Autumn evening analysis. "Autumn Evening", Tyutchev F.I.: Analysis of the poem

The poem "Autumn Evening" refers to the period of early creativity F. I. Tyutchev. It was written by the poet in 1830 during one of the short-term visits to Russia. Created in the spirit of classical romanticism elegant, light poem - not just landscape lyrics. Tyutchev comprehends in it an autumn evening as a phenomenon of the life of nature, looking for an analogy to the phenomenon of nature in phenomena human lifeAnd these searches give a deep philosophical character.
"Autumn evening" It is a deployed metaphor: the poet feels "Meek smile of fading" autumn Naturecomparing it with "Divine Shading suffering" In man as a prototype of morality.

Poem written five-colored yambThe cross rhythm is used. A brief, twelve-styling poem is one complex proposal, which is read on one breath. The phrase "meek smile of fading" combines all the details that create an image of fading nature.

Nature in the poem of the changeable and multi-sided, is saturated with paints and sounds. The poet managed to convey the elusive charm of autumn twilight, when the evening sun changes the face of the earth, making paints saturated and brighter. Color brightness ( azure, crushing leaves, shine, flints) Slightly muffled with a translucent haze epitheats - foggy, light.

For the image of the painting of autumn nature, Tyutchev uses the reception of syntactic condensation, connecting together various means artistic expressiveness: Graduation ( "damage", "Exhaustion"), personification ( "Tomny Whisper" leaves), metaphors ( "Ominous shine", "Fading Smile"), epithets ( oven, meek, shudding, foggy).

"Autumn evening" is saturated with a variety of structure and meaning epithets - synthetic ( "Evil Glitter and Stretto Tree"), color ( "Brown leaves"), complex ( "Sadright"). Contrast epithets - "Umny, mysterious charm" and "Ominous shine", "Misty and quiet azure" and "Pusty, cold wind" - Very expressively convey the transitional state of nature: Farewell to autumn and premonition of winter.

The state of nature and feelings of the lyrical hero helps to express used by Tyutchev alliteration, with which the effect of falling leaves is created ( "Tomny whisper crumbry leaf"), Fresh wind breath ( "And, as a premonition of converging storms // Pryvy, cold wind").

For the poet, a pantheistic understanding of the landscape is characterized. The nature of Tyutchev is alive: like a living being, it breathes, feels, feeling joy and sadness. Tyutchev perceives autumn as a meek suffering, a painful smile of nature.

The poet does not separate the world of nature from the world of man. Parallel between these two images is created using wanted and composite epithet "Sadright"Farewell faretlely accentuating the topic. Easy sadness, inspired by early winter, is mixed in a poem with a joyful feeling - because the nature of cyclical, and after the coming winter the world Reprovated again, places with juicy spring paints.

In the instant impression of the autumn evening, Tyutchev made his thoughts and feelings, all the infinity of his own life. Tyutchev compares autumn with spiritual maturity, when a person acquires wisdom - wisdom to live and appreciate every moment of life.

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Great about verses:

Poetry is like painting: a different work will be captivated by you more if you will consider it near, and otherwise - if you leave away.

Small chemmered poems annoy nerves more than the creaking of non-scam wheels.

The most valuable in life and in verses is something that has broken.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Among all the arts, poetry is more than others being tempted to replace their own peculiar beauty stolen sparkles.

Humboldt V.

Poems succeed, if created with sincere clarity.

Writing poems closer to worship, what is usually believed.

When you know, the poems grow out of what kind of sera, without keeping shame ... as a dandelion at the fence, like burdocks and a swan.

A. A. Akhmatova

Not in some poetry poetry: she is spilled everywhere, she is around us. Take a look at these trees, on this sky - everywhere blows beauty and life, and where beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

Many people have an essay of poems - this is a disease of the growth of the mind.


Lovely verse is similar to a bow conducted by sound fibers of our being. Nothing - our thoughts makes the poet sing inside us. I tell us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our soul our love and our grief. He is a cockpit. Understanding him, we become poets like him.

There, where graceful poems are poured, there is no place to be favored.

Murassaki Sikiba

I appeal to the Russian renovation. I think that in time we turn to white verse. Rhymes in Russian too little. One causes another. The flaper inevitably drags the stone. Because of the feeling, art looks. Who is not bored with love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

- ... good your poems, tell me yourself?
- Monstrous! - Suddenly, boldly and frankly said Ivan.
- Do not write anymore! - I asked the newly imploringly.
- I promise and swear! - solemnly uttered Ivan ...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita"

We all write poems; Poets differ from the rest only by what they write them in words.

John Falez. "Lover of French Lieutenant"

Any poem is a bedspread, stretched at the episodes of several words. These words will glow as stars, because of them there is a poem.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok.

The poets of antiquity Unlike modern rarely created more dozens of poems during their long life. It is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, for each poetic work Those times certainly hidden the whole universe, filled with miracles - often dangerous for the one who will carelessly wake up the rearranged lines.

Max Fry. "Cattle Dead"

One of his clumsy hippopots-poems, I attached such a paradise tail: ...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not worry, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not the sea and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore, drive critics. They are only miserable in poetry pebbles. What can the critic about the depths of your soul? Do not let his vulgar feeling handles there. Let the poems seem to him with a ridiculous muming, chaotic sticks of words. For us, this is the song of freedom from a tedious reason, a nice song, sounding on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Cryger. "Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And there are nothing more tears, as a clean poetry that rejected the word.

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev - Russian diplomat, not devoid of poetic romanticism and philosophical worldview. He happened to live during the heyday of Russian literature. And although the writings of the poems were not the main craft of Tyutchev, he entered the literature as wonderful poet With your own, inimitable style.

Is there a Russian, who does not know his famous lines: "I do not understand Russia with my mind ...". This patrioticity, power and power are inherent in many works of the author, even when it comes to love or nature.

Great romantic was born in November 1803. Childhood spent in the Oryol province under the supervision of senior relatives. Primary education was obtained at home. Fedor stretched to knowledge since childhood, many others surrounding the overseas boy's intellect.

Training was engaged in the poet translator by the name Rich. He told Fyodor about the literature of antiquity, as well as about Italian culture. By 12 years old, Tyutchev could easily translated foreign publications of various writers.

In 19th, the poet decides to continue their studies and enters Moscow University at the Faculty dedicated to the development of literature. It is here that his acquaintance with many influential people. To poems that, from time to time, a young man fall on paper as a hobby.

Two years later, he finishes his studies and gets to work in a colleague by foreign affairs. Very soon gets a new position and departs in Munich as a member of the diplomatic mission. Europe liked Tyutchev. Here he turns friendship with Shelling, as well as Heine and translates the creations of famous German classics into Russian. Here he writes many works, which were later printed in Russia.

The main event that could make it famous occurred in 1836. It was at this time that his works are printed in the magazine "Contemporary", which belonged to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Fedor Ivanovich will return from Europe only in the 44th year. He begins to work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Moscow. Ten years later, the writer is appointed to a new position as a chairman. Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev is a very significant figure, he is respected and appreciated. He had an excellent sense of humor, and was also an excellent interlocutor.

Analysis of the poem "Autumn Evening"

This work belongs precisely by the period of the formation of the poet, where Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev just began to actively develop. Masterpiece "Autumn Evening" refers to early creativity. Created a poem in the distant 30th year of the nineteenth century. At the time of writing, the author was located in Russia during the next visit to the Motherland.

The work of the "Autumn Evening" was created in the spirit of exquisite and classic directions - romanticism. The masterpiece is characterized by soft and ease, it is significantly highlighted among works on landscape lyrics. In the poem Fyodor Ivanovich, the reader is not easy sees an autumn evening, which is a specific phenomenon of natural nature. The author describes the relationship of the natural nature and human life. Such features are attached to the rows a special and deep philosophical intent.

The work of Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev "Autumn Evening" is a kind of unfolded metaphor. The poet is understandable to the feeling of the meek smile of fading the autumn pore of the year. He compares it with the deity and describes in the form of a person suffering, being a prototype of morality.

Features of the poem "Autumn Evening"

The classic work of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev was created using a five-axis yamba. There is a specific, peculiar author, cross-rhyme. The poem belongs to K. brief works and includes only twelve lines. All lines are the only proposal in the work, which is complex. It reads in one breath, like many masterpieces Fyodor Ivanovich. To connect all the parts of the plot, which surrounds the lyrical hero, is used by the phrase about the meek smile of fading.

Natural nature in the work is described in the form of multipoint and constantly changing elements. There is a huge variety of paints and sounds. The author qualitatively handed over to the reader almost elusive charming moments associated with twilight in autumn time of the year. It is at this time that the specific evening sun is able to completely change the whole face globe. The paints are becoming as bright and rich as possible. It is interesting and in the description of the lazuries, foliage of foliage, special brilliance, as well as the varnotes of trees. Translucent haze is softened with exquisite epithets. For example, nebula and ease.

In the poem "Autumn evening", the author creates a classic picture of the natural nature in the autumn period of the year. In this poet, syntactic condensations that are capable of combining multiple agents that personify artistic expressiveness are helpful. It is worth considering the main of them:

» Grace. It is depicted in the words of exhaustion and damage.
» Wanted For example, a languid whisper of autumn foliage.
» Metaphor. There are plenty of such phrases, for example, the ominousness of the shine, as well as fading a smile.
» Epithet. Bright representatives Such means of expressiveness is a dynamic, meekness, specitude, nebula.

The last item from the above-described list of expressiveness in the work of the "Autumn Evening" is especially developed. Epitts may be different both in structure and special value. It is worth considering the main types that are described in the poem:

» Synthetic. This species applies the sinister shine and the distround of nature.
» Color. Description of foliage bugs.
» Sophisticated. This is phrases, written through a hyphen, for example, sad orphaned natural nature.
» Contrast. This is a sounder, a special mysterious charm, ominous radiance, nebula and silence of the lazuri, the impact of the wind and its coldness. These means of expressiveness maximally transmit the state of nature, which is at that time transient. This is a kind of farewell to the lyrical hero in the fall and anticipation of the frosty pore of the year.

Features of the natural nature in verse "Autumn Evening"

The state of natural nature in the work is presented to the reader with special sensuality. In this Fedor Ivanovich helps a peculiar alliteration used in lines. It allows you to make the most natural effect of falling or whispering foliage, and also gives to feel, the fresh breath of the wind, which is described as the impusty and cold elements.

The author in his works uses a specific pantheistic description of landscapes. Natural nature in the work of Fyodor Ivanovich "Autumn Evening" is as much as possible. Autumn as if creature It is capable of breathing, feeling the surrounding space, is experiencing special joy and sadness from certain life moments. Autumn Tyutchev is perceived as a certain suffering, it says a painful smile.

The Great Romantic does not discharge the special world of nature from the peculiarities of life simple man. There is a special parallel between these images, which is created mainly by means of a specific epithet, where autumn is described by the sad-orphanage. The author focus on the topic of farewell.

In the poem "Autumn Evening" there is a maximal sadness of nature, which brings the premonition of the emergence of winter time of the year. These sensations are mixed with special joy, because the seasons have their own cyclicality and in the winter It will be necessary to have a revival that intends to be bright and juicy paints.

A single moment is described in the poem of Tyutchev. The author tried to create a unique impression from the reader, which enlists special thoughts and sensations, as well as complete infinity associated with its own vital path. The work is a comparison autumn period years with exceptional spiritual maturity, when a person will find wisdom. He advises to live life wisely and appreciate almost every moment.

The landscape lyrics of the poet Fedor Tyutchev rightfully takes a worthy place in the Russian literature of the 19th century. And this is not surprising, as the author of numerous poems about the beauty of nature managed to organically combine the traditions of Russian and European literature in his works. The verses of Fyodor Tyutchev are designed in the spirit of classical one, both in style and in content, but have much more modest dimensions. At the same time, there are European romanticism in them, which is associated with the passion of Tyutchev's creativity of such poets as Heinrich Heine and William Blake.

Fedor Tyutcheva's literary heritage is small and numbers about 400 works, since the author devoted the entire life to the diplomatic public service, cutting rare free hours for creativity. Nevertheless, a magnificent model of classic romanticism is his poem "Autumn Evening", written in 1830. At this time, Fyodor Tyutchev was in Munich, a sharply feeling not only loneliness, but also longing in his homeland. Therefore, the usual October evening postponed not only sad memories on the poet, but also set up on a romantic ladies, which, in turn, is pushed to writing a very elegant, exciting and filled with a deep philosophical meaning of the poem called "Autumn Evening".

It would seem that in itself the autumn brings the feeling of longing, which is subconsciously connected with the extinction of life, the completion of another cycle, which makes man older. Approximately the same feelings cause evening dusk, which symbolists are associated with old age and wisdom. However, during Tyutchev in the literature, it was not customary to express themselves through symbols, so the author tried to find positive moments in the obviously sad combination of autumn and the evening, from the first lines of the poem emphasizing that the "lightness of autumn evenings" has a special, inexplicable charm. Watching the autumn twilight to the "sad-limestone land" falls on the "sad orphanage", the poet managed to catch the moment when the last rays of the light touched the colorful crowns of trees, flashed in bright foliage. And this adorable beauty phenomena Fedor Tyutchev compared with the "meek smile of fading" nature. And - immediately conducted a parallel with people, noting that a similar state was called "the divine fortune of suffering."

It is noteworthy that in the poem "Autumn Evening" the poet does not share such concepts as a living and non-fat nature, rightly considering that everything in this world is interrelated, and a person often copies in his gestures and actions what sees around. Therefore, autumn in the work of Fyodor Tyutchev is associated with spiritual maturity, when a person is aware of the true price of beauty and regrets that it does not boast the freshness of the face and the purity of the view. And the more he admires the perfection of nature, in which all the processes are cyclical and at the same time have a clear sequence. A huge mechanism launched by an unknown force never gives failures. Therefore, to light sadness, which is inspired by dropping their foliage trees, early evenings and a gustful cold wind, a feeling of lightness and joy is mixed. After all, winter will come to a change of autumn, and after the world around the world will change again beyond recognition and will freeze juicy spring paints. And the man, having passed another life cycle, It will be a little wiser, learning to find sensory pleasure in everymost moment and appreciate any time of the year all dependencies on the whims of nature, its own preferences and prejudice.

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Analysis of the poem Tyutchev "Autumn evening

Analysis of the poem "Autumn Evening"

Analysis of the poem "Autumn Evening"

The purpose of the lesson- Improving the ability to analyze and interpret literary and artistic work.

Educational goals - upbringing responsible attitude towards reading.

Educational goals - Developing the aesthetic taste of students, teach them to comprehensively comprehend the literary work.

Form of work - Practical lesson and organization independent work Pupils.

One of the most important tasks for the implementation of the named goal is the development of the ability of aesthetic perception by students of phenomena of literature and the reality reflected in it, the upbringing of aesthetic taste.

The artwork is comprehended not only by the mind, but also feelings, emotional memory. Limit emotionality is characteristic of this kind of literature as lyrics.

The specificity of the poetic text is that it is, first, as a rule, Vesvest, secondly, filled with hidden meaning, expressed very compressed. It is possible to overcome this form and disclose the depth of the content only with a slow, thoughtful reading, which you need to teach schoolchildren.

Boris Kornilov, the poet, believes that the indifference to music speaks of the underdevelopment of hearing, and the indifference to poetry speaks of the undevelopment of the soul.

Why does such a special role assigned poetry? Lyrics are a genus of literature, characterized by subjectivity, a direct expression of the feelings and experiences of the author, a laconic, accumulating nature of verse, and the meaningfulness of the poetic image.

These properties of lyrics are in the spotlight when studying poetic works in literature lessons.

In the article N. Gumileva "Anatomy of the poem" says: "The poem is a living organism to be considered: both anatomical, and physiological".

The organization of work with poetic text should be based on the main principle: from the word - to thoughts and feelings, from the form - to the content.

1. Analysis option lyrical work (Released on the projector screen)

1. What mood becomes defining for poem. Did the author's feelings change over the poem, if yes, thanks to which words, we guessed about it?

2. Is there a poem of the chain of words associated with associative or phonetically (on associations or by sounds).

3. The role of the first line. What music sounds in the soul of the poet when he takes for the pen?

4. The role of the last line. At what emotional level, compared to the beginning, ends the poet poem?

5. Sound background poem.

6. Color background poem.

9. Features of the composition of the poem.

10. Genre of poem. Type of lyrics.

11. The literary direction (if you can determine).

12. The value of artistic means.

13. The history of creation, year of creation, the significance of this poem in the work of the poet. Is there a poem in the work of this poet, similar to him or opposing for any signs: form, theme? Is it possible to compare this poem with works of other poets.

14. Compare the beginning and end of the poem: often they are lexico-grammatical and semantic correlation.

15. Make a conclusion about the emotionally meaningful sense of the poem (interpret the poem). Briefly record your understanding of the main content of the poem.

2. Option Analysis of the poem (derived to the projector screen)

Writing time.

Vocabulary. If there are words requiring explanations lexical meaning, Look in the dictionary. What lexical layers use the author in the work (professional vocabulary, dialecty, colloquial, reduced expressive, book, elevated, etc.)? What role do they play? In which thematic groups, you can combine lexical units?

Morphological features. Are there any regularities in using the author of speech parts? Are the verbs, nouns, adjectives or other parts of speech prevail? Features of using forms of speech parts. What role do they play in the text?

Syntactic features. Pay attention to the structure of the proposals. What are the prevailing: complex, simple? What emotional character Proposals?

Experience. How do the feelings of the lyrical hero change from the beginning to the end of the work? What words can be called key in the display of image speaking speakers?

Artistic time and space of work. What artistic parts form a space-time continuum work?

Color range of works. Are there words in the text, directly denoting the color, or words and images that imply a certain color? What is the combination of color elements in the text of the work? Which ratio they enter (complement, smoothly switch one to another, contrast)?

Sound gamma works. Are there words in the text, directly denoting sound, or words and images that imply a certain sound? What character is the sound gamma works? Is the character of sound from the stanza to stubborn, from the beginning to the end of the work?

Tools of artistic expressiveness. What trails, the figures use the author to create images (epithets, metaphors, anaphor, antithesis, sync, inversion, transfer, etc.)? Describe their value. Is there a pronounced predominance of any reception? Its value. Pay attention to the use of sounding. What kind of sounding uses the author (Assonance, alliteration)? What role does she play?

Features of the rhythmic structure. Determine the size of the poem (Jarea, Yamb, Dactyl, Amphibery, Anadist), its features (pyrical, spondy). What role in creating mood, the dynamics of images play the size? Describe the nature of the rhyme, the method of rhymes, the stubbic organization of the work. What kind of words rhymes the author? Why?

Art details. What other details and images need to be described? Which of them are especially allocated in the work? What place in the image system do they occupy? Is there a work in the text of the work and techniques characteristic of the creativity of this author, manifested in other works? Does the text of this work details and techniques associated with the author commitment to any literary flow?

Lyrical hero. What can you say about the character of the lyrical hero, about his feelings, the attitude to the world, to life?

Genre of the work. What kind genre features Consistent in the work (Elegy, Duma, Sonnet, etc.)? What kind of art is close to this work (cinema, drama, music, etc.)? Why?

Theme of the work. What is the saying about the work? What is the subject, the problem, feeling, the experience is in the center of the image?

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. How does the named object perceive, the challenge, the author? What does the author make to think about the reader? Why is this work written?

In poems, philology and philosophy help to understand each other.

In the center of Tyutchev philosophy - the primordial chaos. Chaos is the initial element of being, the abyss, which is exposed at night. He is opposed to space - an ordered landscaped world. Chaos - Broadcasting, rude healthy power, from which a person separated, created civilization. But civilization is only covering over the abyss. She does not isolate these forces. Tyutchev's poetry is a dialogue of chaos and space.

Tyutchevskaya Nature is not a landscape inhabited by plants, animals and people, and space in which they live and act the elements of water, thunderstorms, nights, which are independent forces of the Universe. The night for the poet is not only one of the parties of being, but also the expression of its essence. Day - healing of the soul after painful night, time when human soul Feels liberated from torment and suffering. This is the fertile cover of the fateful world. The poet is equally a bit to both sides of reality. He understands that bright milling cover is just a vertex, and not the basis of the universe. Chaos - Negative Infinity, the gaping abyss of any madness and disgrace, demonic gusts, rising against all positive and due - this is the deepest essence of the world soul.

Thus, for each landscape sketch, created in poems, is a philosophical picture of the world.

Autumn evening

There are in the lightness of the autumn evenings

Uming, mysterious charm;

Sinister brilliance and flints of trees,

Tomny leaf crumbs, light rustle,

Misty and quiet azure

Over sad-haired earth

And, as a premonition of converging storms,

Pusty, cold wind sometimes,

Damage, exhaustion - and all

That meek smile of faddown

What is essential we call

Divine shortness suffering.

This poem is written by Tyutchev in 1830 during one of the short-term arrival in Russia. It is possible, so it is imbued with so thin like a stretched string, a feeling that is comparable with the feeling arising at the time of farewell to the expensive person, and the farewell to the inevitable. What creates such a feeling?

Consider color gamut poem. She, on the one hand, is polished enough: glitter and red, crimson leaves, azure; But, at the same time, the poet slightly muffles this variety, makes it careful. With using what? With the help of epithets: the dying, mysterious, languid, light, foggy, quiet, sad and lifting, shameful, gentle. In general, the poem is saturated with epithets. The epithet is a bright, figurative, artistic definition, the function of which is the creation of colorful images, an emotional atmosphere, the transfer of the author's position.

In this poem, epithets are diverse in structure, meaning. Composite epithet The sad-lifting transmits and the ratio of the poet to the depicted, and the state of nature: sadness, orphanhood, loneliness, it is this epithet that emphasizes the topic of farewell, parting. But this is parting, the cause of which is death.

Epitts contrast each other. Following the "Uminny, Mysterious Charm", "sinister shine" appears. Then alternates the "foggy and quiet azure" and "prying, cold winds". Contrast states the poet does not oppose, but connects, as it seeks to portray a transitional moment in the life of nature: Farewell to autumn and premonition of winter.

All poem is one sentence. The proposal is complex, in the first part - homogeneous members with a generalizing word. The pronoun with the pretext on everything absorbs and the rustle, and the motley, and the azure, and the "wind". No matter how differently, these parts are characterized in different ways, which make up the picture of nature, combines and completes this image a meek smile of faddown. The text is pronounced in one breath, as a farewell exhalation.

Autumn beauty dies. In the way nature arises a human image. The creation of this parallel contributes, among other things, the already denoted epithet is sad-lifting. This personification in the rows is further enhanced: the damage, exhaustion - and for everyone // the meek smile of fading, // that we are a reasonable we call // the Divine Shadishness of suffering.

Meeks - kindly, submissive, Smirny. There is an image of a girl humbly waiting for the end of the end.

said about the poem F. Tyutchev "Autumn Evening": "The impression that you experience when reading these verses can only be compared with a feeling that a man is mastered by the bed of a young, dying woman in which he was in love."

The poem F. Tyutchev echoes the poem "Autumn" written later.

… … … I like her,

How is probably a consumers' virgin

Sometimes I like it. Death is convicted,

The poor thing is cloning without ropot, without anger.

Smile on the mouths faded visible;

The gravestone is not heard of the grave;

Plays on the face of the crimson color.

She is alive today, tomorrow is not.

Pushkin image, as well as Tyutchevsky, keeps the echoes of the former beauty and confused by obvious signs of fading. Both poems unites and the premonition of still distant, but approaching shocks.

The desire to catch the transitional state both in the life of a person and in the life of nature is characteristic of F. Tyutchev's creativity. Tyutchev is interested in observing the elements of nature and its patterns. With the help of such observations, the poet seeks to know the essence of being, universal laws of the universe.


Independently do an analysis of the poem . "How rich I'm in crazy verses! .."