What to do from ceiling tiles with your own hands. Production of design elements from ceiling tiles

Ordinary foam ceiling tiles can be used to make unique decorations and crafts for the New Year. The article contains examples of such and a description of how to do them.

Often there is a desire to decorate your home with festive crafts. This ritual is especially important on the eve of the New Year. After all, it is for this celebration that people are waiting for some kind of miracle. Children expect magic in the first place, so they try hardest.

How to make ceiling tile decorations?

It's time for family, time for friends, time for good food and time for shopping. This is not your fault, this is the way it is in our culture. So yes, you might have to buy gifts for your family, friends, and colleagues, but do you really need to buy new Christmas decorations every year? Of course, you can buy them once and then reuse the same ones over and over again. but if you're bored with the routine or just feeling creative, why not create some of your own jewelry?

Crafts can be made from various materials, and there is a lot of information about this on the online spaces. Very original Christmas tree toys are made from ordinary foam tiles that are glued to the ceiling. Next, let's look at examples of Styrofoam Christmas decorations in detail.

How to make a white fairy house from ceiling tiles: diagrams, descriptions, photos

To get started, first of all, stock up on free time. This process will require patience, skill, desire. And kids will be delighted with such work.

Junk Ball Decorations

And by using recycled materials, you will not only save money, but also break the crazy consumer cycle! If you need ideas to get started, here are some simple decorations and crafts anyone can make at home. Have you bought too many Christmas cards and have nothing to do with them? All of this paper can be used to create impressive Christmas lights and decorations.

To make this particular piece of jewelry, all you have to do is cut the spare paper cards into circles, fold them, glue and string them all together. It really is as easy as it sounds. Read the full tutorial for detailed instructions.

Prepare materials, tools in advance:

  • scissors, marker, glue
  • tile, sharp knife
  • felt-tip pens, gouache, colored paper, foil

The house can be made in one plane, or rather, simply cut out the pattern of the roof, the front panel with a window and a pipe on the roof from the foam. Or you can build a whole 3-D model of a real fabulous gingerbread house or Baba Yaga's hut.

If the first project seems too difficult for young children, this one will be perfect. There is no extra folding or gluing - just cut out pieces of paper and glue them onto a string. You can use any kind of paper for this, from unused Christmas cards to junk mail and magazines.

All it takes to craft keyboard decorations is some keyboard keys and a little creativity. Even if you just bind them in the strings that make up words, you've already done something special. Making a sturdy deer as perfect as a painting takes a little work and some tools, but it can be an interesting project for you or your older kids, and the results are bound to have an answer. All you need to do is corks and twigs, although additional decorations can definitely help.

For the second option, do the following:

  1. Cut four sides of the house out of foam
  2. Two identical roof pieces
  3. Two isosceles triangles for the front and back of the attic part of the building
  4. Then carefully make openings where there will be windows, doors
  5. In the future, they can be decorated with colored paper, curtains can be made inside
  6. Glue all finished parts of the product
  7. Cut the pipe and glue it to the roof
  8. To make the house more fun, you can still make a whole courtyard
  9. There, make a Christmas tree in the yard (again, from foam)
  10. With felt-tip pens, paint it and draw toys on the branches.

How to make snowflakes from ceiling tiles: templates for cutting, photos

What a New Year's holiday without beautiful white snowflakes of different shapes. They are cut not only from paper, but from ceiling tiles. But it should be borne in mind that the foam cannot be folded like paper, so that the snowflake turns out to be strictly symmetrical.

Lanterns snowflakes from empty cans

Are there any empty cans? You are ready to make snowflakes. Then move on to the next tutorial to learn how to make lanterns. In short, you need to glue the snowflakes onto several jars and, if you like, light the candles inside. You can use snowflakes in many different ways, like sticking them to a wall, or any other way you can come up with. It doesn't take long: take a few pages from the book, cut them open, and attach a piece of string. This ornament is very easy to make and will give your tree an authentic, bookish look.

To create neat products, you will need templates (templates that you can make out of cardboard). Subsequently, such templates are not difficult to transfer to the material using an ordinary felt-tip pen, it is enough just to outline the contours.

You will see a number of such examples of patterns in the image below.

They can be printed on a printer, and then carefully cut, glued to more durable paper. Again, cut them out, after which you can safely transfer them to the foam tiles.

DIY volumetric snowflake

Follow this tutorial for more details. This is a great craft for those with young children and want to engage them in fun. Just collect some empty yogurt bottles and some extra bottle caps, and using a few simple craft supplies, create these adorable snowmen.

You can fill them with all sorts of goodies. In this tutorial, for example, the snowmen are filled with jelly. Do not throw away burnt out light bulbs! Cover them with glitter or paint, and hang them on your tree instead of those expensive store-bought decorations. It's very simple and requires nothing more than simple creativity and whatever supplies you have. To understand how to make the ornament in the picture above, check out this tutorial.

Now cut the intricate patterns of snowflakes with a sharp knife on the foam. Hang the finished products on the Christmas tree or decorate them with garlands, chandeliers in the house.

IMPORTANT: When you cut snowflake figures from ceiling tiles, keep in mind that the material is brittle and the process should be done carefully, with maximum accuracy.

Corks are a great thing to save money if you love recycling and crafts. Besides the deer, you can also make other decorations out of them and of course this wreath. All you need is a styrofoam wreath, a glue gun and of course, corks!

How to make a white fairy house from ceiling tiles: diagrams, descriptions, photos

Collect some coffee filters you don't need and make a tiny Christmas tree. As long as you have filters, a foam cone or something for the wood itself, and something flat for the base, the rest is really up to you. Draw filters or leave them white, glue whatever you find as decorations and find the perfect tree top to suit your little tree.

How to make a Christmas tree from ceiling tiles?

If the tree is already in the house, then the children know that gifts will appear under it for the New Year. But there are unexpected situations when adults did not have time to buy the most important symbol of the New Year. In this case, do not be upset, a pretty tree will turn out from different sizes of ceiling tiles.

Follow this tutorial for some inspiration and instructions. Christmas isn't the only time of the year when you can use things that you would normally throw away. For example, do you know that you can How do you dispose of your old computer equipment?

How to make winter crafts and snowman-related activities using recycled and readily available materials. Print out the snowman template and costumes you would like to use. You might want to make three different snowmen with different equipment.

True, for the product you need a thicker tile. In addition, the number of squares must be collected more, then the artificial beauty will come out in a large size.

Fold the squares in the form of a pyramid, as in the picture below. Glue a small top at the top.

Christmas tree - do it yourself

IMPORTANT: Any decoration for the Christmas tree will do. Silver rain, garlands, beads will come in handy.

Color the swatches and then cut them out. Glue the clothes to the snowman. If you want to make a paper doll snowman so you can dress and undress the snowman, cut out the snowman and add paws to the clothes.

Crepe paper or scarf material.

Orange colored nose pencil for carrots. So that the snowman's head wrinkles on scrap paper and hangs the bag about halfway. Tie the end and draw a white bag. To make the snowman's body fill another paper bag almost to the top, then fold the top edges over each other and glue them.

How to make Christmas tree decorations from ceiling tiles?

As Christmas tree decorations, you can use a variety of figurines for a suitable New Year theme.

Santa Claus with gifts

Deer - do it yourself

How to make ceiling tile decorations?

From one ceiling tile, you can cut dozens of small decorations that are hung on the front door or in other places on the eve of the New Year's celebrations.

Roll it up again and then again. Don't worry too much about wrinkles. Draw black or any color. Glue the body to the head and then glue the hat to the head. Draw the eyes and carrot nose on white paper, and then paint in the nose with orange crayon. Cut out the eyes and nose and glue them to the head. Draw the mouth with black marker.

Cut the legs and hand shapes out of black construction paper and glue them to the snowman. So that the charcoal buttons would wind up black construction paper and glue it to the body of the snowmen. Cut a strip of paper about two centimeters wide to glue around the snowman hat.

Those who can draw well will effortlessly decorate the products beautifully with felt-tip pens, gouache and other auxiliary materials. To keep them on garlands, a Christmas tree, tie threads to stars, bells, snowflakes.

Beautiful decorations for the New Year

IMPORTANT: Observe the safety rules. After all, the foam melts, easily ignites when exposed to high temperatures, fire. Therefore, it will not hurt you to explain to your child that you cannot indulge in fire, so that a fire does not happen.

Spin and Squash Snowman Water Bottle for Kids

Use crepe paper to make a snowman scarf. Cut out small slots at the end of the crepe paper to make it look like a scarf.

These little snowmen are so funny! You never know what they will look like until you are done.

Styrofoam snowflakes

Plastic bottles with caps. White and black acrylic paint or spray paint for plastic. Things you want to use to decorate your snowmen, such as ribbon, buttons, felt, twigs, etc. How to Make a Twisted Water Bottle Snowmen.

How to make flowers from ceiling tiles?

Flowers, like snowflakes, must be cut out after you transfer the drawing from the template to the foam. To make them different colors, paint them with gouache. A varied ornament will turn out on the surface of the flowers, since there are interesting patterns on the ceiling tiles.

How to make a snowman from ceiling tiles?

Using the applique technique, make a snowman from a ceiling tile. Then place it under the tree on a small stand made of another tile so that it does not fall. A cheerful snowman will delight you and your children, charge you with positive emotions throughout the winter holidays.

Remove the label from the water bottle. Use a funnel to fill the bottom of the bottle with sand or dry rice about an inch. This keeps the snowman from falling. Hold the bottom of the bottle with one hand and grasp the bottle about two inches from top to bottom with your other hand. Rotate the bottle like you would blow up a balloon. If the bottom of the bottle is indented, blow up the bottle until the indentation disappears.

How to make a volumetric paper snowflake using the quilling technique

Insert a handle or something long and skinny inside the bottle to pop out any areas at the top of the bottle that were dented after curling. When you have a shape that you like, screw the cap back onto the bottle. You can also make a molten snowman by clicking on the top of the bottle to make it flatter. Replace the lid when you have the desired effect.

Snowman for New Year's holidays from ceiling tiles

How to make Santa Claus from ceiling tiles?

A cute Santa Claus for a Christmas tree in the form of a toy will turn out if you cut it out of a pattern from a ceiling tile. In addition, for a beautiful design, it can be dressed in a hat, a fur coat made of red fabric. And paint your face with paints. Make a beard, mustache, edging of white plush.

Paint the bottle with white paint and let it dry. If you are using acrylic paint, you will probably need two coats. To have the top hat draw a two-inch circle on the black foam and cut it out. Remove the cap from the bottle and place it in the middle of the Styrofoam mug. Trace around and then cut out a circle. Replace the cap and place the cut out part of the circle over the cap. Paint the cap black to match the edge of the craft hat. Place decorative tape around the hat.

Have the cap cut the top of the sock so that it is about three inches long. Tie the end of the cutout to a string. Make a matching scarf with the rest of the sock. Cut off the orange foam from the nose of the carrot. You can use real buttons or cut out the button shapes from craft foam to stick to the body of the snowmen.

Santa Claus - do it yourself

How to make a tank from ceiling tiles?

It is better to make a tank from combined materials. To do this, prepare:

  • multiple ceiling tiles
  • cardboard, knife, glue
  • paint, markers, scissors

First, make a tank pattern, as in scheme below, on plain paper.

Use real sticks or hand pipe cleaners.

How to make a paper snowman doll. The color of clothes and hats. Cut out templates. Divide the clothes and add sequins, ribbon, or other decorative items. Glue the clothes onto the snowman. Can you help me keep warm? I pasted the clothes on the inside.

Kayla used this snowman ship to make a palette game for young children. She printed twelve snowmen with hats. She wrote the numbers 1-12 on the hats and then added a different amount of bottom to each snowman.


  1. Cut Styrofoam Parts
  2. Start by collecting the bottom of the tank
  3. Glue all other parts of the craft
  4. Gently paint it with felt-tip pens, paint.

Styrofoam is a great material for this type of craft. If you have imagination, you will come up with various toys for the New Year yourself. Thus, please yourself and your little family members by making them together.

Ko15shulka 06.12.2016

To decorate your home for the holidays, snowflakes can be made from a variety of materials: paper, cardboard, foam, silicone ... And it's not difficult at all.

A snowflake is an integral symbol of winter. On New Year's holidays, I want to decorate my home in a special way. So why not hang (attach) beautiful snowflakes on your ceiling, chandelier or window? It is not difficult to make them, and any material can be used. Thick cardboard, foam or silicone glue will work. Learn the secrets of making snowflakes from these materials from this article.

Made of cardboard

For work you will need:

  • pieces of foam;
  • thick white cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • PVA glue;
  • silver tinsel.

First, take a large sheet of white cardboard and draw a snowflake on it. An example is shown in the photo.

Cut out two identical parts and glue them together. This is necessary in order for the craft to be denser and keep its shape well.

We smear the surface with PVA glue and glue silver tinsel and foam balls on it.

The gorgeous snowflake is ready!

Openwork snowflake made of paper

For such a craft, you need to take:

  • white sheets of paper (you can from a sketchbook);
  • scissors;
  • stapler.

First, the paper should be cut into squares. Each square folds into a triangle two times. Before reaching the middle fold, we will make several cuts along the edge with scissors. Then we will completely open the square, after which you can begin to connect the ends in pairs, alternating the sides. It turns out one segment. You need to form 4 more of these and connect them with a stapler into one large snowflake.


If you take a thin sheet of polystyrene and arm yourself with a clerical knife, then in just a few minutes you can make voluminous white snowflakes.

Master class "Flowers from ceiling tiles"

The master class is addressed to educators, parents and all those who love to be creative.
Purpose: interior decoration, festive decoration of a music hall for a holiday
Target: development of pedagogical skills of teachers
- the ability to carry out volumetric crafts from ceiling tiles,
- develop creative imagination,
- to develop an aesthetic taste,
- educate accuracy in the performance of work, caution
- learn to make flower arrangements.

To complete the composition, you will need the following tools and materials:
- cardboard;
- ceiling tiles;
- stationery knife;
- tile adhesive (hot glue);
- gouache, brush;
- pencil or felt-tip pen.

Progress does not stand still, we, the employees of the preschool educational institution, come up with more and more new techniques and materials for decoration in order to diversify and update the interior.
I bring to your attention the idea of ​​using ceiling tiles.
Choose the simplest ceiling tile, without bright convex patterns, with embossing, or without. Imitation of patterns looks beautiful.

On a sheet of cardboard or thick paper, you need to draw a sketch of the future work, develop templates and patterns.
Attach the outline of the larger flower (1 flower for the entire diameter of the tile) to the tile, circle it with a pencil (felt-tip pen), carefully cut the necessary details along the contour with a clerical knife, which must be held at an angle of 45% or with scissors, at your discretion. Attention! The tiles are very fragile, be careful!

Now attach the smaller flower template to the ceiling tile and trace with a pencil as well. I chose 2 flowers with a smaller diameter and on the tile I got 2 flower contours. Cut out a flower template from cardboard in 2 different sizes. Sizes can be any, depending on what kind of flower you want to get.

We also make a circle for the middle, it can be cut according to a template, or using a glass. Cut out all the contours.

I cover the cut out 2 flowers with gouache to my liking, let the details dry, for the middle I take yellow gouache.

Now we start assembling the flower craft with glue for ceiling tiles (or hot glue).
In order to get a voluminous flower, I take trim tiles (7-10 cm square) 3-4 pcs. I glue them together and stick them on the middle of a large flower, put a flower of a smaller diameter on top and also stick 3-4 pieces in the middle. square, and on top I glue the yellow center.

Now we decorate the flower arbitrarily according to our taste and desire. The flowers turned out to be very bright and voluminous, with which you can decorate the music hall for any holiday.

Try to do it too! I wish you all creative success!

Nowadays, there is a huge variety of building materials, the remains of which we most often throw away. After the repair, there are many pieces and scraps that can be used for all kinds of souvenirs and make things useful in the house.

Most people have a creative touch, and especially if you have children, you can make an endless variety of interesting crafts with them.

Styrofoam as a material for crafts

The remnants of a foam ceiling tile are a great material for creativity... It is easily cut with a knife or scissors, is durable, tolerates color very well, adheres perfectly. Therefore, just like from simple polystyrene, crafts from ceiling tiles can be made with your own hands easily and simply (see).

Of course, more voluminous things can be made from household foam, which is usually used to cover household appliances (see). Because it is very thick. In those cases, you can even cut out a ball or egg with a sharp blade. Flatter tiles provide just as much room for creativity. Let's remember our childhood together with you, and just figure out what can be done from the remnants of ordinary ceiling tiles.

DIY foam tile crafts

The simplest kind of crafts that can be made from ceiling tiles are pendants or Christmas tree decorations.

New Year decoration

You will have fun and usefully spend time with your children if you make this kind of jewelry..

  1. With the help of a clerical knife or just scissors, figures are cut out along the contour previously drawn on the tile. These can be hearts, bells, flowers, stars or snowflakes.
  2. Do not tackle too complex drawings at once, for a start it can be simplified forms. If the children are small, help them, cut out the main figures yourself.
  3. Now, with the help of PVA glue, you can stick any patterns made of colored paper, sequins, rhinestones or beads. You can draw pictures on the blanks.

Note! Keep in mind that the paint should not contain acetone or other active substances, since the foam will melt from them. It is best to use gouache, tempera, felt-tip pens, or artistic oil paints. However, it should be noted that oil paints dry for a long time. Pencils will not work as they will only push through the material, not paint.

Festive, especially New Year's decorations - pendants are made to your liking, then a loop is glued to each. For example, simplified figures of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, snowflakes and more. They are then painted and, after drying, hung on a tree or made a garland.

What else can be done from ceiling tiles - a voluminous Christmas tree for the New Year.

  1. To do this, take about 10 pieces of foam (as many as possible), and draw a circle on each. Moreover, the first circle is the largest, and all subsequent ones are smaller than each previous one. And so - to the smallest. The largest will be the bottom and the smallest will be the top.
  2. Now, on each circle, teeth are cut along the contour. These will be the branches with the needles of the future tree.
  3. Next, we take a rather stiff wire, one end of which we insert into a previously prepared piece - a stand, bending the tip from below.
  4. The mugs with cloves need to be painted green and, after drying, we string them on a wire frame (the future tree trunk). We start from the bottom, that is, from the largest circle. And so on in order, to the very top.

The Christmas tree is ready. It remains only to decorate it according to your taste and desire.

Postcards and valentines

Greeting cards or valentines - here's another type of DIY craft.

  1. Valentines are cut out in the form of hearts, then colored to your liking.
  2. Sparkles applied to them will look very original. This is done very simply. After the paint has dried, the finished heart is smeared with transparent glue in the right places. PVA or stationery glue is best. Then, while it has not dried, sprinkle these places with fine sparkles. Glitter for manicure, which are sold in haberdashery stores, are very good for this purpose.

Postcards are best done in the form of a book.... For this, two identical halves of the foam are cut off, then they are fastened along one edge with a glued paper strip. The card can now be opened and closed.

Educational toys

Letters and numbers are handicrafts that are useful for your child's development, which you can make together with him from the ceiling tiles. You can cut out a whole alphabet, which, by the way, will be the best for a child if he learns to read and count... You can cut out letters to congratulate, like happy birthday, for a family member and hang that phrase on the wall. It will be a pleasant and original surprise.

More complex crafts - voluminous pyramids, houses, cars, etc.

Individual parts (walls, roof) are cut out, then glued together into a finished product. For the machine, they cut out body parts, wheels, then glue everything together in the same way.

Note! Thick PVA glue is best suited for such purposes, since the paint can lie unevenly on the stationery glue after it dries.

Thus, a whole city can be built. To do this, take a large, dense sheet of cardboard, then glue every fence, house, car and other details to it.

Slotted crafts

Slotted crafts made of foam remains look very original.

As we understood, this is only a small part of the ideas that can be implemented even by those who are not strong in creative activity (see). In fact, there are a lot of options for crafts from ceiling tiles, anyone can make. The main thing is desire and fantasy. Then you will spend time with the benefit of yourself and your loved ones.

After renovation, a lot of residues from coating materials usually remain in the house. Many people think about where they can be used with benefit. The remnants of wallpaper, for example, are used to paste over furniture, interior items or to make a cover for homemade notebooks. What can be made of foam ceiling tiles? Some use them as a basis for DIY crafts.

Ceiling tile craft options

The simplest options for products that can be made from foam ceiling tiles are Christmas tree decorations or pendants. Children will love to spend time with you decorating such decorations. They are done very simply:

  • the desired shapes are drawn on the foam residues: hearts, stars, snowflakes, little men, etc.;
  • cut them out with clerical scissors;
  • individual figures are decorated or pasted on them using PVA glue, drawings are sewn on, decorative elements are sewn on.

The composition of the paint used to decorate foam products should not include acetone and other active substances that can melt the foam. Better to paint ceiling tile crafts with gouache, felt-tip pens or oil paints.

You can make a voluminous Christmas tree for the New Year, paintings on various topics, houses, cars, etc.

Ceiling tile paintings come in a variety of sizes and functions, such as postcards. They can be decorated in the form of a valentine. To do this, neat hearts are cut out of the tiles and decorated with sparkles, beads, decorate, and appropriate inscriptions are made with felt-tip pens. You can make postcards in the form of a book: cut out two identical parts from polystyrene and connect them with a glued strip of decorative paper.

If you know how to draw well, create a masterpiece, paint a landscape, still life, or something else to your liking on the cut out piece of tile. The paintings can then be hung on the wall and shown to relatives and friends.

Another option is to hang photos of your loved ones on a foam base and decorate it with rain, sparkles, small toys or decorations. It all depends on your imagination, in this case there is an opportunity to show it to the fullest.

How to cut a glider from a ceiling tile

The most popular foam product that kids love is the ceiling tile glider. It is quite easy to do, you will need the following materials:

  • ceiling tiles without a pattern;
  • PVA glue;
  • wooden lath, preferably pine with a section of 4x4 mm and a length of 1922 cm;
  • buttons;
  • pins;
  • clothespins;
  • templates;
  • markers, felt-tip pens, pens;
  • office knife;
  • skin for sanding;
  • plasticine.

First you need to cut the template. Drawings of different gliders can be found on the Internet and you can choose the model of your choice. The printed and cut elements must be glued to the cardboard, then attached to the tile, fixed with buttons or pins and circled. After that, they are cut out with a clerical knife with an allowance of 12 mm.

Now the workpieces are sanded to give smoothness and smoothness to the surfaces of the wing and the stabilizers of the forward and backward motion. The parts should be sanded smoothly and carefully so as not to spoil them.

The next step is gluing all the elements. The lath is coated with PVA glue on one side and the other and left for impregnation. Mark the middle on the wing and stabilizer and coat the bottom with glue along the middle line. Then all the details are fixed with clothespins, the keel is attached with pins to the wing along the midline.

After 68 hours, the mounts can be removed and the glider adjusted. To set it up, you should start the model from your hands and see how it flies. If the glider is rapidly gaining altitude, then you need to make the nose heavier by sticking a piece of plasticine to it. If the model dives sharply, then the tail should be heavier and the plasticine should be glued to it or the stabilizer should be bent down.

So, if you decide to decorate your ceiling with foam tiles, remember from the remnants of the material you can create useful products or make toys for your children.

Fish from ceiling tiles

As a rule, everyone who has survived a house renovation has leftovers of building materials. Of course, you can throw them away and not rack your brains on where to attach all this rubbish. But, perhaps, among the garbage there are items that can be given a second life. For example, do ceiling tile crafts. There are a few simple tricks you can use to turn them into exclusive accessories that you won't even be ashamed to give to others.

What can you do with your own hands from tile waste?

General rules for working with material

The possibilities of tiles are almost endless. It is worth straining your imagination a little, and a lot of ideas are immediately born that help to design several useful things for home and family. But when working with the indicated material, you need to remember the following features:

  • Expanded polystyrene is a foam material that melts easily at high temperatures. In some methods of its processing, an open flame is used. In this case, you need to work very carefully. And it is better to put cardboard or any other non-combustible material under the tiles.
  • Expanded polystyrene is a fragile material. It is a little springy, but if the floor is bent over 30 degrees, it breaks easily. But from it you can cut oval details with smooth lines.
  • You shouldn't paint the ceiling tiles with ordinary pencils. They will leave sloppy holes on the surface. But it is with a pencil that you can make a textured volumetric ornament.

When wet, the ceiling tile does not sag and does not lose its elasticity, so it can be safely painted with water-based paints. But remember that it is absolutely impossible to use paints and varnishes that contain acetone. It instantly eats away at the surface, forming ugly holes. Therefore, nail varnishes, acrylics and other similar compounds are prohibited.

Important! When decorating ceiling tile crafts, experts recommend using gouache or felt-tip pens.

You cannot use “super-moment” glue to glue individual elements - the material can also melt from it. Only PVA glue will be an ideal tool.

Original gizmos

What kind of ceiling tile crafts can you think of? There are many ideas. This material is used to make original curtain hooks, parts for assembling aircraft and ships. Ceiling plinths are most often used to create frames, and openwork ceiling tablets are turned into an interesting decoration for walls.

House of ceiling tiles

Present your child with a real snow house. To make it, you will need three snow-white ceiling tiles, liquid nails, cotton pads and a beautiful braid.

Using a regular utility knife, carefully cut two identical pieces for the roof and four for the walls. In the latter, immediately make window and door openings. Decorate the window with a beautiful curtain by gluing the fabric from the inside to the wall. And only then glue all the details. This can be done with glue, which fixes the tile to the ceiling.

Decorate the roof with ordinary cotton pads. They are simply laid in the form of tiles and each layer is also glued.

The house is fixed on a cardboard base, and any souvenirs are placed inside it, if desired. It can be Christmas tree tinsel or sweet surprises.

Ceiling plinth

But such a craft will become an original decoration for decorating other do-it-yourself works. Making it as easy as shelling pears.

The remains of the ceiling plinth are measured and cut into ribbons of the desired size. The edges are cut at a 45 degree angle. And then they are glued with glue designed to work with ceiling tiles. For a more secure grip, you can insert the needles inside.

Summarizing by topics

If you wish, you can easily figure out what to make of the ceiling tiles. The simplest thing is to cut out fabulous figures from them, paint them with your children and decorate with chipped New Year's toys. This will give you original decorations in your home. Turn on your imagination, and you will succeed - do not hesitate.