The ex-senator from the Vladimir region was fired for incomprehensible “success in science. Vladimir Putin dismissed officials who decided to combine service with scientific activities

Alexander Savenkov, who represented the Vladimir Region in the Federation Council for four years, lost his position as Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia due to the fact that he did not refuse, on the advice of President Putin, the title of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The former Vladimir senator, and until today the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the head of the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, was among the “scientifically repressed”.

On November 28, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed decrees on the dismissal of a number of high-ranking leaders of the FSB, the Presidential Administration, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. All fired with the wording "of their own free will." However, presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov confirmed to RIA Novosti that the dismissal of the employees designated in the decrees was due to their election to the Academy of Sciences.

Recall that on November 23, at the Council on Science and Education, Vladimir Putin promised officials elected to the RAS to give them the opportunity to engage only in scientific activities. Academic elections were held in October this year, and even last fall, civil servants were asked in writing not to run. Among those who disobeyed is Alexander Savenkov, who became a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

“I asked my colleagues to refrain from participating in the election of new members of state academies of sciences due to the fact that people who fill positions in government bodies, especially at the top levels, they are employed or should at least be employed in the service in a serious way, otherwise they are not able to fulfill their official duties, and they can engage in scientific research only in their free time, which, in fact, does not remain for people who conscientiously work in administrative positions. The question arises: can they engage in scientific research in full and with the desired result? Nevertheless, some of our colleagues from the Administration of Presidential Affairs, from the Ministry of Education, from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, from the Ministry of Defense, from the Federal Security Service and from some other departments took part in the election and were elected. Vladimir Evgenievich, I have a question for you and other representatives of the Academy of Sciences - why did you do this? Are they such prominent scientists that the Academy of Sciences cannot do without them? First question. And the second question. What should I do about it now?" - asked Vladimir Putin.

"They all said they got permission from their leaders," answered the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Fortov.

“No, that was not the question. Are they such great scientists that they should be Corresponding Members and Academicians?” - said the president.

“You do not directly answer my question, Vladimir Evgenievich, nevertheless, I will finish the sentence for you. So they are great scientists" - said Vladimir Putin.

"They deserve to be elected" said Vladimir Fortov.

“So they are great scientists,” insisted the president.

"It turns out that way", - said Vladimir Fortov.

“Then I won’t torment you with the second question. I think that I will have to give them the opportunity to do science. Because, apparently, their scientific activity is much more important than the performance of some routine administrative duties in government and administration,” said Vladimir Putin.

The Russian Academy of Sciences explained that officials will not be able to refuse academic titles, since the Charter of the organization provides for lifelong membership.

The RBC agency calls Alexander Savenkov one of the most influential security officials fired by the president on November 28. Savenkov served in the prosecutor's office since 1985, from 2002 to 2006 he served as Chief Military Prosecutor, Deputy Prosecutor General Vladimir Ustinov. After Ustinov's resignation, Savenkov was appointed First Deputy Minister of Justice, and then, according to RBC, citing a source close to the FSB, he was actually "exiled to an honorary pension" to the Federation Council, where he represented the Vladimir Region from 2009 to 2014. In the Federation Council Savenkov, according to an agency source, “behaved very adequately, did not engage in unnecessary PR, but at the same time he was quite contactable, and also did not spoil relations with anyone, thanks to which he returned from the Federation Council to the Ministry of Internal Affairs”.

That after being appointed to the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Savenkov began to restore army order there - all investigators were forced to come to work in uniform, Saturday became a working day, and they had to forget about vacations abroad.

The RBC agency studied the declaration of the Savenkov family for 2015. It turned out that the Savenkov family earned the most in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the wife of the deputy minister declared an income of 72.2 million rubles. She owns an apartment of 123.1 sq. m and half of the apartment with an area of ​​170.8 sq. m. Savenkov himself earned 5.3 million rubles. He also indicated in the declaration two plots with a total area of ​​3.5 thousand square meters. m and a residential building (628.1 sq. m).

Recall that the “silovik” and “Varangian” Savenkov became the representative of the Vladimir region in the Federation Council in March 2009, where he was delegated by the United Russia members of the Vladimir Legislative Assembly, who received a qualified majority after the elections to the regional parliament. Savenkov replaced in the Federation Council "the man of the governor Vinogradov" - Yevgeny Ilyushkin. In the upper house of the Russian parliament, Savenkov served as deputy chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation, Legal and Judicial Affairs, and the Development of Civil Society.

There were no high-profile "scandals, intrigues, investigations" related to Savenkov's activities in the Federation Council in the information space of the Vladimir region. Savenkov without scandal, after the election of the governor and the Legislative Assembly of the Vladimir region. As Izvestiya wrote on the eve of voting day, citing a source close to the presidential administration, Savenkov's resignation was due to a change of power in the leadership of the Vladimir Region: “Running for the post of governor of the Vladimir region, Svetlana Orlova is “forced to negotiate” with local elites.

Savenkov was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (2008) and IV degree (2004), the Order of Honor (2001), has more than 50 medals and departmental awards of the Russian Federation and foreign states, the badge "Honorary Worker of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" and the honorary title "Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation". He was awarded diplomas of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

From the curious facts from the biography of the former Vladimir senator: on December 18, 2004, Alexander Nikolaevich filed a petition with the head of the Russian imperial house, E.I.V. included in the all-Russian noble genealogical book. The request was granted on February 25, 2005. Their names are included in the 3rd part of the Heraldry. The applicant was also granted the Military Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, I degree.

Five high-ranking officials were dismissed by the President and Prime Minister of Russia for their election to the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). Officials received the title of academician in October, and last week Vladimir Putin criticized the choice of the academy. According to the President, conscientious officials should not have free time for scientific activities. Dozhd studied the scientific achievements of civil servants, whom Putin, in his own words, now "provided the opportunity to do science."

Alexander Savenkov

Doctor of Historical Sciences and former Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Savenkov was appointed to this position in 2014. He was even called the main contender for the post of Prosecutor General instead of Yuri Chaika. According to RBC, while lobbying for his appointment to this position, Savenkov personally met with key figures in law enforcement agencies and in the president's entourage. But in the end, Chaika remained Prosecutor General.

As for Savenkov's scientific achievements, the certificate on the RAS website states that he is a specialist in the field of criminal law and forensic science. Savenkov is the author of more than 50 scientific papers: three monographs, 15 textbooks and teaching aids, of which 11 are co-authors.

Despite the fact that Savenkov is listed as a professor at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, his career was in the prosecutor's office, the Federation Council and various ministries. The Dissernet society, which analyzes scientific works, paid no attention to Savenkov’s works, but the legal experts interviewed by Novaya Gazeta did not mention Savenkov’s scientific achievements.

Alexander Fisun

The head of the main military medical department of the Ministry of Defense, Alexander Fisun, is a specialist in the field of organizing medical support for troops, according to a memo from the Russian Academy of Sciences. Despite the 400 scientific papers listed there, there is no Fisun in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).

In his interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Fisun explained the advantages of dry rations, the consequences of introducing a new uniform, and the requirements for conscripts.

Fisun is listed as the supervisor of "a completely written off dissertation, the defense of which was reduced to replacing the title page", writes Andrey Rostovtsev, one of the founders of Dissernet, on his Facebook page. Another example is a written off, according to the society, dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences, the scientific supervisor of which was also Fisun. Dissernet points to more than a hundred borrowings from Vladimir Igonin's dissertation, written a year earlier.

Vasily Khristoforov

photo: RIA Novosti

Vasily Khristoforov, the former head of the registration and archival funds department of the FSB, has been a member of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 2006. Khristoforov was also involved in declassifying archival documents on the history of political repressions in the USSR. On the website of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Khristoforov is called a leading specialist in the field of political, social and military history of Russia and Afghanistan in the 20th century. In his scientific works, he mainly refers to documents stored in the archives of the FSB.

Khristoforov was the supervisor of two scientific papers defended by the dissertation council of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, which was headed by the historian Alexander Danilov,

A scientific career led to the dismissal of several high-ranking Russian security officials, who can now, without being distracted by official duties, engage in science. At the center of the scandal were fourteen officials and intelligence officers who, despite Putin's ban on combining civil service with a scientific career at the Academy of Sciences, passed all six qualifying stages and became corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

It all started a few days ago, when Putin publicly expressed dissatisfaction with the decision to replenish his ranks with civil servants to the President of the Academy of Sciences Vladimir Fortov.

“Why did you do this? They are such prominent scientists that the Academy of Sciences cannot do without them? And the second question is: what should I do with this,” Putin was indignant. He had to repeat the second question twice.

On Monday, November 28, it became known about the resignations of newly-minted academicians. The head of the Registration and Archival Funds Department of the FSB of Russia lost their posts Vasily Khristoforov, Head of the Main Military Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Russia Alexander Fisun, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Head of the Investigation Department of the Ministry Alexander Savenkov and others.

Some experts believe that all members of the correspondent in the civil service got it because of the deputy head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexander Savenkov, he became a catalyst for presidential discontent

At the same time, the officers quit themselves, but the Deputy Minister of Education of Russia Alexey Lopatin Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev fired after shouting from the Kremlin. Some experts believe that all the correspondent members in the civil service got it because of one new corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Interior Minister of Russia Alexander Savenkov, he became a catalyst for presidential discontent. Political scientist explained Putin's anger to Present Time Stanislav Belkovsky:

"Indeed, [Savenkov] is an outstanding scientist, it's true, because he owns a catchphrase that will soon be cast in granite, in the words of Dmitry Medvedev, even in the Prosecutor General's Office, even in the Investigative Committee, even in the Ministry of Justice. Alexander Savenkov said that "any bullshit a Juris Doctor says has scientific value," referring to himself.

I think that here Vladimir Putin feels a sense of ressentiment - there is such a buzzword - in relation to the scientific community in general and the Academy of Sciences as a backbone institution of this community in particular.

This is also connected with the position of his close friends, for example, the director of the Institute of Crystallography Mikhail Kovalchuk, who was never able to become an academician and was largely the initiator of the de facto defeat of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2013. Then she was deprived of property and turned from an organization managing this property into a club of scientists.

There is also resentment towards the scientific community in general. Because indeed the scientific community has seriously devalued in recent years, degraded, and people who have nothing to do with science have become big scientific bosses.

There is a personal resentment of Vladimir Putin related to the fact that he is also a scientist. He is a candidate of economic sciences

But there is also a personal resentment of Vladimir Putin, connected with the fact that he is also a scientist. He is a candidate of economic sciences. He defended this dissertation back in the 90s. I read this dissertation, I don't know how many other people in Russia have read it. There is nothing particularly interesting there, although there is nothing harmful either. The fact is that in 2007 it turned out that this dissertation contained significant elements of plagiarism, and this was also a painful discovery for Vladimir Vladimirovich, who at that time was already a great leader and teacher of the Russian people.

De facto, he punished the Academy of Sciences. He showed that the title of academician is no longer worth anything, because any fool can become an academician. Thus, he paraphrased Savenkov, using the same logic as in the phrase "any nonsense that a doctor of law says becomes a scientific truth."

Vladimir Putin. Earlier, the president was outraged that prominent security officials and officials were academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, because he forbade his subordinates to receive such titles.

Here is what RBC writes about this:

“Alexander Savenkov is one of the most influential security officials fired by the president on November 28. Savenkov served in the prosecutor's office since 1985, from 2002 to 2006 he served as Chief Military Prosecutor, Deputy Prosecutor General Vladimir Ustinov. After Ustinov's resignation, Savenkov was appointed First Deputy Minister of Justice, and then, according to an RBC interlocutor close to the FSB, he was actually “exiled to an honorary pension” to the Federation Council, where he represented the Vladimir region from 2009 to 2014.

“All this time he behaved very adequately, did not engage in unnecessary PR, but at the same time he was quite contactable, and also did not spoil relations with anyone, thanks to which he returned from the Federation Council to the Ministry of Internal Affairs,” the RBC source explained earlier.

After Savenkov was appointed to the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he began to restore army order there, three employees of the department told RBC. All investigators were then forced to come to work in uniform, Saturday became a working day, and they had to forget about vacations abroad, they complained.

In the spring of 2016, Savenkov applied for the post of Prosecutor General, two interlocutors of RBC close to the FSB told RBC, but in June, the Federation Council, on the proposal of the president, extended the powers of Yuri Chaika. ​

According to one of the sources, Savenkov was also considered a supporter of the idea of ​​uniting the entire investigation under the roof of one department, that is, a competitor to the chairman of the ICR, Alexander Bastrykin.

The Savenkov family in 2015 earned the most in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, follows from the declaration published on the website of the department. The deputy minister's wife declared an income of 72.2 million rubles. She owns an apartment of 123.1 sq. m and half of the apartment with an area of ​​170.8 sq. m. Savenkov himself earned 5.3 million rubles. He also indicated in the declaration two plots with a total area of ​​3.5 thousand square meters. m and a residential building (628.1 sq. m)".

The website provides the following data on Savenkov's biography:

Alexander Savenkov took an active part in the political life of the Vladimir region and evenwas a member of the governing bodies regional branch of United Russia.

In the first year of work, the declaration of Alexander Savenkov caused a wide public outcry. Wife and minor son of a senatorearn a lot more the head of the family - 12 million 176 thousand rubles. and 8 million 125 thousand rubles. respectively, with the declared income of Mr. Savenkov in the amount of 3 million 101 thousand rubles. In subsequent years, such a disproportion in the earnings of family members was not noticed.

The senator regularly reported to the deputies of the Legislative Assembly on his activities. He wanted to continue his senatorial activities and even once took part in the debate at the United Russia primaries before the next elections of deputies of the regional parliament. But with the arrival of Svetlana Orlova in region-33, the opinion about his candidacy has changed. He did not participate in those elections and quietly left the region, which he had represented in the Federation Council for 4 years.

Sergey Rybakov took his place, and in May 2014 Alexander Savenkovgot a high position . Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed him Deputy Minister of the Interior of the Russian Federation - Head of the Investigation Department of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation.

For two and a half years in this position, Alexander Savenkov has grown into a great scientist, becoming a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Now about the important personnel decisions of the President of Russia. By his decrees, he dismissed high-ranking officials who did not heed the recommendations of the head of state not to combine service with scientific activities. Vladimir Putin considered such behavior unacceptable. Now the newly elected Academicians and Corresponding Members have the opportunity to devote all their time to experiments, research, and the publication of monographs.

Resignations did not have to wait long. Officials, contrary to the insistence of the president, who were elected members of the Academy of Sciences in October, resigned from their posts on the morning of November 28.

So, by the decree of Vladimir Putin, the following were dismissed: Deputy Presidential Administration Konstantin Kotenko, Head of the Main Military Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Alexander Fisun and Deputy Interior Minister, head of the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexander Savenkov. All of them managed to apply for resignation of their own free will. In addition, Lieutenant-General Vasily Khristoforov, head of the FSB Registration and Archival Funds Department, lost his post, and he was also dismissed from military service when he reached the age limit.

Also, at his own request, Deputy Minister of Education Alexei Lopatin resigned. The order on his resignation was signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

On the inadmissibility of combining science with work in the civil service, Vladimir Putin said last Wednesday, November 23, at a meeting of the Presidential Council on Science and Education.

“I asked my colleagues to refrain from participating in the election of new members of state academies of sciences due to the fact that people who fill positions in government bodies, especially at the top levels, are employed. Nevertheless, some of our colleagues took part in the election and were elected. Vladimir Evgenievich, I have a question for you and other representatives of the Academy of Sciences: why did you do this? Are they such prominent scientists that the Academy of Sciences cannot do without them? First question. And the second question: what should I do with it now? - asked the head of state.

“They all said that they had received permission from their leaders,” explained Vladimir Fortov, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

“No, that was not the question. Are they such great scientists that they should be Corresponding Members and Academicians?” the president asked for clarification.

“Vladimir Vladimirovich, they passed the entire competition without any exception or exclusion,” replied Vladimir Fortov.

“You do not directly answer my question, Vladimir Evgenievich, nevertheless I will finish the sentence for you: it means that they are great scientists. Yes?" Vladimir Putin continued.

"They deserve to be elected," said the head of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

"So they are great scientists," the President clarified once again.

“It turns out that it is,” Vladimir Fortov confirmed.

“Well, then I won’t torment you with the second question. I think that I will have to give them the opportunity to do science, because, apparently, their scientific activity is much more important than performing some routine administrative duties in government and government. Thank you very much,” the head of state said.

Putin did not name names then, but today it has become clear who will have the opportunity to focus on scientific work. The question of how valuable an acquisition the dismissed officials will be for the Academy remains open.

For example, the former deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexander Savenkov has more than three dozen scientific publications, mainly on the fight against corruption. 90 articles from the former head of the FSB department Vasily Khristoforov. We are talking about the publication of the declassified archives of the Service. And the former head of the Main Military Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Alexander Fisun, Channel One found only six scientific papers in the international medical database Pubmed. Not so much for a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. And on the Internet you can find an almost completely written off dissertation, in which Alexander Fisun is listed as a supervisor. The work of Anna Tyukina on medicine differs from the previously defended dissertation of Vladimir Igonin only in the title.

The next RAS elections will be held in four years. So academics have time to think about whether to accept acting government officials into their ranks.