Post diet and food culture. Summary: Food culture

I personally don’t know what to do about it. Here, the rescue of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves. If you don’t want to know what and how you can feed yourself, and what and how you can’t, then go to the hospital, or immediately to the cemetery. Really, just like that. It has become impossible to rely on the experience and common sense of mankind. The point of no return seems to have been passed.

Since mankind switched to white flour, margarine and artificial yeast, common sense has no longer worked. Margarine, as a purely synthetic product, cloudes the mind. And yeast, as an alien life form (in fact, a monster), is embedded in the body and controls the mind so that one wants to eat exactly what the monster needs.

For reference: White flour is cookery taken to the point of absurdity. The most valuable thing in grains is in the germ and shell. White flour of the highest grade is obtained by cleaning wheat from the shell and germ.

Thus, everything of value is removed, and only the dead part, consisting mainly of starch, remains. The liver becomes clogged with an oil-like mass, starch settles in the body in the form of mucus, the intestinal walls become clogged with plaque.

Margarine and spread (trans fats) are made from refined vegetable oil of the second extraction, which is produced using chemical solvents. The refined oil is then heated and hydrogenated by passing hydrogen through it.

The result is a mixture of trans-isomers unknown to nature, which has the consistency of soft plasticine, a disgusting odor and color. In order to give this "product" commercial qualities, a bunch of all kinds of chemistry is added there.
Trans fats are extremely toxic and tend to accumulate in the body, causing a number of dangerous ailments: stress, atherosclerosis, heart disease, cancer, obesity, sick children, weakened immunity, low potency, etc.

What is the harm of artificial yeast:

- These are essences alien to the body - mushrooms.
- Imagine a mushroom lives in your body.
- The yeast itself dies during baking, but their spores do not.
- They are able to penetrate into the bloodstream, which means, into any organs.
- In the process of their vital activity, they release mycotoxins.
- Once in the body, they begin to rebuild the entire environment for themselves.
- Symbiotic (healthy) microflora is inhibited, and pathogenic ones bloom.
- The body becomes easily accessible to foreign bacteria and viruses.
- Ideal conditions are created for the development of cancer cells.

Why do I say that humanity can no longer be trusted in matters of nutrition (as in many other matters)? If a human herd en masse produces and consumes what kills him, then, definitely, he cannot be trusted. How can you trust a drug addict, for example?

A person who is in a problem does not see the problem, or does not want to see it. A problematic society even more does not want to see its problems, or even is unable to see, because it is in the illusion of herd safety.

So, we finally saw that “smoking kills” after chemistry was added to the tobacco, and as a result of which it began to kill even more. But the same inscription - "kills" - can be confidently glued to all supermarket synthetics. The illusion soothes only because it kills slowly and imperceptibly.

From the moment these three main components appeared in the diet - white flour, margarine, yeast - the culture ended, and the matrix began.

These components are included in all the most common and everyday products - baked goods. It is like the basis of the matrix scheme (not culture) of nutrition.

The main thing is to lay the foundation so that people lose their sanity, as in the fairy tale about Sinbad the sailor. Then they will not understand why they get sick and die, and in general, for what purpose all this. On the farm, after all, the cattle do not understand what and why they feed them?

The cells must be filled with obedient elements. And these elements must be, firstly, not completely healthy, so that they do not have free energy, and secondly, they must be slightly screwed up so that they don’t understand where they are. Energy and conscious will should be enough just enough to properly perform their functional duties - no more, no less.

The transition from traditional to live food does not at all mean some kind of breakthrough in the culture of food, if the elementary principles are not followed. Consider what principles are violated there.

1. The diet should be constant, unchanged.

The kitchen (a set of products and methods of their preparation) should be some kind of an established constant. In general, the diet cannot be changed abruptly, as, for example, without special need to jump from one national cuisine to another.

This is mainly due to the intestinal microflora, which is adapted for the digestion of a particular food. It rebuilds slowly, it can take months to adapt.

Therefore, any transition should be smooth, gradual. If we are talking about the transition to live nutrition, then all the more there is no hurry, because one more factor is added - enhanced cleansing of the body.

You can not bring yourself to a state of increased intoxication. So, in modern conditions, and especially for young people, it is better to tune in not for months, but for years.

2. The diet should be as varied as possible.

At the same time, dishes should be as simple and monosyllabic as possible, consisting of similar ingredients. It is better to eat more, but one thing at a time.

Variety is only required in the general range.

Vegetables and fruits alone are a very poor diet. If you want to eat something like that, then the body is missing something. For example, the brain consumes more than a quarter of the body's energy and needs lecithin to function. In chocolate, there is lecithin, but in vegetables and fruits it is not - that's what you want. But why overeat chocolate when legumes are full of lecithin?

3. Food should be enjoyable.

This is how the human brain works - it should have fun. If there is no pleasure, serotonin is not produced, and then everything is bad. If there is no pleasure, the brain will look for it, including among artificial stimulants.

Food is one of the main pleasures and must be deliciously prepared. If what you eat is healthy, but not tasty, you will constantly want something obscene, but tasty, and this ordeal will continue until the brain gets its portion of pleasure.

Therefore, you do not need to engage in masochism, you do not need to chew a green salad like a cow, you need to look for simple but tasty recipes, and get not only benefit, but also pleasure - this is the culture of living food. Live food can and should be delicious.

4. Artificial stimulants and relaxants should be excluded.

You will still have to pay with interest. That is, there is always less benefit from something artificial than harm. Giving itself is not justified. At first it will feel better, and then it will get worse.

Depression and panic attacks are a new generation of diseases. They are caused by nothing more than chemical components in products. Chemistry causes an altered state of consciousness, to one degree or another, but always. And it also causes intoxication, despite the fact that the toxins are "packed in barrels." Not all are packaged.

But if treat the effect of its cause, then the situation will only get worse. You can ask the question: what is artificial in coffee and chocolate? If they are environmentally friendly, natural, then probably nothing, if in moderation. Only natural coffee and chocolate are now hard to find.

This is a big business, all plantations are abundantly watered with chemistry, not to mention what is added to the final product. The harm is not even in the caffeine itself, but in the accompanying chemistry. The best and safest stimulant is wild raw cocoa beans. You can just chew them, make cocoa or chocolate, sweets. The effect is felt immediately, and without consequences.

5. The main principle is that the products must be natural.

A product that is “confined and buried” for a long shelf life cannot be considered natural. Additives that mimic the "identical to natural" are also synthetics, no matter how they dress up. Eating "long-lasting" (long-lasting) vegetables and fruits from the supermarket is sheer madness.

For the body, there is nothing worse than synthetic (artificially synthesized) toxins. For billions of years of evolution, nature has provided for everything except this.

If the body could speak, it would say: you can starve me, torment me with excessive physical exertion, throw me into heat or cold, you can bleed, you can beat, torture, and even cut, I will take everything ... but if You will poison me, you fool, you and I will feel bad, very bad - everything will just end very badly.

Healthy food culture: new times - new rules

Our food culture, our eating habits are laid primarily by our parents. They want us well, of course, but the culture of healthy eating that existed when they were young may be very different from what we should be eating in the twenty-first century.

A culture of healthy eating, like good manners, must be nurtured from childhood.

Healthy food culture: what is it made of?

We live in an era in which changes are taking place at a tremendous speed, including in the field of a culture of healthy eating. When the majority of the older members of our family - aunt, uncle, grandfather, grandmother - grew up and were brought up - they did not have access to a thousandth part of the information that is available to us now. And the composition of the products used to be different - people did not know about preservatives, or about dyes, or about milk, which can be stored for a month, while being outside the refrigerator.

Speaking about the culture of healthy eating, we in no way mean following any diets and, moreover, we do not urge to switch to vegetarianism. These are all individual questions, and it is better not to get involved in diet issues without a doctor's recommendation. A healthy eating culture involves following certain rules.

Of course, it should be based on certain knowledge: about the properties of certain products, about their effect on our body, about their combination with each other. With this knowledge, you will be able to choose the foods that fit your lifestyle. You will be able to cook them correctly, making the most of all the nutrients they contain.

Some principles of healthy eating

One of the foundations of a culture of healthy eating is that the amount of energy that enters the body with food should correspond to the amount of energy that a person spends during the day.

If the food we consume is low in calories, our performance is noticeably reduced. If we eat a lot of high-calorie foods, while not loading our body with physical activity, the potential energy received will be spent on increasing our body weight.

The next principle is that in order for food to be absorbed in the best possible way, it is necessary that useful nutrients enter our body in a certain ratio. To create an individual diet, you do not need to use the services of nutritionists, it is easier than it sounds.

Finally, one of the most important principles that is not always possible to follow is adherence to the diet. This is the number of meals per day and the intervals between them.

For one person, three meals a day are suitable, while the other leads such a lifestyle that he needs to eat four times a day. It is important not to change the routine once established, as our digestive system "gets used" to produce gastric juice at certain times.

A culture of healthy eating is, first of all, a personal discipline. Organize your diet wisely and you will find that there is more order in the rest of your life.

Healthy eating rules

According to statistics, Russians and Americans have the most harmful eating habits. Russians eat a lot, often uncontrollably, usually preferring a three-course meal.
At the same time, high-calorie heavy foods often predominate in the daily diet. In addition, many people like to have a snack between meals, and along with evening tea they are not at all averse to using a cake, candy or some kind of sweet dish.

Americans are among the earliest and main consumers of fast food and convenience foods. They often eat outside the home, and food in fast food places is rich in substances harmful to the body. In addition, most people have a bad habit - eat a lot at night and in the evening.
Interestingly, with this approach to nutrition, both Russians and Americans dream of having slim figures and good health. To achieve this, people use the most incredible weight loss methods, super slimming diets, fat burners, and the like.

Do we think about how healthy we are eating? With age, this has to be done more and more often. Someone asks this question consciously, while someone is prompted to such reflections by abdominal pain or upset digestion. Be that as it may, sooner or later almost everyone comes to a simple idea - if you want to live a long life, eat right. Then the question naturally arises: what is proper nutrition?

We all know that digested food is well digested food. On the one hand, as it were, we know, but on the other, for some reason we don’t remember about it. Somehow, it goes without saying that after eating you need to grab an apple, drink tea with a bun ...

First of all, it should be said that one should not attach much importance to dietary instructions intended "for everyone at once", since we are all different people, each of us has his own metabolic activity (metabolism), different culinary traditions, habits, and so on.
Many have heard the saying: “what is good for a Russian is death for a German,” that is, what a Georgian, for example, loves, may not like and completely not suit an Englishman.
It turns out that the concept of "proper nutrition" itself is very abstract and approximate. However, some fundamental principles can be identified, the observance of which allows us to talk about reasonable, or proper nutrition.

There are many approaches to "proper" nutrition. Someone adheres to the principles of separate nutrition, someone prefers a vegetarian diet, someone eats only raw fruits and vegetables. Fried food is considered very harmful, and boiled food is also not very welcome. Each person chooses the rules that he will follow. When the body begins to rebuild, it begins to dictate its own conditions.

Many have read, or heard from others, that one should not eat in the morning, because the body cleans itself at this time, and even after sleep it has enough energy for the morning. Someone seems to be absolutely impracticable, but someone quite calmly has breakfast at 11-13 o'clock. And more often than not, two meals a day are enough for them.
And some hold a different point of view: breakfast should be royal, because in the morning the body works in such a way that it is able to assimilate everything of value that you ate at breakfast. Remember the saying: "Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to the enemy" ...

Drink a glass of juice;

The best and most useful (in my opinion) is when you want. You need to eat when you feel that you are now eating whatever you see, when you feel healthy hunger. And when you expect that the appetite will come with eating, nothing but a heaviness in the stomach and a desire to sleep will work;

Eat hot or cold food. Comfortably warm is good. The fact is that the process of digestion begins at a certain temperature of food, but if it is cold or hot, then the body first brings it to a certain temperature, spending a certain amount of energy. And since we eat in order to live, and do not live to eat, then let us carefully spend energy on food in order to spend more energy on life;

Know when to stop in food and get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger;

Of the two great desires - sleep and food - always choose the first. Get some rest and only then start eating. When the body is overworked and wants to sleep, not only the brain and muscles are tired, but also the stomach;

Do not eat in an agitated, anxious state. It is better to skip meals altogether;

The food must be fresh. Of all the cooking methods, prefer the simplest possible cooking. Eat less fried, smoked or baked foods. Fruits and vegetables are best eaten raw. Highly fresh juices are useful;

Fruit should preferably be consumed 20-25 minutes before meals. Why? Because fruits are retained in the stomach for this very time, and they are digested mainly in the intestines. When we eat them after a hearty dinner, they are not digested, but already rot in the stomach. Instead of great benefit, we receive great harm;

Drink plenty of fluids, but do it slowly; eat garlic - at least one or two cloves a day, on an empty stomach. Finely chopped garlic is easy to swallow without chewing, washed down with water. So you will avoid unpleasant garlic odor from the mouth and get a wonderful harmless natural antibiotic that will "monitor" the microflora in your stomach and intestines. Salt can be consumed, but only in small doses. Remember that processed foods, sauces, and seasonings may contain hidden salt;

It is better to drink 30 minutes before meals. The fact is that when we drink with food or after, the water "flushes" some of the enzymes produced by the stomach to digest food. We have to produce them more, which means that the body has to spend more energy for processing. And if you consider that we eat in order to supply ourselves with energy, then it is ridiculous to spend all the generated energy only on digesting the next portion of food. By the way, the least amount of energy is spent by the body when drinking fresh juices. After a meal, it is recommended to drink after a carbohydrate meal - after 3 hours, after a protein meal - after 4 hours. If you really want to, then not earlier than after 1 hour;

Chew your food well. It is good to chew each bite 30 times, well, if you chewed 60 times, it’s just wonderful;

Enjoy food. And in order not to overload the body, you can skip the next meal;

Learn to eat any product, respecting it, loving it and realizing that now it will give you all of itself so that you continue your existence more meaningfully, become more loving, brighter. This is his sacrifice to you;

Remove salty, smoked, pickled, fried, and fatty foods from the diet. Eat only one food at a time. For example, boiled potatoes. No need to add oil and so on. Just boiled potatoes. No bread, salt and other additives in the form of spices and sauces;

There is also a 4-ingredient rule. Eat only one meal at a time using no more than 4 ingredients. For example, let's take boiled potatoes with dill. The ingredients of this dish will be potatoes (1), water (2), dill (or other seasoning), salt. That's it, we don't add anything else. We take breaks between meals - 4 hours;

Before eating, you need to drink a glass of liquid: tea or water, juice. There should be at least 4 hours breaks between meals. The night meal break should be about 12 hours;

When you eat, take your time. Chew slowly while enjoying your meal. When drinking, do not swallow quickly, enjoy the drink.

Beautiful table setting is very desirable. Approach your meal like a holiday.

If you stick to the rules of a sensible diet, the result can be your long and healthy life.

Do we think about whether we are eating right? Surely, you have to do this, and with age, more and more often. Someone asks such a question consciously, while someone is prompted to such reflections by suddenly onset stomach cramps or upset digestion. Be that as it may, at a certain age everyone comes to a simple thought - if you want to live a long life, eat right. If you don't want to - eat when you have to and what comes to hand.

Of course, for most people, the former is much more attractive than the latter. But the question immediately arises: what is proper nutrition?

Here, first of all, it should be said that one should not attach great importance to the dietary instructions "for all", which are full of reference books on dietetics. All people are different. With its active metabolic processes, with various culinary traditions, habits, and so on. It's not a secret for anyone: what, say, an Armenian loves, a Kalmyk may not like it. Therefore, we warn you that the concept of "proper nutrition" itself is abstract and very approximate.

And although this topic is very extensive, it seems to us that we can single out the fundamental principles, the observance of which allows us to talk about proper nutrition.

First: try to follow the traditions of your national cuisine. In other words, experiment less on your own stomach, being temporarily away from home.

Second: stick to the need to have breakfast, lunch and dinner. In other words, eat at least three times a day and, if possible, at the same time. In between these meals, you can also have a light "snack". It will not be a big sin if you eat, for example, an apple or drink a glass of milk with a bagel between breakfast and lunch.

Third: know when to stop eating and get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

Fourth: of the two great desires - sleep and eat - always choose the first. Get some rest and only then start eating. When the body is overworked and wants to sleep, then not only the brain and muscles are tired, but also the stomach.

Fifth: food must be fresh. Of all the cooking methods, prefer the simplest possible cooking. Eat less fried, smoked, or baked foods. Fruits and vegetables are best eaten raw.

Sixth: drink - but take your time! - more liquid; eat more garlic - at least one to two cloves per day, on an empty stomach. Finely chopped garlic is easy to swallow without chewing, washed down with water. So you will avoid unpleasant garlic odor from the mouth and get a wonderful harmless natural antibiotic that will "monitor" the microflora in your stomach and intestines. Use salt, but in small doses. Drink only wine, but good, and make sure that your legs remain light and your head light.

Seventh: do not eat food that is not recommended by your trusted doctor.

Following these guidelines for sensible eating will promise you a long, disease-free life. This is all the more likely the more conscientiously you stick to them. Try to count the culinary "commandments" listed here you are following. And if not, then why, what is in the way? Does it all depend on you?

Now let's see how many times a funny hero of another story violated the dietary "code".

Semyon Ivanovich headed in the direction of a large grocery store. I have been sucking in my stomach for a long time. And no wonder: all day without lunch. He had barely had time to eat a sandwich with perforated, bright yellow, deliciously smelling cheese, when the head of the department called him and gave him urgent work. In general, Semyon Ivanovich was left without dinner.

By evening, the hunger became truly wolfish, if not worse. Hastily running up the steps of the supermarket, Semyon Ivanovich carried his overweight body into a huge hall, replete with multi-colored packages on long shelves stretching into the distance. There was such a mesmerizing smell in the hall that he felt dizzy for a moment.

Mingling with the crowd of customers, Semyon Ivanovich found himself at the gastronomic department and froze before the enchanting spectacle that opened up to him. In the window, in the rays of bright, life-affirming light, lay the red-juicy cuts of ripe sausages. Not far away was a greasy brown pile of smoked chicken legs. A little further away, flashing milky sides, a pyramid of layers of young bacon rose.

Everything seemed to be calling and singing: "Buy us! Buy us!" It even seemed to Semyon Ivanovich that he really heard this chorus. He even turned around - did the others hear him? But those around them were calm and even looked at all these benefits somehow indifferently. He quickly counted his money. Enough. At least for dinner, he thought to himself.

Having hardly stood in line of three people, he finally found himself in front of a polite young girl-saleswoman. But when she, lifting her chin, showed attention and readiness to fulfill all the wishes of the buyer, Semyon Ivanovich was confused by the gastronomic feelings overwhelming him and did not immediately find what to say. There was a quiet murmur from those behind. Stretching out his hand and directing a burning gaze to the counter heaped with meat products, Semyon Ivanovich nevertheless made it clear to the saleswoman where what he wanted was.

Sausages? - Shrugging shoulders, the girl clarified. The customer shook his head approvingly.

How many? A pound?

Semyon Ivanovich smiled indulgently, spreading his arms to the sides and making a triple chin, as if to say: was it worth standing because of such a trifle.

Kilogram? - the saleswoman continued the monologue.

The buyer threw out two fingers, indicating two kilos.

While the girl was weighing the sausages, Semyon Ivanovich glanced quickly across the counter, feverishly wondering what else to buy. But the girl, surely not guessing about the emotional storm that gripped him, deftly wrapped up the weighed one, and, politely thanking a somewhat strange buyer for the purchase, turned to the lady standing behind him.

Wait a minute! - Semyon Ivanovich finally found the gift of speech. - Wait a minute ... That's not all. - He jokingly shook his finger at the flushed paint at the young saleswoman. - I would still, uh-uh, a pound of doctor's and ... a half-smoked stick.

Satisfied with his purchase, Semyon Ivanovich began to move from counter to counter. Soon, two bottles of kefir, a kilogram can of slightly salted herring and a bag of halva joined the sausages and sausages in his basket. The stomach raged. The eyes already refused to look at all this abundance.

That's it, it's time to get out, - Semyon Ivanovich firmly decided. But then his attention was attracted by a liter can of canned pineapples, proudly towered between the jars of green peas and beans. - Okay, last, and quickly go home!

Arriving at the counter, Semyon Ivanovich raised his wide, weighty palm over the pineapples, when he suddenly thought: "Is there enough money?" He quickly figured out in his mind - really, is it enough? But for pineapples, whatever one may say, there was not enough. "Well, oh-oh-oh," thought Semyon Ivanovich bitterly, "now dinner is ruined too." And with an expression of endless sadness on his face, he slowly trudged towards the exit.

Sep 20

Food culture. How to learn to eat right.

The concept of "food culture" in various scientific works is interpreted in different ways. In this article I will try to systematize this concept for a modern person and give practical advice for normalizing their own food culture.

Let's turn to the pyramid of needs of the famous American psychologist Abraham Maslow for a moment. In it you can see that the concept of "food" is at the base of the pyramid. It follows from this that all basic personal achievements cannot be fully realized without quality satisfaction of basic physiological needs, which means that a person as a person cannot fully self-actualize.

So, we can safely say that food culture is one of the main components of the foundation of the personal development of every person.

Do you want to be healthy, successful, look beautiful and young? To do this, you definitely need to put your own food culture in order. If you decide to take this step, then I advise you to highlight 4 basic requirements for yourself, which you should definitely adhere to:

  • Composition and quality of products.
  • Prema food regimen
  • Meal form

Composition and quality of products

“We are what we eat” - this phrase, as possible, accurately describes this requirement. Before every meal, be sure to think about whether this food is worth it to be in your stomach. Remember that any food you eat will, in one way or another, affect your health, mood or appearance. If you have an apple and French fries in front of you - which one will you choose? Dry potatoes or a juicy shiny apple? Here, the very inner intuition will tell you what you can eat and what it is better to refrain from. Remember, too, about the composition of the products. Each person needs to get a certain amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for a full life. Moreover, this amount is strictly individual for each organism, physique and lifestyle. Be attentive to all kinds of diets. It's one thing if a professional doctor prescribes a diet for you to improve your well-being, it is completely different when, dreaming of losing a few pounds, you starve yourself.

Meal mode

Most people working from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm are used to a certain “classic” meal plan. Breakfast lunch dinner. Moreover, it does not matter at all what time there is. In the morning at 7:00 I ate a roll of coffee, at lunchtime, right at the workplace, I drank instant soup from a cup, and in the evening, when I came home, I decided to make up for lost time: I fried chicken, poured myself a giant portion of the side dish, ate a meal and went to bed after dinner ... There is also such a common misconception that if you skip one of the meals, then, of course, you will immediately begin to lose weight. If you decide to stick to a positive food culture, then you should fundamentally change your attitude towards the meal regimen. If you are striving to gain a slim figure, then the breakfast-lunch-dinner form is not for you. Also forget about skipping one meal - it won't help. Yes, of course, first you will lose a couple of kilos, then you will gain 2 times more.

To normalize metabolism, meals should be at least 5. Train yourself to eat something every 2.5 - 3 hours. Moreover, it is not necessary to add more food. Just divide your usual breakfast, lunch and dinner portions into 5 portions. When asked how best to eat, any nutritionist will answer you - often and a little at a time. To the usual form of breakfast-lunch-dinner, it is worth adding such a concept as second breakfast and afternoon tea. It is also recommended not to eat 1.5 - 2 hours before bedtime, so as not to strain the stomach too much during rest and not to interfere with the accumulation of energy the next day.

Meal form

Ask yourself - how often did you have to eat on the go: standing, lying, on the run or, stuffing sandwiches, not having too much time for a snack. And what's wrong with that - you might think. But your stomach is not a warehouse where you can throw everything, and then he will figure it out himself. The gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive to stress, shock, and haste of any kind. Set aside a specific time for eating and observe it. You can also "train your stomach to eat right." Do not rush, chew your food thoroughly, after a while of adherence to the regime, you will notice how your stomach will begin to "prompt" you itself that it is time to have a snack. Be sure to listen to these clues.

Emotional stress

As mentioned above, the gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive to stress of any kind. The mood in which you eat can affect how well it is absorbed. If you scandalize and eat lunch at the same time, then it is likely that after a while you will get severe stomach cramps. You need to eat in a calm state. Enjoy the food, savor it, try to taste every bite or sip. Allow the flavor to spread evenly over your receptors. Note a particular flavor for yourself. Let an ordinary snack become a tasting for you. This will help make eating a tradition that you will want to keep.


Food culture Is not a measure of limitation to achieve certain goals. This is a lifestyle. You must understand for yourself that your food culture is primarily a reflection of you and your own life. If you want your life to be free of chaos and confusion, try first to normalize your food culture, and everything else, rest assured, will be tied to this.

Especially for you on our website, we have collected a whole range of organic and healthy products that will help you establish your food culture and learn to eat right.

"You are what you eat!" - remember this and be healthy!

Among the various manifestations of caring for a person, one of the most important is caring for the family.

The family is called upon to ensure the continuity of progressive national traditions and customs, morals and spiritual culture. It is she who serves as the first source from which the younger generation draws information about social ideals, models of behavior are developed here, the family is usually the main source of role models.

The most important task of the family is to improve the health and education of the younger generation. The formation in each of its members of a culture of consumption, including food products, greatly contributes to the implementation of this task. It is in the family that the contradictions between obsolete and obsolete traditions and the new that are declared and implemented by modern society arise and often find a solution. Sometimes these contradictions become acute, especially in those families whose individual members are at odds with the culture of consumption or, even worse, are carriers of bad habits, such as drunkenness, smoking, overeating.

To live, a person, of course, needs to eat, drink, dress, have housing and other material goods, a certain level of comfort. But "humanity erects monuments not to those who ate sweeter and drank more, but to those who glorified him with heroic deeds." Material wealth is not an end in itself for us, but a prerequisite for the all-round development of the individual. Therefore, the task of protecting young people from the temptation of consumerism in the field of material wealth is one of the key ones in educational work, including in the family.

This temptation is especially great in the area of ​​nutrition. But it must be overcome on a scientific basis.

From time to time, there is a fashion for certain food products, for the way they are prepared. From hand to hand, "by acquaintance", the most incredible dietary regimes, all kinds of "diets", etc. are passed on. All this is an indicator of the low level of culture in general and the culture of food consumption in particular.

How much of all this is needed in science? The scientifically grounded food consumption standards developed by the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences can serve as a benchmark for determining the needs for food.

As for the physiological norm of nutrition, that is, the amount of calories a person needs, this problem has been solved. Now the task is to bring quality indicators closer to rational norms, in other words, to improve the structure of nutrition by increasing the diet of people in meat, milk, vegetables, fruits, berries.

The abundance of food is naturally good, but with a low culture of consumption, it can be harmful to health and shorten life expectancy. The principle "the more the better" is not acceptable here. The problem of obesity, which exists not only in our country, is a vivid confirmation of this.

So what is the culture of food consumption? It:

knowledge of the biological function of nutrition, that is, the role that food plays in human life;

economical housekeeping, knowledge of the properties and consequences of the effects of food on the body, the ability to choose and prepare them correctly, making the most of useful qualities;

thrifty attitude to food.

Many of our contemporaries, being educated and cultured people, turn out to be surprisingly ignorant in matters of nutrition. They do not know how much, what, when and even how it is, they have a random idea of ​​the chemical composition of products, their properties, and they know almost nothing about the effect of this or that product on the human body. Usually only some kind of disease makes such people pay attention to their diet. Unfortunately, sometimes it is too late: the wrong diet has already thoroughly destroyed the body and you have to resort to treatment.

Being one of the important components of our way of life, the culture of food consumption determines to a large extent the way of life of a person. Anyone who knows the laws of rational nutrition and follows them has more chances to be healthy, active, physically and spiritually developed. The time has come to judge the culture of a person at the table not only and not so much by how he eats, that is, how he uses tableware, but by what and how much he eats.

Below will be discussed the principles of good nutrition. It is based on the use of only those products that contain the least amount of harmful substances.

As the history of nutrition testifies, in relation to some products for thousands of years, there is a clear, enduring sympathy for them, adoration for them. Milk and bread occupy a special place among these “favorites”. Regarding milk, a remarkable Russian scientist, academician I.P. Pavlov wrote: “Among the varieties of human food, milk is in an exceptional position, and this is a consensual recognition of both everyday experience and medicine. Milk is considered by everyone and always the easiest food and is given with weak and sick stomachs and with a mass of other serious general diseases ... How amazingly food prepared by nature stands out from a number of other varieties ”.

Our other outstanding scientists - K.A. Timiryazevs give no less deep and worthy assessment to the second named product, bread: “How many people really came up with the idea that a piece of good baked wheat bread is one of the greatest inventions of the human mind, one of those empirical discoveries that later scientific research you have to confirm and explain. Indeed, out of hundreds of thousands of plants inhabiting the earth, it was necessary to find the one that would represent the best combinations of unknown substances (proteins and carbohydrates), combined in plant organs, easily collected and preserved. "

In many families, meat is considered one of the main food products and they refer to the famous remark of K. Marx, in which he highly appreciates the role of this product in the development of a person, especially his brain. Yes, the role of meat in the human diet is great. However, this product is insidious and brings maximum benefits only when its consumption corresponds to the physiological norm. Excess of it in the human body, as proven by the latest research, is harmful. By the way, we also read warnings about the adverse effect of a large amount of meat food from ancient authors.

For a balanced diet, it is not only the quality composition of food that is important. Its quantity is of no less importance. Anyone who wants to be healthy should eat in moderation. Today, the average person tends to consume significantly more food than they need. Half of the inhabitants of our country are overweight. This negatively affects their well-being.

When acquainting with the history of nutrition, attention is drawn to the fact that already thinkers of the past associated moderation in food not only with human health, but also with his moral state. The ancient Roman philosopher Rufus Mouzonius believed that “our duty is for life, not for pleasure, if only we want to follow the wonderful saying of Socrates that while most people live to eat, he, Socrates , eats in order to live. " Socrates himself expressed his attitude to nutrition as follows: "Beware of all food and drink that would induce you to eat more than your hunger and thirst require."

The habit of moderation in food is established in childhood, and the family plays a decisive role in its formation. It is necessary to nurture the food culture literally from the cradle, that is, from the moment when the child begins to receive complementary foods. The first and most common mistake of parents is the desire to give the baby something "sweet", and even in abundance. And it is not surprising that from childhood a sweet-fed child, becoming an adult, continues to be a slave to this addiction, which often leads directly to diabetes and other metabolic diseases.

Scientists argue that malnutrition is at the heart of most of the diseases of a modern person. And a habit is laid to him in the family. Knowledge of the principles of rational nutrition and strict adherence to them in practice will provide all family members with good health and good spirits, the opportunity to live a full, interesting life.

What is the concept of human nutritional culture? and got the best answer

Answer from Helga [guru]
Food culture is:
- knowledge of the basics of proper nutrition;
- knowledge of the properties of products and their effect on the body, the ability to choose and cook them correctly, using all the useful substances to the maximum;
- knowledge of the rules for serving dishes and eating, i.e. knowledge of the culture of consumption of ready-made food;
- economical attitude to food products.
The most important principles of good nutrition:
Correspondence of the caloric content of food to the daily expenditure of energy by a person. Violation of this correspondence causes various disorders in the body. It should be remembered that a regular decrease in the calorie content of the foods consumed leads to a decrease in body weight, a significant decrease in efficiency and general activity, and an increase in the susceptibility to various diseases. At the same time, the supercaloric content of daily portions is extremely dangerous, from which a person draws more potential energy than he needs for the normal functioning of the body. A systematic increase in the caloric content of food leads to a significant increase in body weight, obesity, which also entails health problems.
Satisfaction of the body's needs in the right amount and ratio of nutrients. For optimal assimilation of food, it is necessary to supply the body with all nutrients in certain proportions. When compiling food rations, first of all, the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is taken into account. For a healthy adult, their ratio should be 1: 1.2: 4.6. Taking into account the physiological state of the organism, the nature and conditions of work, the sex and age of a person, the climatic characteristics of the region, scientists have developed the norms of the physiological needs for nutrients and energy of various groups of the population. They make it possible to compose a diet for each family. However, it is important to remember that the diet should contain the optimal amount of balanced nutrients, that is, have the correct chemical composition.
Diet. It includes the time and frequency of meals, the intervals between them, the distribution of calories by meals. Optimal for a healthy person is four meals a day, but three meals a day are also allowed, depending on the conditions of work or study. Each meal should be at least 20 to 30 minutes long. This makes it possible to eat slowly, chew food well and, most importantly, not overeat. Certain eating hours allow the digestive system to get used to a persistent regimen and release the right amount of digestive juices. With four meals a day, the calorie content should be distributed among meals as follows: 1st breakfast - 18%, 2nd breakfast - 12%, lunch - 45%, dinner -25%. Suppose that with three meals a day, breakfast is 30%, lunch - 45%, dinner - 25%. But remember: regardless of the diet, the last meal should be 1.5 - 2 hours before bedtime.
With three meals a day, breakfast usually consists of a hot dish (meat or fish with porridge or vegetables, a sandwich and some hot drink - coffee, tea, cocoa).
Lunch should return the energy to the body, which he spent during the working day. When a large amount of food is digested, an increased secretion of gastric juices occurs, therefore, snacks are needed in the lunch menu: vegetable salads, vinaigrette, salted fish, etc. The production of gastric juice is also "helped" by the first hot dishes that are rich in extractives: meat, fish, mushroom broths. The second hot dish should contain a large amount of protein, there should be an increased calorie content. It is best to end your meal with a sweet dish, which will inhibit gastric secretion and cause a pleasant feeling of satisfaction from the meal.
For dinner, dishes made from milk, cereals and vegetables are preferred. You should not eat meat dishes, because they are slowly absorbed.