Ukrainian fairy tales about winter. Writing a fairy tale about winter

At school, they asked me to compose a fairy tale about winter. The main thing is small. This task is quite difficult. First, writing a short story is not easy. We all know that brevity is the sister of talent. And secondly, I love summer, with its ringing heat and universal freedom. And in winter you won't run away, it gets dark early; dusk and cold lock us home. But, once asked - you have to do it.

Let's get down to composing a fairy tale about winter together. So where do we start? And we'll start from the beginning.

"How a girl and grandfather met Winter"
The author of the tale: Iris Revue

Once upon a time there was Winter. In a nice hut, with an ice floor, a frosty patterned ceiling, and painted windows. This hut stood in a dense forest. Somehow it turned out that in the summer nobody saw either the hut or Zima. And in frosty time - everything seemed to be in place. Both the house and its mistress.

And then one day, when the mistress Zima was making an airy cake out of white snowballs, she saw a girl on the threshold of her house. The girl came to the forest with her grandfather; they chose the most beautiful tree on the New Year... But the grandfather was lost somewhere and the girl was frightened.

And outside the window it was slowly getting dark. The girl was upset, but the mistress Zima started a game with her. It was necessary to name as many winter words as possible. Whoever knows more words won. "Blizzard, rime, frost, snow, blizzard, blizzard, snowflakes ..." - many words were said by the players. Soon the girl herself did not notice how she fell asleep. And the next morning, the mistress Zima brought grandfather to the house. It turns out that he met twelve brothers in the forest for months, and he chatted with them.

It was a joy when grandfather and granddaughter met. Mistress Zima gave them her snow sled and they went home.

Thank you, mistress Winter, for your kind disposition and warm heart!

Questions to the fairy tale "How a girl met Winter with her granddaughter"

Where did Winter live?

What did Zima make an airy cake out of?

Who unexpectedly found themselves on the doorstep of Winter's house?

What kind of game did the owner Zima suggest?

What kind winter words You know?

Who contributed to the meeting of the granddaughter and grandfather?

What is this tale about? This tale is about winter. But not only. This tale is about kindness. That sometimes people need help. About indifference, about the ability to support in difficult times.

Cossacks about winter, Noviy Rik and Rizdvo, presented at "Maliy Storintsi", wrote for children from Ukrainian and foreign author: Hans Kristian Andersen, brothers Grimm, Vasyl Sukhomlinsky, Kateryna Perelislivana-Lesyaurina Ivanenko, Iryna Zhilenko, Mykola Bilkun, Yakiv Goncharuk, Maria Ponomarenko, Vasyl Strutinsky,Valentina Vzdulska, Yulia Smal, Vasil Melnik, Yulia Khandozhinska, Tetyana Vinnik, Lesya Voronina, Olga Zuber, Maria Delenko, Galina Rimar.

* * *

"Axis and came dovgoochіkuvanі winters saint. On the replacement of little gnomes in the households, dwellers grew and small garlands grew. I wish the snig was cold, the little gnomes did not freeze, because the granny gave me warm mittens and shaliks. Marko and Olenka took care of the girls, the girls, the women and the fortune tellers. They are often joined by Zhartun from the Nayvesel_shoi Land of the Most Beautiful Zhartuns (who they call themselves there) and Sonyachny Promіnchik. Kuz and the Little Mermaids slept right up to the summer. Not having come to them and naymudrish Zaychenya, it just seemed to change the fur coat and not be able to go out of the house, so as not to feed the foxes to the paws of a vovkov. If the gnomes chased after the old friends, she spared the knowledge of Snigur and Sinichka. Well, you know, little birds like that, they need to be paid for a year, they need grain for the whole hour until the year of the harvest. Ale tsy Snigur and Titmouse Buli are not vicious (mom and tato gnomes are charming charmers, they’ll be busy, so children can help them look at charming things) ... " (Julia Smal)

" In the courtyard there may be no more. Shvidko is dark before at times. Little Angelik has gone to work for a long time - a whole day rubbing the hiring of a hired ganchirochka Persha Zirka. Vona maє buti is so pure and blissful, a skinny child on the earth could have a bite, but she was so yaskraviy, as in that one, if Isus was born. Todi, more than two thousand years ago, Zirka fared so well that three old wise men could go to the little koshari with God's Children.

- Well, there, Little Angelica, you got up, it's time to go. Chuєsh? - Pidіyshov to Angelik grown up Angel. - Along with the Angels, and the people have started to sleep the carols, the service will soon end and the need to sit before the holy evening.- Well well. I tried hard!- Ty fellow. And now, numo, until we reach the Angel's Choir, let us glorify the people of little Jesus with a carol that prayer ... " (Julia Smal)

"Trim yogo, trim! - mum barked to Maxim. Vona stood on the poros in caps, the boy yakraz having finished the clothes of the snigovik. In the night, having felt the frost and the anger of the vchor Llodyanik mav bi stand all Rizdvyanі is holy. Maksimko turned around for Brovk, so chimduzh big, unsuccessful in his teeth, self-propelled zirku. - Bizhi follow him! - Mom barked. - Vin is not far away. Don't be Dovgo. Come along the road to the titty Oris, call for the supper.- Good, mom, - Maxim dozing behind the dog. - Brovko!That just stepped out of the gate, like a light circling around. Oh, dashing! Slap looking around: "De tse me?"- Don't be afraid, I'm with you! - progavkav Brovko. - Mi in the charming light, we need to know Chorten, it has stolen the dawn. "Oh, but what about Rizdvo without a star? And why are you mine?- Can't be a saint without dawn! .. "" (Julia Smal)

"... And if the little Isusik was born in the hummingbird, then the snowball was frosty over the entire Verkhovyna. The yalits stood in the big shats unbearably, the dumb ones were enchanted, and on the stitches they vibrated the snow with a cold crystal. і shrieked from the cold. In the tuzі hililas over Him Mother Svyata ... " (Lesya Khrapliva-Shchur)

“At the fox, fox to the dark ...” - weeped Dmitrik, bizhuchi with a winter stitch at the foxes, just stretching himself near his hatini. In that lisok not walking, that foil is not great. Ale itself is here for Dmitriy. And just last spring, the boy had a friend at the fishing line - a little yalinochka, who had planted it with her own hands and even loved it after looking at it. From і at a time vіn big same to her - marvel at how winter won, get accustomed, pogomoniti. Yalinochka and Bula charming ...(Iryna Matsko)

"Evening days were caught by the lapata krila khurtovini. The first light was drowned in the snowy minting of Rizdva. The old oaks in rose-christian bilikh zhupans pushed their indestructible hands up the hill and, dropping their faces, glanced at the top-of-the-top booths, trimming the heavens on their antennas. Usa was seized by Volodarka-Zima and began to take choli before the arrival of Rizdva. In the end of the evening Maryka was sitting bilya vikna. Chomus the very daddy's bully on robots. With a rapt, the silence was ripped off ... " (Aunt Vinnik)

My dear reader, why do you know how to know the Kazakhs yourself ?! Not long ago I slept before home, stayed awake, but I do not get up to prepare the Christmastide supper. Tse bulo in front of the new rock. I don’t guess what I was doing, but I know for a long time, that the house has already come to an end. I was hanging in front of the Svyatkovyi to the right, and I was carrying more bags for me! Already raptom me nazustrіch іde ... kazka. "Take me with you, - see. - I heard on the radio the forecast wait ... the frost will transmit up to thirty degrees. I will freeze and I will turn to a ball of snow. The light has changed for one Kazka ..." They turned blue in the cold, and the head is not visible - it is so wrapped in a shawl, with a white fluffy jacket, red mittens on my hands. Honestly, I can tell - I’m starting up. My bag is important, but here I have to ask for a kazka in my arms ... " (Aunt Vinnik)

"There was a wonderful little skiff at the fox. The little skiff was good, the dream was pretty good, and around there were a lot of older friends - і yalins, і pine trees. Ale the little skiff still wanted more virginity! at the end of the day. їy bulo baiduzhe before the village children, they came, and chirped a colo of her, picking up schnitsy and raspberries. (Hans Kristian Andersen)

"Well, pretty much! If we do it before the end of the history, then we know it more, less at a time. So the axis, one dashing troll is alive. Win buv wicked-prelude, then the devil himself! As if I was in a better mood, it’s just like a mirror, I’m a little unwitting power - everything is better and more beautiful in a new one, it changed, it seemed to me, and all the filthy things fell into the eye and seemed to be better. " (Hans Kristian Andersen)

"In one satisfying one, two don’s, in which one bully is garnished for the vodka y pratsovita, and the other’s guid and lodging. The widow loved the widow’s gidka’s daughter, and she loved the widow’s daughter, but she threw it on the other once I kept every dignity right in the hut for the clown. The old lady brought the day to sit bilya krynitsa on the great road and all the spinning ... " (Brother Grimm)

"The edge of the village the widow lives in three sins. Two blues are still old enough to be young, high, shutters, glorious, beautiful. And the third one is Yurko's baby - small, thin, mov ocheretina.I will be charged. Having fallen into a deep snow, dme pivnichny wind, chill frost. Mothers say - do not go to herself, ale and blue chuli: "It's cold, kids. And there is no firewood ... Who should go for the firewood? ..."(Vasyl Sukhomlinsky)

"In a dark fox, in a deep hole, two twins slept. Laskaviy Viter - the boy with the blue eyes. And cold Vіtryuga - dіd with a prickly beard.Winter has come. Sonechko could not rise high above the ground. Bіlі sіngs stuck in the field. The heads of the trees rustled alarmingly. Throwing intocold Vіtryuga to the glib yar ... " (Vasyl Sukhomlinsky)

"There is a little bunny alive in the fox. I’m still young and callous, calling me sirenky. And then again, I’ll have more grants: to live, at least, on the field - the earth is gray, spikelets to grub, do not immediately bunny and don’t get a bunny. And the hare. , what a bachili, there are a lot of queues at the new bulo: і wow, і fox, і owl, і shulіka, і hawk, і weasel, і dogs, and misleading. And then it’s forgotten “to eat here for a stump - I don’t see it, or if you sit down on the city, you’ll have a chummy cabbage, and you don’t bump it. Good bunnies lived in a lot - wow, de grapple. Thinking about it, you will be so expectant. Not so! ... "(Kateryna Perelisna)

"Oh, we got around to the charge,
swept the hut until the windows,
de straw
I live because of a woman.

Bilya vіkontsya yakos in the evenings
sat a breath of old
she had mercy on the little thing,
she rose to the courtyard ... " (Natalya Zabila)

"Two frosts left the forest,
all were taken into іній.
In that buv chervoniy nіs,
and for the whole - blue.

- The elder will be the one from us,
even brother to brother, -
hto lyudin at once
send it to the stocks! .. "(Natalya Zabila)

"On a yalinka granddaughter with a dіdom
went on the lisі navmannya.
And behind them quickly followed
dovgovuhe tsucenya.

Wondered, mabut, granddaughter
on a skiff, on a pine tree
i dropped it from the handle
farmer's mitten .... " (Natalya Zabila)

"Vrantsі snіg having glimmered like this, during the winter, the flashes of light and the stench smelled like that. And the trough was repaired into the cage, on that pink booth, the trough" was "a burulka. Vona shimmered on the sun with all the colors of the ray arch. Vaughn boola duge garn ... "(Oksana Ivanenko)

"It’s awesome autumn, since the day has already become very short, and now it’s very cold, the old woman decided Winter to go to one such night on the way to the people, to the earth that hearsay, that they’d talk about it, who’d check on it came.” At the end of the day before the hatini, the old ones lived as a grandmother, and chuє: "Oh, didu, even the wintery is not far off, bring the snow that frost to us, and I want so much warmth. And maybe you’ll get busy with Zimonka and come before us piznishe. They buried a little bit more "..." (Iryna Matsko)

" It’s dark outside, just like snowflakes, like frozen snowstorms, whirling aroundilluminated window. Olya lay on the skiff and marveled at the skiff. The light of the lamps was hammered into the color of the mirrored pouches, the smallest clowns, the vuhaty mawbots and the hares. The little gifts from her in the New Year is holy! Tato's mother wanted it so much, she didn't scold. Ale now їy tsі lyalki th machines, chocolates and chewing gum? Effort children bigayut courtyards, play at the girls, ride sledges and licks, and then all lie and lie with a sick person ...The doors opened, and my mother came to Olya's room. Nahililasya, stroked her daughter on the hot chol and whispered: "Do not manage! It’s a year’s good night, and all the money’s going to take place during the night. You just want to! Blink and roll healthy tomorrow ... "" (Lesya Voronina)

" Winter has come. I covered everything around with snow, swept up the roads, covered it with frost.Marichka walked over to walk. She cheered the majestic Kuchuguri of the Snigu and violated the ill-health of the Snigovik.Oskilki Marichka was small, then the first snigovik viyshov is small. Not a clerk, but a clerk. Ochenyats - Oudziks, vinik-gilochkoyu, nose-morkvinka.Frozen Marichka left the snigovychka and went to the hut when she was cold.The nadvir came out of the offensive wound. Marvel, but in a snigovichka nose is dumb. I took a little bit of a morkvinka and shattered a new nose for it ... " (Olga Zuber)

" From i came the red winter. It's time to start the New Year's Saints. Taking Mikolka his sanchata, that and let's go for a drive from the wheel! Fly, I will overwhelm the spirit!Wow! - shout out of joy.Having beaten Vasko's tse kit, he was sitting on the bench. From being lured і youmu ride a sanchata. You can’t even go to the misc, so we’re going to court! And ask Mikolki to break up. More than five rockies, but I have never ridden a sleigh ride!E, ni! Smile Vasko will not be!I first wines, if the animals and Mikolka go to home, in the middle of a sanchata, that and go for a ride.So vin and zrobiv: taking a sanchata, that and pulling it up to the girka. Having tied himself up with a paw, sledged with a paw, and the sled rushed from the hoist, mov that bliskavka.Vasko didn’t look like that ... " (Olga Zuber)

" Sutenilo ... Having consumed the frost, sibilized by the middle, one one litaly titmouse, schob zigritisya. The transitions were kept up to the Christmas spirit. Avzhezh! Tomorrow - New Rik!All the bully are busy with their right and the troubles, and they didn’t make a lot of respect on the little cossack that was sitting in the house. It’s been sitting for a long time. The trochie scabbard, twisted into a small ball and from the circle, posed at the passers-by.It's dark. Koshenya was amazed at the windows, scowled by the zhovtavi vogniks. You can see a lot of people, like they were robbing, beating, shaking, laughing ... The sound smelled of warmth and smack. That buv zovsim іnshy svit. Not the one in which the cossack lived. Vono did not know how warm and affectionate, but none of them sensed it. I didn’t drink any warm savory milk ... " (Olga Zuber)

" The fox threw the fool. I wiggled at the end of the day, and there - everything was bile-bile from the snig!Zradіla won, put on her warm fur coat, hat, chobіtki, mittens on her paws. Vyisla nadvir, stand, have mercy. Garneau in lisi! Green skewers have become silky, the stitches, the stitches, are lightly stuck, the little ones shine and shimmer.I Virishila Chanterelle to weave the winter embellishment from the little girls. She took a string, strung them on her little girls and put them on herself. Walk all over the place, boast ... " (Olga Zuber)

"Snowflakes quietly fell from the sky, curling with a linen cloth all dovkola: trees, roads, dakhi budinks, pidvikonnya, nests of birds, smashed the number of krychitny, ice winked in the cold, sounded cold in the snow, whirled around coldly:In the middle of the grandiose snowfall, there is one snowball that is even more uninvolved. Falling from the sky, she didn’t laugh carelessly, but respectfully wondered at her, maybe she would nestle a little. Vona retired all the do-it-yourself і sank on the cherry bottle, closer to the stove. Here it buzzed deafeningly and quietly: having ordered the great lichtar, and seized the little house out in the morning.Little Snowflake was sitting quietly - sweetly here, on Earth. That year, having plucked up the courage, having taken a light match, flew to the door, and wondered at the window ... " (Olga Zuber)

" Winter in the forest is cold and cold. Generously sipala won with snows and chalk khurtovins.I swept the mishachu nirku with a pine tree. Sitting Mishka, afraid of the first visunuti. The axis, hungry won, climbed into its compartment and knew the grain there. One-one-one.Sit teddy bear and cry. The trim in the paws, those grains do not know what they are doing. Why should you, someone else, thank you.I wondered, I thought, but even then: "Z'ym, and then I will go to Vedmed, I will ask for a grain of grain. "So there you go. She pidkripilasya in front of the road, put on the warmth of the Khustinka, chobits, casing, took the sleigh, that one gave ... " (Olga Zuber)

"It’s cold to collect Bunnies. Vibig win at the node, and even now it has come. Frost crackle, light against Misyatsa shine, cold weather turns into cold weather.Сів the Bunny for the bush, the paws of the paws to Misyats, ask: "Misyatsyu, dear, pogry me with your exchanges, more and more Sonechka chekati ... " (Vasil Sukhomlinsky)

"Zaєts prokinuvіd vіd voice "B-rrr!". "B-rrr!" - the moon flashed and the sound flashed, alerting the wuh. "The price is in me in the belly!" - hear it out, lonely zithnuv zatz. The first type of a hot hare has a light steam. Zaєts greedily sniffing the frost-man, screwing it up and stuck to his back, he stuck to his back. “I’m not all this day! - chuckling the nose and hanging the nose of the pine tree gill, for a year’s night. - after thinking ... " (Aunt Vinnik)

"Tse became a long time ago. In the distant and unrecognizable land of Ladies, they lived in the world of the charming chotiri Pori Roku, as it was unsuccessfully that they cooked golden Autumn and Bilosnizhna Winter. And so, they ceased to navigate between themselves. And all through the onuku of granny Zimi Sneguronka. It’s too small to finish the garn with the little guest’s call from his relatives. That which is the most befitting of you, pull out a ton of Autumn ... " (Viktor Vasilchuk)

"On the artist's table in a rose-shaped box lived his more important penzel, thin agile penzliks and a small Kvachik. Penzlem the artist rose-blooded in the dark, burn, seas, wide valleys, with thin penzels of a snowstorm, merry, a tree, and a leaf on grass, berries, cherries, kalini and grapes. Kvachik knew that Nicoli would not become more important to Comrade Penzel, because they do not feel the same way, as in people, children grow up and grow up. Vlasne, we’re even more intelligent, we’re smart about everything in the background: і about trees, і about kits, і about grass, і about the sea, і about burns, about summer, winter, spring, autumn is so rich ... . " (Marychka Voloshka)

""Oh, how am I not tsikava!" - the land in the garden was found, taken into the bila cloth from the snig.“Monotonous, bila-bilesenka. Shkopravda, incoli can be picked up from a rank light, a horny one, and from a light of some green seeds - to be merged. It’s just not the time of the day, and not the color, ”- prodovzhuvala mirkuvati won.The grass smelled of the earth, inside with a luscious carpet, and she got confused, because she could not reach the surface through the snow and embellish the luscious cloth with green color.The trees were taken in, and they didn’t charge any fruits, or any leaves."What would you like to get in?" - wondered the stench ... " (Marya Dem "yanyuk)

"Fluffy yalinka radіla snigu yak nikoli! It’s still a pak, as a cold winter wine, it’s frozen. Otozh the warmth of the srіblasta the fur coat was douchey. The snowflakes, one by one, sat on the whites and the yalinka was pleased with it.Already raptom quietly, the jelly of the super-stream was angry. Lisova, has already been made up of three, the red has heard and felt the rose between two girls ... " (Marya Dem "yanyuk)

"“Oh, yak, I'm cold. It’s cold, ”- Bidkavsya Veleten Svit, knowing the chilly kryzhani birulki from their beards and wusiv. “Well, you need to do it,” - misliv dal. - Ale scho? "Here, his thoughtful glance went from the Earth to Heaven and zupinya. The joy of the Svit did not boom between, and I knew now that I had lost my hands. The light of day has come to an end for a while, standing up nastily and dropping to a chill.Now I have seen two warm ones in the house and put them on my hands ... " (Marya Dem "yanyuk)

"Tsvirkun Kuzma is alive at the babusin's hat for food. If the doors opened, the hut was full of cold fever. “Brrrr! Why shouldn't these people sit down to eat when it’s warm and dark? Are the houses more beautiful? " - thinking tsvirkun.I wanted you over. Onuchok Ivanko yakraz dressing, the same tsvirkun hutenko stripping a warm jacket on the com_r. "I pishov, granny ", - said the lad."I like it ", - Kuzma sluggishly.Beyond the threshold Ivanko fell and laughed. "Why is it so funny there?" - thinking tsvirkunets. Vin viglyanuv iz khutra i zavmer: mustache navkolo dull ... " (Valentina Bondarenko)

"Two little bunnies wandered into the city. It’s not a lot of snow - the stench has worked with its paws and grabbed a decal of carvinoks from the ground. "Yak is kind! I’m ready for this Christmas! "- saying the first bunny."Maybe it’s not a good idea to give all the carrots at once? Give me some style, don't be hungry, but the rush is economical - it'll come in handy! "I don’t know such a word - economy! Є carrots - їzh, dumb - shukay chogos іnshogo happy! "The other bunny does not start to collapse. Winnie the two carvinkas were sluggish with their paws; And the first mustache їv that їv, already nareshty saw, that he lives with a new povnіsіnky ... "( Marya Chumarna)

"Evening on Varvari. Children do not want to sleep. "Come on, but little ones, make yourself a little better, I’ll tell you what’s right, ”- I’m moving.Lied in the bed. "Why then will Mikolaichik wake up with darunka nagotuvati? "Vstigne, ayakzhe "."And if you haven't made a living, ale about those who are not so bad, shkoduє, then I will have a gift for you? ""I am very sorry and no more robust is not good - that, singing, so "."І Farbi, і Albums at Mikolai's є? .. And why should we look at everything, who can we love? "- Finish Katrusya." Soundly. And listen to the axis scho ... "" (Galina Rimar)

"The old likhtar darkly illuminated the street with light."The yak is okay to get rid of the haze." - thinking vin.Lіkhtar mav chimalo lit, and for a long time already it’s time to be on our backs. Protestingly standing on the outskirts of the place and summarily nis his service. Likhtar having appropriated to people and for the price, having cut off the words of a great gift from them. Especially from the transitional ones ... " (Maria Ponomarenko)

"Skilki will take the bitter frost, the styles will develop in the cold weather and will bring new beliefs to the world. Styles and development of great bil and patience of the ailing widow Kravchikha. There you lie on the hard bed, the old man is covered with a siryachkom, that is an unnecessary heap of money for the frost and frost, so that the spars must reach the non-flooded house. How can she hurt herself, Donechka Marusya, I would be glad to use my mother’s motherhood in my skin if I’m going to screw it. Is that good? Earn not before, because she is still dumb, but to ask for mercy, then you will still be rude. And people, from yak people: skin radium, someone else's need їm not in gadtsі..." (Marko Cheremshina)

"In heaven, in the Garden of Eden, there is a great rukh. Some Yangolics sat in the trees, saw the apple and threw it into the valley, while others stood, catching it by the aprons. Some are cowards of mountainous trees, mountainous trees, moving hail, bursting into the grass, sometimes wearing kosh, some of the malty odorous coppers and tart. And the older Yangolics with the more important personalities pounded dry ties from the bushes and tinkled them with golden screeds into the cuttings. It’s a year’s day, if the Saint Mikolai go to the ground, you will get rid of some of the children, but there is nothing to punish. Tse yogo ob'yazations already from a long time ago. Mykoly's sleds stood right in front of the door, and two great reindeer harnessed to them shook their heads impatiently, as many as the little sleds rang on them, moving the middle laugh. The Yangolics attacked two small bears and with a galas and smirk pulled them to the sled. One little yangolik standing at the merry little bit of fun. Win so glad to want to help, ale іnshі saw the yogo nabіk ... " (Klyara Gayner)

"In the evening, the days sat in bunches on the shoulders. The sky was covered with gray gloom. Those hmari, so important and curled, then they came, then they went, then, like they were, then like the more important elephants, and then, now, the young hares, they flew, did not spin. Having spilled a quiet little drink, it was so abundant in everybody, there was a little bit of a ditch and a crunch of pine woods on the ground. Everything seemed to be buzzing in the fog, in a thick cocoon, the evening was quiet in the middle of the day, it could be in the middle of the mannie from the sky. And the little girls fell, sat on everything that was fitting. Such a quiet was not worthy of vіtrovі, wіn, arduous and taciturn, arriving with very cold pussies and feeling a bit of heat on the back of the chest. The snowflakes wiggled in their small sides, flew after the wind, kudi vin dmukhav, scrambled to the purchase, shuffled, fell to the bottom. After scrolling through the pictures, the wind angrily flew into the guest until the hmari ... " (Yuliya Khandozhinska)

"Once in winter, a pan and a man went to the forest for firewood.And it was a little bit cold, frosty, then they barked offended. "From the curses frost ", - like a pan, wrap themselves up at the farm."Frost from the curses, butt the thief! "And the old Moroz and the young Morozenko walked along the path. "E, - seemingly Frost, - how the stench bark me! Please read it! "Yak, the old man Frost was dying of Pan, so that and the old frost went through, and the floors were sagging, - but he didn’t finish the Frost. Ledve-ledve pan dodom got there.And Morozenko gave himself up to the peasant that he started trying to pick it up: now for a comrade, then a darling in a kozhushin znayde. And the man arrived at the fox, the knight sokiru that yak after rubati, then th control that th, threw off the casing ... " (Ukrainian Narodna Kazka)

"Behind the gray-haired khmaras, high in the sky, de Misyats-young, graze the golden-fleeced otari zirok, Uncle Frost is alive. Uncle’s not a hat’s house - a palace of honor. The doors are open, and on the windows there are vizirunks, up on the steeples, the middle chapel burns. If you sow that dibrovi, the foxes and gays threw off their picks and got ready to sleep, uncle Frost descended to the ground. Bully in a new hat-tag, mov from milk, a big white casing in fog, on the middle-golden belt - a charm. Bilya lisovoyi zavodi grabbed onto an old hemp, smoothed the vus mov from lion, slung with a charming chair on the shore - bili cold skri sat around ... " (Vasil Melnik)

"Bully sob did that woman. From time to time, my grandmother baked pies with poppy seeds, picked them up, put them in a bowl and put them at the end of the day.And the chanterelle smelled like a hut that smelled like that; if chuє - pies smell.I crept up to the window quietly, took in the pie, motorily and then moved.Vibigla in the field, force, viila machok from the pie, and then the smittyachka naphala, stole yo and yo ... " (Ukrainian Narodna Kazka)

"The main sun was zupinilosya in the fox on the high yavorin. Zaklopotanі zvіryat tsoh didn’t hesitate і took care of their skin on the right. Even if winter is coming soon and it will be necessary before it will come. The little ones wore pots with the little chats, holed in the hollow, keeping dry bits of dry bits from the leaves, the foxes with their paws violated the glibs of nori, and did not wriggle them. From only a bunny, a dovovuhiy bigav from one bush to the other and was afraid of everything. Downstream from the tree, you are already afraid to drag the magpie on the tree, the bunny is already trembling all over ... " (Yuliya Khandozhinska)

"Knopik and Dimka bully susidami. We lived at the great place, at the high booth. Small rooms with bright windows, at first blakitnymi ochima, marveled at the nearby rychka and lis. Zustrilisya Knopik and Dimka on a promenade near a quiet square, where a drink rose over the bank of the rivulet, as winter spent a night on the ground. Viyshov Knopik for a walk is important with a red-colored whale going to a blazing pasque. Struggling with Dimkoy, I didn’t get used to it. Giving in, but not minding the side. " (Vasil Melnik)

"Mighty beech, scho pic amid steep mountains above the gamyrny little bit, for the swarthy Veprik it will be a nayridnishoy house. Here is a tasty pot for the first time. Here, wines lovingly swing around the puffy grass and leaves, penetrating the stribati through the moss-overgrown deck. Not in the Maliy Veprik, as the autumn foliage perefarbuvala at its retail colori, as the beech may have grown its leaves on the sickly coward. And not a bar, winter threw the snow around the white, fluffy and cold. Zradіv first sіgovі Veprik. Kovzanku vyashtuvaya out of the beech to the tidy. The day was rolling, it’s different, and it’s not scary for the snow, not the thorny frost, not that the mother didn’t get the job. Yakos urantsi, yak tilki Veprik threw himself, chogos raptom beech angrily gillam zhudіv. "Why should I hate?" - thinking Veprik ... " (Vasyl Melnyk) "New history about the doors, which are dumb, and about those who will be pleased with the number" - the story of the Ukrainian writing by Iryna Zhilenko about the front-line, help the Orissian girl, about the impatience of the child , hisism and zhorstokosti, about the overcoming of kindness and sensibility over the foolish minds of lokhods.

"Tork boy Sasha is a little boy. I win because of the great impatience of checking the yalinka. And one day, having thrown in, the yalinka will be worth it. I tidied up. All embellishments to hang on. Winn already healthier and never seen any day like this." One evening, if the little boy Sasha was already asleep, they took all the embellishments from the yalinka, they stole them from the box, and the yalinka was wicked. (Mikola Bilkun)

"... If the autumn, having gilded everything right around, rustled the leaves, the bunny nailed down to the kubla of the old hare, and when he was walking after her, he himself was afraid not only of sleeping, but The hare is not happy with the furkala, dumbfounded with her hind legs, stumbling ... and then she regretted: "Lost without me," I thought. She called the nevdahu Nibble. "" (Yakiv Goncharuk)

"Already autumn has gone to sleep, and winter has been bored. The little ones have not yet fallen asleep, but the warmth of the young lady has not been booming. It is not easy for the animals. mother's side, Lasunchik, the best bunnies Bukhanchik and Stribaychik. They themselves threw the stench of their little casing and smelt the little beads. (Maria Ponomarenko)

"And right, why should I rip snizhok? Don't you know? Then I'll tell you.
Yakos ishov lisom Did Moroz. Inadvertently, according to m "yaku, nache cotton wool, snіzhku. Standing. Sitting on a tree stump, and handing over the little gifts. Dovgu combed his beard with a comb. Marvel at how the bunny sits with a fiery bunny and weeps ..."


Winter loved people even more. Vaughn would check her breasts, then descend to the ground with all her beauty. I put on a beautiful bila fur coat and repaired everything about it. Yak won, she loved to paint the concrete place with her beauty. Gray wood with a white carpet. Freeze lakes in parks, transforming them into kovzanki. Nasipati on the balls of their blinking little girls, kids on sledts rolled and laughed. Ale axis once was cold, the time of fate formed on people. Cossack about winter Tell about those, like Winter did not come to people, who didn’t appreciate.

Kazka about winter read online

Winter was getting dark and we were looking at our robot. Vona really wanted to freeze the lake, and the snowball was frosty. Ale people were angry with her and barked through the cold. It’s time to doom it zoosulya its mercy and vyrіshila frost frost all around, beuti warm. Ale people knew they were unhappy, the stench was spent on the sloth and the brood. Todi Winter has fallen out even more. Zarachil people won because of the cold and warm weather, but I didn’t see it here.

- If so, I know I will be cold! - said winter and at night she rewrote all the kalyuzhi into the skating rink.

Yak, a lot of people fell through the irony.

- And you are evil! - the spring laughed, the yaka was checking her arrival in the birch.
- So їm і treba! I didn’t shy away, I wish I’m like a bully, їm I don’t befit.
- I have long ceased to want to be honored.
- You are easier, you are beautiful, you love everything.
- And the axis i ni! So yak and ti I smell so richly filthy words! Either I took a drag on it, then I don’t come. Either I'm cold, then I'm late. Then I plan with my boards, if I want everything I want to water the forest and the fields with water, the smell is green! Ale is not like people. To that, now I do not swear at the words of niyakoi uvagi.
- I can't do that! The axis is up in the offensive position, and I will not come to the zeal. First of all, the fall leaves are three months for them. Without a dream and a beautiful winter! Without syayva snіzhinka! Without kidding snіzhkіv! No drive for a laugh! Cossack about winter will be re-imagined in autumn.
- I don’t believe that you can’t come! Aje comes to people in such a cool way. Show yourself, do not show yourself here. If people want to bark, it is okay to show themselves. And all the same is known, that will be the joy of your beauty.
- The axis is not going to be worthless for me, I will sit in the stove. And everything. Tell the birds that you might not see the warm land.

So the winter ended. Tsiliy rik Spring, Leto and Osin thought and wondered if the vicon's friend was her obitsyanka. For there’s no way out of it all.

Breast infusion. It was warm on the street. Zhovte leaves on trees, wet asphalt, mushrooms in the leaves. There was nothing for the winter.

- Won't you come? - energized Autumn Winter.
- Ні. I am more and more impressed. - updated Winter.

Vona listened to people and checked their vibes. Let’s regret about those who have formed її. They did not appreciate the beauty of the cold, their horny cheeks, red noses. Hearing to move people, Winter knows a chula scarga. Ale nichto does not vibrate.

Approaching Noviy Rіk. More often than not, people marveled at the sky and checked the dream. Is it sacred without a dreamy atmosphere? People already erected skiffs and embellished them with fires. Still, winter didn’t come.

- Smіshny people. Now let’s sit on your own without a snig.

Ale all the same, Zimi buto summarily. Who else is there to roam girshe, hovayuchis all hour in dungeon? Hour minav shvidko. Soon it will be a birch tree, and won’t you ever show yourself, your beauty and your character?

Once, in the morning, at night, Winter gave her a little boy. Winning so summarily at the sky and whispering:

- The diva is not insane. I don’t give you any snig.

Winter wondered and gave a start to the boy to marvel at the street from the street. Vona didn’t know, who is it, who is it? And how can you add beauty to your image through a bad image? Nareshti is our time for the fate of the mind, as it is unreasonable to turn around and how unreasonable it is to magatize until it hits all! Vona pochala sipati snig and embellish everything! Zychayno, critics immediately knew. Om brought up to see, minus tires for the winter, pay more for the scorching. Ale Zimi was all the same. Chi varto namagatisya until all? More beautifully, grant the joy of Tim, hto you are worth it. The slammer is at the glory of happiness.

- Wonderful isnu! Thank you, Winter! - having said vin. І Winter celebrated the joy and happiness.

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It was very quiet. Everyone in the forest knew that Auntie Winter was to come and waited for her to come. Fox, Bunny and Squirrel have never seen a winter mistress. Still would! After all, when they were born, it was warm, the whole earth was covered with a soft green carpet. So the animals have not yet had a chance to see winters, they only listened to the stories of the elders about frosts and blizzards, and could not imagine that someday it would be cold and chilly.

Finally, a cloud of snow appeared over the forest. The swift white hare saw her first. He was looking forward to the arrival of the new season, but it never came. Finally, a cloud of snow lingered over the forest, and Aunt Winter descended to the ground.

First of all, Fox, Little Hare and Squirrel saw white, silvery snow. Wow! The snow itself comes from somewhere above, like some kind of machine is turned on. And in the snow, the winter hostess herself was walking towards them.

- Well, what, forest dwellers, were afraid of me?
- No, Auntie, Winter, - the Bunny answered first. - I have long been a trump card in a white fur coat, and I look forward to your arrival.
- Well done! And you squirrel?
- I made a stock of nuts, hid them in a hollow and buried a few nuts in the ground.
“Commendable,” said Winter. - And what will Fox say? She asked sternly.
- I didn’t make supplies, because I’m a hunter, my mother told me so, and I hunt all year round- said the Fox. - Mom explained to me that I could hear the squeak of a field mouse under the snow and be sure to catch it. Because I am dexterous and my ears are sensitive. But for your arrival, Auntie Winter, I am also ready. Look, what a fur coat I have, what a long winter fur it has, thick and lush. In the summer, my coat was completely different. And now neither snowstorms nor cold are afraid of me.

Auntie Zima was very glad that the animals were well prepared for her arrival. She decided to give them a little gift. She generously sprinkled snow on meadows, forest edges, slopes and asked the sun to shine brighter.

Until the evening, Fox, Hare and Squirrel frolicked in the snow-covered meadow. They played snowballs, jumped into snowdrifts, rolled downhills, ran a race, and jumped from snow hills. They have never had such a wonderful holiday - the Winter Festival.

Read the continuation of the tale