How to paint the ceiling with a water-based paint without streaks with a roller. How to paint a ceiling with water-based emulsion without streaks How to paint a ceiling without streaks evenly with water-based emulsion

Do-it-yourself painted ceiling - a surface without streaks and stripes

Many do not know how to paint the ceiling without streaks and all sorts of irregularities, relying on their own experience and knowledge. However, this is often not enough, and the final appearance of the ceiling does not correspond to the wishes and preferences.

From this article, you can learn everything about how to properly paint the ceiling, and do it professionally and as simply as possible.

Proper ceiling preparation

In order to learn how to paint the ceiling without streaks, the first step is to properly prepare the surface:

Stage Description and recommendations
Removal of plaster and previous coating

Using a steel spatula, it is necessary to clean the ceiling of old coating or plaster (see How to clean plaster from a wall without problems).

If ceiling covering has traces of mold or fungus, stripping must be done up to the concrete floor.

Antiseptic treatment

Using antiseptic solutions, it is possible to treat both the entire ceiling and only previously affected areas.

If the room has high humidity, regardless of its initial state, it is necessary to treat the entire ceiling with an antiseptic.

Surface priming

Using a primer, apply it to the entire surface of the ceiling after the antiseptic has completely dried (see How to prime the ceiling: we understand it in stages).

This is necessary so that in the future the starting putty has better adhesion.

Leveling the surface and applying the first layer

Further, it is necessary to level the surface well in order to achieve maximum evenness.

For this, a starting layer of putty is applied.

After the putty has completely dried, prime the surface again.

Applying the final layer of putty

Remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner and apply finishing layer putties.

For these purposes, a special acrylic putty “Finish” is used.

We polish the surface, remove dust with a vacuum cleaner. Then we prime again, using a roller or a brush of a suitable size.

Completion of preparation

The last step is painting.

The number of layers depends on the quality of the selected paint.

Important: in order to paint the ceiling with your own hands, you must follow the recommendations indicated in the table step by step, strictly step by step, and using a special tool, such as a spatula, building level, different size rollers, brushes, sandpaper.

Tip: in order to reduce dust and dirt during surface preparation, after cleaning the surface, it is recommended to use a vacuum cleaner.

If you want to learn more about the surface preparation process, we recommend watching the video in this article.


To date, there are several varieties of paints:

  • Water based paint. The base is presented in the form of an emulsion, which includes water and small particles of polymers. Such paint is easy to apply and after evaporation of water forms a thin and reliable film. In order to learn how to dilute water-based ceiling paint, it is enough to read and follow all the instructions indicated by the manufacturer on the package or in the instructions for the purchased product;
  • Cretaceous. This coating is made from water and chalk. Paint is one of the cheapest and most affordable. Despite the possibility of using this option, it has a lot of disadvantages, such as: the impossibility of removing dirt, the inability to wet clean the coating, fragility, loss of the original color, the appearance of cracks and irregularities;
  • Acrylic. Distinguished by its impeccable durability. The composition includes such components as: water and polymers, which, when mixed, form a fairly reliable and durable base, which, after solidification, has an excellent appearance and a uniform structure;
  • Latex. The composition of the coloring base for ceilings includes synthetic latex. The advantages of the composition include rapid application and drying of the surface. It will take no more than one hour for each layer to dry completely. Also, this paint has a smooth surface - a film that is easy to care for.

Photo materials and various options performance, will help you to get acquainted with the process of work and painting in more detail.

Important: if you do not know how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks, we recommend that you carefully read and follow the following step-by-step guide.

Instructions for painting without streaks

To carry out this work, we need the following materials and tools:

  • Roller with a long nap (see Roller for painting the ceiling: how to choose). A short pile is not suitable, because it is not able to collect a sufficient amount of coloring composition. Foam rubber devices during operation do not give a perfectly flat surface, form bubbles and streaks;
  • The roller tray is the right size. In such a tray, not only the mixing of paint will be carried out, but also the preliminary rolling of the roller. This is necessary so that stripes and irregularities do not form on the ceiling during work;
  • paint with necessary composition. by the most the best option will be acrylic based paint.

Important: before starting work, carefully read the tips and recommendations indicated by the manufacturer on the package with paint. Many manufacturers advise to dilute it a little before applying with water.

Ceiling painting, basic rules:

  1. Each layer must be of the same thickness, and the surface must be painted with the same paint, from the same manufacturer and of a strictly defined consistency;
  2. The ceiling must be painted with at least two or three coats;
  3. Each layer is applied perpendicular to the previous one. The last layer should be placed perpendicular to the window. This is necessary so that even if there are minor irregularities, they are invisible and lost behind the sun's rays;
  4. Each layer is painted at a time. It is impossible to start work and, without completing the layer, stop, because in the place where the paint has already dried, a noticeable and irremovable joint will appear with a fresh continuation;
  5. To evaluate the quality and evenness of the painting, it is necessary only at an angle;
  6. If you forgot to color small plot, and the paint is already partially dry, you can not paint it, as this will result in joints, streaks and irregularities. Leave this area for next time.

Tip: if you want to make a ceiling of a certain color, it is quite possible that you will have to mix the paint with a special building dye in a certain ratio - proportions, until the desired result is achieved. So that in the future you do not have to mix and match this color again, we recommend mixing immediately at the first stage required amount paints for painting the entire surface of the ceiling, and in the right number of layers.

What to do if stains and stripes still appear?

If, despite all your efforts and diligence, stains and stripes on the ceiling appear as a result of painting and they are very noticeable, we recommend that you do the whole process again. This will require Sander, which needs to process the entire surface and, after repeated stripping, proceed to painting again.

Important: if you cannot achieve a perfectly even coating with your own efforts, we advise you to seek help from professionals or give preference to suspended ceilings. Suspended structures look even more stylish, modern, original, and are also distinguished by their durability and the ability to choose the design and color solution for advantageous combination with common style premises.

Tip: if the price of paint is important to you, choose cheaper water-based and chalk formulations. Despite their budget, they are also suitable for painting.

If, before painting the ceiling, you familiarize yourself with the technology of surface preparation, as well as choose a high-quality coloring base, you will surely be able to do all this work yourself, and the end result will look neat and professional.

Modern water-based materials can be used for painting any surfaces, including in rooms with high humidity, where previously only oil paints could be used.

To obtain an even structure, it is necessary to qualitatively prepare the surface, for which the following steps are performed:

  1. Whitewash or old paint is removed. Before cleaning the surface of old materials with a spatula, it is necessary to process the ceiling twice hot water, after which the old paint is removed much easier;
  2. Water emulsion can also be applied on old paint, but before performing work, it is necessary to wipe the ceiling with a damp cloth to remove dust and fine dirt. However, it should be remembered that in this case it will not be possible to achieve a perfectly flat surface;
  3. After the ceiling is freed from old materials, small cracks and pits are puttied, large cracks should be glued with a special cloth and plastered;
  4. The prepared surface is leveled with special plaster compositions. Irregularities in the plaster are removed sandpaper;
  5. The final stage of preparation is the application of soil.

After the primer solution has dried, proceed to the main work.

Necessary tools and materials

High-quality application of water emulsion is impossible without special tools. To perform work in the kitchen, room, bathroom or toilet, purchase:

  • Roller with faux fur skin;
  • Flute brush. Required for painting the corners and the surface of the ceiling adjacent to the wall. The width of the brush should be from 7 to 10 cm;
  • Rectangular container with ribbed cuvette. It is used to place a single portion of the material and roll out the roller;
  • Mixer. Required for mixing water emulsion;
  • Paper tape. With it, you can protect the surface of the wall from material ingress during work;
  • Overalls. You will need a hat, glasses and a set of clothes.

If it is necessary to apply different colors to the wall surface, it is recommended to use different instruments for every shade.

Selection and preparation of water-based paint

There are several types of paint of this type. Their difference lies in the presence of the main substance, which determines the parameters of the use of this material.

  • Acrylic paints perfectly resist abrasion when washed, are odorless, suitable for painting almost all types of premises. The cost is average.
  • Latex paints are among the most expensive, but this disadvantage is covered by improved properties. Surfaces painted with latex materials can be treated using household chemicals.
  • Polyvinyl acetate paints are classified as inexpensive. Recommended only for dry rooms, do not use water for washing.
  • A water emulsion based on silicate compositions is recommended for application on plastered surfaces or concrete.
  • Silicone-based water emulsion is suitable for work in rooms with high humidity, as they have high vapor permeability.

Almost all of these paints are produced in two types: with the formation of a matte or glossy surface. To calculate how much paint is needed, you need to know the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling and the paint consumption indicated on the label.

Which roller to use

How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks? Here, first of all, you should carefully approach the choice of instrument. The simplest and most reliable device for obtaining an ideal ceiling surface is a roller. Next simple tips will help you decide which roller to paint the ceiling with water-based paint.

It is advisable to select a tool with a long handle, which allows you to work without using a ladder. The fastening of the device must be reliable so that when applying force, the tool does not change its position.

There are many types of roller skins, but it is recommended to use only faux fur skins for painting the ceiling (pile length from 10 to 12 mm). The skin should sit tightly on the base, and the junction should not stand out, and it is good when it is done tangentially.


Painting the ceiling with water-based paint begins with the application of primer to a previously prepared surface. Many people ignore this mandatory process, which leads to uneven coverage and streaks.

The primer allows you to improve the adhesion of the water-based emulsion to the plastered surface, as a result, the appearance of bubbles, microcracks, streaks and mold can be avoided. Such preparation also increases the duration of the preservation of the appearance of the ceiling after painting.

It is necessary to prime the surface with special compounds (primers), which are selected based on the composition of the water emulsion. Yes, for acrylic paint use acrylic primer, for silicone - silicone.

On concrete surface at least three layers of soil are applied, and for plastered ceilings it will be enough to walk over the surface twice.

If special formulations are absent, for the preparation of a primer, you can use the water-based emulsion itself. To do this, it is required to dilute the material in proportion: water emulsion - 1 part, water - 2 parts.

Coloring instructions

There are several ways to whitewash the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks; various tools are used for this purpose.

Coloring with a roller

You can get excellent coloring of the ceiling using a roller. This option is quite economical, while even a beginner can cope with the whole process. It is enough to adhere to the following tips, which explain how to step by step paint with this tool:

  1. Before painting, the room is prepared for work. It is advisable to glue the wall at the junction with the ceiling with paper tape so that the water emulsion does not fall on the wall;
  2. Items in the room should be covered with paper or film;
  3. Mix the material thoroughly, especially if a color dye is added to the white base;
  4. For the initial layer, a material of a thicker consistency is prepared than for subsequent layers;
  5. If small particles are found during mixing, you will have to strain the entire volume of paint through cheesecloth so that the surface of the ceiling is flawless;
  6. A strip 8-10 cm wide is applied with a brush along the perimeter of the ceiling;
  7. The prepared material is poured into a container suitable for the size of the roller. For rolling, a piece of flat plywood is used, but it is more efficient to use special containers equipped with a ribbed cuvette, which allow the tool to be evenly impregnated with paint;
  8. Coloring is carried out from the corner in strips of 40-50 cm wide. The initial layer is applied parallel to the window, the subsequent perpendicular. When working, maintain an inclination angle of 45 degrees. The painting of the next strip is carried out with an overlap on the previous one (about 100 mm is captured);
  9. It is necessary to take into account the drying time of the material (up to 20 minutes), so the entire amount of work should be done quickly, without being distracted by rest;
  10. The quality of the painting can be checked in good light, and if there is not enough daylight, a powerful flashlight is used;
  11. Each new layer can be applied only after the previous one has completely dried, usually not earlier than 12 hours after completion of work;
  12. Irregularities are sanded with fine-grained sandpaper, after which another leveling layer of paint is applied.

Painting in 2 layers.
Painting in 3 layers.

Spray painting

Using a paint sprayer allows you to get even painting of the ceiling, while the worker makes a minimum of effort. The disadvantages of this technology include rather high requirements for the power of the spray gun or spray gun.

The apparatus for spraying water-based paint must have a special compressor that is able to create the necessary pressure to force a rather thick liquid through the nozzle.

How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint using an airbrush correctly:

  1. To facilitate this process, dilution of water emulsion with water is often used. The water emulsion should be diluted in a ratio of one to one, as a result of which, to obtain beautiful coverage you will need to apply at least three layers of more liquid paint;
  2. Before starting work, it is recommended to adjust the sprayer on an unnecessary flat surface (a piece of plywood or drywall) in order to achieve the required coverage;
  3. The noticeable boundaries of the joining layers should be rubbed with fine sandpaper so that this defect is eliminated when applying the second layer;
  4. Spraying of paint is carried out at a distance of 50-55 cm from the surface to be painted, it is desirable to maintain a perpendicular inclination of the nozzle to the ceiling;
  5. The material is applied in squares, covering the surface first along, then across. Move on to the next section without delay to prevent excessive accumulation of material in one place. It is better not to completely paint over the area, since this drawback can be eliminated by closing the marriage with the following layers, and the thick layer will have to be cleaned and the entire volume redone.

Coloring with a brush

It is possible to paint the ceiling using a brush, but the result will certainly be disappointing. It will not be possible to avoid stains and uneven coloring of the surface.

Repairs made with a brush are possible in non-residential areas, such as pantries, but you will have to put up with increased paint consumption, since drops of material, even with the most careful control, will drain from the tool to the floor.

How to avoid divorce

Obtaining an ideal ceiling structure when painting is achieved not only correct technique performing the actual application of the material to the surface, but also the preliminary preparation of the room. You need to do the following:

  • Turn off the heating or isolate the radiators by wrapping them with a dense material.
  • Close all windows to prevent drafts.
  • Good lighting should be organized to control the quality of work.

When painting with a roller, it is required to be at an angle of 45 degrees to the surface of the ceiling. This position allows you to control the uniformity of the application of the material. Each next strip should be slightly (up to 10 cm) on the previous strip, while the time between applying the first and second strip should not exceed 20 minutes. If you apply the material on a dried surface, the border will be visible.

The mistakes made are corrected with fine-grained sandpaper, after which the final coat of paint is applied.

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To paint the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks, you need to know some of the nuances and rules. The choice of materials and tools is also important.

Today, paints are widely used to finish the ceiling in apartments. The popularity of this material lies in the fact that it is highly resistant to action. external factors. Painted ceiling lends itself easily wet cleaning. Painting a ceiling is just as easy as whitewashing. Today we will look at how to properly paint or how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks.

Before proceeding with the direct finishing, it is necessary to select the material. When choosing it, you should pay attention to the microclimate of the room in which it will be used. This will create a strong and durable coating.

The most common option is water-based paints. They are best suited for finishing living rooms. The reason for this popularity is that water is used as a solvent. And this means that when painting and drying the coating, harmful fumes will not be released into the air. Also, water-based paints dry very quickly. So, the surface will be ready within a day after staining.

As for the choice, today on the market you can find several types of water-based paint:

  • silicate. The basis is silicate glue. They have a low cost and are ideal for painting damp rooms. The only drawback is the instability to abrasion. The finish is not suitable for cleaning with water.
  • . Compared with the previous material, they have a higher resistance to abrasion. But, they are not adapted to cleaning with water. Finishing coating does not resist well high humidity. So, even splashes of water can leave traces that violate the aesthetics of the coating.
  • Mineral. The composition of the substance contains cement or lime. Often used for finishing brick and concrete structures. The only drawback is the fragility. The cover will need to be updated periodically.
  • Acrylic. The substance based on acrylic resins is very resistant to abrasion, as well as temperature extremes and high humidity. Therefore, experts recommend using this option for finishing the ceiling in rooms such as bathrooms and kitchens.
  • Silicone. Paint based on silicone resin. It can be used to hide small cracks. Ideal for wet areas. Easy to apply and highly resistant to negative factors environment. The only drawback is the high cost.

As you can see, there is a wide range of such products on the market today. finishing material. Therefore, the choice must be approached very carefully.

Choosing a tool

High-quality painting means uniform application of paint to the structure. And to do this, you need to choose the right tool. So, what tools will you need for coloring:

  • Wide cushion. It is best to opt for cloth products that have a long handle and middle length pile. Used to finish the main area.
  • A small, long-haired roller or brush. Used for painting hard-to-reach places.
  • Paint tray.
  • A piece of wallpaper. It is used in order to evenly distribute the composition on the roller.

This set of tools is enough to carry out high-quality painting of the ceiling. water-based composition. Now you can start preparing the surface and the room for finishing.

Incorrectly used tools and materials can reduce quality finishing works. Therefore, their choice must be approached very carefully. Here you need to take into account many factors, ranging from the quality of the material and ending with the characteristics of the microclimate in a particular room.

Surface preparation

Before proceeding with the decoration, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface itself and the room. Remove all furniture from the room. Large items, such as a cabinet, are installed in the center. The space must be organized so that there are no obstacles to the work.

It is advisable to cover the objects that remained in the room, the floor and walls with a film. In the future, this will save you from thorough cleaning after painting. Now you can proceed to the direct preparation of the surface. The preparation process is carried out as follows:

  • The ceiling is thoroughly cleaned of the old coating. If we are talking about the elimination of whitewash, then it can be defeated plain water. Old finish must be carefully removed. This will provide high-quality application new finish.
  • The surface is leveled with putty. Before applying putty, the surface must be treated with a primer solution. This will provide secure fastening putties. After that, you need to carry out grinding.

Painting can only be done after the surface has dried.

Preparation for painting

Paint application technology

To paint the ceiling with streak-free water-based paint roller0430, you must follow some rules. The first layer is applied liquid paint. This allows you to achieve maximum adhesion of the substance to the ceiling surface. The roller is moistened in the tray and carefully rolled along the edge to eliminate excess material. You can also use a prepared piece of wallpaper for this.

Painting must start from the corner and move along the wall. A small roller with a long pile is used under the wall. The main area will be covered with a large roller with medium pile. To facilitate the work, it is better to give preference to a tool with an elongated handle.

Layers must be applied parallel to each other. In this case, the overlap should be no more than 5 cm. To avoid the formation of streaks, the application of the material should be carried out in one direction. When the first coat has been applied, the surface must be inspected under different angles. This will allow you to identify unshaded areas.

These areas need to be repainted. In this case, the movements should be slow and coincide with the previous direction. If the first layer is already dry, then do not paint over problem areas, because it will negatively affect appearance finishing coating. It is best to mark this place and pay more attention to it when applying the second layer.

The second layer is applied perpendicular to the first. And this should be done only when it is completely dry. If you apply a second coat on a dry surface, this will lead to the formation of streaks. To know exactly when you can start finishing staining, you need to study the instructions on the jar with the substance. This indicates the time for its complete drying.

When carrying out painting work, it is worth considering the features of the paint substance. This applies in particular to the manufacturer of the material. So, high-quality paints can be applied only in two layers, and less high-quality paints can be applied three times. Compliance with the technology will ensure uniform and high-quality application of the finishing material.

Painting the ceiling is the most common way to repair it. But far from the easiest: to achieve a good result, you will have to spend a lot of time and take into account a few subtleties. The topic of our article is how to paint the ceiling without streaks and other defects.

Our goal - perfect ceiling. Material - water-based paint. Let's find out how to apply it correctly.

Surface preparation

Before opening a can of paint, it is worth preparing the room and the ceiling itself(cm. ).

Preparing the room will come down to taking out what can be taken out and covering everything else. The ideal material to protect against paint drips is polyethylene film. But with the preparation of the surface of the ceiling, the hassle will be much more:

  • Let's start by removing the peeling plaster. In addition, if the ceiling is affected by a fungus, all darkened areas of the plaster must be cleaned to concrete base. For this operation, we will arm ourselves with a steel spatula.

Tip: First, use a sprayer or roller to wet the ceiling in the right places. There will be much less dust, and the plaster will come off easier.

  • All areas affected by the fungus are treated with an antiseptic primer.. If the room is damp, it is better to play it safe and process the entire ceiling with it, since the cost of money and time is small.

By the way, any liquid containing chlorine can be used to destroy the fungus. For example, domestic detergent White. However, unlike a special primer, it will not provide long-term protection against mold (see).

  • After the ceiling has dried, it's time for a penetrating primer. It will strengthen the surface and improve the adhesion of putty to it (see).
  • All irregularities are carefully puttied with a starting putty. After drying, it is polished with a coarse sanding mesh. You can do it manually; however, a grinder will greatly speed up the procedure.

  • The next stage is the final puttying of the entire surface. It is better to apply it in two as thin layers as possible with the complete drying of each; tool - a wide steel spatula. Then - fine grinding with a fine mesh or sandpaper.
  • After this stage, the surface is re-primed (see). Apart from again maximum strength surfaces and better adhesion paint, primer will reduce its consumption. Do not doubt the economic background of this operation: the primer is much cheaper than high-quality paint.

The surface is in perfect condition and completely ready for painting. However, stripes during painting appear not only because of the unevenness of its surface.


Tools and materials

  • roller. We need a long pile. The short one will not pick up enough paint; foam roller will give bubbles.
  • Paint tray. It will evenly saturate the roller with paint. In addition, painting without streaks requires the obligatory rolling of the roller. Moreover, it is absolutely impossible to do this on the ceiling.

  • Dye. The best choice— water-based paint on acrylic-silicone basis. It is not afraid of moisture and allows you to wash the ceiling almost an unlimited number of times.

Please note: most manufacturers recommend diluting the paint with water by 10 percent of the volume before use. Don't forget to read the instructions.


So, the moment of truth. The ceiling is prepared, all dirty items are removed from the room, the paint is opened, diluted and poured into the paint tray. How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks?

  • The ceiling is painted in at least two layers. In addition, each layer should be as thin as possible. Of course, this implies a well-defined paint consistency.
  • Layers are applied perpendicular to each other. At the same time, it is desirable that last layer lay down away from the window. Even if there are minor irregularities, they will be parallel to the sun's rays and will be less noticeable.

  • The whole room is painted in one step. No breaks for lunch or smoke breaks. If the paint on the painted part of the ceiling has time to dry, then where fresh paint lies on it, an influx will be noticeable.
  • The easiest way to control the uniformity of the color is to take a couple of steps away from where you are painting. At a right angle, the quality of the paint application is difficult to assess, at an oblique angle it is much easier.
  • If you notice an unpainted area when applying the first layer when the paint of the layer has already begun to dry out, do not try to tint the ceiling. You will only make it worse. The reason has already been mentioned: there will be extra layers of paint on top of the drying one.

The correct solution is to wait for the first layer to dry completely and then apply the second one. If necessary, you can add a third layer of painting, since paint consumption will be minimal.

  • What should I do if stripes appear on the ceiling due to some mistake? Touching up areas with a thin layer of paint is useless, isn't it? Alas, only grinding the surface with its re-coloring will help.

Wait for the last layer of paint to dry completely, arm yourself with a grinder - and into battle. By re-applying paint, you will have a very strong incentive not to repeat the mistakes you made.


Do not forget that since painting the ceiling without streaks is far from the only way and, as you can see, not the easiest, we can conclude that sometimes creating suspended structure requires much less time and effort.

First of all, this applies to situations where the overlap has large height differences or is far from the horizontal. Good luck with the repair!

Repairing the ceiling, or rather painting it, is a rather laborious process. After all, it is not so easy to paint the entire surface perfectly and evenly, that there were no streaks and various irregularities on it. And sometimes you really want to make a beautiful and even ceiling on your own, without resorting to the help of professionals.

But not everything is so bad, you just need to know the staining technology. In addition, in this case, you can not do without special tools and suitable paint. But everything is in order. So, let's figure out how to paint the ceiling evenly and without streaks.

The secrets of painting the ceiling without streaks, stripes and bumps

In order to perfectly and evenly paint the surface without streaks, stripes, spots and bumps, you need to know some of the nuances. But first you need to careful preparation the room in which the staining will be carried out. And choose a paint.

High-quality painting with water-based paint - how to do it

So, before you start painting the ceiling, you should deal with coloring material. What it should be and what you need to pay attention to when buying:

  1. Manufacturer. It is important to buy those paints that have already proven themselves well and are very popular among consumers. These include - CAPAROL, DUFA, CERESIT, TIKKURILA. However, they are expensive, but they justify their cost. Less expensive products include ŚNIEŻKA products;
  2. Paint type. Water-based paints are divided into three types - for walls, ceilings and floors. Their difference is that for floors and walls they are considered to be of better quality and last longer. But for ceilings, they are not so durable and are not designed for frequent washing, wiping and cleaning. But do not think that floor and wall paints are not suitable for ceiling surfaces. If the ceilings need to be constantly washed and wiped, it is best to use wall paint;
  3. The structure of the paint. The structure of this tool can be matte and glossy. If preliminary preparation is not planned to be carried out, it is better to use a matte product, it will hide all the irregularities. But glossy, on the contrary, will emphasize all defects, therefore, before staining, these types of products better ceiling pre-prepare;
  4. Colour. Here you can already choose according to your taste. Most water-based paints are available in white. They can be given a different color with pigments and special dyes.

Working on a whitewashed ceiling

When the paint is selected, the ceiling surface must be carefully prepared. If there is whitewash on it, then it should be cleaned off, but this must be done correctly. The main thing is to do everything in stages.

Ceiling cleaning should be carried out in accordance with the following rules and recommendations:

  • If there are cracks, irregularities on the ceiling, if whitewashing or old paint moves away from the surface, then everything should be cleaned with a spatula and remove the excess;
  • All defects, irregularities, cracks must be puttied, treated with sandpaper and a primer mixture;
  • If the ceiling is even and there are no defects and cracks on it, then it can simply be treated with a primer;
  • In order to remove whitewash from the surface, it must be wetted and wait until the liquid is absorbed. After that, remove everything with a spatula and wipe with a damp sponge;
  • All furniture must be covered with film or paper so that drops of paint do not get on them in the future;
  • It is advisable to also cover all walls and floors with a film.

Before you start painting, you should prepare in advance the tools that you will need:

  1. Paint roller. A tool with a length of 18 cm to 25 cm is best suited. It is desirable that the pile be medium - not too long and not too short;
  2. Cuvette painting with corrugated bottom;
  3. Sandpaper for sanding the surface;
  4. Metal spatula;
  5. Scotch masking;
  6. Cellophane film;
  7. Goggles.

Also, in order to reach hard-to-reach places, you will need a stepladder or a sliding long handle for a roller.

  • Before you start painting the ceiling, treat the entire surface with a primer;
  • If you suddenly need to make the ceiling colored, then during the preparation of colored paint, be sure to observe the proportions. It is necessary to accurately calculate the required amount of paint and dilute the dye or pigment in it. If the proportions are not observed exactly, then during subsequent preparation you can make a mistake with the shade and as a result, the color of the paint may turn out to be completely different. Therefore, it is best to do it with a margin;
  • You need to apply paint in several layers. If it is applied in only one layer, then all the bumps and streaks will be visible. The most even effect is obtained only from the second or third layer;
  • For painting, you can use the spray gun. This device is easy and simple to use, and the coloring will turn out even almost the first time. However, this tool is very expensive;
  • The best option for painting is a roller. With it, you can evenly paint the entire surface. But with the help of it it is impossible to paint the seams or joints. A small paint brush will work for this.

Painting - stages

Now consider the rules for even coloring and without streaks:

  • First of all, we prepare the paint, it must be well mixed until smooth;
  • To color the first layer, add a small amount of water to the paint;
  • Remember that painting should be done from the windows and deep into the room. Also, staining should be done from two layers - one across the daylight, the other along;
  • Next, we dip the roller into a cuvette and roll it several times so that it is saturated with paint;
  • During staining, movements should be confident and even, without jerks and yeast;
  • Make sure that the roller does not dry out from the paint, otherwise there will be stripes and stains;
  • After the first layer of staining is completed, leave it for 8-12 hours so that the layer is completely dry;
  • Once the layer dries, you can start painting the second layer. Work should start from the far corner, and you need to paint perpendicular to the previous layer.

What paint to choose

When buying paint, many people have the question of which paint is best used for painting ceilings, or rather, which manufacturer is the best. Let's have a little comparative review manufacturers of water-based paints.

Overview of the top 10 paint manufacturers and their comparison

- this paint Polish manufacturer. This tool is quite popular and is in great demand among many builders and consumers.

It has the following qualities:

  • Good level of security;
  • Long service life;
  • Perfect coverage of the entire surface;
  • Good vapor permeability.

For ceilings, acrylic and water-based products are available. Suitable for concrete, wood, plasterboard and plastered surfaces. There are also special mixtures with primer additives that ideally paint over joints and seams. The cost of paints of the company "Snezhka" is different. Most a budget option will cost from 980 rubles for 10 liters;

dulux paint.
These products have a good structure: they are not viscous, they are applied quickly and evenly. In addition, they do not have sharp unpleasant odors and dry quickly.

It has the following benefits:

  • High level of security;
  • Easy and simple application;
  • Fast drying;
  • You can further clean the ceiling from pollution;
  • Long service life;
  • Uniform coverage of the entire surface.

The cost of paint for 5 liters is from 800 rubles.

This tool is suitable for any surface - concrete, wood, plasterboard, plastered. It is applied in a fairly thin layer and completely hides all defects. It also perfectly protects against mold and moisture, so it is suitable for painting in the bathroom. Dries quickly in 8 hours and has no bad smell.

The cost of paint for 5 liters starts from 700 rubles and above;

These funds are produced in Russia. They are suitable for any surface - for wood, concrete, drywall, whitewash, plaster and so on. Doesn't have strong odors harmful effects health and high safety. Suitable for dry and wet areas.

The cost of paint starts from 1300 rubles for 9 liters;

This tool is one of the best, and has many positive reviews.

It has the following advantages:

  • High level of vapor permeability;
  • The composition does not contain solvents;
  • Easy to apply;
  • Long service life;
  • Erasure resistance.

The cost of this product is high, the price of 10 liters of the product is 2500 rubles.

This product is suitable for all dry surfaces. Ideal for painting wood, concrete, drywall, plastered surfaces. It applies quickly, spreads easily and dries quickly. It does not have sharp and unpleasant odors.

The cost for 1 liter is from 70 rubles;

DUFAperfect option for painting ceiling surfaces. This tool even colors and does not leave streaks, stains. The range of these paints is very large, here you can find glossy, matte paints, as well as colored ones. Working with them is easy and simple. Suitable for wood, concrete, brick, drywall and so on.

The cost starts from 200 rubles per 1 liter;

This tool is available in white with a matte structure. Suitable for ceilings, walls and plov. Excellent adhesion to wood, concrete, drywall and plaster. Dries quickly and has no unpleasant smell. Suitable for dry rooms only.

The cost of 10 liters is 600 rubles;

is the best silicate paint for ceiling surfaces. These products are mainly intended for facade bases, but can be used for interior decoration. They adhere well to plasters. mineral type. The cost for 15 liters is 3300 rubles;

It has a good structure, after painting the ceilings look perfectly white and smooth. It also dries quickly, does not lose color over time, is odorless and is suitable for any surface. The cost of paint for 14 kg is 850 rubles.