Is it possible to store a nymphea in an unheated house. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases

This plant is rarely found growing in natural reservoirs: ponds or quiet lake backwaters. Today it is listed in the Red Book and is protected by law from barbaric destruction. Nature lovers and people who are not indifferent to the disappearance of this plant are trying with all their might to preserve the nymph for future generations. Read about all the nuances of planting, seed propagation methods, wintering conditions in the pond and the rules for caring for water lilies. Watch the video and photos to familiarize yourself with them.

Brief description and characteristics of the nymphea

Water lily is an aquatic plant. The flower of mermaids, as it is sometimes called, grows in quiet, without strong currents, reservoirs. Today, varieties of nymphea have been bred that can grow and multiply both in natural waters and in artificially constructed ponds.

Owners of summer cottages and household plots, with a little work, can build such a pond in their possessions on their own.

Nymphaea is a perennial plant, there are also annual species, but much less often. There are about 70 types of flowers, of which 7 grow on the territory of Russia. The sizes of water lilies vary from the smallest specimens to large species, but general structure they are identical:

Nymphaea is a wonderful plant for a pond

  1. The root is a powerful, with developed shoots, the underwater part of the plant, which is strengthened at the bottom of the reservoir in silty soil.
  2. Stem - has a horizontal or tuberous shape. On this powerful shoot, many underwater and emergent leaves grow, flower stalks are formed.
  3. The leaves are round and fleshy. The leaves growing under water are smaller, softer and more delicate, on the surface of the water they are dense, harsh and large (there are specimens up to 2 meters in diameter).
  4. Flower - formed on a long stalk, single, correct shape... The petals have pointed ends, many of them are formed, the number is variable. There are up to 700 stamens, and several pistils (maybe one), the nymphea is a bisexual plant.
  5. Fruits - can be under water or on the water surface, usually contain a lot of seeds.

Attention! In regions with a warm climate, where moderate weather persists for a long time, the seed breeding method of the nymph can be used. During this period, the plant is able to give out shoots and take root well, that is, give several roots and stems, and subsequently endure wintering without negative consequences.

Types and varieties

The most beautiful part of the nymphea plant is undoubtedly the flower. Homeland designers looking to decorate existing ponds often choose different types and varieties of water lilies to diversify the landscape of the water surface. The flowers of the nymphea are very different in color. They can be: snow-white, pink, yellow and burgundy, there are also black and marked. It all depends on the varietal affiliation, but the size of the nymphea is divided only into three subspecies:

  • miniature, or dwarf - flower diameter 3 - 15 cm, the plant can be planted to a depth of 15 to 50 cm, popular varieties include: Alba (white flower), Rubra (red), Aurora (chameleon, at the beginning the color is light yellow, by the end of flowering, it turns into orange);

  • medium - flower up to 18 cm in diameter, planting depth up to 60 cm, delicate pink color petals fade over the season, becomes pale pink in the RozeArey variety, there are also red (Attraction) and yellow (Helvola) nymphs of this size;

Attraction variety

  • large - the size of the flower reaches 25 cm, the depth of the reservoir should be at least one meter, the most common varieties are Chromatella (yellow flower) and Escarboucle (crimson color).

Advice. As you learned from the description of the species, the planting depth of the nymphea directly depends on the size of the plant. When purchasing seedlings, consider this necessary condition, select them in accordance with the depth of your reservoir.

Planting seedlings and plant care

Depending on the size of the water lily variety acquired or derived from the seeds, planting is carried out at different depths of the pond or other reservoir. How larger grade, the deeper the root should be sunk. In such cases, a two- or three-tiered landing is provided. It should also be borne in mind that the plant grows very quickly, after 2-3 weeks it occupies a significant part of the water surface.

In large bodies of water, you can plant water lilies in the ground, strengthening the rhizomes with the help of simple devices in the form of a stone and wire so that they do not float to the surface. In smaller ponds, containers with seedlings are placed. For containers, you can use various perforated pots or baskets filled with muddy soil, and sprinkled with sand or small stones on top.

Nymphaea in a pond

In the first year of planting, many varieties of nymphea take root and bloom well. Seedlings can be planted throughout the season, from late May to early September.

In summer, plant care is minimal, it consists in thinning the shoots and removing the leaves and flowers that have gone.

Winter storage of a nymphea and is it possible to propagate it by seeds

In natural reservoirs, where the water freezes more than a meter deep, water lilies go to the non-freezing bottom, and perfectly endure the winter there. On household plots rarely there are reservoirs deeper than one meter, so you should get the plant out of the reservoir and place it in containers with water for the winter, and store it in the basement or cellar. In early spring, when the ice has completely melted, the containers with the nymphea are placed in their usual places.

Seed propagation is carried out in order to select new varieties or improve the quality of existing species. The purchased seeds are planted in small pots and lowered into water at a shallow depth. Vegetation from seeds occurs for a long period and is possible in natural conditions only in southern latitudes.

Planting a nymphea

A convenient and widespread method of breeding a nymphea is considered to be a simple division of the powerful rhizome of an adult plant into several roots with one or two buds. The separated roots are placed in new containers with ordinary muddy soil and weighted with pebbles on top.

Dear editors, please tell us about the agricultural technology of aquatic plants. In the spring they gave me a container with water lilies for a home pond. I have it impromptu, from the old cast iron bath... The plant is very beautiful, the flowers are soft pink, six pieces bloomed over the summer. True, it does not bloom for long - only one day. Then for several days it is no longer fully revealed, but it is still very beautiful.

The question is: how to divide, what kind of soil, how to store it in winter, when to take it out of the pond and when, on the contrary, put it in the pond? Thank you in advance.

Best regards, Tatiana Vladimirovna Aleshina, Konstantinovsk

If I understood you correctly, then you have a water lily, or, as it is more often called, a nymphea. This is a real piece of jewelry in the pond. With minimal care and proper storage in winter, nymphs will grow in your pond for many years.

Since you did not send a photo, and apparently you don’t know the varieties either, first decide whether you have a frost-resistant variety. Have frost-resistant varieties the leaf has a round shape and the coating looks like a waxy one. But even if you have identified your water lily as frost-resistant, leaving it to winter in your makeshift cast-iron pond is dangerous, since its depth is less than 1 m ( plastic ponds they are also not suitable for wintering, even if they are deep!). Only in a deep pond will a nymphea be able to withstand severe frosts. Moreover, for a nymph to winter in a pond, the water must be clean and transparent, which is not always possible.

Therefore, now it needs to be brought into the cellar. To do this, prepare a non-leaky container: a bucket, a basin, a trough and fill it with water, preferably taken from a pond. The water level should cover the growth buds of the nymphea by 1-2 cm. A lot of water is not needed, as the balance can be upset, and your plant will simply suffocate. In this form, the nymphs winter well. The only thing you have to do is check the water level.

In the spring, with the onset of warmth, take your water lilies into the pond.

About planting nymphs in a pond

Most likely, they were presented to you already in a container with big amount drain holes... In such conditions, the rhizome of the nymphea grows more freely and multiplies faster. When planting, pay attention to how your beauty used to grow. If its rhizome was located vertically, try to ensure that it is in this position in a new place. If the tuber with roots lay horizontally, lay it and cover it with earth on top, without burying the buds with new leaves. Otherwise, the water lily will wither and may die.

What should be the soil

Experts advise taking a clay mixture (two parts) with sand (one part) and adding a small amount of garden soil (one part). Silt from the nearest pond or river is also suitable, but only if there are no arable fields nearby, since fertilizers and residues of fuels and lubricants can get into the water from them.

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Nymphea - beautiful perennial which is distinguished by its bright and long flowering... Some varieties of nymphea can be considered real jewelry reservoir. With minimal maintenance and correct storage in winter they will grow in your pond for many years. From the article you will learn how to organize the wintering of a nymph in a cellar or basement.

Wintering in the pond

At first glance, nymphea or water lily flowers seem very fragile. Therefore, many gardeners are surprised at how much easy care it is required for long and beautiful flowering. Even more surprising is the news that some water lilies can winter right in the reservoir.

Among the many varieties of nymphea, there are those that can safely tolerate the cold. To determine whether your plants require special storage, specialized guides will help. Usually a sign of frost resistance is the rounded shape of the leaf and its "waxy" coating. This shape of the leaf protects the water lily from rupture during strong gusts of wind, and a special coating allows water to roll off its surface and not freeze.

For winter storage of nymphs, the reservoir must have a depth of at least 1 meter.

Even if you have determined that your water lily variety is hardy, you cannot just leave the plants to winter in the pond. First, make sure that the reservoir is suitable for this. The main criterion is its depth. It must be at least 1 meter. Only in this case will the nymphs be able to withstand severe frosts. In addition, the water in the pond must be clean and clear. If you plan to leave a plant in it, be sure to purify the water.

Cellar storage

If you have determined that your species of nymphea is not able to withstand extreme cold, you need to protect it during the period of the most severe frosts. Successful wintering presupposes three key points:

  • preparation of storage space;
  • transfer and preparation of the root system of the plant for laying in the cellar;
  • correct extraction and planting of the nymphea.

If all these points are performed correctly, you can count on successful engraftment and long flowering your plants.

Cellar preparation

How should a cellar suitable for wintering perennial flowers look like? First of all, it must maintain a constant positive temperature and high humidity... If necessary, you can increase the temperature by insulating the walls and floor of the cellar or using heating appliances... The increase in moisture is achieved by spraying the plant rhizomes.

In addition, the cellar should be completely free of bugs, cockroaches, rats, as well as any other pests. Another important condition successful wintering of nymphea is the absence of mold. In order to avoid plant death, pre-treat your cellar with insecticides, a smoke bomb, or antifungal liquid. We also advise you to use a special paint that prevents the reappearance of certain types of pests and mold. By covering the walls with it, you will save yourself from these problems for 3-3.5 years.

Immediately before planting plants, re-inspect the cellar and lightly clean. Remember that its microclimate directly depends on the state of the cellar, and, consequently, the preservation of your flowers.

Plant processing

Before laying water lilies in the cellar, you need to prepare them for a sharp change in conditions. To do this, after the first frost, carefully remove them from the reservoir along with the root system. Be careful: some varieties of nymphea root system develops not horizontally, but vertically. It is very important to take this into account when extracting it. Rinse the rhizome thoroughly under running cool water, completely removing all soil from it. After that, cut off all the leaves and petioles, leaving only the rudimentary ones.

Some gardeners prefer to keep plants with an earthen ball. In this case, you need to dry the extracted plants within 24 hours, cut off excess leaves and place them in containers. If the cellar has high humidity and constant temperature, then you do not need to moisten the lump during the entire storage period.

Now it's time to get into storage containers. Wintering should be carried out in unsealed containers, so make some ventilation holes in them beforehand. Then cover the bottom of each with pieces of swamp moss or a thin layer of damp sawdust... It is on this "ground" that the nymphs will feel most comfortable. When the preparation is complete, place the nymphs in containers and transfer them to the cellar.

Remember to regularly check the condition of the cellar and your plants. If you notice that the rhizomes are excessively dry, use a spray bottle and spray them with a little water. If you see mold, carefully remove it from each plant and spray the roots with a mild antifungal solution (for example, a 5% solution copper sulfate or any ready-made product that is sold in hardware stores).


Even in the complete absence of water and the necessary soil, the nymphs will react to the onset of spring. In mid-February, their rhizome will begin to actively develop and, perhaps, you will notice new shoots. Your further actions will depend on weather conditions.

If, with the onset of calendar spring, the actual temperature outside is still too low, you need to slow down the growth of the water lily. To do this, move it to a cooler room or lower the temperature in the storage area. It should be kept under these conditions until the outside temperature reaches a suitable level.

If the weather has become warm and stable, you can start planting the nymphea in the reservoir. But before that you need to "wake up" the plant from hibernation. Open the container in which it was stored and put it in a bright and warm place, for example, on a loggia. This will facilitate a quick awakening and early flowering nymphs. Those who skip this point run the risk of extremely short flowering or even death of the plant.

In the event that the rhizome of the water lily is too short, and you are afraid of its death, you can plant the plant on the ground. To do this, use a mixture of soil and sand. Water the water lily regularly. In this form, she should stay for several weeks.

The landing of water lilies in a reservoir is carried out in the same way as their initial planting was carried out. Usually, ready-made containers or metal frames are used for this, in which the flowers grew last year.

How quickly a nymphaea blooms depends on the length of its roots and growing conditions. Most often, flowering occurs at the beginning of summer. If the storage was carried out correctly, the water lilies will bloom very luxuriantly and brightly until September.

Another storage method

If you do not have a cellar or your room does not fit all necessary conditions, you can use another way to store the nymph.

One popular method is to temporarily transplant the flower into a pot of soil. Nymphs are removed from the reservoir and prepared in the same way as in the previous method. The growth point of the flower, that is, its core, is covered with a small piece of sphagnum or other marsh moss.

The pot is wrapped in cling film, the corners of which are raised and tied with a thin string. A small hole must be made in the film for air circulation. This will create a humid chamber with ideal conditions for the nymph to overwinter.

After that, the pot is placed in cool place... A basement, attic, garage or unheated balcony are perfect. It is important that the selected area is clean and dry.

This storage method is convenient because the water lilies will not need to be planted on the ground in the spring. All you need to do is remove the polyethylene a few days before transferring the plant to the pond. After that, it is completely ready for planting.

The frost resistance of a water lily depends on its variety.

Thus, the organization of the nymphaea's wintering does not present serious difficulties even for a novice gardener. Use the tips in this article and enjoy the beautiful water lilies in your pond.

With the arrival of autumn from pond owners where water lilies grow arise very important questions: How will the water lily winter? How to store it correctly water lily in winter? What kind of care is needed for a water lily in winter? How to prepare a water lily for wintering? One of the most An important factor in determining how to deal with a water lily is the depth of your pond. For water lily root very important so that he does not get into the freezing zone, otherwise the water lily will die. Usually for the wintering of water lilies in the pond, a depth of about one meter is enough. Temperature at this depth approximately 3-4 degrees of heat... For shallow ponds and ponds where water will be drained on winter period water lilies must be taken to the basement, cellar and similar premises in which the temperature will be in the range of 3 - 7 degrees Celsius.

Question: When to pick up the water lily from the pond to the basement?

Answer:With the onset of cold autumn dayswhen the air and water temperature is around 8 - 10 degrees Celsius (usually this is the second half of October)you can take the water lily to the basement ... At this temperature, the vegetative development of the water lily stops and it goes into hibernation.

Question: How to prepare a water lily for wintering?

Answer:To prepare a water lily for wintering, it is necessary to prepare a container in which the water lily will be located in the winter (for those cases, if you will take the water lily from the pond into the cellar). Garden shears or pruning shears.Using a pruning shear, we cut off all the old leaves at a distance of about 5 - 7 cm from the root ... We leave only young, unopened shoots that come out of the center of the growing point.

Question: How to store a water lily in the basement?

Answer:When storing a water lily in a basement / cellarit is very important to create a water lily root high humidity ... It is necessary to ensure that the soil in which the water lily is rooted is constantly moist. Perfect option whena container with a water lily is in a larger container with water ... If this is not possible, you can put the container in a plastic bag and periodically moisten the soil with water. At the same time, do not tighten the package tightly so that the container with the water lily does not become jammed.

Question: When to return the water lily to the pond?

Answer: In the spring, as soon as the main winter ice melted (approximately this happens in March)water lily can be returned to the pond ... Possible night frosts and the covering of the water surface with a light crust of ice do not pose any danger for the water lily, since the water will no longer freeze too deeply and cannot damage the root of the water lily. But the early return of the water lily to the pond will have a more favorable effect on its awakening.

Question: At what water temperature does the vegetative development of a water lily begin?

Answer: About 16 degrees of water heat and in the presence of natural light.

If in this article did not affect the ones you are interested in questions about the storage and care of water lilies in winter please send them to me on email [email protected] and I will definitely add them and their answers to this article. Good luck everyone!

Nymphs, or water lilies, or water lilies, in comparison with others, have quite large leaves and large flowers.
During the warm period of the gardening season, next to the leaves of the nymphs, new buds regularly appear and flowers of fabulous beauty open up. To have such a charm in the garden is the dream of many flower growers.

At first glance, the beautiful flowers of the nymphea are very fragile and delicate. Therefore, it seems to many novice flower growers that it is unrealistic to grow these majestic plants in an ordinary garden pond. Moreover, the area summer cottages, as a rule, is not large, and it is not possible to arrange a large pond there.

However, the nymphea is not so tender and not as whimsical as it seems when admiring this majestic "queen of waters". And even in the smallest garden pond, a nymphea can live and bloom safely, if, depending on the size and depth of the pond.

His experience of growing nymphs in small pond and the way of organizing the wintering of water lily rhizomes in the basement is shared by the readers of the Gardenia website. ru in this article.

Nymphaea in the pond from the bath

This year I was on a business trip to Cyprus. In May, I brought a lot of landing gear from there.
material, including the rhizome.

I live in the South Urals. It is believed that this is a zone of critical farming. Our summer is short, winter is cold, so exotic plants usually do not take root here.

We planted the lotus rhizome in, placed in the garden by the bush. My parents were engaged in planting and caring for the plant.

Imagine our amazement when the planted rhizome began to sprout, and soon the first flower appeared!
However, the plant I brought was actually not a lotus, but a snow-white water lily ...

While our nymphea continues to grow and bloom in a regular bath with water, we have already planned for next year.

Ekaterina Zhigaleva

Wintering of rhizomes of nymphs in felling

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