Copper solid fuel pyrolysis combustion with water contour. Pyrolysis boilers - Is it worth getting

Gasification of private sectors goes with seven-mile steps. But still many settlements are honeble with coal or firewood. And when the "blue fuel" will come to them unknown. But the budget is not rubber. Looking at the growing prices for firewood, coal or pellets (extruded fuel) people grab the head. However, from the situation there is a yield - solid fuel boilers of long burning with water circuit, saving and firewood, and time. You need to trample once a day, and some models have enough once a week. Today we'll figure it out what it is for the "miracle aggregate" why it is so rarely needed to trample and how much such a boiler costs.

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Solid fuel boilers for long burning with water contour: advantages and disadvantages

Solid fuel boilers of long burning for heating is an opportunity to provide a dwelling with warmth and create comfortable conditions for life, spending a smaller amount of firewood or coal, which occurs when using a conventional oven. Such an aggregate has a lot of advantages, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • efficiency achieved by a high efficiency;
  • the unit is easily serviced;
  • low cost;
  • ecology and safety.

Depending on the model, such aggregates can be equipped with additional options that will facilitate the heating process. However, it is not necessary without drawbacks, among which it is worth noting the need for periodic cleaning and fuel loading (in comparison with gas and electric equipment). But these shortcomings disappear if you compare a device with conventional furnace heating.

Principle of operation of the boiler on solid fuel for long burning

The principle of operation of a solid-fuel boiler for home heating is based on the properties of wood, to allocate gas in combustion, called pyrolysis. In a wood-burning furnace, this gas is not used by a constructive reason. He himself is fuel, which in combustion gives a large amount of heat. Using pyrolysis gas, engineers managed to increase the efficiency of the heating boilers on a solid fuel of long-burning due to the minimization of an open flame.

Classification of aggregates: what to pay attention to when choosing

The choice of a long burning boiler depends on several factors. The weight of the equipment is taken into account, but only if the device is placed on the wall. The main attention is paid to the basic parameters. To determine them with them, consider the classification of aggregates.

Fuel combustion method: what better

There are two types of devices - energy-dependent and non-volatile. Consider their differences, pros and cons.

A traditional energy-dependent boiler is comparable to a conventional stove, which has a window in the upper part. Fuel is loaded into it. Firewood or coal is stranded, there is no open flame, but it is enough to highlight this heat. At the same time, a special fan periodically turns on, removing excess oxygen from the furnace. Due to the absence of an open flame, a fuel economy is achieved and the time interval between its bookmarks increases.

Such an unit is equipped with a surge chamber that provides an increase in efficiency to 80 ÷ 85%. These devices are reliable and durable due to the simplicity of the design, but have a drawback - energy dependence. When the electricity is disconnected, the fan ceases to turn on and does not occur. The access will be the acquisition of the UPS (uninterruptible power supply).

What is a pyrolysis solid fuel boiler

Pyrolysis call non-volatile devices. The difference from the previous version is that the fuel is first dried, after which degassing occurs. As a result, more than 80% of substances are converted to gas, the combustion temperature of which is 2 times higher than that of wood. To understand the principle of work, we suggest to watch a short video:

Advantages - efficiency (up to 95%), efficiency and autonomy (power outages are not terrible).

What type of fuel to choose

An important parameter for family budget saving is a type of fuel that the unit will use. The choice here will depend on what is more profitable to purchase in a region or another. If a person lives there, where many forests, naturally, he will choose a boiler on firewood. But it is worth noting that the long-burning boilers on the corner require the bookmark less frequently than wood.

Number of contours: how important this parameter is

The choice of this parameter depends on the presence of hot water supply in the house. Double-circuit devices are more expensive, but it is possible to organize a DHW in the home in addition to heating. If there is no hot water in the house, this factor is crucial, especially if small children live in the house.

Important! An additional circuit makes it possible to uninterrupted hot water supply only in the presence of cold. If there is no water supply in the house, there will be no sense from the overpayment.

Select the device for heating by power

The power of the unit determines the ability to heat the specified area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Nothing difficult. We get more expensive and no problems. But the question arises, why overpay for unnecessary power? Yes, and fuel on such equipment leaves more. The reverse side of the medal is insufficient power. In this case, the equipment does not warm the room to a comfortable temperature - and again the money thrown into the wind.

In order not to make a mistake with the power of the boiler on solid fuel, we offer to use the online calculator. It will eliminate the error in the calculations that a person can allow. All that is required by the user is to make data into the appropriate fields and click the "Calculate" button. The program will display the necessary parameter of the equipment in kW.

Calculator calculating the power of a solid fuel boiler for long burning

Efficiency coefficient of solid fuel boilers of long burning

The efficiency is the most important parameter to pay attention to. It depends on how well the room will be heated, and how many firewood or coal will have to be purchased for winter. The higher this indicator, the greater savings of the family budget will receive the owner. But the cost of equipment with a high efficiency is higher.

Good to know! Commissioning funds when buying equipment with high efficiency, you will save money afterwards. Fuel for the winter will leave less at the same temperature in the dwelling.

How important is the volume of the loading chamber

The boot chamber should be as much as possible. It depends on how often the fuel will have to lay. Models with small cameras operate on one load of 8 ÷ 24 hours, but there are those that do not require fuel 5 ÷ 8 days. But here much depends on the type of fuel. The most unpretentious in this sense are coal devices.

Important! Solid fuel boilers for long burning are required when installing a separate room, which means that the volume of the loading chamber will depend on the area of \u200b\u200bthe furnace. By purchasing a large load unit, you should count on whether it will fit in the room for it intended.

Also, many users of such boilers will be interested in the question of how much fuel will "eat" the selected equipment. For this, we also offer to use a special calculator.

Calculator calculating the required amount of solid fuel

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Types of solid fuel aggregates of long burning

Such aggregates are divided into three types: pyrolysis, pellet and boilers with the principle of upper burning. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages.

Aggregate with the principle of the upper combustion of fuel

The principle of operation of such a device differs from other species by the fact that coal in the chamber is burning from above, and the flame is lowered down as much as the root. It happens so.

From above over the fuel installed a pipe for air supply, at the end of which is located. The flame from the top layer of fuel is maintained by preheated air from the termination. As coal combustion, the telescopic tube is lowered. Thus, the process is supported until complete burnout. The heat exchanger with the coolant is located a shirt around the furnace.

Such boilers are convenient because they do not need to fill frequently. One download (through the door from above), grabs 5 ÷ 8 days. The gold is made through the bottom hatch. More expensive models are equipped with the door along the entire length of the cylinder. Here the cost is raised due to the complexity of the manufacture of the unit.

Pellet boilers and their advantages over the rest

Pellets are called pressed fuel granules. The advantages of pellets in the form and size that allow you to automate the flow process in the furnace. Consider the advantages of this type of boilers.

Pressed pellets are cheaper than wood or coal, which ensures family budget savings in the heating season. In addition, the automatic solid fuel boiler has to load it less often, it requires rarely maintenance. The room temperature can be adjusted by magnification or decrease in fuel supply to the furnace. For these reasons, the popularity of pellet boilers is growing every year.

But even having studied the outlined information, a person who did not encounter such equipment will be difficult to make a choice. To resolve this issue, we will present a rating of the best manufacturers representing solid fuel boilers of long-burning burning in the Russian market.

Rating of manufacturers of solid fuel boilers heating for a private house

There are quite a lot of manufacturers of such products, but we will try to highlight the top three of them. It is gratifying that the Russian manufacturer is deserved for the first place of today's rating.

Manufacturer of solid fuel boilers "Teplodar"

The company presents a wide range of not only solid fuel boilers, but also of other thermal equipment. This is one of the leaders in the market of such aggregates not only in Russia, but also in the near abroad. The quality of the consumer does not cause complaints. Here is what the manufacturer of the Internet users say about this:

Dmitry721, Ukraine: In the process of installing the heating system on one of the construction sites of our company, I first encountered the equipment of the company "Teplodar". Installed solid fuel boiler OVK-18. With its average power, the boiler turned out to be very productive and with rather high efficiency. (According to the passport, the efficiency of the efficiency is 80%). The first launch (ignition) was made on firewood. Although the model is designed not only for firewood, but for coal and on peat. (...) With high heat production, it is also economical. Constructively, the manufacturer provides a burner replacement that allows you to use other types of fuel, but this was not checked. Confidently works for the second season ...

More details For Otzovik:

German Representative "Buderus": a competitor of Russian brands

The company appeared on the Russian market in 2004. It was the only warehouse located in Moscow. But already in 2008, the Buderus network has grown to 25 representative offices. The German quality known worldwide has done its business - the popularity of solid fuel boilers of this brand is growing every year. However, although "Buderus" aggregates can compete with the domestic manufacturer, the price of equipment clearly loses. The cost of boilers of this manufacturer is 3 ÷ 5 times higher than Russian. And therefore - the second place of today's rankings.

More details For Otzovik:

"Zota" - another Russian in our ranking

A relatively young firm founded in 2007. The manufacturer is constantly improving the model, the cost of which is low. The company "Zota" could compete for the second place of the ranking, but there was not too wide line of models due to the youth of the company. The quality of the aggregates at a decent level, although without flaws it did not cost. Users complain about the absence of pressure gauges, small amounts of loading chambers and maintenance complexity.

At what price you can buy a solid fuel boiler for long burning

You can purchase such equipment both in specialized stores and on Internet resources. Let us try to summarize information on solid fuel boilers of long burning of Russian production, as well as their foreign competitors that we managed to collect, considering the characteristics of some models and their cost as of January 2018.

Photo Brand and model Power / efficiency, kW / % Type of fuel The average price (as of January 2018), rub.

Stropuva Mini S8.8/85 Firewood, briquettes56100

COAP KS-T-1111/80 Firewood, briquettes11800

Buderus Logano G221-2525/78 Firewood, coal, coke115000

Wattek Pyrotek 36.36/90 Briquettes, firewood172000

Lavoro Eco C32.32/85 Peat briquettes, coal69300

NMK Magnum KDG 20 TE20/80 Coal, coal briquettes35000

Galmet Top 15.15/85 Firewood, briquettes, coal85000

Looking at the table presented it can be understood that the prices of solid fuel boilers of Russian production are significantly lower than foreign analogues.


Reading time: 6 min

The heat supply of private houses, industries and administrative premises from solid fuel boilers is very common in the area where there is no possibility of connecting to the gas highway or in the conditions of the Far North. Fuel for such boilers served coal, firewood, pellets and briquettes. The overall disadvantage of this type of heating is that it is necessary to regularly supply fuel furnace. However, there is such a kind of solid fuel equipment, where there is no disadvantage - a pyrolysis boiler.

What is pyrolysis

This is the process of forming a combustible gas and its combustion in solid fuel boilers and furnaces, where hot carbon monoxide is released when burning firewood. Under the condition of compounding it with oxygen, its combustion is combined with heat generation and the formation of carbon dioxide.

In modern technique, this physical phenomenon is widespread. For example, the function of cleaning wind wardrobes works in this principle. Approximately the barbartage works.
Using this fuel combustion property, the manufacturers began experimenting with structures where the fuel did not burn immediately, and the trelo with a lack of oxygen, highlighting CO (carbon monoxy).

The resulting gas was supposed to burn in another chamber. As a fuel, conventional kneading firewood or special vocal briquettes can be used (Tyumen pyrolysis plant).

In addition to pyrolysis boilers, there are models operating on the corner. Some work on a natural pull.

Pyrolysis boiler work principle

To better understand the advantage of pyrolysis boilers, you need to read more in more detail with the principle of their work. Despite the classical definition of pyrolysis, which says that only gases are burning and given, in pyrolysis boilers of long burning with water contour, fuel is nevertheless on the condition of lack of oxygen.

In essence, there is a weak solution with the separation of carbon monoxide. In the end, two sources of heat carrier heating are formed - burning, though weakly, fuel and combustible gas. Such a combustion scheme reduces fuel consumption by 40%.

The flow of fuel forms a wood gas that enters the combustion chamber, the heated air is supplied. This leads to the appearance of a flame - combustion is combustion with heat release. At the same time, the damp gas turns into carbon dioxide and the amount of harmful substances is less than in conventional boilers.
The use of pyrolysis boilers This leads to fuel economy, because more heat is obtained from the same amount of fuel.

For example, 10 cubic meters may be needed for a conventional unit. Firewood for heating period, and pyrolysis will be enough 6 cubic meters. And that is equally important, it is not necessary to replenish the fuel.

Pyrolysis boilers of long-term combustion with water circuit are produced in several varieties:

  • non-volatile. Natural traction and mechanical management method are characterized;
  • energy dependent. Blowing equipment is used, which contributes to higher efficiency;
  • with honors in the location of the gas after surgery. The camera can be under the furnace or above it.

The variants of constructive performance may be many, but they do not differ in the principle of burning. There are so-called long-term combustion that work, regardless of the type and quality of fuel and are rather than heating pyrolysis plants.
The use of energy-dependent boilers is convenient because they are equipped with automatic combustion control, depending on the temperature of the water and temperature indoors.

Long burning occurs due to two factors: low fuel intensity and large furnace. All this ensures small frequency of approach to equipment.

Design of pyrolysis boiler long burning

Pyrolysis of long burning boilers has the following device:

  • Control block. This device is selected different modes and the work parameters are controlled;
  • Case. It is performed from steel and covered by heat-resistant paint;
  • Heat insulation. Used to reduce heat loss;
  • Device from boiling. Controls the temperature of the coolant and adjusts the burning, in order to avoid boiling, which may be welcome to the accident;
  • Heat exchanger. The metal pipeline filled with the coolant, which heats up in the process of combustion of fuel, after which it enters the heating system;
  • Floor chamber. It serves as hard fuel in it. After that, the ignition occurs, and air access is stopped. Calculation occurs at 450 ° C;
  • The combustion chamber. In this part, wood gas is combustion, subject to air supply. The combustion temperature comes to 1100 ° C;
  • Heat carrier feed pipe into the heating system;
  • Copyright. Metal grille located between loading and combustion chambers;
  • Connection to chimney;
  • Chimney fan;
  • Primary air valve for the start of pyrolysis;
  • Secondary air valve for the combustion of wood gas;
  • Pipeline pipe.

Pros and cons pyrolysis boiler

Like any equipment, pyrolysis installations of long burning have both advantages and disadvantages.

To the merits can be attributed:

  • Economical. Fuel consumption is reduced to 40% depending on the modification, operating conditions;
  • Long burning. This contributes to the fact that after laying a pyrolysis fuel to approach the boiler, it will not be necessary soon;
  • Ecology. The combustion of fuel is almost complete, therefore harmful substances are practically not allocated;
  • High heat transfer products combustion. The temperature of the removable gases is noticeably lower than in conventional boilers;
  • It is possible to use automatic power adjustment devices, due to the change in the intensity of the tension.

Disadvantages of pyrolysis equipment are as follows:

  • High price. High cost is due to convenience and economy;
  • Energy dependence. Given the availability of automation and forced pyrolysis boilers need to be connected to the power supply;
  • Dimensions. The dimensions are much larger than the traditional solid fuel plants.

The main disadvantage still stands for the cost, and the rest do not pose big problems.

How economical pyrolysis boiler

The design features of pyrolysis boilers provide him with a significant advantage over classic. The efficiency coefficient of a solid fuel pyrolysis of a long-burning boiler reaches the indicators of gas equipment and is about 90%, and the CPD of the classical does not exceed 70%.
To understand how economical solid fuel pyrolysis boilers can be calculated and compared to comparable fuel type comparable.

The price of natural gas for the population is different depending on the region, but for simplification, take the city of Moscow. Its price is 4.84 rubles per cubic meters. (in the rest of the regions, mainly above). The cost of brushed firewood for the needs of heating is about 1,500 rubles per 1 cubic meters. From here 1 kg of firewood costs 1.5 rubles. The regulatory indicates that 1 kg of firewood is able to give 3200-3600 kcal. Gas calorie content - 8000 kcal / cubic meters. As it was indicated by the efficiency of heating pyrolysis and gas boilers comparable, so in the calculation they can be neglected.
After conducting a simple calculation, you can make sure that it will take 2.35 kg of firewood to get 8000 kcal. Move on the specific cost of firewood: 2.35 kg * 1.5 rubles. We obtain that the cost of 8,000 kcal when burning firewood will be equal to 3.52 rubles, and when burning gas - 4.84 rubles. The use of a pyrolysis burning boiler gives an economy of fuel costs by almost 30% compared to the use of gas equipment.

Pyrolysis, though expensive, but the most appropriate equipment for greenhouse heating, greenhouses, greenhouses. This type of equipment also applies on garbage processing factories.

Is it worth doing with your own hands

If you have the necessary knowledge, opportunities and drawings, then the pyrolyasic boiler can be made independently. Among the population is the scheme of the pyrolysis boiler Belyaeva. Simple this technology cannot be called, nevertheless it is one of the most affordable and implemented.

Boiler scheme. Source photo:

To make a pyrolysis boiler with your own hands according to the drawings, you need:

  • metal tube (D32,57,159 mm);
  • profile tube (20x20, 80x40, 60x30 mm);
  • metal sheet;
  • chamotte brick;
  • air supply pump;
  • temperature sensor.

In addition, you will need a tool, welding machine. Need a helper. First, sheet parts of the installation are made, cut off by the exact tool, and then, following step-by-step instructions, the rest of the home-made boiler is performed.

Popular models

Consider the most common and popular pyrolysis installations, among which there are both electricity-dependent and independent:

  1. Popova boiler. This model is made of steel and is the main for the manufacture of a pyrolysis boiler of long burning with their own hands. Used any hard fuel. A large combustion chamber allows you to provide a boiler for up to 1 day. The greatest heat output of this model reaches 1000 kW, the smallest - 25 kW. Efficiency coefficient - up to 95%.
  2. Geyser. The boiler is performed for both domestic applications and industrial. The household line of pyrolysis boilers of heating has from 10 to 50 kW. The boilers are non-volatile, work on any fuel, have a high efficiency, easy to operate.
  3. Buderus. High quality, mechanical control, independent of electricity. The heat exchanger of the boilers is performed both from the cast iron, which eliminates corrosion and from steel. KPD boilers Buderus ranges from 78 to 87%, depending on the model.
  4. Bastion. Non-volatile pyrolysis boilers with water circuits operating on all types of fuel. Power range - from 12 to 50 kW. They have cast iron heat exchangers, high-quality design and low cost.
  5. Wattek Pyrotek 36. Energy-dependent Czech single-circuit boilers with a capacity of 26 to 42 kW. Have a copper heat exchanger and equipped with automatic. The efficiency comes up to 90%. Autonomous burning up to 10 hours.
  6. Viessman. German equipment equipped with an automatic control system. Diapace power from 25 to 80 kW. Fuel is used wood. KPD - 88%.
  7. Dakon. Gas generator pyrolysis installations with a capacity of 18 to 40 kW. Wood boilers work on firewood and wood waste. CPD - up to 85%.
  8. Bourgeoi-k. Russian boilers with a capacity of 10 to 32 kW. Efficiency coefficient - 85%. Industrial pyrolysis boilers are manufactured with capacity above 200 kW.
  9. Hepodar42. Russian pyrolysis coal boilers. Have a wide range for private houses, cottages, administrative buildings and industry.
  10. Fortan. Pyrolysis equipment for the processing of various types of waste. Different with environmentally friendly work during disposal, efficiently recycled household, rubber, industrial and medical waste.
  11. SIME. Italian equipment with a capacity of 22.5 to 38.7 kW. They have a cast iron heat exchanger and high efficiency.

Among the Russian manufacturers, it is possible to distinguish the products of Factory Pyrolysis Equipment LLC, Barnaul.


Pyrolysis boilers can be installed in the system both with natural circulation and forced. When installing the boiler in the system with natural circulation, it is necessary to take into account the bias of pipes, in the system with forced circulation it is important to select the right pumping equipment.

Since the heat exchanger is inclined to low-temperature corrosion, the coolant temperature should be monitored on the return pipeline so that it does not get a sharp cooling. It is recommended to withstand it at least 60 ° C.

This is performed by mixing water in hot water from the feed pipeline. Of great importance is the right blockage.

Scheme of strapping. Source Photo:

Before you get started, you must fill the system with water. After that, you need to adjust the mode of supplying air to the combustion chamber of pyrolysis gases to provide the desired mode of operation.

The quality of the combustion of gases can also be identified indirectly - to estimate the smoke coming out of the pipe: if it does not have a sharp smell and dark shade, then the fuel combines correctly.

If there is a heavy pyrolysis resin when working from the boiler, this indicates a low temperature in the furnace, about the wrong selected smoke of the chimney or the need for cleaning it.

The problem may also occur in the homemade boiler. At first, after installing the boiler, the boiler is tested and must be under constant supervision. Fuel loading should be about two thirds of the furnace. As soon as testing is passed, you can operate at full power.

  1. Scheme and device of the boiler pyrolysis burning
  2. Principle of operation of the pyrolysis device heating
  3. Advantages and disadvantages of pyrolysis boilers
  4. Installation and installation of pyrolysis boilers

Each owner of a private house, choosing a solid fuel heating boiler undoubtedly wants to make the best choice. One of the main criteria on which all buyers pay attention without exception is economy. Among the variety of devices presented in the Russian market, there is one species that uses a special method of combustion - pyrolysis boilers of long burning. Let's try to figure out how such a boiler works and how it is arranged, as well as consider it the main advantages and cons.

Scheme and device of the boiler pyrolysis burning

It is possible to explain the essence of pyrolysis on the example of a long-burning boiler on firewood. Under the influence of high temperatures in the furnace (about 450 degrees Celsius), wood decomposition on solid and gaseous component occurs. Subsequently, each of these components is burned separately. The heating devices of this type are also called gas generator, and the method itself is a dry distillation method. Thanks to this technology, the best efficiency is achieved and a smaller consumption of firewood than when using a classic method, but significantly increases the price of the device.

The main types of fuel for long-burning boilers using the pyrolysis method are: wood, coal, peat, sawdust, pellets. The main requirements for fuel are as follows:

  • limited dimensions

    Bookmark dimensions must be no more than the sizes of the furnace. In the case of using wood men, their length is usually limited to 40cm, and the diameter is 20 cm.

  • low humidity

    To obtain high efficiency, as well as to extend the service life of the boiler, it is necessary that the humidity of the fuel used in it does not exceed 20%.

Photo 1: Automatic feeding Pellet in pyrolysis boiler

By type of fuel used, all types of pyrolysis boilers can be divided into:

  • woods

    Structurally designed to work on firewood. It is on this fuel that they give the best efficiency. The most famous model of this type -

  • coal

    The main type of fuel is brown coal or coke.

  • pellette

    Such boilers operate on pellets - extruded fuel granules from the Out of Woodworking.

  • combined (or Universal)

    Can work on any of the above-listed fuels. The efficiency of universal long-burning boilers are usually worse than those designed under a certain type of fuel.

Photo 2: Pyrolysis boiler on firewood

Depending on how many contours contains the design allocate:

  • single-mounted

    Water boiler contains one contour, which is used for home heating.

  • double-circuit

    The design provides an additional circuit for ensuring hot water supply.

Below is the pyrolysis boiler scheme, looking at which we will analyze its device. Household boiler heating long burning, usually consists of the following main elements:

Photo 3: Pyrolysis boiler design scheme
  • Control device

    The automatic boiler control unit is designed to install various boiler operation modes. This device allows you to control various parameters of the operation of the heating device.

  • Housing

    The outer frame is made of steel and covered with special heat-resistant and wear-resistant paint. The use of special paints in heating boilers is dictated by the conditions for their operation and the temperature regime.

  • Heat insulation

    To reduce the heat loss of the pyrolysis boiler, it is thermally insulated. As materials for thermal insulation, MULLITICREMEMIST COLORS, asbestos, diatomite, and lime are used.

  • Boiler boiling device

    This device allows you to keep the temperature of the boiler at the necessary framework. Boiler boiling is very dangerous and can be deleted to the outlet of the boiler, and in some cases to the explosion.

  • Heat Exchanger

    The heat exchanger is a cast iron or steel container, which is filled with the coolant. In the upper and lower part of it, the valves are equipped for connecting the feed and reverse line of the heating system. In the process of burning, the coolant inside the heat exchanger heats up and circulates through the heating system.

  • Camera download

    Loading Camera (gasifying or flue) is a compartment in which solid fuel is loaded. After loading and ignition fuel, the supply of primary air decreases. The process of burning slows down and the fuel begins to slowly smooth, highlighting the pyrolyasic gas. The temperature at which this procedure occurs is approximately 450c. The resulting gaseous mixture is injected into the following compartment, called the combustion chamber.

  • The combustion chamber

    In the combustion chamber, there is a mixture of wood gas and secondary air. The supply of this mixture is carried out forced from the gasification compartment. The combustion process passes at 1100 ° C.

  • Connecting the feed line

    The feed pipe is used to supply hot water from the boiler to the heating system.

  • Colonnik.

    The grate is a cast-iron or steel grille located between loading and burning chambers. It occurs on it the gasification of solid fuel, also through the holes in it, pyrolysis gas is injected into the incineration base below.

  • Dog nozzle

    Chimney is a channel for removing gaseous combustion products. The length and cross-section of the chimney should depend the power of the boiler.

  • Fan smoke pipe

    Since most applied upper blast, it is necessary to use forced craving using a fan or smoke.

  • Primary air supply valve

    The primary air is designed for preheating fuel and the beginning of the pyrolysis process.

  • Valve of secondary air

    Secondary air is necessary for afterburning pyrolysis gases in the combustion chamber.

  • Reverse line connection

    Through the reverse nozzle, the coolant, from the heating system returns back to the heating device.

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Principle of operation of the pyrolysis device heating

So, how does a pyrolysis boiler work? Let's analyze the phased scheme of his work on the example of the pyrolysis boiler on the corner:

Stage 1:

Solid fuel is loaded into the furnace, in our case coal. The boiler is burned and the door in the bracket chamber is tightly closed. Since the receipt of primary air is limited, the process of tension and separation of pyrolysis gas begins. The length of burning can be controlled by adjusting the supply of primary air.

Photo 4: How the carbon pyrolysis coal coal is working

Stage 2:

A mixture of pyrolysis gas and primary air is forcibly inwarded inside the combustion chamber through the holes in the grate grid. The secondary air is also served there to ensure combustion intensity. The process of burning the mixture of pyrolysis gas and secondary air at a large temperature occurs. The resulting thermal energy heats the coolant inside the heat exchanger.

Photo 5: How does pyrolysis gases work

Stage 3:

Through the gas duct, by means of forced thrust with the help of smoke, the gaseous combustion products in the atmosphere is carried out. It should be noted that the exhaust gases formed as a result of pyrolysis burning contain the minimum amount of harmful impurities. Most of the flue gases make water vapor and carbon dioxide.

As can be seen, the principle of operation of the pyrolysis boiler is somewhat more complicated traditional. That is why their cost is usually 2 times higher. Before making a decision which boiler to buy pyrolysis or classic, let's understand the advantages and cons of pyrolysis burning boilers.

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Advantages and disadvantages of pyrolysis boilers

The use of pyrolysis technology has both advantages and disadvantages. The main pluses of boilers of long-term combustion of pyrolysis type are:

  • Duration of burning
  • Increased economy

    When using pyrolysis burning, solid fuel bursts significantly better. To obtain one and the same amount of heat when using pyrolysis, less fuel will be required than with traditional burning.

  • High efficiency

    The efficiency when using pyrolysis is significantly higher. Range of CPD values \u200b\u200bfor pyrolysis boilers 85-92%.

  • Ecology

    The gases at the outlet of the pyrolysis boiler are almost completely there are no harmful impurities. The main part of the exhaust gases is water vapor and carbon dioxide.

  • Ability adjustment

    The gas generation process is easy to adjust. Therefore, most often pyrolysis boilers are automatic. Adjusting the burning intensity allows you to adapt to the needs of the heating system.

Photo 6: Automatic household gas generator boiler

In addition to the advantages considered by us, they have a number of shortcomings. Let's stay on them in more detail:

  • Energy dependency

    The feature of the design of the pyrolysis boiler is that the supply of primary and secondary air, as well as the traction is forcibly using fans requiring electricity. However, there are also non-volatile models on a natural traction, but they are quite rare.

  • Requires low moisture

    The gas generation method is very whimsical to the content of moisture in solid fuel. The more dry fuel is used, the better. Recommended humidity no more than 20%

  • Full load required

    With a small amount of fuel, pyrolysis boilers begin to burn unstable. Therefore, it is recommended not to make loading less than 30-50%, from the recommended manufacturer of the norm.

  • The complexity of automatic fuel supply

    For wood pyrolysis boilers, it is difficult to organize an automatic fuel supply due to large size of the lane. Make an automatic coal boiler for long burning is possible only in the case of uniformity of the sizes of coal fractions.

  • High price

    The high cost of gas generator boilers of long burning is one of the most essential flaws. You can buy such a boiler 1.5-2 times more expensive than devices of similar power, but using a traditional combustion method.

For details on the heating devices of pyrolysis type, their advantages and disadvantages, see the video:

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TO floors on solid fuel is an alternative to gas and electric heating devices. Gas-generating or pyrolysis boilers of long-burning with water circuit are devices that allow to burn not only solid fuel, but also fuel gases that are highlighted. This principle of energy use is good for the environment and allows you to save fuel. There are disadvantages - strict operating conditions and a high price. How to determine the gold middle and extract the maximum benefit - in the material below.

Gas generator boiler

Gas-generating or pyrolysis boilers of long-burning burning with water contour are boilers that themselves generate combustible gases from that fuel, which is placed in them. Water circuit is both part of the heating system and the boiler security system.

Pyrolysis as a physico-chemical process

The combustion is a complex process, as a result of which a lot of soot and gases are formed. 30% of the total volume of substances released is carbon dioxide, the rest is carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, methyl alcohol, furan, acetic acid, benzene, acetone and a huge number of other volatile substances. All except CO 2 can be milked, that is, burn again, having received a certain amount of thermal energy.

Pyrolysis is a two-stage process, in which first stimulate the production of fuel gases, and then burn them. For this, solid fuel ignites and give it to do, then reduce oxygen access, stimulating the depression. The cutting of firewood flows at a temperature of 200 - 800 degrees, coal and hydrocarbon materials are tweaked at temperatures up to 1300 - 1500 degrees. In this case, gases are actively highlighted, which at atmospheric conditions are actively active or inert.

In the combustion chamber inside the temperature boiler is extremely high, these gases react with incoming oxygen. The atmospheric air first passes through special air ducts, heats up to the temperatures described above and only after that it is mixed with fuel gases. Intensive hurrying of the gas mixture occurs. Externally, it looks like a burning of natural gas supplied under greater pressure, a powerful stable torch is formed. The allocated heat is from 4 to 10% of the total heat produced by the boiler.

How the boiler works

Pyrolysis or gas-generated boilers of long burning with water circuit are a chamber equipped with special partitions and air ducts. A special design pondered allows you to adjust the amount of oxygen supplied. In the upper part of the boiler, where there are nozzles, there are nozzles that separate gas into small streams in order to reduce the intensity of burning. The grate is located above, which is usually installed in such a way that the distance to the bottom is at least ¼ of the total height of the boiler. It is necessary in order to provide sufficient space for gases.

Fresh air necessary for milking is reduced from below, passes through a special air duct up to the zone of combustion of gases, while heated to the operating temperature. At the top of the boiler there are special tubes with holes that help to distribute gases evenly.

The entire circulation inside the boiler provides an electric turbine. Without it, in conditions of lack of oxygen, burning and daisy is impossible. When the electricity is disconnected, it is necessary to open a Sewber to provide natural traction, while the boiler continues to operate in a normal solid fuel installation mode.

Video: Pyrolysis boiler: myths and reality

Types of gas generator boilers

The principle of operation of all gas-generated boilers is the same, however, there are different design options:

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Advantages and disadvantages

The principle of pyrolysis, which is partially implemented in household gas generator boilers, is used in industry to dispose of various waste. Burning and multiple milking decay products is a way to reduce the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. After the fuel and gases are burned in the gas generator or in the household boiler, only carbon dioxide and water vapor is emitted into the atmosphere.

The benefit for ecology from such boilers is obvious, however, in terms of efficiency and convenience, they are seriously inferior to for example, long burning boilers. Sharing the boiler to such parameters in which pyrolysis is possible is not easy. This requires a high temperature and for a while. Pyrolysis boilers of long combustion with water circuit stops under the following conditions:

  • drop water temperature in the return;
  • shutdown power;
  • fuel inadequate quality.

The pyrolysis process must be stopped immediately as soon as the circulation pump has stopped in the heating system. Without cooling the boiler will simply explode. To stop the process, you need to open Sewber, providing natural thrust and removal of combustible gases. Infused must be open at a minimum. After the temperature fell, you should slide the boiler. If the volume of the heating system is not large and natural circulation is possible, the boiler can continue to work at 50% of the load when the Sewberry is open.

Operating conditions

Pyrolysis boilers are capable of working in a strictly defined temperature range. The system of this device is closed, so it must be accurately configured. Obviously, it is not possible to constantly control the quality of fuel, its humidity, and measure the mass of firewood at the time of loading. There is always a danger of rushing or vice versa, insufficient temperature.

The first problem can be eliminated using a water circuit. The hull of the boiler acts as a heat exchanger: its walls are double, between them circulates water. Sometimes an additional coil is added to one of the walls of the boiler, which serves as an emergency cooling system and at the same time circuit of the DHW.

If the temperature is below the working, the pyrolysis process is stopped or not started at all. The boiler is functioning in a conventional solid fuel device mode. For this reason, the return temperature must be no lower than 60 degrees Celsius, and at a temperature of 40 degrees, pyrolysis stops in all types of boilers. For this reason, an additional jumper is mounted in the heating system - bypass, which serves as a small circuit and gives the boiler to enter the pyrolysis mode.

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There are many varieties of heating boilers. I will note that today, the most popular and high-tech pyrolysis boilers of long-burning burning are. They have a more roomy firebox unlike other boilers, thanks to this there is no need to quickly lay fuel.

In this article I will present a detailed description of the types of pyrolysis boilers, the features of their operation and many other useful information.

Pyrolysis boilers of long combustion with water contour are an excellent alternative source of energy in private houses under frequent gas supply interruptions.

Copper solid fuel long combustion with water circuit can work on firewood and on other types of solid fuel: coal, wood waste, etc.

The main minus of this type of boilers is a high price. In addition, in contrast to many other types of boiler equipment, the pyrolysis boiler of long-term combustion with water contour is most often energy-dependent.

Not only the circulation pump and the control devices are powered by electricity, but also a built-in fan: on natural thrust this equipment, as a rule, does not work.

Solid fuel wood and coal boilers are inferior only to gas. At the same time, they have one serious disadvantage - loading the fuel must be carried out several times a day.

With the usual combustion of firewood, the efficiency of boilers does not exceed 75%, and some of the combustible substances simply flies into the pipe.

Pyrolysis boilers of long-burning combustion with water circuit are much more practical and more efficient.

No one will be a secret that boilers Pyrolysis heating are currently very necessary and demanded by the devices of heating systems. It was for this reason that very many of our people began to be interested in these aggregates.

Pyrolysis boiler is a special heating boiler, which can use pallets, coal, wood, and other materials as fuel.

One of the main criteria, depending on which heating boilers are subdivided, is the type of fuel on which they work. Thus, in today's market you can find boilers on pallets, coal, firewood. You can also find the so-called universal boilers for yourself.

The most common currently wood solid fuel boilers that have many advantages. The first is that fuel is considered the most affordable. It should also be noted that such boilers are sold at reasonable prices.

A distinctive feature of pyrolysis boilers is to control the level of oxygen in the combustion chamber, and, accordingly, temperature control and fuel combustion rate. Pyrolysis boiler on solid fuel will ensure your independence from gas and electricity, since the cost of these energy sources significantly exceeds the cost of solid fuel.

Design features

Pyrolysis boilers - one of the types of solid fuel boilers, which has recently been in high demand due to the ever-growing prices for gas and electricity, they are also called gas generator boilers.

The main fuel for the pyrolysis solid fuel boiler is:

  • wood;
  • briquettes;
  • chip;
  • wood waste.

Very rarely, stone coal or coke is used as fuel. Pyrolysis boilers are comfortable in operation, differ reliability and a long service life. Before you buy a pyrolysis boiler, you need to explore the possibility of performing strict requirements for the quality of the fuel used.

In the overwhelming majority it is allowed to apply wood, no more than 20% humidity. When using wood with a large amount of moisture, efficiency is sharply reduced.

Pyrolysis boiler works on the principle of dry fuel distillation.

With a lack of oxygen, under the influence of high temperature, dry wood decomposes on a solid residue and a bat (pyrolysis gas, which is subsequently mixed with hot air).

This air-gas mixture, which formed in the pyrolysis process, is a fuel pyrolysis boiler. The process of pyrolysis combustion is exothermic (accompanied by heat release).

It occurs at temperatures from 200 to 800 ° C and provides heating of air incineration entering the chamber. In this case, heating and drying fuel in the unit of the unit, due to which the yield of soot and ash is minimized.

For a pyrolysis or gas-generator boiler, a higher efficiency is characteristic compared to traditional solid fuel technology.

When burning high-quality fuels, the PDD of the pyrolysis boiler is at the level of pellet boilers and long-burning boilers and reaches 90%.

Pyrolysis solid fuel boilers are used both in private houses and apartments and for the heating of industrial premises.

Pyrolysis boilers are a very profitable type of heating technology. A rather high price for the pyrolysis boiler is covered by low fuel consumption.

In a conventional solid fuel unit of long burning, the coolant heats up from heat released during fuel burning, then pyrolysis boilers operate in a different principle.

When burning organic fuel (firewood, pellets, wood briquettes, and even coal) at a temperature of 400-800 ° C, gas is distinguished, burning which can be obtained much more heat than when burning fuel.

The process of gas formation from solid fuel and the subsequent combustion of the obtained gas is called pyrolysis, and the units that use such a principle of operation are called pyrolysis, or gas-generated boilers.

There are two cameras in the pyrolysis boiler, and burning is carried out in both:

  • Camera combustion is burned (charred) firewood or other fuel.
  • Dovzhiga Camera is burned with fuel provided with fuel.

The combustion chamber is located and fuel is mounted. The primary air is supplied to the burning zone. When driving fuel to a certain temperature, gas emission begins.

With the help of smokey gas, together with the secondary air, sucks into the freezing chamber (it is below the fuel level) and burns there, highlighting heat.

The combustion products fall into the smoke path (gas duct) and enter the chimney, passing through the water shirt of the unit and the heating coolant.

As a result, firewood turns into charcoal, burning almost completely, and smoke is cleared of unpleasant odors and carbon monoxide.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of application:

  • when combustion of firewood it is impossible to obtain such a high temperature, as in the process of burning pyrolysis gas (especially if the firewood contains a lot of moisture);
  • with the help of a controller, we can automate the pyrolysis boiler, as we can automate the pyrolysis boiler, since the process of burning pyrolysis gas is easily controlled and regulated;
  • for burning wood or coal, it is necessary much more secondary air than for the combustion of wood gas. Therefore, with the same amount of secondary air efficiency, the combustion of wood gas, the duration and temperature of burning will be greater;
  • the emission of harmful substances of pyrolysis boilers into the atmosphere is reduced to a minimum, so the pyrolysis boiler is almost an environmentally friendly heat source;
  • solid fuel boilers of pyrolysis burning need cleaning from ash extremely rarely;
  • pyrolysis boilers can work for a very long time (up to 15 hours) on one wood laying, despite the fact that ordinary solid fuel boilers need long loaded every 3-4 hours.

If we talk about the disadvantages of this type of unit, then, in addition to the price, which is a fee for increased efficiency, and a more complex design, because pyrolysis boilers are 30-35% harder, since metal for their manufacture requires more, other "minuses" insignificant.

For maximum work efficiency, the moisture of firewood should be no more than 20%. If wet firewood, pairs are formed during their combustion, which reduces gas emission and leads to the deposition of tar and soot. As a result, the efficiency of the boiler falls, and the need arises in its cleaning.

Most pyrolysis aggregates have electronic control.

Therefore, there is a need to use electricity for the operation of the controller, which controls the fan and the smoke.

Pyrolysis boilers with natural burden exist, but they require a very high and powerful chimney, so such models are unpopular.

The need to fill the firebox by 50-100% is only in this case the high efficiency of the boiler will be maintained.

Pyrolysis solid fuel boilers of long combustion, albeit more than two times from a conventional solid fuel boiler, but differ in the possibility of economical use of fuel with maximum efficiency, which is significantly higher than from the combustion of coal and wood in conventional aggregates.

Types of pyrolysis boilers with water contour

There is a mass of models on the market that can be divided into groups.

    The location of the camera in which the contents of the content is carried out.

    Most of the boilers are arranged in such a way that this compartment is located below. It is more convenient for laying a material, but after its combustion, the ash enters the chamber, where the formed gas is burning.

    This obliges the owner often to clean the equipment. The top arrangement of the chamber eliminates such a necessity, but has a number of shortcomings. The main disadvantages of such a system include the inconvenience of chimney and more materials for its manufacture.

    Type of thrust.

    It can be carried out both forced and superimposed. Boilers, the power of thrust in which can be adjusted manually, suggest a device of the enhanced chimney and does not depend on the power supply. There are few models common.

    Second-type devices are equipped with automatic systems that determine the time of the imagination. Power maintenance involves the energy-dependence of the unit, but the pyrolysis rate in it is quite high. These models are most popular.

    View of fuel.

    When determining the possibility of using this or that type of fuel should be repeated from the level of humidity. If it is above 20%, then the first time of the boiler will be spent on drying material, which entails a decrease in the efficiency of the device.

    If the humidity of the fuel used is initially high, the pyrolysis process will take no more than 1/5 of the entire combustion cycle. It is extremely inefficient and irrational.

    The high cost of the boiler will be painted. Therefore, the conclusion is obvious: the best material for burning in pyrolysis boilers is wood, coal or briquettes, the level of humidity is minimal.

    Each of the materials has its own duration of burning. Taking time determines the quality and uniformity of the heating of residential premises. The optimal option is dry wood with a humidity level of not more than 10-15%.

To date, there are two main varieties of pyrolysis units that differ in each other by design.

    Boilers with forced air supply.

    In the first embodiment of the boiler, the primary coaming chamber is where the solid fuel is laid, it is located above the secondary furnace, where the afterburning of pyrolysis gases is organized. There is a special nozzle between the cameras, which has a direct section and made of refractory composition, similar to chamoten brick.

    In this design, the air to the main furnace is injected with the installed fan, and it is partly in a solid fuel furnace, and partially into the survival chamber of the selected gases.

    In this case, it is obvious that the principle of pyrolysis is broken initially, since the fan creates an excess of oxygen instead of its restriction.

    But, despite this, an effective and complete combustion of firewood occurs, with almost no residue even fine ashes, since dry wood or products based on it are burned to small ashes, and it is easily blowing through the nozzle with a fan into the chimney pipe.

    Knowing the features of this design, it can be called "the Upper Substitution Device", since the air injected with the fan falls mainly into the upper main fiber chamber.

    Due to the inflow of oxygen, the temperature at combustion increases and the gas generation increases, but it burns quite quickly, leaving through the nozzle.

    In this regard, the firewood quickly go, and they have to add enough to add in the process of heating at home. This principle of the boiler should not be called in the full sense of the word pyrolysis, although such devices are sold quite often precisely under the name.

    Another thing, if the fan standing on the outlet (often called "smoke") creates the movement of air, which is proportionate to the primary and the main - secondary one by the usual mechanical manner or using automation.

    In this case, the valve of primary air is located so that it is supplied to the lower part of the fuel laying.

    The decline of firewood occurs from below, and the temperature allocated at the same time contributes to warming up - in the middle layers of the bookmark, and the final dryer - in the upper.

    The main flow of air will be supplied only to the nozzle area so that the final afterbill of pyrolysis gases to the maximum amount of heat released passed in the bottom chamber. Such a boiler with a complete base can be attributed to the pyrolysis of long burning.

    The air boiler with a natural way.

    In such a design of the boiler, the firewood chamber is located in the lower part of the device, and the combustion separation department of the pyrolysis gases selected by fuel is in the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe case.

    The fan in this design is not installed, and the air for the milling of the boiler and afterburning pyrolysis gases comes in a natural way through dampers for primary and secondary air.

    In this embodiment of the chambers and dosage flow of air flow, the pyrolysis process is properly carried out, since instead of intensive burning, with a closed valve of the primary air supply, wood takes place in the heat chamber with a large number of pyrolysis gases.

    However, in this design, too, has its own problem. And it consists in the fact that the correct debugging of the combustion process is extremely important.

    With a fully closed valve of the main chamber in it, the temperature, as well as the formation of gases, is reduced. The concentrations and temperature of the gases becomes not enough for their complete survival and the upper chamber turns into an ordinary gas feed.

    The combustion products that rose into it are not tremble, but simply give the walls of the water circuit and go into chimney. The efficiency of the boiler with such work is sharply reduced. If the flap to open more than is required to create the conditions necessary for pyrolysis, the intensity of combustion will increase in the main furnace, which leads to absolutely non-rational fuel spending and the need for its frequent bookmarks.

    To achieve the perfect work of the pyrolysis boiler of this design, it is necessary to properly adjust the supply of primary and secondary air, which is quite difficult to do, because for this you need to have practical experience.

    Modern models have automated control systems and process control systems, and with the correct operation of the automation of the fuel laying, it is enough for 12-14 hours of operation at maximum heat transfer.

Fuel for pyrolysis boiler

Solid fuel pyrolysis boilers are almost omnivorous. A variety of solid fuels can be used as a fuel: ranging from ordinary firewood and ending with peat.

Based on this, you can turn the boiler by any kind of solid fuel, but nevertheless each species is distinguished by the qualities and properties inherent in him, so the boiler work will be different.

Consequently, the choice of fuel is a very important process.

Together with firewood or briquettes, it is possible to use and sawdust as fuel. But they should take no more than a third of the main part of the fuel in volume.

The instruction manual provides that the humidity of the fuel should not be above 45%. The smaller the moisture of wood, the more power of the boiler and the longer it will be able to work without repair.

For example, a kilogram of wood 20% humidity during combustion gives heat equivalent to 4 kWh, and firewood 50% humidity is only 2 kWh. In addition, with an increase in moisture content in fuel, the specific heat of the combustion decreases, the fuel consumption is significantly increased.

Why it is better to choose a pyrolysis boiler and the basic rules for its operation

  1. First, during the combustion of wood, it is impossible to achieve such a high temperature as in the process of combustion of gas obtained from them.
  2. Secondly, to maintain the burning of gas requires less secondary air than for burning firewood, respectively, the combustion temperature will be greater, and with it and efficiency.
  3. Thirdly, the pyrolysis gas incineration procedure is easier to control, thus, the operation of the gas generator boiler is also automated as liquid or gas.

This equipment is based on the technology of pyrolysis fuel combustion. Its essence is that under the influence of elevated temperature and in conditions of lack of oxygen, wood begins to decompose on a solid residue and a bat - pyrolysis gas.

Pyrolysis occurs at a temperature ranging from 270 to 700 degrees. This process is exothermic, in other words, it is characterized by heat release, thereby increasing the drying and heating of fuel in the boiler.

In the future, the mixing of oxygen with pyrolysis gas at a large temperature leads to the combustion of the latter, which is used in order to obtain thermal energy.

Pyrolysis gas actively interacts with carbon, due to which the flue gases at the outlet of the boiler almost do not include harmful impurities, believing, to a greater extent, a mixture of water vapor and carbon dioxide.

Numerous studies have shown that carbon dioxide will be thrown into the environment to the environment to three times less than from the ordinary wood and, moreover, the coal boiler.

The pyrolysis combustion procedure is characterized by the formation of a minor amount of ash and soot, which is why this equipment extremely rarely requires cleaning.

The advantages of pyrolysis of long-burning boilers with water contour are environmentally friendly.

Performance declared by manufacturers only 4 - 10% exceeds the performance of a conventional solid fuel boiler. Obviously, the choice should be based on the accounting of the individual characteristics of the heating system and the owners preferences.

The main signs of a high-quality model that is worth purchasing:

  • Good, neat welds and sufficient material thickness (at least 4 mm). Thin metal in cheap boilers quickly roasted and more corrosion. Buy similar products - a bad solution!
  • Ceramic nozzle and plating the combustion chamber of gases (such a model will serve longer). This material has excellent refractory properties. Make sure that it is precisely ceramics, as the most reliable material for these parts of the boiler.
  • Two operating chambers with the possibility of smooth adjustment of air supply. Two cameras - the main sign of an effective pyrolysis model! If you need high-performance and at the same time, more economical boilers of long burning - choose pyrolysis boilers of long burning with water contour.
  • The coolant contacts only with chimney and gas burning chamber. If this technical moment is not respected, the boiler will lose heat, since the main heat chamber has a lower temperature (the cooler cools at contact).
  • The presence of an automatic control unit and the corresponding warranty on it. Repair of this very important for adjusting the air supply of the node in some cases costs up to 50% of the total cost of equipment. Delivered seriously to this part of the boiler.

Some more tips for choosing a boiler:

  • The required power can be calculated based on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the degree of insulation. Approximately need to take 1 VKT for 10 m2, while sketching several kW, given the functions of the boiler as a boiler. So, if you have an area of \u200b\u200b80 m2, then a capacity of 10 kW is suitable, but if the area is 100 m2 and the walls are not insulated, then 10 kW will be not enough;
  • The dimensions of the furnace are important if you will be firing wood than it is more, the greater the size of the firewood can be placed there;
  • The burning time without longloading is usually indicated taking into account the fuel of canceled quality, so take 2/3 of these data. For example, with declared 10 hours can be calculated by 6;
  • Non-volatility is very important for choosing a boiler for the cottage or remote from electricity, in addition, it also saves electricity.

For the normal operation of the equipment, it is necessary to observe a certain range of combustion of fuel. This range is from 2000 to 8000 C.

It is necessary to accurately customize the device. To prevent emergency situations at high temperatures, the unit's water circuit serves as a high temperature.

The corps plays the role of the heat exchanger, water passes between its walls. This feature and built-in serpentine in one of the walls prevents the creation of the exhaust temperature.

In case of insufficient water temperature, the formation of pyrolysis gas is stopped, air and the boiler is supplied to the flopping chamber, it works as a normal fuel oven. Water cooling is not allowed below the temperature below 600 C. In this case, the combustion process without oxygen stops in any type of pyrolysis boilers.

To ensure a small water circuit and the transition of equipment to the operating state, an additional jumper (bypass) is installed in the water circuit. Bypass adjustment is performed manually, setting temperature sensors is provided for control over the temperature.

This type of equipment can operate on all types of firewood, briquettes, pallets.

In reality, this type of fuel as coal can be used. It provides for the processing of combustible household and industrial waste. But this can cause unpleasant consequences due to the content of high polymers and rubber content.

Pyrolysis boilers are produced only single-circuit and cannot be used to heal water. But, in the absence of natural gas, to create in the building of comfortable conditions, this type of equipment is the best solution to the problem.

Pyrolysis boiler with his own hands

Make a pyrolysis boiler with your own hands according to the drawings, or order the manufacture of specialists (which still goes cheaper than buying ready).

To make such a complex device, you will need a fairly wide range of tools and materials.

Here is an approximate list:

  • Plan scheme. Without an accurate calculation, you can hardly do everything correctly. The drawings are not necessary to do it yourself, if you do not have the appropriate skills, you can just download it on the Internet.
  • Welding machine.
  • Machine for grinding.
  • Metal pipes of different diameters and length (120, 130 and 150 centimeters, a diameter of 50, 45 and 6-8 centimeters) from the pipes will be made and the frame of the boiler and chimney itself.
  • Metal sheet for the manufacture of the door.
  • Loops and handles to install dampers.

The manufacture of pyrolysis boiler includes such steps:

    Making framework.

    The frame of the pyrolysis boiler consists of two parts of the casing and firebox. Make a frame of two larger pipes and smaller diameter. One pipe is inserted into the other and weld. At the same time, a large pipe acts as a casing, and smaller as a firebox.

    The bottom and top of the pipes are brewed with circles cut from a metal sheet. The space between the pipes is filled with a heat-conducting agent.

    The second stage is the separation of the furnace of the camera.

    Firewood will be loaded into one of them, and in the second to get gas. The air distributor acts as a separator. This is a pipe of the smallest diameter on which a metal sheet is welded with blades.

  • Next, at the bottom of the frame - the furnace, it is necessary to cut the hole-door, the door itself is performed from the metal sheet. It is very important that the door fit as close as possible in order to avoid entering the inside of an excess air boiler.
  • The last stage of the manufacture of the pyrolysis boiler will be the installation of chimney and the exhaust pipe through which the non-burning gas will be excreted into the chimney and to the street.

In addition to the fact that the pyrolysis boiler must be properly made it, it is necessary to correctly install it:

  • As a rule, the pyrolysis boiler is installed in a separate room - the boiler room is the most secure option.
  • Install the pyrolysis boiler at a distance of at least thirty centimeters from the walls.
  • The floor on which the boiler will stand must be made of non-combustible materials.
  • The boiler room should be equipped with good ventilation.
  • The chimney of the boiler needs to be well to isolate to avoid the allocation of combustion products into the room.

  1. The loading hole for fuel in homemade models is usually placed slightly higher than in conventional solid fuel boilers.
  2. Be sure to install a limiter that will control the amount of air entering the fuel cell, as well as timely padded firewood or briquettes.
  3. For the manufacture of the limiter, you can use a pipe with a diameter of about 70 mm, a slightly larger than the body of the device.
  4. To the bottom of the limiter, the steel disk should be welded, a clearance of about 40 mm with the pipe walls.
  5. The corresponding hole should be made to set the limiter in the boiler lid.
  6. The loading hole for firewood should be made rectangular. Close the hole with the door, with a special steel overlay that provides reliable adjustment.
  7. Below you need to make a hole to remove ash.
  8. The pipe along which the coolant is moving inside the boiler should be done with a bend to maximize the return of heat. The amount of coolant entering the boiler can be adjusted using the valve installed outside.
  9. If, after the first start of the boiler in the combustion products, there is no carbon monoxide gas, which means that the design is performed accurately and functions correctly. In the future, it should be regularly monitored by the state of the boiler welds and timely clean it from the accumulated ash and soot.

Pyrolysis gas cylinder boiler

Homemade pyrolysis boiler made of gas cylinder can work on a variety of solid fuel:

  • firewood;
  • coal;
  • slate;
  • waste wood production.

Having created a similar design, you can safely forget about the absence of heat even in a large room.

The pyrolysis boiler from the gas cylinder is made with their own hands according to the following, not a complicated principle: firewood or other solid fuel is loaded from above or on the side, after it is ignited. It is necessary to wait for fire to appear, after which cover the piston performing the role of the air duct in this design.

From above, additionally, the entire design should be closed with a dense upper lid with a pipe hole.

The optimal sizes of the gas cylinder suitable for the manufacture of the boiler - 50 liters.

Tools that will be required for self-making pyrolysis boiler:

  • welding machine;
  • gas cutter;
  • bulgarian.

Metal sheet metal, metal strip and fittings are used as additional materials.

The balloon is trimmed along the upper part of it, which can be made with a lid, if there is a desire. To do this, it is enough just to polish the entire design.

After that, again, the hole for the pipe is made. The boot door is cut on the side, which opens access to the furnace, where fuel is placed.

Chimney must have different diameters to provide better traction. Such a cunning will allow to maintain a stable pyrolysis process for 8-10 hours, that is, to turn the furnace 1 time per day.

The pyrolysis boiler made of gas cylinder has a grid made of fittings. Using it, the fuel fails down, leaving the minimum of ash.

Water pairs that can be formed during the boiler operation are condensed in a vertical pipe, in which there is a special crane called ball.