Logic games for children 5 years old online. Logical games

Contrary to popular belief, logical thinking is not a natural talent that either is or is not (“Vasya’s dad is strong in mathematics”), but quite a skill that can be trained, like, say, muscles are trained in the gym.

It is especially good if the development of this skill takes place in childhood, when all abilities are just being laid and the child's brain is easier to direct in one direction or another. And, in the end, it is more calm and pleasant for both parents and their child to train thinking not in the stressful atmosphere of a math or chemistry lesson, but in a fun and relaxed game format. By the way, do not be afraid that the game will not be as effective as studying: as you know, we remember best what was emotionally colored for us, but what causes more positive and vivid emotions in a child than a game?

We know all about positive emotions in board games. See our selection and choose the game to your taste.

Games for logic and thinking for children from 4 to 5 years old


Number of players: 1 to 2
A nice wooden board with grooves, and on it are multi-colored wooden figures, most of all similar to three-dimensional Tetris. As in Tetris, they must be placed one to the other, only here the rows do not disappear: on the contrary, the goal is to collect the entire field without gaps.


Number of players: 2 to 6
A game of logic for lovers of the deep sea. The playing field is filled with cards, on which, in a different order and composition, friends of the little mermaids, colored fish, and their enemies - evil gray sharks are drawn. Now we need to close the field with irregularly shaped plates on which transparent bubbles are drawn, so that all the sharks are under the bubbles. Succeeded? Hooray, the fish are saved! But the matter is not as simple as it seems at first glance: docking the plates and choosing the location of the bubbles is a task for both logic and spatial thinking.

soft sign

Number of players: 1 to 6
Prickly, wet, fluffy, beautiful! We draw a card, read it together with the child, then we try to come up with as many objects as possible that fit the definition. Toddlers can read cards aloud - by the way, this is a good association game that can open up unexpected sides of your child's thinking.

Educational games for logical thinking from 6 - 7 years old


Number of players: 2 to 4
Game of the year 2011 in Germany, similar to Erudite in principle, but without letters: in it you need to collect rows of pieces of the same color, the longer the better. The interests of the players intersect on the field in the literal sense of the word, so the game trains strategic thinking, and also attention.

Cheese loopholes

Number of players: 1
A charming gift game in the form of a notebook with a magnet inside: cards of curious mice are laid out on the page, and then you need to put pieces of perforated cheese on top of them so that all the mice look out of the holes. The game has 4 difficulty levels with different layouts, and the last tasks will make even adults think.


Number of players: 2 to 5
Stylish and versatile Halloween-themed game featuring night, moon, bare tree branches, witches, and most importantly, their owls and cats. Owlcats have signs: color, pattern, and, in fact, catness or owliness. In the game, you will have to count how many people and what pattern or color are on the cards, memorize layouts, even compete for speed - quickly grab a totem with a pattern or pattern if you find the same pattern or pattern on the card. In general, you will not be bored. And these owl-cats are luxuriously drawn!

Number of players: 1
A cool game of logic and spatial thinking in which you need to collect various combinations of rings and sticks, reminiscent of molecular schemes in their shape, and fruit candies in their appearance. 120 tasks to correctly place them on the playing field will captivate even the most inquisitive mind for a long time, and a light and compact box will perfectly store all the sticks and rings.

Also pay attention to: small, capacious and terribly exciting games for logic and ingenuity are invariably liked by both adults and children.

Games for the development of logic and strategic thinking for children from 10 years old

Jackal Treasure Island

Age: from 8 years
Number of players: 2 to 4
Yo-ho-ho, captain, we landed on the shore! And, by my wooden leg, not only us! Jackal: Treasure Island, also known as the Best Strategy of 2012, also known as an excellent board game about finding a treasure on a mysterious island, is waiting for its brave men - and clever ones, because, in addition to adventures at every turn, strategic thinking will be required from you in the game, pumped logic and constant consideration of the general situation on the field. After all, the point is that several pirates are approaching the treasure from different sides at once!

Hive Carbon

Number of players: 2
Stylish black and white desktop, and immediately with two additions inside. The hive is almost like chess in the world of insects: two enemy anthills have touched, and now you need to surround the queen of the enemy hive, in one move, either moving one of your pieces or attaching another piece to your hive. Each set has one queen bee, 2 spiders, 2 beetles, 3 grasshoppers, 3 ants, a ladybug and a mosquito - and each piece, like in chess, has its own rules of motion. Great tactical logic game for kids and adults.

There are a bunch of board games for logic in the category. Can't decide which game to choose? Call us and our operator will tell you which board is best for your child!

Developing tasks for logic in children of the middle group of kindergarten. Assignments will help teachers prepare children for school.

Exercise 1

Arrange (connect arrows) fruits in a basket, and vegetables on a plate.

Task 2

Color toys red, clothes yellow, dishes blue.

Task 3

Where is whose tail, where is whose nose?

Task 4

Plant (with the help of arrows) a cockerel not on a log and not on a bench, a chicken - not on a fence and not on a log, a cat - not on a bench and not on a fence.

Task 5

What figure is missing in each row?

Task 6

Pick a pair for each item.

Connect the matching objects with lines

Task 7

In each line, instead of dots, draw the missing figures, keeping the order of their alternation

Task 8

Draw the objects in each row so that they become the same.

Task 9

Perform certain actions

Task 10

How many animals are in the house on the left? How many live in the house on the right? How many animals, and who hid in the two lower houses?

Task 11

Color in green the picture in which there is no ball; in blue - the one where there is no pyramid; red - where there is no cube; yellow - where there are all items.

Task 12

Help the girls find their toys: connect with lines and color the girls' clothes and toys the same color.

Task 13

In each group there is an object that does not fit the rest for some reason. Name these signs.

Task 14

From the items in the bottom row, choose the one you want to draw in the empty "window"

Task 15

Which of the four pictures depicts the characters correctly?

Task 16

The dog and cat have blue and green mats. The cat does not have a green rug, and the dog does not have a blue one. Color your rugs the right way

Task 17

There are blue and pink vases on the table. Tulips are not in a pink vase, and daffodils are not in a blue one. Color the vases correctly

Task 18

Lena has two scarves: red and yellow. The long scarf is not yellow, and the short one is not red. Color the scarves correctly.

Thanks to well-developed logical thinking, children successfully and quickly adapt to the modern world. Before taking any action, they can foresee the course of events and not commit rash acts. Tasks for the development of logic help prepare the child for school.

Mathematical tasks for the development of logic

1. There are 2 horses in the stable. Two more horses galloped up to them. How many horses are in the stable?
2. Petya, Kolya, Lena and Alina came to Masha's birthday party. How many children are at the party?
3. Look carefully at the picture. How many children are drawn on the playground?
4. Dad bought balloons for Natasha. 1 blue, 2 green, 1 yellow and 2 red. How many balloons did Natasha buy in total?
5. There are 3 dolls and 2 cars on one shelf in the store. On the second shelf - 1 doll and 4 cars. Which shelf has more toys?

6. A red cat had 6 kittens, and a gray cat had 2 less. How many kittens does a gray cat have? How many kittens?
7. Mom makes a vegetable salad. 1 tomato, 2 cucumbers, 5 radishes. How many vegetables did it take to make the salad?
8. On the table, lay out the details cut out of colored cardboard in front of the baby: 2 circles, 3 triangles, 3 squares, 1 oval. With such cards, you can come up with many logical tasks for the child. Ask to make a house out of the details and count how many figures are involved in creating the house. Another version of the game: give a small participant a certain number of figures and offer them to make a booth for a dog.

Didactic games for the development of thinking and logic

Such logical tasks will become the basis for preparing the child's hands for writing and drawing. When performing tasks, you should comment on each action.

1. Draw the subject. On an A4 sheet, on one side, draw or find a printed version, some picture where the second half is not drawn. The kid needs to pick up a pencil and finish drawing half of the object, then color it. A child of 5 years old can easily cope with such a task. For those who are younger, a variant with traced dotted lines is offered, the little smart guy needs to connect them.

2. Color the subject correctly. Offer to color the rug, while paying attention that the dog does not have a red rug, and the cat does not have a green one. The child must figure out and choose the right pencils for coloring.

3. Learning to write numbers. Print materials where there are logical tasks to circle the numbers by dots. The numbers can be in the form of examples: 1+1=2 and others.

4. Find a mate. Print out drawings where you need to look for a couple of items. You can choose different options: draw a line from one to another, combine objects into groups of three according to common features. For example, a pattern with the same plates, but the patterns on the plates are different. You need to combine the same plates into groups.

5. Children 4-5 years old do a great job with crossword puzzles. Words need to be guessed in terms familiar to the baby. Make thematic crossword puzzles, for example: winter, summer, kindergarten, toys, weather, zoo.

6. The figure shows various objects related in meaning. It is necessary to finish the missing element in an empty window. For example: a house is drawn - a brick, a sea - a drop of water, a chicken - a chicken, a fish - an empty window.

7. Different balls are drawn, you need to find a pair, connecting them according to common features (according to the pattern on the balls).

8. Look at the picture. Circle, triangle, rectangle and square are drawn. Shapes need to be swapped. Nearby, the little logician must draw the same figures in any other sequence.

9. There are three houses in the picture. Draw the missing elements to make the houses the same.

10. Confusion. In the pictures, the animals are divided into two parts, it is necessary to connect them correctly, since the animals in confusion have exchanged their tails.

11. Labyrinth. Find a way out of the labyrinth, draw a path for the mouse past the mousetraps with a pencil. Find a safe path to the cheese.

12. Whose traces. The picture shows various traces of animals and birds, the child is invited to connect the traces with the animal that left them on the piece of paper.

Logical tasks for the development of speech

In such logical tasks, children should gain experience in constructing sentences that are related in meaning and in a logical sequence.

2. Exercises "The fourth extra". Invite the child to consider a picture that shows: an apple, a banana, a pear, a cucumber. The kid should explain what is superfluous and why.

3. Riddles. If the baby has never solved riddles before, then the help of an adult will first be required to explain exactly how it is required to reason in order to determine the hidden object or phenomenon. For example: round, tasty, ran away from grandfather, ran away from grandmother. If it is difficult for the child to guess, we give a hint: the fox ate him (the answer is a bun).

4. Make up a story from the picture. Thinking up a story from pictures is an interesting logical task that children really like. Print color cards with logically related pictures: the girl woke up; the girl is going to school; the girl goes out into the street; girl at the blackboard answers homework.

It is difficult to find parents who are not puzzled by finding the right games for their child. It is good when they take into account the peculiarities of the development of the child's psyche at a certain stage.

Properly selected logical games for children 4-5 years old will help develop precisely those aspects of the intellect that currently most need stimulation.

Game material for the development of logic should be varied. These are not only obligatory dominoes and lotto, there are a lot of interesting games that will easily captivate the baby. And most importantly, such activities will bring not only joy, but also invaluable benefits. What is instilled in a child at an early age will definitely return with success in the future.

At the age of four or five years, the enhanced development of the right hemisphere begins. This hemisphere is responsible for the synthesis of information, the ability to analyze and compare data.

It is at this age that the prerequisites are laid for the successful development of mathematics, writing, reading. The stage of understanding and acceptance of the surrounding reality begins. It is important to provide the child with the fullest possible sensory development. These are games involving as much diverse material as possible - both for tactile development and for olfactory, gustatory and visual experience.

Features of the development of the logic of children 4-5 years old

Logic at this age is undergoing rapid development. Thanks to the enhanced perception of the outside world through the senses, the child begins to compare, analyze, compare what he saw, heard, what he touched, felt.

Basic operations available to the logic of a child (4-5 years old):

  • comparison - the ability to find similarities and differences in surrounding objects;
  • analysis - allows you to select certain parts from an object, combine objects into groups;
  • synthesis - the ability to recreate an object from its parts;
  • classification - the ability to separate objects according to certain characteristics, combine them into groups

Types of games that develop logic for children 4-5 years old

Games that develop logic can be conditionally divided into several groups. This:

  • Didactic games. In other words, these are board games. They include assignments for matching, pairs, grouping objects according to a common feature. This includes puzzles, sets for compiling sequences, graphic games.
  • Educational games. Those games that become more difficult with time, that is, after the child has mastered the first levels.
  • Speech games. Influence the development of speech, the logical construction of sentences, stories, stories.

The division into groups of games is very conditional, because many properties overlap with each other. So, the ability to synthesize information is trained equally well when creating a house from cardboard parts, and when assembling a puzzle.

Graphic games for the development of logic

First of all, such games are aimed at developing the logic of the child, in addition, most of them prepare the hand for writing. These tasks are attractive because they are completed without unnecessary details and colors, this does not distract from the game.

There are many varieties of graphic games:

  • labyrinths- the task is to draw a line from point A to point B, from squirrels to nuts, from mole to mink, etc .;
  • circle the line- you need to draw a pencil along the line, resulting in a picture, a figure;
  • tasks to find differences between objects, pictures;
  • « finish drawing"- where you need to finish the missing parts;
  • other tasks performed in a simple graphic form.

We offer you several graphic games. Print out the games and offer the child. Perhaps some of the tasks will seem difficult - then it is better to postpone them. Remember - no need to rush the child, everything should go on as usual.

Speech games for the development of logic

Speech games for logic are a kind of riddles. Information is given with which the child is already familiar, on its basis he must draw conclusions and give an answer. Such games help to train in finding solutions, teach to analyze, isolate important information. Such tasks have a special impact on the development of speech.

Compiling a speech riddle is not so difficult if you take a book well-known to the child as a basis. It can be "Gingerbread Man", or "Bag of Apples" by V. Suteev or "Confusion" by Chukovsky. The main thing is that the plot should be familiar and interesting. It remains only to use the imagination. It is better if at the very beginning the questions are suggestive, pushing for an answer. Further, the tasks can be complicated, asking questions, the answer to which is not in the work.

Don't forget about games like edible-inedible". This game is notable for the fact that it can be played while walking or driving a car. The parent names some object, and the child must say whether it can be eaten or not.

Ordinary riddles are an excellent simulator for the development of logic. You may need a parent's help at first. But one has only to understand the essence, as the children begin to click them one by one. But it is still worth remembering that the subject of the game must be familiar.

Board logic games

The game consists of 48 figures that differ in color, shape and size. Block games are the initial preparation for mastering mathematics. In the process, skills such as making a whole, comparing, classifying and much more are mastered. Mindfulness, memory, fantasy are trained. Develops logic and thinking.

It is convenient to use blocks with the fact that several albums of various levels of complexity have been created for them, this helps parents to use the game correctly.

Kuizener's sticks

One of the most versatile board games. This is counting material, and the development of abstract thinking, and logic, and synthesis, and analysis, and much more. This kind of material makes it possible to adapt concepts for easier understanding by children.

More than 50 games are available using Kuizener's sticks. The simplest thing is to lay out the sticks by length, color. As the tasks become more complicated, you can invite the child to make a house, a train out of sticks. Invite the child to remember the location of the sticks, then remove one of them and ask which one has disappeared.

How to play with Kuizener's sticks. Video

Puzzles. Lotto. Dominoes

Do not forget about all kinds of puzzles that perfectly train logic. At the age of 4-5 years, you can safely offer sets of 20 parts or more, depending on the degree of familiarity of the child with this type of game. Lotto and dominoes are gaining relevance by this age. The choice of topics depends on the preferences of the child.

Puzzle games

This type of game is tangram. This is a Chinese toy, created a long time ago, but consistently popular year after year. It consists of only seven parts, from which you can make hundreds of pictures! You can fantasize and invent an image on your own.

Tangram develops attention, thinking, logic. To complete the task, you will have to launch the mechanisms of analysis, synthesis, and comparison. Such a simulator for the brain in the form of a logic game can be classified as mandatory.

Books with games for the development of logic

“Puzzles, games, puzzles: Tasks for the development of logic. 4-5 years» from the "Preschooler's Folder" series. The book contains a huge number of tasks aimed at the development of logic. Among other things, with the help of this book, the kid will learn to solve puzzles.

"Logics. Labyrinths and schemes» The book, in fact, is a workbook, according to which the child studies with his parents. There are many different tasks inside: mazes, draw a picture, find the differences, tell me what's next and much more.

Ponymatika from Elena Ardashirova. Handbook for the preparation of the development of mathematics. The book teaches to sort objects, to group them. Search for repeating parts of drawings, continue patterns - these are not all the games that are waiting on the pages of a notebook.

Logic: Tasks for the development of logical thinking. With the book you get a dozen and a half sheets with tasks placed on them. Tasks include all the necessary options for the harmonious development of the logical component.

Online games for the development of logic

The modern world is inconceivable without the presence of computers in it. You can introduce your child to him with the help of exciting logic games. Such communication will not bring harm, and the baby will satisfy his desire to work behind the machine.

Educational game "Whose traces". The game requires you to determine which animal left a trail. You need to choose from the options provided.

The engine helps the Hare. Learn colors and shapes. A very colorful game for learning and fixing the basic colors and shapes.

Extra items. A simple game of classification, the selection of an object that differs in properties. An excellent simulator for logical generalization and selection.

Patches. The game offers to pick up parts of the picture and substitute them in empty places. The task is complicated by the fact that the "patches" are offered in several versions and are similar to each other.

Collect the picture is a variant of the electronic puzzle. Teaches to analyze, synthesize.

"Less - more". In the game, you need to lay out the cards with images from small to large.

Find differences. An online game in which you need to find the differences between the pictures. If successful, the program will surely praise the smart kid.

Computer games for the development of logic

To play a developing logic game on a computer, it is not necessary to have constant access to the Internet. Some games can be downloaded and installed on your hard drive.

Know-It-All: A Learning System. In addition to the basics of reading and counting, the game offers logic tasks that are so much fun to solve together with Bunny Know-It-All and his friend Sam the Lion. By completing tasks, children learn to learn and play on their own.

Masha and the Bear. Educational tasks for kids. The collection contains several dozen mini-games with your favorite characters. Small logical tasks captivate from the first minute. And the plot is that the restless Masha demands entertainment, and the good-natured Mishka tries to please her.

Educational games Volume 5. The collection will not only teach you to think, analyze, think logically, but also prepare the child for kindergarten, show the basics of drawing, introduce the English language. High-quality animation and bright colors will make learning fun.

Games for gadgets (smartphones, tablets)

Online stores where you can download applications for smartphones and tablets based on Android, or Apple offer a huge selection of games for children. Let's consider some of them.

You can develop logic together with your favorite Peppa Pig. The game is designed to be installed on Android and includes a series of exciting tasks. It is necessary to select shadows for cartoon characters. Look for missing chickens, collect grains, go through mazes and much more.

First puzzles offers Android Market. Themes are familiar to children: farm, aquarium, garden. You need to pick up the “cut out” pieces of the picture and paste them into their places, make a picture from the cut pieces.

iPhone owners can please their children A collection of puzzles. Bright, high-quality pictures are very popular with children. At the heart of puzzles, to complete the task, you will have to use matching.

The modern world offers a huge number of games for the development of logic in children 4-5 years old. We have considered only some particular examples that will help you understand what to focus on when choosing activities for a child. Children grow up so fast and there is so much to do so that they can grow up smart, smart, able to make decisions quickly.

Play for a child is the whole life. It is through the game that the basic skills of understanding the world, communication, thinking are formed. Let's play good games!

Games aimed at developing logic in preschoolers of the older group

Game "Find options".

Target: develop logical thinking, ingenuity.

: cards with 6 circles.

Description: give the child a card with the image of 6 circles, offer to paint them in such a way that the filled and unfilled figures are equally divided. Then view and calculate all the options for painting. You can also hold a competition: who will find the largest number of solutions.

Game Wizards.

Target: develop thinking, imagination. Game material and visual aids: sheets depicting geometric shapes.

Description: children are given sheets with the image of geometric shapes. Based on them, you need to create a more complex drawing. For example: rectangle - window, aquarium, house; circle - ball, snowman, wheel, apple. The game can be played in the form of a competition: who will come up with and draw more pictures using one geometric figure. The winner is awarded a symbolic prize.

Game "Collect a flower".

Target: develop thinking, the ability to analyze, synthesize.

cards with the image of objects related to one concept (clothes, animals, insects, etc.).

Description: each child is given a round card - the middle of the future flower (one - a dress, the second - an elephant, the third - a bee, etc.). Then the game is played in the same way as in the lotto: the host distributes cards with the image of various objects. Each participant must collect a flower from cards, on the petals of which objects related to one concept are depicted (clothing, insect, etc.).

Game "Logic endings".

Target: develop logical thinking, imagination, ability to analyze.

Description: children are asked to complete the sentences:

Lemon is sour, and sugar ... (sweet).

You walk with your feet, but you throw ... (with your hands).

If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair ... (below the table).

If two is greater than one, then one... (less than two).

If Sasha left the house before Serezha, then Serezha ... (left later Sasha).

If the river is deeper than the brook, then the brook ... (smaller than the river).

If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother ... (younger than the sister).

If the right hand is on the right, then the left ... (on the left).

Boys grow up and become men, and girls ... (women).

Ornament game.

Target: develop logical thinking, the ability to analyze.

Game material and visual aids: 4-5 groups of geometric shapes (triangles, squares, rectangles, etc.) cut out of colored cardboard (the figures of one group are divided into subgroups that differ in color and size).

Description: invite the child to consider how on the playing field (sheet of cardboard) you can create ornaments from geometric shapes. Then lay out the ornament (according to the model, according to one’s own plan, under dictation), using such concepts as “right”, “left”, “above”, “below”.

The game "Useful - harmful."

Target: develop thinking, imagination, ability to analyze.

Description: to consider an object or phenomenon, noting its positive and negative sides, for example: if it rains, it's good, because plants drink water and grow better, but if it rains for too long, it's bad, because the roots of plants can rot from excess moisture.

The game "What did I think?".

Target: develop thinking.

Game material and visual aids: 10 circles of different colors and sizes.

Description: lay out 10 circles of different colors and sizes in front of the child, invite the child to show the circle that the teacher thought of. Explain the rules of the game: guessing, you can ask questions, only with words more or less. For example:

Is this circle bigger than red? (Yes.)

Is it more blue? (Yes.)

More yellow? (Not.)

Is it a green circle? (Yes.)

Game "Plant flowers"

Target: develop thinking.

Game material and visual aids: 40 cards with pictures of flowers with different shapes of petals, size, color of the core.

Description: invite the child to “plant flowers in flower beds”: on a round flower bed all flowers with round petals, on a square - flowers with a yellow core, on a rectangular - all large flowers.

Questions: what flowers were left without a flower bed? What can grow in two or three flower beds?

The game "Group by features."

Target: to consolidate the ability to use generalizing concepts, expressing them in words.

Game material and visual aids: cards with the image of objects (orange, carrot, tomato, apple, chicken, sun).

Description: lay out cards with the image of different objects in front of the child, which can be combined into several groups according to any sign. For example: orange, carrot, tomato, apple - food; orange, apple - fruits; carrots, tomatoes - vegetables; orange, tomato, apple, ball, sun - round; orange, carrot - orange; sun, chicken - yellow.

The game "Remember quickly."


Description: invite the child to quickly remember and name three round objects, three wooden objects, four pets, etc.

Game "Everything that flies".

Target: develop logical thinking.

Game material and visual aids: several pictures with various objects.

Description: Invite the child to select the proposed pictures according to the named feature. For example: everything is round or everything is warm, or everything is animate that can fly, etc.

The game "What is it made of"

Goals: develop logical thinking; to consolidate the ability to determine what material an object is made of.

Description: the teacher names some material, and the child must list everything that can be made from it. For example: tree. (You can make paper, boards, furniture, toys, dishes, pencils from it.)

The game "What happens ...".

Target: develop logical thinking.