Do-it-yourself repair of the Orion gas water heater. Do-it-yourself gas water heater repair: fixing problems in the water heater at home

Instantaneous water heaters have a long service life and are easy to use. Over time, preventive or major repairs of gas water heaters are required, which is necessary to restore the uninterrupted operation of the equipment and supply hot water to the house. The editors of the site today decided to devote a separate article to this issue. We will tell you about the main malfunctions of household speakers and how to fix them.

Read in the article:

Features of the geyser device and the principle of its operation

Surely many users wondered why the gas water heater does not heat water well, does not light up, or works intermittently. Before proceeding with troubleshooting, you should understand the design features of household speakers. All instantaneous domestic water heaters have a heat exchanger, gas burners and operating temperature sensors inside. In addition, pipelines are connected to the design of the column through which gas is supplied to the system, cold water is supplied, and hot water is also removed to the consumer.

The principle of operation of the gas water heater is as follows: after opening the water tap, the valve is triggered, gas enters the burner, and the candle ignites. As it burns, heat is generated, the temperature of which is controlled by a built-in sensor. Thus, water is heated using a heat carrier. The columns are equipped with a ventilation system through which exhaust gas and steam are removed. The operating temperature of the water is regulated by a built-in switch located outside the flowing equipment.

How to turn on the gas water heater and adjust the temperature and pressure

Consider the features of turning on and adjusting the parameters of a household appliance, if the column was dismantled for overhaul, or it was replaced with a new model. After installation and connection of all structural components of the equipment, turn on the burner and open hot water. Next, you need to measure the outgoing temperature and compare it with the incoming (cold water supply) - the difference between the indicators should be about 25 ° C. In case of prolonged heating of the outgoing liquid or its complete absence, adjust the temperature using the gas supply knob (toggle switch).

You can achieve the desired temperature of hot water by adjusting the fluid pressure in the pipeline. If the water pressure is too weak, the temperature will become too high, or it will not be enough to turn on the column. High pressure, on the contrary, will lead to the fact that the liquid will not have time to heat up. There are several ways to solve the problem with poor water pressure.

A leaky membrane is a fairly common reason for the lack of hot water in the house. After replacing it, the device will easily cope with a large volume of incoming fluid.

How to check the thrust in a gas water heater: practical recommendations

It is imperative to check the draft before starting the column, since the quality of the equipment will depend on the speed of the exhaust gases in the chimney. In addition, this procedure is carried out in order to exclude the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning. To check the intensity of the thrust, the gas service uses an anemometer. You can also use a flame of fire brought up to the ventilation shaft. To do this, you need to light a sheet of paper or bring a match to it: if the flame quickly rushes into the chimney, then the draft is good, and you can use the column.

Important! Weak draft of instantaneous water heaters can be formed due to blockages in the structural elements of the columns. It is easy to see if there is an uncharacteristic (deep orange or green) flame color in the burner. To remove soot, you need to clean the ventilation shaft and remove dirt from the device components.

Do-it-yourself tools for repairing a gas water heater

If the gas water heater does not work, and you have to repair faulty equipment yourself, you should prepare the appropriate tools. For work, you will need adjustable and open-end wrenches, which are needed to unscrew and crimp the branch pipes and threaded connections.

You also need to prepare a set of simple and cross-head screwdrivers. Before starting work, you should purchase paronite gaskets to replace worn seals with them. Please note that tow should be used to seal the seams. If you have to troubleshoot electrical equipment, you will need a multimeter to measure a number of parameters. If a leak in the heat exchanger and piping is detected, prepare sandpaper, a soldering iron, rosin and solder.

Ways to eliminate common gas column malfunctions

Problem # 1. Repair of a gas water heater heat exchanger in case of scale formation

One of the reasons why the gas column does not turn on when the water is turned on is the formation of scale in the heat exchanger during operation. Its construction consists of a pipeline and a metal casing. Water enters the pipes, where it is heated. Due to the high hardness and high temperature, limestone and salt deposits form, which interfere with the normal operation of the column.

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“If cold water comes under a good pressure when opening, and hot water in a thin stream, this indicates a blockage in the heat exchanger pipe, which needs to be flushed.”

To restore normal operation of the equipment, it is not at all necessary to dismantle the heat exchanger. Before starting repair work, shut off the gas and water supply. Then you need to remove the union nut and drain the water from it.

You also need to unscrew the nuts on the outlet and inlet of the device. Further, with the help of a rubber hose, anti-scale is poured inside. For these purposes, you can also use citric acid or vinegar solution.

After 3 hours, connect the pipes to the heat exchanger, check the tightness of the threaded connections. Then you need to open the water supply tap (hot). This should be done slowly so that dirt does not splash under pressure throughout the kitchen. When limescale and blockages have melted, the hot water flow will increase. If necessary, the cleaning procedure is repeated several times. The problem with the formation of scale can be solved quite simply by installing filtration equipment.

Problem # 2. The gas column does not light up or ignites and immediately goes out

Now let's look at what to do if the gas column does not light up. The main cause of this malfunction may be the lack of traction. This often happens due to a clogged ventilation shaft. The problem is eliminated by cleaning the chimney duct with a metal bristle brush.

Also, the column will not light up if the membrane is damaged. It deforms quite often, due to which the burner trigger does not work when the hot water tap is opened.

The breakdown of the membrane is determined as follows: it is necessary to make the water pressure maximum by opening the valve to the end. If the heater turns on, the membrane must be replaced. For this, the mechanism of the water unit must be disassembled and the deformed membrane must be replaced.

Please note that silicone seals last much longer than rubber membranes, so they should be chosen to ensure long column performance. Also, the equipment may not turn on if the water intake filter becomes clogged. Cleaning is simple: you need to unscrew the nut from the pressure supply side, remove and rinse the mesh, then reinstall and check the device.

Problem # 3. Why does the geyser spontaneously go out, and how to fix the problem

If the column goes out, a common cause of this breakdown is the failure of the temperature sensor. The bimetallic device protects it from overheating. Over time, the insulation of the sensor wears out, a short circuit of the device to the case often appears, which causes the safety valve to turn on.

This leads to chaotic operation of the gas column. In such cases, the temperature sensor needs to be replaced urgently. In order to avoid the formation of complex hardware breakdowns, a qualified specialist should replace the device, therefore it is not recommended to change it yourself.

Problem # 4. The gas water heater does not heat the water

Often, users have to deal with the fact that the pressure is good, and the gas water heater does not heat the water well. Such a malfunction may be caused by insufficient power of the device. In addition, the heating of the water pressure may be too weak due to the banal clogging of the system. It is also worth paying attention to the pressure in the gas pipeline - if it is too weak, the liquid entering the heat exchanger will practically not heat up. This problem is solved by adjusting the hot water supply tap, cleaning the structural elements of the system, or completely replacing the column with a model of the required power. Before proceeding with the elimination of this malfunction, you should invite a gas appliance service technician.

Problem # 5. Weak pressure of hot water from the gas column

We have already talked about the need to descale the heat exchanger. It is its presence that causes certain difficulties for the normal operation of the device, since a clogged pipeline does not allow water to flow with good pressure. In addition to clogging this device, the likely reason for the lack of inclusion of the column may be the operation of the igniter in idle mode. When it burns for a long time, the body of the heat exchanger heats up, as a result of which the liquid in it evaporates.

This leads to the fact that there is no water flow in the pipeline, and the blockage is not washed out. Over time, the heat exchanger becomes unsuitable for further operation. If cleaning is not possible, this unit should be replaced.

Problem # 6. What to do if the gas column radiator is leaking

Long-term operation of gas water heaters leads to damage to the gaskets and the formation of cracks in the pipes and radiator. In practice, replacing it is quite expensive, since its cost is almost a third of the price of new equipment. We will figure out how you can repair this node with your own hands at minimal cost.

Table 1. The sequence of repair work of the gas column radiator

Stage of workDescription

Before starting repair work, the existing fluid must be drained from the system. For this, the hot water tap is opened (cold water is closed). Then the nut on the inlet pipe is unscrewed, after which almost the entire volume of water will flow out of the device.

Unscrew the fasteners. Dismantle the leaking radiator.

You should carefully inspect the pipes and the radiator housing for damage (cracks, holes). As a rule, they are found in places of formation of green or gray-yellow oxide.

Damaged areas must be thoroughly cleaned of oxide and dirt, for which sandpaper is used. Smear the treated areas with a solvent to remove carbon deposits and other contaminants.

To repair cracks and holes, a soldering iron, solder and rosin are used. Tin the defect, then treat it with a layer of tin. Its thickness should not exceed 2 mm.

Problem # 7. Replacing the gas column gaskets

Due to the effect of high temperature, over time, at the points of connection of the nozzles, the gaskets harden or deform, as a result of which a leak is formed. It can be eliminated by simply replacing the sealing elements.

To unscrew and tighten the nuts, you will need a 24 open-end wrench or its adjustable analogue. After installing a new gasket, do not forget to wind 4-5 turns of FUM tape around the pipe thread.

Problem # 8. A popping sound is heard when the gas burner is turned on

The main reason for the formation of pops during the operation of instantaneous water heating equipment is too high or low pressure in the gas pipeline. If the pressure is small, there is oxygen in the mixture supplied to the column, which forms pops when ignited. At high pressure, the flame escaping from the igniter also produces similar sounds. This problem is solved by adjusting the pressure of the gas flow. It is better to entrust this work to representatives of the gas service.

Problem # 9. You smell gas during operation

Often there is such a problem in the operation of equipment as a gas leak, which is accompanied by a persistent characteristic odor. If it is available, it is not worth operating the column in order to avoid an emergency. In this case, you need to call the repair team of the gas service.

Repair of gas water heaters of popular brands at home

Features of repair of gas water heaters "Bosch"

The high build quality of Bosch gas water heaters ensures long-term trouble-free operation of water heating equipment. Thus, heat exchangers of the Therm 4000 and 6000 series can last 6-10 years without the need for cleaning. To carry out the prophylaxis of the node, the column does not need to be removed.

Usually, there are no questions about how to light the Bosch gas water heater. If equipment malfunctions are observed, the first step is to check the integrity of the gaskets and diaphragm. The water block or flow regulator may also fail. Basically, the repair consists in replacing the sealing elements.

How to repair the Junkers gas water heater with your own hands

Repair of Junkers dispensers in most cases comes down to preventive measures. They consist in cleaning the nozzles, replacing the membrane, removing the formed carbon deposits, adjusting the operation of the burner and valves. Complex types of repair include setting up the control unit and restoring the water-gas system.

Repair of the gas water heater "Oasis": a brief instruction

Brief instructions for the repair of the Oasis gas water heater (the equipment diagram is shown in the photo) consists in identifying typical malfunctions and their elimination. So, if the automatic ignition system does not work, you need to clean the contacts and replace the batteries.

In the absence of traction, the column will not turn on. The problem is eliminated by cleaning the ventilation shaft. The same will happen if the water pressure regulator is set at the minimum mark, since in this case the diaphragm will not work and the gas valve will not open. To eliminate the malfunction, it is enough to set the regulator to maximum.

Quite often, in the gas columns there is a clogging of the mesh filter, into which small particles enter, which reduce the intensity of the pressure. The problem is solved by flushing.

Features of the repair of the gas column "Vector"

The device and principle of operation of the "Vector" devices are not much different from other models. With a low pressure of cold water, it is recommended to install a booster pump, which will ensure uninterrupted hot water supply. If the "Vector" gas column does not light up, check the condition of the filter and the heat exchanger for scale.

Dear readers of the online magazine site! Leave in the comments useful tips for the repair and maintenance of gas water heaters, as well as share your experience in setting up instantaneous water heaters with other visitors.

Such a complex device as a gas water heater serves for quite a long time, care and operation is carried out according to the instructions attached to this unit. But all things deteriorate and sometimes minor or major repairs of gas water heaters or their prevention are necessary. As well as replacing some of the components of the gas column.

Unit description

The internal structure of flow-through gas water heaters is of the same type and almost does not differ from different manufacturers. The main difference may be in additional options (display, automatic gas ignition, second temperature sensor, etc.), in the appearance of the device or in the design.

A heat exchanger is installed inside - a finned copper tube through which a water flow moves. The burner standing under the heat exchanger heats up the tube and the water passing inside it heats up. With a low water pressure or its absence, the incoming flow is blocked by a valve (curtain), to which a spark ignition switch is attached. This is for fire safety.

Call a master or repair it yourself

Calling the wizard

To repair a faulty gas water heater or prevent a gas leak (if you smell), you need to call a gas water heater repairman. But if you decide to call the workers of Gorgaz, then do not think that they will immediately come, sometimes they refuse to come, explaining that the repair should be carried out by the company (or store) that installed the gas water heater.

Attention! Use only companies that have the necessary certifications to operate this equipment.

Now there are a lot of "left" companies divorced. and calling the workers of such organizations to their homes brings a number of other problems. Many craftsmen, seeing your incompetence in this area, find non-existent faults in the gas column or deliberately inflate prices.

DIY geyser repair

To increase the safety of the population, it is prescribed that malfunctions associated with gas equipment be eliminated by employees of the relevant service. But there are some problems that you can fix yourself. If you know how to hold the tool in your hands, you can repair the gas water heater with your own hands.

It is not very difficult if you know the typical problems of these water heaters. Below we will tell you about the most common of them and show you how to fix this or that breakdown. And let's start by setting up the unit.

Adjusting the height of the burner flame - the closer to the maximum the hot water is.
Adjusting the water flow - the closer to the maximum, the greater the flow, therefore, the water is colder.
Winter / Summer - the mode of using the speaker at different times of the year. In winter, the power is greater than in summer.

Not all masters know how to properly set up a gas water heater and simply do not do it, leaving it as it is (by default). But we do not recommend leaving the factory settings and making adjustments yourself.

Temperature setting

  • Set the gas and water knob on the heater to minimum.
  • Open the gas and water supply valves on the pipelines.
  • Open a hot water tap and adjust the water pressure you need using the knob on the gas water heater.
  • Wait 1-2 minutes and measure the temperature. Use the gas knob on the column to increase the flame, thereby raising the water temperature to your desired temperature.
  • When the water temperature is comfortable, you can leave all adjustments alone and use the water.

In the future, you can adjust the temperature with another knob (supply of heated water).

Pressure setting

When adjusting the speaker, sometimes unpleasant moments arise. The new column either turns on at a very low pressure, or does not want to start at all. It depends on the increased or decreased water pressure in the pipeline and is eliminated in the following ways.

With our water quality, the heat exchangers in the gas columns are clogged with scale quite quickly and very much, which reduces their thermal conductivity and increases gas consumption.

The longest, in time, process - cleaning the main tube(radiator) from deposits arising from heating tap water. If you turn the gas knob all the way, and the outgoing water is barely warm, then this indicates that the heat exchanger is clogged with ordinary scale, which does not transfer heat well.

This happens quite often in the case of a gas water heater without auto-ignition (with an igniter). Scale also forms if you set the water heating temperature too high. The unit overheats, the tube (radiator) heats up to 80-850, which contributes to the rapid (a little over an hour) the onset of scale. Isn't it better to just turn off the speaker in time? Then there will be no problems, because 40-600 is enough for all washing and washing processes.

Check the inlet cock or valve before starting work on the heat exchanger. Maybe the whole reason is their clogging. But if they are in good condition, it is necessary to get rid of the deposits in the tube.

There are two ways to deal with the scale problem. We'll look at both options.


The Cillit KalkEx cleaning system does its job pretty well. With its help, you can quickly clean any boilers from scale. Unfortunately, it is not very accessible for ordinary users of gas water heaters.

This is an expensive method using a special device.(Cillit KalkEx) and a set of special preparations for flushing. Your speaker does not even need to be removed from the wall. You just need to disconnect the water hoses (inlet / outlet).

The purification device is connected to the column, and it runs the heated reagents in a closed loop (in a circle). Scale under their action decomposes, is washed out and drained.


Cheap but time consuming and laborious process... For its implementation, it is necessary to disassemble the water heater almost completely and then rinse it manually.

The following materials and tools will help us with this:

  • open-end wrenches (set);
  • screwdrivers (Phillips and regular);
  • paronite gaskets (set);
  • rubber hose;
  • vinegar essence or anti-scale agent.

Dismantling the gas apparatus

To remove the heat exchanger, proceed as follows:

  • first, we block the access of cold water;
  • then we remove the external elements that prevent disassembly (knobs of switches, regulators);
  • remove the casing, and for this we unscrew the screws located on the rear wall of the unit, lift and remove the cover;
  • we open the "hot" tap;
  • unscrew the supply pipe from the heat exchanger and move it aside;

Flushing the system

After the water has completely disappeared, we put the hose on the heat exchanger tube and raise it above the column level. Slowly, pour the solution prepared by us into the hose and leave the column for 4-6 hours.

Next, you need to slightly open the water supply tap and watch the water that will come out of the column, if you saw a lot of scale, then our work was not in vain - we got rid of it... If there is no scale in the outgoing water, then we repeat the whole process again.

The gas column does not ignite

  1. The failure of a water heater can occur for many reasons. We will list the most likely ones:
  2. The simplest reason for this trouble is the lack of normal draft in the chimney. If the chimney is clogged and there is no "draft" in it, then the column may not ignite.
  3. To check for a malfunction, you can bring a piece of newspaper, a napkin or a lighted match to the chimney. If they flutter, then the cravings are fine. Otherwise, you will need to clean the chimney.
  4. If the device (only in units with auto-ignition from batteries or an electric network) does not ignite, then it is all the fault of the discharge of the batteries or the malfunction of the wires, the igniter unit. Eliminated by inserting batteries or checking the electric ignition system.

Failure of the igniter system can occur from poor pressure water. Open any tap with cold water and check the pressure, if it is weak, then you can call the ZhEK and find out what the problem is.

If the column does not ignite when water is supplied or turns on only at a very high pressure, then the problem is most likely in the membrane, which, due to wear, reacts poorly to the water passing through it. In this case, it must be replaced.

The gas column switches off spontaneously

A temperature sensor is installed on each gas column, which makes sure that the column does not overheat in case of failure the column may turn off spontaneously during operation... It usually looks like this:

After normal operation, for some time, the heater "stalls" for 20 minutes. After this time, it can be turned on for the same period of time. The malfunction, as a rule, is seasonal and appears only in summer or winter with closed windows.

The device turns off when it wants and then does not light up... This can happen when the sensor wire is shorted to the body. Check the wires to make sure they are intact and well insulated.

In order to check the sensor itself for operability, you should remove two contacts from it and short-circuit with a needle, a paper clip, a piece of tin. If the gas appliance turns on and works, the sensor must be changed.

Water heater leaking

If you see similar spots on your column, then be sure that it is leaking and needs repair.

This malfunction can occur mainly in gas water heaters that have been operating for a long time. The two main reasons for the leak are:

The radiator is leaking.

Tubes (bends) or gaskets in the joints are cracked.
Replacing a radiator or taps is quite expensive. Therefore, there is a reason to repair the gas column on your own. For repairs you need:

  • screwdrivers (cross and regular);
  • open-end wrenches (set);
  • solder with rosin;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • solvent;
  • "Skin".

Sealing holes

Due to the harsh operating conditions, the radiator or bends can burn out and holes appear on them. If you have determined where the leak is, then you can repair the small hole with an ordinary soldering iron.

Preparing the gas water heater for repair

  • Drain all liquid from the system - open only the hot water tap, unscrew the nut on the cold water inlet pipe, and most of the water will flow out;
  • Remove the radiator completely;
  • Examine the entire tube. - if you see "greenery" - clean and inspect these places for cracks.

When you have found the leaks, you need to do the following:

  • clean the holes found with a "sandpaper" and immediately wipe it with a cloth and solvent (this will remove the remaining grease, carbon deposits and dirt);
  • using rosin with solder, tin this place with a 100 watt iron (in the absence of rosin, use aspirin);
  • rub the crack or hole with solder, and after it cools down, add more tin (the layer should be 1-2 mm).

Attention! In some cases, with holes of about 5 cm, the craftsmen apply a "temporary" patch of copper or aluminum plate, securing it with a thick wire or metal tape. But as a rule, such a “temporary” solution remains for a long time. We recommend replacing the radiator completely and forgetting about its leaks.

Defective gaskets and tubes

Replacing flexible hoses of this type does not require special skills; anyone can do it with a wrench.

Very often, leaks are formed in the places where the outlets are connected to the outside of the heater or to the internal assemblies of the column. All connections are made by "American" with gaskets inside.

Due to constant heating / cooling, the rubberized liners either melt or lose their properties and harden. Cracks appear in them, along which water flows.
If you notice a gas column leak in such connections, then replace the gaskets. Using a wrench (mostly 24), unscrew the nut and replace.

It also happens that the flanges on the pipes crack over time - in this case, you need to replace the entire pipes.

The gas column turns on with pops

Be sure to change the batteries in the gas column in time, because if they are dead, your column will start to emit pops when it is turned on. Also, due to dead batteries, the column may turn off spontaneously.

These startup and operating sounds indicate the following:

  • a little air got into the system (into the burner) due to the low pressure of the gas, which caused a microexplosion;
  • the flame breaks down due to the high pressure of the gas;
  • nozzle blockage;
  • low draft of ventilation;
  • the batteries are dead.

On your own, you can only eliminate the malfunctions described in the last two points.

The geyser does not heat the water well

This can happen for several reasons.

  • The simplest reason is incorrectly selected gas water heater... You have saved money and bought a low power heater that is unable to meet your hot water needs.
  • The second reason is the low gas pressure in the pipes (in the apartment). Call gas workers to check the system.
  • The third reason is the usual blockage (jet, filters, scale, hoses, etc.), some of which are described above. You can check this by the color of the fire, which changes from time to time. This is evidenced by the presence of soot.

You can only adjust the temperature and clean the column yourself.

Remember! Self-adjustment of the gas column and troubleshooting requires special care. In case of poor-quality work, not only you can suffer, but also completely innocent people. If you have the slightest lack of confidence in your abilities, it is worth contacting the professionals of the gas service.

For most families, a gas water heater is the only way to prepare warm water at home. Regardless of the intensity of use and the country of the manufacturer, gas water heaters often break down, stop heating and turn into a useless thing. Considering that everyone needs hot water, a spoiled gas water heater becomes a headache.

Now consider the reasons why the gas water heater refuses to work, we divide them into two types:

    • Mechanical: wear of working elements (membrane broke, thermocouple burned out, sensitive sensor);
    • Natural: clogging of the burner, igniter tube, radiator - which significantly reduces the efficiency.

These are the consequences of the lack of annual maintenance, which the owner neglects, bringing the device to an inoperative state.

Repair of gas water heaters at home on the same day!

Keep in mind that it is forbidden to dismantle this type of equipment and take it to a service company, therefore, it is allowed to repair gas water heaters in Moscow with the visit of the master to the customer's home. Thus, the current repairs and preventive work of the engineer are carried out directly at the place of installation of the column, where, after a diagnostic examination, the type and nature of the malfunction is revealed, subsequent repairs are carried out with the replacement of new spare parts.

  • Soldering the heat exchanger - water is dripping or pouring from the upper armature;
  • Replacing the valve (servo drive) - does not turn on, the red LED flashes.

Breakdowns and malfunctions of gas columns

Breakdown No. 1. Turning off the wick after releasing the button. The most common damage to speakers with manual switching. Caused by a plugged pilot tube or faulty bimetallic sensor. It is possible to clean the igniter on your own, but only with full analysis, so if you have doubts about the confidence of such work, the right decision would be to entrust the repair to qualified craftsmen.

Breaking №2. Heats the water poorly or does not heat at all. The first step is to check the integrity of the membrane - in case of visible deformation, replace with a new one. Clean the radiator and rinse out the adhering soot. Soot interferes with heat exchange between hot gas and water. Eliminate the smoking factor to increase heating efficiency. To prevent the column from losing heating in winter, the above actions should be performed within the framework of regulated off-season prevention, otherwise there is an increased risk of completely losing the device or its main part - the heat exchanger.

Breakdown No. 3. It turns off after 1-2 minutes of work. Pay attention and, if necessary, clean the carbon monoxide removal channel (check draft). Light a match and bring it to the viewing window, if the flame does not deflect towards the window - it is worth taking care of calling a specialist for a professional check of the carbon dioxide removal system.

How to repair a gas water heater

The call of the master for urgent repair of gas water heaters is carried out according to a preliminary agreement, with the reservation time of arrival and price. It is possible to contact the master by calling the specified phone number. Having trouble connecting? Use the electronic application form or send a letter. To increase the speed of service and exclude primary diagnostics, describe in detail the breakdown of the column without using technical terms.

It should be noted that the gas water heater should be trusted by authorized persons, as it is a potentially dangerous equipment. Unqualified intervention or service by an incompetent person in order to save money can lead to disastrous consequences and increase the subsequent price of services. We offer a professional approach to business. We have over 6 years of experience in working with gas water heaters.

2016-11-13 Evgeny Fomenko

To understand in detail how to repair a gas water heater with your own hands, consider the most common breakdowns, their causes and remedies.

All repair work must be performed with the gas valve closed (read how to repair the Oasis gas water heater), even if you do not plan to disassemble the gas part. There is a chance that you accidentally unscrew the wrong nut and gas will start to come out.

Scale on the heat exchanger tubes

The heat exchanger consists of a shell and pipes, into which cold water enters and heats up there. In any case, over time, a small layer of scale appears inside. The main reasons for its occurrence are the high hardness of the water and the operation of the water heater at temperatures above 80 degrees.

It is possible to determine that the pipes of the column are clogged with scale by the fact that cold water from the tap flows actively, and hot water from the column in a thin stream.

The column can be repaired without removing the heat exchanger. The gas is turned off and the water valve is closed. It is necessary to remove the cover from the device and drain the water. To do this, unscrew the union nut from the water inlet to the water heater and turn on the faucet located below everything in the system, usually a faucet in the bathroom. Termaxi geysers have a special tap for draining water from the system. In this case, it is easier to drain the water into the substituted container.

After that, the nuts at the inlet and outlet of the heat exchanger are unscrewed and a special anti-scale liquid is poured into it through a hose, which can be bought at hardware stores. You can also use a vinegar or citric acid solution.

The column is left in this form for several hours. Then everything is connected back and the water valve is turned on. You need to slowly turn on the hot water tap. Dirty liquid should pour out. If after this the head has increased, then the heat exchanger pipes are cleaned. If necessary, you can repeat the entire cleaning procedure several times.

In order to avoid this breakdown, you need to use a water heater at temperatures of the order of 40-50 degrees. You can also install a filter at the inlet, which will purify the water from salts, which form scale.

Clogged radiator

The heat exchanger radiator consists of pipes and metal plates closely spaced to each other. The plates are in direct contact with the flame, so over time, soot collects on them.

You can determine that the problem is in this by the following indicators:

  • Flame yellow.
  • The fire does not tend upward, but to the side, heating the case.
  • When operating at full capacity, the water heats up slightly.
  • Soot pours out from under the column.

In order to clean it, you need to remove the heat exchanger. For this, the casing is removed, and all the elements that hold it are unscrewed. During parsing, cover the burner with a rag so that no soot gets into it.

After removal, the unit rushes to the bathroom and washes there. It is best to leave it in a container with high sides for a few hours to allow the soot to deteriorate. Further, the space between the fins of the heat exchanger is cleaned under running water using a long-bristled brush and detergents. At the end, dry and install in the reverse order.

Leaking pipes

If water begins to drip from the column, the reason may be that fistulas have formed on the copper pipes. In order to find the place of leakage, you need to carefully inspect the heat exchanger with the water turned off. Some fistulas are easy to find, you can see how water comes out of these places. Small holes can be seen by green spots and rust all around.

There are three ways to eliminate the leak:

  1. Fit a clamp with a rubber gasket. If space permits, and the pipe does not fit snugly against the casing, the simplest, fastest and most effective is to install a metal clamp with a rubber gasket. Despite its simplicity, this method allows you to eliminate the leak without damaging the structure.
  2. Solder the fistula. Having previously cleaned and degreased, the place of leakage is covered with a flux. After that, using a powerful soldering iron or a torch with a gas cylinder, the fistula is soldered. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the solder covers the desired section of the pipe with a layer of 1-2 mm.

    If multiple holes are side by side, it will be effective to solder a piece of copper plate. It is not recommended to solder cheap Chinese heat exchangers. They are usually painted on top to hide the uneven color of the impure copper. In such columns, the pipes are too thin and will burn out during brazing.

  3. Use cold welding. In this case, it is important to carefully look at the instructions and make sure that it can withstand high temperatures. A piece of cold welding is taken out of the package and kneaded with gloved hands until it hardens. After that, it is applied to the pipe and smoothed out until it hardens completely.

After the end of the soldering, water is run into the water heater to check it. It is advisable to additionally clean and solder all areas of a greenish tint. Perhaps, after a while, new fistulas will appear there.

Also, leakage can form due to the fact that the gaskets are worn out. If water flows out of the pipe joints, you should simply replace the gaskets there with new ones.

Weak cravings

a - good traction, b - no traction, c - reverse

The fact that the thrust is not strong enough can be seen in the following attributes:

  • The column lights up and then goes out. This triggers the flue gas sensor.
  • The water heater works only when the window is open. If the window is closed, then the flame goes out after some time.

To check if the problem is really weak draft, you should bring a hot match to the chimney. The flame on it should deflect to the side. It is also noticeable in the direction of the flame in the igniter.

There may be several reasons for poor traction:

  1. The chimney is blocked. It may have accumulated a large amount of soot or a foreign object. In this case, you need to clean it. If you live in an apartment building, then the chimney shaft can be clogged much higher. In this case, you should contact the utilities.
  2. Powerful hood. If an active hood is switched on in parallel in the kitchen, then the exhaust gases can be drawn into it, instead of going straight up. Then the exhaust gas sensor will work and turn off the column.
    You should turn off the hood fan while the column is in operation, or change it to a less powerful one.
  3. Insufficient height of the chimney. If the column works in your home, it is possible that the chimney is not high enough. Its end must rise at least 50 cm above the roof ridge.
  4. The chimney is covered from above. Installation of satellite dishes over chimneys is prohibited. Also, umbrellas, weather vans and caps should not be set too low.

For prophylaxis, the chimney draft itself should be checked every three months.

Membrane deteriorated

The membrane is located in the water regulator. When water enters it, the membrane bends under pressure and presses on the stem, which is connected to the gas valve and opens the gas. Over time, the membrane can stretch or break. If the gas switching system breaks down, the water heater will either stop switching on completely, or the flame will be very weak.

New Chinese water and gas systems have been installed in the Neva Lux, Oasis and Termaxi dispensers. They are located horizontally, there is a gas unit on the left, a water unit on the right.

Also, turbocharged columns (for example, Termaxi JSG 20R) and columns with a hydraulic turbine are distinguished by a complicated device. For their repair, it is also advisable to call specialists.

If you smell gas, then you should immediately turn off the column, close all gas valves, turn off electrical appliances, open a window and call the gas service.

Below, see 3 videos on repairing a Bosch gas water heater.

Professional experts say that gas equipment is a potentially hazardous technique, therefore, experts should repair it and carry out maintenance. You can independently figure out which parts have broken down, and this will help to quickly restore the operability of the gas equipment, some problems can be easily corrected with your own hands.

Faults that do not affect the principle of operation of the gas water heater are eliminated by home craftsmen themselves. It is important to know the list and description of the most common breakdowns and follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

The gas column does not ignite

When a technical device refuses to ignite, there may be several reasons.

Broken igniter. When the igniter is defective, it cannot burn, in which case it is required to contact the gas service. A qualified technician will replace the defective element, it is not recommended to replace it yourself - this is a real danger.