Soaking and germinating pepper seeds. Soaking pepper seeds before planting - how to properly prepare the seed? Planting seeds and care

Nature has endowed the seeds with a powerful thirst for life, but the strength of their germination does not always ensure smooth, beautiful shoots. Pepper buds can and should be helped to hatch before planting using a soaking procedure. Find out from the article and the photos attached to it how to do it correctly and in what time frame in order to provide yourself with strong seedlings.

Why do you need to soak seeds

Unlike crops, the seeds of which wake up on their own and very quickly: wheat, barley, peas - pepper does not have high germination energy. Its seeds will hatch unevenly and not all. As a result, the grower will receive uneven, uneven seedlings, which are inconvenient to work with. In addition, some of the seedlings will almost certainly be affected by fungal and bacterial diseases. Therefore, there are three reasons and, accordingly, technologies for preliminary soaking of pepper seeds:

  • in disinfecting solutions for disinfection;
  • in growth stimulants to accelerate awakening;
  • in water to reject the weak and save individual seedlings.

Attention! Pepper has a negative attitude towards picks that damage the root system, therefore, it is advisable to prepare peat cups or tablets for hatching seedlings.

Soaking seeds for disinfection

The drug for freeing the shells of pepper seeds from bacteria and fungal spores is selected based on the price and availability. More often than others, they use ordinary potassium permanganate (pale, slightly pink solution) and the microbiological preparation Fitosporin, which perfectly suppresses the growth of fungi.

It is convenient to soak in disposable plastic cups. Previously, a piece of masking tape is glued to the outer wall of each glass, on which the name of the variety is written. Comparing the name on the package and on the glass, pour the seeds onto the bottoms and completely fill them with the "Fitosporin" working solution, which is prepared according to the instructions on the package.

Pepper seeds are kept in a disinfectant solution for about an hour, after which they are washed. To do this, the solution from each glass is poured through a strainer, poured with a small amount of water, shaken and poured again.

Attention! Store-bought seed has already been etched by the manufacturer, so the disinfection step can be skipped.

Seed treatment with growth stimulants

"Fitosporin" itself has a certain stimulating effect, but for the full effect it is advisable to use one of the following drugs:

  • "Zircon";
  • Energen;
  • "Epin-extra";
  • "NV-101".

Pepper seeds are poured with the prepared solution in the same cups in which they were disinfected. The exposure time depends on the chosen preparation: for example, for "Zircon" it is 3-4 hours. After this time, the liquid is again poured through a strainer, but the seeds are not washed.

Many gardeners speak well of aloe juice as a growth stimulant. The juice must be prepared in advance. To do this, cut and wash several leaves of the plant, wrap them in paper and put them in the refrigerator for two weeks. The juice squeezed out of the cold-treated leaves is squeezed out, diluted in half with water and the seeds are poured over for a day.

The final stage is soaking the seeds in water

The most important thing when soaking pepper seeds in water is not to let them rot, since they will not germinate in one day. It is important to follow the rule: there should be no puddles in the germination tank.

The most convenient equipment for pre-planting soaking is cotton pads and a plastic cake container. The discs are soaked in water and lightly wrung out. Place seeds on one disc, distribute them evenly and cover with a second disc. The resulting "sandwich" is lightly pressed so that the wet cotton wool comes into contact with the seeds, and put on the bottom of the container.

The filled container is placed in a T-shirt bag, tied and hung in the bathroom near the heated towel rail, which will provide warmth and humidity. The structure is opened and ventilated daily for 5-10 minutes.

Attention! The sprouts should be transplanted into peat tablets as soon as the roots appear. Otherwise, they will grow into the fibers of the cotton wool.

Seed soaking is a desirable procedure when growing peppers. It allows you to get an early and strong harvest with a minimum consumption of individual seedling containers.

Preparing pepper seeds for seedlings: video

The qualitative and quantitative indicator of the yield of any agricultural crop depends on how carefully the seeds are prepared for the upcoming sowing. This process is quite troublesome, as it can include many stages: calibration, disinfection, heating, pelleting, germination, hardening, bubbling and stratification. The list is quite extensive, but we will only consider the process of soaking the seeds of the most common crop -.

Why are pepper seeds soaked?

Many people ask themselves the question for what purpose they carry out soaking of seeds? This is done in order to:

  • select from the whole mass those suitable for sowing: if the seed has sprouted, then it is suitable for planting;
  • choose the strongest and largest sprouts among the germinated seeds, which will have a good effect on the future;
  • future seedlings were less exposed to diseases.

Soaking the seeds of any crops, including pepper, before provides more favorable conditions for their germination.

Imported seeds and hybrids, which are marked F1 on the package, are not subjected to this procedure.

As a rule, these seeds are treated with a special gel containing pesticides. Despite this, some gardeners still soak the seeds of the hybrid pepper, and the pepper grows beautifully. Therefore, do as your instinct tells you. If you decide to experiment, try it, what if your efforts will lead to a good result? Just keep in mind that you cannot sow seeds of varieties and hybrids in one container: the seeds of varietal peppers sprout much faster than hybrid ones.

You need to start the germination process at the end of February or at the very beginning of March. If there is still snow, take it into a container and melt it.

It is best to germinate seeds in melt water, as it has a special "living" structure. Melted water helps to activate biological processes in the seed and stimulates its growth.

And now we will carry out, which will help to significantly speed up the process of emergence of sprouts.

Preparing pepper seeds for soaking

Experienced gardeners advise treating the seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate before germination. It will help get rid of harmful microorganisms and some diseases that accumulate in the seeds and begin to manifest themselves during the growth of the plant.

To do this, dilute 1 gram of potassium permanganate in a glass of water and dip the seeds into the resulting solution (it should be slightly pink). After 20-22 minutes, carefully drain the water, covering the glass with gauze to keep the seeds in the glass. After that, the seeds should be rinsed and spread out on paper to dry.

Only "home" seeds should be subjected to such a procedure, those that are collected with their own hands. Purchased seed material usually goes on sale already treated with chemicals and it is enough just to soak it in water.

After the seeds have been disinfected, they need to be warmed up by placing them on a windowsill in a sunny place or placing them in water heated to 40 degrees. Some gardeners keep the seeds in a thermos of warm water. Under the influence of higher temperatures, the ability to grow in pepper seeds begins to activate, which significantly increases germination.

The preparation is over, we are starting to germinate

Spread the seeds carefully on the surface of a napkin or gauze folded in several layers and cover on top. Moisten the surface well with water, press lightly and place in a container with a lid. Place this container in a warm place.

Open the lid to air out each day while the seeds are sprouting. The seed germination process will take a long time, so be patient. Different types of pepper germinate at different times, some even need at least 22-25 days.

Containers with seeds are kept in a warm room, where the temperature does not drop below +24 degrees. Do not put on the heater, as the upper earthen layer dries out quickly and the delicate root system of the pepper can be damaged. It is better to keep crops on the windowsill on the south side.

As soon as the seeds sprout, you need to transplant them. To do this, use peat tablets or regular plant pots. Be sure to plant the germinated seeds on time, otherwise they will grow into gauze or a cotton pad and then they can be easily injured when transplanting.

Plant sprouted seeds in pre-prepared soil. Take small containers or pots, fill with soil, and carefully plant the sprouted seeds at some distance so that they do not interfere with each other as they grow. The container with crops should be placed in a place where there is diffused light. Seedlings should be watered periodically, not allowing the topsoil to dry out.

Experienced gardeners note that grown from soaked seeds is much easier. Plants are less susceptible to disease, grow better and give a good harvest.

Most often, pepper seeds are soaked before planting so that the seedlings appear earlier, ordinary warm water is used for the procedure. If it is necessary not only to get early shoots, but also to disinfect the seeds, then special solutions are purchased for soaking, or they are made by themselves, for example, potassium permanganate is bred.

Seed soaking is most often used in areas where weather conditions are harsh and summers are short. The procedure helps to get healthy fruit-bearing plants faster before inclement weather sets in. In areas with a warm and humid climate, soaking is not often resorted to, there is simply no need for it (except that the seeds were purchased from an unverified supplier, and the absence of soaking the seeds in a disinfecting solution may cost the seedlings to die in the future).

As mentioned above, soaking the seeds before sowing allows you to get seedlings earlier. For example, soaking pepper seeds in warm water allows you to get seedlings within 5-7 days after planting (naturally, if the temperature regime is observed), while with a "dry" planting, germination time can take up to two weeks. It is worth noting that if not just water is used for soaking, but a special solution with nutrients, then the seedlings are distinguished not only by active growth, but also by special immunity, resistant to all kinds of diseases, the splendor of the crown, and the strength of the stems.

How and what to soak pepper seeds before sowing

The most affordable and least time consuming preparation option is plain water. For soaking, warm water of about 40 degrees is used, while the seeds are placed in gauze, tied, then completely immersed in water and soaked for about three days. During this time, most of the seeds germinate, and it is necessary to start sowing. Sowing should be carried out carefully, since if the sprouted sprouts are damaged, then you will not get full-fledged seedlings from them.

Special solutions for soaking planting material have recently become in great demand among gardeners. This is not surprising, because these funds, enriched with phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen and others, help not only faster hatching of seeds, but also have a beneficial effect on the further growth of plants, their fruiting. As for soaking seeds in such a solution, it is similar to the previous one, that is, soaking in water.

If you are an opponent of new chem. substances, then you may well soak the seeds in potassium permanganate and in a solution of ash. This is done very simply: dilute a couple of grains of potassium permanganate in a glass of water (use water at about 40 degrees), then dip pepper seeds wrapped in gauze or cotton cloth into the resulting solution and leave for 30 minutes. In the meantime, prepare another solution: dilute a tablespoon of ordinary ash in a glass of water, strain. Transfer the seed bag to the ash water and leave for 2-3 days. After the indicated time, you can start planting.

Beginner gardeners, in fact, are worried about many problems. For example, the question arises as to how important it is before sowing soak pepper seeds... Do I need to do this at all? What will change from this? What are they soaked in, and for how long?

Soak seeds before sowing or not?

To shorten the germination time, pepper seeds are usually soaked in water or special solutions. Most often, this is done in those regions where the summer is harsh, short and you need to grow seedlings as quickly as possible, so that in the future the plant fully develops and has time to give a good harvest.

In those areas where summers are warm, it is quite possible to do without preliminary soaking. The seeds will sprout quickly anyway, and will have time to give high-quality fruits during the garden season.

What does seed soaking give?

Seeds that were soaked in water before planting give early shoots. For example, by soaking the planting material in ordinary warm water, seedlings in warm room conditions can already be obtained within a week, while with a "dry" planting, the terms sometimes drag on to forty days! Of course, this is taking into account the fact that the house is cool, low humidity. But, even when these indicators are normal, the first shoots, at best, appear 10 days after sowing.

Soaking planting material in special solutions allows not only to accelerate seedlings, but also to enrich future plants with nutritive components, allowing to obtain strong healthy seedlings that are resistant to diseases and pest attacks. These grow quickly, have a strong bush and a regular crown shape.

What are pepper seeds soaked in and how much?

The easiest option is plain water. The liquid should be warm, or at least at room temperature. Planting material, placed in gauze, is immersed in water, completely covering. They are placed in a warm, sunny place for three days. During this period, you need to check the water level and make sure that there is enough of it, that is, the planting material is constantly wet.

It is important not to trace, if the room is very warm, then they can "hatch". Although, if the sprouts have already appeared, there is nothing to worry about. When planting, you need to be especially careful not to break them off. Damaged sprouts will not germinate.

It is considered especially popular to soak pepper seeds in various solutions, which are sold specifically for this in gardening stores. Such substances are enriched with nitrogen, phosphorus and other mineral components to accelerate germination. They also include vitamins. Using such drugs, you need to carefully read the instructions and follow them clearly.

Many soak the planting material in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, lowering it literally for 30 minutes. Such treatment allows future seedlings to be disinfected. Soaking also occurs in the so-called biostimulants. Such substances can be prepared independently, for example, by mixing boric acid with wood ash and diluting such a powder in ordinary water.

Growing vegetables is a laborious process that requires not only diligence, but also certain knowledge. Each culture should have its own special approach. Any vegetable product starts with seeds. Their quality depends on the correct collection, as well as the conditions and periods of storage. Growers have different approaches to seed. Many in vain neglect a very important stage in growing vegetables - pre-sowing seed preparation. These are such processing methods as calibration, disinfection, heating, soaking pepper seeds before planting, germination, bubbling, hardening. It is these techniques that improve the quality of crops and allow you to get healthy and strong plants.

What do you need to know when growing peppers?

A wide variety of vegetable crops can be found in the vegetable garden. But among the most popular and beloved peppers can be considered. It is a thermophilic plant with a long ripening period - from 150 to 200 days. Because of this feature, peppers are grown in seedlings.

The treater consists of the following components:

  • 100 ml of water;
  • 2 g of potassium permanganate.

The resulting solution is quite concentrated and almost black in color. The processing time for pepper seeds is twenty minutes. This procedure is completed by high-quality washing of seeds with running or prepared melt water. Then they are dried to a state of flowability.

Warming up

How to prepare pepper seeds for sowing using heat treatment? This technique involves placing the seeds in water heated to fifty degrees. The seeds are poured into cloth envelopes, which are dipped into a heated liquid. A thermos is used to maintain the temperature of the water. The processing time is forty to fifty minutes.

Soaking pepper seeds before planting

This technique significantly increases and accelerates the germination of seed. Preferably use rain or melt water. In the absence of such, tap water frozen in a freezer is used, which is used after thawing. This liquid is an excellent stimulator of the seed germination process.

How much to soak pepper seeds? The procedure time depends on the swelling rate of the material. You can soak pepper seeds for eighteen hours, while they are completely immersed in the liquid. It is replaced periodically, and the seeds are mixed.

The use of biostimulants

It is possible to soak pepper seeds before planting using biologically active substances, the varieties of which there are quite a few. Among the most common are "Epin" and "Gumat". The processing time is 10 to 12 hours. The solution is prepared from the calculation:

  • 200 ml of water;
  • 2-3 drops of the drug.

You can also prepare a nutrient solution with the following composition:

  • 500 ml of water;
  • 2 teaspoons of ash;
  • 2 g of boric acid.

All components are dissolved in hot water. Use the drug after cooling. Processing time is 12 hours.

The use of such biological stimulants will speed up the process. They also help to increase the resistance of the grown planting material to adverse weather conditions and diseases. Quite often, it is used as a nutrient. It is also a good biostimulant, which has similar properties to its mineral counterparts. It should be noted that the liquid used must be at room temperature and not lower than twenty degrees Celsius. At lower temperatures, the method used will be ineffective. After the soaking procedure, the seeds should not be rinsed. They are slightly dried, and then sown in seedling containers or proceed to the next stage of pre-sowing treatment.

How to germinate pepper seeds

For you will need the following components:

  • plastic or glass container;
  • plastic bag;
  • gauze cut or rag flap;
  • swollen seeds.

The pepper lasts until the sprouts appear. Seeds are packed in cloth envelopes and placed in containers. They are marked with the type of pepper. The envelopes are moisturizing. Prepared containers are placed in plastic bags and placed in a warm place. Germination of pepper seeds is carried out at a temperature not lower than 25. The containers are checked daily. Make sure the envelopes are wet. Drying out is unacceptable. After the seeds are nailed, they are sown in seedling containers.

How to germinate pepper seeds? How long will this stage last? In our case, sowing seeds can be started after the partial appearance of sprouts. You can also wait for the mass germination of seed. This process usually takes three to five days. This technique accelerates the emergence of pepper shoots by 5 days. After sowing, the first shoots appear within two days.

In addition to the above techniques, you can use other equally effective methods of pre-sowing preparation.


How to prepare pepper seeds for sowing if valuable varieties have exceeded their shelf life? Here the method of saturating the seed with oxygen will come to the rescue. The trick is quite simple, but quite effective. He is able to revive valuable seeds. In this case, a compressor is used - equipment for aquariums. The seeds are placed in a container with water, the filling ratio of the container is maintained at 1: 5. The compressor will oxygenate the liquid. During processing, the seeds are periodically mixed. The whole process takes 24 to 36 hours. Finish the reception by drying the seeds.


This method is used for many heat-loving vegetable crops. However, hardening is rarely carried out for processing pepper seeds. It is considered more rational to harden the grown seedlings.

In our article, we told you about how to grow peppers from seeds, and also examined how to process them. The application of the above methods will definitely contribute to obtaining fast and high-quality seedlings. However, the listed procedures are optional. As a rule, every vegetable grower applies one or another technique or completely refuses this troublesome business. If desired, you can use one or more techniques. Most often, seeds of unknown origin are processed, the quality of which is in doubt, or the seed of their own harvest. It should be noted that many producers sell treated seeds. When purchasing such material, you should carefully study the packaging on which this information will be indicated. In this case, you can limit yourself to mechanical calibration.