Stretch for the hall. Photo of beautiful stretch ceilings for the hall

If you have decided on how to decorate the ceiling surface in your hall, this is only half the battle done: the most difficult thing - the selection of a harmonious design - is yet to come. At present, stretch ceilings brilliantly solve interior problems of varying degrees of complexity, appearance which have changed significantly since their first appearance on the market finishing materials. It is difficult even for a trained specialist to come up with a design project from scratch, so if you are faced with the task of decorating a stretch ceiling in the hall, use the photo with the most striking examples of modern non-trivial design. Who knows, maybe in one of the proposed interiors you will find an important idea for yourself, from which you can build on when creating your own design project?

Hall functions

Among all the rooms in an apartment or house, perhaps, it is the hall that takes on all the complexity of organizing a comfortable pastime for family members. However, why only them? To the same extent, it is necessary to organize a comfortable stay for guests, help them to relax and set the right mood. It is no coincidence that many people call the hall a little differently - living room, and the semantics of this word is more than transparent to the vast majority of those who read these lines.

It is clear that it is impossible to please everyone, and conflicts in the perception of interior features are inevitable, but you can still determine the main functions of the hall, so that you can build on the received theses and start moving towards the selection of interiors that perform these functions:

  • organization of leisure for family members and guests of the house/apartment;
  • leisure;
  • family games;
  • watching TV programs, movies;
  • listening to music.

Of course, it is always easier to mount a stretch ceiling in the hall if you live alone in an apartment or house - then the design is built exclusively for one person, and there are no and cannot be conflicts of taste. However, such cases are less common - they are rather an exception to the rule.

In any case, the hall is a fairly spacious room with comfortable furniture and conditions for various types of relaxation, which means that the design of the ceiling surface should take into account:

  1. zoning of the premises;
  2. arrangement of furniture;
  3. area and height of the room.

What material to use?

In the case of stretch ceilings in the hall, the available choice is determined by 3 kinds film used:

  1. gloss;
  2. matte coating;
  3. fabric base.

Glossy stretch ceilings in the hall, of course, always look advantageous.

They glare great and participate in the organization of complex light patterns, but only on condition proper organization lighting. If you decorate your room yourself, be restrained and follow the basic compositional techniques, otherwise there is a risk of overloading the room with excessively bright light. What kind of comfort can we talk about then? The photo shows examples of the design of stretch ceilings in the hall, where lighting is in order.

The winning combination of glossy canvas with suspended structures from hl sheets. Options for similar design reception a whole dozen, and in the following photos you have a great opportunity to study them.

Matte stretch ceilings can be used in the hall, where the overall restraint of the interior is welcomed. Some call them boring and inexpressive, but in fact they reveal themselves remarkably well in interiors “sharpened” for minimalism and loft. Consistency, peace, conciseness - those who understand at least something in modern design will certainly appreciate these advantages of a matte surface.

fabric ceilings are visually very similar to matte - in the photo it is sometimes difficult to draw a line between them, however, due to the peculiarity of reflecting light glare, they provide much more opportunities for interesting zoning premises and building unusual light ensembles. In addition, they are seamless, and this fact directly affects the perception of your interior.

Color and its influence on the interior

When deciding on the choice of the color of the stretch fabric, be sure to remember the exceptional role of this factor in creating a successful atmosphere in the room in every sense. Don't try to challenge yourself to build original interior due to the unexpected color solution on the ceiling surface: excessively flashy tones can play against you, and your family members, instead of the expected comfort, will not even be able to relax corny.

Adhere to the main rule when choosing a color: the stretch ceiling in the hall should fit into the design in such a way as to serve as an addition to the interior, and not as its central part, drawing all the attention of guests and guests to themselves.

Light shades are ideal for matt pvc ceilings - and vice versa, avoid using dark colors in combination with a matte texture in the hall. Experienced designers know why this is so and not otherwise: a matte surface does not reflect light, and there is a real risk of overdoing it with mood, creating a frankly gloomy and uncomfortable interior.

If gloss or fabric base is used, then build good design anything can be done with stretch ceiling structures in the hall: both textures serve as an excellent tool for creating expressive light configurations. Moreover, skillfully using combinations, you can even directly influence the visual perception of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

  1. light ceilings visually increase the height of the room, and dark ones, on the contrary, reduce it to acceptable proportions;
  2. the light directed upwards helps to achieve the effect of the infinity of the ceiling structure, and the light directed downwards slightly reduces the scale of the hall and makes it more comfortable for relaxation and sincere;
  3. combination of dark stretch ceilings and light walls even from the most modest-sized room will make it quite cozy and spacious room, even if the abundance of free space is nothing more than an illusion.

Photographic printing as a means of expression

The advantages of using stretch ceilings in the hall are clearly demonstrated by examples of modern interior design in the photo. Let us dwell in more detail on the options for stretch ceilings with photo printing. In fact, this is a powerful tool for creating memorable expressive design projects, which are almost impossible to repeat in the format of another interior. Often, photo printing in the hall is used precisely on fabric ceilings, creating the impression of an incredibly expensive and spectacular canvas with a deep and accentuated volume.


You can decorate a stretch ceiling in the hall, as photos with a modern design show, in the very different style ranging from the good old classics to the ultra-serious industrial loft. However, the key to the success of the final project is the harmony between all components of the interior composition. When working through this or that element, do not forget that it is just a cog in the general mechanism, and not the main part. Knowing the basic compositional laws that we mentioned above will help you avoid common mistakes among beginners and create an interior in your hall that will equally appeal to all members of your family and potential guests.

Finishing the ceiling is one of the most important tasks in the renovation process. Ideally, it should look flawlessly even and retain its original appearance for as long as possible. These criteria are fully met by a stretch PVC film, which impresses with a variety of textures and colors. Information about this material, as well as a large number of photographs with examples of its use, you will find in this article.

What it is? Ceiling types

The tension structure is a continuous sheet stretched under a conventional ceiling and fixed around the perimeter with a special profile made of aluminum or plastic. The most common types of material used as the main cover are PVC film or synthetic textiles (polyester impregnated with polyurethane). Depending on their texture, there are matte, glossy, satin, fabric and stretch ceilings with photo printing.

Such a ceiling is distinguished by an excellently flat surface, reminiscent of painted plaster. The advantage of this design is the absence of glare and light refraction, as well as the complete invisibility of the seams that form when the canvases are soldered. High aesthetic qualities make matte stretch ceilings indispensable in creating an elegant classic interior.

Glossy (mirror) stretch ceiling

Glossy stretch ceiling the best choice if you want to visually raise the height of the room and make it brighter. Regardless of color, such a film is similar to clean water surface, in which each photon of illumination is reflected - both daylight and artificial.

Satin stretch ceiling

This option can be called a compromise between a matte and glossy stretch ceiling. His main feature- a soft mother-of-pearl sheen that gives the room a delicate glow of pearls or silk. The absence of harsh shadows allows the use of satin finishes to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere for relaxation.

The fabric ceiling is mounted without preheating and most often does not have seams: the width of the roll can be from 3 to 5 meters, and this is quite enough for not too large rooms. Unlike PVC film, textiles are resistant to low temperatures, thanks to which it can be used in unheated rooms and in summer cottages.

Stretch ceiling with photo printing

The ceiling with photo printing is an amazing opportunity to embody any design ideas by placing an image on the ceiling in high quality. It can be the sky, flowers, birds, butterflies, a landscape, a map of the world, skyscrapers, children's pictures or abstractions. At the same time, it is important to beautifully combine such a stretch ceiling with the rest of the interior, without overloading the space with large details.

In modern interior design, stretch ceilings are used much more often than any other type of coating. The reason for this is their unsurpassed aesthetic qualities, relative ease of installation, durability and versatility.


Due to its absolute moisture resistance, PVC film is ideal for kitchens and bathrooms. In emergency cases, it is even able to hold a fairly large amount of water, if suddenly a water pipe bursts from the neighbors from above.

Often, stretch ceilings are combined with drywall, creating interesting multi-level structures.

Another advantage of this finish is the ability to easily hide minor irregularities in the base, and with them to hide the wiring and some lighting elements.


People who prefer everything natural may not like the synthetic nature of pvc. Although it is considered harmless, no one is immune from buying a low-quality product, which may contain toxic impurities or dyes.

Due to the water resistance of stretch ceilings, steam exchange is disturbed, so it will not be very comfortable to breathe in the room, you will have to ventilate more often and turn on the air conditioner.

The temperature at which PVC film is allowed to be used must not fall below +5°C and rise above +50°C.

Every six months, glossy stretch ceilings must be washed, as stains from splashes and drops become noticeable, for example, in the bathroom or in the kitchen.

Stretch ceiling design - photo

When planning to complement your interior with stretch ceilings, it will not be superfluous to look at ready-made options implemented in different rooms: living room, kitchen, bedroom, nursery, bathroom, hallway and corridor.

The presented selection of photographs will help visualize the future design of the ceilings, as well as give new interesting ideas by their design.

Stretch ceiling in the hall (living room)

Sophisticated multi-tiered ceilings, original photo printing and beautiful lighting with luxurious lamps will help to make the design of the living room spectacular and unforgettable.

The shade of the stretch ceiling for the living room is desirable to match the tone general design. In the spacious halls, large structures and saturated colors will become a beautiful accent, but in small ones it is better to limit yourself to an elegant plasterboard frame around the perimeter, a light glossy (satin) film or a pattern of a clear sky.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen

The kitchen is a room where stretch ceilings will always be more appropriate than any other: condensation does not collect on the film, it does not absorb odors, and if it gets dirty, you can simply gently wipe it with a soft sponge dipped in a light soapy solution or window cleaner.

The bright and cheerful color of the ceiling to match the headset or in harmony with the wall decoration will create an upbeat mood while cooking.

Stretch ceiling in the bedroom

Since the main purpose of the bedroom is rest and relaxation, it is better to decorate its interior in gentle pastel colors, and instead of a mirror texture, give preference to satin or matte.

If you want to diversify the design, you can choose a stretch ceiling with unobtrusive colors, curls or the effect of a starry sky. The last option will look unusually romantic in the dark, illuminated by miniature diodes.

Stretch ceiling in the bathroom

PVC film is an indispensable coating for the ceiling in the bathroom. While the plaster is impregnated with dampness and crumbles already in the first year after repair, the stretch fabric can last up to ten years without losing its aesthetics at all.

Condensation is not collected on the stretch ceiling, but in order to avoid noticeable splash marks, it is better to choose a satin or matte film instead of a glossy one.

If earlier stretch ceilings in the hall were considered a luxury, and they could only be seen in the apartments of wealthy people, then today they have become familiar and quite accessible way decorating the ceiling in city apartments and country houses.

Stretch ceilings for the hall differ in color, shape, complexity of arrangement, but they all perform a similar decorative function.

You can independently decorate the ceiling in the living room, or use the services of a professional master. Consider the varieties of stretch ceilings, the features of their creation, the positive and negative characteristics of such structures.

Ceiling options

Modern suspended ceiling in the living room - perfect solution for fast and high quality decorative design ceiling surface.

At present, tissue tension structures and PVC ceilings.

Advice! In order to choose the right modern ceilings for the hall, it is better to turn to professionals.

Interesting samples of stretch ceilings for the hall, photo, design, useful tips can be found in the video

Fabric stretch ceilings in the living room are highly resistant to temperature extremes. Such designs are distinguished by reliability and a long service life. They have an average width of about five meters, so you can seamlessly mount ceiling structures.

Attention! Stretch ceilings in the hall should be installed by professionals, otherwise you will not get the desired result.

Among positive characteristics stretch ceilings, their relevance in the interior of the living room, interior professionals mention environmental safety and aesthetics. Such tension structures can be mounted even in children's rooms without fear for the health of your child.

A budget option for a stretch ceiling in the living room is a canvas made of PVC film. The photo shows stretch ceiling samples suitable for a small apartment.

PVC films are considered practical, moreover, they have a much lower cost than their fabric counterparts. If desired, you can choose matte, glossy, satin, suede stretch structures for the living room that can withstand high humidity, temperature fluctuations.

Advice! PVC stretch ceilings are suitable for the living room, but it is better to choose fabrics for the children's room.

Film ceilings are relevant in cases where neighbors from the upper floors periodically flood your apartment. In order to remove the water, you need to carefully remove part of the film, drain the water, and return the canvas to its original place. There will be no negative effects on aesthetic perception for the film, it will retain its original appearance.

Mounting Features

Different types of stretch ceilings for the hall suggest some differences in installation. For example, when choosing PVC films for your living room, you should be prepared for the fact that the height of the room will decrease by 10-15 centimeters. First, along the entire perimeter, they are attached to the walls and ceiling metal constructions, only after that, with the help of a heat gun, a polymer film is carefully pulled onto the prepared frame.

Mirror ceiling

Considering samples of polymer ceilings, many property owners planning a redecoration of the living room stop admiring glances at the mirrored stretch ceiling.

It allows you to achieve a visual expansion of the space in the living room, looks harmonious and original. Owners of small urban real estate are trying to equip exactly a mirrored stretch or suspended ceiling in their apartments.

The mirror ceiling adds lightness and volume to the living room, making the room deeper and more airy.

Advice! Depending on the quality of the mirror stretch ceiling, you can get clear or blurry reflections. For the living room, interior professionals recommend choosing clear options for such coatings.

In the photo - a variant of a stretch mirror ceiling for a modern living room.

Among the shortcomings that distinguish such ceiling coverings, we note the complexity of care. Stretch mirror ceilings require careful and gentle maintenance. A soft cloth and soapy water should be used instead of abrasive materials.

In terms of the duration of the operational period, stretch ceiling coatings have no competitors.

Despite the fact that mirrored ceilings have a sophisticated look, psychologists do not recommend the use of such coatings for people prone to depression.

Advice! Interior experts advise purchasing Belgian and German-made canvases, as they are highly environmentally friendly, durable, and aesthetically pleasing compared to Chinese counterparts.

Among the latest fashion trends of interest are colored multi-level tension structures.

For example, a two-level ceiling decorated in red and white looks harmonious.

Glossy ceilings also make the room feel more spacious, but they blur the picture, so they are more appropriate in home interior. Such a stretch ceiling is ideal for small rooms with low-quality lighting.

Attention! Dark ceilings are not suitable for small living rooms, they will narrow the room, create an uncomfortable feeling for the inhabitants of the hall.

V Lately more and more often you can see real works of design art on the ceilings of urban living rooms. Thanks to modern technologies, for example, large-format photo printing, fans of unusual interior can enjoy landscapes, family photos printed on polymer film.

The original view has a ceiling film, which depicts a map of the starry sky. With additional lighting, a unique atmosphere filled with harmony and cosmic energy will be created in the living room.

When choosing a multi-level stretch ceiling design, interior experts advise using additional built-in LED lighting.

Matte canvases are preferred by supporters of classic and traditional options ceiling decorations. Such canvases resemble painted or whitewashed surfaces, therefore they are considered a practical and beautiful solution in the design world.

The advantages of such a PVC film are that the coating does not distract from other decorative elements. Matte coating does not give glare, does not irritate the psyche.

At present, stretch ceilings different types millions of fans. This option for decorating the ceiling is considered the most practical and beautiful solution.

With insignificant one-time material costs, you become the proud owner of a ceiling, the appearance of which will not change over a long period of time.

Matte canvases fill the room with atmosphere home comfort bring harmony to the room. He doesn't have to be white color. Among the fashionable interior trends, iridescent films are leading, as well as canvases with modern photo printing.


When choosing finishing materials for the living room, Special attention should be given to decorating the surface of the ceiling. It is he who is considered the "mirror" of the room. When thinking over the finishing option, it is necessary to take into account the general interior direction chosen for the apartment. The stretch ceiling is the best option decoration of halls, suitable for any direction of interior art.

Stretch ceiling are becoming more popular every day. After all, they create a special atmosphere in the room, allow you to completely change its style, add solemnity and gloss.

Especially often they are used in large rooms, for example, halls and living rooms. After viewing the photo in this article various options stretch ceilings in the apartment, believe me, you will find many interesting solutions.

What are stretch ceilings?

Main the advantage of such coatings is that thanks to them you can perfectly align the ceiling.

They can be used even in very large-scale premises, because thanks to proper processing the junctions of several elements become completely invisible.

The materials from which they are made are environmentally friendly and safe for health. They do not have bad smell and do not allocate toxic substances even with intense heat.

In addition, they allow you to completely change the style of the room in a short time, refresh it and fill it with unexpected colors.

There are such types of stretch ceilings:

By material:

By canvas width:

According to the texture of the canvas:

Stretch ceilings can become fixed in several ways: Directly to the main ceiling, custom frame, wall or drywall profile.

The main thing is that stretch ceilings for the hall in any case are attached as firmly and reliably as possible. To prevent unforeseen situations and possible breakdowns.

What are "single-level" ceilings?

One-level stretch ceiling - This is one type of coating applied in one layer. This is the easiest installation option in terms of form and type of installation, because it does not require preliminary preparation.

Mostly such ceilings can be seen in strict and restrained interiors, where the main emphasis can be placed only on a deep and rich shade of the surface.

For example, burgundy, dark gray, pastel shades, as well as traditional shades of beige, milk and chocolate look very cool.

The canvas of this coating needs minimal maintenance, it has heat-resistant properties. Moisture and sunlight are also not afraid of him.

Features of multi-level ceiling coverings

As the name implies, such ceilings consist of several levels, that is, blocks that differ in height.

Usually between them are special modules made of drywall, wood or other rigid material that holds its shape well.

This technology allows you to create structures of any shape and change the space depending on the shortcomings that are observed in it.

In addition, the types of coatings in these areas can be completely different, creating an interesting contrast, narrowing or expanding the space.

As options for decoration, there are often graphic designs that imitate a rectangular or oval frame around the perimeter of the room.

Often you can see abstract forms that intertwine on the ceiling, recreate some fantastic patterns and combinations.

With the help of such decorative reception you can designate zones in the room, shift the accents in it or hide the disproportion and excessive angularity of the room.

Among the most fashionable combinations multi-level stretch ceilings you can find coffee and shade Ivory, scarlet and black, pearl gray and blue.

In addition, they look great and are very bright accents on a calm white background. These include rich lime, lemon, pink, tangerine, lilac and lavender.

What kind of photo printing is suitable for decorating a living room?

High-quality photo printing allows you to apply absolutely any image to the ceiling covering, while maintaining its clarity, proportions and identical shades. This task is carried out with the help of specialized printers, many of which can accommodate a single canvas up to 5 meters in size.

There are several types of printing:

Among the most unusual options the design of large rooms is worth noting the images of stained-glass windows and ancient frescoes.

They fill the room with spirituality and grandeur, look expensive and cause sincere admiration.

And natural landscapes allow you to completely relax and tune in to a pleasant conversation.

It is necessary to give preference to calm pictures with sunsets or images of winter weight - they pacify and enchant with their magnificence.

The best patterns for large and small spaces

The most common ceilings with imitation of the starry sky. They are considered practical and very stylish option for any room.

What can be more spectacular than twinkling stars and comets? Their image is able to brighten up the simplicity of any room, fill it with endless space and a fantastic mood.

According to the main design canons, large patterns and drawings should be chosen for spacious rooms with high ceilings. And small and elegant - for elegant and small rooms.

In principle, this rule still applies today. But who said that you can't make an exception out of it? Indeed, in each individual case, an individual approach is required.

Look at these examples of beautiful stretch ceilings for the hall, which are shown in the following photos.

How much grace and gloss, beauty and luxury are in them. Do you want everything in your interior to look just as well thought out and beautiful?

Then allow yourself to take a chance and choose something completely unexpected and even provocative. Believe me, after such a decision, your hall or living room will simply have no equal.

When should matte finishes be used?

Matt stretch ceilings this is a classic noble solution that is perfect for a cozy and relaxed living room.

This is because in appearance they resemble a traditional whitewashed surface.

Most often, this coating is used in large rooms with high ceilings. After all, a matte canvas does not reflect light, which means it visually reduces the space, which is unacceptable in an already tiny room.

For which interior are glossy stretch ceilings suitable?

Whatever design of the stretch ceiling for the hall you look at, you will notice whole line notable features.

There are no restrictions on the use of a glossy finish. It has not lost its relevance for many years, continuing to delight with its light brilliance.

Reflecting electric and natural light, such a ceiling rushes up, stretching the space and pushing its walls apart. Depending on the shade used and the type of pattern, such a ceiling can be used in any interior.

Is it worth doing mirror ceilings in the hall?

Mirrored ceilings always look extremely expensive and stylish.

In addition, they allow you to significantly increase the height of the walls and visually expand the space, fill it with air and light.

Smooth material, reflecting all pieces of furniture and accessories, erases the boundaries of the room. It literally glows from within, shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.

Despite the fact that it seems to be a very fragile and capricious option for a house or apartment, the mirror coating does not need specific care.

It does not darken, keeps its shape well and retains its original appearance for a long time.

Such a ceiling can be safely used in rooms of any size. It goes well with classic massive lamps or silk lampshades, as well as light modern sconces.

The overall picture, of course, depends on carefully selected decorative elements, textiles and stylistic direction.

But in any case, the mirror coating will deepen the existing atmosphere and make it possible to fully enjoy it.

What lamps: chandeliers or spots should be selected for stretch ceilings?

It's no secret that stretch ceilings are afraid high temperatures. Under their influence, they can be quite deformed.

Therefore, it is worth taking care in advance not only of beautiful, but also lamps that are safe for its integrity.

By by and large it does not matter whether the ceiling is decorated with one large or many miniature lamps. Or even combine, a whole composition of sconces and spots of various sizes.

The main thing is that incandescent bulbs up to 50 kW should be installed in them.

In this case, energy-saving lamps are rightfully the best option, especially if they are additionally equipped with special reflectors.

For a soft romantic and mysterious glow around the perimeter of the ceiling structure, you can use LED strip lighting.

It is quickly installed, has several color modes and adds brightness and charm to the room.

The chandelier in the hall, as in any other room, must be fixed to the stretch ceiling using strong brackets. They are attached to the main ceiling, guaranteeing a secure grip.

At the same time, everything additional elements hidden behind the tension surface. And you see only the lamp itself and its shadow, which is cast on the ceiling.

All lamps can create a strict graphic composition or create a chaotic and non-standard pattern. The main thing is that the lighting in the room is sufficient and does not make the room too dark and gloomy.

Stretch coatings in various interior styles

The number of options for decorating ceilings in living rooms and other intended premises tends to infinity.

All of them are different in style, have their own specific features and require careful consideration of all the details of the composition.

Thanks to this, the interior of your room can turn out to be holistic and harmonious. So let's see what the main features are characteristic of the ceiling in various stylistic directions:

If you do not know what style you like or want, become the owner of a one-of-a-kind room, stop at eclecticism.

This style allows you to combine the features of several directions in the decor. So keep it up.

On what parameters does the cost of such a ceiling design depend?

It should be remembered that when choosing stretch ceilings for the hall, you need to know how the final price of their manufacture and installation is formed.

So what exactly determines their value?

Actual advice from designers on the right choice of tension coatings

Designers from all over the world never cease to amaze with their original ideas and non-standard combinations.

New trends appear literally every day, and among them you can find not only pretty looks, but also functional ones that are easily applicable in living conditions residential building, cottage or apartment.

Among the latest trends, it is worth noting the reproduction of the structure of the floor on the ceiling: for example, parquet masonry, mosaic tiles of various shapes or a stunning pattern from the carpet.

Such a move completely changes the perception of space, makes it noble and truly unique in its kind.

In addition, hypnotic prints with images of spirals and outlandish weaves are in fashion. According to experts, they work well to expand the space, add mystery and fabulousness to it.

For attic rooms you can try to stretch the coating not only on the part of the ceiling parallel to the floor, but also on the beveled one.

It will not be so easy to do this, even for a professional with great experience. But such a composition looks just magical.

And, finally, ceilings imitating a dome or arch. There is so much aristocracy and splendor in them that they will surely arouse universal admiration.

They stretch the ceiling towards the sky, add roundness and comfort to the room, smooth sharp corners and rough details. With them a room in the style of "Provence" or classic design acquires a truly complete and unique image.

As you can see in our photos, the types of stretch ceilings for the hall are a grandiose collection of ideas that will help transform your room beyond recognition. Any of them can be implemented, just choose and enjoy the result.

Basic rules for care

In order for the stretch ceiling to for a long time retained its luxurious appearance, you should follow a few simple rules for care and maintenance:

Each of them will definitely find their fans.

Therefore, choose the most suitable of them, and rather start updating the central room for receiving guests and holding emotional family holidays.

Stretch ceilings today are the most modern way apartment finishing. There are many design options and it is useful to look at many photos in detail before settling on something specific. For the arrangement of the living room, it is necessary to choose exactly those stretch ceilings for the hall, with which the interior of the apartment will be combined, as well as the furnishings of the room.

Which ceiling to choose

When choosing the texture of the stretch fabric, be sure to look at the examples with the photo and decide which option you like. Match the photo with your living room, paying attention to its interior and dimensions, as well as the design of the decoration. On the market building materials There are three main types of stretch ceilings:

  • Matt stretch ceilings the most popular option for any rooms, including the hall. Made in white or other light color, such a canvas looks like traditional plaster, however, it has an incomparably best performance. This option should be chosen if you want not to draw attention to the ceiling in the house, but to focus on furniture, furnishings or accessories. For example, a matte canvas for a classic-style hall is ideal;
  • Glossy stretch ceiling has a high reflectivity. The hall is one of the few rooms in the apartment where the gloss looks relevant and expressive. Glossy canvas optimal solution for a room of a small area, as the reflection is able to visually expand the space. Thanks to the gloss, the room will look not only more spacious, but also much lighter;
  • satin ceiling combines the advantages of both options. The canvas is so named due to the fact that its surface imitates fabric weaving. This design looks noble, expensive and elegant. It slightly reflects the rays of light, which allows them to gently diffuse and create a unique atmosphere in the hall. This is the most expensive type of ceilings available.

Matte canvas will suit absolutely any style. The gloss is good modern interior, the design of which is made in the rules of modernity, minimalism, hi-tech. Satin ceiling is suitable for a more restrained style.

Two-level ceiling
Ceiling to match the walls
Chandelier in the center
traditional white ceiling
Round design

Color selection

When choosing the color of the ceiling, photos will again help. Classic variant, a white canvas, will be relevant for absolutely any room, no matter what its style and design is. But if the walls in the living room are also finished in white or light color, a feeling of "sterility" or a hospital ward may be created.

If you want to make the ceiling a living room decoration, then you can “paint” it with a different color, transforming the interior, while you need to follow some rules:

  1. The lower the room, the lighter the color of the ceiling should be.. Conversely, if the ceilings are too high, use dark colors to make the room more proportionate;
  2. If the windows of the hall are on the sunny side, it is preferable to use cold shades in the design of the ceiling. This will keep your living room feeling cool even on the hottest day. And vice versa, if the hall is on the shady side, the advantage should be given warm colors stretch fabric. This design will keep the warmth and comfort in the room;
  3. Walls and ceiling in one color scheme formatting is not recommended. But if you decide to do just that, then let matte surfaces walls contrast with the glossy ceilings. Another option is to do ceiling structure embossed;

V small apartments the hall often also serves as a bedroom. Then you should not experiment with bright and unusual shades, but it is better to focus on calm classic options.

starry sky
Canvas to match the furniture
Reflection of fixtures
pompous design
LED strip lighting

In an apartment where the hall is additionally a bedroom, you need to stretch matte ceilings.

original lighting

an important role in the creation unusual design stretch ceiling lighting plays. The interior will be transformed beyond recognition if you replace the traditional chandelier with LED lights. With their help, you can arrange the original "night sky" or zoning the space of the hall. This is especially true for small apartments, where the hall serves as an office, a nursery, as well as a living room for receiving guests.

Behind the eaves, ceiling lighting will turn the hall into a cozy and mysterious place with a mysterious atmosphere. You can successfully combine a classic chandelier with small built-in lights, including both as needed. Individual project can be made by choosing the option you like from the photo.

Combined lighting
Center chandelier and spotlights
LED Strip Light
Combination of central and peripheral lighting

Curvilinear structures

Curvilinear structures will help to create an unusual effect of waves or arches. If you need really unusual stretch ceilings for the hall, then the best option can not found. In nature, you rarely find perfectly even shapes and exact proportions, which is why a person subconsciously likes natural asymmetrical views more. And such ceilings look really amazing, completely transforming the interior.

There are several types of curvilinear structures:

  • Single-level with a combination of several colors;
  • Multilevel;
  • arches;
  • domed structures;
  • Ceilings with 3D elements.

Do curved ceiling can from different materials, but PVC film is the most convenient: it is flexible and can take on a variety of shapes. To decorate the hall, you can use a dark blue glossy canvas, which is placed on the ceiling in the form of waves. This is one of the most common options. To embody the atmosphere of the Renaissance are used arched structures, which smooth out the transition between wall and ceiling. Volumetric figures on the ceiling, made of PVC film, will attract the attention of guests and hold it for a long time.

Curvilinear designs are not suitable for every room. You should not think about this option if you have low ceilings or a cramped room. Look at photos of living rooms that are about the same size as yours before making your final choice.

intricate design
Curvilinear configuration
Multi-level ceiling of complex geometry
Multi-colored canvases
Curved elements

Ceilings with photo printing

The hall is the place where you can afford to show wild imagination in the design of the room. Stretch ceilings with photo printing will help to make the interior unusual. In the arsenal of modern manufacturers there are many opportunities to bring your ideas to life. Any image can be printed on the ceiling, including a photograph.

Distinctive features of PVC film with photo printing:

  • Exclusive design- you can choose a unique image that will decorate your interior accordingly;
  • Possibility of applying to any invoice. The drawing can be printed on matte, glossy, satin canvases;
  • 3d printing- the effect of additional volume will impress your guests.

Particularly relevant is the installation of ceilings with photo printing in rooms made in the style of art deco, loft, pop art, modern, kitsch, futurism. It is in these areas of design that the creator's imagination knows no bounds and is not content with standard solutions, which can be seen in the photo.

The most popular photo printing options are any images of the sky. It can be a dark starry sky with backlight or blue with white clouds floating on it. The view of the sky above your head will create a feeling of spaciousness and freedom. After viewing the relevant photos, you can make a choice in favor of one or another option.

Floral ornament
the Rose

Combination with drywall

Along with photo printing and curvilinear structures, they are popular multi-level ceilings which are made of stretch fabric and drywall. Multi-level structures are only suitable for a hall with high ceilings. There are some of the most common options for their design:

  1. A rectangular drywall box is created along the perimeter of the ceiling, in the center of which a PVC film is stretched. The originality of the design gives individual lighting design. With a chandelier and spotlights you can create beautiful and stylish compositions;
  2. Option similar to the first one, but drywall box made in the form of an oval. However, this design should be used with caution, since visually the volume of the hall will greatly decrease due to smoothing the corners;
  3. A circle of drywall, together with a chandelier, is installed in the center of the room, and a PVC film is stretched over the rest of the ceiling area.

There are more complex options, the implementation of which requires the appropriate skill and professionalism on the part of the installers. These are various drywall figures: bends, paths, ovals and others, between which a stretch fabric is laid.