Peanuts - cultivation in open ground; how to grow a peanut. Peanuts: planting and growing, harvesting and storage

Groundnut (peanut) grows up to 70 cm in height, but it does not look like fruit tree, not on a bush, and its fruits are not nuts, beans in a pod. Caring for it is like growing potatoes.

Growing peanuts is like growing potatoes

Peanut area

The plant has been cultivated by locals for many centuries. South America where you can find the largest peanut plantations. For the first time, Europeans noticed culture in those days when they mastered the New World.

Peanuts were brought to our lands in 1792 from Turkey. In 1825, they first tried to acclimatize it in the Odessa Botanical Garden.

Now this crop is sown in small areas in Central Asia, Transcaucasia; in the south of Ukraine, the North Caucasus. Growing peanuts in Ukraine is more profitable than in middle lane Russia, thanks to a warmer climate.

Several million hectares are used for planting groundnuts around the world, and growing areas are rapidly expanding.

Peanuts grow without problems in conditions in which other crops die from lack of moisture and nutrition. He loves the sun and does without pollinators. Annual legumes, to which this crop also belongs, are capable of not only receiving nutrients from the earth, but also saturates the earth with nitrogen.

How Peanuts Grow: Peanuts grow well in warm weather and require long, dry summers and autumns to mature. The duration of cultivation of a crop from planting to harvest is 120–160 days. Such climatic conditions are rare. Suitable temperature for plant growth ranges from 20 to 27 °C.

Selection and preparation of seeds

Peanuts, like other types of plants, are different varieties. Main hallmark between them are the sizes of the beans.

As seeds, you can use peanuts purchased from sellers in the market or in a store, only unroasted and unprocessed.

The most common varieties are:

  • Virginia - a classic, common species;
  • Valencia gives big beans;
  • Spanish produces small beans, they are most often used to make peanut butter and other products in the confectionery industry;
  • Runner has a high yield, often growing in the South and East of the United States.

Choose beans with intact or overdried shells.

Before planting, the seeds must be germinated:

  1. Soak in water (you can add a little potassium permanganate or epin).
  2. Wrap in a damp cloth, put in a warm place.
  3. After a few days, the seeds will swell and germinate.

Sprouted seeds should be planted in the ground

Soil preparation

One of important conditions for the cultivation of peanuts is the observance of crop rotation. The culture grows well in the soil in which peanuts were grown before planting:

  • cabbage;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • potato.

It will be even more favorable if these plants were fertilized with organic matter. It is not advisable to plant a nut in the area where legumes used to grow:

  • beans;
  • peas;
  • beans;
  • lentils.

This can cause root rot to form.

It is best to plant the seeds in wet, loose and neutral soil. It is good if the soil has a lot of magnesium and calcium. Cannot be planted in saline soil.

Many beginner gardeners are interested in whether it is possible to plant a plant in soil with high acidity. It is possible if you pronounce it before planting.

The landing site is prepared in advance. During autumn digging, humus is introduced into the soil to a depth of 25 to 30 cm in a ratio of 2–3 kg per 1 sq. m. In the spring, the soil again needs to be dug up and 50 g of Nitrofoska added per 1 sq. m.

After peas, you can not plant peanuts

Planting peanuts

Warm regions are best suited for growing peanuts. It is necessary to plant seeds at a time when acacia blooms and gourds are sown (from late April to mid-May). In northern latitudes, it can be planted immediately after frosts, because they can destroy the plant. When thinking about how to grow peanuts, it is important to remember that the culture is thermophilic, does not tolerate strong temperature changes, drafts and high level humidity.

The culture grows well in open, well-lit areas without shade from buildings or vegetation. The favorable temperature at which growing peanuts at home will give results is more than 20 ° C. If the temperature drops even a few degrees, the peanut stops growing. The film saves the plant from lowering the

Peanuts sit in holes to a depth of 10 cm. There are the following ways to plant peanuts:

  • staggered - the gap between the holes is 50 cm, between the rows is 25–30 cm;
  • square-nested - scheme 60x60 cm or 70x70 cm;
  • wide-row - width between rows 60-70 cm, between plants 15-20 cm.

After planting, the ground should be moist, but it is impossible to pour.

Peanuts grow well outdoors

Growing in the country

To grow peanuts in the country, varieties were specially bred:

  • Stepnyak;
  • Krasnodar.

For sowing, choose a bright sunny area with suitable soil.

Planting peanuts is carried out in the spring in open ground. It is desirable that the weather has already stabilized, the earth has warmed up, the most favorable temperature is about 15 ° C.

How to plant peanuts in the garden correctly:

  1. Make holes in a checkerboard pattern to a depth of 10 cm at a distance of 50 cm from each other.
  2. In one hole you need to put 3-4 seeds.
  3. Excessive watering causes seed rot.

The main care for a young plant is watering, weeding, loosening the soil and fertilizing. It is convenient to remove weeds along with loosening the soil.

Seeds should germinate in a month if planting and care have been done correctly. The plant grows to a height of 25 to 75 cm. By the end of flowering, 1.5–2 months after planting, the ovary will begin to germinate into the soil, gradually descending.

Under the ground, fruits will ripen. The soil must be hilled or mulched using humus, sand, sawdust or peat. The layer of mulch should be up to 5 cm thick. Peanuts should be spudded 4–5 times. At the place where the bush grows, about 30-50 beans can ripen, in each of them from 1 to 7 seeds ripen.

Peanuts Valencia Ukrainian suitable for growing in the country

Growing in a greenhouse and at home

How to grow peanuts in the country, if you use a greenhouse:

  1. Choose a planting site for seeds closer to the glass.
  2. Plant them between tomatoes, removing lower leaves the last one to make room for the peanuts. Tomatoes will also benefit from such a neighborhood: peanuts release the nitrogen they need.

If the climate in your area does not allow planting peanuts in the garden, do not be upset. There is another way to grow peanuts at home. The original walnut bushes grow well in a pot on the windowsill in the house.

For planting, they take peeled, unroasted nuts or a whole fruit, squeezing the valves so that they burst. Seeds can be germinated before planting.

How to grow peanuts at home:

  1. Place the seeds to a depth of 2 cm in the center of the pot, which is filled with earth with sand and humus in equal parts.
  2. Water them and cover with a film with cut holes for ventilation.
  3. Put in a warm, bright place (at least 20 ° C). Do not allow the soil to dry out and moisture to stagnate. With regular spraying, you can water every 10-14 days.
  4. After 2-3 weeks, sprouts resembling clover will appear. Thin them out and leave the strongest shoots. The plant will start blooming soon.

The branch on which the fruits appeared begins to descend, as the fruits ripen in the ground.

Peanuts are an annual plant, therefore, after flowering, its development slows down: all forces go to the ripening of fruits.

If the lighting is insufficient, then the growth and formation of shoots slows down, there are few flowers, the fruits do not ripen. The best place for a pot of peanuts - south or east, but at noon it must be hidden from direct sunlight. The lack of light is compensated by special lamps. The plant must be protected from drafts, otherwise it may die.

2.5–3 months after the formation of young shoots, the reddening of the leaves of the plant begins, which indicates that the fruits are ripe.

Peanut fruits ripen in the ground


When the bush stops growing, the crop can be harvested. Peanuts must be removed from the ground and the fruits will be visible on the roots. They are usually harvested in the second half of September. If the leaves begin to turn yellow, then the culture is ripe. You can extract a couple of beans from the soil and see if the seeds are easily peeled out of them, if so, then the fruit is ripe. There is no need to delay harvesting by collecting fruits before the cold weather, because after the ground freezes, the seeds can pick up bitterness. A pitchfork is used to dig up bushes. The beans are separated from the stems and laid out on fresh air but in the shade to dry. When the shell is dry, the beans are taken out and poured into cloth bags. Peanuts are stored in a dry, well-ventilated room at a temperature not exceeding 10 °C.

Dry the peanuts well after picking.

Peanut diseases

It is necessary to protect the grown walnut from the effects of harmful external factors.

The most common peanut diseases are:

  1. Phyllosticosis (leaf spot): small brown-brown spots gradually grow to a diameter of 6 mm. Then the middle of the spot fades, the fabric dies, the edge of the spot becomes purple. The disease progresses during high humidity air. Treatment: spraying with broad-spectrum fungicides.
  2. Powdery mildew, the first sign of which are single specks of powdery coating from the outer and inner sides leaf, over time they fill the entire leaf, which turns yellow and dries. The disease spreads to the stem and embryos. Treatment: treatment of the plant with preparations: Bravo, Quadris, Ridomil, Switch, Horus, Skor, Topaz.
  3. Alternariosis (black spot) occurs if damp and warm weather is observed at the end of the growing season. Black spots with a diameter of 15 cm appear along the edges of the leaves, their growth leads to the death of the edges of the leaf. On the spots, a black coating of the fungus is clearly visible. To prevent the disease, you must follow the rules of specific agricultural technology.
  4. Fusarium wilt. The main symptom is rot in the root area, which contributes to a delay in the growth and development of the plant, leads to the yellowness of its stem and leaves, and it dies. The disease is dangerous because it is characterized by temporary attenuation, and during flowering and fruit formation, it occurs again. Peanuts die before the harvest is even harvested.
  5. Gray rot appears at the end of the flowering of the crop, the manifestation is brown spots on the leaves, which can go to the stem. The disease causes the absence of fruits or the deformation of already formed ones. If the plants at the end of summer grew in wet and warm weather, then it progresses. Growing peanuts in an area with a high agricultural background will prevent the disease.

Pests can also attack the culture:

  • thrips (treatment with insectoacaricide helps);
  • aphids and caterpillars (eliminated wood ash with tobacco dust);
  • click beetle larvae (wireworm). The method of struggle is pit traps with pieces of carrots, potatoes and beets. The pits are covered with boards, slate or a sheet of metal, eliminating after a certain period of time the larvae that crawled to feed.

Once having tasted a peanut, many farmers are thinking about how to grow peanuts in the garden. Despite the fact that South America is the birthplace of the crop, the climate of the middle zone in Ukraine is quite suitable for growing peanuts at home. Especially for this, varieties such as Valencia Ukrainian, Stepnyak, Krasnodar and others were bred. It is enough to purchase the appropriate seed material and get acquainted with simple technology.

History of peanuts

Peanuts are heat-loving crops, so they are common in subtropical latitudes. The plant is native to South America. From there, peanuts were brought to the West Indies, and then became widespread in European countries.

The largest peanut plantations can be found in South America. There, nature has created the most favorable conditions for the comfortable growth of this plant. However, in Lately gardeners are increasingly growing crops in temperate latitudes.

Peanuts belong to the legume family, but unlike other crops, their fruits form and grow underground. annual plant forms a small bush with branched stems. Its leaves are paired, the flowers are small with a yellow color.

Peanuts are among the valuable nutritious foods. It contains sugar, carbohydrates, protein in large volumes, high-quality fats and vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body.

Not so long ago, a study was conducted in the United States that showed that peanuts contain a large amount of antioxidants that prevent the development of heart and vascular diseases. The use of peanuts prevents the development of atherosclerosis, malignant tumors and delays the processes of premature aging. And its fruits contain vitamins E, B and linoleic acid, which has an anti-sclerotic effect.

For peanuts, it is better to choose sunny places with fertile soil. Southern culture enriches the land and gives health to the owners of the site.

Planting peanuts in open ground

How Peanuts Grow

Peanut cultivation is carried out on open areas with intense lighting without the slightest hint of shadow from buildings or other plants. Peanuts grow at temperatures above 20 ºC - if the temperature drops by literally two degrees, the growth of the plant stops. The easiest way to grow peanuts in Ukraine and other warm regions is to sow its seeds in the ground at the time when the acacia is in bloom. Peanuts in Russia, especially in regions with a cool climate, are best grown in seedlings.

When to plant peanuts in the ground

Since peanuts can only be planted in warm soil, they do this after sowing gourds, when the earth warms up to 12-14 ºC, which means not earlier than mid-May. Please note that returns spring frosts detrimental to peanuts. As seed store-bought or market-bought peanuts can be used, but not roasted, candied, or salted.

Articles about indoor and ornamental plants

Then you can plant peanuts

When growing peanuts, it is very important to observe crop rotation. It grows best after crops such as cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes and potatoes, especially if these crops were introduced organic fertilizers. But after legumes (beans, peas, beans, lentils), peanuts are not grown, because the plant can develop root rot.

soil for peanuts

The soil for peanuts should be moist, light and neutral, with a high content of humus, magnesium and calcium - black soil or sandy loam. The culture does not tolerate saline soils, and acidic soils must be limed before planting peanuts.

The site for planting peanuts is prepared in advance: for autumn digging of the soil to a depth of 25-30 cm, from 1 to 3 kg of humus is applied for each m² of area. In the spring, the soil is again dug up, but not so deep, and adding 50 g of Nitrofoska to the soil for each m² of land.

How to plant peanuts

How to plant peanuts Peanuts are planted in holes 10 cm deep, staggered at a distance of 50 cm from one another. The gap between the rows is left within 25-30 cm. You can sow peanuts in the garden in a square-nested way according to the scheme 60x60 or 70x70 cm. Planting peanuts can also be done in a wide-row way, observing the row spacing of 60-70 cm and the distance between plants in a row of 15- 20 cm. 3 large seeds are placed in each well, since small ones may not germinate. After planting the seeds, the bed is watered abundantly from a hose through a shower head under weak pressure so as not to erode the soil.

watering peanuts

We grow peanuts without any irrigation, in central Ukraine there is enough moisture for good growth this culture. Irrigation can increase yields when there is a lack of natural rainfall. In arid regions, watering can be done throughout the growing season, every 10 to 12 days (including rain), and after flowering, during fruit formation, watering can be increased. Make sure the soil is moist, but not flooded with water. best solution will drip irrigation, or using sun-warmed water. Stop watering a month before harvest.

growing conditions for peanuts

First of all, we note that warm soils are preferred for growing peanuts. Sites should be open, well lit, there should be no obstructions to ventilation. More specifically, on the soil: it can be both black soil and sandy loamy soils. In addition, the soil should have a high content of magnesium, potassium, humus. If we are talking about acidic soils, then lime or chalk should be added to them. If the soil is characterized by salinity, then measures should be taken to reduce salinity, for example, by adding phosphogypsum. As for the seeds themselves, they germinate at +12–14 °C. In this case, + 25–30 ° C is optimal. When cold snaps come in September, seed production stops. In the case of small frosts, it must be borne in mind that they are fatal. If in autumn frosts reach -3 ° C, the germination of seeds, if they are not ripe, is lost.

When growing peanuts in the country, you need to consider that this is a crop that is demanding on soil moisture. This is especially true during the flowering period, as well as at the time of the formation of seeds in beans underground. At the same time, water should not stagnate. If the soil is too wet in September, this will negatively affect the ripening of the crop. In order for peanut gynophores to reach the soil as quickly as possible and grow, plants need to be spudded. Gynophores are such an organ in a plant that appears after pollination of a flower. It begins to grow down, and at its end is a fertilized ovary. Accordingly, if the gynofor does not go deep into the soil, it will simply die. If optimal conditions for the growth and development of peanuts will be violated, the plant becomes less resistant to diseases and this manifests itself in the form of spots on the leaves and root rot.

When to Harvest Peanuts

When the leaves of the plant turn yellow and the seeds are easily husked from the beans, it's time to harvest. But be careful, do not delay harvesting peanuts until the cold weather, because when frozen, the seeds lose their germination capacity and gain bitterness, becoming unsuitable for food.

Harvesting takes place in two stages, first the peanuts are dug up to the surface, put into rolls and allowed to dry, after which the beans are separated from the roots and sent for drying and storage. You can dry peanut beans at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C with ventilation. It is better to store peanuts in beans at a low temperature of +8 °C +10 °C, in a well-ventilated area, on racks with a layer of no more than 10 cm or in rag bags.

As you can see, growing peanuts is not a tricky business at all, and with due desire, you can get good harvest this, it would seem, exotic plant on its site in Ukraine. The main conditions for success: quality seeds and adherence to technology.

Use of peanut

Although you now know how to plant peanuts, do not expect that on the windowsill or balcony you will be able to grow a multi-kilogram crop, but the average person does not need such an amount. Peanuts are high in calories and contain a lot of fiber. Use it in large quantities nutritionists do not recommend. This nut has found wide application in cooking. It is used in the preparation of various sauces, meat dishes, confectionery.

How to store peanuts?

If you have harvested a large crop, then you should take care of its storage. He must certainly remain in his skin. Place it in an airtight container and refrigerate. In this form, it can be stored for up to six months. You can leave the nut in a dry and dark place - it will be suitable for consumption within three months. But if you freeze it, then this period will increase to a year.

Peanuts are a nutritious product with an incredible taste and aroma. Many people are still convinced that peanuts grow on trees or bushes. Savory annual nuts are prominent representative the legume family. culture received original name"ground" nut, because the fruits ripen in the soil. Therefore, if a person wants to have his own peanut plantations, he must know how to grow peanuts.

The peanut, which belongs to the legume family, has up to 100 plant species. Due to the characteristics of the culture, it is grown mainly in areas of South America. Only two types of peanuts are suitable for cultivation in the country - Pinto and cultivated. The number of plants is divided into 4 groups.


It is also called the Spanish nut. main feature- increased oil content unlike other varieties. Spanish kernels are medium in size, covered with a pink-brown skin. It is an excellent raw material for the manufacture of candied, salted nuts and butter.


The group is represented by varieties with large fruits. The plant can reach a height of 1.2 m. There are not two nuts in one shell, as in other groups, but 3 at once. The seeds in the box are oblong and covered with bright red husks.


The taste qualities of the representatives of the Runner group are several times superior to the varieties of Spanish and Valencia. The fruits lend themselves better to roasting and give high yields. The peanut is very large and stands out for its elongation. Grown for the manufacture of salted nuts for beer and peanut butter.


It is considered the highest quality product among other representatives. Before going on sale, Virginia goes through a rigorous selection process. Most large fruits leave and use for the preparation of confectionery.

Preparing peanuts for planting

For further cultivation, unroasted peanuts are selected, the fruits of which have reached technical maturity. A handful of nuts is poured into two glasses cold water and leave overnight. The place where the peanuts are soaked should be away from sunlight and well ventilated.

In the morning after soaking, the seeds are washed and dried. At night, the peanuts are again filled with water. The cycle of soaking and drying is repeated 3 times.

If a bulge appears at the top of the grain, this means that the product is ready for planting in the soil.

Seeding scheme and depth

The sowing procedure is quite simple:

  1. It is necessary to prepare a container for plants and fill the substrate.
  2. One seed is placed in the center of the box and covered with earth. In this case, the depth is not more than 2.5 cm.
  3. In order for the plant to sprout faster and feel more comfortable, the container is covered from above with cling film or glass.

A homemade greenhouse must be periodically ventilated so that oxygen enters the soil and the earth can dry out a little. This is a kind of prevention of the appearance of the fungus. If the first leaves appear above the soil, the shelter is removed, and the seedling container itself is taken out to permanent place. After that, care for growing peanuts begins.

Nut sprouting methods

There are many techniques that allow you to grow a product yourself. It can be a window sill, a balcony, a cottage or a piece of land near the house. All of them require the right approach.

In a growing pot at home

If it was decided to cultivate peanuts at home, you need to start with the selection of containers. It should be spacious and fairly stable. This avoids hanging shoots along the edges of the pot, which is unacceptable for the culture. The formation of fruits occurs after the appearance of flowers.

In a container for further planting in the ground

If the sowing of peanuts takes place in the country, a square-nest method is used. The scheme is 60 x 60 or 70 x 70 cm. In one nest, from 5 to 6 peanut bushes develop at once. Sowing can be carried out by a wide-row method.

At the same time, there should be at least 70 cm of free space between rows, 20 cm between bushes. Peanuts are laid to a depth of 7-8 cm.

A representative of legumes can be planted by seedlings, and not just by direct sowing in the ground. The grown plant is planted in the soil and cared for. The container for sprouts should be small. These can be separate cups for each seed or large capacity for several seedlings.

The most important thing in this method- the ability to transplant a sprout with an earthy clod. This becomes necessary, as there is a possibility of damage to the peanut root system. When performing the procedure, care must be taken and follow the steps.

in the greenhouse

Considered the most in a simple way grow peanuts. It is better to plant a nut along with tomatoes, since they are not only good neighbors but also contribute to the development and growth of each other. So that the culture does not need space and light, it is planted closer to the glass. In greenhouse conditions, you need to ensure that the peanut stalks do not lie on the soil. To do this, they are tied up. During the growing season, they manage with only 1 hilling, and in the fall they harvest.

Plant directly into the soil

Sowing open way held in the month of May, when it will be warm enough outside. The earth must be warmed up to a temperature of +15 ° C and not lower. The best predecessors for peanuts are gourds.

As a rule, the landing time is in the middle of May. For favorable seed germination, the likelihood of a return of frost is completely excluded. Such weather conditions are considered detrimental to the culture.

When sowing crops in the garden, whole or half-shelled beans are used. If there are leaves left, they are thrown into the hole along with the cores. This technology makes it possible to root system plants useful mushrooms.

Necessary conditions for growing

Proper development of the bush and fast growth dependent on human compliance with the conditions of agricultural technology. Regardless of the place of cultivation - a window sill, a greenhouse, a summer house or open ground, the plant should feel good. If this is a room in the house, it must be moderately lit and periodically ventilated.


Peanuts are an inhabitant of the tropics, therefore they need proper lighting. To do this, you need to increase the daylight hours for the plant. If lighting conditions were violated, this will affect the culture itself. Lack of light is the reason for poor crop growth.

Optimal temperature

The culture feels great at a temperature of +30 ° C. Permissible low value - +20 °C. If the mark is set below +15 °C or above +30 °C, the plant may die.

Humidity level

The peanut needs a lot of moisture during flowering and fruit formation. But stagnant water should not be. A large amount of water in September is undesirable, as this prevents the fruit from ripening.

Soil composition

Peanuts love neutral, light and moderately moist soils. The earth should contain magnesium, calcium and humus. It is better to take sandy loam or black soil for growing beans.

If the area allotted for planting peanuts has acidic soil, it must be limed. This is done in advance autumn time by digging up the earth and introducing humus into it. In the spring, it is also necessary to process the future plot of land for peanuts.

Complete care from seedling to first harvest

After planting the beans in the ground, they proceed to the next stage of cultivation - caring for the crops. For normal growth and development, the culture should not need water, light and fertilizers. This is the only way to get a peanut crop.

Fertilizers for top dressing of the soil

After planting, time must pass so that the sprouts can grow up to 10 cm in height. At this time, the first feeding is carried out. The composition can be bought at a specialized store or prepared independently. At the beginning of fruiting, you can re-fertilize, but this is not necessary.

plant formation

As a rule, a plant rarely needs human help at the time of bush formation. If the tops of the shoots cannot reach the ground and dig in, the nut will not be able to ripen. For this purpose, the branches are bent or a container with earth is suspended near each flower.

Protection from pests and diseases

Peanuts are occasionally attacked by various pests and diseases. To minimize the likelihood of insects appearing on the beds, it is necessary to observe crop rotation and the rules of agricultural technology. These are the simplest control measures. Weeds are sources of disease, so they are removed from the site.


This procedure is a type of watering. Irrigation is carried out as the soil dries out. There is no clear number of times how many times you can water. best method introduction of moisture into the soil - drip irrigation.

Ripening time for peanuts

The amount of time that passes from planting to harvesting peanuts takes no more than 6-7 months. If the peanut stops blooming and growth stops, this indicates that the nuts are beginning to ripen. At the same time, the leaves on the stems still turn yellow and dry out. The second half of September is the period when nuts are dug up.

Yield and collection

Each bush forms about 30 boxes with nuts. The amount varies depending on the peanut variety. When the fruits are removed from the garden, they try to dig up the plant with a pitchfork. After collecting the bushes, the beans, along with the stems, are dried in shady and ventilated places. If the shell crunches and cracks when pressed, then the peanuts can be cut off and poured into containers for further storage. It usually takes up to 2 weeks to dry.

Nuts should be stored in a dry place so that they do not become damp, as this spoils their taste. If tightened with the collection, the beans become tart and bitter. Therefore, a person is required to be careful and follow the rules of agricultural technology in order to get a harvest of delicious fruits.

Any the new kind plants require careful attention. And it doesn’t matter if you are a beginner gardener or an experienced one, you will definitely need additional information. How to plant peanuts in the garden, and what agricultural techniques must be followed? These questions are asked by a person when he wants to grow a delicious and very nutritious nut on his own.

ABOUT useful properties you definitely know everything, which is why you came to the decision to plant peanuts. The very first and exciting moment is how to plant peanuts in the garden, and what tools to use.

An important aspect is the soil on which your plant will develop. Since for the full development of the bush, and subsequently the fruits, a certain presence of trace elements is necessary. If they are absent in the soil, it will be necessary to replenish their presence with the help of microfertilizers.

Necessary methods of agricultural technology

Let's see if it is difficult to grow peanuts in the garden at all or not. To begin with, it is worth noting that peanuts are a heat-loving plant. For the full development of the bush and fruits, very warm weather is necessary. Therefore, planting in open ground is recommended only when the soil warms up to at least +15 degrees.

Let's say there are about 4 square meters in stock. On such an area, you can safely place about 45 bushes. If you are a beginner amateur agronomist, we do not recommend growing more. Since care, although not difficult, however, is time-consuming, but more on that later. Planting pattern 50x20, that is, up to half a meter between rows and twenty centimeters between plants. You should get 5 rows with a length of about two meters.

What you need to know without fail

Growing peanuts in your garden will take you several months. When landing in spring period, already in the second decade of September, you can harvest. Let's choose a site that is best suited for our plant. It is necessary to observe crop rotation.

Immediately ask what is it? So, each plant draws or saturates the earth with microelements during the growing season. That is why, predecessors should be considered. For example, for peanuts, the best predecessors are potatoes, cucumbers or cabbage. In no case, should not be placed after legumes, as the plant will feel very bad. It will not be superfluous, in advance in autumn period, apply organic fertilizers.

We prepare the soil for planting. In the event that the earth has been cultivated or dug up since autumn, you just need to loosen it with a rake and level it. You can add additionally cleaned soil, however, today such soil costs a lot.

We hope you have figured out how to properly plant peanuts in the garden, or rather, where it is better to place them. Now it’s worth understanding which tool to use when sowing peanuts on personal plot because every plant has universal fixtures for placement in the soil. Let's say seedlings are planted with the help of small blades, but the holes for sowing are made with the help of a hoe (hoe). The optimal seeding depth is 6-8 cm. So, we make holes exactly at this depth.

What seeds to use

If the land has already been prepared, and all the inventory is available, now it’s worth taking care of quality planting material. In this matter, the taste and nutritional characteristics of the varietal composition will become an assistant. Before going to the seed store, check the availability of varieties, and which ones are released in your area.

Planting material must be prepared: peeled (that is, separate the nuts from the shell) and soaked for a day in a nutrient solution (a fertilizer that increases the germination of seeds). Peanut seeds for planting should be large, as they best display the genetic background, in the future this fact will affect the yield and quality of the finished product.

Earlier we talked about the fact that the plant is thermophilic. In this regard, it is necessary to wait until the air temperature, and, accordingly, the soil, stabilizes, and will be in the range from +15 to +20.

Depending on the regions, the time of planting peanuts is April-May. If you decide to plant seedlings, you need to take care of sowing seeds in pots, about a month before planting in open ground. It's not difficult at all. Manipulations are similar to landing indoor plants. We fill the pot with soil, make a small recess, and place the nut there. Do not forget that the preparation of peanuts for planting is the same as in open ground.

Final stage

We all planted our plants. Now it's time to take care of watering. Most effective method is drip irrigation. Due to the pressure that is created in the hoses, the moisture is evenly distributed over the bed and penetrates as deep as possible into the soil.

You can also water with just water, especially if there is no hose - there is nothing to worry about. The main thing to remember is that yellow flowers they love water very much, especially when there is a lot of it. Therefore, pouring the bushes will not work in any way.

The plant must be hilled during the growing season, as the fruits ripen only in the soil. This is the uniqueness of our nut. If you leave the bushes without hilling, the fruits will die. Spud and water on time, that's the whole cultivation technology. In autumn, you will be pleasantly surprised by your achievements, as the harvest promises to be good, fruitful and of high quality.

How to plant peanuts in the garden: Video

Lettuce, as the earliest and most unpretentious green crop, has always been held in high esteem by gardeners. Spring plantings most gardeners usually start by planting lettuce, parsley, and radishes. Recently, the desire for healthy eating and a large selection of greens in supermarkets make gardeners wonder which of these plants can be grown in their beds? In this article we will talk about the nine most interesting, in our opinion, varieties of lettuce.

Carrot happens various colors: orange, white, yellow, purple. Orange carrots are dominated by beta-carotene and lycopene, yellow due to the presence of xanthophylls (lutein); white carrots are high in fiber, while purple ones contain anthocyanin, beta and alpha carotenes. But, as a rule, gardeners choose varieties of carrots for sowing not by the color of the fruit, but by the timing of their ripening. About the best early, middle and late varieties we will tell in this article.

We recommend a fairly easy recipe for a pie with a delicious filling of chicken and potatoes. Chicken and potato open pie is a great hearty dish that is suitable for a hearty snack, it is very convenient to take a couple of pieces of this pastry on the road. The cake is baked in the oven for one hour at 180 degrees. After that we put it on wooden surface, after releasing it from the form. It is enough to slightly cool the pastries and you can start tasting.

The long-awaited spring for many houseplants is the period of the start of active vegetation, and for the majority - the return of their decorative effect. Admiring the young leaves and emerging shoots, you should not forget that spring is also a big stress for all houseplants. Sensitive to changes in conditions and versatile, all indoor crops are faced with much brighter lighting, changes in air humidity and temperature conditions.

You can easily cook homemade Easter cake with cottage cheese and candied fruit, even without any confectionery experience behind you. You can bake Easter cake not only in special form or in paper form. For the first culinary experiences (and not only), I advise you to take a small cast iron pan. Easter cake in a pan will not turn out as high as in a narrow form, but it never burns and always bakes well inside! Yeast curd dough is airy and fragrant.

It is also interesting in that its fruits (pumpkins) are used as food by young, not ripe ones (zelenets). This means that you do not have to wait for the harvest to ripen, and from late spring to autumn you can have on the menu fresh vegetables. In your beds, it is better to grow varieties and hybrids of zucchini that are resistant to diseases and changes in weather conditions. This eliminates unwanted treatments and allows you to get a crop in any weather. It is about such varieties of zucchini that will be discussed in this article.

In the middle lane, April is the time when the first flowering of plants begins in gardens and parks. The constant soloists of the spring that has come into its own are bulbous primroses. But also among ornamental shrubs you can meet those that will delight you with fragrant flowers that enliven a still inconspicuous garden. The main riot of flowering ornamental shrubs falls on the month of May, and most of them, as a rule, bloom in mid-May.

Salad "Uzbekistan" with green radish, boiled meat and eggs is a classic dish of Uzbek cuisine, known to many since the days of the USSR. In any Uzbek restaurant for a snack, you could order this unpretentious, but very tasty salad with meat and radish. If you have never cooked this dish before, I advise you to try it - you will like it and fall into the favorite category! You can diversify the taste a little and add finely chopped cilantro, parsley and a pod of red chili pepper.

We are offered such a huge number of different preparations that, at times, it can even get confused in the choice of one or another fertilizer. experienced summer resident. In this article, we invite the reader to get acquainted with OMU - a complex granular organomineral fertilizer of prolonged action, which compares favorably with other modern complex fertilizers. Why WMD is the best nutrition you can offer your plants and how does it work?

The group of medicinal plants that have a general sedative (sedative) effect includes big number fragrant herbs and shrubs. At correct application teas and infusions from these plants help to cope with stressful situations, improve mood, eliminate or reduce nervous overexcitation. In this article we will talk about the nine most interesting, in our opinion, medicinal plants, which can be grown on the site without much difficulty.

Aroma is not the most important and not at all associated with orchids trait. But in some species and individual varieties, the smell is a significant addition to their main "image". Favorite sweets, confectionery and spicy flavors are not uncommon among orchids. Vanilla flavors or more original spicy notes add a delightfully bright flowers even more exotic. And you can choose spicy fragrant orchids from both popular and rare species.

Easy pear and walnut muffins - sweet, juicy and delicious! The homeland of muffins is considered to be Great Britain and America. In England, such cupcakes are made from rich yeast dough, in America from yeast-free butter dough, which is loosened with baking soda or baking powder, or both. Basic Recipe muffins looks something like this: 200 g flour, 200 ml milk or kefir, 100 g eggs, 100 g butter, baking powder and soda.

What does it take to get a good potato crop? Many gardeners will say - good seed material, fertile soil, timely watering and top dressing. But there is one negative factor that can significantly reduce the potato yield, despite the fulfillment of the above conditions - weeds. On plantations overgrown with weeds, it is not possible to get a rich harvest of potatoes, and reusable weeding is one of the most time-consuming procedures in crop care.

Some of the summer residents are lucky, and they acquire an estate with several adult sprawling trees that create shade and cozy corners. But our new dacha there were practically no such plantings. And the half-empty area behind the chain-link mesh turned out to be completely open to prying eyes. Therefore, this interesting design was born, which meets the specific requirements of our family. I think our experience in building a multifunctional support for plants will be of interest to you.

Today we will talk about the annual variety "Amore Mio". In 2016, the petunia "Amore Myo Orange" received the gold medal of the International Association of Breeders, Traders and Producers flower crops. The plant grows up to 25 cm in height. Bush appearance resembles a ball, which is densely strewn with bright fragrant flowers up to 6 cm in diameter. Does not set seeds. Petunia "Amore Mio" is used for vertical and horizontal gardening.