Bright representatives of mixing races and nationalities. Afroasian language family Young mestizos of Hollywood with Native American roots

11th place. Radmilla Cody- singer and model from the second largest Indian people in the United States - the Navajo. In 1997, she won the Miss Navajo title, which evaluates not so much beauty as knowledge of the Navajo language and traditions. Radmilla's father is African American, and her mother is Navajo.

As you know, there are 4 large races in the world: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid and Australoid (for example, the natives of Australia belong to it). The descendants of interracial marriages are called mestizos, but, as a rule, mestizos are understood to be the descendants of Caucasians and Mongoloids. The descendants of Negroids and Caucasians are called mulattoes. As for Australoids, for example, Polynesians (Maori, etc.) or Filipinos are a mixture of three races: Australoid, Mongoloid and Caucasoid (see photo selection of Maori girls and rating of the most beautiful Filipinas).
Negroids practically did not mix with the Mongoloid and Australoid races. This is due to the fact that that part of Africa, which is inhabited by Negroids, from the north and east borders on territories inhabited by Caucasian peoples. The only region where a mixture of Negroids and Mongoloids occurred is the island of Madagascar off the southeast coast of Africa. In the first millennium of our era, immigrants from Indonesia penetrated Madagascar by sea, where they mixed with the Negroid representatives of the Bantu tribes. The inhabitants of Madagascar are called Malagasy, there are about 20 million of them.
The second wave of mixing of Mongoloids and Negroids occurred in America by mixing people from Africa and Indians. The descendants of such marriages in Latin America are called sambos, and in the USA they are called black Indians.
Another small proportion of mixed Negroid-Mongoloid marriages are the offspring of marriages between African Americans and Asians. The offspring of such marriages are called Afroasiatics (Malagasy also fit the definition of "Afroasiatics").
This rating contains the most beautiful, in my opinion, Afro-Asian and black Indian women. There is also a representative of the Malagasy. The rating includes only those girls who do not have Caucasian roots. What an Afro-Asian woman with European roots looks like can be seen in the example of Noemie Lenoir, who is included in the rating of the most beautiful French women.

10th place. Nataly Andria(born February 3, 1985, Madagascar) is a French singer of Malagasy origin. Her real last name is Andrianaivoson.

9th place. Thelma Aoyama(born October 27, 1987, Japan) is a Japanese singer. Her male grandfather is from Trinidad and Tobago.

8th place. Natasha Shanta Reid(born May 31, 1981, USA), better known as Yoon Mi-rae is a South Korean singer. Her father is African American and her mother is Korean.

7th place. Ananda Lewis(born March 21, 1973, USA) is an American TV presenter and model. She has African-American and Native American roots (her ancestors from among the Indian peoples are Creeks and Blackfoot).

6th place. Anya Ayoung Chee(b. October 17, 1981, USA) - Trinidadian fashion designer, TV presenter, model, Miss Trinidad and Tobago 2008. Has Chinese roots.

5th place. Leona Mitchell(born October 13, 1949, USA) is an American opera singer. Has African American and Indian (Chickasaw people) roots.

4th place. Crystal Kay(born February 26, 1986, Japan) is a Japanese singer and actress. However, she has no Japanese roots. Her father is African American and her mother is Korean.

3rd place. Ariana Miyamoto- Miss Japan 2015, Japan's representative at the Miss Universe 2015 pageant, where she entered the top 10. Ariana was born in Nagasaki, Japan on May 12, 1994. Her father was an African-American who served at that time at the US Navy base in Japan, and her mother was Japanese. After winning the Miss Japan contest, the girl was criticized for her non-Japanese appearance. This is due to the fact that Miyamoto became the first mestizo to win the national beauty contest, although this has long become the norm in Europe, the USA and Canada.

2nd place. Julia Jones(b. January 23, 1981, USA) is an American actress who became famous after her role as Lea Clearwater in the movie "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" (2010). Has African American and Native American (Chickasaw and Choctaw) roots.

1 place. Naomi Campbell(born May 22, 1970, UK) is a British supermodel. For the most part, Naomi Campbell's ancestors are Afro-Jamaican, also has Chinese roots (her male grandmother was Chinese).

Semitic-Hamitic (Afrasian) family

Afroasian languages ​​are a macrofamily (superfamily) of languages, which includes six families of languages ​​that have signs of a common origin (the presence of related root and grammatical morphemes).

The Afroasian languages ​​include both living and dead languages. The former are currently distributed over a vast area, occupying the territory of Western Asia (from Mesopotamia to the coast of the Mediterranean and Red Seas) and vast territories of East and North Africa - up to the Atlantic coast. Separate groups of representatives of the Afroasian languages ​​are also found outside the main territory of their distribution.

The total number of speakers currently fluctuates between 270 million and 300 million people, according to various estimates. The Afroasian macrofamily includes the following language families (or branches).

Berber-Libyan languages. The living languages ​​of this family are distributed in North Africa west from Egypt and Libya to Mauritania, as well as in the oases of the Sahara, as far as Nigeria and Senegal. The Berber tribes of the Tuareg (Sahara) use their own script in everyday life, called tifinagh and dating back to the ancient Libyan script. The Libyan script is represented by brief rock inscriptions found in the Sahara and the Libyan Desert; the earliest of them date back to the 2nd century BC. e.

ancient egyptian language with its late descendant - the Coptic language is a dead language. It was distributed in the valley of the middle and lower Nile (modern Egypt). The first written monuments of ancient Egyptian date back to the end of the 4th - the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC. e. It existed as a living and colloquial language until the 5th century AD. e. Monuments of the Coptic language have been known since the 3rd century AD. e.; by the 14th century it fell into disuse, remaining as the cult language of the Coptic Christian Church. In everyday life, the Copts, of which there are about 6 million people according to the data of the end of 1999, use Arabic and are now considered an ethno-confessional group of Egyptian Arabs.

Cushitic languages of which only living ones are known, distributed in Northeast Africa: in the northeast of Sudan, in Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, in northern Kenya and in western Tanzania. According to data from the late 1980s, the number of speakers is about 25.7 million.

Omot languages. Living unwritten languages, common in southwestern Ethiopia. The number of speakers according to the late 1980s is about 1.6 million people. As an independent branch of the Afroasian macrofamily, they began to stand out only recently (G. Fleming, M. Bender, I. M. Dyakonov). Some scientists attribute the Omot languages ​​to the Western Cushitic group, which separated from Proto-Kushit earlier than the rest.

Semitic languages. The most numerous of the Afroasian language families; It is represented by modern living languages ​​(Arabic, Maltese, New Aramaic dialects, Hebrew, Ethio-Semitic - Amharic, Tigre, Tigray, etc.), common in the Arab East, Israel, Ethiopia and North Africa, islands - in other countries of Asia and Africa. The number of speakers according to different sources fluctuates, amounting to approximately 200 million.

Chadic languages alive; more than 150 modern languages ​​and dialect groups belong to this family. Distributed in Central and Western Sudan, in the region of Lake Chad, Nigeria, Cameroon. The Hausa speakers are the most numerous, numbering about 30-40 million people; for most of them, Hausa is not their native language, but the language of interethnic communication.

Bak language (one)

Altai family of languages

The Altaic family of languages ​​includes Turkic (Turkish, Azerbaijani, Turkmen, Tatar, Bashkir, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Chuvash, Yakut, Tuvan, Khakass languages), Mongolian (Mongolian, Buryat, Kalmyk languages), Tungus-Manchu (Siberian, Manchu and Amur language groups) and Japanese-Ryukyuan (Japanese, Ainu, Ryukyuan languages) language branches, as well as Korean language isolate. These languages ​​are widespread in the territory of Northeast Asia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe (Buryatia, Kalmykia, etc.).

The Basque language (self-name Euskara) is the language of the Basques, the people inhabiting the Basque Country (Navarre) - the northern regions of Spain and the adjacent southern regions of France. Basque, unlike the other languages ​​of Europe, does not belong to any of the Indo-European or any of the other known families of languages, and is a so-called isolated language. The genetic connections of the language have not been established, however, Basque is traditionally included by scientists in the so-called Paleo-Spanish languages, and in a broader sense, in an unclassified and probably heterogeneous group of Mediterranean languages.

The total number of carriers is about 800,000 people, most of whom (700 thousand) live in the Basque Country, of which more than 500 thousand are in its Spanish part. A small number of carriers live in other regions of Europe, America and Australia.

The Basque language is divided into a number of dialects that are very different from each other. A unified literary Basque language was created in the 1960s. linguist Koldo Michelena.

The Basque language is not related to any known language family. There is an assumption about its connection with the Aquitanian language (see references in the article Iberian script). According to another hypothesis, the Basque language reveals an ancient relationship with the Sino-Caucasian macrofamily.

Afroasian languages ​​(sometimes also Afroasiatic; the name ʼʼSemitic-Hamiticʼʼ is also very common today) is a family of languages ​​that includes six branches of languages ​​that have signs of a common origin (the presence of related root and grammatical morphemes). Sometimes it is included in a more general formation - the Nostratic macrofamily of languages ​​(combining the Indo-European, Kartvelian, Uralic, Dravidian and Altaic families). At the same time, the Afro-Asian macrofamily has recently been excluded from the Nostratic one and considered along with the latter as a separate and independent macrofamily, but closely related to the Nostratic one.

The Afroasian languages ​​include both living and dead languages. The former are currently distributed over a vast area, occupying the territory of Western Asia (from Mesopotamia to the coast of the Mediterranean and Red Seas) and vast territories of East and North Africa - up to the Atlantic coast. Separate groups of representatives of the Afroasian languages ​​are also found outside the main territory of their distribution. The total number of speakers currently fluctuates between 270 million and 300 million people, according to various estimates.

The Afroasian family includes the following language branches:

· Berber-Libyan languages. The living languages ​​of this family are distributed in North Africa west from Egypt and Libya to Mauritania, as well as in the oases of the Sahara, as far as Nigeria and Senegal. In Morocco, Berber speakers make up about 40% of the total population of the country, in Algeria - about 25%. In Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Mauritania, the Berber-speaking population is smaller. All living languages ​​are unwritten. The Berber tribes of the Tuareg (Sahara) use their own script in everyday life, called tifinagh and dating back to the ancient Libyan script. The Libyan script is represented by brief rock inscriptions found in the Sahara and the Libyan Desert; the earliest of them date back to the 2nd century BC. e. The inscriptions are partially deciphered; they are divided into three groups of monuments: fezsansko-Tripolitan, western Numidian and eastern Numidian. The languages ​​of these inscriptions represent a group of dead languages ​​of the Berber-Libyan family.

· Ancient Egyptian language. With its later descendant - the Coptic language - it is a dead language. It was distributed in the valley of the middle and lower Nile (modern Egypt). The first written monuments of ancient Egyptian date back to the end of the 4th - the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC. e. It existed as a living and colloquial language until the 5th century AD. e. Monuments of the Coptic language have been known since the 3rd century AD. e.; by the 14th century it fell into disuse, remaining as the cult language of the Coptic Christian Church. In everyday life, the Copts, who, according to the end of 2010, there are about 8 million people, use Arabic and are now considered an ethno-confessional group of Egyptian Arabs.

· Cushitic languages. Of these, only living ones are known, distributed in Northeast Africa: in the northeast of Sudan, in Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, in northern Kenya and in western Tanzania. The number of speakers is about 25.7 million people.

· Omot languages. Living unwritten languages, common in southwestern Ethiopia. The number of speakers is about 1.6 million people. As an independent branch of the Afroasian macrofamily, they began to stand out only recently (G. Fleming, M. Bender, I. M. Dyakonov). Some scientists attribute the Omot languages ​​to the Western Cushitic group, which separated from Proto-Kushit earlier than the rest.

· Semitic languages. The most numerous of the Afroasian language families; represented by modern living languages ​​(Arabic, Maltese, New Aramaic dialects, Hebrew, Ethio-Semitic - Amharic, Tigre, Tigrinya, etc.), common in the Arab East, Israel, Ethiopia and North Africa, islands - in other countries of Asia and Africa . According to different sources, the number of speakers fluctuates, amounting to approximately 200 million. Ancient languages ​​​​also belong to the Semitic - Akkadian, Ugaritic, Eblaite, Phoenician, Hebrew, Old Aramaic, epigraphic South Arabian, ancient Ethiopian - Geez.

· Chadic languages. More than 150 modern languages ​​and dialect groups belong to this branch. Distributed in Central and Western Sudan, in the region of Lake Chad, Nigeria, Cameroon. The Hausa speakers are the most numerous, numbering about 30-40 million people; for most of them, Hausa is not their native language, but the language of interethnic communication.

Language families

Indo-European family

The Indo-European family is the most studied family of languages ​​with the largest number of speakers of these languages. This family includes English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Russian, Greek, Hindi, Bengali; and classical languages: Latin, Sanskrit, Persian.

Ural family

The languages ​​of this family are located in Europe ( Hungarian, Finnish) and Russia ( Mordovian). These languages ​​have a rather complicated structure of nouns.

Altai family

The language family extends from Europe ( Turkish) through Central Asia ( Uzbek), Mongolia ( Mongolian) to the Far East ( Korean, Japanese). The main distinguishing feature of these languages ​​is the harmony of vowels.

Sino-Tibetan family

An important family of Asian languages, which includes the most widely spoken language on Earth - Chinese (Putonghua). These languages ​​have features of monosyllables and tonality.

Malayo-Polynesian family

The family includes more than 1000 languages ​​that are common in the islands of the Indian Pacific Ocean, as well as in Southeast Asia. Among these languages Malay, Indonesian, Maori and Hawaiian.

Afro-Asian family

The languages ​​of North Africa and the Middle East are in this family. The main languages ​​are Arab and Hebrew.

caucasian family

The family is located in the Caucasus Mountains region between the Black and Caspian Seas. Georgian and Chechen - main languages. They are known for having a large number of consonant sounds.

Dravidian family

The languages ​​of southern India (as opposed to the Indo-European languages ​​of northern India). Tamil is the best known of these languages.

Austro-Asian family

This is a group of languages ​​located in Asia. They are found in the territory from eastern India to Vietnam. Among these languages ​​are Vietnamese and Khmer.

Niger-Congo family

This family includes many languages ​​of southern Africa and the Sahara. Common languages ​​include: Swahili, khosa, Shona and Zulu.

Present and future of languages

In 2003 in the world there were a total of approximately 6,809 languages.
90% of these languages ​​are spoken by less than 100,000 people. Over a million people speak 200-150 languages. There are languages, their approximate number is about 357, which are spoken by less than 50 people. On the tongue kambap(Central Cameroon) spoken by 30 people; in the language easy(in the Andes mountains in Bolivia) speaks about 20 people. Language Mati ke(in northern Australia) in 2003 was known by four people. About 46 languages ​​have one native speaker.
Unfortunately, with the development of mass communications (high-speed flights, radio, television, telephones, the Internet), many small languages ​​​​began to be under the threat of extinction. With their disappearance, the exceptional cultural way of perceiving the world around us will also disappear. Linguist Edwardsapir, wrote:
“There are no two such languages ​​that could adequately convey the same social reality in the same way. The words that various cultures put on reflect separate worlds, and not the same world with different labels.
Over the past 500 years, about 4.5% of the described languages ​​have disappeared from the face of the Earth. In North America, 52 out of 176 languages ​​have disappeared since 1600. In Australia, 31 out of 235 languages ​​have become extinct.
But even with all this, in some countries and regions one can observe a rich linguistic diversity. There are 52 languages ​​in Mexico. There are about 100 on the territory of the former USSR. Over 400 languages ​​are present in Nigeria. There are over 700 different languages ​​on the island of Papua New Guinea: in fact, every village has its own language. There are more than 800 languages ​​in India belonging to different families (Indo-European, Dravidian, Sino-Tibetan, Austro-Asiatic).

America's strength comes from its diversity, and some of this country's most prominent celebrities come from extraordinarily diverse national backgrounds - even if you didn't know it. So, take a peek into the melting pot of nations and trace the diverse family trees of these celebrities - and you might find that their history, talent, and beauty comes from different parts of this world, in this case, Asia.

14 Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods refers to his ethnicity as "Kavcherindziat", an acronym for a mix of Caucasian, Black, American Indian, and Asian.

13 Vanessa Hudgens

Disney Princess Vanessa Hudgens' father is Irish, but her mother was born in the Philippines and her ancestors include Filipinos, Chinese and Spaniards - great company!

12 Keanu Reeves

Keanu actually knows kung fu. Okay, aside from the Matrix joke, Keanu was born in Lebanon, but he is one-fourth Chinese, one-fourth Hawaiian and half English. Did we already say he's from Canada?

11 Rob Schneider

Rob Schneider's father may be Jewish, but his mother Pilar is of Filipina origin. Schneider is so proud of his Filipino heritage that he asked his mother to write a screenplay about her life in the Philippines so that one day he could direct her story.

10 Kristen Kreuk

Since her first appearance on Smallville, she has come to be regarded as one of the most beautiful women on television. What is her secret? It combines the heritage of the ancestors of the Danes, Chinese and Jamaicans.

9 Dwayne The Rock Johnson

The father of Dwayne Johnson, also known as "The Rock", is a black Nova Scotian (Canadian), and his mother is Samoan.

8 Enrique Iglesias

He may sing mostly in Spanish and be from Madrid, but Enrique Iglesias's mother, Maria Isabel Preisler Arrastia, is a Filipino by birth, born to a mestizo family in the Philippines.

7 Dean Cain

Born Dean George Tanaka - and this already clarifies something - the star of the series "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman" has Japanese roots, inherited from his paternal grandfather, who was born in Japan.

6 Chad Michael Murray

Chad Michael Murray quickly became obsessed with most of the students during the TV series One Tree Hill - but most are unaware that this quintessentially American boy is actually a quarter Japanese.

5 Bruno Mars

Bruno Mars (born Peter Hernandez Jr.) was born in Hawaii to a Puerto Rican, Hungarian and Ukrainian father and a Filipina mother. We knew that these dance moves couldn't possibly be from here!

4 Naomi Campbell

Considered one of the world's most famous supermodels of all time, it's no surprise that Naomi Campbell combines Jamaican and Chinese ancestry.

3 Kirk Hammett

It may surprise you to know that the lead guitarist of the heavy metal rock band Metallica, Kirk Hammett, is half Irish, half Filipino.

2 Sharon Leal

Gorgeous actress Sharon Leal was born in Tucson, Arizona to a Filipina mother and an African-American father - here she is a dream girl.

1 Nicole Scherzinger

Often referred to as one of the sexiest female singers to grace the American scene, Pussycat Dolls lead singer Nicole Scherzinger was born in Hawaii to Filipino-Hawaiian-Russian parents.