Balm how to drink it. Balm

All balms are medicinal drinks that are often consumed as alcoholic ones. Alcoholic balms have a strength in the range of 40-50%. If you delve into the history of the appearance of this word, then translated from Greek "balsamon" is a remedy. Healing juice is obtained from special resins and useful plants, and then dissolved in suitable oils.

Balms are made from a variety of aromatic roots, healthy fruits and medicinal herbs. Only natural additives and substances are involved in the preparation. This gives it a rich flavor spectrum, a specific aroma and a special brownish tint. This herbal drink has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the body, has a tonic effect. Thanks to the stimulating effect, the herbal alcoholic balm helps with mental strain, lethargy and weakness of the body, in case of sleep problems.

For such a wide range of applications and effects on the human body, one should say "thanks" to the pharmacists and healers who invented this drink many years ago. The knowledge of medicinal herbs and medicine recipes helped them in this.

Herbal alcoholic beverage composition

Alcoholic balsam is made according to a special complex system and technologies, starting from the infusion of each ingredient separately and double distillation. The ingredients are mixed in a special order, undergo compulsory filtration, and then they must be infused all together. This is far from the entire production technology, much is not known to the public, since the secrets of the recipes are kept in the strictest confidence.

In European cities, balms are produced in small quantities and in a specific geographical location (usually mountains), outside of which no one knows about many types of balms.

Qualities of taste: if the balsam is prepared according to the established rules, then its aroma is close to balsamic. The aromas of individual ingredients do not interrupt, but turn into an aromatic "bouquet" of herbs, aromatic oils and exotic fruit seeds.

Color: more often dark brown, but there are also types of rich black.

When making a herbal drink, like any medicinal drink, one important point must be kept in mind. The ingredients used in the preparation must not easily combine with each other, but also increase the effect of each other. It is impossible to allow the "oppression" of one or another component, because each has a special effect on the body.

They are poured into special bottles of a suitable shape. They are made of dark glass. Storage in ceramic jars is acceptable. Glass and ceramics protect the balms from sunlight, which can spoil the quality of the drink.


The drink is classified into two types by geographic origin. These are the types of balms that are produced on the territory of Russia and the countries of the Soviet Union. And those that are made on the territory of Western countries, including European and American. By the way, foreign balm is called "bitter", but the name does not change the essence.

If we talk about domestic tinctures, the following are popular:

  • "Debryansk", manufactured in the city of Bryansk.
  • "Mordovsky", manufactured in the city of Saransk.
  • "Mashuk", whose birthplace is the city of Pyatigorsk.

If we touch upon the popular foreign balsamic drinks, then this is the Hungarian balsam called "Unicum". Its history begins in the distant 1970, and the producers themselves call it not a balm, but a bitter liqueur. The Hungarian drink contains ethyl alcohol, sugar or sugar syrup, sweet caramel, liqueur and a tincture of forty medicinal herbs.

If you touch the Swedish producers, then the most popular "Bittner" balm. It includes 24 types of healing plants and herbs that are specially grown in the reserve.

There are also American balsamic drinks - "Abbots". This is a bitter tincture that can only be obtained in Baltimore. There is one more American balm called "Bokers". This is a very strong and extremely rare alcoholic drink, which is produced in limited quantities, in minimal quantities.

How and how much to drink

They were originally used as medicines. They were created for the same purpose. An interesting fact, but over time, this traditional purpose faded into the background. Despite this, the balms still contain medicinal and medicinal herbs, so it is recommended to drink them for disorders of the digestive system, for general tone, for colds and other diseases of the immune system. Such types of balms have also survived, which are still used only for medical purposes.

Before taking the tincture, it is recommended to carefully study the composition and indications for use, so that the consumption will bring not only pleasure, but also health benefits. They drink them most often after having a hearty meal, and in small quantities. One of the options involves drinking balsam as a substitute for cognac, very tasty and sophisticated to combine with a high-quality and real cigar. Often a few teaspoons are added to tea or coffee, as well as to spirits. In the case of alcohol, they help the taste and aroma unfold more fully.

A small amount is also added to cocktails. It is important not to interrupt the taste of the rest of the ingredients in the drink, so one or two drops are enough. For an amateur, the option of adding balm to ice cream or other dessert is suitable. In this case, it is poured into a separate glass. Pure consumption is also not contraindicated. A great option is to drink a little as an aperitif to increase your appetite.

Some types of balm can be prepared on your own in your own kitchen. The most difficult thing is to maintain the correct concentration and compatibility of the components.

Harm and existing contraindications

As with any medicine, alcoholic herbal tincture has its own contraindications, which in no case should be ignored. If you decide to use it for treatment, then be sure to examine the composition for the presence of ingredients that cause you allergies. In order for the medicinal properties to manifest themselves, you should not consume the drink in excess of the indicated rate. It is indicated in the description, but it will not be superfluous to consult a therapist. Exceeding the specified dose threatens with consequences - toxic poisoning of the body, which is extremely dangerous.

There are also specific contraindications. So, it is strictly forbidden to take herbal balm:

  • Those who suffer from renal and hepatic insufficiency.
  • Children and adolescents under the age of 18.
  • Pregnant and lactating women.

Curious historical fact

This drink came from the recipes of another drink called "suria", which was prepared by the witches, strictly following all the rules of the recipe. The rules themselves were not disclosed and were protected, it was believed that only witches know the secrets of nature.

Later, when Christianity appeared in Russia, all healers without exception were christened witches and burned everywhere. Together with them, the first secret recipes for healing drinks disappeared. The emergence of a new balsamic culture began only in the 18th century, and these tinctures were called "balsams". Wealthy people took them from mental anguish and digestive problems. Already in the Soviet years, 13 types of balms were produced on the territory of the Union, the best of which have survived to this day.

Balm is a healing drink that has absorbed the aromas of fragrant medicinal herbs and the crystal purity of a mountain spring. The use of balm has a positive effect on the human body.

The balm is a tincture of medicinal herbs based on alcohol (the volume fraction of ethyl alcohol is 40-45%, and in some samples - 65%). This drink is considered alcoholic and medicinal at the same time.

In the old days, the balm was taken exclusively as a cure for diseases. Then he began to be served at the table as an independent strong alcoholic drink. The culture of using the balm has its own specific characteristics.

Before use, you should carefully study the components that make up the structure of the balm for their individual tolerance. In addition to herbs, other ingredients may be included in the balm: essential and aromatic oils, seeds, fruits, sugar, roots, honey, maral antlers (40 or more components). Some types of balms are only used for medical reasons.

Methods of use

  • Like medicine. Due to the presence of medicinal herbs in the recipe, the balm has a stimulating and tonic effect for various physical ailments (runny nose, colds, digestive disorders), mental fatigue. Minimum daily dose: 4 times 1 teaspoon; maximum: 4 times 2 tablespoons. It is recommended to take in the morning upon waking up and after (before) meals. Practically healthy people should start with 1 teaspoon. Those who suffer from chronic diseases need to consult a specialist before use.
  • As a standalone drink. The balm can be served as an aperitif (before a meal, to stimulate appetite) and as a digestive (after a meal, to improve digestion). In the second case, a pleasant light aftertaste from the healing ingredients will remain in the mouth. The balm is poured into liqueur glasses and drunk in small sips. It can also be added in small doses to desserts (a few drops) so as not to overpower the taste and aroma of other foods.
  • As an additive to tea, coffee. It only takes 2 teaspoons to get into a good mood and not get drunk. The classic combination of cognac with coffee has a less tonic effect than coffee combined with balsam.
  • As part of a cocktail. Balm (in moderate doses) will give any cocktail a rich taste and inimitable aroma.
  • As a mix with spirits. This kind of mixing is more popular in Western countries. A few drops (4-5) of balsam will radically change not only the usual taste of vodka, but also wine, gin, whiskey, cognac.

Experts advise against taking more than 150 g of balm per day. A large dose of the drink can lead not only to intoxication, but also to misunderstandings with the intestines.

In the manufacture of balms, complex and laborious technologies are used. They include many processes: mixing, filtration, infusion of components, aging, distillation and a number of other operations. Only the highest quality ingredients are used: alcohol, spring water (specially treated), rare medicinal plants and other ingredients.

The production of balsams is not mass produced, delivered to the stream. This is a piece product, of very high quality, so its cost is several times higher than the cost of other alcoholic beverages.

How to drink balm?

Balm is a drink made from medicinal herbs, roots, fruits in alcoholic infusions. Nowadays, the requirements for balm are presented not as a medicinal product, but as a food product.

Accordingly, it is prepared by food industry specialists, and not by pharmacists or pharmacists, as many believe. At the moment, about 60 types of balm are produced in Russia. Abroad, drinks that are balms are called bitters. And sometimes they are even called liqueurs, so when buying, you should carefully read the composition and name.

The balm is a dark brown to black drink and has a spicy, specific, bitter taste.

How to drink balm correctly

Balsam is a fairly strong alcoholic drink, as a rule, contains from 40% to 45% alcohol turnover. Therefore, it should not be abused. It is not recommended to consume more than 100-150 grams of balm per day.

It is customary to drink the balm in a liqueur glass. Also, the balm is often added a teaspoon to tea or coffee. This has a positive effect on the tone of the body and improves mood.

The balm perfectly helps with a cold, cough and colds. It is also good to drink balm in case of overwork, weakness or blues, as it has a stimulating effect on the body.

The balm is often added to cocktails for flavoring or to other alcoholic beverages (usually vodka). In addition, the balm is sometimes added to desserts or used as an addition to a cigar.

How to drink Riga balsam

Riga Balsam is a very strong drink, it contains 45 turns of alcohol. Originally from Latvia, it is produced in ceramic bottles that protect the drink from temperature extremes and sunlight.

Many people ask themselves the question of how to drink Riga Balsam correctly? Just like any other, there is no specificity in its use. Can be added to coffee or tea, ice cream, drink with vodka or in pure form.

How to drink Karelian balm

Karelian balsam is relatively weak, contains 40 turns of alcohol, originally from Karelia.

It comes in glass bottles. There are no special rules on how to drink Karelian balm correctly. However, it is most often added to tea or cola. Some people like to drink Karelian balsam, mixing it with cherry juice.

It should be remembered that the balm, in addition to degrees, contains a large amount of active substances, an overdose of which can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

This is an interesting enough question for those who not only take alcoholic beverages, but also try to do it right.

Initially, balms were used as a medicine. Of course, their medicinal properties should not be discounted, but much has changed since then, and balms have become a good independent alcoholic drink that you can drink just for pleasure.

So how do you enjoy the balm?

They drink balms in small quantities. Best of all - after a meal, supplementing the drink with a cigar. It is a cigar, not a cigarette, since ordinary tobacco will simply ruin the whole taste of the drink.

You can add a teaspoon or two to tea, coffee, or even another alcoholic beverage. Speaking of the latter, in this case the balm will enhance the aroma and taste of the drink.

Some people prefer to serve the balm in a small glass with coffee. Trust us, your coffee will become even more invigorating.

In its pure form, the balm is drunk in small sips and, as already mentioned, from small glasses. Usually these are containers for literally two to three sips. The balsam does not require snacks, since it already has an unsurpassed herbal aroma and taste.

Some people like to mix the balm with juice. Let me give you a little advice: in this combination, opt for cherry. You should like this. However, apple and orange are not bad either.

Well, and, of course, they use balms in cocktails.

Here is some of them:

Cocktail "For the beloved"

  • 25 ml. balm
  • 25 ml. vodka

"Black Night Dancer"

  • black balm (1 part)
  • black currant syrup (1/2 part)
  • fresh lemon juice (1/4 part)
  • cola (2 parts)

Cocktail "Harmony of love"

  • 2 glasses of dry white wine
  • 1/2 cup orange juice
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 20-30 gr. Balm
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of honey
  • pinch of cardamom

Cocktail "Champagne - highball"

  • Dry champagne - 200 ml.
  • balm - 2 tsp
  • sugar syrup - 2 tsp
  • slice of lemon

Beat the sugar syrup with balsam, put the lemon, let it brew. Add champagne before serving.

Grog with tea

  • Balm - 50 ml.
  • vodka - 30 ml.
  • lemon - 1 slice
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • tea infusion - 150 ml

Dissolve sugar in hot tea infusion, add balm and vodka. Put a slice of lemon on top.

So there are a lot of options for using the balm. Choose any. And know that only in the case of a balm about the benefits of alcohol, you can not argue.

We also have balms in the WineStreet store, so nothing will stop you from enjoying this unusual alcoholic drink.

At the dawn of human civilization, when there were no injections and even pills, people were treated exclusively with herbs. Our ancestors noticed the benefits of some plants and actively used them.

The credibility of herbal medicine has not disappeared even today. It is interesting that some medications also contain herbal extracts, infusions, decoctions. In this article we will talk about herbal alcoholic balms. Photos of the most famous brands, recipes for homemade bitters and recommendations for their use will be given below.

The preparation of the tincture begins with the collection of herbs. There are some tricks to know here as well. After all, even the phases of the moon can affect the beneficial properties of herbs. What reviews are there about purchased balms? Is it worth treating with them exclusively? Read about all this below.

What are the balms

Traditional medicine uses medicinal plants in a variety of ways. You can dry the herbs, grind them into powder, and take them as a pill. Vegetable collection is poured with boiling water and drunk like tea.

You can make a decoction with herbs. But the heroes of our article are infusions on alcohol - the word is of Greek origin. Balsam is translated as “medicine”. Depending on the herbal collection, this alcoholic drink cures colds, expels insomnia, normalizes metabolic processes in the body, and soothes the nerves.

As a compress, the balm eliminates bone aches, gently warms cold muscles. With a sore throat, rinse his throat with a solution. Alcoholic herbal balms, with all their diversity, are divided into two large groups: bitters and sweet ones. Syrups, licorice or honey are added to the latter.

List of the most famous bitters

Let's consider the first group. The word "bitter" in translation from English means "bitter". These can be of medical use as they aid in digestion. But they are also used as a digestive. In Italy, such drinking bitter balms are called Amaro. Whereas in medicinal drinks taste is of secondary importance, in bar bitters it is important that each component of the herbal collection is in harmony with the others. The most famous balms are:

  • "Amaro Luciano" (Italy).
  • "Aperol" (Italy).
  • "Araucano" (Chile).
  • "Benedectin" (France).
  • "Becherovka" (Czech Republic).
  • Biirenburg (Holland).
  • "Blutwurtz" (Bavaria, Germany).
  • "Campari" (Italy).
  • "Bitters List" (Serbia).
  • Jägermeister (Germany).
  • Jeppson's (USA).
  • "Picon" (France).
  • "Unicum" (Hungary).
  • "Chartreuse" (France).
  • "Stomach Vodka" (Poland).

By the way, such drinks are called balms only in Eastern Europe, more precisely, in the countries of the former USSR. The most famous in the post-Soviet space is Riga Black Balsam (Latvia).

Russian balms

The benefits of medicinal plants were highly appreciated by the ancient Slavs. The herbalist was the most revered person in the village. Even now, certain herbal preparations are popular.

Many people consider herbal infusion with alcohol to be almost a panacea for all diseases. But there are those who simply perceive them as just another type of alcohol. The most popular bitters in Russia are:

  • Alcoholic herbal balm "Altai bouquet".
  • "Bugulma" (Tatarstan).
  • "The Legend of Italmas" (Udmurtia).
  • "Idnakar" (Udmurtia).

The herbal collection in these drinks is different. The amount of herbs varies from 18 to 25 constituents. The strength of balsams is usually forty degrees, but there are drinks and 45%.

Like most bitters, Russian drinks contain gentian, a healthy plant that gives them a pronounced taste of the mixture. But, for example, in "Altai Bouquet" there is a lot of honeycomb. Therefore, the bitterness there is neutralized by the sweetness.

The benefits of alcoholic herbal balm

First of all, plant collection is valuable for the body. Extraction allows you to extract useful substances from herbs and transfer them to alcohol (vodka, brandy or other distillate).

There are balms that are recognized as universal. They are drunk with fatigue, general weakness, low blood pressure, to improve appetite (as an aperitif), to digest food (as a digestive), to warm, etc.

Almost all balms contain tannins, glucosides, fats, carbohydrates and proteins. The composition of such drinks includes organic acids (malic, ascorbic, citric, polymitic, formic, oleic, tartaric, acetic, linoleic and stearic), as well as minerals (copper, cobalt, calcium, manganese, sodium, zinc, potassium, chromium, magnesium and iron).

To fully benefit from the drink, it is recommended that you read the instructions for it. There are balms that are best added to tea or coffee. They increase sweating, remove phlegm from the bronchi.

The harm of bitters

It is better for people suffering from kidney or liver failure to stop using herbal balm. The benefits and harms of an alcoholic drink depend on the dose.

After all, its strength is from 30 to 46 degrees. Therefore, the balm should be used, especially for medicinal purposes, strictly according to the instructions for use. The daily dose should not exceed 20-30 milliliters per day.

Exceeding the norm is fraught with poisoning. Since the medicinal product contains alcohol, it should not be consumed by pregnant women and children. You should also take into account the properties of the herbs that make up the drink.

For example, the Riga balsam or a drink from Bitner contains valerian and lemon balm, which pleasantly relax and banish insomnia. But in order to cheer up, to cope with hypotension, they are not suitable. There is also an individual intolerance to the components of the herbal collection.

Cooking technology

The balm recipe was completely perfected to the smallest detail only in the 18th century. The technology of its preparation is rather complicated. Each ingredient is separately insisted on alcohol for one to three months.

Based on the fact that in some balms the herbal collection consists of 25-45 components, one can judge how troublesome this process is. Then these numerous tinctures are distilled (some even double).

At the third stage, the components, also separately, are exposed to aging. During this period, which lasts about a month, the medicinal properties of the plants are transferred to the drink. This is followed by the blending of mixtures.

It is important here that the components do not oppress each other, but pleasantly complement each other. Then the drink is filtered in three stages to remove the precipitate. Finally, they are bottled in dark glass (or ceramics) as sunlight destroys plant enzymes.

Before going on sale, the balms are kept in a sealed container for some time. It seems that making a drink at home is unrealistic. But, having simplified the technology a little, you can make an alcoholic herbal balm with your own hands. How? Read on.

Balm "Volzhsky"

How to simplify the technology so that it does not harm either the beneficial properties of the drink or its taste? The answer is obvious: we will not make tinctures on separate components, and then engage in blending, that is, mixing liquids.

According to winemakers in the reviews, alcoholic herbal balms do not lose anything if all dry ingredients are combined together and poured with vodka. For a drink called "Volzhsky" we take 20 grams of hop cones, St. John's wort, sage, oak bark, 30 grams of lemon balm, mint and lime blossom.

The components must be crushed and mixed. Then pour the vegetable collection with half a liter of vodka. Close the container tightly and leave to infuse for two weeks.

After that, you need to decant and thoroughly filter the drink. To improve the bitter taste of the balm, it is recommended to add 100 milliliters of brandy to it. Put it on for another 14 days. At the end, add 30 grams of honey. Stir and set aside for two days.

Elixir "Hangover"

There are other recipes for alcoholic herbal balms. They have different purposes. This one is good to take in the morning, when your body tells you that you drank too much alcohol the day before.

To prepare the "Hangover" balm you need to do this. We wash the burdock roots (50 grams), dry (you can in the oven), then grind on a grater. Add the same amount of sorrel and 30 g each of mint, motherwort and horsetail.

Fill with half a liter of high-quality vodka and keep in a cool and dark place for twenty days. Thoroughly filter the drink through several layers of gauze. Add warmed honey (about 40-50 grams).

Balm "Russian"

This drink can be made both with vodka and with purified moonshine. The herbal collection in this herbal alcoholic balm is as follows:

  • oak bark;
  • hop cones;
  • dandelion root.

All ingredients must be taken in equal proportions - for half a liter of vodka, 30 grams each. After two weeks in a dark and cool room, the drink is removed from the sediment.

And immediately combined with one hundred milliliters of sea buckthorn and 50 ml of viburnum juices. These drinks must be freshly squeezed, so you need to prepare the “Russian” balm only in the season - in the fall.

To improve the taste and color of the liquid, let us add one hundred milliliters of brandy to the mixture. Instead of honey, the recipe suggests using burnt caramel. To make it, you need to pour 50 grams of sugar into a dry frying pan.

Old recipe

If you want your homemade herbal alcoholic balms to be tasty as well as healthy, experiment with solvents. They can be not only vodka or moonshine, but also other distillates.

Cognac noticeably improves the color of the drink. Its delicate bouquet eliminates the smell of pharmaceutical mixture, and gives the balsam a wine aroma. The "old recipe" instructs us to take in equal quantities:

  • nettle;
  • mother and stepmother;
  • valerian root;
  • walnut kernels;
  • Linden blossom;
  • marshmallow root;
  • motherboard (she's oregano or oregano);
  • chamomile;
  • melissa;
  • sagebrush;
  • rose hips and primrose.

Grind all these components, mix and fill with apple juice, brandy and honey. The proportions are simple: per liter of liquid - one hundred grams of herbal collection.

After half a month, filter the balm and add alcohol to set the fortress at 45 degrees. We stand for another ten days. This drink should be consumed in cases and in doses, like Bitner's balm.