What is balm good for? Alcoholic herbal balms: list, rules for admission, composition, collection of herbs, benefits and harms

It is believed that the balm is a medicine, but in the history of alcohol it so happened that most drinks were originally invented and used as a remedy. But things somehow didn’t work out with balms, and therefore the advanced consumer of alcohol will be the first to remember only Riga Balsam.

Whatever it was, in this collection Shakedown invites you to try your hand at making an alcoholic balm, and it's up to you to use it as a medicine or alcohol.

Balm "home"


    Honey - 50 g

    Propolis - 10 g

    Dried prunes - 50 g

    Rosehip - 25 g

    St. John's wort, lime blossom, wormwood, mint, pine buds and oak root - 1/2 tsp each.

    Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp

    Cloves, coriander - on the tip of a knife

    Vodka - 7 l

Cooking method

    Separate the prunes from the pits and finely chop.

    Grind rose hips, herbs and spices, combine with prunes and pour vodka so that the raw material is covered with it.

    Close the dishes tightly and put in a warm place for 1 month to get a rich herbal extract.

    Add honey, propolis, vanilla sugar to the remaining vodka and also stand for 1 month.

    Then strain the herbal tincture through gauze in 4-5 layers, and place the remaining herbs in a saucepan, pour 1/2 cup of water, bring to a boil, let stand and pour through a strainer with gauze into a bottle with the second tincture.

    Pour in herbal infusion there. Cork the bottle well and put in a cool place for 1-2 months, then strain, filter and bottle.

Balm "Christmas"


    Honey - 50 g honey

    Chamomile, dried apples - 1 tsp each.

    Thyme, lemon zest and juniper berries - 1 tbsp. l.

    Vodka - 1 l

Cooking method

    In the middle of summer, fill the bottle with 500 ml of vodka and pour in a mixture of herbs, zest and juniper berries.

    Close tightly and insist in a warm place for 2 months.

    Then, in a larger bottle, mix honey, herbal infusion and the remaining vodka. Balm to insist for several months. Open the balm at Christmas, filter and bottle.

Riga Balsam

Infusion Ingredients

10 g each of chamomile, lavender flowers, lovage leaves, marjoram, curly mint, wormwood, rosemary, savory, hyssop, wild rowan leaves, yarrow herb, angelica root, valerian root, juniper berries, 1.2 l of 70% wine alcohol .

essence ingredients

1 g yarrow oil, 30 g bay oil, 30 g Bogorodskaya herb oil, 30 g thyme oil, 30 g juniper berry oil, 15 g peppermint oil, 15 g spearmint oil, 15 g English pepper oil, 15 g angelica oil, 15 g valerian oil, 15 g calamus oil, 25 g marjoram oil, 38 g Volozhsk dill oil, 8 g caraway oil, 8 g sage oil, 420 ml 90% wine alcohol

Cooking method

    The preparation of this balm takes place in 2 stages. First you need to prepare an alcohol infusion on herbs and roots: mix all the ingredients, insist for 8 days, and then strain through gauze in 4-5 layers. Squeeze the rest out of the herb through gauze and mix with the main infusion.

    Filter herbal infusion through paper and tint with burnt sugar. At the same time, you need to prepare the essence: dissolve the oils in alcohol and insist them.

    To prepare the "Riga Balsam" you need to take 30 ml of this essence for 10 liters of herbal infusion. Then the balm can be tinted yellow with saffron tincture or black with sabur infusion and burnt sugar.

Balm spicy with prunes


    Vodka - 1 l

    honey and dried prunes - 50 g each

    Dry rose hips - 25 g

    Propolis - 10 g

    Vanilla sugar - 5 g

    A pinch of crushed St. John's wort, wormwood, mint, pine buds, finely chopped oak root, lime blossom, cloves, coriander.

Cooking method

    Rinse the dried prunes with warm water, let dry, remove the seeds.

    Finely chop the pulp of the fruit. Place the rose hips along with herbs and spices in a coffee grinder, finely grind (or grind well in any other way) and mix with prunes.

    Pour the resulting mixture into 250 ml of vodka, pour into a tightly closed container, put in a warm, dark place for 30 days.

    Dissolve honey, vanilla sugar in the remaining 750 ml of vodka, add propolis and insist for 30 days.

    Then strain the herbal tincture through cheesecloth, pour 100 ml of water over the pulp and let it boil.

    Set the pulp aside until it cools completely, then also strain and add the liquid to the strained herbal tincture.

    Mix with the rest of the (sweet) tincture. Close the bottle carefully, keep before use in a cool place for 30-60 days.

Blackcurrant balm with currant leaves


    Vodka - 700 ml

    Water - 1.3 l

    Fresh leaves of cherry, blackcurrant and raspberry - 100 pcs.

    Blackcurrant berries - 300-350 g (weight affects the saturation in taste)

    Sugar - 600 g

Cooking method

    Rinse freshly picked leaves of raspberries, currants and cherries, let dry and put in a large container.

    Pour in water, add clean dried berries and bring to a boil. Boil on low heat for no more than 15 minutes, remove from heat, cool to a warm state.

    Strain, squeeze the pulp thoroughly. Add sugar to the broth, stir until completely dissolved.

    Cool completely, pour in vodka, stir, pour the balm into a bottle with a tightly closed cork. Insist before use 3 days in a dark place.

Christmas juniper balm


  1. 10 juniper berries, avoid Cossack juniper, it is poisonous

  2. 10 g thyme herb

    Crushed flowers of field chamomile, white mistletoe, sage - 5 g each

    Finely chopped calamus root, lemon peel and dried apples - 1 tsp each.

Cooking method

    Grind on a coffee grinder (or in another way) herbs along with calamus root, lemon peel and apples.

    Add juniper berries, pour the mixture into a bottle, pour in 500 ml of vodka and cork well.

    Infuse in a warm place for about 60 days, then strain thoroughly.

    Dissolve honey in the remaining vodka, and mix with herbal tincture.

    Herbal pulp pour 100 ml of water, boil, cool and also strain. Add liquid to the bottle with balm, mix, leave for at least 90 days.

Red root balm


    Vodka - 900 ml

    Dry rhizomes of the red root - 50 g

Cooking method

    Grind the rhizomes, place in a jar with 450 ml of vodka and close tightly.

    Let it brew for 10 days in a dark place at room temperature.

    Then drain the tincture, pour the rest of the rhizomes with vodka, also leave under the lid in a dark place for 15-20 days.

    Mixing both balms is not necessary, store in the same conditions.

Mode of application: from 0.5 to 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, dissolving in 200 ml of warm herbal or green tea, the last dose is 3 hours before bedtime. The course is 30-90 days, take a break for 30 days, repeat the course.

Balm nutty spicy

Strong balm to relieve stress, fatigue.


Vodka, partitions of walnuts, 30 g of honey, 5 g of dried St. John's wort, mint, rose hips and dried raspberries, 1 g of ground ginger, 3-4 grains of cloves.

Cooking method

    In a container with a volume of 250 ml, tightly lay the partitions of walnuts and pour vodka to the top.

    In another similar container, put spices, fruits and herbs, pour honey first, then also top with vodka.

    Close both containers tightly, place in a dark place and incubate for 4 days.

    It is good to express the tinctures from each container, combine and infuse in a dark place for another 4 days. The partitions, herbs and spices remaining in the containers, pour vodka again and also leave under the lid in a dark place for 4 days.

    Again decant tinctures and mix with the first infusion. Filter. How to use: 30 g before bedtime.

Sea buckthorn herbal balm


    Vodka, sea buckthorn syrup, 4 parts each of chamomile flowers, peppermint herbs and sea buckthorn fruits.

    Three parts of calendula flowers.

    2 parts each of valerian officinalis roots, blackcurrant leaves and five-lobed motherwort

    1 part seeds and flowers of autumn colchicum, wild strawberry leaves, pine needles, lemon balm, black poplar buds and celandine grass.

Cooking method

    Grind herbs, fruits, needles, buds and roots, mix thoroughly, measure the amount.

    Place in a jar and for every 3 tbsp. l. collection pour 1 liter of vodka.

    Let it brew under the lid in a dark place for 20-22 days, drain well and combine with sea buckthorn syrup. How to use: 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day.

Rose hip herbal balm


    Vodka, rosehip syrup, 5 parts of chamomile flowers.

    Four parts of motherwort five-lobed.

    3 parts each of valerian officinalis roots, rose hips and wild currant leaves

    2 parts each of marigold flowers, peppermint herb, pine buds and lemon balm

    1 part each of black poplar buds, celandine grass and blood-red hawthorn fruits.

Cooking method

    Mix herbs, fruits, leaves, buds and flowers (previously chop if possible), measure the amount.

    Place the collection in a container and for every 1 tbsp. l. raw materials pour 1 liter of vodka.

    Mix well, close the lid, put in a dark place for 30 days.

    Drain the finished balm, strain the raw material, carefully filter the resulting liquid and combine with the balm. Add rosehip syrup, stir.

    Store in tightly closed bottles in a dark place. How to use: 30 drops 3 times a day.

Healing Garlic Balm


    Vodka - 200 ml of vodka

    20% propolis tincture - 30 ml

    Peeled garlic - 100 g

    Honey - 50 g

Cooking method

    Pass the peeled garlic cloves through a meat grinder twice.

    Transfer the garlic mass to a jar, mix with honey and propolis tincture.

    Pour vodka, close the jar with a lid and let it brew in a dark place for 10 days.

    Ready balm well decant, pour into a dark bottle and tightly cork.

Mode of application: 1 tsp 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Error or something to add?

Herbal treatment has been practiced for more than one hundred years, and to this day herbal medicine does not give up its positions. Healing alcoholic balms on herbs have a special place in herbal medicine. They are credited with many useful properties that help to cope with various kinds of diseases. Is it really? Do herbal balms really have miraculous properties, or is it just an excuse to take a portion of a strong drink, because all alcoholic balms have a high strength - from 15 to 70%? We bring to your attention a complete description of this product, we will talk about the indications and contraindications for its use.

A bit of history

The history of the emergence of alcoholic balm on herbs is rooted in antiquity. Even in pagan times, they created such a drink, which at that time was called "suriya". It was made from a huge number of herbs and was considered the drink of the gods. On the territory of Russia, the balm first appeared in the 18th century - at the time when the Riga pharmacist prepared it especially for Catherine II. The tincture was prepared on vodka with the addition of various medicinal herbs. The empress liked the balm, and she gave the right to make this drink to this pharmacist. This is how the "Riga Balsam" appeared, by the way, it had a strength of 16%.


Balsam is a alcoholic beverage product, a characteristic feature of which is a pronounced herbal aroma. Refers to multicomponent drinks, prepared on the basis of alcohol with the addition of a variety of roots, herbs, fruits and other components provided for in the recipe. Most often, the balm is used as a medicine. Often the strength of such a drink is 30-40%, maybe a little lower or higher.

Useful properties and composition

Any balm contains organic acids: citric, malic, tartaric, formic, ascorbic, acetic, etc. It contains micro and macro elements necessary for the body: zinc, copper, chromium, cobalt, iron, potassium, sodium, calcium. In addition, proteins, fats, glucosides, carbohydrates and tannins. The combination of all these components brings the body only benefits, uplifting.


We should not forget that alcoholic balms should be taken within the recommended doses. We all know that even a medicine in large quantities can become a poison and provoke toxic poisoning in a patient. Such drinks should not be taken by patients who have been diagnosed with problems with the kidneys, liver, as well as children, nursing mothers, pregnant women.

drink or drug

Balms are a cross between tinctures and liquors. This category includes quite strong alcohol (from 40 to 70%), which has a spicy-bitter taste, infused with herbs and spices. The balm differs from other herbal types of alcohol in that it contains a large amount of resinous substances and essential oils, in connection with which it acquires a deep aroma, bitter taste and rich dark color. In order to bring down the bitterness at least a little, fruits or honey are added to the recipe of some balms.

Previously, alcoholic balms infused with herbs were taken exclusively as a medicine. Translated from Greek, the name of the product is translated as "medicine". Due to the fact that it includes a rich chemical composition, it has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Today, a large number of people who liked the dark spicy drink use it just like that. Thus, balms began to form a separate group of alcoholic beverages that are served at the table. Please note: you can use it no more than 150 ml per day. Exceeding the recommended amount of balm will not only cause severe alcohol intoxication, but also lead to intestinal problems due to the herbs that make up the composition.

How Herbs Are Chosen

Consider what guides the creators of alcoholic herbal balms when choosing raw materials. Usually, only those plants that have medicinal properties are included in the drink recipe. I would like to note that in order to be engaged in the production of such a product, it is necessary to have a complete understanding of the medicinal properties of all the plants that you are going to use. By the way, in the old days, only pharmacists who were well versed in herbs were engaged in the production of balms. Names and useful properties of plants:

  • star anise - improves bowel function, has antispasmodic properties;
  • oak bark - astringent properties;
  • anise - a beneficial effect on the intestines and organs of the respiratory system;
  • turmeric - choleretic properties;
  • cardamom - antimicrobial, hypotensive agent, mild sedative;
  • cinnamon - increases appetite, improves digestion;
  • gentian - helps with fever and indigestion;
  • angelica - relieves spasms, increase the tone of the body;
  • mint is an analgesic and sedative plant;
  • yarrow - kills bacteria, improves blood clotting;
  • galangal - astringent and anti-inflammatory agent;
  • rosemary - suppresses the herpes virus, strengthens the immune system;
  • juniper - treats liver diseases, diuretic;
  • laurel - lowers blood sugar levels;
  • wormwood - improves digestion, increases appetite.

Today, about sixty brands of alcoholic balms are produced in Russia. The most popular Siberian and Altai. Balms that are produced in America and European countries are called bitters. The origin of the word is English, translated as "bitter". Here is a list of the most popular balms in the world:

  • Bittner (Austria);
  • "Gorno-Altai" (Russia);
  • "Maurera" (Sweden);
  • Campari (Italy);
  • "Ussuriysky" (Russia);
  • "Jägermeister" (Germany);
  • "Rizhsky" (Latvia);
  • "Buryatia" (Russia);
  • Unicum (Hungary);
  • "Karelsky" (Russia);
  • "Abbots" (USA);
  • "Belarusian" (Belarus);
  • "Parne" (Russia).

"Riga black balm"

It is a rather strong alcoholic drink, having a dark color and a bittersweet taste. In this category of drinks is one of the most popular. It contains lingonberries, raspberries, ginger, linden flowers, birch buds and other rather useful ingredients. It is produced in Latvia and bottled in ceramic bottles.

Balm Bittner

As a medicine, Bittner's alcoholic balm is used for exacerbation of chronic diseases, it has a therapeutic effect by enhancing the protective abilities of the body and increasing immunity. This is especially true of the time of SARS, influenza, colds. The balm is recommended for use by people who have had any serious illness for a speedy recovery. In addition, it can be used for preventive purposes.

According to patients, this drink has a beneficial effect not only when taken orally, but also when using therapeutic baths. To prepare such a bath, it is necessary to add 1 ml of balm for each liter of water; such water procedures, when taken regularly, help get rid of various inflammations of the skin.

Balsam "Gornoaltayskiy"

The composition of this drink includes herbs that have effective tonic properties. The composition of the balm contains such unique plants as golden root, fireweed, bergenia, poplar and birch buds, bird cherry and sea buckthorn, marin and maral roots, healing Altai bitter honey.

Drinking rules

In this part of the article we will tell you about what ways to use the balm exist. It can be taken in different ways.

In its purest form.

Drinks can be used as an aperitif or digestif, which are usually served before or after a meal. How to drink balm 40-45 degrees? It is this fortress that has a greater number of balms. They are recommended to drink from small liquor glasses in small sips. Usually the balm is consumed without snacks, because they can kill the pleasant aftertaste of herbs.

With coffee or tea.

How to drink alcohol balm? Added to tea or coffee only 1-2 tsp. of this product will make the usual taste of drinks known to everyone unique. Just one cup is enough to lift your tone and improve your mood. By the way, a person does not get drunk after such tea or coffee.

With other drinks.

Few people know about this method of consumption in our country, it is more popular in the West. A few drops of balm are added to various alcoholic drinks, such as vodka, gin, cognac, wine, whiskey. When mixed, quite interesting and original flavor combinations are obtained. Please note: the strength of this drink is quite high.

In cocktails.

It is customary to add balm to some alcoholic cocktails. One of the simplest and most popular recipes is the Black Night Dancer cocktail, it is prepared based on the following proportions (in parts):

  • 1 hour Riga balm;
  • ½ teaspoon blackcurrant syrup;
  • 2 hours cola;
  • ¼ teaspoon lemon juice.

All components are mixed in a shaker and poured into a martini glass. Top with a cherry or lemon slice.

Like medicine.

Before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to know how to take an alcoholic herbal balm as a medicine. Balms are often taken for colds, runny nose, indigestion, and in addition, to increase the overall tone of the body and boost immunity. In case of severe illness and chronic diseases, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary dosage.

How to make a balm

We offer to cook it yourself, according to balms on herbs with your own hands. Perhaps you yourself are collecting herbs and have all the necessary components at your fingertips. If not, then all herbal raw materials can be easily purchased at the nearest pharmacy or on the market.

Soothing balm

  • vodka - 1 l;
  • sage, motherwort, lemon balm, valerian root - 50 g each;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • oak bark - 25 g.

Grind all components and pour vodka. Infuse the balm for 21 days, then filter and add honey to it, mix gently and leave to infuse for another week.

Balm in Russian

Here is another recipe for an unusually useful and very easy-to-make balm. A healing agent with the inclusion of fresh ingredients is best prepared in the autumn, when the berries and other components of the balm ripen.

  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 50 ml brandy;
  • 50 g burnt (brown) sugar;
  • 30 g of dandelion root, hop cones, oak bark;
  • 50 g of viburnum and sea buckthorn.

Oak bark, hop cones and dandelion roots are poured with vodka and removed to infuse for 15 days. After the time has elapsed, we filter the resulting drink and add the juice squeezed from the berries of sea buckthorn and viburnum to it. After that, pour cognac into the balm and add burnt sugar. The product is ready to use.

Balm- alcoholic beverage product, which is characterized by a pronounced herbal smell. It is prepared with the addition of various herbs, roots, fruits, and is used mainly for medicinal purposes. Often the balm is a strong alcoholic drink of 30-40%.

The predecessor of the balm is "suriya" - a drink infused with medicinal herbs. Suriya was considered a gift of the gods, her recipes were guarded by witches.

With the advent of Christianity, witches began to be persecuted, thereby many recipes for medicinal potions were lost. On the territory of the Russian Empire, this drink began to be called "balsam", it was widely used as a medicine for gastric diseases, loss of strength.

The drink appeared in the XVIII century, the term "balm" meant "drug". Traditionally, it differs from other alcoholic beverages in its rich color, as well as in its rich herbal composition. The technology of its production is quite complex, it consists of several stages. The taste of the balm is more like a potion than an alcoholic drink, so not everyone likes it. Traditionally, pharmacists were engaged in its production. They knew what herbs to add and in what quantity to make a drink with a certain medicinal property.

Each country produces its own balms, many of them become world heritage. So, Riga Balsam is very popular. It was first obtained in the 18th century thanks to the efforts of the Riga pharmacist Abraham Kunze. This drink at the beginning of its history was known as "Kunze's balm". Catherine II herself was treated with it, over time, the drink began to be called simply “Riga Balsam”. It is released in ceramic bottles in order to protect the contents from sunlight. Another famous drink is Unikum, a bitter Hungarian balm infused with herbs.

Composition of balms

As already mentioned, the balm refers to multi-component drinks, the ingredients of which should not only be combined with each other, but also reinforce each other. It is thanks to the special production technology, as well as the rich composition, that it is so valued in medicine.

It is also customary to call balm not only an alcoholic drink in general, but also its components. So, sometimes a balm means an aromatic resin, which is extracted from trees of certain species. In this sense, the so-called "Peruvian balsam" is of great value - a thick oil that is extracted from the microsilon pereira tree. This tree is native to America and will release oil when damaged. In order to obtain this valuable ingredient, the bark of the tree is beaten with a wooden mallet and then tied with a cloth. After the fabric absorbs the oil, it is boiled in water, then it is settled and another vessel is poured. Also, the resin of this tree is obtained in a different way. Incisions are made on the bark, the resin that appears from such an impact is set on fire, then the fire is extinguished, and the incisions are plugged with rags. Next, the rags are squeezed under pressure and boiled. The result is Balsam of Peru, which is a viscous, dark red liquid with a vanilla scent. Further, this resin is used in the production of various balms-drinks.

In addition, the composition of this strong alcoholic drink also includes the following components:

green anise- improves intestinal secretion and motility, has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.

Angelica- a medicinal plant that stimulates appetite, helps to facilitate digestion, a well-known antispasmodic, as well as a diuretic plant.

star anise- a plant effective for colic, as well as diseases of the respiratory system. The world's first cough drops were made from this plant. It also helps with feverish conditions, diseases of the digestive system.

Gentian- a medicinal plant, used to relieve cough, reduce fever. It has an anti-inflammatory and sedative effect.

Kalgan- has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, it is often used to treat gastritis, peptic ulcer, and enterocolitis. The plant has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, astringent properties.

Cardamom- a useful spice, it is used as a medicine for the stomach. Cardamom improves appetite, helps to facilitate digestive processes. It is also effective for coughs and headaches.

Oak bark- a well-known astringent, excellent for the treatment of the mucous membranes of the mouth, larynx. Oak bark helps with diarrhea, stomatitis.

Cinnamon- a spice that has many medicinal properties. So, it is effective for colds, with a strong cough. Cinnamon helps reduce fever and speed up recovery.

Turmeric- this spice has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, as well as on digestion. It is believed that the action of turmeric is similar to the action of some antibiotics. Turmeric helps with exhaustion, cleanses the body, and also acts as a warming agent.

Rosemary- effective in gastric diseases, diseases of the nervous system and upper respiratory tract. Rosemary increases blood pressure, has a tonic property.

yarrow- a well-known bactericidal, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent. It is used for bleeding, diseases of the stomach, inflammation of the urinary tract. In addition, the plant improves appetite, which has a beneficial effect on digestive processes.

Juniper- the plant has a bactericidal, diuretic, analgesic property. It is often used as a general tonic. Juniper improves kidney function, relieves swelling.

peppermint Known for its analgesic and vasodilating properties. It improves digestion, has a choleretic effect. Peppermint is considered an excellent natural sedative.

Sagebrush- an excellent stimulant, has powerful cleansing properties. Wormwood disinfects, helps with diseases of the biliary tract, improves appetite.

Saffron- a useful spice, a powerful antioxidant, cleanses the blood, improves brain activity. Saffron has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, tones.

How to use?

Few people know how to properly use the balm as an alcoholic drink served at the table. As an aperitif, the drink is drunk from small glasses in small sips. It is not customary to eat balms, as this can spoil the taste of the drink. It is better to combine this alcohol with a cigar. Also a very common way to use it is to add it to tea or coffee. In this case, intoxication does not occur, and the balm tones the body and gives strength.

Very often, balms are served along with other alcoholic beverages. This method of filing is especially popular in the West. For example, it is enough to drop a little balm into vodka in order for it to radically change its taste. The drink is very often combined with gin, cognac, whiskey, wine.

Balms are also often served at the table in the form of cocktails. One of the most common is "Black Night Dancer". For him, we need Riga balsam, blackcurrant syrup, lemon juice, cola. All ingredients are mixed, the glass is decorated with a cherry.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of the balm are due to its composition. In the production of this drink, roots and herbs are often used. The most common additives are St. John's wort, wormwood, oregano, yarrow.

The composition of the balm sometimes reaches 40 positions and even more.

Since the production of this drink requires a large number of ingredients, and also due to the complexity of manufacturing, most of the balms are produced in small quantities.

The calorie content of the drink is 248 kilocalories per 100 g. Often, the balm is consumed in 1-2 teaspoons along with coffee or tea.

Use in cooking

In cooking, balm is widely used for the preparation of certain dishes, as well as alcoholic cocktails.

For example, you can cook pork in Riga balsam sauce. To prepare this dish, we need pork, Riga balsam, honey, citrus juice. Pork cut into thin slices, fried until tender. At this time, a sauce is prepared from orange, grapefruit, or other citrus fruits. 50 ml of balm, as well as butter, are added to the sauce, put on a slow fire. When the sauce has reduced a little, they are poured over the meat.

You can also make an extraordinarily delicious chocolate mousse. To prepare it, we need chocolate, cream, Riga balsam, eggs, black currants. A bar of chocolate is melted in a water bath. The cream is brought to a boil and 30 ml of balm is added. Pour cream with balm into slightly cooled chocolate, mix thoroughly. Beat the cooled proteins, add lemon juice. The chocolate mixture is poured into the proteins so that the latter do not lose volume. Then 40 g of blackcurrant are added, mixed, the mousse is poured into molds and set to solidify in the refrigerator.

The benefits of balm and treatment

The benefits of this drink have long been known to folk and official medicine. As a medicine, the balm is used for overwork, drowsiness, and general weakness. It is great for exhaustion and physical stress. Balm also has a tonic effect on the body. However, it is recommended to consume no more than 100 grams of the drink per day.

Balm is an excellent warming agent, due to the alcohol content, it improves blood circulation, dilates blood vessels.

Moderate consumption of this drink improves the functioning of the immune and nervous systems.

Herbs, which are part of it, have antispasmodic, bactericidal and antiviral properties. The balm is indicated for use in spasms, as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases, and also as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Balm harm and contraindications

A drink can harm the body with individual intolerance to its components, as well as with abuse. Since the balm is strong alcohol, it should not be used by pregnant and lactating women and children. Also, a contraindication to use is the presence of diseases such as gastritis and biliary dyskinesia.

In ancient times, many diseases were treated with balms. An alcoholic drink is infused with a large number of herbs. In today's world, bartenders have adapted balm as an accompaniment to most cocktails. There are also those connoisseurs who prefer to use balms in their pure form.

Basic rules for the use of balms

In its purest form

  1. Often balms are drunk in a small amount before meals and after meals. In the alcoholic world, the drink is consumed from liqueur glasses. It is customary to savor the balm in small sips.
  2. Many lovers prefer to combine high-quality balm with expensive tobacco (cigars). Experts say that the drink does not need to be eaten, otherwise you will not be able to feel all the notes.

Balm with coffee, tea

  1. Some individuals prefer to brighten up hot drinks with a little balm. To tone the body and cheer up, just pour 15 ml. alcohol in tea or coffee.
  2. After using such a drug, you will not feel intoxicated. The effect will obviously please, such a tool is much more pleasant than classic coffee with cognac.

In cocktails

  1. In the bar world, there are a lot of cocktails with the addition of balms. A fairly simple and popular recipe translated from English is called "Night Black Dancer".
  2. To prepare a cocktail, you will need to add 30 ml to the shaker. Riga black balsam, 7 ml. lemon fresh, 60 ml. Cola and 15 ml. dark currant syrup.
  3. Shake the shaker, mix the ingredients thoroughly. Serve in a martini glass with a lime wedge or cherry.

With alcoholic drinks

  1. Such use of balms is not very developed in Russia. Fashion migrated to us from the West. If you do not like pure vodka, brighten it up with a few drops of balm.
  2. Original combinations can be obtained with almost any alcohol. Try adding a small amount of balm to the popular drinks of our country. You will definitely not remain indifferent, believe me.

As a medicine

  1. Balms are also common as a product for treating indigestion. The drink is great for colds and nasal congestion.
  2. Alcoholic drug increases the tone of the body as a whole and strengthens the immune system. If you have chronic ailments, get advice from a specialist before using the balm.

How to drink Riga Balsam

  1. Riga Balsam is considered one of the strongest drinks among its brethren. The composition has 45 revolutions. The drink migrated to us straight from Latvia.
  2. Ceramic container helps to preserve useful and gustatory qualities from external factors as much as possible.
  3. There are no special ways to use the balm, just cool the drink, pour it into a glass and savor it. Also, the composition can be mixed with hot drinks or ice cream.

Classic way

  1. True connoisseurs often use Jägermeister in its pure form. Send the container with the balm to the freezer a few hours before serving. Do the same with shots.
  2. Pour the liqueur into a chilled glass, sip the drink in one gulp. After the freezer, Jägermeister acquires a pleasant viscosity and sweetness.
  3. Also, the presence of alcohol is not felt in the chilled drink. After using the balm, a pleasant aftertaste of herbal collection remains in the mouth. Jägermeister is often used as an aperitif.

warm way

  1. Few use the balm in its pure form. Jägermeister must reach room temperature, after which it is served in shots. The taste of the drink is bitter, but the aroma of herbs is felt better than when chilled.
  2. Sip a stack of balm, and in just a few minutes you will feel an increase in appetite and mood. More often, the drink is used as a preventive measure against the common cold. In terms of healing properties, Jägermeister is similar to Riga Balsam.

At the base of cocktails

  1. Many lovers of alcoholic beverages prefer to dilute a strong balm. Popular variations of cocktails are simple, it is enough to combine Jägermeister with citrus juice, Sprite or mineral water (proportions 1:1).
  2. The Black Blood cocktail is also especially popular. To prepare it, just add 50 ml to the shaker. Blue Curacao liqueur, 20 ml. Jägermeister and 25 ml. Sprite. Shake the ingredients, pour into a martini glass with ice.
  3. No less popular is the Cucumber cocktail. So, 130 gr. chop a fresh cucumber into thin strips, put in a shallow glass with pieces of ice. Add 50 ml to the shaker. balm and 145 ml. Sprite. Mix the ingredients, pour into a glass.
  4. Also, do not disregard the drink "Egermonster". It is enough to pour 30 ml into a whiskey glass. balm, 140 ml. orange juice and 35 ml. pomegranate syrup. Stir ingredients, enjoy.

How to drink Karelian balm

  1. The drink is not very strong, if you compare the balm with the like. The fortress is about 40 degrees. The drink migrated to us from Karelia. The balm is produced in a glass container. The price of the drink is average, the taste will not leave anyone indifferent.
  2. There are no special rules for use. Add the balm to tea, coffee or Cola. The drink goes well with natural cherry juice.
  3. The composition of the balm contains active ingredients, which in large quantities can greatly harm health. Do not abuse the drink.

Familiarize yourself with the general rules for using the balm. Recommendations have been developed for all alcoholic beverages of this kind. Appreciate the rich aftertaste, overturning a glass of pure potion. Prepare a cocktail based on Jägermeister, Riga or Karelian balsam.

Video: how to drink Jägermeister in its pure form and make cocktails with it

At the dawn of human civilization, when there were no injections or even pills, people were treated exclusively with herbs. Our ancestors noticed the benefits of some plants and actively used them.

Trust in herbal medicine has not disappeared even today. Interestingly, some medications also contain herbal extracts, infusions, and decoctions. In this article we will talk about alcoholic herbal balms. Photos of the most famous brands, recipes for homemade bitters and recommendations for their use will be given below.

Preparation of tincture begins with the collection of herbs. Here you also need to know some tricks. After all, even the phases of the moon can affect the beneficial properties of herbs. What reviews are there about purchased balms? Is it worth it to treat them exclusively? Read about all this below.

What are balms

Traditional medicine uses medicinal plants in many ways. You can dry herbs, grind them into powder and take them as a tablet. Herbal collection is poured with boiling water and drunk like tea.

You can make a decoction of herbs. But the heroes of our article are infusions on alcohol - the word is of Greek origin. "Balm" is translated as "drug". Depending on the herbal collection, this alcoholic drink cures colds, expels insomnia, normalizes metabolic processes in the body, and calms the nerves.

As a compress, the balm eliminates aching bones, gently warms cold muscles. With angina, gargle with a solution. Alcoholic herbal balms, with all their diversity, are divided into two large groups: bitters and sweets. In the latter, syrups, licorice or honey are added.

List of the most famous bitters

Consider the first group. The word "bitter" in translation from English means "bitter". These may have a medical purpose as they aid digestion. But they are also used as a digestif. In Italy, such drinking bitters are called Amaro. If taste is of secondary importance in medicinal drinks, then in bar bitters it is important that each component of the herbal collection is in harmony with the others. The most famous balms are:

  • "Amaro Luciano" (Italy).
  • Aperol (Italy).
  • Araucano (Chile).
  • Benedictine (France).
  • "Becherovka" (Czech Republic).
  • Biirenburg (Holland).
  • "Bluetwurtz" (Bavaria, Germany).
  • Campari (Italy).
  • "Bitter List" (Serbia).
  • "Jägermeister" (Germany).
  • Jeppson's (USA).
  • "Picon" (France).
  • Unicum (Hungary).
  • "Chartreuse" (France).
  • "Gastric vodka" (Poland).

By the way, such drinks are called balms only in Eastern Europe, more precisely, in the countries of the former USSR. The most famous in the post-Soviet space is Riga Black Balsam (Latvia).

Russian balms

The benefits of medicinal plants were highly valued by the ancient Slavs. The herbalist was the most revered person in the village. And now certain vegetable fees are popular.

Many people consider the infusion of herbs for alcohol almost a panacea for all diseases. But there are those who simply perceive them as another type of alcohol. The most popular in Russia are such bitters:

  • Alcoholic herbal balm "Altai bouquet".
  • "Bugulma" (Tatarstan).
  • "Legend of Italmas" (Udmurtia).
  • "Idnakar" (Udmurtia).

Herbal collection in these drinks is different. The number of herbs varies from 18 to 25 components. The fortress of balms is usually forty degrees, but there are drinks and 45%.

Like most bitters, Russian drinks contain gentian, a useful plant that gives them a pronounced taste of the mixture. But, for example, in the "Altai bouquet" there is a lot of honeycomb. Therefore, bitterness there is neutralized by sweetness.

The benefits of alcoholic balm on herbs

First of all, plant collection is valuable for the body. Extraction allows you to extract useful substances from herbs and transfer them to alcohol (vodka, cognac or other distillate).

There are balms that are recognized as universal. They are drunk with overwork, general weakness, low blood pressure, to improve appetite (as an aperitif), to digest food (as a digestif), to warm up, etc.

Almost all balms contain tannins, glucosides, fats, carbohydrates and proteins. The composition of such drinks includes organic acids (malic, ascorbic, citric, polymitic, formic, oleic, tartaric, acetic, linoleic and stearic), as well as minerals (copper, cobalt, calcium, manganese, sodium, zinc, potassium, chromium, magnesium and iron).

To fully benefit from the drink, it is recommended to read the instructions for it. There are balms that are best added to tea or coffee. They increase sweating, remove phlegm from the bronchi.

Harm of bitters

People suffering from kidney or liver failure, it is better to refuse to use herbal balm. The benefits and harms of an alcoholic drink depend on the dose.

After all, its strength is from 30 to 46 degrees. Therefore, the balm should be used, especially for medicinal purposes, strictly according to the instructions for use. The daily dose should not exceed 20-30 milliliters per day.

Exceeding the norm is fraught with poisoning. Since the remedy contains alcohol, it should not be consumed by pregnant women and children. You should also take into account the properties of the herbs that make up the drink.

For example, the Riga balsam or a drink from Bitner contains valerian and lemon balm, which pleasantly relax and drive away insomnia. But in order to cheer up, to cope with hypotension, they are not suitable. There is also an individual intolerance to the components of the herbal collection.

Cooking technology

The recipe for the balm was completely honed to the smallest detail only in the 18th century. The technology of its preparation is rather complicated. Each ingredient is separately insisted on alcohol for one to three months.

Based on the fact that in some balms the herbal collection consists of 25-45 components, one can judge how troublesome this process is. Then these numerous tinctures are distilled (some even double).

At the third stage, the components, also separately, are subjected to aging. During this period, which lasts about a month, the medicinal properties of plants pass into the drink. Next comes blending.

It is important here that the components do not oppress each other, but complement each other pleasantly. Then the drink is filtered in three stages to remove the sediment. And, finally, they are bottled in dark glass (or ceramics), since sunlight destroys plant enzymes.

Before going on sale, balms are aged in sealed containers for some more time. It seems that making a drink at home is unrealistic. But, having simplified the technology a bit, you can make an alcoholic herbal balm with your own hands. How? Read on.

Balm "Volzhsky"

How to simplify the technology so that it does not harm either the beneficial properties of the drink or its taste? The answer is obvious: we will not make tinctures on individual components, and then deal with blending, that is, mixing liquids.

According to winemakers in reviews, alcoholic herbal balms do not lose anything if all the dry ingredients are combined together and poured with vodka. For a drink called "Volzhsky" we take 20 grams of hop cones, St. John's wort, sage, oak bark, 30 grams of lemon balm, mint and lime blossom.

Components must be crushed and mixed. Then pour the vegetable collection with half a liter of vodka. Close the container tightly and let it infuse for two weeks.

After that, you need to decant and carefully filter the drink. To improve the bitter taste of the balm, it is recommended to add 100 milliliters of cognac to it. Put another 14 days. At the end, add 30 grams of honey. Stir and set aside for two days.

Elixir "Hangover"

There are other recipes for alcoholic herbal balms. They have different purposes. This is good to take in the morning, when the body tells you that you drank too much alcohol the day before.

You need to prepare the Hangover balm in this way. Burdock roots (50 grams) are washed, dried (possible in the oven), then chopped on a grater. Add the same amount of sorrel and 30 g each of mint, motherwort and horsetail.

Pour half a liter of high-quality vodka and keep in a cool and dark place for twenty days. Carefully filter the drink through several layers of gauze. Add warmed honey (about 40-50 grams).

Balm "Russian"

This drink can be made both on vodka and on purified moonshine. Herbal collection in this alcoholic herbal balm is as follows:

  • oak bark;
  • hop cones;
  • dandelion root.

All ingredients must be taken in equal proportions - 30 grams per half liter of vodka. After two weeks spent in a dark and cool room, the drink is removed from the sediment.

And then they are combined with one hundred milliliters of sea buckthorn and 50 ml of viburnum juice. These drinks must be freshly squeezed, so you need to prepare the Russian balm only in the season - in the fall.

To improve the taste and color of the liquid, let us pour one hundred milliliters of cognac into the mixture. Instead of honey, the recipe suggests using burnt caramel. To make it, you need to pour 50 grams of sugar into a dry frying pan.

old recipe

If you want your homemade alcoholic herbal balms to come out not only healthy, but also tasty, experiment with solvents. They can be not only vodka or moonshine, but also other distillates.

Cognac significantly improves the color of the drink. Its delicate bouquet eliminates the smell of pharmaceutical medicine, and gives the balm a wine aroma. The "Old Recipe" instructs us to take in equal amounts:

  • nettle;
  • coltsfoot;
  • valerian root;
  • walnut kernels;
  • Linden blossom;
  • marshmallow root;
  • motherboard (she is oregano or oregano);
  • chamomile;
  • lemon balm;
  • sagebrush;
  • rose hips and primrose.

Grind all these components, mix and pour apple juice, cognac and honey. The proportions are simple: per liter of liquid - one hundred grams of vegetable collection.

After half a month, we filter the balm and add alcohol to set the fortress at 45 degrees. We hold on for ten more days. This drink should be used in cases and in doses, like Bitner's balm.