Using an old folding bed in the country. Everything from a folding bed

When the life of the famous universal item - a clamshell, expires, it's time to come up with new version its use. Previously available in almost every home, over time, a lightweight folding bed is inferior to more modern counterparts. Improved products conquer their owners, but still what can be done from old cot?

To keep up with fashion trends, everyone is able to make an inconspicuous decoration of old outdated furniture, thereby giving individuality and comfort to the home interior.

This article is about the simplest and available ways, which are within the power of both a novice master and a novice designer.

New life for an old bed

The easiest way to transform an old folding bed is to turn it into a regular bench that can support two people. One person can assemble such a structure by performing simple steps according to the following instructions:

  1. The first thing to do is to cut out the main center section of the former cot because it is no longer needed.
  2. The seat and back are cut out of plywood specially selected for the thickness. To make the new design as strong and reliable as possible will allow careful fixation of each part with the help of fasteners.
  3. If everything is done correctly, the result should be a brand new bench that can last another long time. Such a product can be easily taken with you on a picnic, outdoor recreation or transported to Vacation home. It is easy to fold and unfold, which is very appreciated when choosing a bench for outdoor recreation.

In the same simple way, you can easily assemble a new sunbed. This will require:

  1. To begin with, cut off completely old foundation- the central part of the clamshell.
  2. Select the bars and carry out a thorough processing sandpaper. Thus, unevenness on the surface is completely eliminated, and it becomes smooth and safe for everyone who will use the future sunbed.
  3. After preparing all the details, the next step begins - the complete assembly of the new design. To get started with special fasteners each is connected individual part to each other. As fasteners, you can use screws and screws, bolts and nuts.
  4. It is important to strictly follow the assembly instructions - correctly place each prepared bar in its own specific order, observing the required distance, which should not be too narrow and not too wide.
  5. After complete assembly, they are treated with building varnish, which allows the structure to last for many years. This method can guarantee protection against the appearance of rot and minor surface damage.

Therefore, with such a simple method, you can turn an old and unnecessary folding bed into a completely new, comfortable and useful thing, which will decorate the interior of the house, and will come in handy in some unexpected situation. For example, it will be indispensable on a trip to nature. By the way, in this case, it is necessary to treat the surfaces, as this will save the updated cot from the appearance of minor damage, influence high humidity and insects.

It will not necessarily be about the one that you have and continues to serve you, helping out when relatives or distant guests descend. If you still need it, let it stand in the closet or be on the mezzanine. But it's no secret that many people throw them away as unnecessary - how many of them you find around holiday villages, former pioneer camps or recreation centers. But the material of the tubes is durable, and the design of the clamshells is, as they say, durable. So I propose to give them a second life; this is especially useful for owners of cottages or garden houses, and just for elderly people who go out to breathe in nature, in the nearest green corner. I mean a light, comfortable folding chair.

Making it from a clamshell is easy and accessible to almost everyone. To do this, you only need a hacksaw and any drill, and even a metal rod (or steel pipe).


If you use this solution to make several chairs, do not throw away the sawn-off middle parts of the cots. Turn them upside down: these are ready-made supports for greenhouse film coverings. By the way, they are also foldable and lightweight, which is important for gardeners and gardeners.

The idea is this: cut the cot so as to remove its middle part (together with the leg), and put the “head” and “foot” parts back together to get a semblance of a deck chair.

First, mark on the tubes of the frame those places in which we will cut with a hacksaw. We choose them based on the desired size of the future seat. Before or after sawing, we prepare an insert about 80 mm long from a metal rod (the diameter of the insert should allow it to fit tightly inside the tubes of the clamshell frame). In the place of the cut, stepping back from it by 30 ... 40 mm, we drill in one of the tubes through hole for a future rivet or M5 screw; we drill the same hole in the insert. Then we connect them and fasten with a screw. After that, we push the end of the other tube to be joined onto the insert and drill them as an assembly. We finally fasten the tubes with the insert with rivets or screws with Grover's washers and nuts. The frame of the chair is ready.

A - points for cutting tubes of the "head" part, B - "foot".

1 - tubes of the clamshell frame, 2 - insert (steel rod or tube; diameter corresponds to the inner diameter of the tubes of the clamshell frame).

1 - "head" part of the clamshell frame, 2 - joint insert, 3 - folded middle part of the lounger panel, 4 - rivet, 5 - "foot" part of the clamshell frame.

1 - frame, 2 - seat panel.

If the folding bed has a sunbed, you can leave it for the chair. It is enough just to remove its spring extensions on the released former middle part and, having accordingly bent the wire inserts of the lounger, fold the middle part of the cloth in half and put it on the seat. With a dilapidated panel of a lounger or its absence, it is better to sew a new one from an awning or mattress fabric or canvas - any dense material you have. In this case, the panel can be removable (see Fig.) or directly sheathed around the tubes of the frame.

Clamshells - universal item, after the expiration of which, there are also many use cases. However, the prevalence of the named object is still being spent, as it is being supplanted by new constructions. Indeed, in modern world more and more advanced products.

REFERENCE! In order not to be inferior in fashion, you can discreetly decorate old furniture, thereby giving a certain individuality to the home interior.

In this article, we will analyze the most popular methods that even an inexperienced master or beginner can handle.

What can be done from an old folding bed

To begin with, let's analyze the simplest method of transformation, namely into an ordinary bench, even one person can assemble it, and about two people will withstand the structure. To build a structure, you must perform the following steps in a specific order:

  1. First of all, the main part of the device is cut out. She won't be needed anymore.
  2. Next, you should arm yourself with plywood to form the back and seat. To give maximum strength and reliability, it is worth fixing every detail with a mount.
  3. Thus, you should have an updated bench that will last for some more time. You can also take it with you to nature or just to a country house. This recommendation is explained by the fact that the device folds easily, which is so important when using the structure outdoors.

In addition, you can create your own sunbed with the same success. For this it is desirable:

  1. As well as in previous version it is necessary to eliminate the main part.
  2. Then you should buy bars and process them with sandpaper. This is necessary in order to eliminate uneven surface and make it smooth. Thus, users will be guaranteed security.
  3. The next step is to proceed directly to the assembly of the structure. Namely, the connection of each part with each other. This is done with the help of special fasteners. It can be both various nuts and bolts, screws.
  4. The activity itself is the placement of each bar product - in a certain order. The main thing is to keep your distance. It should not be too narrow or wide.

Thus, from an initially old and unnecessary clamshell, you can create a completely new and exquisite thing that can not only decorate the interior of the room, but also come in handy in a really necessary situation. So, as mentioned above, the unit is quite convenient to use in nature. However, in this case, processing is required. This is due to the fact that there is a high probability of damage due to the mass of various insects and high humidity.

The early organs determine the state of health of the bird, and if everything is fine, they are also sent for sale. Cut off the liver, gallbladder; the heart is cut and blood clots are removed; the stomach is cut and the shell is removed from the inside; paws are immersed for 2-3 minutes in hot water or singe, after which they remove the skin and cut off the claws; the heads are singeed or scalded, the feather stumps are removed, the eyes are taken out and the beak is chopped off; scalded scallops, remove the film and feathers at the base with salt, soak in the presence of blood spots; necks and wings are cleaned of stumps.

The bird has been domesticated by man for a very long time; over the past centuries, tremendous experience has been accumulated in its cultivation and maintenance. It is simply impossible to cover everything in one article. Selection work on breeding new breeds and crosses does not stop. Work continues on the selection of feed compositions and the introduction of new light and temperature-humidity regimes. In the near future, apparently, the bird will be even more precocious, hardy and prolific.


Old folding bed - a treasure for the craftsman

Metal tubular elements and connections from outdated folding bed frames can become the basis of many homemade devices. Such frames with a worn canvas are often taken out for

sent for scrap or landfill. As a rule, frames are made of duralumin tubes, which are easily processed with home metalwork tools (hacksaw, drills, files, etc.). The easiest way to assemble from such parts with some modifications folding tables, armchairs and chairs. These products are light, take up little space when folded, are convenient for transportation in public transport or in private cars, are quickly brought into position and quickly dismantled. It is advisable to use such devices in garden plots, in summer cottages, especially since you can not find the necessary devices in stores, and they are very expensive. A feature of homemade products is that, due to individual distinctive characteristics and appearance their devices, as a rule, are not “privatized” by outsiders, who often penetrate into private property, while purchased standard products usually end up with new “owners”.

Using the principles and solutions outlined below, you can assemble the necessary items on the farm with your own hands. useful homemade. It is hardly advisable to copy devices, since something can always be changed and improved. Therefore, initially you should sit and think, design product options on paper, choose acceptable technical solutions taking into account the available tool and the possibility of buying or ordering some parts on the side, and only then proceed to work.

Folding table

On fig. 1 shows the tubular frame of a folding bed (for adults) with the tarpaulin sheet removed and the springs securing the sheet along the perimeter to the top of the frame in increments of about 70 mm. Each pr