How to wash a matte stretch ceiling without streaks at home? How and how to wash stretch ceilings without streaks.

Your tension glossy ceiling, if properly installed, will require little to no maintenance. The only thing that can happen is tarnishing, and to get rid of it, the ceiling needs to be washed. We will talk about the specifics of this procedure, as well as the features of care, in this article.

We take care of the stretch ceiling correctly

In fact, a stretch ceiling of any kind - white, colored, matte or glossy - does not require special care. Its surface is antistatic and does not attract dust. The maximum that is required is to clean the ceiling a couple of times a year.

The exception is rooms with high humidity and frequent soiling, such as the bathroom and kitchen. Even good hood over the stove will not get rid of the appearance of soot on the ceiling over time. And in the bathroom, even despite the curtain, splashes scatter in all directions. Soapy water leaves whitish spots on the stretch ceiling.

Ceilings in rooms such as balconies, loggias and corridors in private houses are also regularly polluted. Street dust settles on the stretch canvas, especially in summer.

Stretch ceiling maintenance can be of three types:

  • dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner;
  • dry cleaning - rubbing with a flannel cloth;
  • wet cleaning, or washing the ceiling.

In the first case, a vacuum cleaner is needed only to remove the cobwebs from the ceiling. Manufacturers of special products for washing stretch ceilings recommend this method, but you need to use it as carefully as possible so as not to damage the coating. And only if the ceiling was installed correctly and without errors.

Stretch glossy ceilings do not require special care: their surface is protected by antistatic from dust

If the ceiling canvas is a little dirty, just wipe it thoroughly with a flannel cloth. 10% will help restore the shine of a dull surface ammonia. You can also use a brush with a long soft bristle for dry cleaning.

Please note: if you do not want the stretch ceiling to become dirty at the very beginning of operation, order it after all repair work housework completed. Otherwise, the ceiling will require a very thorough cleaning.

Wet cleaning of the ceiling is required only if persistent dirt has appeared on the surface. We will talk about this in more detail.

Basic rules for wet cleaning glossy ceiling

Stretch ceiling requires care in handling. If you want it to always sparkle clean and not be damaged during the washing process, follow the main conditions.

  1. Use only a soft sponge in your work. A hard material (especially a brush) will scratch the gloss, deform it, or even tear the film material.
  2. Moisten a soft sponge in a light soapy solution so that there are no stains on the ceiling that will have to be washed off more thoroughly. It is necessary to rinse with light circular movements in the direction of the weld.
  3. Be sure to remove all jewelry from your hands before washing. Firstly, they are easy to scratch the surface, and secondly, they themselves can deteriorate during cleaning.
  4. A minimum of mechanical stress should be applied to the glossy ceiling. Do not use abrasive cleaners, creams or powders with hard particles, including baking soda.
  5. It is best to use products in the form of a spray containing ammonia. Glass cleaners (but only colorless ones) are great - they will not leave streaks and give the ceiling surface a shine.
  6. Do not use a mop when cleaning the ceiling. Wash only by hand, gently and without pressure. In addition, do not try to polish the gloss too much: you can damage the film.

When buying preparations for washing the ceiling, be sure to read the composition. In no case should the product contain acetone. Also some chemical substances can harm the coating: soften it, change color, completely remove it.

When washing a glossy stretch ceiling, use soft cloths or sponges and special means

Please note: you can independently make a test for the safety of the detergent. Apply a drop of the substance to an inconspicuous area of ​​the ceiling and wait 10 minutes - this time is enough to see the reaction of the coating to the product. The most suitable are alcohol-containing preparations.

Video: care for stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings are a great invention that will save us a lot of trouble. We hope our tips will be useful to you and help you get the job done quickly and efficiently. Ask questions about the topic in the comments. Good luck to you!

Stretch ceilings have long been a popular product and are available in many apartments. All owners have occasional problems with their cleaning. An improperly selected product can damage the cover of the structure, and gentle methods will not be as effective. In order for ceilings to be in good condition, they must be properly and regularly cleaned. In this case, you must follow some rules.

Selection of detergents

This is the first question to think about before starting work. Suitable substances, as well as their positive and negative qualities are given in the table.

Table. Comparison of detergents for stretch ceilings

Cleaning optionsAdvantagesFlaws
Special polishes and aerosols with alcohol in the compositionEase of use, no need for additional steps for pre-cooking. High efficiency and elimination of streaks. Shine.The appearance of a persistent specific odor. Chemical composition harmful to the skin. Danger to mucous membranes. Possible material damage.
Non-abrasive liquid productsGood performance. Gentle effect on the material of the ceilings. Shine.Requiring additional steps for preparation. Smell. Danger of dripping on the face during work.
Warm water with mild soapAvailability. Relative safety for the skin. Pleasant aroma.Possible divorces. No guarantee of complete cleaning.
A solution of water and vodka or 10% ammoniaEase of access. Relatively high efficiency. Shine.Persistent specific smell. Negative effect on the skin and material of suspended structures.
Dry method using a soft, lint-free clothEnvironmental protection and complete safety for health. Ease of application.Does not remove dried stubborn stains. Mediocre performance.

The most convenient option would be to use a spray or sprayers. It is strictly forbidden to use tar soap, caustic chemical powders, acetone, products containing chlorine in the composition, as well as any cleaning substances in granules or other structures that can damage materials. As a result of their use, scratches, microcracks occur, and the paint loses its brightness and luster, acquires a worn appearance.

How to wash glossy stretch ceiling

Ideally, the selection of one or another tool should be checked against the instruction manual, which is received during installation or requested from the manufacturer. O best practices cleaning, you can also ask the workers who mount the suspended structure - often these specialists are competent in such matters or are able to at least recommend sources from which you can find out the answers of such a plan.

Which washing tool to choose?

The type of materials and devices for cleaning depends on the type of cleaning procedures. For the wet version, the following products are suitable.

Dry wiping is practically not required, since the ceiling coating is antistatic and does not retain dust particles, so this type of cleaning is rarely necessary.

In some exceptional situations, as well as to get rid of the web, the following options are used.

  1. Gentle fabrics, napkins, sponges. Devices should not be branded. It is better not to use rubber specimens - they will pull a glossy film. The absence of powder substances, even in small quantities, is preliminarily checked. Options with a border, tassels or other types of ornamentation and decoration will not work. good choice there will be a special broom.
  2. A vacuum cleaner. Requires careful use in the lowest intensity mode. The brush is replaced by another type of nozzle. If the device still strongly sucks in air, you need to keep it at a short distance from the surface of the structure. To clean the corners of the nozzle, it will not be required at all, a suction pipe will be enough.

Preparation for work

Starting the process, you should perform a number of actions, in particular:

  • purchase and put in the room where the cleaning will take place, the right tools and detergents; the latter, if necessary, must be diluted in advance or whipped into foam without the remains of crystalline granules;
  • if the elimination of pollution will do without vacuum cleaners and mops, a ladder or ladder is installed (near the wall);
  • after using chemicals, the room must be ventilated;
  • protective gloves and masks are desirable;
  • a scarf or any old unused headgear is thrown over the hair, work clothes are preferred, which must be comfortable and not hinder movement;
  • all decorations such as bracelets, rings and rings are removed so as not to damage the materials; the most careful should be women with long nails, especially of artificial origin;
  • furniture and other things in the room, if possible, are covered with a protective film or old fabrics;
  • in cases where the ceiling has significant cracks, a deformed shape of the coating or the base itself, it is worth using the services of repair workers and postponing cleaning work before full recovery integrity.

Preparation for washing the ceiling: 1. Prepare everything you need. 2. Install a ladder. 3. Air out (after work). 4. Take care of protective equipment. 5. Throw an old hat over your hair. 6. Remove jewelry. 7. Cover furniture protective film. 8. Resort to repairs (if necessary).

After completing and checking all the preparatory procedures, you can safely proceed to the main type of work. If for some reason such measures are inconvenient or impossible for the owners of the apartment, then there are special services and companies whose employees deal with such issues for a relatively small fee. Their help will be especially appropriate if there are minor damages on the structural composition.

Cleaning steps

Complete general cleaning and cleaning of stretch ceilings involves a certain algorithm for performing actions and going through several mandatory steps at once.

Can not use hot air hair dryer in separate areas, since its pressure will lead to unsatisfactory results and complications.

After completion of work, the room must be ventilated

Washing procedures are not limited to choice suitable means, cleaning tools and most step by step instructions cleaning. For performance to be highest level, all necessary actions, aimed at eliminating dirt and stains, must obey the general rules.

Video - How and how to wash stretch ceilings?

It’s worth saying right away that need makes us do wet cleaning of ceilings not so often, so you can prepare accordingly and approach this process responsibly. Prepare the necessary detergents, pick up sponges, and do not climb with a rough floor cloth wound around a mop.

In order for the result to be positive and impressive, all actions must be performed carefully. A flannel rag should be moistened in water with SMS dissolved in it. It is quite possible to use conventional means that do not contradict the rules below.


Attention! The temperature of the detergent solution also plays important role. It should not exceed 40 degrees.

Polishes for the materials from which the stretch ceilings are made are also sold in the public domain. You should not save eighty rubles, worth two hundred times higher - as already mentioned, you do not spend this event so often. This is the question of how to wash a plastic ceiling.

If the surface is even slightly glossy, use alcohol-based liquids. Then after wet cleaning you will not have streaks. It's like with mirrors: it's more convenient to use alcohol-based products than to rub them with a newspaper to the holes. The method with a newspaper, of course, is effective, and is used by many housewives - but, people, we are already living in the new century, much not in the nineteenth.

Three simple rules

They need to be remembered before washing the ceiling:

  • Do not use cleaning agents based on or containing abrasives!
  • Do not use brushes with very hard bristles and do not wash the ceiling with mops with wound rags!
  • Do not press hard on the surface! Try to avoid contact of the film with the surface of the main ceiling, which is inside and made of non-soft concrete.

Fourth addition

If nevertheless violated three simple rules, and damaged the surface, the place must be immediately sealed with construction or masking tape (not stationery!) And run to call the installer.

Fifth Amendment

You can, for example, prepare a soapy solution for washing the ceiling. Just don’t take too laundry soap, it has 72% alkali - this can be deplorable for the material. Adjust ordinary soap, beat until foam is obtained, then wash the ceiling with this foam.

Be sure to rinse the ceiling after removing stains with ordinary clean water without waiting for the soap solution to dry! After washing with clean water, the surface should be wiped dry with a cloth or soft cloth. It is very possible that the rag or napkin will have to be changed several times as it gets wet.

Advice! The ceiling should be washed as it gets dirty, and not “included in the plan” for the next month.

Fresh stains and solid dirt are always easier to remove than old ones. They do not eat into the material, do not penetrate into its structure - therefore, there will be no need to rub with strong pressure.

More advice! Before washing suspended ceiling, it is recommended to vacuum the entire surface. When the surface is moistened, all the dust collected on it is immediately absorbed into the stain, especially if it is greasy. And since dust is mechanical, albeit small particles, they will act as an abrasive.

My stretch ceilings

There are many videos on how to wash a stretch ceiling, in which professionals and amateurs share their knowledge.

ceiling cleaning

  • As they say experienced craftsmen From cleaning companies, when choosing how to wash stretch ceilings, there is only one limitation - in no case should you use hard sponges or brushes to prevent damage or rupture! When washing, use a flannel cloth or foam sponge dipped in mild soapy water.
  • The surface of the ceiling is washed with light circular movements. After the soap, stains may remain on the gloss. To avoid this, do not be too lazy to wipe everything with a dry cloth or microfiber cloth after washing. Such a napkin perfectly absorbs moisture, removing all stains.

  • Before washing the stretch ceiling, do not be too lazy to remove all rings, bracelets and other jewelry from yourself. This will help avoid damage.
  • What means to wash stretch ceilings? Only non-abrasive or solutions, as well as creams, which contain solid particles.

Even simple soda can cause irreparable damage to the smooth surface of the tension structure. Any slight mechanical impact can cause damage.

  • Many people recommend using special products for washing stretch ceilings, which easily remove any dirt without leaving streaks after application. You can also use glass or mirror cleaners that contain ammonia.

  • Means for washing stretch ceilings should not contain acetone. Read the label on the container carefully before using it. Acetone can ruin appearance material.
  • Before use, it is better to test it on small area somewhere in the corner of the room. Apply a drop of the product to the surface of the ceiling and wait 10-15 minutes, and then evaluate the result. And, perhaps, the question is: how to wash the stretch ceiling? - closed for you.
  • If wrinkles appear, the color has changed, then it is better to refuse to use the chosen remedy.

  • Many people ask the question - is it possible to wash stretch ceilings with force or additional pressure? The answer is no, you can't. Try not to apply excessive pressure on the structure so that the material does not deform. With an ideal and high-quality installation of a stretch ceiling, it is enough to wrap a rag on a mop and run it over the surface, slightly pressing. Excessive zeal when washing or polishing can result in the purchase of a new ceiling, which is fraught with serious financial investments and dissatisfaction with loved ones.

  • Tension structures can also be washed using a vacuum cleaner. But it is worth making sure that the experts strengthened the ceiling fabric tightly enough, otherwise the overall geometry of the structure will be violated.
  • You should not resort to a vacuum cleaner if you see a cobweb in a corner or a patch of dust. Wipe it off with a whisk or cloth.

It is worth remembering that on tension materials dust does not settle, as it is a smooth film coating that is treated with antistatic (in any case, manufacturers and advertising say so).

Now you know how to wash a stretch ceiling, based on the advice of professionals. The main thing is to handle it carefully, do not make significant efforts, try to avoid chemical and mechanical influences. Only then will it serve you for a long time. Do these tips apply in practice? Let's try to figure it out.

What can't be done

Caring for stretch ceilings is not particularly difficult. Moreover, it takes a little time and effort, but not many people know how to wash a stretch ceiling. For example, the advice that brushes should not be used is well founded.

Attention: Remember that even the softest brush can leave fluff, which during the washing process will behave like abrasive particles, which is harmful to PVC.

Do you think that strong stains may not be washed off with stretch ceiling products? To resolve doubts, call any ceiling installation company and consult with them. The specialist will tell you how to wash tensile structure with some kind of pollution.

You can not scrape the surface with hard objects, otherwise you will tear it.
The same goes for strength, unless you want to marvel at scratches and dents afterwards.

In particularly difficult cases, you should seek help from cleaning companies or where you signed a contract for the installation of your ceiling. They have the necessary experience and tools. And how else to wash the stretch ceiling yourself, we will consider further.


How can you wash stretch ceilings if dry cleaning is not enough, and the gloss has lost its luster. You will be helped by ordinary and widely advertised glass and mirror cleaners, as well as PVC surfaces.


  • Suitable for any dishwashing detergent unless it contains abrasive particles or granules. After application, do not be too lazy to wipe the ceiling with a dry flannel cloth to restore the original shine of the surface.

  • There are also special designed for stretch ceilings, although they are more expensive. Better not be stingy and buy it. Remember that any unfamiliar product is best tested on an inconspicuous area.

How often to wash the stretch ceiling

It is worth knowing that these materials are impregnated with a special antistatic solution that prevents dust and dirt from adhering.

This begs the question - how often do you need to wash the stretch ceiling? And what is the difference in this matter expensive materials from cheap ones?

Let's be honest cheap options care is no different from those that are more expensive. Since the basic rule is always the same - a durable PVC film is only cleaned detergent compositions without solid particles. In extreme cases, you can always use the most common soap solution. As for the frequency of washing, once every six months will be enough.

Now you know everything about how to wash the stretch and not only the ceiling. Additionally, you can view the proposed video.

Stretch ceiling can be matte or glossy, made of PVC film or fabric, it has a flat surface, does not crack and dust does not accumulate on it.

Despite this, during its operation, there may be moments when the canvas becomes dirty, for example, drops of champagne get in, and then the question arises whether it can be washed. Consider how this should be done so that there are no stains and streaks on the surface.

There are two ways to wash stretch ceilings: using a vacuum cleaner or a damp sponge, or full cleaning.

If a vacuum cleaner is used for cleaning, then you need to take a soft brush so as not to damage the canvas, and it should work at medium power.

If you use a wide, smooth nozzle on a vacuum cleaner, then a film is drawn into it, which can be damaged, therefore experts recommend pre-wrapping a smooth nozzle with a cloth. If there is no vacuum cleaner, then the dust is removed with a damp cloth or napkins., and to make the work more convenient, they wrap a mop.

The fabric is moistened in soapy water and moved along the canvas, performing movements without strong pressure. After that, everything is repeated with a damp and then a dry rag.

To create a stretch ceiling, can be used different materials, therefore, the methods of cleaning them will be different:

  • if the surface suede fabric, then dry cleaning is carried out with a brush with a soft bristle;
  • to glossy canvas again it shone well, after a soapy solution it is wiped with a 10% solution of ammonia, and then everything is wiped dry;
  • fabric surfaces should be washed carefully as they are more fragile. In order not to change the texture of the fabric, you can not rub the cloth for a long time in the same place.

What is the best way to wash?

Depending on what material the canvas is made of, you need to have:

  1. ladder or ladder;
  2. cut soft tissue or sponge;
  3. detergents, their composition should not contain abrasive substances;
  4. a vacuum cleaner and a nozzle, which should have a soft pile.

Now that you know how to wash such a ceiling, let's figure out how to wash it, and which is strictly prohibited.

One of the most efficient and safe means used to wash the stretch ceiling is a soap solution.

To make a soap solution, you need to cut the soap, it is best to use household soap, or you can take washing powder and dilute them in warm water. In addition, you can take any means with which you wash windows or dishes.

If you are using the detergent for the first time, be sure to check how it acts on the canvas. To do this, it must first be tested on the most inconspicuous and small area. If, as a result of the use of this composition, no traces remain on the surface, then it can be used to wash the entire ceiling.

The store has a large selection of special products, but their cost will be much more expensive than a self-prepared soap solution. If we talk about what such special products are, then this is the same soap solution, only made under industrial conditions.

If you want to wash the stretch ceiling with high quality and at the same time save money, then you can safely use a soap solution prepared at home, the result will be no worse than after using expensive store formulations. The main thing is that there are no abrasive substances in the composition of such a solution.

Care for glossy ceilings

The frequency of care for a glossy canvas is determined by its condition, if over time the gloss has faded, then it's time to wash the ceiling. Often, to restore the original shine, Simply wipe with a dry cloth.

You can only use soft rags or sponges so as not to scratch the gloss. You can soak them in soapy water it is necessary to move along, and not across the weld. After treatment with a damp sponge, wipe everything dry with napkins or a microfiber cloth.

All work is carried out without strong pressure, it is impossible to scrape off dirt with sharp objects. During the work, all jewelry is removed from the hands so as not to accidentally tear the canvas.

Features of caring for fabrics

Such ceilings have their own characteristics:

  • they are more fragile compared to PVC film, so it is better to clean them without detergents, but simply wipe them with a damp cloth;
  • Since the canvas is fabric, it is convenient to use a brush with a soft bristle to clean it.

It is best to dry clean such surfaces. and only in the case of severe contamination, it is possible to perform wet cleaning. If a soap solution is used, then its concentration should be very weak and be sure to try the action detergent in the most inconspicuous place.

If a vacuum cleaner is used for cleaning, then its brush cannot be pressed tightly against the canvas, it must be kept at some distance from it.

Remember that stretch ceilings, regardless of the material they are made of, are afraid of mechanical stress, so they are cleaned very carefully. Under the influence of very high or low temperatures, the canvas can be deformed.

For PVC film web optimal temperature operation will be + 10 ... 50 degrees. If you want to make such a finish on a loggia or in another unheated room, then it is better to use fabric structures that can withstand temperatures up to -40 degrees.

To simply and quickly clean the canvas from any material, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. so that after washing, the glossy ceiling regains its original shine, it is wiped with a solution of medical or ammonia;
  2. movements should be performed only along the location of the seam;
  3. before performing these works, remove all rings and bracelets so that you cannot damage the canvas with them;
  4. the kitchen must necessarily have an extractor hood, and during cooking, it is necessary to use lids, then soot and fat will not fall on the ceiling;
  5. do not use abrasive products;
  6. when cleaning, do everything carefully and do not make much effort.


Now you know how to care for a stretch ceiling and you can do this work yourself. For washing, it is best to take plain water or soapy water, all work must be done carefully and slowly. If you do not have time, then you can always call specialists who will quickly and efficiently clean any stretch ceiling.

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19.05.2017 0 4 937 views

How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks at home is the most pressing issue after repair. Few people currently cover the ceiling with wallpaper; it is much more convenient and practical to make a stretch ceiling. This allows you to choose the most various colors and shades, place the lighting as you like, hide possible irregularities.

Wash the ceiling is not the best simple task because it's just inconvenient. It is important to know how you can wash the stretch coating, and why you should refuse.

Why wash a stretch glossy ceiling?

Having pasted wallpaper on the ceiling, you can no longer touch it. Tension coating is more demanding in care, especially for the first time after repair.

When builders stretch the material, they touch it with their hands, even if they are wearing gloves, marks remain. Glossy surfaces make visible any contamination, so after all work is completed, it must be washed. Fingerprints and other traces create a not very pleasant picture, which becomes especially noticeable in daylight. Moreover, after completion construction works such a ceiling must be wiped from dust, because it attracts small particles well.

Washing equipment

After the repair, there was a lot of dust and dirt, which is even on the ceiling. It's time to put everything in order. The stretch ceiling is quite capricious, so not all products can be used to wash it. It is better to stock up on certain equipment in advance so that nothing else distracts during cleaning.

  1. A ladder or stepladder, an item without which it is simply impossible to wash the ceiling with high quality.
  2. Sponges of medium hardness.
  3. Soft natural rags.
  4. Detergent of non-abrasive origin.
  5. Vacuum cleaner with soft nozzle.

How and how to wash a stretch glossy ceiling?

As mentioned above, not any means is suitable for washing a stretch ceiling. Best gloss finish washable plain water or soapy water (only mild baby soap is suitable). They will not damage the fine structure and will not spoil the appearance. To remove more stubborn stains, a soft cloth can be soaked in liquid and gently remove the stain. After the entire ceiling has been treated with a solution, it must be wiped with a dry cloth to remove possible stains.

The soap solution has one small drawback, despite the fact that it removes visible dirt from the hands well, stains are possible after it. You can remove them with ammonia.

  • alcohol is diluted in water to obtain a weak concentration;
  • in the resulting solution, moisten a sponge or soft cloth and wipe desired area ceiling;
  • in the end ceiling covering must be wiped with a dry cloth.

To make sure the ammonia works well with the ceiling coating, it's best to test it on a small area first. Therefore, before the workers leave, ask them to leave a small piece of material.

What tools should not be used?

Stretch ceiling is modern, stylish and beautiful. At proper care it does not change its color, does not stretch or deform. Luminaires can be arranged as convenient for the owners, for this you do not need to build additional niches and create additional mess. In order for the stretch ceiling to serve faithfully for a long time, it is very important to take care of it. Such surfaces can be washed only with certain means.

Household chemical stores can offer several options for products that easily remove any dirt from the surface, while leaving no streaks and changing the appearance of the ceiling. But some means cannot be used categorically, unless, of course, your repair and ceiling are dear to you.

Washing powder or powder products

If serious pollution is found on the ceiling, for example, from soot, then do not rush to take on aggressive chemicals. Laundry detergent of any kind, whether childish or mild, is not suitable for washing stretch ceilings. The composition of the bulk substance contains particles that can easily spoil the coating. It's not worth experimenting.

Tar or laundry soap

After repair, there may be traces on the ceiling from hands or any building materials, even from paint. Out of ignorance, many rush to remove pollution with the first means that come to hand, and this is not at all right. We are used to that laundry soap- This is a universal tool that can easily cope with many pollution. In this case, it can only spoil everything. The fact is that for a stretch ceiling, laundry or tar soap is a rather aggressive agent that can lead to deformation of the material and a change in its color. Therefore, it is undoubtedly worth abandoning it and giving preference to more soft remedies Or is it better to just use plain water.


Some craftsmen advise washing the stretch ceiling with food mustard. Arguing this by the fact that it does not contain any aggressive substances and in general it is a product and cannot cause visible damage. This is a big misconception, mustard can really be used to clean specific stains, but they should not be on a stretch ceiling. Not only will it not remove stains from the coating, but on the contrary, it will leave behind bright marks and can lead to deformation. If the stretch ceiling is black, then after contact with mustard, lighter spots will remain in certain places.

baking soda

Often, soda is used to remove any stains, it is combined with other substances and it turns out quite effective remedy. In this case, this option cannot be used categorically. Soda is small grains, stretch ceiling is very gentle and delicate coating. When in contact with a food product, scratches may remain on the material, i.e. gloss will be irrevocably affected. If the stains can be easily removed with water, then the scratches will not go anywhere, and on a shiny surface it will be very noticeable. In addition, not only scratches can remain from soda, but also deformed areas.


Acetone is a product that perfectly removes traces of paint from any surface. Indeed, during repairs, it is not uncommon for traces of paint to appear on the stretch ceiling, but it is absolutely impossible to use the usual means to remove it. Acetone is a very aggressive agent that can leave an area on clothing that is more light color or lead to the destruction of the delicate fibers of the fabric. It is scary to imagine what will happen if this substance is allowed to come into contact with the stretch ceiling coating. Most likely there will be a large hole on it and it will have to be redone. If you want to know exactly what can happen, do an experiment on a small area of ​​material, which naturally should not be on the ceiling.


Chlorine is a substance that modern housewives have long been trying to get rid of. It is dangerous for the skin of the hands and respiratory organs. It causes more problems than benefits. Chlorine with prolonged exposure easily corrodes the structure of the fabric. Upon contact with the stretch ceiling, a hole may remain on the surface, and the material around it will lose its color.

Video: how to wash a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks at home?

How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling in the kitchen?

Stretch ceilings in the kitchen suffer the most. Even despite the presence of an extract, over time, a noticeable greasy spot. That is why the ceilings in the kitchen should be washed most often so that the dirt does not have time to accumulate and the cleaning process as a result does not take much time.

The ceiling in the kitchen is washed with the same means as in other rooms. It is unacceptable to use various degreasers. To remove stains, a soapy solution or plain water is sufficient. After all visible dirt is washed off, the ceiling is gently wiped with a clean, damp cloth, and then wiped dry.

Modern stretch ceilings are processed special formulations, which prevent dust from adhering, so you do not have to wash it very often. Once every six months may be enough, in the kitchen the ceiling should be washed every 3 months.