Textile suspended ceilings how to clean. How and what to wash stretch ceilings, glossy, matte without streaks at home: methods, detergents

As you probably know stretch ceiling are of two types, depending on their material, namely:

  • Tissue
  • PVC (polyvinyl chloride)

Woven fabrics are more expensive, but still allow for an aesthetic "seamless" over the entire tension surface.

The color possibilities of this type, in comparison with PVC, are slightly less. These ceilings are able to withstand and hold water for a short time if you are flooded by neighbors. Setting them up is a bit like stretching a huge painting canvas. True, after such a "neighbor" water, stains will remain on the canvas that will no longer be possible to wash off and the ceiling will have to be completely changed. Alas.

PVC stretch ceilings, popularly film, are distinguished by the fact that they can be made in a wide variety of forms, textures, color solutions, and even simulate a daytime or starry sky. This is achieved through high-quality photographic printing on film and the correct arrangement of lighting elements under it.

All stretch fabrics are either matte or glossy. Each has its own pros and cons, as well as a different need for care. If you have not yet decided on the view, then we recommend reading for the kitchen.

How often should you wash?

Stretch ceilings, both glossy and matte, need to be washed only as they get dirty.

For example, small droplets of grease and moisture that form during the cooking process can settle on the kitchen ceiling.

This can happen even if you have a range hood. Sometimes it is possible to accidentally leave a stain when carelessly opening bottles of highly carbonated water or champagne.

In other rooms, the most common pollutant is ordinary dust, which especially loves to settle in corners, at the ends of levels and at joints. Naturally, to keep a glossy stretch ceiling clean and shiny, it needs to be lightly wiped down as often as possible.

It is easy and simple to do this at home, we will talk about this further.

What and how to wash?

1. Use only soft tissue, fiber or sponge... No scratching or hard brushes, as well as shedding or fluffy rags.

2. To eliminate grease stains, it is recommended dilute and foam in a bucket or bowl with a common dishwashing liquid... Don't overdo it, just a little concentration is needed, the ceiling is not a frying pan.

3. To wash any glossy stretch ceilings at home in 90% of cases it will be enough detergents for windows and mirrors.

The most convenient and economical will be a spray for cleaning glass surfaces. Due to the alcohol or ammonia contained in such sprays, the surface dries very quickly and, most importantly, everything is streak-free.

4. In any case do not use any kind of abrasive powder as well as those containing acetone. They will ruin one hundred percent appearance surface. Therefore, before using this or that cleaner, please carefully read its composition.

Before starting cleaning, you should:

1. The first thing to learn before starting the wash is pressure control a cloth, sponge or mop on the ceiling surface... It should be minimal, but still sufficient to remove dust or stains. We recommend that you practice on some distant section of the ceiling to get your hand filled.

2. If you have high ceilings, you will need a stepladder and most likely a long-handled mop or sponge. Make sure in advance that the ladder is in good working order, does not stagger in all directions, and its height is sufficient to get to the canvas. The mop, or whatever tool you choose, should be as light and short as possible.

3. Remove rings, bracelets, wrist watch - you can touch them on a fragile surface and leave a scratch or dent.

Let's start cleaning the ceiling

So, how to properly wash stretch ceilings at home:

  1. 1 Move from one corner to another, or in sections, if you have a complex design;
  2. 2 If you use window spray, just spray it two or three times and walk in a circular motion with a cloth or sponge;
  3. 3 For a streak-free result, reduce spray intensity and use soft paper;
  4. 4 When removing fat stains, soak a cloth in the previously diluted dishwashing detergent, squeeze it out well and also gently and not pressing hard, walk light circles over the contaminated area.
  5. 5 If you want to remove the cobweb from the corner, it is better to get there with a cloth in hand, and not use a vacuum cleaner, as it can damage the surface of the ceiling. The same goes for using a mop, broom, broom, etc.
  6. 6 With regular maintenance of matte stretch ceilings, when you just need to wipe off the dust, it is better not to wash them, but to use a slightly damp fiber, and in the case of glossy surfaces, just a dry cloth is enough.

For greater clarity, we give you small video, which shows two options for how to wash stretch ceilings, is worth a look.

Stretch ceilings, especially glossy ones and especially in the kitchen, are quite demanding to maintain.

Their beauty and grace go hand in hand with fragility and the need to treat them carefully. Due to this it is recommended to abstain from:

  • the use of highly heated lighting elements (halogen bulbs);
  • high indoor plants and flying pets (especially large parrots);
  • experiments with the rapid opening of champagne, etc .;
  • children's games with darts, as well as toys that shoot plastic bullets and balls.

We are sure that now you know everything about how to wash stretch ceilings at home so that there are no streaks and damage to the canvas.

Every fourth modern renovation does not do without installing stretch ceilings. People decide to decorate the house with decorative canvas and ... do not know what to do with it next. How to wash a stretch ceiling so as not to spoil it and leave no traces of dirt? So that this step does not become one of the most thoughtless actions in your life, be sure to study the issue of cleaning such a delicate surface - in general, stock up on different means, time and patience!

Home cleaning techniques

With an eraser

You are lucky if your ceiling is matte, because in this case, a regular eraser left over from school days can cope with especially stubborn stains. Just do not overdo it, otherwise you will wipe a hole at the place of pollution.

Water + alcohol

If you do not have a special polish, simply use a mild solution of warm water and a small amount of alcohol / vodka (based on 1 liter of liquid 1 table. l. of the drug). It is an excellent remedy for removing streaks after wet washing of the stretch fabric, which also saves from dust. And remember that abrasive, kerosene-containing and acetone-containing preparations are completely prohibited.

Ammonia hydrate

Dish detergent

It is quite possible to save a stretch ceiling from a layer of soot after cooking: it is enough to foam 1 tsp. l. kitchen detergent in a small container of heated water (max. admissible temperature- 35 degrees, higher is prohibited). It is important to achieve a thick, fluffy foam, because it is she who will go into business, and not a concentrated solution.

Be sure to remove the jewelry from your hands before the procedure, so as not to damage the delicate canvas. Then take a fiberglass / flannel cloth or sponge, use it to apply a little of the product to the ceiling, and wipe it down without firm pressure. Wash off the remains clean water using a different rag. Absorb moisture with soft paper towels.

Soap solution

This is the most inexpensive and simple option, which has three interpretations:

  1. addition to water liquid soap no dye;
  2. dissolving toilet soap;
  3. rubbing laundry soap into shavings and whipping the liquid until foam.

In all cases, the water should be warm. The concentration of the preparation depends on your needs: when there are no stubborn stains, you need a regular, mild solution.

Washing powder

Choose a powder or stain remover for clothes that does not contain bleaching ingredients. It needs to be dissolved in such a way that there are no small grains left that can scratch the ceiling. If you are sure that you have not missed a single granule, you can treat stubborn problem stains with this product. Of course, this technique is too harsh for a simple wipe of settled dust - use it as a last resort.


The ammonia, which is a part of the preparation, is of particular value for the stretch fabric. That is, it makes sense to choose only those household chemicals that have ammonia on the label. Just spray it on and use a soft dry cloth to sweep over the surface as you would for a normal wash. window glass or mirrors. This method is great for removing stains from glossy PVC films because the surface is shiny and streak-free. But with all the convenience of the technique, do not rush to immediately test it on the entire ceiling: first, it is better to process an inconspicuous piece to make sure that a particular product is safe.


You don't need the alcohol itself, but a 10 percent solution. With the use of this substance, it is worth wiping the tarnished canvases so that they acquire an updated look. With just a few easy movements, the stretch ceiling shines again.

Washing Method for Cloth Cover

The peculiarity of this element of the interior is that it does not tolerate a very wide range of cleaning agents. For example, some of the above methods cannot be applied to it, in particular, washing with glass solutions, which will eat into the structure of the fabric, subsequently changing its color due to dye additives. In addition, such a surface does not tolerate circular movements when wiping with a rag. Inaccurate handling results in noticeable stains, and it is incredibly difficult to get rid of them.

Experts advise using water with the addition of washing powder / ammonia / soap / dish detergent, removing stubborn dirt with direct movements. By the way, such a ceiling is not afraid of abrasives, and this is its plus. And it can also be carefully vacuumed, getting rid of cobwebs, which is strictly prohibited in relation to film products.

Professional store products


How to wash a stretch ceiling so as not to spoil its appearance? It is a modern cleaning agent specially developed for stretch fabrics. It is packaged in ergonomic bottles that have a spray nozzle, which makes cleaning extremely easy, because it is often necessary to wipe the surface from a table or a ladder in uncomfortable conditions. It is notable for its gentle, but effective composition: it does not contain either alkalis or caustic acids, it is safe for delicate materials and for sensitive skin of the hands. Despite such a gentle influence, it copes with dirt perfectly.


Another popular professional aerosol agent designed for ceiling coverings. Harmless and powerful, it removes soap stains in the bathroom, grease with settled soot, and ingrained insect marks and dusty streaks. It is convenient to hold the bottle of the universal drug in the hands during the cleaning process, which is also a huge plus.

Mister Muscle

It perfectly removes dirt on stretched fabrics, including deposited vapors from cooking food. Washes away any specific kitchen stains without leaving any unsightly marks. It has a non-toxic and non-aggressive effect, making it suitable for all cases.

LOC from Amway

A universal remedy loved by many owners. It helps to easily and quickly clean a delicate surface, even a glossy texture, because it does not create streaks and gives the materials a special freshness and shine. Suitable for those who take care of their home and do not want unnecessary problems. Perhaps you shouldn't overpay, but this is the price of comfortable cleaning and high-quality results.

Care Noir

An innovative well-known product that copes with a wide range of contaminants. He can be entrusted with a stretch fabric that needs a gentle and effective cleaning.

Other branded products

You can use special formulations recommended by the manufacturer specifically for your ceiling. Who else but the manufacturer knows what exactly is right for the surface they create? If it is not possible to do this, choose any similar product sold in a household chemicals store. Just consider the following conditions:

"How and with what to wash a stretch ceiling" - such a question sooner or later poses to any owner of such a coating. In this case, it all depends on the type of canvas - each material has its own rules of care. However, in general, operating rules do not require specific skills or knowledge.

Types of ceilings

In order to understand how to properly wash stretch ceilings, you should understand the difference between them and their design features... There are the following types of such a coating based on the material of the canvas:

  • fabric;
  • fabric seamless.

It goes without saying that the stretch ceiling should be washed, taking into account the characteristics of the material.

Stretch ceilings can be cleaned either with soapy water or dry. In this case, it all depends on the degree of pollution. The ceiling should be cleaned regularly, as it will be difficult to remove stubborn dirt, even from a PVC surface.

If you do not know how to wash a stretch ceiling, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • when dry cleaning, dust is simply brushed off with a special napkin;
  • wet cleaning should be carried out only with special cleaning agents. Such substances do not leave streaks and do not spoil the structure of the material, however, it is imperative to wipe the surface dry.

With wet cleaning, the dirt is first removed, then wiped and polished. The latter is needed if it is a glossy or matte PVC ceiling.

Before you start washing your stretch ceiling, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • You can use a soft sponge, flannel cloth, or microfiber cloth to clean the surface. The material must be soft;
  • in no case should you scrape off dirt from the surface with metal or plastic tools at hand. This can lead to the fact that the canvas will be damaged, without the possibility of recovery;
  • a mop can be used to simplify the cleaning process. However, you need to be very careful, since this device has sharp corners, which can also damage the material.

Detergent solutions

You can clean the stretch ceiling qualitatively if you follow the following recommendations regarding the cleaning solution:

  • only the foam of the cleaning solution is suitable for washing, concentrated liquids cannot be used, especially if the ceiling is with a photo print;
  • the liquid must be warm - this will help to effectively remove dirt and not harm the canvas;
  • do not use abrasive cleaning agents, regardless of the type of cloth;
  • Good stretch ceiling cleaning agents should contain ammonia and an antistatic agent. An antistatic agent will help keep the surface clean for a long time, as it prevents the accumulation of dust on the surface.

Washing a matte ceiling

It is somewhat easier to wash a matte stretch coating than a glossy one, since there are no streaks on the surface. To remove dirt and dust, you can use a mild dish detergent solution. Window spray is also a good choice. In case of stubborn dirt, the surface can be cleaned with steam. In any case, be sure to wipe the surface dry.

Cleaning the glossy ceiling

Tension glossy ceiling somewhat more difficult to clean as the surface is susceptible to scratches. In addition, stains are very clearly visible on such a surface.

You can wash the stretch ceiling with a glossy surface as follows:

  • for washing, you can only use napkins from soft tissue... Sponges are not suitable as they can leave small scratches;
  • to remove stubborn dirt, use a special substance for glossy surfaces. You need to breed it strictly according to the instructions;
  • in order for the surface to be glossy after washing, it must be wiped with a solution of ammonia and water, in a ratio of 1 to 10. If there is no alcohol, you can use vodka;
  • at the final stage, the canvas is wiped dry and lightly, with soft circular movements, polished.

Washing the fabric ceiling

How to wash fabric stretch ceilings can be correctly told by the specialists who installed it, since much depends on the type of fabric itself. In general, the fabric can be washed correctly if the following recommendations are taken into account:

  • to remove contamination, you need to use only special solutions or sprays;
  • it is impossible, even with strong pollution, to use abrasive cleaning agents;
  • movements should be from side to side, soft and smooth, without pressure;
  • if no special detergent is available, a mild powder solution designed for delicate fabrics can be used.

Based on the foregoing, we can confidently say that you can wash a stretch ceiling made of fabric, but this must be done very carefully.

Cleaning frequency

The frequency of washing the stretch ceiling depends on the degree of soiling. In this case, the room itself plays an important role. So, in the kitchen, you will have to wash the ceiling much more often than in the bedroom. In any case, this should be done only when necessary. The canvas must always be treated with a special antistatic agent so that dust does not accumulate.

How and with what to wash the stretch ceiling correctly, taking into account the peculiarities of the material from which the canvas is made, the specialists who will install it can tell for sure. It should also be noted that the surface must be cleaned at such intervals that there is no intense contamination. In this case, the tensioning structure will last as long as possible and without deteriorating its appearance.

During home general cleaning, housewives often ask themselves the question of how to wash a stretch ceiling without damaging the canvases, resulting in the pristine cleanliness of ceiling coverings.

Stretch ceiling coverings of different types

After the appearance of stretch ceilings, a revolution took place in the repair of coatings. They are easy to mount, whitewash dirt does not form during installation, there is no need to take out heaps of garbage.

Cloths do not require careful maintenance, but over time they need to be cleaned, and some, for example, installed in the kitchen or bathroom, washed with water and special agents.

Before washing the stretch ceiling, you should pay attention to what materials the coverings are made of. Existing coatings there are several types: fabric or PVC films. The most popular are PVC canvases - matte or glossy coatings.

Usually, a special antiseptic layer is applied to expensive canvases that can repel dust, so the maintenance of stretch ceilings is reduced to minimal effort.

But in order for the coatings to serve for a long time, you need to pay attention to some of the nuances of caring for such canvases and understand whether it is possible to wash stretch ceilings.

Where are stretch ceilings and types of pollution

How often stretch ceilings need to be washed depends on where they are installed. So, the canvases mounted in the kitchen area, of course, get dirty faster than in other rooms. Drops of fat fall on them, soot settles. Condensation that forms during cooking aggravates the picture.

Bathroom coatings often have limescale from water droplets and steam. If they are not removed in a timely manner, immediately after bathing, then over time it will become more and more difficult to do.

If the family has children who like to splash during water procedures, you should think about installing a horizontal curtain during their bathing, which will undoubtedly protect the coating film.

If tension canvases are installed in the loggia of the apartment, then here you can simply periodically wipe the ceiling from dust with a dry rag or paper towels. This will have to be done quite often, since the loggia is a rather dusty place if the windows overlook a road with heavy traffic.

In residential areas, where dirt and dust do not accumulate too much, during cleaning, it is enough to fan the canvas with a soft cloth or napkin.

How often do the stretch fabrics clean and wash?

The frequency of cleaning the ceiling depends a lot on the place of installation. Experts recommend performing the procedure at least a couple of times a year, and in some rooms even more often.

So kitchen ceilings, when big family where food preparation takes place almost daily more than once, it is worth washing once every two to three months, using detergents. Otherwise, the surface will look sloppy, over time, yellow oily spots will form on it, which are difficult to remove.

In living rooms, where the whole family usually gathers, the installation of glossy ceilings is quite acceptable. Here you can mount a multi-level structure, with designer lamps... It is quite acceptable to clean such coatings once or twice a year, during general cleaning.

Cabinets and bedrooms are most often decorated with matte or suede canvases. There is no particular accumulation of dirt here. In addition, if expensive materials are installed, with an antiseptic layer, it is enough to wipe paper towel or a soft gauze cloth a couple of times a year.

Children's rooms with mounted stretch ceilings should be washed as they become dirty. Anything can happen here. A child, while drawing with paints, is able to wave a wet brush and leave splashes on all surfaces, sometimes it may be necessary to wash the glue from the stretch ceiling. Fascinated by the game, he can launch a dart with a suction cup, from which, if the situation is favorable, only a stain will remain.

Therefore, the nursery can be ranked among the places where you will have to wash the stretch ceiling not once or twice a year, but as it gets dirty.

In hallways, corridors and other utility rooms, it is enough to walk with a soft cloth over the entire surface, brushing off dust and cobwebs. There is no particular contamination on these ceilings, so it is enough to clean them during general cleaning.

Materials and safety

Before washing the stretch ceiling, it is worth taking care of detergents, improvised materials and observing some safety rules while cleaning the canvases. For work you will need:

  • stable stepladder or table;
  • microfiber napkins, foam sponges, paper towels, soft rags or gauze rags;
  • detergents suitable for cleaning PVC materials;
  • comfortable mops, no sharp corners in construction;
  • rubber gloves and comfortable, non-hindering clothing.

Before starting work, you need to remove watches, bracelets, rings with stones and other jewelry from your hands, so as not to damage the fragile canvas by negligence. Clothes should also not have accessories with sharp edges.

For work, it is better to take a table, since the surface of the ceiling is large and it is not very convenient to do it from a stepladder.

If the household has a mop with a handle of sufficient length, then you can use it. But it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that it would be without sharp corners and during operation to monitor the pressing force. Otherwise, the canvas can be scratched, which is irreparable on a glossy surface, or damaged.

By pressing strongly on the surface of the coating material, it is easy to stretch, deform, so you should not use brute force. This applies both to working with a mop and when washing with a sponge or napkin.

It is also unacceptable to scrape off dirty stains with sharp objects such as a scraper, knife or scissors. Damage to the surface in one place will lead to the replacement of the entire blade.

If water or aqueous solutions of detergents are used to clean the tensioning cloths, turn off the electricity before working in the room, even if rubber gloves are used.

It is worth noting that it is more convenient to do all the work together. The assistant can provide the necessary napkin or sponge in time, change the water or suggest a place where it is not yet cleanly washed.

If you have any doubts that you cannot cope with the work of cleaning ceilings at home on your own, it is better to call specialists.

Use of detergents

Experts advise using only substances intended for these purposes for washing stretch ceilings without streaks. The main thing when cleaning surfaces is to use the composition for the surface of which it is intended:

  • existing polishes are perfect for glossy ceilings;
  • various aerosol formulations are selected individually for each type of surface (matte, glossy, fabric, colored or patterned);
  • ready-made alcohol solutions are diluted according to the instructions.

Of course, they are more expensive than homemade ones, prepared on their own, but they are safe for any ceiling materials, substances. By applying them, you can get a perfect surface.

If desired, the detergent composition can be prepared at home. The main and indispensable condition will be not to use substances with abrasive components.

For the rest, when preparing the solution, you need to ask the advice of the masters involved in installing coatings in the premises. Or use a piece of material that often remains after repairs, and test the liquid on it, applying it for a while.

If the material has not deformed, has not changed the color or shade of the pattern, then the composition is applied over the entire surface.

Most often, a glass or dishwashing liquid is taken. Moreover, using dishwasher compounds, it is worth noting that they need not only be diluted, but beaten into foam and already applied to the surface.

Alcohol or vodka solutions remove dirt and various stains well. Alcohol is diluted at the rate of 1:10; it is quite enough to dilute vodka in half. You can also prepare ammonia. You shouldn't do a lot of concentration.

With this solution, it is good to clean the stretch ceiling from soot in the kitchen. The same composition is prepared in case of smoking indoors, it helps to wash the surface of nicotine.

All applied solutions are washed off with warm water with a sponge, and then wiped with a soft cloth, microfiber napkins or paper towels.

You should not experiment with substances containing various acids, acetone, soda, mustard and various washing powders, the composition of which is often unknown. As a result, using such means, you can get a rather deplorable result, which can lead to the replacement of the entire canvas.

Be extremely careful when using chlorine bleach on white film coatings. First, if possible, consult with specialists, but it is better not to apply at all, since the canvas can be damaged without restoration.

Glossy surfaces - how to wash them properly

Glossy canvases are the most capricious part of the interior, so it is better to wash a glossy stretch ceiling with special sprays or aerosols purchased in stores. As a last resort, you can use a mirrors or glass cleaner. After all, gloss gives the same shine as mirror or glass surfaces.

In this case, a large number of soft cloths, microfiber cloths or short-pile towels must be prepared in advance.

Having sprinkled the ceiling sheet two or three times, the liquid must be wiped off, but not in a circular motion, but along the seam or wall, in a straight line, back and forth. After such cleaning, the entire surface is wiped dry. In this case, it will turn out to wash the stretch glossy ceilings without streaks.

To improve the mirror effect, at the final stage, the surface must be cleaned with a weak solution of ammonia and rubbed with a soft paper towel, bringing a gloss.

Before you wash the glossy ceiling, perhaps after examining it, you should conclude that you can get by with the usual wiping with a microfiber cloth. Often this procedure gives a satisfactory result, since in this case, without the use of liquid, there are no streaks, and the mirror surface will shine again.

Perhaps for a correct understanding of how to wash a glossy stretch ceiling, watching a video will help someone.

Matt ceilings and their care

Such canvases can be cleaned and washed without the fear of leaving streaks. They are simply not visible on them.

You can wash the matte stretch ceiling with plain warm water. For stubborn dirt, it is recommended to apply a weak solution of dishwashing liquid or a compound for cleaning glasses, mirrors.

It is worth using shavings of laundry soap with caution, as after drying, an unpleasant plaque may appear on the surface. Better, after using this tool, rinse the ceiling several times with warm water.

To properly wash heavily soiled matte kitchen tension surfaces, a solution of ammonia is used. In a liter of water, 100 g of ammonia is diluted. If the solution is highly concentrated and unpleasant to work with, water can be added.

After washing all dirt and greasy stains, the surface is washed with clean warm water and wiped dry with a napkin or soft cloth.

How to care for fabric surfaces

Fabric ceilings - delicate coating therefore, you need to clean them with extreme care. Various detergents they are used only with very strong pollution, which is quite a rare occurrence in a home environment, therefore it is better to do with the dry method.

The ceilings of fabrics are composed of interlacing threads that resemble a canvas, so to clean them it is better to use a regular brush with soft bristles that will not damage the coating.

If, nevertheless, the appeared contamination is removed only by drastic measures, it is worth remembering that alcoholic liquids and solutions containing dyes cannot be used. Do not use hard brushes or washcloths to remove stains.

It is better if it is a weak composition of washing powder, while not a water solution is applied to the surface, but the resulting foam.

At substandard materials stains may remain on the surface, which is problematic to remove, and sometimes impossible. Therefore, before using a liquid cleaning agent, it is best to test the composition on a piece left after repair or in a completely invisible place.

Unlike PVC film ceilings, fabric materials not capable long time retain moisture when leaking. The microporous texture gradually begins to allow moisture to pass through, therefore, as soon as possible, you need to call specialists in the installation of this type of coating and remove the fabric to dry.

It will not work to wash the fabric stretch ceiling after a leak, when the water has already done its job, stains will be visible in any case. In the best way there will be a replacement for the entire canvas.

You can often hear that ceiling coverings can be washed with a steam mop.

Still, such recommendations should be treated with caution. Steam is always a high temperature, and even use hot water when washing PVC films, experts do not advise. This can deform the coating, sag the canvas and ruin the entire look of the room.

Therefore, before using the advice in practice, it is worth trying it out on a small and inconspicuous area or a piece left after repair. Otherwise, you will have to change the expensive coating.

Vacuuming can make it easier to dry dust off coatings, but remember that you shouldn't press the nozzle tightly to the surface. This can also lead to deformation of the canvas, and sometimes damage the structure.

In this case, it is better to turn on the device at low speed or keep the brush 2-3 cm from the ceiling, which is not always possible.

Perhaps a home craftsman will be able to design a soft nozzle that allows you to vacuum the surface without problems, and keep the vacuum cleaner extension at the same distance from the ceiling.

Having installed stretch ceilings once, you can enjoy smooth and clean surfaces for a long time, the main thing is to learn how to properly care for them.

Quite often, consumers have a question about how and how to wash matte, fabric or glossy stretch ceilings. Our article will help you in this matter. Such unique material, like a stretching fabric, requires careful handling. Although some manufacturers claim that the stretch ceiling does not need washing and special cleaning, you still have to do it at least occasionally. Such simple maintenance will preserve the impeccable appearance of the stretch fabrics and extend the service life of the product.

Cleaning types and materials required

Before washing stretch ceilings, you should learn about the basic methods of caring for such surfaces, as well as stock up on all the necessary cleaning products. Washing stretch ceilings is easy to do with your own hands. Currently, the maintenance of stretch ceilings in the apartment is carried out in one of the following ways:

In the first case, cleaning is done using a soft, dry cloth. It is good if it is lint-free, otherwise it can stick to the ceiling surface. The stretch ceiling is rubbed without strong pressure.

For wet cleaning of the stretch ceiling, you should choose a washcloth and any non-aggressive surface cleaning agent. But there are some nuances here, which you will learn about later.

The choice of cleaning method depends on the type of stretch fabric. The choice of improvised means also depends on this. You will need some of them anyway:

  • small stepladder:
  • a piece of soft cloth;
  • non-abrasive sponge;
  • a vacuum cleaner with a special brush head;
  • special non-caustic and non-abrasive cleaning agents.

In the end, it's up to you to decide what to wash at home, but before starting the process, read the basic rules for caring for matte, fabric and glossy stretch ceilings.

How to clean stretch ceilings: care rules

Before washing stretch ceilings in the bathroom, in the kitchen or in the living room, it is worth studying 6 rules for caring for matte, fabric and glossy stretch ceilings. Our tips will help hostesses keep their house clean and properly clean the surface of the ceilings.

  1. The first and basic rule is that it is strictly forbidden to wash stretch ceilings using hard brushes or abrasive sponges. Such cleaning agents can damage the stretch fabrics. Better to choose a regular washcloth or cloth and soak them in a water solution of soap. The surface is washed without strong pressure. To protect glossy stretch ceilings from soapy water marks, wipe the surface dry after washing.
  2. Before washing the stretch ceiling, you should say goodbye to any jewelry on your hands. In this case, a sign, never shoot wedding ring, can work against you, because the film can be easily damaged (punctured or scratched) with the sharp edge of the ring.
  3. Remember that the use of any abrasive paste or cream is strictly prohibited, no matter what kind of ceilings you are going to wash: matte, glossy or fabric. This is especially true for glossy canvases. To remove dirt on stretch ceilings, it is better to choose sprays. By the way, sprays with ammonia perfectly clean all dirt and leave no residue.
  4. Before you wash your stretch ceilings, make sure that your product does not contain acetone. The reaction of the film to such an ingredient can be the most unpredictable: the canvas will wrinkle, deteriorate or change its shade. If you are in doubt about the composition of the product you are using, you can do a little test before using it. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the area of ​​the ceiling that is hidden from your view (behind the cornice or in the areas where the lamps are mounted), wait 15 minutes and check the surface of the canvas. If the canvas is in order, then you can safely use the tool. If it has changed, then the solution cannot be used.
  5. To avoid damage to the material, it is worth cleaning gently without pressure. By the way, you can wash all the dirt on the ceilings using a special mop, the main thing is not to overdo it with pressure.
  6. According to the manufacturer's instructions, the sheets are easy to clean with a regular vacuum cleaner. It is best to clean cloth-based surfaces, though. It should be noted that most canvases pass special treatment, thanks to which they do not attract dust.

We got acquainted with general provisions cleaning ceilings, then we will consider in more detail how and what to wash matte, glossy and fabric.

How to clean glossy stretch ceilings?

As you already understood from what was written above, it is better to wash structures with glossy stretch canvases with products with ammonia, which will prevent the formation of soap stains. However, it should be added that in any case, the tool must be tested on an invisible part of the surface.

To increase the shine, it is better to wash glossy stretch ceilings with a piece of soft cloth. Ammonia products also enhance the mirror effect. Always dry the ceiling after a damp wash.

To clean glossy stretch ceilings from dust after repairs, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a brush tip (accessories for each unit must contain such a brush). Please note that the power of the vacuum cleaner should be minimal. If possible, try not to touch the canvas with the nozzle so as not to scratch it.

How to wash matte stretch ceilings?

Matt stretch ceilings are made by impregnating a woven base with polyurethane compounds. Although such canvases do not scratch and do not collect dust, they still need to be washed sometimes.

Matte canvases are easier to clean than glossy stretch ceilings because we can use any non-abrasive acetone-free cleaners. This is due to the fact that no traces will remain on the canvas.

The ideal cleaning method for such a canvas is water vapor. Suitable for cleaning ceilings in the kitchen soft remedies with a degreasing effect. It is recommended to wipe the ceiling after washing or steaming.

How to wash fabric stretch ceilings?

The most important thing to do in order to wash fabric stretch ceilings is to be very careful, because the canvas is very easy to damage.

After reading the notes on glass cleaning sprays, we can conclude that it is better not to use them for fabric canvases, since the ingredients can penetrate into the structure of the web and cause its discoloration.

Circular movements in this case are inappropriate. They will create more divorces. Therefore, the directions of movement when washing should be towards and away from you.

In the most extreme cases, with very heavy contamination, you can use water solution powder. But it is worth remembering that fabric stretch canvases cannot be rubbed for a long time in the same place. This could damage the web.

How and with what to wash the stretch ceilings at home, you already understood. However, in some situations, a more thorough cleaning may be required. In this case, it is worth inviting specialists. You can see how a professional cleaning of canvases is carried out in the proposed video.