How and how to clean the microwave. Foam sponge and "Fairy" for washing dishes

The principle of operation of a microwave oven is heating food due to microwave radiation, and its walls are covered inside with a special layer that reflects them. When cleaning, it can be easily damaged by aggressive brushes and other abrasive and corrosive substances. You need to use something that is unable to scratch this layer: liquid products, microfiber or a non-rigid sponge.

When cleaning, it can be easily damaged by aggressive brushes and other abrasive and caustic substances

When using the oven, just cover the plate with the lid and grease, the crumbs will not splatter over the microwave. This will keep it clean for a long time and will help to avoid frequent cleaning, which removes the fragile layer responsible for the operation of the device.

  • By outside the doors can be walked through with a special mirror cleaner. It will help prevent smudging and remove fingerprints, grease and other contaminants.
  • When cleaning, do not press hard on the cloth, do not rub, but create a steam effect that will dissolve dry grease splashes. Thus, you only need to walk over the surface with a cloth with detergent and rinse well with water.
  • Do not forget to disconnect the oven from the electricity during cleaning!
  • Also, do not bypass the included plate. It also needs to be washed with detergent by hand or in dishwasher... It can be put back only after it is completely dry.
  • When cleaning, do not let water get into the round holes located inside the oven - wipe them with dry rags. Otherwise, moisture may be harmful and cause malfunction.
  • Do not forget to wipe dry the grates from dust, which settles over time and with a large accumulation of the oven may start to work intermittently.
  • One of the most important rules- try to wipe the oven after each heating, defrosting of food, so that greasy drops do not have time to remain and dry on the walls.
  • After cleaning, you can turn on the oven only when it is completely dry.

On the outside of the door, you can walk with a special mirror cleaner
During cleaning, do not allow water to enter the round holes located inside the oven.

One of the most important rules is to try to wipe the oven after each heating, defrosting of food.
After cleaning, turn on the oven only when it is completely dry.

Microwave grease control methods

So, you've got to work and are ready to clean your oven of old dirt. But how to clean the microwave from the old fat inside at home, if the dirt is dry and lends itself only to increased friction and the use of aggressive devices? It is not necessary to buy expensive cleansing gels or special wipes soaked in a cleansing agent, because you can make the effect of such a wipe yourself using baking soda or vinegar. This is also called the steam scrubbing effect. It is convenient in the sense that you only need to warm up the water with soda, vinegar or dishwashing gel. The steam will dissolve the dried dirt, and the condensation drops will help make it easier to wipe off the grease with a regular napkin, this procedure will not take much time and effort.

It is not necessary to buy expensive cleaning gels or special wipes soaked in a cleansing agent, you can make the effect of such a wipe yourself with the help of baking soda or vinegar
It is convenient in the sense that you only need to warm up the water with soda, vinegar or dishwashing gel.


Since it is sometimes difficult to wash the inside of the microwave due to stuck-on dirt, soda is often used in its pure form. As a result, the walls are scratched and the special layer is damaged. But do not neglect it, because there is good recipe how to wash the inside of the microwave quickly using baking soda without damaging the oven. Take a small bowl (preferably glass) and mix 5 tablespoons of baking soda with water. Water can be poured into about half of the container. Then this mixture should be put open in the microwave on the heating mode at high power for about 10 minutes. After the heating process has ended, check if any solid dirt remains. If so, put it on for another 15 minutes. Then dampen a soft cloth and remove any greasy splashes. With this method, the fat will dissolve and it will be easy to wipe it off with drops of water.

Then this mixture must be put open in the microwave on a heating mode at high power for about 10 minutes.


You can also use vinegar. But you need less of it - 1 spoonful of vinegar for half a bowl of water. Stir and put on preheat for 5 minutes first. The action is the same: the steam dissolves the dirt and the remaining condensation on the walls will help to remove the excess. You can wipe it with a paper towel or a soft-bristled cloth. If there was no vinegar at home, it is permissible to use citric acid in the same proportions instead.

Stir and put on preheat for 5 minutes first

The amount of time to warm up depends on the power of your microwave oven. More expensive and stronger models will take less time.


If there is absolutely nothing to clean the microwave from the old fat, then an ordinary lemon comes to the rescue. This is a more costly method, but if the oven needs urgent cleaning, it can also be used successfully as fat dissolving steam and bleach. Lemon will not only give the original white tint to the walls of the stove, but also eliminate the extraneous smell of food, which has long been mixed with other deposits. For the procedure, half a lemon is enough. Put it on a plate with the pulp down and add a few drops of water. After 1-2 minutes of heating, steam will start to form. Now you can wipe off the residue and dry the surfaces.

Lemon will not only give the original white tint to the walls of the stove, but also eliminate the extraneous smell of food.
Put it on a plate with the pulp down and add a few drops of water.

Orange peel

Another citrus fruit can help deal with pollution. It will not only help remove dirt, but also add a pleasant citrus scent. All you need to do is eat 1 orange and cut the peel into small slices and put them in a bowl, then pour a glass of warm water. It remains to warm up this mixture in order for steam to begin to evolve. And at the end, wipe the inside of the device with a cloth.

All you need to do is eat 1 orange and cut the peel into small slices and put them in a bowl.

Dishwashing liquid

But how to quickly wash the microwave if there is no time at all? Dishwashing detergent is always in the house and will help to quickly deal with dirt. We use it by analogy with the previous ones - we mix it in a saucepan with water in any proportions and set it to heat. Due to its properties that break down fat, it will dissolve it better than anyone else for complete removal. It also makes it easier to wash off dirt because the foam is fluffy.

Dishwashing detergent is always in the house and will help to quickly deal with dirt

Laundry soap foam

Despite the fact that modern housewives prefer modern chemistry to it, its cleansing properties are not inferior to many other expensive means. It not only removes even the oldest stains from clothes, but also perfectly disinfects. But what does it have to do with household appliances and how easy is it to clean the inside of the microwave with its foam? The fact is that laundry soap has a unique ability - it is degreasing. It must be brought to a coarse, dense foam and applied to the walls of the microwave oven, avoiding holes. To obtain maximum effect, you should leave it for half an hour. This time will be enough for the old grease stains to completely dissolve. In the end, you just need to walk with a soft cloth or a napkin dipped in water.

It must be brought to a coarse, dense foam and applied to the walls of the microwave oven, avoiding holes

Glass cleaner

This is a universal cleaning method, as you can quickly wash the microwave inside and out with the same solution. Do not forget about the outside of the oven, because dust and splashes settle on it after cooking, and in order to maintain a shining color, you need to rinse it well simply by mixing a glass cleaner with water in a 2: 1 ratio. Take a soft sponge (a sponge is recommended, as it will create a fluffy lather for easier cleaning) and wipe the outside and inside of the microwave with it. After all the dirt is completely cleaned up, remember to rinse everything thoroughly with water and wipe dry. Also, this tool should be well rinsed glass surfaces (door, dial) to a shine and without streaks. For these parts, it is recommended that you simply apply a little of the product to a paper towel and dry well.

This is a universal cleaning method, since you can quickly wash the microwave inside and out with the same solution.

Using purchased funds

On this moment many firms specializing in the manufacture of home cleaning products offer a wide range of sprays, gels, and solutions for effective microwave cleaning. If you do not want to bother and prepare your own products from improvised ingredients, then you can find how to wash the microwave from the fat inside in any store that has a department with household chemicals. Many people prefer this option, because the products have been tested, the instructions for use on the safety measures are written on the label, you just have to start cleaning and the result will be impressive. But if there are children in the apartment, people prone to allergies or our smaller brothers, then from such chemicals better to refuse.

At the moment, many firms specializing in the manufacture of household cleaning products offer a wide range of sprays, gels, solutions for effective cleaning of microwaves.
Many people prefer this option, because the products have been tested, the instructions for use about the safety measures are written on the label, you just have to start cleaning and the result will be impressive

Removing traces of burnt food

If suddenly you unsuccessfully warmed up, for example, toast, and as a result, the microwave became covered with dark burning spots that are accompanied by unpleasant odor, then this problem is easy to deal with. You can use all of the above methods to clean the walls, and to eliminate the smell, it is enough to ventilate the oven, leaving the door open for several hours, or use the following tips. The absence of bad odors is an important indicator of the cleanliness of the oven.

All of the above methods can be used to clean the walls.

How to remove an unpleasant smell?

After you have successfully washed the inside of the microwave, it is time to get rid of the smell of burnt food, crumbs and other contaminants. And due to the fact that the oven is always in a closed state, the air does not enter in such an amount to ventilate it. It's pretty simple: take a container of water and add mint, lavender or lemon juice, and heat. During warming up, the aroma of the added ingredient will overpower the unwanted odor. Also good helpers in this matter are onions and coffee grains, which you can simply leave inside the oven for a while. They absorb odors and prevent the appearance of new ones.

It's pretty simple: take a container of water and add mint, lavender or lemon juice there, and heat

If you find activated charcoal at home, you can safely leave it on a tray inside overnight without turning it on. It will absorb all unnecessary strong odors... Also, ordinary food salt will come to the rescue, which is famous not only for its ability to absorb liquid, but also smell. It can also be poured into a small saucer and left unheated overnight.

Do not worry that these products will leave behind some specific smell, because their principle of work is to absorb, not interrupt, the smell.

All of the above methods are suitable not only for microwave ovens, but also for gas stoves... What you can use to wash the microwave inside without fear, it is permissible to use it on other similar surfaces. household appliances... It's up to you what to choose - natural, folk recipes without chemicals, but with which you need to work longer, or ready-made, industrial - they will provide a quick, good result. Any cleaning must be carried out periodically and do not forget that the longer the oven remains without maintenance, the more difficult it will be to return it to a state of perfect cleanliness and absence of foreign odors. The oven will last longer if you treat its condition with due attention, and the question of how to wash the microwave from the fat inside will no longer scare you with its complexity.

If before cleaning the microwave was a real headache for me, now it is an easy task. The thing is that I have found several simple and effective ways to clean this useful household appliance... Today I will tell you how to quickly clean the inside of the microwave using the available tools.

We clean the microwave

Cleaning your microwave oven regularly shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes a week. At the same time, there is no need to buy expensive household chemicals - you can easily get by with the components that can be found at home.

Getting rid of stains: 4 tools at hand

Regardless of which of these methods you choose, it will be based on the principle of creating a steam bath. Vapors from detergent composition will cope with any pollution in a matter of minutes:

Image Instructions

Method 1. Soda

This is one of the most powerful cleaning agents, the price of which is a penny:

  • Dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in 500 ml of water.
  • Place the container with the solution in the microwave.
  • Turn on the device for 3-5 minutes. Then do not open the door for another 5 minutes.
  • After the allotted time, wipe the inside of the stove with a clean cloth or the soft side of a sponge.

Method 2. Lemon juice or acid

For this recipe you will need 500 ml liquid, spoon citric acid or four tablespoons of juice:

  • Mix water and lemon juice or acid.
  • Place the container in the oven and turn it on for 3-5 minutes at full power.
  • After turning off the microwave, wait another 10 minutes.
  • Remove the container and wipe the inside of the microwave with a clean cloth.

For particularly difficult stains, soak a sponge in the prepared solution and scrub the problem areas well.

Method 3. Vinegar

To remove grease or stubborn stains from the inside of the stove, use table vinegar:

  • Add two tablespoons of 9% vinegar to half a liter of water.
  • Place the container with the solution in the microwave for 5 minutes at full power.
  • Wait a little longer for the vinegar vapor to dissolve all the fat.
  • Afterwards, clean the walls from burns and stains with a sponge.

If the insides of the device are covered with enamel, then you should not use this method too often. It can damage the material.

Method 4. Dishwashing liquid

With help detergent fresh dirt can be removed:

  • Apply a small amount (about the size of a coin) to a damp sponge.
  • Squeeze and unclench the sponge until a copious lather appears.
  • Put her in the camera.
  • Turn the oven on for 30 seconds at minimum power. Be careful not to melt the sponge.
  • Then open the door and remove any grease and food splashes.

Getting rid of bad smell: 3 methods

Washing the microwave at home is only half the battle. It is still necessary to eliminate bad smell, which may appear during the operation of the device. The following components will perfectly cope with it:

Image Instructions

Method 1. Coffee
  • Moisten a sponge well or cotton pad in coffee (it doesn't matter if it is natural or instant.
  • Wipe down all the inner walls of the appliance.
  • Wait 2 hours, then rinse the surfaces with a clean sponge.

Never boil coffee inside a microwave oven - it is incredibly difficult to remove stains from it.

Method 2. Table salt

The salt will easily eliminate all kinds of unpleasant odors.

Just add about 100 grams. salt in a saucer, put it in the oven and close the door.

After a few hours, it will be enough just to take out the saucer.

Method 3. Activated carbon

Charcoal is known to be an excellent absorbent, so it can be used to combat harsh and unpleasant odors.

Use the product in the same way as table salt. No need to use 100 gr. coal, about 10 crushed tablets are enough.

To increase the efficiency of cleaning the device, and at the same time do not damage it, follow the recommendations:

Illustration Advice

No metal brushes!

They can damage the inner walls of the stove, which will cause the device to become unusable faster.

Use food caps

In the process of heating food, cover it with a special cap as shown in the photo.

This will prevent the splashing of food residues, and accordingly, the unit will have to be washed less often.

Disconnect the appliance from the mains

This must be done every time before you decide to rinse its inner walls.

Clean regularly

It is better to wash the stove once or twice a month. This will prevent the stains from drying out.


Dirt, greasy deposits and carbon deposits quickly accumulate inside the microwave. In addition, burnt food, leftover crumbs and spilled liquids will eventually become sources of unpleasant odors. You can cope with these problems quickly at home using proven folk recipes.

If you use a microwave oven, following certain recommendations, you will not have to wipe off the stubborn dirt:

  1. Food heated in the microwave should be covered with a special lid that will protect the walls from greasy deposits. The lid should be thoroughly washed and dried after each use.
  2. It is advisable to wash off the resulting dirt immediately, since it is much more difficult to wipe off old stains.
  3. When heating liquid food, it is recommended not to fill the container to the brim, so as not to spill liquid on the tray.
  4. Leave the microwave door open after use to ventilate the oven.
  5. Several times a week, you should wipe the tray and the walls of the microwave from greasy stains and crumbs.
  6. It is undesirable to use sprays during washing, as the cleaning agent can get onto the inside of the grate. As a result, the oven may break.

It is also worth familiarizing yourself with the rules regarding directly washing the microwave oven:

  • before starting washing, it is imperative to disconnect the device from the mains;
  • remove all removable elements from the microwave and rinse them separately;
  • you can not use brushes with a hard bristle, sandpaper, wire scouring pads, abrasive products;
  • damp cloths should be wrung out thoroughly;
  • do not abuse detergents;
  • do not try to remove the microwave top cover yourself.

Microwave ovens are best washed with soft sponges or microfiber cloths.

Express ways

There are ways to easily clean the microwave at home from grease and carbon deposits in just 5 minutes.

In this case, you can not spend money on special cleaning products, using folk recipes.

Water bath

Most quick way to wash the microwave is to arrange a kind of steam room. This method is suitable if the oven is not heavily soiled.


  • pour 500 ml of water into a container and put it in the microwave;
  • turn on the microwave oven for 15-20 minutes, setting the maximum power;
  • after the stove turns off, it must be disconnected from the network and wait another 5 minutes;
  • carefully remove the container with water;
  • wipe the entire inner surface of the microwave oven with a rag or napkin.

Dirt and greasy deposits are softened by hot condensation. But if the dirt is old, then you can additionally use dishwashing detergent or laundry soap.

To do this, add to warm water shavings of laundry soap or a few drops of dishwashing gel. Then apply the resulting solution to the inner surfaces of the stove and leave for 30-40 minutes. After that, thoroughly wash the inside of the microwave with a cloth moistened with water. There should be no trace of dirt and yellow deposits.

Store-bought specialty cleaners can be used without heating the microwave. However, their cost is quite high and such substances must be sprayed carefully so as not to fall on the inner grill of the device.


Even stubborn dirt can be washed out with the help of vinegar.


  • pour 400 ml of water into a plate and add 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar;
  • put the container with the prepared solution in the microwave;
  • set the maximum power and turn on the microwave oven for 2-5 minutes;
  • after turning off the stove, wait a few more minutes for the vinegar fumes to dissolve the dirt;
  • disconnect the device from the network;
  • thoroughly wipe the walls and tray of the microwave with a cloth or sponge and leave the door of the microwave oven open to get rid of the vinegar smell.

This method should not be used too often if the microwave oven chamber is covered with enamel. This can lead to the formation of microcracks on the coating.

Lemon acid

Citric acid or lemon juice will help not only remove grease and carbon deposits, but also cope with unpleasant odors. For this you need:

  • cut 2-3 lemons into wedges;
  • put them in a plate, pour 1 glass of water and put the container in the microwave;
  • turn on the oven for 10-15 minutes, setting the maximum power;
  • after turning off, wait 15 minutes and disconnect the equipment from the network;
  • rinse the inside and outside of the microwave with a damp sponge or cloth.

You can use freshly squeezed lemon juice instead of lemon slices. To do this, cut 2-3 lemons in half and squeeze the juice out of the halves. If you don't have fresh lemons on hand, you can take citric acid. To prepare a solution, dissolve 30 g of acid in 300 ml of water.

If the microwave oven is covered with enamel inside, then it is not recommended to use this method often to clean it.


Dry oily splashes and dirt can be effectively dealt with with regular baking soda:

  • dilute 5 tablespoons of soda in 500 ml of water;
  • put the container with the prepared solution in the microwave oven;
  • turn on the microwave, setting the maximum power, for 10-15 minutes;
  • after this time has elapsed, disconnect the device from the mains and wait another 10 minutes;
  • carefully take out a plate of soda solution;
  • wipe the inside of the stove with a clean damp cloth or sponge.

Do not wipe the surface of the microwave oven with baking soda. Since it has abrasive properties, microcracks may remain on the coating.

How to get rid of the unpleasant odor?

Unwanted aromas appear in the microwave when not regularly cleaned. If the food is burnt, then immediately wipe the inside of the stove.

You can get rid of the smell in different ways:

  1. The aforementioned lemon juice is great at fighting off unpleasant aromas.
  2. Fragrant herbs - mint, lemon balm, thyme, etc. Pour dry herbs into a plate and cover with water. Place the plate in the microwave and turn on the oven for 2-3 minutes at maximum power. Then take out the container and wipe the walls of the microwave oven with a dry cloth.
  3. After washing the microwave, you can put a saucer of coffee beans or curry powder in it. Coffee perfectly neutralizes odors without interrupting the aroma of warming food.

If after washing when using a microwave oven, a burning smell appears, then you should carefully wipe the inside of the equipment.

By regularly cleaning your microwave oven, you can avoid many unpleasant consequences- you do not have to waste time wiping old stains and fight with a stubborn odor.

Reading time: 1 minute

Today, a microwave oven is found in almost every kitchen. It is difficult to imagine your everyday life without this faithful assistant - who else will heat up dinner, defrost meat, make popcorn in a matter of minutes? Like all other equipment that often comes into contact with food, it needs to be cleaned periodically. But how to clean the microwave properly? We will talk about this with you today.

Before you start washing your microwave, we advise you to get acquainted with the following recommendations:

  • WITH inside oven covered special spraying designed to reflect microwave radiation. It is very thin, therefore, when washing, in no case should you use abrasive compounds! So how do you clean the microwave? Hard washcloths, metal sponges, knife blades - everyone should forget about this too! Only a soft cloth, sponge or rag. But even when cleaning with this tool, it is important not to apply excessive force.
  • Also, do not use for washing easily crumbling materials, rags from which the lint is separated. If all such "good" falls for ventilation grill, this could result in a fire hazard.
  • Aggressive chemicals that give off a pungent odor are something that should also be discarded. There is a great chance that you will not be able to wash the composition to the end, and it will poison the heated food with its stench.
  • How to clean the grill in the microwave if available? If your oven is equipped with this function, then wet cleaning is prohibited for it! An abundance of water can easily remove a heating element out of service. Not the best way it is also affected by detergents. The only thing that is not forbidden is to remove dirt with a soft cloth.
  • Make sure to clean your microwave at least once or twice a month.

Cleaning procedure

The easiest and most correct way to tidy up the microwave is in the following sequence:

  1. Ring and glass tray ( it is better to take the elements out of the device and clean them in a basin, sink).
  2. Inner part.
  3. Ventilation grill ( rear panel).
  4. Top, sidewalls of equipment. Bottom - if possible.
  5. The door is cleaned last here - first inside, and then outside.

Advice! The most common reason Microwave contamination is heating food without a special lid. In the process, food particles are sprayed onto the walls, fat drops scatter. When all this hardens, dries up, it becomes very difficult to deal with such pollution with your own hands.

Cleaning the inside of the microwave

So can you wash the inside of the microwave? Yes! Here we can distinguish several ways.

Professional remedies

The easiest way is to go to a specialty store and buy special tool for cleaning the microwave oven and oven from the inside. They fall into two main categories:

The right formulation Specialty Cleaner Dish gel is also effective
What else might work ... Household shavings are effective Whole set

  • Soft, environmentally friendly products. Gentle and safe impact.
  • Aggressive agents used to dissolve grease, soot and soot.

You can see some examples of such compositions in the photo.

Advice! If grease stains do not want to be cleaned in any way, then we advise you to moisten them first with olive oil.

Folk remedies

How to rinse the microwave yet? We do not recommend that you immediately turn to special formulations, the price of which is sometimes very even “ bites". In addition, even the manufacturer himself often cannot guarantee their complete safety. Pay attention to equally effective folk remedies that are completely harmless for both you and the device.


Even if you use a thermal cover, vapors still penetrate through it and settle on the walls of the oven. They should be cleaned up periodically with plain water.

This method is also good for dealing with fresh dirt, preventive cleaning after use.

The instructions for your actions are very simple:

1. Fill a wide container with some water ( taking into account that it cannot spill over the edge when boiling).

2. Put this cup, bowl in the oven.

3. How easy is it to clean the microwave here? Activate the device for 20 minutes, while setting the highest power, heating temperature.

4. After finishing the procedure, rinse the walls of the device with a damp cloth or sponge, and then dry it with a towel.

The method is not suitable for removing fatty deposits or carbon deposits.

Baking soda.

Many housewives consider this tool to be truly universal. However, we do not advise you to clean the inside of the microwave oven with this powder!

Soda is an abrasive that can damage the working coating inside the microwave. However, it can still be used effectively to remove grease stains.

You can quickly wash the microwave like this:

1. Fill a wide container with water - just over half of it.

2. Stir a few spoons in water baking soda until complete dissolution.

3. Set the maximum power, preheat temperature and turn on the microwave for 20 minutes.

4. How is it easier to clean the microwave in this case? Leave the heated soda water in the device for another half hour.

5. Check if there are any fat droplets on the oven walls. If there are any, heat soda water again at maximum power for 15 minutes.

6. Finally, wipe the walls of the microwave from moisture with a soft sponge or cloth.

The method is suitable even for devices with the most capricious coating, because the soda effect is non-contact here.


The product successfully dissolves grease and removes unpleasant odors.

If you want to wash fat in the microwave, then the cleaning method is similar to the ones described above:

1. Pour some water into a wide container.

2. Dissolve a few tablespoons of vinegar.

3. Put it in the oven, turn it on for half an hour.

Lemon, citric acid.

Effective against grease and leaves behind a pleasant scent. This tool will also help to wash the soot from the microwave.

We will tell you how best to wash the microwave:

1. Fill a deep, wide bowl halfway with water.

2. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a container. If you are using acid, then one sachet will be needed for 0.5 liters of water.

4. Finally, wipe the walls of the device with a cloth soaking it in the same lemon solution.

Not only is the method completely safe, it also infuses the kitchen with a pleasant citrus aroma.

Melamine sponge.

Its structure resembles an eraser - it wipes off dirt without being an abrasive. Therefore, it can be used to clean the microwave both inside and outside.

How to clean the microwave with a sponge? To start cleaning the surface with this tool, just moisten it in water.

Be sure to wear protective gloves when handling it.

Housewives share that the melamine sponge copes well with greasy splashes on the walls of the microwave.

Laundry soap.

With its cleansing and disinfecting properties, the hozmylo will argue with even the most modern means... It also not only cleans the surface, but also gives it its original shine.

Here's how we will clean the microwave with it:

1. Grate a small piece of hozmyl on a fine grater.

2. One tablespoon of such shavings is enough for a small container of water.

3. Dissolve the mass and foam it.

4. How can I clean up fumes in the microwave using this method? Apply the product to the inside of the microwave. Avoid machining ventilation openings.

5. Depending on the level of contamination, leave the compound on the surface for 30-45 minutes.

6. After this period, wash off the soap composition, residues of contamination clean water, dipping soft matter into it, which should also be squeezed out well.

7. Dry the inside of the microwave oven with a napkin or towel.

Dishwashing liquid. Looking for how to clean a very dirty microwave? A very peculiar way that helped many housewives:

1. Apply some dishwashing gel to a damp foam sponge.

2. Foam the product onto the product by squeezing it several times in your hand.

3. Place the sponge on a plate, which is then placed in the microwave.

4. At minimum power, run the device for half a minute.

5. Be careful not to melt the sponge!

6. Stains, fatty deposits will soften under the influence of steam with suspensions of the agent.

7. Use the same sponge to remove easily affected dirt.

8. Rinse everything with a clean cloth soaked in water, dry the surface.

Glass cleaner How to clean the microwave here:

1. First of all, unplug the microwave oven from the mains.

2. Prepare a 1: 2 dilution of glass cleaner with water. It can also be used to clean the outside of the device.

3. Rinse the bowels of the microwave oven with a soft sponge, dipping it into the composition.

4. If there is heavy contamination, leave the solution to act for 5 minutes.

5. Thoroughly dry the microwave with a damp, clean cloth, removing both dirt and foam. Make sure that there is no chemical smell of the product left in its bowels.

So we figured out how to clean the microwave from fat.

Advice! Don't overdo it with heating the citric acid solution or vinegar.

Cleaning the microwave outside

Before starting to clean the outside of the oven, be sure to do the following:

  1. Disconnect the device from the mains.
  2. Pay attention not only to the contaminated areas, but to the entire surface.
  3. Do not forget to clean the back panel, namely the ventilation mesh. It should not accumulate dust, dirt, carbon deposits and grease. All this can lead to damage to the device due to overheating!
  4. Glass, mirror door it is most effective to clean with a glass cleaner.
  5. The glass tray for the container with dishes is removed from the device before cleaning. It is washed in the sink with dish soap. Dry the part thoroughly before putting it back in place.
  6. What is the easiest way to clean the outside of the microwave? Before major cleaning, be sure to first remove large pieces of dirt with a cloth.
  7. Do not forget to dry the surfaces after wet cleaning with a towel or napkin that absorbs moisture well.

Washing methods

Let's now see how and how to effectively clean the microwave:

  1. Lemon juice, citric acid. Prepare a powder solution, wipe the outside of the device with it. You can wipe the technique and a slice of lemon. Leave to act for a while. Then wipe with a cloth dampened in clean water, dry with a napkin, towel.
  2. Melamine sponge. The tool is sold in any supermarket, household goods store. Soak it in water and start cleaning the device.

Appliance care

So that the need for a thorough cleaning of the microwave arises as rarely as possible, like the question "How to wash the soot in the microwave?", We recommend that you pay attention to the following simple tips:

  • Remember to wipe the inside of the device with a damp cloth after each use. This will prevent the accumulation of soot and grease inside the microwave. Spending a minute a day on such cleaning, you will save yourself from tedious washing of equipment from difficult old dirt.
  • Any type of detergent removes greasy stains. You only need to spray the composition on the dirt and turn on the device for a few minutes, activating it at maximum power. After the end of the procedure, remove the remnants of contamination with a damp cloth, dry the surface of the walls.
  • If you are using professional tools for cleaning, be sure to wash them completely!

Now you know how to properly wash the microwave inside and out. You can choose both professional and folk remedy- the latter is not inferior in its effectiveness. Be sure to read our preliminary tips and tricks before cleaning, don't forget to tidy up your technique on time!

The microwave oven gets dirty with frequent use. Both specialized detergents and folk recipes will help to clean the inner walls of the device: vinegar, lemon or citric acid, laundry soap. In this article, we'll take a closer look at how to deal with dried fat and food debris.

How to clean the inside of the microwave oven correctly?

For a long service life of the microwave oven, several simple rules when cleaning the device:

  1. A prerequisite is to disconnect the microwave oven from the power supply before wiping, open the door, and let the device cool down.
  2. Metal scouring pads, brushes, brushes, or other sharp hard objects should not be used during the cleaning process. The inner surface of the device has a special coating. This thin layer reflects microwave waves. When exposed to hard objects, scratches may appear on the outside and inside of the device, which later lead to cracks.
  3. Aggressive household chemicals containing chlorine, acid, alkali, rough abrasive products are not recommended.
  4. Clean the external and internal surfaces of the electrical appliance using a minimum amount of water to prevent moisture penetration into the elements of the device. It is best to clean the inside of the microwave from grease and other contaminants with a clean, damp cloth, foam sponge or cloth.
  5. If dirt gets into hard-to-reach places you cannot try to disassemble the kitchen assistant yourself. To get rid of crumbs and food debris, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a special narrow nozzle or entrust the microwave to a specialist.

To clean the outside of the device, you just need to wipe it with a damp sponge with the addition of any detergent.

How to clean the microwave in 5 minutes

The easiest and fastest way to get rid of old and not very stubborn dirt is to use a regular liquid or gel for washing dishes.

  1. Pour water into a glass container room temperature, add a tool.
  2. Place the dishes with liquid in the microwave, turn on at full power for 1 minute (until steam forms).
  3. Remove the dishes, wipe the interior surfaces and the door of the device with a damp cloth.

The steam will soften old dirt, so the microwave oven can be cleaned without difficulty. For the best effect, baking soda can be added to the container with water.

How to clean the device with household chemicals

When choosing microwave oven cleaners, choose a gel cleaner or spray. Terms of use and cleaning method are written on each package.

When cleaning the microwave oven, you should strictly follow the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer of the product. It is necessary to avoid getting spray or gel on special grids that cover the magnetron.

To get rid of grease and stains, you need to apply purchased product on the inner surface, bottom and door of the device. If it is a gel, then evenly along all the walls, if it is a spray, spray it gently. According to the attached instructions, leave the microwave oven for a few minutes, then wipe thoroughly with a damp sponge, then with a soft and dry cloth.

You can clean the microwave oven with the usual means that are always at hand.

Getting rid of pollution by folk methods

Experienced housewives do an excellent job with fat drops without using purchased household chemicals. You can clean your microwave oven with:

  • vinegar;
  • lemon;
  • citric acid.

These methods are safe and inexpensive.

How to clean the microwave with vinegar

Vinegar is the simplest and most popular method. It will help to deal with dirt inside the microwave oven, odor and rust.

  1. Pour warm water (200 ml) into a glass container.
  2. Add vinegar essence (3 tbsp. L.).
  3. Place the dishes in the microwave oven, turn on at a power of 500-800 W for 10 minutes.
  4. After the required time, wipe the inner surfaces of the device with a damp cloth.

Vinegar steam will perfectly corrode stubborn dirt and cope with unpleasant odors. To improve the aroma during such processing, a few drops of any essential oil.

How to clean a microwave oven with lemon

The most enjoyable cleaning method is with fresh citrus fruits. It can be lemon, grapefruit, lime, orange.

  1. Fruit (1 big size or 2 small ones) cut into pieces, put in a suitable plate.
  2. Add water (200 ml) to the container, put in the oven, turn on at maximum power for 5-15 minutes.
  3. After the device has finished working, do not open the doors immediately, let stand and the dried dirt soften for about 15 minutes.
  4. Remove fat with a soft, damp cloth, then wipe dry all the walls of the microwave.

This method is also good if you do not peel with whole citrus fruits, but only with the peel. The crusts should be finely chopped. In addition to getting rid of traces of grease, the room will smell pleasantly of citrus.

How to remove citric acid contamination

  1. Pour warm water (200-250 ml) into the dishes, add 1 sachet of citric acid (25 g).
  2. Place the plate in the oven, turn it on for 5-15 minutes (depending on the degree of soiling) at full power.
  3. After completion of work, do not open the oven for 10 minutes, then wipe with a clean damp cloth.

Citric acid perfectly dissolves grease and carbon deposits, softens old dirt.

Other effective ways

Laundry soap, old forgotten by many, copes well with numerous household contaminants. For cleaning, it is worth well soaping a sponge or a soft cloth, foaming and evenly applying to the inner walls of the microwave oven. So leave the device for half an hour, then thoroughly wipe off the remains of soap and food.

In case of incomplete removal of the soap solution from the walls, an unpleasant smell of organic burning may occur when the microwave is turned on for the first time.

Others are no less effective and simple method the "steam room" is ordinary water. But it is suitable for light dirt.

  1. Pour water (200 ml) into a bowl, place in the device.
  2. Turn on the oven at full power for 5–8 minutes. Leave the doors closed for 20 minutes to soften dirt, then wipe with a damp sponge and a dry, clean cloth.

These methods will allow you to quickly clean the inside of the microwave oven.

First, read the guidelines on how to properly use your microwave. And in order for the stove to stay clean longer and delight the household, you must follow some recommendations:

  • use a special plastic cap - this will help protect the camera of the device from splashes and drops of fat from heated food;
  • if there is no lid for a microwave oven, then cling film, parchment paper will do;
  • it is advisable to wipe the inner walls every time after use;
  • it is worth leaving the oven door open for a couple of minutes after work in order for the smell of food to disappear and the microwave to dry.

Following this simple tips, the microwave oven will shine much longer, the hostess will not have to wipe off the stubborn old drops of fat.