How to make a cargo cart maneuverable. DIY decorative cart - unique photo ideas and tips

Try to do without a wheelbarrow in the country or in a country house, it will not work.

It is necessary to move goods, harvested crops, fertilizers.

One, two, four-wheeled assistant in the store is inexpensive, however, assembled with your own hands, it will be no less useful.

What are

A wheelbarrow is distinguished from a cart by the number of wheels. A design with one wheel is called a wheelbarrow, if there are more than one wheels, we are dealing with a cart.

One-wheel "equipment" is irreplaceable for a garden, a kitchen garden. Vehicle maneuverability is good for narrow stitches.

The minimum width of the wheel will help to carefully transport the load without damaging the plants. The trolley is not suitable for such tasks. But it is necessary at a construction site, a barnyard, garbage collection that has accumulated after the winter, and much more.

It is reasonable to have both types on the farm, the wheelbarrow is not stable, one wheel requires tension when moving. It is more convenient to carry goods on a two- or four-wheeled structure.

Advice: a wheelbarrow is made for certain purposes, those works that require the presence of such wheeled vehicles. For example, for fertilization.

Another reason to get both a wheelbarrow and a cart is to use it for different purposes. If manure is first taken out from the cattleman, then it is impossible to use it for transporting crops from the garden, the garden. Therefore, making yourself an assistant is the right decision.

Where to begin

From a drawing, a diagram suggested by fantasy. Everything made with your own hands lasts longer, brings more benefits, and also decorates the world around you.

Drawings and diagrams are offered in abundance by craftsmen, you can watch a video, flip through a photo, but still you have to make a sketch yourself. Do not buy the same parts in the store when there is an abundance:

  • scrap metal;
  • wheels from an old cart, bicycle, motorcycle, moped, scooter, baby stroller, furniture wheels preserved from Soviet times;
  • pipe cuttings;
  • parts from a broken simulator;
  • corner;
  • parking brake stop from a bicycle or motorcycle;
  • fasteners, connecting parts.

Note: as soon as it becomes clear which set of elements will be used, make a drawing.

With the help of all this, you can assemble more than one mobile structure.

Carriage for one bucket

We assemble a garden wheelbarrow for giving from metal from the base:

  • measuring metal sheets
  • by welding we connect them into a container of the desired geometry;
  • under the dimensions we make a frame from pipes with the desired axle load;
  • we connect the base with the container with fasteners or welding;
  • fix the wheel
  • make parking stops;
  • We put rubber hoses on the handles for convenience.

Hand wheelbarrow is ready. You can conduct a crash test and send the product to the garden.

You can adapt any barrel to a baud capacity - plastic, metal, wooden. With the latter, you have to tinker. From the barrel, two wheelbarrows or carts are obtained!

A construction or garden wheelbarrow is assembled in this order:

  • we cut the barrel sentenced to ejection in half;
  • we make a frame similar to "A";
  • we attach side racks to the frame, fixing the half of the barrel;
  • where the top of the letter is, we fasten the wheel.

Important to know: don't throw away old things, reusing them can be both fun and rewarding!

We make handles, for which electrical tape, cellophane is suitable, and the home-made design is ready. Now let's start assembling the second assistant.

If the wheels from a motorcycle, an old Cossack, a moped are lying around, and a bed with an armored mesh is in the attic, we can assume that there is already a two-wheeled or four-wheeled self-propelled cart for the household:

  • cut out the mesh
  • we mount wheelsets for welding or fasteners;
  • we make the bottom and side walls from a large metal sheet, both wood and tubes are suitable for this;
  • we adapt the handle, U-shaped, it is more convenient.

The cart is strong. Depending on what kind of bottom it has - metal or another, you can transport a small hay cart. It will be useful for transporting firewood, building materials, it will be especially relevant if construction is planned.

landscape decoration

An old wheelbarrow or cart that has served its time can become an exclusive decoration of the site.

Landscape designers often use such options for interesting arrangement of flowers. Everything is useful for landscape creativity at home.

Soil is placed in an old wheelbarrow, petunias or other flowers are planted, a beautiful decorative detail is obtained that attracts attention. To enhance the effect, they add the same old vase, pot, broken cups, children's toys, everything that is necessary for the idea.

About the benefits of home creativity

Fantasy can turn a trough into a car. From the scattered bars left after the construction, make a beautiful wooden cart.

A wooden structure is useful for landscape ideas. You can collect anything from improvised parts.

The benefits of such creativity have different sides:

  • financial - money is not spent, but the thing is acquired;
  • aesthetic - beautifully made things transform the interior;
  • educational - a good example for the younger generation;
  • creative - the embodiment of fantasies makes life not boring.

How to make a wheelbarrow with your own hands, see the instructions in the following video:

A gardener, a villager cannot do without a cart or a wheelbarrow in his household. In the dacha economy, it is often necessary to take out the garbage accumulated during the season. In the spring-autumn season, most of all cargo transportation, in the fall the leaves of the branch, in the spring the re-preservation after the winter, the garbage is also from somewhere. In the village, a wheelbarrow is always needed because there is a lot of work.

Today, in building stores there is a huge selection of garden wheelbarrows for every taste and budget. The design of shopping carts is certainly rather weak for our operational working conditions. Yes, and if the plot is large and you need a bigger wheelbarrow. So the author thinks the same way and decided not to look for easy ways, but to make a garden wheelbarrow with his own hands. A brief principle of operation of the trolley, the load placed in the body of the trolley will put pressure on the wheel with its mass, lifting the levers by the handles, we shift the weight onto the wheel and it becomes easier for us and the wheel takes on the entire mass of the load. This is shown in the picture.

But the author decided to make a two-wheeled cart, but the principle remains the same. And so what does the author need to create his idea?

Materials: boards 30 mm, pipe, 16 mm, two wheels, roofing iron, washers, nuts, bolts.
Tools: welding machine, drill, set of keys, hammer, hacksaw, axe.

Schematic first.

To begin with, the author sawed off a piece of pipe to size and welded the axles for the wheels.

Then he made a frame of wooden boards and bars.

Inside the body was covered with iron.

I screwed the pipe with wheels to the trolley bridge with brackets.

Then I screwed the handle to the trolley and in fact everything is ready.

Now the author has such a wonderful cart.

A cart is a necessary attribute of any household. Made by yourself, it costs less than a purchased counterpart.

Another advantage of a homemade cart is that it is made strictly according to the needs and meets the required needs.

Having studied different creation technologies, it will not be any particular problem to make a multifunctional cart with your own hands.

What are carts

Metal and wood are the main materials used in the manufacture of carts, as they have the necessary strength characteristics.

Trolleys differ from each other in the number of wheels and dimensions. You can make your own:

  • one-wheel cart;
  • two-wheeled cart;
  • cart in the form of a platform on four wheels;
  • folding cart.

How to make a two-wheeled do-it-yourself cart

Making your own wooden cart with two wheels is not at all difficult. Woodworking requires standard tools. But the strength, capacitance and performance characteristics of a wooden trolley are in many ways worse than those of a metal counterpart equipped with a large number of wheels.

Manufacturing instruction:

  • To create a frame, we take a board measuring 7 × 7 cm. We connect all parts of the frame with screws, strengthen it with additional details;
  • We fasten a pair of rails for bearings to the bottom of the structure;
  • We make the handle of the cart metal. This will increase the resistance to stress. An old bicycle handlebar or a thick steel bar is suitable as a handle;
  • We install plank boards. Their size affects capacity. A reliable product is made by a strong frame and stably attached wheels.

If you have a moped axle lying around, then it can be used instead of boards with bearings.

Making a trolley for transportation on four wheels

Four wheels allow you to increase the capacity, strength and service life of the trolley.

Four-wheeled products are made exclusively of metal. They can withstand weight up to 100 kg. You will need a tool kit to assemble them.

The manufacture of four-wheeled bogies includes the following steps:

  • We carry out all the necessary calculations of the cargo platform;
  • We make a container in which the cargo will be transported. The size of the frame will depend on its parameters.;
  • We install the frame structure by welding. For the frame, you can use the remains of pipes. We weld a handle to the frame;
  • We weld to the bottom of the wheel structure;
  • We “shoe” the wheels in pneumatic tires. This will increase the weight of the cargo, which the trolley is designed to carry, up to 80 kg.

We make a folding cart

Such a wheelbarrow can withstand at least 50 kg of cargo. Its main advantage is its compact size.

To make a folding cart, you must follow the following procedure:

  • Prepare pipe cuts with a thickness of at least 2 mm;
  • Draw a frame structure template on a scale of 1: 1;
  • Weld the hinge bushings to the platform frame, and then to the main structure;
  • Clean and polish all seams.

Making a cart with one wheel

The best option is to use wood for the manufacture of a unicycle cart.

Then we fasten the frame structure to the cargo platform with screws. The cart is ready!

If you intend to carry heavy loads, then a metal one-wheel cart will suit you. In addition to standard tools, you will need machines for welding and cutting metals.

First of all, we make a cargo container. It is advisable to use steel sheets with a thickness of at least 2 mm. Next, we weld the handles and the running structure to the platform.


Bicycle, moped or motorcycle wheels are perfect. The cargo area can be made from a metal barrel.

Everyone can make a cart with their own hands. It is only necessary to familiarize yourself with the rules of creation and safety precautions. They and drawings of various carts can be found on the World Wide Web. Good luck in your endeavors!

DIY cart photo


All work on the suburban area, given its small size, is mainly carried out manually. And rarely, any of the gardeners can afford to purchase something from the means of mechanization - the cost of equipment is quite high, and it is not used so often.

But the movement of various goods in the country - garbage, fertilizers, building materials - has to be dealt with regularly. With a reasonable approach, your work can be somewhat easier. For example, independently assemble a small cart for a summer residence. How and from what is it better to make it with your own hands? We will deal with this.

If you get acquainted with various tips on numerous "country" sites, then there are only two options - wood and metal. Undoubtedly, wood is much easier to work with. It will take only the simplest tool that is in any country house. Even without any professional skills in carpentry, making such a cart is not difficult.

But just how expedient is the manufacture of “techniques” from wood?

  • Such a trolley will gradually begin to change its geometry, and its “motor” ability will begin to deteriorate due to distortions of structural elements. Instead of facilitating the work of the summer resident, such a means of mechanization will only create additional problems. The reason is banal - the drying of wood.
  • Care for a wooden cart needs constant - impregnation of the material, painting, and so on, otherwise it will not last long.
  • The same applies to repairs. Replacing a cracked or rotten part is not difficult, but doing it all the time is an unpleasant prospect. Few of the authors-inventors pay attention to the fact that, by and large, there is nowhere to store the cart - only in the open. Of the numerous army of amateur gardeners, only a few can boast that there is a spacious barn for storing inventory on their site. Basically - small board "huts".

The trolley for giving must be made of metal. Somewhat more complicated, but much more practical.

Design features and dimensions

It would be wrong to indicate any exact dimensions of the trolley - they are chosen arbitrarily. What to consider when choosing them:

Site layout

Each dacha has paths, but their width can vary greatly. The dimensions of the trolley should be such that it is convenient to handle it in any segment of the dacha territory. It is desirable to minimize all movements (if possible) in order to reduce the number of flights. This saves both time and energy. But this is already the question of the capacity of the trolley. You just need to choose the optimal ratio of frame and body dimensions. For example, like this:

Age of the summer resident

As a rule, these are people of advanced years, who only in retirement got the opportunity to spend whole days in the country. When designing a cart, don't confuse storage and gardening tools. For domestic needs, taking into account the fact that the elderly (especially women) have not the same strength, it is not worth making too large “equipment”. Even with a large capacity, it is unlikely that it will be loaded with a top.

The practice of using carts on the site shows that sufficient dimensions (mm) are 1000 x 600 with a body depth of 500. Small deviations in one direction or another are not significant.

Number of wheels

  • Four. Not an option, since the summer resident needs a cart, and not a walk-behind tractor. Moreover, such equipment is difficult to deploy in a limited space.
  • One. Such a trolley is not quite suitable for giving. At construction sites, it is used, for example, when moving goods along a narrow ladder. But young, healthy men work there. A trolley with one wheel is difficult to keep in the same position, it will tend to fall sideways.

To give the best option - a cart with two wheels. Stability and maneuverability are provided, and the assembly of the structure will not cause difficulties.

Selection of metal products for manufacturing


It is easier to make it from a corner or a profile (at 25). Even if it is not possible to use welding, you can limit yourself to bolted connections. Including when assembling the body.


The choice is large. For example, from an old children's bicycle, moped or other used equipment. Anything that fits in size will do.


Given the load that it must withstand, the diameter is at least 20 mm.


For him - sheet metal with a thickness of 1.5 - 2 mm. This will ensure the strength of the walls, and the cart will not turn out to be unnecessarily heavy. Or multi-layer plywood, but it is necessary - of the "waterproof" class.

For body plating, galvanizing is not worth taking. Its main advantage is resistance to corrosion. But drilling or welding such metal is quite difficult, and this should be taken into account. If the finished cart is qualitatively painted, then it will turn out no worse than the factory one.

Alternatively, for the body, you can take a cut iron barrel. Watch the video - a cart from an old barrel:

Support legs

They can be made from a corner or a reinforcing bar. Any shape - a triangle or a straight support with a "shoe". The main thing is that in the initial position the bogie is stable, and the upper cut of the body is in a horizontal plane.

Racks for wheelset

The same corner is 25. It is easy to make holes for the axle in it.


Optimally - a thin-walled pipe of small section. It is easy to pull a piece of garden hose onto its end. You will get comfortable handles for controlling the trolley.

How to make a garden cart

The algorithm of actions is quite simple:

  • Frame assembly.
  • Metal sheathing.
  • Installing the axle and wheels.
  • Installation of support racks.
  • Mounting handles.

Further - what and how to paint - at the discretion of the master. Everything - the cart is ready.