and depth until strong sections are reached.

You also need to knock down all the protrusions so that you do not have to make a leveling layer that is too thick.

The final stage of preparation before plastering the foundation is its primer (see What is a primer for: technological nuances of finishing work). To do this, it is advisable to purchase a special composition suitable for your foundation.

Main works

Now you can talk in detail about how to properly plaster the foundation. Compliance with this technology will allow you to get a durable and even coating, on which you can later apply a decorative composition or stick tiles, natural stone, and other facing materials.


  • Moisten all masonry joints, cracks and potholes with water and seal them with mortar, roughly leveling the surface;
  • Fasten a reinforcing mesh or a chain-link with small cells on the plinth. To do this, you can use special staples or dowels with a wide hat;

  • Using a level, draw a straight line along the foundation, stepping back from the most protruding part by 2-4 cm, install vertical long pegs along it;
  • Throw the gaps between the pegs and the base with mortar, constantly checking the vertical with a level. Let the resulting tubercles dry well - you will get beacons, along which it will be convenient to level the plaster;

  • After removing the pegs, moisten the entire surface with water from a spray bottle or spray with a broom, then apply a liquid primer cement mortar to it;
  • When the primer sets, you can start leveling: a thick layer of plastic working mortar is thrown onto the foundation with a trowel, which is leveled by the rule along the beacons;

  • Since it is necessary to plaster the foundation of the house so that it looks aesthetically pleasing, the finished surface should be rubbed. This is done after the plaster has begun to set, but while it is still wet. To do this, use a wooden grater, on which you can install the grid;
  • Immediately after grouting, if desired, you can “embroider” the surface under a stone or under a brick, drawing grooves on it.

If you want to clad the plinth with tiles or stone, then you need to wait for the plaster to dry completely, which will take about two weeks.

Advice. To ensure that the coating dries evenly and does not crack, cover it with plastic wrap and protect it from direct sunlight.


You can learn more about the process of plastering the foundation by watching the video in this article. In principle, this is not a difficult matter, minor flaws are quite acceptable, so even an amateur can handle it. The main thing is to observe the proportions in the manufacture of the solution and the technology of its application.

Regardless of what kind of foundation is made, sooner or later it will still begin to collapse. Especially quickly cracks and damage appear on a brick and block foundation. It's no secret that cement is short-lived. It is not able to withstand the influence of rain, and therefore is washed out rather quickly. It goes without saying that every owner of the house thinks about protecting the foundation. In this case, the plaster of the foundation will be the best defender, and plastering the foundation with your own hands is quite within the power of everyone.

What are the positive aspects of foundation plastering? First of all, of course, this is its easy updating and simple repair. It is very important to remember that plastering the foundation and the interior are two completely different processes. In order for the plastering work to be carried out correctly, and the coating to last for many years, you need to know some secrets of preparing a plaster solution, coupled with the rules for applying it. It is worth noting that the addition of color pigment to the solution will further decorate the foundation.

What cement mortar is needed?

To date, there are several options for solutions suitable for plastering work. Among them are solutions based on:

  • gypsum;
  • clays;
  • lime;
  • sand;
  • cement, etc.

It is worth saying that solutions with the first three additives can in no case be used for foundation plastering, since they are intended for interior decoration. It is important to remember that the plastering of the foundation of the house, more precisely, its basement, can be carried out exclusively with a cement-based mortar.

What should be included in the solution? In this case, only plasticizers, as well as various waterproofing components, can serve as additives. Today, finding such solutions is not difficult - there are quite a few of them in hardware stores.

It is worth saying that at first glance, these solutions practically do not differ from each other. However, if you look closely, you can see the difference in the percentage of additives. This difference is very important. So, for example, the most plastic mortar is applied much easier and is ideal for subsequent decoration of the foundation. Mixtures with a large addition of waterproofing additives are perfect for places with high humidity.

There is a rule that states that a cement to sand ratio of 1:5 will be acceptable for plaster. However, such a rule is incorrect, since such a mortar for foundation plaster will “fall apart” after a while. The optimal proportion in this case is 1:3, while it is important to remember that only quarry sand can be used, and sifted. The volume of water each time is selected individually. So, for a priming layer, liquid plaster is quite suitable, while for a covering one - plastic, sour cream type.

Solution preparation

The preparation of the solution includes five steps:

Foundation preparation

Plastering the foundation with your own hands is not a difficult task, but painstaking. In order to qualitatively and correctly apply the plaster, the foundation must be prepared in advance. In this case, you must adhere to 4 rules:

Stages of finishing the foundation

Before you start plastering the foundation, you must:

Beacons are installed as follows:

  1. Using the hydraulic level, an even strip is drawn on the ground near the foundation. It is important that the indentation from the foundation is practically invisible (2-3 cm), the strip should run closely.
  2. At the place where the corner of the wall will intersect with the strip, the peg is installed strictly vertically, and the height of the peg must correspond to the height of the base.
  3. The distance formed between the peg and the foundation should be filled with mortar. A vertical mound should form, the alignment of which should be done using the building level. Such beacons should be made in all corners, as well as every 1.5-2 meters.
  4. 3 nails should be driven into the pegs intended for corner beacons, on which the cord must be pulled. This lace will work as a guideline, according to which the foundation will be plastered under the stone. Accordingly, after pulling the lace, 3 lines will appear: below, in the middle and on top of the base. It is important to remember that between the laces and the beacons themselves, there should be an opening of 1 mm.

How to plaster the foundation? There is nothing complicated in the further process.

  • First of all, you should wait for the beacons to dry, after which it is necessary to spray the foundation. First of all, it is wetted with water. After that, using a bucket or trowel, a cement mortar prepared in advance according to the rules described above is sprayed. The permissible layer thickness varies between 5-9 mm.
  • After the “spray” dries, a primer composition should be applied over it - more liquid.
  • After the primer has set, a covering composition should be applied - thicker and more plastic. It is this composition that is a plaster mortar with waterproofing agents and plasticizers.
  • The last stage involves rubbing the surface. With this process, it is possible to achieve the smoothest surface, and also allows it to be leveled. Grouting is carried out using a special grater, which has a fine metal mesh. You can also use foam, or some other special tools. The most important thing is to choose the right moment for mashing. In this case, the plaster should not be completely dry, but it should already be set. You can produce plaster in a variety of ways - under a stone, or give it a relief surface.