Overlap 100 mm. Monolithic floor: device and methods of construction

Overlap is a horizontal supporting structure that is created between two vertical rooms dividing them by height. In this case, the upper part of the ceiling usually acts as a floor for the upper room, and Bottom part ceilings - as a ceiling for the lower room.

Overlap can be conditionally divided into:

  • Basement - a structure dividing the basement and first floors.
  • Interfloor - a structure located between two floors.
  • Mansard - separates the floor from the attic room.
  • Attic - separates the floor from the attic.

A horizontally located structure made of such building materials as wood, metal, concrete, reinforced concrete, and meeting certain engineering and construction requirements, can act as an overlap. These requirements usually include the ability of the floor to withstand permanent and temporary loads, i.e. have increased strength, as well as have sound, heat and waterproofing functions.

Types of floors and their technological features

Depending on the material used, the floors are divided into:

  • Wooden
  • Reinforced concrete

The above types of floors can be used depending on their purpose and design features buildings.

Wooden floors

Installation of beams
Beam or timber floors are often used in timber or traditional private houses. In this case, the floor beams should be made of deciduous or coniferous wood.

The essence of wood flooring is simple. Take wooden beams or glued timber with the following dimensions:

  • height 150-300 mm;
  • width 100-250 mm,

the ends are cut off at an angle of 60-80 °, treated with an antiseptic and washed. After that, the ends of the beams are wrapped with roofing material and placed in niches with a depth of 150 mm, leaving a gap of 30-50 mm between the wall and the beam. The resulting gap is filled with mineral wool.

It should be remembered that the beams are installed on the load-bearing walls of the structure at a distance of 600 mm and up to 1.5 m from each other.

During installation, the beams are installed starting from the extreme ones, having previously retreated at least 50 mm from the walls of the structure. Then, intermediate beams are evenly installed in the remaining space.

After distributing all the beams over the surface, it is necessary to check them for horizontal position. For leveling, tarred boards are usually used. required thicknesses... It must be remembered when leveling that all beams in the horizontal plane must be at the same level.

To create additional stiffness for the future floor, the beams can be reinforced with special steel anchors, nails and steel plates. This is extremely rare in brick houses, so we will not focus on this. But in wooden houses, the beams are fastened using special connecting brackets.

After preparing the base of the floor, you can proceed to covering it.

Installation of wooden floors
Planks (25-45 mm thick), OSB panels or thick plywood are usually used as flooring for wooden floors.

Installation is as follows. First, cranial bars with a section of 50x50 mm are attached to the beams, onto which a rough floor is laid *. On top of the subfloor, layers of steam and thermal insulation are laid successively, and after the final floor *. This method is used when the basement floor is being mounted.

Installation of interfloor ceilings takes place in a slightly different way. Cranial bars are attached, to which a vapor barrier layer is attached from below, and then the ceiling material for the lower floor. Further, with inside cranial bars, between the beams, noise and heat-insulating material is laid. Mineral wool or expanded clay can act as such a material.

After that, on top of the beams, another layer of vapor barrier is laid, and on top of it either planed boards or OSB boards or thick plywood.

V rare cases, when the distance between the beams is large, then before laying the boards or slabs, logs are first laid perpendicular to the beams, placing them closer to each other than the beams.

Installation of attic and attic floors about the same as the installation of interfloor ceilings. In all three cases, the thickness of the beam must be at least 1/24 of the length of the beam itself.

Floor surface resulting from installation wooden floor, depending on the flooring material, covered with a topcoat *. If planed boards were used as a material, then the best option will coat them with paints and varnishes, and not put anything on top of them.

The advantages of a wooden floor are:

  • Significantly low weight of a wooden floor in comparison with reinforced concrete, which reduces the load on the walls and foundation of the building structure.
  • Comparative simplicity and speed of installation.
  • Installation of a wooden floor can be done on your own.
  • The low cost of such a floor in comparison with monolithic or reinforced concrete.

There are downsides to wood flooring. These include:

  • Highly flammable material.
  • Regular processing of wood floors with fire retardant impregnations and paints and varnishes.
  • The fragility of wooden floors.
  • The tree needs air circulation.
  • Fragility.
  • Make hardwood floors where you need them, not where you want them to.
  • Everything wooden elements ceilings should be located from smoke ventilation ducts at a distance of at least 250 mm.
  • The entire floor tree must be treated with fire and bio-protective agents.
  • Beams in places of contact with brick or concrete must be processed protective compounds and wrap with roofing material.
  • Do not make the distance between the beams more than 1000 mm.
  • Do not exceed the width between the beam supports more than 6 m.

Reinforced concrete floors

Reinforced concrete floors - ceilings with reliability, durability, as well as good strength and fire resistance. Probably the most significant drawback of this type of flooring is its heavy weight.

Reinforced concrete floors can be conditionally divided into monolithic reinforced concrete and prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs.

Monolithic reinforced concrete floors

Monolithic reinforced concrete floors are floors in which a frame made of reinforcement poured with a concrete mixture is used as a base.

Floor reinforcement
Reinforcement of interfloor floors begins with the fact that the reinforcement is welded to the ends of the reinforcement or wire rod with a diameter of at least 10 mm released from the reinforcement belt. Of course, it is better to immediately calculate and release the ends of the reinforcement with a diameter of 14 mm or more. In this case, the ends of the reinforcement are produced so that the reinforcement welded on the entire surface forms a mesh with cells of 200x200 mm.

The welded fittings are tied or welded together at the joints. The end result should be a mesh.

The diameter of the reinforcement used is calculated based on the design loads. For these purposes, there are special tables, according to which you can calculate which reinforcement should be used for floors with certain parameters. However, from personal experience I will say, it is better to play it safe and take reinforcement of a larger diameter than necessary. After all, all now existing tables and building codes interpreted on the basis of material, the quality of which is equal to quality Soviet Union... But everyone should understand that the quality of current materials is far from ideal.

As my grandfather used to say: " Better to play it safe and sleep well than save money and sleep poorly."

So, when pouring a floor with a slab thickness of up to 150 mm, it is recommended to use reinforcement with a diameter of at least 14 mm, and with a mesh cell size of no more than 200x200 mm. If the span is more than 4.5 m, then it is better to take the reinforcement with a diameter of 20 mm or more, and leave the cells the same.

One more important point... For the reinforcement of interfloor floors, it is advisable to use solid reinforcement rods. If the spans are large, then it is better to weld the reinforcement together.

After the reinforcement has been completed, you can proceed with the installation of the formwork.

Installation of slab formwork
Correct installation formwork is a guarantee of high-quality overlap.

For formwork, you can use boards or boards made of boards, OSB-plates or metal sheets. It is better to wrap boards, boards or OSB boards with polyethylene and attach it with a stapler, and metal sheets can be greased with oil or working off. This will further ensure easy separation of the formwork from the concrete, and will not allow the material to deteriorate from moisture.

We attach the prepared formwork or formwork material with a wire to reinforcement mesh... It is recommended to install the formwork on the entire surface of the floor to be poured.

At this stage, do not forget that the attached formwork must be suspended 30-50 mm lower reinforcement cage... For these purposes, special clamps or brick fragments of the same size are installed between the formwork and the reinforcement at a distance of 1-1.2 m. These clips must be installed precisely at the intersections of the rebars.

After attaching the entire formwork and setting the clamps in this way, we check that the wire is tightened well, without allowing the formwork to sag. For safety reasons, the installed formwork can be additionally supported from below with spacers. After these steps, you can proceed directly to the concreting of the floor.

Floor concreting
To fill the floor with a concrete mixture, you must first calculate the thickness of the future floor. According to the documentation, the thickness of the slab is calculated based on the size of the span, and is taken in a ratio of 1:30. For example, for a span width of 6 m, the ceiling thickness will be 200 mm.

The thickness of the overlap can be determined by measuring the required 200 mm from the formwork upwards, after which, using a water level, make a marking along the perimeter of the walls, and then select it with the help of skipping and blueing.

Having decided on the thickness and having made the necessary markings, you can start concreting. In this case, the entire process must be completed in one go. If it is not possible to concretize at one time, then a metal mesh made of wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm with a cell of 10x20 or 20x20 mm is laid in the place of the gap. However, this is an extreme case.

When placing concrete, it must be very well vibrated so that the concrete fills all the voids and settles as tightly as possible. The quality of the concrete slab will depend on this.

For vibration, you can use a stick in the form of a shovel handle, or, if possible, special vibrators. For leveling concrete, it is better to use a long rule, or a flat, polished bar.

Filling in this way the entire surface of the overlap, we leave it for 28 days until it completely solidifies and acquires the necessary concrete strength... You can, of course, remove the formwork earlier, it depends on the ambient temperature.

After this time, we remove the formwork, first removing the supports, and then, biting through the wire, remove the formwork shields. The resulting irregularities on the lower part of the floor are removed with a pick.

The pros of monolithic iron concrete floor are:

  • The ability to make a ceiling different forms and sizes.
  • These slabs have no deflections, or in rare cases they are minimal, imperceptible to the eye.

There are disadvantages of a monolithic reinforced concrete floor. These include:

  • Labor intensity of the process.
  • Necessary maintenance of the floor during the purchase of the concrete design strength.
  • Filling requires a minimum of three people.
  • Special equipment is required, possibly mechanisms.
  • The high cost of work in relation to wooden floors.
  • The need to buy ready-made concrete mix, or prepare it yourself.
  • For reinforcement, use reinforcement not of the diameter that you are advised, but one or two sizes thicker.
  • For tying the reinforcement, it is better to use a special strapping wire.
  • As a formwork, it is better to use knocked down wooden boards with a thickness of 25 mm or more, or metal sheets, which are supported from below by boards for more reliable fastening.
  • Wooden formwork parts can be packed in plastic wrap, and metal - lubricate with oil or working off. This will allow not to spoil the building material, and it will be easier to separate the formwork from the floor mortar.
  • It is better to install the formwork immediately on the entire surface to be poured.
  • It is recommended to fill the floor in one go.
  • In hot weather, the overlap must be watered (not flooded) in order to avoid the appearance of cracks, and in winter, such an overlap needs heating, and in concrete mortar it is better to add special antifreeze additives.

Precast concrete slabs

Factory precast concrete slabs are perhaps the most common building material used for floor slabs. These slabs have different sizes and consist of a reinforcing cage, poured with concrete on top. In most cases, these slabs are hollow.

The essence of the installation of floors made of reinforced concrete slabs comes down to several points:

  • Measure the surface of the future overlap (length and width).
  • Find optimal solution by the size of the plates, their location and number.
  • Find a company for the production, delivery and installation of slabs.
  • Pay for the brought material and installation of the product.

That's actually all that is needed for the installation of floors from factory reinforced concrete slabs.

Pros of precast concrete slabs:

  • High load-bearing capacities of the slabs, which can be subjected to design loads immediately after installation.
  • These floors have a high bearing capacity.
  • No deflections.
  • High speed of installation work.

Cons of precast concrete floors:

  • The need for a monolithic belt in the places where the plates rest on the walls.
  • The impossibility of installation on their own.
  • Availability of qualified installers.
  • Availability of special equipment for the delivery and installation of plates.
  • High cost of slabs.
  • Cash costs for the plates themselves, their delivery and installation.
  • When making a floor from factory reinforced concrete slabs, consult with specialists.
  • Lay floor slabs only on a pre-made reinforcement belt.
  • Do not lay reinforced concrete floor slabs on walls less than 200 mm thick.
  • If you decide to use precast concrete slabs for flooring, find and contact a company with intelligent specialists.

Summing up

Each type of overlap is good for certain designs. During the review, it turned out that the cheapest and least labor-intensive installation are wooden floors. However, this type of flooring can be used not in all types of structures, but only in wooden buildings and traditional private houses. Overlapping made of wood can be used for any of the four types of floors - basement, interfloor, attic and attic.

Monolithic reinforced concrete floors can be used in the construction of buildings of almost any structure, except wooden structures... Such ceilings are more expensive than wooden ones, and require certain material and physical costs. However, they are more durable and have more advantages over hardwood floors. Depending on the type of bulk fillers in concrete mix, this slab can be used for all types of slabs.

Prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs are the simplest, but the most expensive type of floor, which, moreover, has restrictions on installation on some types of structures (wood, with walls less than 200 mm thick). They are mainly installed as a slab between the 0th and 1st floors, as well as between the 1st and 2nd floors.

* Rough floor - horizontally flat plane, which serves as the basis for finishing coating, and made of boards, chipboard, OSB or thick plywood.
* Finishing floor - the finishing coat of the floor, such as tiles, parquet, laminate, linoleum, etc.

In this article, we will talk about what are the methods of erecting a monolithic floor, and you will also learn about the advantages and disadvantages of these methods. The article will tell you about the basic requirements for the thickness and reinforcement of reinforced concrete floor elements.

Reinforced concrete is an almost eternal material. Many are created from it. structural elements- beams, walls, lintels. One of the most difficult, at first glance, products is the overlap. However, the complexity of the construction is fully compensated by the operational properties of the finished product.

Advantages of a monolithic floor:

  1. The greatest load bearing capacity from well-known materials.
  2. The most durable material available.
  3. Relatively cheap raw materials (for concrete).
  4. High qualifications of the entire team are not required to perform the work (1-2 leading specialists are enough).
  5. Combined functions: the base of the second floor floor, armopoyas, the connection of all walls to each other.
  6. Correctly arranged monolithic construction excludes the appearance of deformation defects ("steps", distortions, cracks).

Disadvantages of concrete floors:

  1. Labor intensity of construction. The work is connected with the device of horizontal formwork of high strength and rigidity.
  2. The accompanying material was used, which after concreting may become unusable - plywood, flanging board, racks (wooden).
  3. Heavy construction weight - strong walls and foundation are required.
  4. High thermal conductivity of concrete - all areas open to the outside must be insulated.
  5. Concrete flooring is only possible on stone walls.

Reinforced concrete floors are suitable for permanent structures designed for a long service life, as well as for premises in which significant static and dynamic loads are provided - workshops, hotels, hostels (with partitions made of stone material).

In private construction, monolithic floor slabs are usually arranged along brick walls, since concrete walls are much more difficult to build than brick ones.

Monolithic slab thickness

Because of the large specific gravity concrete (2400 kg / m 3), products made from it are heavy. The weight of the product can be reduced by reducing the amount of concrete in the structure, that is, simply making it thinner. In this case, the stiffness is compensated for by the reinforcement. Sufficient thickness of reinforced concrete elements:

  • load-bearing walls - 160 mm
  • floors - 200 mm
  • partitions - 100 mm

The thickness of these elements will be considered sufficient only if the rules of reinforcement are observed. Calculations and long-term practice have shown that there is an optimal balance of mass, volume, section and bearing capacity of reinforced concrete elements. Read about it below in the section "Floor reinforcement". Sufficient thickness brick wall- 380 mm (1.5 bricks).

Slab formwork

Like any reinforced concrete element, the floor requires the installation of a form for concrete - formwork. Since the overlap has significant dimensions in area and is at a height, the formwork for it looks like a table: a solid plane filling the space between load-bearing walls(and columns) on a spatially rigid frame of racks and slopes. There are three types of formwork, but one requirement is invariable for any of them - a reliable foundation.

Inventory formwork

A set of factory products, which includes:

  1. Racks - sliding screw jacks, up to 4 m long.
  2. Stand hardware - "tripods" at the bottom for the stability of the freestanding jack and "crown" at the top for seating the table beams.
  3. Wooden beams - factory-made glued I-profile products with a height of 200 mm and a length of up to 4.2 m.
  4. Film faced plywood - sheets of plywood 18-24 mm thick, 1220x2440 mm in size, covered with a resistant film, designed to create a floor plane. The coating can withstand up to 40 concreting cycles.

Such a set is professional - high-rise residential buildings are being built with inventory formwork. It is reliable, convenient and designed for constant use. The purchase of a set for the device of one floor will not justify itself - all products are steel and are not cheap. The solution is to rent a formwork. The company's specialists will calculate themselves required amount each of the elements for your object.

The undoubted advantages of this approach are the speed of formwork installation and ease of work, as well as the quality of the plane. The disadvantages include the risk of a delay in the lease term.

Homemade formwork

All elements of the "table" for the ceiling can be made independently from wood and some metal parts.

This method is used when the main elements - posts, beam and plane material (plywood or board) are available. This is the main advantage of the method - the use of improvised material. Obvious disadvantages:

  1. Time consuming construction requiring advanced carpenter skills.
  2. Large waste of material - up to 20% will become unusable.
  3. Problematic height adjustment (horizontal installation).

Combined method

Provides for the partial use of elements of inventory formwork and lumber.

In this case, you can use factory racks with tripods and crowns, and make the beams and formwork flooring from planks. Or rent a laminated plywood, and assemble the "table" frame from a scaffold at hand. There can be many combinations.

Floor reinforcement

For the device of the reinforcing cage of the hanging reinforced concrete floor with a thickness of 200 mm, a mirror mesh made of reinforcement A3 Ø 16 mm with a cell of 150-180 mm is used. When using concrete prepared on site, we recommend strengthening the frame by using a smaller rod pitch - 150 mm. If the concrete is factory-made, a step of up to 200 mm is allowed. In places of support and abutment of elements (support on a wall, column, capital), we recommend making reinforcements - add rods.

Floor concreting

There are concreting rules that should be followed unquestioningly so as not to subject the structure to destruction in the future:

  1. Placing concrete in the floor must be done in one go. With prolonged downtime during concreting, the laid concrete can set, and the new one cannot mix with it. As a result, you get a border along which a crack can go.
  2. When concreting in a cool period (0 ... + 5 ° C), use special antifreeze additives. Read more about winter concreting in this article.
  3. Be sure to use vibrators - deep or surface vibrators. Concrete without vibration has 40-50% of design strength. You will find more information about concreting in our article.
  4. The slab formwork is dismantled no earlier than 28 days after the concrete is placed.


We will consider the estimate of the total costs for the installation of the ground floor floor using the example of a selected house with a total area of ​​167.0 m2. The floor area of ​​the first floor is 88.9 m2, the floor area is 78.1 m2. The comparative assessment was carried out taking into account:
  • material supporting structure including accessories;
  • floor insulation material;
  • material for leveling the floor for subsequent laying topcoats, parquet board, laminate, floor ceramic tile etc.;
    I will immediately present the results of the calculations obtained.

    The cost of installing the floor of the first floor in the case of using prefabricated reinforced concrete was
    88.9 m2 * 3876.00 rubles / m2 = 344 576.40 rubles.

    The cost of installing the floor of the first floor in the case of using monolithic reinforced concrete was
    88.9m2 * 4 129.70 rubles / m2 = 367 130.00 rubles.

    The cost of installing the floor of the first floor in the version of the floor on tamped soil
    88.9m2 * 3 095.05 rubles / m2 = 275 150.00 rubles.

    The cost of installing the ground floor floor in the application wooden beam will constitute
    88.9m2 * 2,447.21 rubles / m2 = 217,556.97 rubles.

    The cost of installing the floor of the first floor in the case of using biopositive I-beams will be
    88.9m2 * 2 160.97 rubles / m2 = 192 110.23 rubles.

    The cost of installing the floor of the first floor in the case of using LVL beams will be
    88.9m2 * 2,086.99 rubles / m2 = 185,533.41 rubles.

  • Material

    Quantity per m2

    Price with shipping**

    Amount (rub)

    Floor slabs PNO

    850,00 rub / m2

    Masonry mortar

    RUB 2,654.00 / t

    Mortar for sealing board joints

    RUB 2,654.00 / t

    Wire for bundling plates together

    1.0584 running meters

    RUB 10.00 / rm

    Overlapping MARKO-STANDARD became the first Russian prefabricated monolithic overlap, which has found wide application in residential, civil and industrial construction.

    Progressive prefabricated monolithic technology for the construction of reinforced concrete interfloor lightweight ceilings has been used in Europe for more than 70 years. In Russia known precast-monolithic floors YTONG, Polish ceilings TERIVA (TERIVA), Belarusian floors Dah . Overlapping MARCO kept everything best qualities European ceilings and added a new one -square meter of Russian flooring is 80-100kg lighter than European .

    Scheme of the MARCO-STANDARD beam with additional longitudinal reinforcement

    Dimensions (edit) cross section concrete element beams 40x120 mm, concrete strength class not lower than B20. To increase the bearing capacity of the floor, the concrete element can be reinforced with additional longitudinal reinforcement with a diameter of 6 to 16 mm. All the reinforcement of beams is a rolled steel welded periodic profile of classes A500C and B500C in accordance with GOST R 52544-2006 with a yield strength of at least 500N / mm2

    In February 2013, our priority in the development of lightweight slabs was confirmed by another patent... In the construction of these floors, the base of the beam does not serve concrete block, and a thin-walled C-shaped lightweight profile. Beams with this profile weigh three times lighter than concrete beams. New beams can be joined together at an angle. These features made it possible to significantly reduce the labor intensity of the installation of floors, to block spans up to 12 meters, to form balconies, consoles with the help of ceilings, and to arrange openings of various configurations in a monolithic slab. Working with profile beams is a lot like working with a drywall profile. Floor buyers quickly realized the benefits of the new floor.

    In October 2013 we received a patent on a beam that allows you to use any building blocks in the floors. Developers no longer need to purchase and import special blocks for floors. Now it is enough to purchase an additional number of blocks from which the walls of the house are being erected and to order only beams from our company. The new floor was named. The name once again emphasizes the versatility of the proposed design. Building blocks is available in any region of Russia. This means. that in any part of Russia builders today can mount MARCO floors.

    Floor beams in production. The photo clearly shows the additional reinforcement of the beams..

    Beams are manufactured on special heated vibration stands. You can buy one of these stands from us and start own production concrete floor beams

    Floor blocks are made of polystyrene concrete with a density of less than 400 kg / m 3.
    The weight of the blocks does not exceed 6 kg... Blocks and beams act as fixed formwork, and take on the loads arising during concreting.

    Technical documentation for blocks and floor beams agreed with the Scientific Research, Design and Technological Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete NIIZhB and registered STATE STANDARD.

    Based on the results of certification testsblocks are classified as low-hazard non-combustible materials with low smoke generating ability... A positive sanitary and epidemiological conclusion was obtained for MARCO polystyrene concrete.

    A high-performance shaker is used for the production of floor blocks. The productivity of the shaker is 3000 blocks per shift. This allows you to complete with blocks of 350 m 2 floors.
    Marko-STANDARD technology
    provides four overlap thicknesses: 200, 250, 300 and 350 mm.

    Floor plan MARCO-STANDARD 200 mm thick

    Scheme of the thinnest overlap of the MARCO system SMP-200 is shown in the figure.

    Floor plan MARCO with a thickness of 300 mm, in which an additional plate with a thickness of 50 mm is used.

    Russian system For thicknesses greater than 250 mm, MARCO uses expanded foam panels.

    Plates are glued to the upper surface of the blocks with any cement-containing tile adhesive... This solution allows the use of a unified nomenclature of blocks.

    Overlapping MARCO 350 mm thick with additional insulation

    Installation scheme of floors without a separate monolithic belt

    Installation of precast-monolithic flooring MARCO-STANDARD ... The beams are hung above the wall of Itong aerated concrete with a gap of 40-50 mm. This made it possible to form a monolithic belt simultaneously with the concreting of the floor.

    Usage precast-monolithic slabs MARCO allows abandon the mandatory device of a separate monolithic belt (seismic belt, armored belt) on walls made of weak-bearing materials (aerated concrete, foam concrete, MARCO polystyrene concrete, expanded clay concrete, etc.). Due to simple technological methods, a monolithic belt is formed simultaneously with the concreting of the floor slab.

    For this, the floor beams are hung over the wall with a gap of 40-50 mm. After filling the gap with concrete, a full-fledged monolithic belt will form on the wall. Such a technique for the device of fixed formwork for the floor and seismic belt significantly reduces the cost of construction and shortens the time.

    The photo clearly shows how this scheme is implemented at the construction site. A well-executed monolithic belt evenly distributes the load along the entire perimeter of the walls and prevents the formation of cracks in the event of uneven shrinkage of the foundation.



    Overlap index
    Overlapping spans and permissible payloads
    SMP-200200 230 - 240 BP-150- 9 - 8 - 6 500 4 1000
    SMP-250250 260 - 268 BP-200- 9 - 8 - 6 600 4 1000
    SMP-300300 300 - 308 BP-20050 9 - 8 400 6 1000 4 1000
    SMP-350350 340 - 348 BP-200100 9 200 8 700 6 1000 4 100

    The table shows the average characteristics of all options SMP MARCO... Of particular interest here is low weight... The combination of low weight with high load-bearing capacity is undeniable competitive advantage SMP MARCO.

    There are no overlaps easier than MARCO in Russia.

    The section of a concrete element obtained as a result of concreting is similar in structure to a prefabricated ribbed slab. Each rib contains a beam and a concrete core. Cross-sectional shapeconcrete corepresented in the diagram.

    Low block weight allowed to increase the vehicle load rate. A standard 12 m body has a capacity of 220-250 sq. m of floors. When transporting a distance of up to 1000 km, the cost of delivery of one square meter designs does not exceed 200 rubles.




    For finishing ceilings from SMP, you can use drywall on metal or wooden frame, plastic panels, plaster, dropped ceilings Amstrong type, wooden lining and other finishing materials.

    Precast-monolithic ceilings are successfully used for the reconstruction of industrial buildings.

    Construction company specialists Columbus will develop for you design documentation for precast-monolithic floors, will offer a rational floor plan, complete a floor drawing, show a photo of the floor, prepare recommendations for installation, deliver an SMP to construction site, if necessary, carry out installation.

    Our experience testifies - in some cases, only the SMP allows reinforcing the floors.



    SMPs are successfully used in the construction of buildings according to classical and modern technologies, simrolite, dyurisol,velox, utong.

    Particularly interesting is the experience of replacing floors on wooden beams on the NSR. In this case, the task of strengthening the structure (increasing the bearing capacity) is often posed. As a rule, the thickness of the monolithic interfloor floors obtained as a result of the reconstruction is less than the thickness of the original timber floor. In this case, the monolithic floor is connected to the load-bearing walls and strengthens them.


    If necessary beams and blocks are easy to modify directly on the construction site... This feature is often used for the construction of bay windows and rooms with complex wall configurations.

    Production allows to ensure the accuracy of the manufacture of beams within one centimeter, but the low accuracy of wall construction often leads to the need to rework the beams at the construction site.




    In the Foto ground floor Igor Borisovich Chubais, which the construction company "Columbus" built in 2006. There are two SMPs in the house between the floors in which beams up to 8 meters long.



    • Reduce the weight of floor slabs in comparison with hollow-core slabs by 30% and in Twice in comparison with a monolith.
    • Conduct the installation without using a crane
    • Exclude the device of a separate monolithic belt on walls made of weak-bearing building blocks
    • Exclude screed device for leveling the base of the floor
    • Easily replace hardwood and loosened floors with concrete
    • Overlap the premises complex shape with bay windows and ledges
    • Install in hard-to-reach places , including in existing premises
    • Reduce cost by 30-40% floors of buildings
    • Provide bearing capacity up to 1000 kg / m 2
    • Ensure high performance of monolithic floors of buildings heat protection and sound insulation
    • Modify floor structures at the construction site: trim, shorten, shape
    • Use voids in blocks for laying communications
    • Use beams for the construction of powerful load-bearing lintels
    • Deliver to the construction site up to 250 sq.m. SMP by one machine

    , sand concrete, porous ceramic blocks... The photo shows an example of using porous ceramic blocks for floors. Sometimes this structure is called brick floors. Here you can find out how to use such floors. Brick flooring is quite common in Europe, but has never been used in Russia.


    The use of the SMP allows you to get a high-quality base of the floor. But such a technological operation makes increased demands on the qualifications of workers. In this case, concreting is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, the bulk of the bonding concrete is poured. After 3-4 hours, a concrete mixture is poured onto the partially set concrete to form a leveling screed.

    Slabs and floors are two interconnected structural elements of a building. The quality of the floor directly depends on the quality of the floor surface.

    The concrete beams of the SMP go well with the load-bearing metal structures. Beam floors from metal are transformed in this case into beamed concrete slabs. At the same time, the total thickness of the structure is more than halved. The latter is very important for buildings with low ceilings. This design serves as a good alternative to structures based on corrugated board.


    I-beams slabs go well with beams of precast-monolithic slabs MARCO. The garage floor (ground floor) will become the floor of the spare parts warehouse. SMP MARKO provide high performance in sound insulation due to the use of low density polystyrene concrete blocks, which absorb sound well.

    Strong, lightweight, easy-to-install prefabricated monolithic ceilings for more than half a century they have been used in many countries of the world. Now these progressive structures are manufactured by the COLUMBE construction company in the Moscow region and can be used for your home, garage, bathhouse. Traditional hollow core slabs or a heavy and expensive monolith can always be replaced with an NSR. The strength and bearing capacity of the MARCO SMP is higher than that of standard designs and the weight is much lower. This allows the use of SMP MARCO in every country house without Borders.

    Along with the SMP system monolithic construction MARCO contains fixed formwork blocks for walls Sophisticated technical solutions allow customers to obtain a complete set of structures for building a house from the COLUMBE construction company.

    Marian Wojciech Szymanski, Consultant to the Building Structural Elements Plant (ZEK; Warsaw and Bochnia, Poland) from Partner Ost-West (Lodz, Poland)... “It is interesting that the real bearing capacity, deflections and crack opening in the case of of this product turned out to be even 20% better than the calculated ones. The task of reducing the weight and increasing the insulating characteristics of floors with permanent formwork slabs was solved through the use of …… ”. This is an excerpt from the materials of the seminar on the use of the TERIVA NSR. This is an extract from the materials of the workshop on the use of the TERIVA NSR, held in Minsk on March 22, 2006 within the framework of the 9th International Specialized Exhibition "Stroyeskpo 2006".Do you have a question? ... Ask!

    When building a private house, it is important to choose the right one Constructive decisions its elements. One of critical structures can be called overlap. Competently selected thickness of the reinforced concrete floor slab in the house between floors will ensure its reliability and safety.

    Types of reinforced concrete structures and scope

    Monolithic slabs are suitable for use in solid stone or brick buildings. V brick house such an overlap creates a disc that gives the building additional rigidity. When laying an interfloor reinforced concrete floor, it is important to choose the type of its manufacture:

    • monolithic;
    • prefabricated.

    Both of these methods are widespread at the present time, but gradually the first is replacing the second. The main disadvantages of a monolithic floor are the cost of the formwork and the need to wait for the concrete hardening time. The advantages include:

    • high laying speed;
    • decrease in financial costs;
    • no need for complex lifting equipment;
    • the ability to fill a slab of complex configuration in plan;
    • reliability and durability.
    Monolithic structure diagram

    The advantages of prefabricated technology include:

    • high speed of installation;
    • there is no need to wait. until the concrete gains strength;
    • reliability and durability;
    • more simple technology manufacturing.

    The disadvantages of this method are slightly more than that of the previous one:

    • a large mass of individual elements;
    • there is a need for lifting equipment (truck crane);
    • limited number of standard sizes, difficulty in overlapping rooms of unusual shapes.

    Assembled product diagram

    The choice between the technologies by which the overlap between the floors will be erected depends on the preferences of the future owner of the house and economic considerations. If the distances between the load-bearing walls are far from standard, a large number of atypical products will be required, which will lead to a rise in the cost of the construction. In this case, it is better to stop at the monolithic version.

    Slab thickness

    Knowing the thickness of the slab is necessary in order to calculate the total height of the slab and floor. This will be required when calculating the height of a floor, a room, and the entire building. The slab thickness depends on the selected construction type. If the decision is made to use monolithic technology it also depends on the stresses of people, furniture, equipment and floor construction.

    Prefabricated slabs for PC and PB series

    These elements are most often used in construction. PC slabs - hollow core. They are stacked between floors, both in private houses and in multi-storey buildings. Plates PB - enough new technology which is gradually replacing the PC series. They can be produced in any length, regardless of the dimensions given in the normative documents. They differ in the manufacturing method - the method of continuous molding. They have some limitations and are not fully understood, but they are successfully used in both private and mass construction.

    Construction scheme with a size of 220 mm

    The thickness of the slab is standard. It is 220 mm. To calculate the total height of the slab with the floor structure, add to this value:

    • the thickness of the concrete screed, approximately 30-50 mm;
    • if necessary, sound insulation or insulation thickness thermal insulation material(30-50 mm for sound insulation, 100-150 mm for thermal insulation);
    • flooring (depending on the type, the highest height will be for a wooden floor, the smallest for linoleum or ceramic tiles);
    • ceiling construction.

    In total, the height of the concrete floor in a private house with a floor structure when using plates of the PB or PK series is approximately 300 mm.

    Plates of the PT series

    In most cases, these elements are used as complementary to the PB and PC series. Laying of such plates between levels is carried out in those places where the distance between the walls does not allow laying large-sized products. They have small dimensions in plan, which allows overlapping small spans. The boards are suitable for laying over corridors, bathrooms, utility rooms and storage rooms. Leaning can be performed on all sides.

    Reinforced concrete products for residential and public buildings

    Product thickness 80 or 120 mm. The total height of reinforced concrete floors with floor elements is 150-200 mm, depending on the type floor covering.

    When used, they are aligned with PC and PB products along the upper edge of the floor.

    Irregularities are corrected with the construction of the ceiling.

    Overlapping by profiled sheet

    A fairly common method for private housing construction. In this case, the profiled sheet serves as a formwork and a supporting element of the monolithic slab. Main structural elements:

    Product design according to profiled sheet
    • load-bearing beams (I-beams, channels or corners with a large flange width);
    • profiled sheet, which is laid along the beams (the waves should be located perpendicular to the bearing elements);
    • a layer of concrete mortar.

    All thicknesses are matched to the payload. For a private house, you can give the average values ​​of a monolithic slab between spaces located at different horizontal levels:

    1. The height of the beams (I-beam or channel) for spans up to 5-6 meters is approximately 220-270 mm.
    2. The wave height of the corrugated board plus the thickness of the concrete layer depends on the step between load-bearing beams and the planned load. As the minimum value for a monolithic slab of a private house, 150 mm can be given.
    3. Concrete screed with a thickness of 30-50 mm.
    4. If necessary, add a layer of insulation from 30 to 150 mm, depending on the purpose of its installation.
    5. Clean floor construction. The thickness depends on the type of floor covering.

    The profiled sheet can be supported in two ways:

    • over load-bearing beams;
    • with adjoining to them.

    In the first case, the total height of the I-beam or channel is taken into account in the thickness, and in the second, the thickness of the reinforced concrete floor is significantly reduced. Minimum height given for light loads.

    By regulatory documents, the weight that falls on the floors in a private house is 150 kg per square meter.

    When calculating, this value must be increased by a safety factor of 1.2. For more serious loads, a reinforced profiled sheet and a greater thickness of the concrete layer are used.

    Ribbed monolithic slab

    For a private house, you can use another technology for making the base for the floor. A ribbed reinforced concrete slab consists of long ribs thrown over the long sides of the room and a thin layer of concrete between them. The space between the ribs is filled with insulation (expanded clay, mineral wool, expanded polystyrene and the like).

    The thickness of a monolithic slab is calculated from the following values:

    1. Rib height. For private housing construction, in most cases, a thickness of 200 mm is sufficient. In this case, the thickness of the section between the ribs can be 50-100 mm. The width of the rib is selected to be approximately 100 mm.
    2. Thickness cement-sand screed ... Accepted within the range of 30-50 mm.
    3. Floor construction. The thickness depends on the floor covering and is in the range of 10-50 mm on average.

    The ribbed ceiling, as well as along the profiled sheet, allows you to reduce the consumption of concrete while maintaining a sufficiently large thickness. Making ribs is challenging. The use of corrugated board allows you to create a floor with a ribbed surface without unnecessary labor costs.

    A competent choice and calculation of the thickness of a concrete slab will allow you to calculate the height of the premises, the consumption of concrete mixture and determine the financial and labor costs even at the design stage of the facility. In the case of prefabricated floors, the thickness for all elements is standard.