Dihydroquercetin is a reference antioxidant from Siberian larch. From discovery to industrial production of pure dihydroquercetin single crystal

Preventive medicine achieves its social goals only in the case of the transition from medicine of pathology to medicine of health of healthy people.
I.P. Pavlov, Academician, Nobel Prize Laureate
in medicine and physiology 1904

What are antioxidants?

Antioxidants are natural substances that help the body resist the destructive effects of excessive concentrations of aggressive oxygen species (free radicals).

What is the threat to our body is posed by the excess amount of free radicals?

In small amounts, reactive oxygen species (oxidants, free radicals) are constantly formed in the body. They provide the regeneration of cell structures and the functional activity of cells. But in excess, free radicals begin to destroy molecules of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, cellular structures, up to cell death. As a result, the capillary blood flow is disturbed, and, consequently, the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and the excretion of metabolic products from the tissues.

Obviously, this depletes the body's antioxidant activity, and over time this leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

In view of the rapid deterioration of the environmental conditions of our environment, the impact of stress, poor-quality nutrition, antioxidants do not have time to be produced in the body and come in sufficient quantities with food, and therefore the body needs additional means of protection - biologically active food supplements that provide a person's daily need for antioxidants.

What are biologically active food additives (BAA)?

Biologically active food additives (BAA) are compositions of biologically active substances that are the most effective way to eliminate the deficiency of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants in the body.

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 117 of 15.04.97 "On the procedure for examination and hygienic certification of biologically active food additives" introduces the following terminology:

Biologically active food additives are concentrates of natural or identical to natural biologically active substances intended for direct intake or introduction into food products in order to enrich the human diet with individual biologically active substances or their complexes.

The Ministry of Health claims that dietary supplements are necessary for the human body to ensure normal life, as well as optimize the diet, in particular, they are used:

  • to replenish insufficient intake of protein and certain essential amino acids, lipids and certain fatty acids (in particular, polyunsaturated higher fatty acids), carbohydrates and sugars, vitamins and vitamin-like substances, macro- and microelements, dietary fiber, organic acids, bioflavonoids, essential oils, extractives, etc .;
  • to increase the body's nonspecific resistance, reduce the risk of developing diseases and metabolic disorders;
  • for the implementation of the regulation of body functions within the physiological limits.

The diet of most of the adult population does not correspond to the principles of a healthy diet due to the consumption of foods containing a large amount of animal fat, simple carbohydrates, semi-finished products, a lack of fresh vegetables and fruits, fish and seafood in the diet, increasing the risk of developing diabetes mellitus and diseases of the cardiovascular system ...

Food supplements correct this deficiency, increase the human body's resistance to unfavorable environmental conditions, improve the quality of life of patients, and reduce the risk of the most common diseases in healthy people.

What is the most powerful antioxidant?

Dihydroquercetin ranks first among the known antioxidants, including vitamins C, E and beta-carotene, surpassing them according to the ORAC scale by 11 or more times in its antioxidant activity.

What is Dihydroquercetin?

Dihydroquercetin is a natural biologically active substance, a bioflavonoid of the P-vitamin group, obtained from the butt part of the Siberian larch trunk.

Why is prevention of cardiovascular disease important?

For many centuries people have been looking for a miraculous panacea - a cure for all diseases. But if a person starts to use dietary supplements on time, then it is likely that in a large number of cases he will be able to completely forget about medications for many years. Today we can say: “Panacea? Thanks, no. We will not be treated because we will not get sick!
B.P. Sukhanov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Nutritional Hygiene and Toxicology, Moscow Medical Academy. I.M.Sechenov and the Institute of Nutrition

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) such as myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident, heart failure are the most common cause of death in people around the world. "Coronary artery disease (CHD) is currently the leading cause of death worldwide, its rate is steadily increasing and has now reached the size of a pandemic that knows no boundaries." This statement from 2009, posted on the WHO website, does not differ much from the warning issued in 1969 by the same WHO: “The greatest epidemic of humanity - IHD has reached enormous proportions, affecting more and more young patients. This will lead in the coming years to the fact that humanity will face the largest epidemic, if we can not reverse the trend, focusing on the study of the causes and prevention of coronary heart disease. " The second most important manifestation of CVD, stroke, is another important cause of death and disability.

CVD occurs in both men and women; of all deaths in Europe before age 75, 42% in women and 38% in men are associated with CVD. CVD mortality is changing: age-standardized rates are declining in most European countries but remain high in Eastern Europe. Wherein Russia is in the first place in mortality from CVD in the world.

Every year 950 thousand Russians die from coronary heart disease, heart attacks and strokes. The average number of Russians dying from diseases of the circulatory system is 654 per 100 thousand people (according to statistics from 2014). However, in the countries of Western Europe and the USA, the number of people suffering from diseases of the circulatory system is only 200-300 people per 100 thousand of the population.

Prevention of CVD is effective: a 50% reduction in mortality from coronary heart disease is associated with exposure to risk factors (unhealthy diet, smoking, alcoholism, lack of adequate exercise, obesity, high blood pressure, high plasma LDL cholesterol, depression , constant stress) and 40% with better treatment.

Preventive measures should continue throughout your life, from birth (if not earlier) to old age and are an important factor in prolonging your life and youth!

What are the main pharmacological properties of dihydroquercetin?

Long-term experimental and clinical studies of dihydroquercetin, carried out at the Research Institute of Pharmacology, Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov, Siberian State University, Institute of Eye Microsurgery, Institute of Surgery. Vishnevsky RAMS, Russian Cancer Research Center named after V.I. Blokhin of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and other research centers, allowed scientists to draw the following conclusions about the properties of dihydroquercetin:

  • Slowing down the aging process of the body by optimizing peripheral circulation and protecting cell membranes from destruction. The capillaroprotective effect of dihydroquercetin is associated with the extension of the life of the capillaries and the activation of their work due to the protection of the cell membrane.
  • Protecting DNA from oxidative damage, which is a powerful prevention of premature aging.
  • Positive effects on bone metabolism .
  • High antioxidant capacity... Inhibition of peroxidation, limitation of the damaging action of free radicals. Dihydroquercetin inhibits free radical oxidation of both water-soluble and fat-soluble substrates. Dihydroquercetin can function as a trap for reactive oxygen species and as a chelator for variable valence metals. It is a more powerful antioxidant than vitamins C, E or carotenoids.
  • Improving the functional state of the cardiovascular system... Optimization of the main and peripheral blood flow, lowering blood pressure in arterial hypertension, normalizing the permeability of the vascular wall, lowering blood viscosity and improving capillary microcirculation.
  • Optimization of coronary blood flow, excitability, conductivity, myocardial contractility.
  • Improving blood flow in cerebral vessels and metabolic processes in the cells of the brain and peripheral nervous system.
  • Brain and nerve cell protection (neuroprotection) by inhibiting the expression of enzymes that cause inflammation, and preventing inflammatory leukocytes from attacking vulnerable areas of the brain.
  • Optimization of lipid metabolism and blood lipid profile, an obstacle to the development of atherosclerosis. Suppression of the formation of apolipoprotein B, one of the main components of LDL (l low-density ipoproteins or"bad" cholesterol).
  • Reduction of destructive changes and damage to cells and tissues of the body in conditions of hyperglycemia, a decrease in the level of lipid peroxidation reaction, a decrease in the rate of growth of structural changes in the islets of the pancreas and in the lung, resulting from hyperglycemia, significant decrease in blood glucose.
  • Suppression of pro-inflammatory activity of neutrophils and protecting the vascular system from diabetes-induced damage. Reducing the risk of progression of diabetic, vascular complications.
  • Restoration of microcirculation during the rehabilitation period, after suffering a stroke and heart attack, limiting dystrophic and sclerotic changes. During the rehabilitation period, it significantly reduces insomnia, emotional and vegetative symptoms, improves mood and reduces the severity of unpleasant physical sensations. Improves memory in 70% of patients with cerebral circulation problems. In 60%, this increased the concentration and the index of intellectual activity.
  • Increased blood flow in a part of the retina, protection against loss of vision with macular degeneration.
  • Preventing cataract formation, inhibition of enzyme activity in the lens.
  • Lower blood pressure in patients with arterial hypertension and the provision of antiarrhythmic action.
  • Detoxification properties dihydroquercetin are in direct interaction with toxins, binding them into a stable form, followed by elimination from the body. By improving capillary blood flow, the process of removing toxins from the intercellular space is accelerated. Dihydroquercetin has chemopreventive properties by helping the body eliminate activated carcinogens.
  • Natural antibiotic with pronounced bactericidal and antifungal properties. Dihydroquercetin slows down inflammatory reactions in the body, improves the supply of oxygen to cells. Dihydroquercetin normalizes the synthesis of collagen fibers in the skin, accelerating the healing of wound surfaces, while maintaining the elasticity of the skin.
  • Anti-cancer properties confirmed by the following studies:

Indications for the use of dihydroquercetin

  • Preventive agent: slowing down the aging process of the body.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, myocarditis, endocarditis, chronic heart failure, arrhythmias, atherosclerosis, hypertension, atherosclerosis obliterans of the vessels of the lower extremities, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins.
  • Diabetes mellitus of the second type.

The effectiveness of dihydroquercetin in the prevention of cardiovascular and other diseases has been proven by numerous clinical studies, the results of which you can find on the page Scientific work on dihydroquercetin. In the US National Library of Medicine alone, there are more than 800 research papers devoted to dihydroquercetin.

For the prevention of which cardiovascular diseases is dihydroquercetin useful?

  • Coronary artery disease - a disease of the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle;
  • Cerebrovascular disease - disease of the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain;
  • Peripheral artery disease - disease of the blood vessels that supply blood to the arms and legs;
  • Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism are blood clots in the leg veins that can move and move towards the heart and lungs.
  • Heart attacks and strokes, which occur mainly as a result of a blockage in blood vessels that prevents blood from flowing to the heart or brain. The most common reason for this is the formation of fatty deposits on the inner walls of the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart or brain.

If I eat good foods, do I need to take dietary supplements?

French nutritionists decided that in order to meet our needs for vitamin C alone, we should eat 5-6 servings of salads or 5-6 fruits per day. Do you eat 6 apples every day? Moreover, studies carried out by Japanese scientists have shown that modern varieties of apples and oranges contain 10-20 times less vitamin C than wild animals. As a result of selection, fruits and vegetables have become beautiful, frost-resistant, stored longer and better transported, but, unfortunately, they are now poor in vitamins.

The daily intake of B vitamins is contained in 400 g of lean meat and 1.3 kg of black bread. Who eats so much meat and black bread? In the past, in the pre-industrial non-robotic era, people were engaged in daily hard physical labor, and in order to compensate for energy losses, their daily diet was about 5,000 kcal. Today, with our relatively low physical activity, such a calorie content would lead to obesity, therefore, for a modern person, the calorie norm is almost halved, however, this inevitably leads to the same decrease in the amount of biologically active substances consumed with food.

Studies by French scientists show that even a perfectly structured adult diet, designed for 2500 kcal per day, provides a person with vitamins and microelements only by 80%. With a dietary diet of 1500 kcal, a person loses 50% of biologically active substances. If you try to make up for this deficiency only through food, obesity is a side effect, since the amounts of food you need to eat to get all the vitamins we need are enormous.

Insufficient intake of biologically active substances with food is also due to the following factors:

  • depletion of unwisely used soils;
  • widespread use of herbicides;
  • irrational and long-term storage;
  • loss and destruction of biologically active substances during processing and heat treatment;
  • unhealthy national nutritional traditions and unbalanced diets.

Therefore, dietary supplements help to make up for the lack of biologically active substances in the diet, which allows you to keep fit and receive all the antioxidants, vitamins and microelements necessary for your body in full.

Have serious studies been carried out in Russia that would confirm the need for the use of dietary supplements for food?

The most important stage in the development of the production of dietary supplements for food in Russia was the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 917 in August 1998, which approved the "Concept of state policy in the field of healthy nutrition of the population of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2005". The adoption of this program was largely the result of the main violations in the nutritional status of the population of Russia proved by many years of research by specialists from the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences:

  • excess consumption of animal fats
  • excess sugar and salt intake
  • deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids
  • deficiency of complete animal proteins
  • deficiency of most vitamins
  • deficiency of minerals - calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus
  • deficiency of trace elements - iodine, fluoride, selenium, zinc
  • severe deficiency of dietary fiber (fiber) and starch.

The consequences of the identified violations of the nutritional status of the population of Russia may include:

  • widespread prevalence of various forms of obesity (among people over 30 years old - in 55% of the population);
  • frequent identification among the population of persons with a reduced immune status, various forms of immunodeficiency, reduced resistance to infections;
  • an increase in the frequency of such alimentary-dependent diseases as iron deficiency anemia, thyroid diseases, caries, osteoporosis, arthritis;
  • an increase in the proportion of people with high risk factors for the development of coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cerebral atherosclerosis, and oncological diseases.

Our dietary supplements

We have unique raw materials for the production of dietary supplements for food - a powerful antioxidant dihydroquercetin and a prebiotic - arabinogalactan. Both of these substances are registered as pharmaceutical substances, so they can be used in the manufacture of medicines as well.

Promotes the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, rheumatoid and inflammatory diseases of the joints, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, retinal diseases of various etiologies and glaucoma, serves to improve blood microcirculation, reduce the severity of ischemic conditions and reduce the risk of infectious diseases and tumors. Ingredients: dihydroquercetin, arabinogalactan and bladder fucus algae extract.

Promotes the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, improving blood microcirculation, reducing the severity of ischemic conditions. Ingredients: dihydroquercetin, grape seed extract, dwarf maritime pine bark extract, arabinogalactan and lecithin.

It helps prevent complications in diabetes (kidneys, blood vessels), enhance renal excretory function, remove excess fluid from the body, reduce cholesterol levels and prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Ingredients: dihydroquercetin, strawberry leaf extract, sarsaparilla root extract, arabinogalactan and lecithin.

An original hypoglycemic dietary product based on extracts of edible basidiomycetes (oyster mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms) and dihydroquercetin with a proven effect on carbohydrate and fat metabolism. It helps to reduce blood glucose levels both in the early stages of the development of the diabetic process and in type 2 diabetes, reduces the level of systemic inflammation in adipose tissue, and reduces receptor insulin resistance. Promotes the prevention of the development of both macrovascular complications (hypertension, stroke, heart attack, peripheral arterial disease) and microvascular complications (retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy).

An original anti-cold remedy based on extracts of edible basidiomycetes (oyster mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms), dihydroquercetin, succinic acid and bromelain. Reducing the severity of inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract (runny nose, cough, headache, weakness, etc.) is achieved by the complex " succinic acid + dihydroquercetin ", which has an antioxidant and detoxifying effect. The activation of the innate immunity receptors is provided by the complex " beta-D-glucan + bromelain", Which forms the rapid development of a wide range of protective reactions of the immune system.

Why are our dietary supplements the best antioxidant complexes for the heart and blood vessels?

  • Contains the most powerful antioxidant - dihydroquercetin;
  • The effectiveness of the main active ingredient of our dietary supplements - dihydroquercetin, is confirmed by numerous clinical studies for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • The amount of active ingredients in each capsule corresponds to the daily intake;
  • Our dietary supplements have a unique composition and have no analogues on the Russian market of dietary supplements, in which the action of dihydroquercetin is enhanced by arabinogalactan, lecithin, grape seed extracts, dwarf seaside pine bark and medicinal herbs for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • Contains a guaranteed 96% highly purified dihydroquercetin with a preserved natural structure;
  • Dihydroquercetin in our dietary supplements has the status of a pharmaceutical substance, i.e. can be used as an active ingredient in medicines. A drug with dihydroquercetin is currently undergoing clinical trials "Double-blind, multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group clinical study of the efficacy and safety of Laviocard®, 20 mg tablets, Ametis, Russia in patients with coronary heart disease: stable angina II and III functional class ". Purpose of the study: To assess the efficacy and safety of the drug Laviocard®, 20 mg tablets (active ingredient - dihydroquercetin) in the complex therapy of patients with coronary artery disease: stable angina pectoris II and III functional class, in comparison with placebo;
  • Arabinogalactan in our dietary supplements has the status of a pharmaceutical substance, i.e. can be used as an active ingredient in medicines;
  • Dihydroquercetin has no mutagenic properties, is harmless, has no side effects, so it is approved for use in the food industry in the countries of the Customs Union as a food antioxidant;
  • Dihydroquercetin in our dietary supplements has passed a 7-year certification period in the European Union as a new food ingredient (Novel Food Ingredient) and a new food additive (Novel Food Additive) and is currently Registered by the European Commission as a Novel Food Ingredient... This is the only Russian-made dihydroquercetin approved for sale in the EU, recognized as completely safe by the European Commission. This suggests that our dihydroquercetin is recognized as completely safe for human health, has no side effects, so it can be added to food in the EU countries. See meta-study on the safety of dihydroquercetin in food by the European Commission;
  • Dihydroquercetin in our dietary supplements undergoes independent quality control and, according to Rosstandart, is included in the top 100 products manufactured in Russia;
  • Dihydroquercetin in our dietary supplements is produced at the only plant in Russia, whose technical competence in determining the mass fraction of dihydroquercetin is recognized and accredited by the state;
  • Dihydroquercetin in our dietary supplements is a certified product, and its composition is a state standard sample;
  • Our dietary supplements have all the necessary certificates.

The specialists of our company strictly monitor the quality of substances that are purchased for the production of dietary supplements with a guarantee of compliance. After the release of the preparations, we check the finished capsules for compliance with the stated requirements. And if a certain amount of active substance is stated on the label of our product, then in capsules that is exactly how much of it will be.

We value our reputation as a conscientious manufacturer and consumer confidence.

Are dietary supplements a medicine?

Dietary supplements are not medicine.

They are used as:

  1. an additional agent as part of complex therapy together with drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  2. a prophylactic agent for healthy people in order to prevent the development of these dangerous diseases.

We are sure that the preventive direction of medicine, which prevents the development of diseases in healthy people, is much better than pharmacological, when doctors are forced to look for and destroy the cause of the disease in those already sick.

Stay young for longer while maintaining and strengthening your health, avoiding serious illness. Getting sick is expensive in all respects!

Prevention is better than cure!

Where can you buy dietary supplements with dihydroquercetin?

You can order dietary supplements in bulk on our website, on the Wholesale Buyers page.

You can buy dietary supplements at retail in the Vitamin Internet pharmacy.

To purchase dihydroquercetin (raw materials for the production of food, cosmetic products, biological products for the agro-industrial complex), please contact us by the phones indicated on the page

What are the raw materials?

Siberian larch has been and will be the object of close study all over the world. The unique properties of this tree have been known for a long time. Healers widely used various parts of larch for the preparation of medicinal infusions, decoctions, ointments.

The average lifespan of this tree is impressive - 500-700 years!

Larch is a light-loving tree species; it does not grow or renew in shaded areas. It is resistant to winter frosts and spring frosts, in the north it can withstand temperatures down to -60 ° C.

Larch is a unique natural building material with high antiseptic potential. Due to the nature of the resin that impregnates it, it is not affected by wood-boring insects. Its wood can be used without chemical treatment, as it is not subject to decay processes.

It was larch wood that was used to build a unique city on Earth - Venice, on the piles from which it has stood to this day for 1500 years!

Today we can say with confidence that larch owes much of its unique properties to the complex of bioflavonoids it contains. These biologically active substances are responsible for the plant's resistance to decay and microbial damage.

Thanks to the dihydroquercetin it contains, larch can transmit the unique properties of longevity and stability to humans.

It's hard to believe, but this valuable substance is actually extracted from woodworking waste - the butt part of the trunks, in fact, from the hemp remaining after the larch was cut.

From discovery to industrial production of pure dihydroquercetin single crystal

From the moment Professor N.A. Tyukavkina to the industrial production of dihydroquercetin, many years have passed. Why has dihydroquercetin not yet won the fame that belongs to him by right?

The fact is that working with natural substances has posed a new and very intractable task for scientists and technologists.

It is known that the molecules of synthetic substances are strong and stable, and the molecules of natural substances are labile, quite easily changing the spatial structure. Therefore, for a long time it was not possible to extract dihydroquercetin while preserving its native structure and unique biological properties.

Quite recently, at the factories of Ametis JSC, such conditions for obtaining dihydroquercetin from Siberian larch were developed, under which no destruction of the natural molecule occurs... As a result, the production of dihydroquercetin with a purity of 95.5-99.5% on an industrial scale was established, which meets high quality standards in accordance with GOST 33504-2015 Food additives. Dihydroquercetin. Technical conditions.

Dihydroquercetin and arabinogalactan used in dietary supplements DKV-99 with proanthocyanidins, DKV-99 with a plant complex, DKV-99 Glucaferon and DKV-99. Glufertin is produced at the factories of Ametis JSC, which is the largest producer of dihydroquercetin in the world and the second largest producer of arabinogalactan.

The planned productivity of the plants of JSC "Ametis" for the production of dihydroquercetin exceeds 11 tons per year, and arabinogalactan - 80 tons.

Wasp production Newly developed at its own logging, processing of Daurian larch with subsequent extraction of dihydroquercetin. Daurian larch, used by Ametis in its production, grows in ecologically clean areas of the Amur Region. According to the All-Russian public organization "Green Patrol", the Amur Region ranks 6th out of 83 in the environmental rating as of August 2011.

Dihydroquercetin from Ametis has a very high antioxidant activity (ORAChydro 15155 to 32744 μmole TE / g), surpassing many known antioxidants.

The company "Ametis" became one of the winners of the open competition of the Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere and the investment competition "Annual Public Prize" Regions - Sustainable Development. " pharmaceutical substances of arabinogalactan, dihydroquercetin and finished medicinal product based on them in accordance with GMP requirements.

The company does not stand still and is actively developing both in the Russian and international markets, improving the production technology, introducing know-how in order to obtain a high-quality, highly effective natural product. In this regard, the company closely cooperates with about 20 leading scientific institutions of the country, including the Amur State Medical Academy, the Far Eastern State Agrarian University, institutes of Tomsk, Novosibirsk and Moscow.

Dihydroquercetin production process flow diagram at the Ametis JSC plant

Raw material preparation (bark removal)

Receiving wood chips

Processing for shavings


Drying shavings

Getting loose
wood pulp

Supply of wood pulp to
storage hopper

Ethyl alcohol solution →

5x alcohol extraction

→ Proextracted
wood pulp

Hydroalcoholic extract with

Pressing wood pulp

Vacuum stripping of solvent

Receiving raw materials
(Raw dihydroquercetin)


Dissolution in water
concentrated solution


Dihydroquercetin is an active antioxidant, a unique natural scavenger of free radicals, a hepatoprotector, a radio projector, a drug with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Due to its high complexing properties: it removes heavy metals, including radionuclides from the body, promotes the expansion of blood vessels, slows down the development of atherosclerotic plaques due to the effect on blood lipoproteins, reduces cholesterol synthesis

Dihydroquercetin is a unique immunomodulator - by activating the human immune system, it mobilizes the body's defenses.

Dihydroquercetin is the reference antioxidant. It has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties, strengthens and restores connective tissue, helps to reduce cholesterol levels, strengthens blood vessels and capillaries, improves blood microcirculation, prevents blood clots, reduces inflammation in the prostate, and strengthens the immune system. Protects the stomach and liver from harmful effects, activates the processes of regeneration of the gastric mucosa.

Dihydroquercetin promotes the production of insulin and reduces the likelihood of diabetes, as well as facilitates the course of developed forms, has a pronounced prevention of aging of the body, as well as diseases such as oncology, cardiovascular diseases, brain diseases, etc. Recommended for the complex treatment of vitamin deficiency, coronary artery disease heart, atherosclerosis. It has a positive effect on the functional state of the liver, helps to restore the drainage function of the bronchi and biomechanics of respiration, and improves heart function.

Dihydroquercetin has a wide spectrum of action: it regulates metabolic processes and can be used in the complex therapy of various diseases, since it has a positive effect on the functional state of almost all internal organs of a person. it can be used for the prevention and treatment of neoplastic diseases. with the defeat of AIDS, autoimmune diseases, chronic inflammatory processes of a viral and bacterial nature and acquired pathologies.

Dihydroquercetin improves the quality of the skin and eliminates acne and pustular rashes, affects the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the skin: the number of wrinkles is reduced, and the skin retains freshness, elasticity and youth for a long time. Also, the drug is able, even at the initial stage of treatment, to relieve chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and, thanks to this, increase the mental and physical activity of a person.

For centuries, nature has taken care of human health and provided the most necessary components for the life and health of our body. Natural remedies are capable of treating any ailments, and since nature does it carefully, in a comprehensive manner, such remedies can be recommended to absolutely everyone.

Now they are available for those living in Rostov-on-Don, our company offers a wide selection of natural products with delivery in the Russian Federation.

Let me introduce you to the drug Dihydroquercetin (contained in Siberian Larch) - this is just an excellent example of a natural drug that helps to cope with many ailments at the same time.

It is very easy to buy dihydroquarcetin, but first, let's figure out what it is for and how to use it correctly.

Where does such a storehouse of health come from?

Dihydroquercetin is produced by the Baikal Legend company, which is located on the shores of Lake Baikal. There, organic products are made from materials that are provided by pristine nature. For decades, this company has been producing the best dietary supplements (dietary supplements) that have proven their effectiveness.

Dihydroquercetin is a dietary supplement that has a molecular form, so it is easily absorbed by the body.

How dihydroquercetin is made

Dihydroquercetin is a natural antioxidant made exclusively from Siberian larch wood. It is a coniferous tree that grows on Lake Baikal, in the Urals, and in Western and Eastern Siberia. A tall tree (reaching 45m), has absorbed all the power of nature, and gives it to man. Siberian larch has an amazing resistance to decay, therefore it is often used in construction.

But, its main advantage is its healing properties. A number of medicines are obtained from it that can fight many diseases. The most popular medicine derived from this tree is turpentine. And, of course, dihydroquercetin is made on the basis of this component.

The peculiarity of this product lies in the fact that it is made in the form of a powder. Thanks to the crystalline form, made according to a special technology of the "Baikal Legend" company, the molecules increase their effect on the body, and give the effect much faster.

What makes this product unique?

You are probably interested in what is unique about this product. Here are the answers to the question posed:

  • Increases and strengthens the human immune system. If you are often sick, then this remedy will help to strengthen the immune system. It is especially useful in the autumn-winter period, when the body is most at risk.
  • Provides reliable anti-tumor protection. Tumors are a big problem today, but the drug can provide excellent protection, significantly reducing the risk of tumors.
  • Cleans the body of toxins and various toxins. Dihydroquercetin is especially useful with long-term use of other medications. After a great meal, the morning doesn't seem so good. But you should take a little powder, as all alcoholic toxins will be eliminated from the body, and you will feel much better.
  • Restores fragile vascular walls and improves blood circulation. At high pressure, violation of the circulatory system, the powder will help restore the walls of blood vessels, normalize blood viscosity, and significantly improve metabolism.
  • It is used as an excellent prophylactic agent against strokes and heart attacks. He will also help people who have already experienced these ailments.
  • Dihydroquercetin increases stress resistance. In the modern world, this is a necessary drug that can significantly preserve health.
  • Improves skin condition. The powder fights acne, improves skin tone, and is also able to fight aging at the cellular level.

All this makes the drug universal for both adults and children. Dihydroquercetin can be used for both treatment and prophylaxis.

Indications for use

If you have certain medical conditions, then you can get rid of them with the help of dihydroquercetin.

Here is some of them:

  • Atherosclerosis
  • Hypertonic disease
  • Atrial arrhythmia
  • Stomach ulcer
  • Gastritis
  • Chronic liver disease
  • Depression
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Pneumonia
  • Bronchitis
  • Rhinitis
  • Dermatitis
  • Bronchial asthma

Dihydroquercetin is used to prevent:

  • Oncological diseases
  • To cleanse the body of toxins and toxins
  • To improve the condition of the skin
  • To restore the body after injuries, serious illnesses

Application of the drug

Using dihydroquercetin is very simple. Here is a basic instruction that even a child can handle:

  1. Take 1 level scoop (70mg) of powder and suck in your mouth.
  2. Since the powder is bitter, you can dissolve this spoon in 1 tbsp. water, and a drink.
  3. The drug should be taken half an hour before meals, or 1.5 hours after. It is used once a day.
  4. The course of treatment is 2 months. Then you should take a break for the same amount, and repeat again. It is recommended to drink 3 courses a year in order to maintain excellent health.
  5. Jar 5g designed for a full course of 2 months.

Are you still thinking whether to take dihydroquercetin?

Here are 4 reasons why you should do it:

  1. Siberian larch extract is a versatile natural remedy that is used to treat and prevent many diseases and ailments.
  2. The price for such a drug is not high. It is able to replace a lot of expensive pills, syrups and other medicines.
  3. It is a dietary supplement of natural origin, not a drug. It does not negatively affect the condition of the kidneys, liver, and cannot harm, if used correctly.
  4. According to the research of Nobel laureate L. Polling, the systemic use of dihydroquercetin for 1 year can prolong life by 20-25 years!

So, one small step remains to be taken, and dihydroquercetin will be in your home. Click on the "Add to cart" button, place an order, and use the drug to your health!

You can order this product to any city in the Russian Federation, for example, to Rostov-on-Don, we will deliver it in just 2-3 days. An order can be made on the website of our company "Shopnebolel" - just click on the "Add to cart" button, place an order, and use the drug for health! Don't forget to leave reviews.

Lavitol (as dihydroquercetin)

CJSC Ametis produces Lavitol (dihydroquercetin) from the butt portion of Daurian larch (Gmelin larch), which grows in ecologically clean areas of the Amur Region. The use of ethyl alcohol as an extractant makes it possible to obtain a high-quality product approved for use in the food and pharmaceutical industries.

The presence of high-tech equipment and patented technology makes it possible to produce dihydroquercetin with a purity of 70 to 99.5% in industrial volumes. The monthly production volume of dihydroquercetin with a purity of 99% is more than 500 kg.

Dihydroquercetin, by its chemical properties, is an active antioxidant. ZAO Ametis commissioned two independent laboratories to test the antioxidant activity of the product Lavitol (Dihydroquercetin). The test used the method of determining the adsorption capacity of the product dissolved in water (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity - ORAChydro). The research results showed that Lavitol (dihydroquercetin) has very high antioxidant activity, surpassing many known antioxidants.

As a substance with a high degree of biological activity, dihydroquercetin has a whole range of positive effects on metabolic reactions and the dynamics of various pathological processes and can be widely used in various industries.

Areas of application "Lavitol (dihydroquercetin)"

By the end of December 2013, the regulatory authorities of the Russian Federation had registered more than 300 products with dihydroquercetin. Among them there are more than 200 names of biologically active food additives, over 40 names of food products and about 80 cosmetics.

The use of dihydroquercetin is regulated by the following regulatory documents:

  • Methodical recommendations of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Regulation of the Russian Federation No. of 2004 "Recommended levels of consumption of food and biologically active substances" establish adequate and upper permissible levels of consumption of dihydroquercetin in the amount of 25 and 100 mg per day;
  • The Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of 14.11.2001 No. 36 "On the introduction of SanPiN" classifies dihydroquercetin as an antioxidant;
  • Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of 18.04.2003 No. 59 "On the introduction of SanPin" allows the use of dihydroquercetin in the production of concentrated cream, chocolate, milk powder and indicates the maximum level of dihydroquercetin content in these products up to 200 mg / kg per fat of the product;
  • The Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 029/2012 "Requirements for the Safety of Food Additives, Flavors and Technological Aids" dated 20.07.2012 established a hygienic standard for the use of dihydroquercetin in concentrated cream, powdered milk, processed cheeses and chocolate in an amount of 200 mg / kg per fat of the product.

Lavitol (dihydroquercetin) ZAO Ametis produces Lavitol (dihydroquercetin) from the butt portion of Daurian larch (Gmelin larch), which grows in ecologically clean areas of the Amur region. The use of ethyl alcohol as an extractant makes it possible to obtain a high-quality product approved for use in the food and pharmaceutical industries. The presence of high-tech equipment and patented technology makes it possible to produce dihydroquercetin with a purity of 70 to 99.5% in industrial volumes. The monthly production volume of dihydroquercetin with a purity of 99% is more than 500 kg. Dihydroquercetin, by its chemical properties, is an active antioxidant. ZAO Ametis commissioned two independent laboratories to test the antioxidant activity of the product Lavitol (Dihydroquercetin). The testing used the method for determining the adsorption capacity of the product dissolved in water (Oxygen Ra ... yet