Propolis medicinal properties application ointment. Ointment with propolis - medicinal properties and indications for use, types of drug, mechanism of action and price

"Propolis ointment" is known firsthand to different segments of the population, because its beneficial properties are talked about everywhere (on TV, on the radio), and they also write on the Internet, magazines, newspapers. It is very much appreciated because of such qualities as: antifungal, antibacterial, antipruritic, wound healing, deodorizing. This remedy is used only externally.

Features of the drug

"Propolis ointment" is produced not only by pharmacists, but also by the owners of apiaries. This medicine has a lot of therapeutic effects.

The main component (propolis) is represented by a resinous adhesive substance. Usually it has a yellowish green, dark green, brownish tint. Propolis tastes bitter, and its smell is very specific. With prolonged storage, this substance becomes more dense, the smell is lost.

Propolis is made from resinous substances. Their worker bees are collected from different parts of plants (most often these are buds). "Propolis ointment" is valued as a strong natural antibiotic.

About what propolis ointment is so good, this video will tell:

Composition of propolis ointment

The main active ingredient is propolis. Auxiliary components are vegetable, butter, wax (bees).

Also, essential oils, medicinal herbs (immortelle, St. John's wort, chamomile, thyme, sage, strawberry leaves, mint) may be present in the ointment.

Dosage forms

About where you can buy propolis ointment, we have already said, we will burn about prices for it in pharmacies.

"Propolis ointment" is available in the form of an ointment that is used externally. The cost of the ointment depends on the volume of production, composition. Basically, the price of the drug starts at 120 rubles.

pharmachologic effect

Propolis (this substance acts as the main component) is considered the most unique antibiotic of natural origin. The ointment, in which it is present, is endowed with effective antiviral, antimicrobial capabilities. After all, propolis contains such useful substances: vitamins, glycosides, phytoncides, trace elements, polysaccharides, flavonoids, tannins.

In medicine, propolis began to be used because of its pharmacological, biological actions:

  • dermatoplastic;
  • bactericidal;
  • fungicidal;
  • antitoxic;
  • bacteriostatic;
  • local anesthetic;
  • fungistatic;
  • antiviral;
  • antiphlogistic.


"Propolis ointment" has become popular due to the actions that it has when used:

  • antiviral;
  • antibacterial;
  • painkiller;
  • antipruritic;
  • antiseptic;
  • wound healing;
  • regenerative;
  • deodorizing;
  • antifungal.


This section has not yet been explored. About whether propolis ointment helps with hemorrhoids, acne, thrush, in the treatment of gynecological problems, what reviews about it, we will tell below.


In general, propolis as such, especially in the form of tincture of alcohol, is used for many ailments, such as:

  • dermatological (ex., and);
  • ear diseases (including with,);
  • ailments of a neuralgic nature (pr.), etc.;
  • at ;
  • at , .


10% propolis ointment, made on basechite oil, lard, fish oil, vaseline, lard is used in therapy:

  • burns;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • frostbite;
  • arthritis, joint pain;
  • mild colds (runny nose);
  • inflammatory processes in the field of gynecology (endocirvicitis, colpingitis, cervical erosion).

Also, 10% ointment is prescribed for the treatment of the following skin diseases:

  • nested baldness;
  • psoriasis;
  • microsporia;
  • epidermophytosis;
  • dermatitis (including,).


15% propolis ointment is used for therapy:

  • acne;
  • in the area of ​​the mucous membranes of the lips, nose;
  • acne;
  • festering wounds.

20% ointment is intended for therapy:

  • eczema;
  • In the treatment of diseases of the skin, the ointment should be rubbed into the affected areas of the epidermis. You can also apply a gauze napkin soaked in propolis ointment to the damaged area.

Given the fact that the propolis preparation does not have an irritating, toxic effect, it can be used in the treatment of children, pregnant women, breastfeeding. The drug in question stimulates the growth of skin cells in the affected areas.

Contraindications and side effects

The only contraindication available is intolerance to bee products, and more specifically, the main component of the ointment - propolis.

With individual intolerance, the patient may experience allergic reactions.

special instructions

Before use, a small area of ​​the epidermis should be tested for tolerance to the ointment. The predisposition to allergies is confirmed when redness occurs on the skin. An application to determine the presence of an allergy to bee products should be applied to such areas of the body:

  • leg;
  • hand (its back part);
  • breast.

If an allergic reaction occurs over time (itching, burning, redness), you should stop using the ointment.

Propolis ointment does not apply to medical preparations. It is considered a folk remedy.

Interaction with other drugs

Since propolis ointment is not considered a medical preparation, there are no special indications as to whether there are any drugs that are prohibited from being used simultaneously with it. The only thing worth paying attention to is the fact that propolis enhances the effect of drugs.

Since ancient times, with the help of bee glue, they got rid of a wide variety of diseases. On its basis, many medicines were created - infusions, tinctures, decoctions, creams. One of the most common and effective forms of use is propolis ointment.

In this article, we will tell you how to make propolis ointment at home, consider a variety of recipes and learn about the rules for using the drug.

There are several types of propolis ointment, it differs depending on the additional components used in the recipe. As a rule, fatty or solid bases are used for the manufacture of a medicinal product, these are:

  • vegetable, butter;
  • wax;
  • petrolatum;
  • lard;
  • badger fat.

Please note that the intensity of the cream depends on the concentration of the active substance - bee glue.

Our article mainly contains universal prescriptions for drugs containing 15% of the leading component. It is these drugs that are most often used to eliminate skin problems, treat hemorrhoids, erosions.

Preparations with a high content of bee bonds (20%, 30%) are used for more serious problems - for example, erysipelas, fungal skin diseases, boils. Medicinal products with a low content of the active substance (up to 5%) are referred to as homeopathic remedies.

When is propolis ointment used?

The main component in the preparation of any concentration is bee glue or bee bond. It is he who plays the leading role, exerting the following influence:

  • regenerating;
  • antioxidant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller;
  • antifungal.

In addition, propolis ointment helps to strengthen local immunity, well suppresses viral and bacterial activity. Regularly using propolis-based ointment for skin care, patients notice a slowdown in aging, a reduction and smoothing of wrinkles.

The use of propolis ointment is justified by a powerful regenerating and antiseptic effect. Moreover, the action and effect of the ointment with propolis for skin diseases are noticeable after a few days. The inflammatory process decreases, the skin stops itching, the lesions of the skin are significantly reduced.

Propolis ointment with the addition of various components is used from:

  • paraproctitis;
  • scars
  • epididymitis;

Ointment based on bee glue is widely used for such diseases as:

  • runny nose, sinusitis;
  • dermatitis;
  • erysipelas;
  • tearing of the eyes;
  • erosion.

Medicinal preparations on propolis are prescribed for the healing of wounds, burns, bedsores. The method and duration of application varies, it directly depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease. Next, we will tell you how propolis ointment is made at home.

Propolis Ointment Recipes

Despite the rather wide choice of the basis for the manufacture of an external drug based on the bee bond, the technique is almost the same. First you need to clean the bee glue from visible impurities (wood chips, wax pieces), then it should be cooled and crushed.

Regarding the grinding of the product, opinions differ, some advise rubbing it on a regular grater, others recommend cutting it with a knife, and still others - crushing it with a heavy object (mortar, hammer) to a crumb state. After the bond of the bee is prepared, it must be connected to the base.

The easiest way to do this is with a water bath. The base is melted or heated to 50–70 degrees, then the beekeeping product is introduced into it and continues to be heated until it is homogeneous. It remains only to strain the warm ointment with propolis and then pour it into an airtight container for storage. Now let's take a closer look at how to create an ointment with propolis with your own hands, depending on the basis of the drug and the content of the active substance.

Sea buckthorn oil

Everyone knows that sea buckthorn is rich in vitamins and nutrients. Sea buckthorn oil is used as a wound healing and anti-inflammatory agent for lesions of the mucous membranes, burns. The recipe will require:

  • bee knot - 15 g;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 100 g.

The resulting ointment can be applied directly to the problem area, make compresses, dressings, tampons soaked in the drug. Propolis ointment with sea buckthorn is used for cervical erosion, hemorrhoids and skin problems (psoriasis, acne, goose bumps).

On vegetable oil

To make, take:

  • 100 g vegetable or olive oil;
  • 15 g - bee product.

The preparation of the drug has already been described earlier, such an ointment from propolis is suitable for the treatment of wounds, skin diseases, ulcers.

From yolk and honey

  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • propolis ointment with sea buckthorn oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Separate the raw yolk, it is he who will be needed to create a cosmetic product, then mix all the ingredients until smooth. The resulting mass can be used as a hair mask, it normalizes their structure, removes oily sheen, stimulates hair growth.

The tool can be used as a face mask. The mass should be applied to pre-cleansed skin for 15 minutes 1-2 times a week. This procedure whitens well, normalizes metabolic processes, nourishes the skin, and prevents acne.

From butter

A cream of propolis and butter is used internally for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as externally for various skin lesions. Composition:

  • 10 ml alcohol extract of the bond;
  • 100 g unsalted butter.

Melt the butter, add bee glue tincture, mix thoroughly. When warm, propolis ointment is used to treat gastritis, erosion of the gastric mucosa. Single dosage is 1 tbsp. l. drug. The medicine should be taken three times a day, mixed in a liquid (milk, water) 1 hour before meals.

With calendula

Ointment with calendula and propolis has a strong regenerating effect, is used as an antiseptic for sore throats, wounds, scratches. Required Ingredients:

  • 100 ml of calendula oil;
  • 15 g of bee products.

Combine bee glue with oil, heat and strain solid particles. Use for irrigation of the throat and oral mucosa, as well as against herpes. You can apply propolis ointment from the common cold - lubricate the sinuses 3 to 5 times a day. This method helps not only to eliminate nasal discharge, but also prevents the mucous membranes from drying out when using vasoconstrictor drugs.

With wax

  • 30 g beeswax;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 150 g ointment with propolis based on vegetable oil.

Boil the chicken egg, cool with cold water, peel, separate the yolk, then grind it. Place the container with all the ingredients in a water bath, warm for 20 minutes, after which the mass is filtered.

A miracle ointment made from wax and propolis has a high antibacterial activity, as well as an anti-inflammatory effect. The wax mixture is used to treat skin lesions, it helps well with joint diseases, with cracked heels. Method of application - the affected areas are coated with wax with a bond, covered with a gauze bandage and left for several hours.

with sap

One of the effective means of traditional medicine is propolis-gum ointment. Resin is called the resin of coniferous trees, it has a strong regenerating and disinfecting effect. The range of its use is quite wide. Excellent absorbable scars resin is used in the treatment of any damage to the skin. For more effective therapy, it is recommended to combine external and internal treatment using.

Making an ointment from propolis and resin is quite simple. This will require:

  • 10 g - resin;
  • 100 g - natural vegetable oil;
  • 15-20 g of a bee bond.

You can use absolutely any oil, the main thing is that it be without dyes and additives. The preparation instructions are similar to those previously described, in a water bath, the resin and the apiproduct are dissolved in oil, then filtered and poured into a jar. Such a drug can be used to treat absolutely all skin lesions, from pimples to boils.

Buy or make your own

The pharmacology industry today offers a huge range of various products, dietary supplements and medicines, it has not bypassed beekeeping products. In pharmacy chains, homeopathic propolis ointment is on sale, the instructions for which contain all the options for use and contraindications.
In specialized pharmacies you will find various analogues, these are: Fourier ointment with propolis; Edas-801, Floral. Each consumer of bee products decides to make the ointment himself or buy a ready-made one.

It is worth noting that the composition of medicines manufactured under industrial conditions contains various additives and preservatives. Therefore, the internal use of such funds is completely excluded, it is also possible to question the naturalness of the components and their effectiveness from their use. But the final choice, of course, remains with the consumer.


Like any drug, preparations based on the bond of a bee have healing properties and contraindications, the latter include:

  • allergy;
  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • eczema in the acute stage.

Propolis ointment can be used to treat diseases in children, however, this can be done only after consulting a pediatrician.

Side effects

The use of propolis ointment can provoke such side effects as reddening of the skin, rash, itching, fever, allergic asthma. In this regard, before starting treatment, you should make sure that the apiproduct is well tolerated.

It is quite simple to do this: apply a small amount of the drug on the skin of the elbow, after a quarter of an hour, evaluate the result. The absence of side effects means that the body normally tolerates the bee product.

Terms and conditions of storage

Now you know how to prepare propolis ointment at home, it remains to figure out how to store it properly. The ideal storage container is a glass container with an airtight lid. Keep the drug in a cool place, avoiding direct sunlight.

How much propolis ointment is stored, the instructions for use say that the shelf life is 2 years. However, this information applies to pharmaceutical preparations. Using folk recipes, you can always re-make propolis ointment. Therefore, it is better to cook a small amount of cream if necessary, and not to prepare it for future use for 2 years.

When choosing a bee product to eliminate problems with the skin, joints, internal organs, always pay attention to the concentration of the active substance. It is on her that the strength of the effect of the drug and the rules of application depend.

Ointments and creams based on bee glue can replace a huge number of expensive drugs and cosmetics. They can be used to treat children and adults and are also popular with veterinarians.


Bee products are actively used in official and alternative medicine. Natural propolis was no exception, on the basis of which therapeutic ointments are prepared with a local effect on the focus of pathology. Before buying such a remedy, it is important to exclude the risk of developing an allergic reaction to bee products, and additionally consult with your doctor.

Healing properties of propolis

Bee glue has been used in medicine and cosmetology for more than a decade. Propolis is a Greek name, which in translation means "pro" - in front, "polis" - a city. Literally it turns out "in front of the city." Structurally, it is a sticky substance of resinous consistency, which has several shades - from dark brown to white or black. Propolis in its natural composition contains useful compounds:

  • organic acids;
  • mineral salts;
  • amino acids;
  • proteins;
  • antibiotics (flavonoids and enzymes);
  • trace elements (phosphorus, iron, sulfur, potassium, aluminum, magnesium, fluorine, silicon);
  • vitamins (A, C, E, H, P, B1, B2, B6).

This unique bee product contains over 200 compounds, most of which are active. Among those are beeswax, essential oils, resins, balms, pollen, sugar, quinones, ketones. In the patient's body, propolis performs antiseptic, mummifying, antimicrobial, bactericidal and embalming functions, while it is characterized by a minimal list of medical contraindications and side effects. Pharmacological properties of bee glue:

Using propolis ointment

Propolis ointment is a homeopathic preparation that is prescribed alone or as part of drug therapy to enhance the desired therapeutic effect. Medical indications:

  • deep cuts, wounds, abrasions, cracks;
  • skin inflammation, acne, acne;
  • dermatitis, dermatosis, chronic neurodermatitis, eczema;
  • trophic ulcers on the skin;
  • chronic prostatitis (in men);
  • erosion of the cervix (in women);
  • infections in the mouth, throat, ear and nasal passages;
  • allergic reactions (not to bee products);
  • pain syndrome during the setting and wearing of dentures;
  • ARI, SARS, acute bronchitis and other colds, accompanied by an unproductive cough;
  • damage to the musculoskeletal system (inflammatory processes in the joints).

Since propolis has pronounced antimicrobial properties, it is used for increased activity of pathogenic infections. The treatment composition is applied in a thin layer to the foci of pathology. Among the indications for use, doctors distinguish the following diagnoses:

  • flu;
  • candidiasis;
  • chickenpox;
  • herpes on the lips;
  • hepatitis;
  • angina;
  • tuberculosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • mycosis.

Types of ointments with propolis

The therapeutic composition based on beekeeping products has a homogeneous, thick texture, pleasant aroma. There are several types of ointments, depending on the characteristics of the composition:

  • with wax;
  • vaseline;
  • lanolin;
  • on fish or animal fat;
  • in butter or vegetable oil.

The second classification of such a drug with propolis is according to the concentration of the active substance. The pharmacy sells therapeutic ointments of different percentages: 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40. These medicines have different indications for use. Before starting the course, it is required to exclude the risk of developing an acute allergic reaction on the skin, anaphylactic shock:

  • 10% ointment is used for trophic ulcers, burns, frostbite, hemorrhoids, joint pain, cough reflex and colds;
  • 15% ointment is used for wounds, furunculosis, acne, fungal infections, purulent wounds, mycosis, joint diseases;
  • 20% ointment is used for frostbite, burns, carbuncles, fungal infections of the epidermis, boils;
  • ointment 30–40% is prescribed for complicated inflammatory processes of the epidermis, progressive radiculitis.

Homemade ointments with propolis

Medicinal compositions with bee products can be prepared at home. Before using propolis ointment for medical reasons, it is necessary to choose the optimal recipe in a particular clinical case:

Recipe name

It will take

Cooking method

Application rules

classic recipe 10%

10 g of medical alcohol;

10 g of propolis;

90 g of animal fat;

any essential oil.

Propolis must first be cooled in the refrigerator, then chopped on a fine grater. Pour in alcohol and leave for a week, shaking the bottle daily. After the water bath, evaporate the liquid to a third of the original volume. Butter separately dissolve in a water bath, combine with alcohol tincture in a ratio of 9:1. Mix.

With a cold, it is supposed to take 1 tsp. three times a day. With a runny nose, it is necessary to treat the nasal passages with a composition; for skin lesions, it is supposed to apply the medicine externally.

from yolk and honey

120 g of propolis oil;

5 ml lemon juice;

20 g beeswax.

Combine the indicated ingredients in a container, mix until smooth. After simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes. To make the mass thick, you can additionally use beeswax (melt first in a water bath).

Use the composition externally, apply a thin layer to the affected areas, but first rinse and dry them. The daily number of procedures is 3-4. It is necessary to carry out treatment until the complete disappearance of symptoms.

in sea buckthorn oil

20 g of propolis;

100 g sea buckthorn oil.

Put propolis in a water bath and warm up. Add oil and bring the composition to homogeneity. Pour into a glass container, after cooling, store in the refrigerator.

Apply a thin layer to the pathology foci, rub gently, do not rinse with water. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.

in butter

50 g of grated propolis;

500 g butter.

Heat butter over moderate heat until it boils. Pre-grind propolis, pour into liquid oil. Stir the composition until the bee glue is completely dissolved, cool at room temperature.

Use similarly to the above recipes. Carry out a home procedure three times a day in the absence of an allergic reaction to honey.

Contraindications and side effects

After applying the ointment with propolis, allergy symptoms may appear, for example, the skin swells, itches and itches a lot. The patient is required to immediately stop treatment, unscheduled to consult a dermatologist for advice. Possible side effects:

  • skin rashes, itching;
  • redness of the epidermis (hyperemia);
  • angioedema, anaphylactic shock;
  • nasal congestion, allergic rhinitis.

An absolute contraindication is the increased sensitivity of the body to bee products. The instructions for the drug contain a list of medical restrictions, including:

  • predisposition to allergic reactions;
  • malignant tumors of the 4th stage;
  • extensive lesions of the liver and biliary tract;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • somatic diseases;
  • some types of dermatitis;
  • caution: in childhood, during pregnancy, lactation.

Application methods

Propolis-based ointment can be used internally and externally. The method of application and dosage depend on the nature of the pathological process and the localization of the affected area. You must first consult with your doctor to exclude the risk of side effects:

  1. Skin diseases. With corns, ulcers, wounds, burns, boils and abscesses, the ointment is applied in a thin layer on gauze, then applied to the focus of pathology. Change the bandage 3-4 times a day.
  2. Gynecological diseases. For the treatment of erosion, gynecologists prescribe cotton swabs with propolis ointment intravaginally. The medicine is supposed to be injected into the vagina 1 time per day - at bedtime. The course of treatment is 7-14 days.
  3. Ulcers. The therapeutic composition of propolis is applied to the foci of pathology twice a day. Home treatment is continued for 3 weeks, after which a seven-day break is taken.
  4. Joint diseases. In case of recurrent joint pains, a therapeutic ointment is applied in a thick layer on the inflamed area of ​​the skin and wiped off after 20–30 minutes. To enhance the therapeutic effect, use a woolen scarf.
  5. Runny nose. To get rid of rhinitis, you need to thoroughly lubricate the nasal passages with a prepared or purchased ointment several times a day. The main thing is to make sure that there is no allergy to bee products.
  6. Haemorrhoids. Doctors prescribe 10% ointment. The patient applies a small amount of medicine to cotton wool, applies it to the inflamed hemorrhoid (you must first wash yourself). Repeats the procedure until the hemorrhoids completely disappear.
  7. Wounds. 15% ointment is applied to several layers of gauze, then applied to the wound. The procedure is repeated no more than 2 times a day. Continue home treatment until the patient is fully recovered.
  8. Psoriasis. First, the foci of pathology (visible plaques) are treated with hydrogen peroxide, then the remaining moisture is removed with cotton wool. The ointment is applied to the dried areas of the lesion, additionally use a bandage. The procedure is required to be carried out up to 5 times a day.
  9. Cough reflex. In this case, 5 ml of the therapeutic composition of propolis is dissolved in 1 tbsp. warm water, mixed and taken orally between meals. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.
  10. Fungal lesions of the skin. With mycoses, the medicine with propolis is used externally. The therapeutic composition is applied to the affected areas 2-3 times a day, after washing and drying the skin.

Propolis has long been considered a beekeeping product miracle cure. Even ancient healers widely used it to treat many human ailments. The crude substance, for example, served as a filling material for sealing holes in diseased teeth. The toothache went away, and as a temporary filling it was used in dentistry. In modern life, this substance is a good supplier of trace elements to the human body and is still in great demand.

Propolis- this is the result of the activity of bees, which regularly serves them in their own home - the hive. Possessing disinfectant and bactericidal properties this natural product, very similar to glue, makes it possible not only to caulk holes in the bees' dwelling, but also to disinfect the hive before laying eggs.

And also to exterminate uninvited guests, small animals, insects and other living creatures. With its help, the alien is disposed of or embalmed. Almost magical power is given to this substance by its composition.

In appearance, propolis resembles a sticky substance that can have a shade from dark green to brown. The substance tastes bitter, has a specific smell. With prolonged storage, it becomes more dense, the smell disappears. It is based on resinous substances, the content of which reaches 60%, bees collect them from different plants, mainly from the kidneys.

Depending on the plant material and the breed of bees, the composition of this bee product may vary. About 25 percent is wax, up to 15% is essential oils, 3-5% is pollen, which is very healing in itself. In addition, it contains up to 50 different inclusions, such as phytoncides, trace elements, polysaccharides, flavonoids, glycosides, and also includes essential amino acids for human health:

  • methionine;
  • lysine;
  • arginine;
  • phenylalanine;
  • cystine;
  • glutamic acid;
  • ascorbic acid, etc.

Therefore, on the basis of propolis, our pharmacology produces enough many drugs: alcohol extracts, pastes, candles, ointments.

The composition of the product

Any ointment with propolis prepared with fat. It could be:

  • petrolatum;
  • animal fat;
  • fish fat;
  • vegetable fats;
  • butter (for homemade).

The following are examples of drugs available in pharmacies:

  1. "Propolis" homeopathic (on vaseline).
  2. Propolis and olive oil.
  3. with propolis.
  4. Heliant.
  5. Badger fat and propolis.

In addition to the fatty base and propolis itself, ointments may contain aromatic additives, or various thickeners. For the therapeutic effect, the concentration of the main component - propolis is important.

Types of drugs and their use

Ointments with propolis are distinguished by its content, since their use is also determined by the percentage of the active substance.

Any drug in this series is considered natural antibiotic It also has antiviral and antimicrobial properties.

Application of 10% propolis ointment

10% propolis ointment has the widest application. It is inexpensive and very functional. It is used in a variety of situations:

  1. Anti-cold and antiviral properties make it indispensable for colds, coughs, rhinitis. Rubbing with a warming effect is recommended for both adults and children. After rubbing it into the chest or back area, you need to put on clean woolen clothes and lie down. With a cold, lubricate the nasal mucosa. For a child, rubbing is done as follows: they take the ointment in equal amounts, mix it and rub the back with it.
  2. The mixture helps with hemorrhoids, reducing swelling of the hemorrhoids and the perianal area. It is applied by applying an impregnated napkin.
  3. The healing property of the ointment allows it to be used for burns and other skin lesions or wounds, by simply applying it to a clean wound.
  4. More serious skin problems are also treated with this ointment. It can be neurodermatitis, eczema, fungal skin diseases. The usual name for a medicine for these purposes is homeopathic propolis ointment. It is produced on the basis of petroleum jelly in aluminum tubes of 30 grams. Apply it by applying it to the affected area of ​​the skin without rubbing up to 2-3 times a day. The cost of a tube does not exceed 50 rubles. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.
  5. In gynecology, tampons are made with 10% ointment, which are used to treat erosions, endocervicitis and colpitis. Tampons are used at night for 12 days.
  6. Doctors recommend such mixtures for the treatment of problematic facial skin: acne, acne, inflammation. To do this, the composition is applied to clean skin in the morning and evening.
  7. Herpes also responds well to treatment with propolis ointment. Instructions for use are the same: the more often you lubricate the sore spot, the better. Moreover, in this case, the terrible itching and burning are eliminated.
  8. Another useful property of this ointment is the removal of pain in sciatica, sciatica, and neuritis. It is applied in a thin layer without rubbing at least 3 times a day.

Ointment 15% based on propolis

A high concentration of the active substance makes the ointment stronger in effect, therefore, for the treatment of wounds and burns, the best option is homeopathic propolis ointment 15%, as it speeds up the regeneration process. And also this composition is used:

  • with acne and pimples;
  • with ulcerative processes;
  • with purulent processes;
  • with erosion of the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose.

The medicine is applied in the form of tampons or soaked wipes that are applied to the diseased surface.

Propolis ointment 30%

This content of the active substance makes the ointment "strong", therefore used for serious illnesses. This:

  • boils, carbuncles;
  • fungal diseases;
  • erysipelas;
  • sciatica;
  • radiculitis;
  • eczema, psoriasis.

For the treatment of nail fungus, it is necessary to lubricate the affected nails without interruption 3 times a day. You can do this procedure with a less concentrated mixture, but if you need a result, then it is better to take a more “strong” composition of the active substance. The same applies to various bacterial infections, for example, streptococcal erysipelas after five sessions begins to lose ground if such a concentration is used.

Today, many pharmacological companies produce ointments with propolis. But many people prefer to make this magical remedy for themselves, since propolis can be purchased both at the pharmacy and from numerous beekeepers.

Preparation of a natural remedy

The process of preparing a fresh, natural mixture is quite simple, and can be easily implemented at home. Below are a few simple popular recipes.

Classic recipe

To prepare it, you need Vaseline and propolis. This is the simplest formula. For 100 g of vaseline we take 10 g of propolis: the result is propolis ointment. You can use it absolutely universally, but we prepare it like this:

  1. We grind the bee product, it is possible on a grater, it is possible in a mortar.
  2. Put Vaseline in a water bath, bring to a boil.
  3. Cool down to 50 degrees and pour the crushed substance.
  4. Stir and put in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  5. If there are grains in the solution, then you need to pass the resulting composition through gauze and store in a jar with a tight lid. Store at 5 degrees.

For cough externally

For 100 grams of vegetable oil, you need about 50 grams of propolis. Pour the crushed substance into the oil, mix and put on a slow fire. Stirring continuously, it is necessary to dissolve it in oil (5-10 minutes), then remove from heat, pour into another container and put in a water bath for 30-40 minutes. After cooling, knead and put into a glass container. The composition can be rubbed on the chest and back. A double effect is provided: a compress when rubbing and inhalation when inhaling the healing composition.

Recipe for cough inside

The ointment can not only be applied externally, but as experienced beekeepers point out, you can prepare a balm for oral administration. Required ingredients for this composition:

  • propolis;
  • alcohol;
  • butter.

Cooking steps:

  1. Grind the right amount of the substance, pour it with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1, mix everything well and leave in a dark place for 10 days.
  2. Then strain the tincture, pour into an enamel bowl and evaporate over low heat to a third of the volume. You should get a substance, in consistency like linden honey.
  3. To get a 10% ointment, you need to take 1 part of this substance and add 9 parts of butter to it. It is necessary to mix them in a water bath until a homogeneous composition is obtained.
  4. Fill the jar with the composition and store it in the refrigerator for no longer than a month.
  5. You need to take it inside when coughing for adults, a teaspoon 3 times a day, for a child - a quarter of a teaspoon 2 times a day.

Whatever ointment you have to choose, it should be remembered that propolis products can give allergic reactions. And those people who have and his products should not use and propolis, in any form.

Contraindications for use

Apart from allergic contraindications, propolis ointment is not recommended in the following cases:

  1. Oncology is in a serious stage, it is believed that this substance provokes the growth of cancer cells.
  2. Gallstone disease and disorders in the liver also serve as an obstacle to the use of this remedy.
  3. Carefully apply propolis ointment for pancreatitis, especially its exacerbation, and for asthma.

It should be remembered that propolis ointment is not a medical product, it refers to homeopathic folk remedies. Propolis enhances the effect of drugs.

Propolis ointment is a drug containing a large amount of biologically active substances. Useful properties of phytoncides, bioflavonoids, resins provide a powerful therapeutic effect of the drug. It is used to treat pathologies of the respiratory tract, skin and mucous membranes, diseases of the musculoskeletal system. After applying the ointment, blood circulation improves, the bronchi are cleared of mucus, and tissue regeneration is accelerated.

After the onset of stable heat, the bees collect sticky substances from the tree buds of birch, alder, poplar. Insects treat them with saliva rich in enzymes. The final product is propolis, in which bioactive organic compounds are concentrated. After mixing with fats or alcohols, they completely pass into the ointment base or solution. It is this property that is used in the production of pharmacological preparations or dietary supplements. The result is a natural healing agent that fully preserves the beneficial properties of the raw materials.

What does propolis ointment help with:
  • stops inflammatory processes of various localization and at any stage of the course;
  • reduces the intensity of pain, itching, burning;
  • quickly eliminates internal and external edema;
  • improves blood circulation, replenishes the reserves of nutrients and oxygen;
  • strengthens local and systemic immunity;
  • stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • removes cellular decay products, toxins, toxic substances from pathological foci.

Beekeepers harvest propolis by simply scraping it from the inside of the hives. It is a thick sticky fragrant mass of greenish-brown color. During storage, it loses moisture, begins to crumble, but does not lose its medicinal properties. For therapy, a pharmacy ointment or a home-made remedy is used.

Pharmacological group and action

Ointment Propolis is a representative of the pharmacological group of homeopathic remedies. It contains only natural ingredients that have a diverse positive effect on the human body:

  • bioflavonoids improve the condition of blood and lymphatic vessels;
  • phytoncides prevent the growth and active reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, pathogenic fungi;
  • organic acids accelerate metabolism, improve trophism of soft, cartilaginous, bone tissues;
  • resinous substances, like a sponge, cleanse cells of toxins, actively fight inflammation;
  • fat- and water-soluble vitamins ensure the smooth operation of all vital systems;
  • trace elements prevent premature aging and cell destruction;

The composition of the preparations contains a lot of waxes that slow down the spread of pathological processes to healthy tissues.

Types of ointments and their application

The most popular propolis ointment is produced by the Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory. It is packaged in 30 g aluminum tubes packed in cardboard boxes with annotation. This is an effective remedy for the treatment of skin pathologies accompanied by an inflammatory process.

Propolis is also included in many topical supplements. They are produced by companies specializing in the production of dietary supplements from all bee products. This is directly propolis, royal jelly, bee venom. The range of use of such products depends on the composition of the active ingredients.

10% propolis ointment

The main indications for its use are:
  • thermal, radiation, sunburns of the 1st degree of severity;
  • dermatitis, the clinical manifestations of which are itching, swelling, redness of the skin, rash;
  • itching neurodermatosis;
  • microtraumas - cuts, cracks, wounds, scratches;
  • frostbite and chapping.

A homeopathic remedy is recommended for patients with seborrhea, increased dryness and flaking of the skin. Gynecologists prescribe it to women with endocervicitis and other pathologies of the genitourinary system. The drug is also actively used in cosmetology to combat wrinkles, small pimples, post-acne.

15% propolis based ointment

An ointment with this concentration is produced in the form of dietary supplements. Due to the high content of phytoncides and bioflavonoids, it is used in the treatment of severe skin pathologies. Trophic ulcers, dry eczema, furunculosis respond well to drug treatment. The ointment is prescribed to patients with psoriasis at the stage of formation of both papules and plaques.

The medicinal product is also indicated for such diseases:
  • respiratory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. After applying the drug to the back and chest, sputum is liquefied, and its evacuation is accelerated;
  • acne at the stage of healing of skin damaged by inflammation. Bioactive components prevent the formation of scars, spots, pits during tissue regeneration.

In pharmacies, you can buy propolis-gum ointment. In addition to the beekeeping product, it contains turpentine oil. This is the name of gum turpentine, which has a powerful warming effect. It raises the temperature in the area of ​​damaged joints, eliminates pain and swelling. Orthopedists and vertebrologists recommend the remedy to patients with inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

30% propolis ointment

Propolis ointment with a high concentration of the active substance is made in the prescription and production departments of pharmacies. First, pharmacists insist propolis on alcohol for several days in a dark place. Then filter and mix with vaseline oil, vaseline, lanolin.

At home, the remedy is made by simply mixing crushed propolis with petroleum jelly. Sometimes natural fat or butter is used. But in this case, the shelf life of homemade ointment is limited to several weeks.

In folk medicine, the remedy is used to treat such pathologies:
  • severe joint diseases, accompanied by the destruction of hyaline cartilage - gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis, spondylarthrosis;
  • severe psoriatic rashes, long non-healing boils.

A highly concentrated preparation is used to treat pressure sores and carbuncles. Often it is used for prolonged bronchopulmonary diseases to facilitate the discharge of mucus.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for use, propolis ointment is intended only for auxiliary treatment. It enhances the effect of other drugs - antibiotics, antimycotics, glucocorticosteroids, chondroprotectors. For monotherapy, the agent is used to improve the condition of the skin and prevent the recurrence of skin pathologies.

Indications and contraindications

In the instructions for use of propolis ointment, there is no cough in the list of indications. But the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of acute tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchiolitis has long been proven. Bioactive ingredients reduce the viscosity of thick secretion, making it easier to discharge.

A homeopathic remedy is also indicated for such diseases:
  • inflammation of the joints - rheumatism, psoriatic, gouty arthritis;
  • degenerative joint pathologies - osteoarthritis, thoracic, cervical, lumbosacral osteochondrosis;
  • sciatica, lumbago, myalgia;
  • dermatitis, neurodermatosis, infectious rashes, acne, pimples.

Dosage and administration

A homeopathic remedy is used as an aid in the acute course of the disease. Its active ingredients prolong and enhance the action of essential medicines. And for chronic skin or joint diseases, propolis ointment is used for monotherapy. Therefore, the doctor selects the dosage individually for the patient. The remedy with propolis is used 1 to 4 times a day. It is applied to the affected areas of the skin and left until completely absorbed.

Side effects and special instructions

The instructions for propolis ointment describe the possible undesirable consequences of its use. Propolis is a beekeeping product, so there are a number of restrictions on its use. Sometimes, as a result of therapy with a natural remedy, a local, less often systemic allergic reaction develops. It proceeds according to the type of urticaria - the skin turns red, swells, a rash appears.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to conduct a small test to detect sensitivity to its components. Apply a little on the wrist and wait 30 minutes. In the absence of redness, treatment can begin.

Pregnancy and lactation

Application in childhood

It is also undesirable to use propolis ointment for children. According to the instructions, the possibility of using the ointment in a child should be discussed with the attending physician.


Pharmacies sell the following propolis-based ointments - Apiflogin, Apibalsam, Apilon, Vitus factor.