How to sleep according to Feng Shui. Eastern wisdom for home comfort

When moving to new apartment or when rearranging furniture, you want all the necessary interior items to "flow" into the room and bring only benefit. A special place in the bedroom should be occupied by the bed, since a person spends most of his time in it. Approximately 40 hours a week is spent on sleeping, another ten hours spent on rest, reading books or watching movies. Therefore, many people think about how to properly arrange their sleeping place.

The question of how and where to sleep with your head correctly can be viewed from several sides. Experts of the popular direction of Feng Shui advise one thing, yogis approach the issue from the other side, and there are also recommendations on Vastu Shastra and simple human nature and common sense.
What yogis advise
Yogis adhere to the "magnetic field" theory. In accordance with it, a person should have a bed with his head to the north or northeast. People, like the planet Earth, have their own electromagnetic field. The north is at our head, and the south is at our feet. To feel great after sleep, to be energetic and vigorous, it is necessary that the poles of a person and the Earth are "attracted". And since the electromagnetic north of the Earth is located at the south geographic pole, and the magnetic south at the north, we should sleep with our head to the north.

We sleep in Feng Shui
Experts in this area are very serious about this issue, as they believe that it is the “right” direction for a person that gives him vitality, health, success and love.

All four directions are favorable for sleep, but each person has "his" direction, right for him. For example, one person sleeping with his head to the north gives health and energy, while another - love. To find out your "favorable" side, you need to calculate the number of Gua:

  1. Write your year of birth on a piece of paper.
  2. Add the last two digits. If the number remains in two digits, add again (for example, 1982: 8 + 2 = 10; 1 + 0 = 1).
  3. Do one of the following with the resulting number:
    • if you are a man, subtract your number from 10;
    • a boy born since 2000 must be subtracted from 9;
    • if you are a representative of the fairer sex, then the resulting number should be added to 5;
    • a girl born in 2000 or later needs to add her number to 6.
  4. IMPORTANT! There is no Gua number equal to 5! If the total is 5, then for a man it will be 2, and for the fairer sex - 8.
  5. See your result. Western direction - 2,6,7,8. Eastern direction - 1,3,4,9.
Individual number
Favorable position
2 north-east, north-west, west and south-west
3 north, south, east, southeast
4 north, south, east, southeast
6 north-east, north-west, south-west, west
7 north-east, north-west, south-west and west
8 southwest, west, northwest, northeast
9 southeast, north, south, east

Adherents of the Feng Shui system also take into account the following rules:
  • you cannot sleep with your head and feet in the direction of the door;
  • place the bed so that your head is not towards the window;
  • do not place a sleeping place in front of a mirror.
If the spouses do not agree on individual directions, then it is necessary to look for a compromise solution to this "problem": lie down diagonally!

Vastu Shastra
Vastu Shastra is a direction based on the harmony of the entire Universe, which manifests itself in a solar, lunar and temporary influence on the mind and physiology of a person. Vastu, like feng shui, is formed on Vedic astrology and is also associated with Ayurveda. All vastu advice is given so that a person can achieve his perfection, can understand God and his essence.

According to vastu-shastra, one can sleep with his head in any direction except north and northeast. The explanation for this position is similar to the theory of yogis.

  • you cannot sleep with your head to the north, because in this case it turns out that your legs are directed to the south, to the kingdom of the god of death, Yama;
  • if you sleep with your head to the south, then you will be rich: your legs will lead you to the domain of Coover, the lord of the north and the god of wealth;
  • sleeping with your head to the east contributes to spiritual growth and brings kindness to a person's life, since the god of water, Varun, owns the western direction;
  • a dream with your head to the west contributes to the appearance of material prosperity and fame: in the east direction the king of the gods Indra rules.
Hello common sense and human nature
Man is such a unique creature in which everything is thought out and laid down by nature itself. Trust your body and inner self. You can choose a side intuitively. And if there is no intuition, or it is simply poorly developed, observe for a while how and where it is better for you to sleep with your head, when you get up vigorous and energetic, and when sluggish. You can even start a "Sleep Diary", on the basis of which you can then determine your individual direction of sleep.

Note, sometimes we wake up across the bed, although we went to bed normally. Here is the answer: the body itself has chosen the direction for rest. Moreover, it can be different every day. Listen to yourself.

Very often in our small apartments with uncomfortable layouts, it is not possible to put the bed with its head facing north or south, so we install a sleeping place where it fits better. Less prejudice, more positive emotions and feelings, and you will always wake up cheerful, energetic and in a good mood.

The ancient Chinese science of space harmonization - feng shui - states that the quality of life as a whole depends on the direction of a person's head during sleep. And it's not just about whether he slept well or not. It's just that each direction has its own energy that affects the sleeper, regardless of his desire.

Sleep with your head to the north. The northern direction of the head during a night's rest attracts calm and stability to life. Are you tired of endless shocks, surprises, unpleasant surprises fate? WITH today go to bed with your head north. Soon your life will enter a peaceful course, it will become more measured and understandable. The energy of the north is also good for spouses who are prone to frequent clarification of relationships: passions will subside, and the couple will become more united and harmonious. You should also sleep with your head to the north if you are unwell: this will allow you to heal sooner.

Sleep with your head to the northeast. Are you a person by nature indecisive, with difficulty making a choice? Or do you need to make an important, responsible decision? Place the bed with the headboard towards the northeast, and then the decision will come easily, without anguish and doubt. Do not worry, it will not be hasty: just thanks to the energy of this direction, your consciousness will begin to work more quickly, you will be able to analyze the situation faster and better and calculate the consequences. However, if you suffer from insomnia, the northeast can make this problem worse.

Sleep with your head to the east. Feel like your battery is dead? Catastrophically reduced tone and by the evening there is no strength even to raise a hand? Sleep with your head to the east, because it is in the east that the sun rises - the source of life on Earth. Within a few days you will feel a surge of new strength, you will want to act energetically and win. What seemed unattainable in principle will become a very real prospect.

Sleep with your head to the southeast. Here is the ideal direction for those who are internally squeezed, who suffer from various complexes (guilt, inferiority, and others)! Sleeping with your head to the southeast will relieve you of these psychological problems, will make you more self-confident, increase self-esteem and give self-confidence.

Sleep with your head south. It is recommended to choose the southern direction of the head of the bed for those who need to improve their financial situation. Of course, this will not bring easy money, but if you continue to work conscientiously, soon your career, and after it, incomes will steadily go up. There are two "buts": firstly, for this to work, you will have to sleep alone, and secondly, the powerful energy of the south is contraindicated for those who are under stress or are too impressionable and vulnerable.

Sleep with your head to the southwest. In this direction, it is worth putting a headboard for everyone who lacks down-to-earthness and practicality. Those who, due to a lack of worldly wisdom, often commit acts that later have to be regretted. Sleeping with your head to the southwest also helps improve family and community relationships.

Sleep with your head to the west. This direction is suitable for those who are tired of the monotony of gray everyday life. If you want to bring creativity, sensuality and romance into your existence, lie down to rest your head to the west. Day by day you will notice that interesting events in life it becomes more and more. You will have more creative ideas and non-standard options for their implementation.

If you put your marital bed as your headboard to the west, your sex life will change dramatically: you and your husband will feel stronger attraction and love for each other.

Sleep with your head to the northwest. Going to sleep with your head to the northwest is recommended if you lack leadership skills. It will become easier for you to take responsibility, you will feel more confident, stable and morally stronger. In addition, this direction is favorable for the elderly: sleep becomes deeper and longer.

Don't forget about the rules of sleep.

  • Never sleep with your head or feet to front door in the bedroom - this will not allow you to fully rest and bring health problems.
  • Don't put your bed under ceiling beams: they destroy the energy of the bedroom.
  • Do not place the bed in the direction between the window and the door. Energy flows from window to door and back pass through sleepers, and this is harmful to health and family relationships.

Adequate sleep is the foundation of human health. How to sleep properly in Feng Shui, where to put your head and others useful tips can be found in this teaching.

Feng Shui Teachings: An Overview

The phrase "feng shui" literally translates as "wind and water". This ancient Chinese philosophical teaching studies the basics correct organization space, the location of the house and objects in it. The practice is based on the fact that different energy flows flow in separate directions. Therefore, the task of a person is to identify favorable waves and use them as much as possible for his physical and mental health.

Main idea

The fundamental concept of feng shui is that space, incl. material objects, inanimate objects and living beings are permeated with energy flows. They are constantly changing, interacting with each other and creating more or less harmonious combinations. This explains why you need to properly organize the space in the house - for example, go to bed according to the orientation of the bedroom and bed to the cardinal points.

Each point in space has a unique energy pattern. Just as there are no two identical people, there are no two identical zones. At the same time, the teaching of Feng Shui proceeds from the fact that there are no zones of love, family comfort, health or wealth as such. The calculation of a harmonious combination and the correct ratio in each case is different. But there are also general advice about how to sleep according to Feng Shui, where to lie down with your head, etc.

Thus, this philosophical practice studies the harmony of a person's living space and offers a system of specific rules for the orientation of houses, rooms in them, objects in rooms, as well as people in relation to the cardinal points and each other.

The energies of Qi and Shen-Qi

The basic concepts of feng shui are two types of energy:

  1. Qi are currents that penetrate through the space of the house, separate rooms and plots. It should go freely through all objects and corners, so it is not recommended to clutter up the apartment, create difficult-to-pass places.
  2. Shen Qi is a beneficial energy that helps to cope with stress and life trials. This is the breath of life, which is calculated individually for each person, in accordance with his number of gua.

Time and space

In the teachings of feng shui, it is believed that energy moves at the same time:

  • in time (measured by the calendar);
  • in space (guided by a compass).

In accordance with this, a classification has been developed environment for 5 elements:

  • Fire;
  • Earth;
  • metal;
  • wood;
  • water.

Each element has its own energy, which must be taken into account when organizing design in the bedroom and throughout the house.

Feng Shui sleep harmonization

Advice on how to sleep Feng Shui is one of the most interesting things philosophical teaching... Recommendations relate to where to lie down with your head, how to orient the bedroom and bed, so that the interaction of energy flows leads to harmonious combinations that have a positive effect on the mental and physical health of a person.

Sleeping place

Feng Shui claims that it is not only the orientation of the direction of the head that is important, but also the position of the bed:

  1. Resting with your feet forward to the exit is undesirable.
  2. It is not necessary to place the sleeping place close to the wall in which the interior door is located.
  3. Shelves, beams, chandeliers, mezzanines and other objects should not hang over the bed.
  4. Do not place the bed on the door-window line.
  5. Sharp corners of furniture should not "look" in the direction of the bed.

Gua numbers

Another facet of the teaching is the division of people into categories, in accordance with the numbers of the gua. The required calculation is very simple to carry out:

  1. All the numbers of the year of birth are added so that one digit is obtained. For example, 1986: 1 + 9 + 8 + 6 = 24; 2 + 4 = 6.
  2. Further, 10 should be subtracted from this figure for men: 10-6 = 4; for the female sex - add 5 to the figure: 6 + 5 = 11.

If you get two-digit numbers, add all the digits to get a single-digit number. As a result, two options are possible.

Correct layout of the house

The layout of the house is of great importance, since the flow of energy depends on it, where you should sleep with your head for a normal rest. Therefore, it is important to know not only where to sleep with your head in Feng Shui, but also where to optimally position the bedroom:

  1. The room should be located as far as possible from the entrance to the apartment or house.
  2. The location of the room in the southwest and northeast is unfavorable, the rest of the cardinal points can be chosen boldly.
  3. It is optimal if the room has a regular square or slightly elongated rectangular shape.
  4. It is strictly not allowed to have a bedroom next to a bathroom or toilet.

If this is not possible, it is better to place the bed as far as possible from the wall adjacent to these auxiliary rooms.

Bed layout is another one important principle Feng Shui teachings, along with where to lie down. To sleep as comfortable as possible, and sleep has become a full night's rest, the bed should be correctly positioned in accordance with the cardinal points. It all depends on the characteristics of the person:

  1. It is undesirable for lonely people to sleep with their heads to the north, since such an orientation leads to an increase in the feeling of melancholy.
  2. Sleeping with your head to the northwest or southeast is advised for those who are in this moment has big life plans, strives for career building and his own development.
  3. People who are healthy, lead an active lifestyle and do not suffer from any sleep disorders are oriented towards the northeast. It is to them that you can lay down your head in this direction.
  4. Another tip on where to sleep with your head in Feng Shui concerns people with a romantic personality. It is better for them to orient themselves to the west.
  5. Southwest orientation is not recommended for anyone. Because in this case, sleep will become restless, and self-confidence will begin to decline. In this case, no one should lie down with his head in the southwest direction.
  6. But sleeping with your head to the east is a favorable position for all people, especially for the elderly.
  7. Southeast recommendation is recommended for those who already long time is implementing an important plan, but has not yet been able to achieve reliable results. If you lie down with your head like this, you can bring your dreams closer.
  8. To the south, you can sleep with your head for people who would like to develop the qualities of sociability, sociability.

In any case, the head of the bed should not be facing the window - this is an unfavorable energy combination.

Organizing a referral for sleeping in Hinduism

Hindu philosophy has its own unique ideas about how to sleep properly, where to put your head so that a night's rest is as beneficial as possible for human health.

The idea of ​​the yogis' teachings is that like the Earth, so each person has his own electromagnetic field: north by head, and south by feet. Therefore, in the question of where to sleep with your head, the teaching gives an unambiguous answer: you should focus on the north or north-east direction. If the bed cannot be positioned in this way, it is placed with the headboard to the east.

Vastu is an ancient Indian philosophy that, like Feng Shui, gives advice on the harmonious organization of living space, including where to sleep with your head. The main recommendation is to orient the headboard to the east. The vastu-shastra indicate that such an arrangement is harmoniously combined with the movement of the Earth and other celestial bodies.


Along with vastu, there is also the Vedic teaching, which suggests that a person should not go to bed with his head to the north, but it is always better to orient himself to the south. Then the very energy of the Earth will harmonize with the human body. This has a beneficial effect not only on sleep, but also on the health of the body as a whole.

Very often, the realities of apartment planning do not allow one to comply with the teachings of Feng Shui, the Vedas and other philosophical practices. Then it is necessary to take into account the most important tips and do what at least you can do, for example:

  • do not place any objects above the bed;
  • do not put a mirror in front of the bed;
  • curtain the computer and TV at night, or remove them from the bedroom;
  • put the bed as far as possible from the door and from the window.

Body position in a dream

It is very important to observe the correct position of the body in a dream, as well as Feng Shui advice on where to sleep with your head. Each person, if desired, can be convinced of this by his own example.

The correct energy flows largely depend on the orientation of the bed and the body to the cardinal points - in this almost all Eastern practices converge. The consequences of non-compliance are expressed in chronic sleep disorders, lack of sleep, anxiety. Ultimately, this adversely affects the state of the whole organism.

A Critical View of the Doctrines

Feng Shui is usually criticized as a pseudoscientific doctrine that does not have material and scientific evidence. At the same time, the presence of the earth's magnetic poles, electric fields and their influence on the human body has been proven. Therefore, everyone can independently choose whether to listen to the advice of practitioners or not. In such cases, it is important to pay attention to your own feelings and listen to your intuition.

The necessary tips on where to sleep with your head in Feng Shui, how to orient the bed and organize the space correctly, only work if you combine each of them wisely. If some of the tips cannot be followed, you should try to implement the basic rules as much as possible. In special cases, when it is difficult to fall asleep and fully rest in a dream, they invite a Feng Shui specialist.

Fortune-telling should be done on certain days, the best of which is Friday. Do not try to find out your fate in church holidays, Monday, Sunday and the days of the death of relatives.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Where to sleep with your head in Feng Shui

How to sleep according to feng shui - this question is asked by many, because it is in the bedroom that we spend at least a third of the day. The correct position of the bed, its orientation to the cardinal points, the furnishings of the bedroom - every nuance matters.

Cardinal points

The doctrine does not give an unambiguous answer to this question; everyone must choose his own version.


A bedroom in the north according to feng shui is good, but put the bed with a headboard to the north -optimal solution... So it will correspond not only to the correct passage of the Chi energy, but also magnetic fields planets that should not enter into countercurrent with those of a sleeping person. Sleeping head north in Feng Shui means getting enough sleep and waking up on time in a cheerful mood every morning.


Sleeping head south is recommended for those feeling recession vital energy... If you need fresh ideas, or you feel bored with everything and want to cheer up a little, position the bed so that it is located with the headboard to the south. This will literally turn everything upside down. But it is not recommended to sleep like this all the time - after a maximum of a week, you will need to change the position.


Highly a good option for orientation of the matrimonial bed. Those who are lonely should not sleep with their heads to the west - this position of the body during sleep helps to raise vitality, which will also affect libido. You will desperately want romantic relationship, and if they are not and are not yet foreseen, this will only increase the feeling of loneliness.


Creative natures who constantly need inspiration, as well as everyone who has low self-esteem, can afford to sleep in feng shui to the east. If everything is fine with the latter, then putting the bed with your head to the east is not recommended - it is dangerous to increase selfishness and a tendency to self-centeredness.

How to sleep properly

There are other rules that are not related to the cardinal points, but affect the quality of sleep.

  • The bed should be placed with the headboard close to the wall.
  • Do not sleep too high (on the second tier of the bed) or too low (on the floor or a low couch), this will disrupt the flow of Chi.
  • The bed is not placed opposite the doorway or the headboard to the window.
  • Directly above the bed there should be a flat ceiling (not sloped!), Without chandeliers,

There is a fairly widespread opinion that the position that the human body takes during rest and sleep relative to the cardinal points always has great value for the completeness of the feeling of inner harmony, good health and even the present family happiness. Ideal sleeping position - head north...

To some, all this seems stupid, without any basis. However, those who adhere to the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui will certainly want to try everything on themselves in order to agree with the point of view of the yogis or refute it.

According to yogis, a person has electromagnetic field. The body is a kind of compass, in which the north is the crown, but the soles of the feet are the legs. In order to get a good sleep and wake up in the morning vigorous and rested in a great mood, you need to coordinate your own field with a common electromagnetic field of the entire Earth.

A person's head during sleep should be directed north or northeast, it is considered the most correct posture that benefits health and improves well-being. If the bedroom cannot be rescheduled to make this possible, the head of the bed should be turned to the east.

This theory of yogis was adhered to by Charles Dickens, who always used a compass to correctly position his bed, namely: so that his head was directed to the north, and the lines of the magnetic field passed through the body during sleep.

Which way to sleep with your head in Feng Shui

Feng Shui teaching- the art of decorating a living space, aimed at achieving success by those people who live in the house. Of course, if the house is just being built, then it is much easier to implement all the ideas for arranging a bedroom that this teaching recommends. But keep in mind that sometimes a light rearrangement of furniture is enough to arrange the living space as correctly as possible from the point of view of feng shui.

The followers of Eastern philosophy and medicine are convinced that in addition to physical concepts and phenomena that can be heard, smelled, tasted, seen or touched, there is also an invisible flow of electromagnetic energy. In the East, this energy has various names, in China - qi, in India - prana, and in Japan - ki.

There are two methods that can change your life for the better according to Feng Shui:

  1. During sleep, a person should take such a position of the body so that a powerful flow of energy passing through the building has a positive effect on the qi energy of the person himself. This can be achieved by correctly designing those premises in which a person spends the most time. At home, this is a bedroom or living room, if family members like to relax there in their free time. Unfortunately, it is rarely possible to equip according to this theory. workplace, but it is at work that a person spends a lot of time every day.
  2. You can change the way energy travels to meet the critical needs of the people living in the home. People have different goals and desires. The main, of course, are health and inner harmony. But you need to know that all cardinal directions, four main and four intermediate ones, produce different type qi energy, and it feeds the energy of a person sleeping and resting.

Sleep with your head north

Ideal sleeping position - head north, it brings stability, good well-being, strengthens health and quickly heals from disease. This position of the body gives a person a sound sleep and peace of mind; in married couples, it contributes to greater affection.

Sleep with your head to the east

However, for the young and active people this direction is too calm, it does not correspond to age needs. For them, the position when the head is directed is more suitable. to the East, according to the course of celestial bodies. The energy of the East gives rise to any business, gives vigor in the morning, the desire to speed up the course of life, because the East has always been considered the spiritual principle and the focus of freedom of spirit and the flow of mind.

Sleep with your head west

Art people sleep on a bed with headboard west helps further development creativity... And the direction strictly south is ideal for careerists. It is believed that being in this position while sleeping can quickly climb the career ladder and even gain fame, but for emotional people this is not the case.

Sleep with your head northwest

Northwest the direction is suitable for mature, but rather even elderly people who need a long time to recover vitality... The northeast is not suitable for relaxation, but it brings a fighting spirit and helps in finding a purpose in life.

Sleep head southeast

If you sleep with your head to the southeast, you can overcome complexes and get an impulse of energy to start a new business. It is believed that the position of the body during sleep with the head to the southwest helps to find harmony.
As already noted, the attitude towards this theory is ambiguous. However, it is said to be worth a try!