Can the old regular wallpaper be painted. What paint can you paint paper wallpaper

Despite the large selection of various finishing materials on the shelves of hardware stores, wallpaper remains the most popular and demanded product for wall cladding.

But one and the same interior of a room quickly gets bored, and dismantling the old coating and gluing a new product are laborious and costly processes.

So that the wallpaper does not have to be changed often, many designers and experts in conducting finishing works Vinyl-based wallpaper is recommended. The question of whether it is possible to paint vinyl wallpapers, pops up by itself, and the answer is yes.

Vinyl wallpapers and their features

Paintable vinyl wallpaper is a reliable and versatile material that saves time on decorating and replacing cladding. Even 20 years ago, people re-pasted wallpaper in apartments almost every year. The reasons for this action could be different, someone was tired of the color, and someone accidentally smeared the coating, and all the work had to be done anew.

Since the wallpaper was mainly paper, it was often difficult both when covering the wall, and when dismantling them.

The material is easily glued to the wall and lends itself to painting

With the advent of vinyl wallpaper, the difficulty in conducting installation works disappeared, since the material is easily glued to the wall and can be easily dismantled from the surface.

Many manufacturers immediately began to create not only wallpaper with a pattern on a vinyl base, but also for painting. Initially, people did not have confidence in this product, and the question of whether it is possible to paint vinyl wallpaper was often asked in all hardware stores.

After a while, all the distrust in vinyl roll products disappeared, since the material has established itself with better side how reliable quality product with a long operating period.

They are a two-layer or three-layer material. The bottom layer is usually thick paper or non-woven, and the top is polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The middle layer is a masking layer, thanks to which all surface irregularities are hidden. You can see a visual image of the composition of vinyl wallpaper in the diagram below.

Today, professionals in finishing work distinguish 3 types of vinyl wallpaper:

  1. Foamed. Excellent thick roll material, which helps to remove from the human eye all the irregularities of the wall covering and various surface defects. This cover can be either plain or embossed, have a preliminary color, or be white or beige (for painting). Foamed wallpaper is susceptible to mechanical damage due to its structure (a large layer of PVC), therefore additional surface coloring will not only impart the new kind product, but also protects it from various scratches and contacts with any objects, creating protective layer.
  2. Kitchen wallpaper. Wall products designed for the kitchen have a high density, average thickness and a low surface relief, since the material often gets dirty and needs constant care. The surface of kitchen vinyl wallpaper can be washed with water to remove all stains. If it was not possible to clean up some stained places, the coating can be repainted. Any paint intended for interior decoration, easily fits on this type of wallpaper.
  3. Flat wallpaper. Only this type of wall material from the entire range of vinyl products is not intended for painting. Since it is often decorated with ornaments different colors, and if you paint the wallpaper in one tone, the whole type of product can deteriorate.

All types of vinyl flooring, despite their distinctive features have common characteristics.

Characteristics of vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpaper is resistant to mechanical damage

Every interested person will ask the question: "How can such different types of coatings have the same characteristics in common?", But this is really so. Since different types of vinyl wallpaper are created by changing the thickness of the layers and the shape of the outer PVC surface, the composition of the material does not change.

Vinyl wallpaper has the following characteristics:

  • the excellent density of the material allows people who are unfamiliar with this process to stick the product, since the wallpaper is not easy enough to tear and damage;
  • are not afraid of mechanical damage (except for foamed wallpaper without color);
  • a huge selection of products with different relief;
  • wallpaper does not fade in the sun, like paper;
  • good moisture resistance. For more information on material properties, see this video:

Vinyl wallpaper is not without its drawbacks. One, but a significant flaw is the non-conduction of air by the product, therefore, if you do not pre-treat the walls with an antiseptic composition or use non-specialized glue, then mold will appear under the wallpaper on the wall.

Wallpaper painting and material selection

Use water-based, acrylic or latex compounds for painting

Before painting the vinyl wallpaper already glued to the surface, you need to take care of the material and tool with which this action will be performed.

To apply color to the surface, you will need a brush and a special painting container - "trough", where paint is poured in a small amount to get the roller wet.

Paint for vinyl wallpaper can have a different composition, each type of coating has its own specific advantages. For painting vinyl wallpaper, you can use:, latex and acrylic paint.

If there are children in your room, it is better to use water-based paints, which give a matte effect to the surface on which handprints do not remain. The use of latex and acrylic paints, suitable for large rooms. These paints dry quickly and give a glossy surface effect.

Face painting can be done by everyone

Today, there are 2 popular options for dyeing vinyl wallpaper.

The traditional method is face painting, which every owner can do. If the wallpaper is painted for the first time, then two layers of products should be applied at once, in further use one painting will be enough.

Method 2 will seem unusual to many, but this method of applying paint is often used specifically for vinyl wallpaper. Its feature is the application of the composition on the reverse side. This action is possible due to the excellent absorbent qualities of the first non-woven layer. This action will create a uniform, blurry, not saturated color.

It can be produced from 5 to 10 times, depending on the recommendations of the manufacturers. It is customary to apply paint on the wallpaper with a roller, and only in hard-to-reach places should a brush be used. For more information on the secrets of the process, see this video:

Do not forget that specialized vinyl-based paintable wallpaper is cheaper than flat vinyl wallpaper with colored ornaments. They are usually wider and require additional paint and tooling costs.

From the above material, each person can draw conclusions for himself which vinyl wallpaper can and should be painted, and which is not worth it. But nothing is impossible, there are craftsmen who repaint flat vinyl wallpaper, peeling off the top color from colored ornaments, re-coloring them with a brush in a different color, but this process is very laborious, and the result is not always pleasing to the eye.

Water-based paint has many advantages: low cost, ease of use, environmental safety and the possibility of self-tinting. Hence her wide use in home renovation.

We minimize labor costs

Let's say you don't want to use wallpaper for the sake of variety, but paint the wall. Many are kept from such experiments by the need to tear off old wallpaper, which can sit quite well. Can I paint the wallpaper water-based paint, thereby saving your own strength?

One of the advantages of water-based paint is that it can be used directly on the wallpaper. The paper is well impregnated with water, which ensures reliable adhesion of paint to the surface and a high-quality result.

This, by the way, allows you not to worry too much about whether the paint will fit well on the surface of the wall - it fits perfectly on the paper.


Of course, there are some subtleties, and they concern not only how to paint wallpaper with water-based paint, but also the state of the wallpaper itself:

  1. The wallpaper should fit securely. If they fall off, then nothing will stop them from falling off along with the paint.
  2. The presence of wallpaper does not deprive you of the opportunity to eliminate the identified defects with a primer or even plaster.
  3. For old wallpaper, you will have to apply more layers of paint (not 2, as on average, but 3 or 4). Water-based paint conveys the texture of the surface well, therefore, defects and abrasions of the wallpaper can appear through the coating. Extra layers will help you avoid this.
  4. The wallpaper must be completely free of any contamination.

Operating procedure

Let's figure out how to paint the wallpaper with water-based paint:

  • Premises preparation. Remove any excess, cover the floor with plastic or newspapers, and open the windows.
  • Surface cleaning is one of critical milestones... Any interference between ink and paper will impair adhesion and result in an uneven and unreliable finish. In this case, cleaning must be carried out using "dry" methods, otherwise the wallpaper can be rendered unusable, and you will have to tear them off.
  • Preparation of paint is carried out in the same way as when working on other surfaces. Paper absorbs well water-based formulations so the paint for the first coat can be made slightly thinner than usual. Thanks to this, the first layer is reliably absorbed, and the subsequent ones will be easier to apply.

  • It is advisable to start painting from the top corner (the least convenient one). The paint should be applied in a top-down motion, regardless of whether you are using a roller or brush. This will allow better control of smudges.
  • It is most convenient to apply the paint in parallel stripes with some overlap.
  • After completing the first coat, let the paint dry, and apply the second in the same way, only in a different direction (either bottom-up, or sideways). This time, it is worth making the paint a little thicker in order to reduce its spreading and the likelihood of streaks.

Having figured out how to paint wallpaper with water-based paint, you can change appearance premises beyond recognition without unnecessary work.

Wallpaper type

Before you start painting old wallpaper, you need to determine their type:

  1. Simple paper. They require preliminary treatment with a water-repellent mixture, and only after that staining with a small amount of paint is allowed, otherwise the wallpaper will rise.
  2. Waterproof and dense. It is allowed to paint immediately.
  3. Vinyl, non-woven, fiberglass. Do not require pre-primer are painted immediately.

What kind of paint is better to take?

If you decide to paint non-woven paper-type wallpaper with a convex curly pattern, you should choose a dye on water based, which contains binders (organic and inorganic). Acrylic paints are widely used, which have a number of positive properties: indelible quality of the surface layer, water resistance, a wide range of colors. If you want to choose a material budget option, it is permissible to take an emulsion composition based on PVA. It is worth considering that a cheap dye does not match the quality, accumulates steam, the palette of shades is minimal.

Tips: Latex suspension in the composition of binders adheres well to curly wallpaper. With this composition, you can safely paint paper or duplex wallpaper. After its application, the canvas acquires a gloss, does not fade in the sun, but, in comparison with acrylic, it is erased faster.

The best option for painting paper wallpaper is a water-based paint. This kind of mixture is suitable for coloring children's rooms, as it does not contain harmful components, being an environmentally friendly product. This dye dries up within an hour. In the process painting works water dispersion paint does not emit a toxic odor.

Choosing a water-based paint

Water-dispersive coloring matter is different. There are three main types: latex, adhesive and acrylic.

The choice of painting decor

Front renovation works, you should think about the variety of shade and pattern. Among the painting options you can consider:

  • color combination;
  • mixing colors;
  • stencil drawing or pattern.

Creative ideas will help create an unusual, unique and original interior at home. It is convenient to use scotch tape to separate strips of wallpaper before painting.

Painting process

Before starting repairs, you should remove furniture and rugs from the room, so as not to stain them with paint, which will be problematic to get rid of. It is necessary to isolate the sockets in the room, use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust particles from the surface of the embossed pattern on the wallpaper. If there are peeled corners of the wallpaper, they need to be glued or cut off. Next, we prime the surface - an important factor in protecting the canvas from the penetration of paint into the structure.

Tip: The primer will give the wallpaper strength and reduce wear and tear.

After the soil composition has completely dried, you can start painting the walls. To apply the paint evenly, you need to prepare a paint roller with a soft bristle. Take a plastic bath under the paint. A bucket or bowl will not work, as after taking the paint with a roller, drips will remain on the wall

For painting corner walls a wide brush is used. To get a rich color or combined shades, you need to add a couple of drops of color to the overall composition of the emulsion. The strokes are applied to the wall in any direction, the main thing is that the layer is proper, without gaps and differences in shades. We draw with a roller or a wide brush from left to right, heading from the ceiling to the floor. Each subsequent stroke should run a few centimeters of the previous one.

As the paint applied to the roller smears, you should walk over the previous area to remove excess drips. Applying one coat of paint to the wall is unlikely to be enough: after the first application, you need to wait a while and repeat the painting procedure.

The paint must be uniform so that old color did not show through the new layer, otherwise the appearance of the wall will be spoiled. Dilute the coloring composition with water, if required by the instructions, mix until smooth.

Tip: Apply emulsion perpendicular to previous strokes.

To avoid stains of different colors, paint should be quickly and evenly distributed over the area. It is better to paint the walls in parts so that it does not dry out and the transitions are visible. Re-staining is possible after 2-4 hours.

You can check the painted surface for gaps using a directional light source (lamp) on the wall. Drying of paint occurs during the day, but it depends on the air temperature and moisture in the room.

To evenly coat the non-woven wallpaper with the coloring agent, start painting with outside... If there is an embossed pattern, several layers of paint should be applied from the wrong side to obtain a richer color. With this application, the canvas will be impregnated, the background will acquire the required shade. Thin vinyl wallpaper is not suitable for painting. If they are on a non-woven base, it will be difficult to paint them.

Paper canvases are suitable for coloring with any composition. In this case, the surface primer will be insufficient; it will be necessary to pre-treat it with water-repellent agents.

Tip: The base for wallpaper paint must be water-repellent.

If the walls in the room are covered with ordinary wallpaper that wrinkles after applying a primer, it is better to refuse the process of painting the wallpaper. If painting is done for the first time, so as not to waste the paint and ruin the paper covering, it is better to invite a painter.

Any paint put on the market is accompanied by instructions that should guide you during the dilution process to paint wallpaper on paper backing... Non-woven fabrics can withstand up to 10 stains. The paper-type material may deform even after the first repainting. Wallpaper on foamed vinyl will not take the coloring composition due to the repulsive reaction of the material. As a result, it turns out that you can paint the old paper-type roll wallpaper, the main thing is to purchase a high-quality coloring composition, a terry roller, a primer and a water-repellent agent, and everything will certainly work out.

Materials and tools for work

In order for the work to be done efficiently and with desired result, it is necessary to prepare everything in advance, according to the following list:

      1. Paint rollers of various widths and structures. It is much faster to paint the surface with rollers than with brushes. Woolen or mohair is the best choice. Foam roller not desirable, as it can slip on the surface of the wallpaper and leave a shiny mark after itself when the paint dries. Rollers with pile, before starting painting works, it is necessary to soak for 1-2 hours in cold water to soften and even out the villi. Before using the roller, squeeze it well and dry it.
      2. Paint brushes (wide, medium and narrow). Where it is not possible to cope with a roller, brushes are used. The length of the hairs of the brushes, like the length of the pile of the rollers, must be chosen taking into account the depth of the relief decorative coating wallpaper. The deeper the surface relief of the wallpaper, the longer the pile and hairs of the prepared tools should be.
      3. Vacuum cleaner, brushes, sponge. All this will be needed when preparing the surface of the wallpaper for painting.
      4. Paint mixing tool. A construction mixer, a drill with a special attachment, or you can use just a smooth rail, etc.
      5. A container for mixing paint and a paint bath. If there is no paint bath, then it can be replaced with any other suitable container. Place in this container a metal mesh or a piece of steel plate, you can plywood, with holes made in it in a checkerboard pattern (you get a mesh with a mesh diameter of 12 mm and a distance of 25 mm between them). After the roller is dipped into the paint, it is necessary to roll it several times on this grid to remove excess paint.

      6. Masking tape. It will be needed to prevent inadvertent staining of baseboards, electrical outlets and switches, etc.
      7. Plastic wrap or thick paper. It will be needed in order to cover areas of the floor and other coatings that need to be protected from paint.
      8. Ladder. For painting wallpaper on the ceiling, if present, and on the top of the walls.
      9. Water-repellent coating. It is necessary to protect the paper structure of the wallpaper from getting wet, and as a consequence of this, possible damage and separation from the wall surface.
      10. Dye.
      11. If necessary, color for paint. Color is necessary if you want to give the paint a certain shade. colors... You can choose the shades yourself, or you can pick it up in the store with the help of a specialist with a special device.
      12. Small container (about 100 ml) for preparing a test coloring composition from paint and color.

Choosing paint for paper wallpaper

When choosing a paint, consider the following:

  1. The paint can be of different light properties (matte, satin, glossy and mixed properties). It is necessary to choose a paint taking into account the type of wallpaper surface, illumination and the purpose of the room. To do this, you need to remember that gloss paint- will emphasize the existing flaws of the walls, and they will become more noticeable. Therefore, glossy paint is suitable for rooms with dark, dim lighting. Semi-gloss paint - has good reflectivity. Matte paint - masks surface defects, since it has no gloss and can be used in large rooms... Semi-matte paint - has a slight gloss and washes slight irregularities walls, it fits well into the sleeping area. Satin paint - has a smooth structure, increased wear resistance and durability. Satin paint can be used in any room, according to purpose and illumination.
  2. Will this paint give the painted surface such properties as moisture resistance (the ability to wash wallpaper), resistance to artificial light or direct sunlight, protection from mechanical stress and other necessary properties.
  3. The time required for one coat of paint to dry completely.
  4. Transparency (hiding power). If the wallpaper is of a bright color (or is already painted with bright paint), then you need to know whether the new paint will completely cover this color or the old shade will shine through it.
  5. What is the base of the paint. There are alkyd, waterborne or latex and acrylic paints. Paint on any basis is suitable for paper wallpaper. Alkyd paint creates on the painted surface protective film... This film imparts moisture resistance and resistance to mechanical stress. However, if the surface of the wallpaper is not smooth, but embossed, then this film will cover the relief and it will smooth out, which will not allow the wallpaper to "breathe". Alkyd based paint is not environmentally friendly. Part alkyd paints includes toxic oils and resins, so it is better to choose such a paint for non-residential premises. For residential premises, paints with a water-dispersion composition are best suited (water-based paint and its more resistant to various kinds of influences, the variety is acrylic). These water based paints are odorless, quick drying and environmentally friendly. In addition, acrylic paint creates a protective layer on the surface to be painted, which is well resistant to moisture, direct sunlight, temperature extremes and mechanical stress.

Preparing to paint wallpaper

Before painting walls with paper wallpaper, it is necessary to prepare the surfaces and perform other necessary actions:

  1. Remove any items and furniture that will interfere with your work. Cover the floor and those coatings that the paint should not get on with plastic wrap or other prepared material for this. Secure the foil with masking tape.
  2. Cover the baseboards, electrical outlets, switches and other necessary objects, devices and connectors with masking tape.
  3. Clean the surface of the wallpaper from dust, cobwebs and other dirt. To do this, use a vacuum cleaner, dry brushes and a sponge.
  4. Close all windows and vents in the room, turn off air conditioners and ventilation. Avoid drafts and temperature drops. Moistened wallpaper may detach from the wall surface or form air bubbles underneath.
  5. Apply a water-repellent coating to the surface of the wallpaper. Use paint rollers and brushes for this. In hard-to-reach places, use narrow paint rollers for corners and joints, and paint brushes.
  6. Dry the wallpaper until it is completely dry (the drying time should be indicated in the instructions for use of the water-repellent coating). It is better to withstand before painting, after applying the water-repellent compound, for at least 24 hours.
  7. After the wallpaper is fully prepared for painting, start preparing the paint itself. Pour the paint into a prepared container. Stir the paint with the tool prepared for this until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  8. Tint the paint.

Tinting paint

You can tint the paint yourself. To do this, first mix the color with paint in a small container (about 100 ml) until the color is uniform. Add the color little by little (literally, drop by drop, you can use a medical syringe) until you get the desired shade. Record the number of drops. Apply paint for testing to the part of the wall that you determine to be suitable for this purpose. Try on an area of ​​wallpaper where there is basic lighting for this room (artificial or natural). After the paint has dried, evaluate the result. When tinting the main composition of the paint, keep in mind that its color on the wall surface will be brighter than in the container. Use your notes to calculate the number of colors. If for the preparation of the test composition you added 10 drops of color per 100 ml of paint, then for the main coloring composition on the entire wall it is necessary to reduce this amount by 20%. That is, for 1000 ml of paint, not 100 drops of color, but only 80.

Now everything is ready and you can start painting the wallpaper.

Painting wallpaper

Painting the wallpaper as the final stage must be done with great responsibility and care. For best results, follow these tips and procedures:

  1. Start painting the wallpaper from the areas that will be behind furniture or other furnishings. Thus, you will fill your hand and once again make sure of the correct color shade and successful tinting of the paint.
  2. Pre-paint with brushes in areas where it is impossible to apply paint with a roller. Using paint brushes, blend the paint well until the desired layer and shade is formed. After that, proceed to paint with a roller.
  3. It is best to paint wallpaper from top to bottom or from ceiling to floor. Otherwise, the paint may drip onto the already painted surface, thereby spoiling the result. If wallpaper is also present on the ceiling, then the wallpaper is painted there first.
  4. Use a paint roller and paint tray to apply paint, making sure to apply even thin layers. Remove excess paint from the roller by rolling, several times, along the mesh of the bath, before applying it to the surface of the wallpaper.
  5. The movement of the roller along the wall should be from top to bottom and then from bottom to top.
  6. Paint strokes must be applied so that each subsequent stroke overlaps the previous one by 2-3 cm. On a smooth surface, the paint must be shaded more carefully so that no visible defects remain.
  7. On the ceiling, paint should be applied in the direction of the light rays. If two or more layers of paint are applied, the directions of application of the layers should be perpendicular to each other.
  8. In hard-to-reach places (corners, window and door openings, etc.), use paint brushes of various widths and rollers for corners and joints prepared for applying paint.
  9. Paint in several layers, depending on the desired effect. At least paint on paper wallpaper should be applied in two layers.
  10. After applying each layer of paint, it must dry for at least 4 hours. Then you can apply the next layer.
  11. Painting can be considered complete after last layer the paint has dried completely, and you are convinced of the achievement of the required result. The result must be assessed under the lighting that should be the main one.

Technology for painting old wallpaper

So, can ordinary paper wallpaper be painted? It is possible, but infrequently and only after pretreatment, since the unprepared paper, the water in the paint will soak and deform.

Preparatory work


  1. We take out all movable furniture from the room, and cover the fixed one with plastic wrap. At the same time, it is also desirable to protect the floor from accidental splashes of paint and varnish material.
  2. We clean the surface from all kinds of dust and dirt with a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth.
  1. We glue the flaking areas. If the state of such fragments is too deplorable, then carefully cut them off.
  1. We cover the damaged areas and scratches with mastic, which, after drying, we grind with sandpaper.
  2. We prime the surface. This is the most important step, which will protect the wallpaper from the penetration of paint into their structure. The primer will create a durable polymer layer that reduces the porosity of the paper and protects the worn finish from further wear.
  1. After the soil has completely dried, you can start painting.

Choice of paint

Can paper wallpaper be painted with water-based paint? Even necessary. It is the most suitable suspension for the restoration of old wall finishes.

To verify this, let's look at its merits:

  • Ecological cleanliness. When solidifying, only harmless water vapor is released, which is important when using the emulsion indoors.
  • Low price. Achieved due to the absence of an expensive solvent in the composition.
  • Wide range of saturated shades... Plus the ability to mix them for unique color schemes.
  • Moisture resistance. After the evaporation of H 2 O, the formed polymer film has high water resistance.
  • High resistance to abrasion, sunlight and temperature extremes.
  • Non-flammability. For paper furnishings, this is a great way to improve fire safety.
  • Ease of application. Does not form streaks and streaks.
  • Opportunity wet cleaning... It will keep the renewed coating clean.
  • Long service life. At proper care reaches ten years.

Emulsion application

  1. We dilute the purchased mixture with water according to the instructions attached to it... If a white emulsion was purchased, then we also add the necessary dyes, mixing everything with construction mixer or a drill running at low speeds.
  1. Pour the resulting solution into a special paint tray.
  1. We dip a brush into the suspension and paint over the corners and other hard-to-reach places.
  1. Then we take a paint roller with a medium pile, we collect emulsion with it and run it several times along the ribbed surface, getting rid of excess liquid.

Tip: if you have textured wallpaper for decoration, then it is better to take a tool with a long pile.
He will be better able to handle numerous indentations.

  1. We hold the tool from left to right, dropping from the ceiling to the floor... In this case, it is necessary that each subsequent strip runs a few centimeters to the previous one.
  2. At the moment of the end of the liquid in the roller, we run it over the already painted part of the wall in order to collect excess suspension from it.
  3. We are waiting for the hardening of the first layer, after which we apply the second perpendicular.
  4. R We check the result by bringing a bright light source close to the finish... This way we can see the prominent spots.
  5. If the check is successful, then we can safely enjoy the work done..


We looked at whether paper wallpaper can be painted and how to do it. First of all, for this it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface.

This includes:

  • cleaning;
  • restoration of deformed areas;
  • creation of a protective moisture-proof layer.

Next, you should purchase the water-based paint that is best suited for the task and apply it with a brush and roller. Follow the recommendations provided, and you will not have any difficulties.

The video in this article will give you an additional opportunity to familiarize yourself with some of the information that directly relates to the materials reviewed. Painting is always easier and cheaper than completely replacing the finish.

For a long time I was tormented by the question of whether it is possible to paint the gray paper wallpaper? Rough the posts: whoever writes can, who does not - will swell and disappear, who advised to stick new ones.

Wallpaper in the kitchen was glued 3 years ago, in some places it got very dirty, especially in the refrigerator area and where the TV set was hanging. Vinyl wallpaper, professionally glued, end-to-end, firmly. Ceiling, ceiling molding and floor plinth I'm still satisfied with the repair in the near future. But the wallpaper was strained strongly, the color does not match my favorite sofa)))). In terms of money and time costs, painting has won in relation to plywood.
I bought 2 cans acrylic paint by 2.5 kg Polish stamps DEKORAL, 300 rubles per can. one color - honey, the second - almond, to match the color of the leather of the sofa, roller, brush and repainted the kitchen in 1 day. I did not process the wallpaper, someone advised it with a repellent impregnation, etc. I had no time to bother with this. I decided if they disappear, then okay, but I won't spend money on removing the old ones. The only thing - I walked around with a vacuum cleaner to clean the dust, and wiped them with a well-wrung out damp cloth. I pasted the baseboard and molding with masking tape so as not to get dirty and go! Drying time 2 hours, painted 2 times. The second time is 2 hours after the first layer has dried.

Pasting a room with wallpaper is not so difficult, but it takes time. It is necessary to remove the old coating, put in order the wall - in general, it will take at least three days, or even a week, but you want to get it done quickly. There is a way out! The repair time will take much less if you paint the walls directly over the paper. How to paint old wallpaper? This will be discussed in our article.

What can you paint?

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to paint the wallpaper depends on what exactly the walls are pasted over. You can change the color of the walls in this way if on them:

  • paper;
  • non-woven fabric;
  • silk plaster.

Important! There are special wallpapers for painting - there are no problems with them, they are intended for this. Non-woven fabric is beautifully painted, while you can paint both the wallpaper itself and the wall under them. Silk plaster can be removed, and with the help of another dye and all kinds of additives, you can get new color and texture, and then cover the walls with it again.

There are coatings that do not make sense to paint in the usual way:

  • textile panels;
  • glass wallpaper.

In these cases, other technologies are used.

Important! Vinyl-based coatings are more difficult to paint than to glue. It is easiest to apply paint to paper.

Can the wallpaper be painted if it is torn?

Very important question: When exactly does it make sense to paint paper wallpaper? Paper is pretty cheap stuff however, it has a number of unpleasant properties:

  • fades;
  • covered with spots that are poorly rubbed off;
  • breaks;
  • if the repair is not done very well, it is separated from the walls without your participation.

If the wallpaper holds well, but is faded, you can paint it. As well as in the case when spots appeared on the wall - greasy, from a felt-tip pen, etc.

Important! Do not be afraid that they will show through on the new coating, you will still be priming the wall.

Torn wallpaper can also be covered with paint, but it all depends on how serious the damage is. If these are just scratches, cuts or small scraps that have come off, you can safely go to the store for paint. But if the coating was poorly glued and departs by itself, it is easier and cheaper to replace it.

What do you need?

Having received a positive answer to the question whether it is possible to paint regular wallpaper paint, think about what you need for this:

  • the actual paint;
  • priming;
  • masking tape;
  • roller;
  • narrow and wide brushes;
  • several meters of plastic wrap.

Primer, masking tape, film:

  • The primer will provide better adhesion of the paint to the surface. In addition, paper tends to absorb moisture, and water, in turn, dissolves the glue. So without a water-repellent primer, all your work will go down the drain - the newly painted sheets will perfectly separate from the wall.
  • Masking tape is needed to protect the baseboard and other parts that should not be dripped onto. You can buy it at any hardware store.
  • Take care not to stain floors and furniture that cannot be taken out. They must be covered with plastic wrap (for example, for greenhouses).

Brushes and rollers

Why brush different widths? Very simple - you have to paint over both the corners and the places near the outlets or switches. In a word, one cannot do with just a wide brush or roller.

You can find on sale several types of rollers with different pile lengths. Which one to choose to paint the old wallpaper depends on the quality of the wall covering:

  • if they are smooth, the pile should be short;
  • if textured - long.

How to paint paper wallpaper?

It is very important to choose the right paint. The first rule that should be followed is that it should be for interior decoration of premises, and not for facades.

Important! Not worth using for the room oil paints- of course, once the premises were decorated exclusively with them, but simply because there were no others.

Surface quality

Now you can see paints on the shelves that give different types of surfaces:

  • glossy;
  • semi-gloss;
  • satin;
  • matte;
  • semi-matt.

Important! Which option to choose depends on the purpose of the room, illumination and size:

  • For a large living room or bedroom with large windows matte walls are more suitable.
  • It is better to paint a small kitchenette with glossy paint - it will appear larger and lighter.

Performance characteristics

When choosing a finishing material to paint old wallpaper, you need to focus on its other qualities:

  • Resistant to light. If the paint burns out badly, you will have to do it pretty soon new renovation... So try to choose one that doesn't change color too quickly when exposed to sunlight.
  • Resistance to mechanical stress. The less sensitive the coating is to mechanical stress, the better. In principle, all interior paints provide a durable surface that is difficult to scratch, but do not forget to ask your consultant about this.
  • Transparency. Pay Special attention on such a characteristic as transparency. The paint that has already covered the walls should not show through the new layer, otherwise you risk getting the walls in a completely different shade that you want.
  • Environmental friendliness. Finishing materials with which they make out indoor spaces apartments or houses, should not allocate harmful substances... It is desirable that they do not react with the environment at all.
  • Moisture resistance. Moisture resistance is important so that surfaces can be washed without harsh consequences.
  • Drying time. How quickly you can make repairs depends on the time it dries completely.

Types of paints

The paints that can be used to paint paper wallpaper are on a different basis:

  • alkyd;
  • one;
  • latex.

Alkyd paints

Alkyd compounds fit well on paper and form a protective film that allows you to wash the walls with any detergents... The undoubted advantages include the fact that the composition always contains antifungal additives and antiseptics.

However, they have several very significant drawbacks that make such a paint more suitable for glass wallpaper than for paper:

  • walls don't “breathe”;
  • the texture of the wallpaper is lost;
  • serve only about five years;
  • contain toxic substances;
  • are burning.

Important! Alkyd dyes are used mainly for non-residential premises, where, moreover, there is a low risk of fire.

Water-based and latex-based paints

Can paper wallpaper be painted with water-based paint? It is possible and even necessary, if you have already decided to take up this occupation. The water emulsion, in addition to the low price, has a lot of useful properties:

  • does not smell;
  • dries quickly;
  • does not contain harmful substances, respectively - does not emit them when the coating is destroyed;
  • not sensitive to mechanical stress;
  • allows air to pass through;
  • does not react with the environment.

Important! Since water-based paints are breathable, the fungus does not settle on the paper. Surfaces finished with such a material are easy to clean, and it is usually not necessary to use aggressive detergents.

Types of water-based paints

There are two types of water-based paints:

  • acrylic latex-based;
  • acrylic water based.

Both are suitable for the decoration of residential premises.


Latex compounds prevent paper from getting wet and falling off the walls. You can wash them with any detergent. You can paint both smooth and textured surfaces, and the texture is preserved.

Latex-based acrylic paints are the most popular type of finishing materials. They perfectly protect the paper coating from mechanical stress, and retain their relief perfectly.


Water-based acrylic paints have a lot of positive properties:

  • do not smell;
  • dry very quickly;
  • allow air to pass through;
  • does not form smudges during operation.

What to give preference to?

When choosing a particular composition, it is necessary to take into account the type of surface:

  • Water-based acrylic paints are more suitable for non-woven surfaces.
  • For paper, it is better to choose latex.

Important! An important condition for the popularity of these paints is low price... There are no expensive solvents in their composition, which makes such materials available to most.

In addition, the choice of such paints in stores is quite wide, and if you wish, you can order any suitable shade, or even make it yourself, taking a white water emulsion and the appropriate color scheme. This allows you to get original color solutions.

Preparing the wall

Before you paint regular wallpaper, you need to tidy up the wall. The procedure is quite common, and, perhaps, even easier than preparing for pasting new wallpaper:

  1. The first step is to remove any furniture that can be removed from the room.
  2. Move the one that remains away from the walls, cover with plastic wrap.
  3. Remove dust from the wallpaper with any in a suitable way, best of all - with a vacuum cleaner, but you can also use a soft cloth.
  4. If possible, get rid of stains - they, of course, will go under the paint, but it is better if the surface is as uniform as possible.
  5. Cover the baseboard with masking tape - you can do with a wide tape, but this is not very convenient.
  6. If somewhere the pieces of wallpaper have moved away from the walls, glue them or remove them.
  7. If it is not glued very evenly, sand the place with fine sandpaper.

Important! You need to remove not only dust, but also the cobweb, if any.


After the walls are prepared, you need to apply the primer. This is a fairly simple procedure, familiar to anyone who has ever done a renovation. The compositions can be different.

For painting paper wallpaper, for example, a primer based on PVA is suitable. Water-based paint lays on it just perfectly. The most important thing is to let the wall dry completely. In this case, starting work a little later than planned is much more useful than hurrying. You need to wait at least a day.

Important! When applying the primer, the room must be completely closed; it is impossible to ventilate the room until the composition is completely dry.

Cooking paint

Each jar comes with an instruction manual, and it's best to read it carefully. But there are a few general considerations to consider:

  1. The paint must be mixed until the mass becomes homogeneous.
  2. Kohler is best added not by yourself, but by asking a consultant in a hardware store to do this.

Apply paint

Well, everything is ready, you can proceed to the final stage - directly painting the old wallpaper.

Important! If you don't have a lot of experience in painting, try painting the sections of the walls where the cabinets and the sofa will stand first - when you put everything in place, these pieces will not be noticeable, but you can practice.

But it's better to stick to this order:

  1. Start painting on top, with large horizontal strokes going in one direction.
  2. Apply paint evenly, without gaps, in an even layer.
  3. After the entire surface is painted, paint over the corners, areas adjacent to the plinth - it is more convenient to do this with a thin brush.
  4. Are you convinced that it is not only possible to paint old wallpaper, but sometimes it is also very profitable? Then start updating the design of the room you need, because now you know how to do it simply and efficiently.

Paper wallpapers are one of the most common decoration materials for apartment walls on the market. Be that as it may, over time they deteriorate, and the appearance of the interior becomes not as presentable as after renovation. The question arises for the owners: should they do a new renovation or just update the existing wallpaper? Since completely re-gluing the entire room is long and not cheap enough, we will talk about whether it is possible to paint paper wallpaper.

In fact, there are different opinions among professionals as to whether it makes sense to paint such canvases. There are circumstances that there is no need to repaint wallpaper made of paper. For example, this applies to those cases when their surface has serious external damage: it is severely torn, has cuts, etc. Nevertheless, if the top decorative layer of the wallpaper is relatively well preserved, you can not completely re-glue the wallpaper yet, having made a choice in favor of repainting. Fortunately, this work can be done by hand. So, let's move on to a more detailed description of the painting process and everything associated with it.

Paper wallpaper for painting: what you need

So, in order to paint paper wallpaper, you need a whole set of special tools and materials. Let's see what needs to be taken in order to complete quality work on one's own:

  1. ... Its use provides resistance to wetting of the wallpaper, which guarantees a strong attachment to the wall surface. from its surface.
  2. Special coating with a water-repellent layer.
  3. Skirting protection (masking tape is the best solution).
  4. Paint applicators (large and small brushes and roller). The pile on the roller must be selected taking into account the smoothness of the top layer of the wallpaper: the smoother they are, the shorter the length of the pile should be.

Choosing the right paint

In terms of grain level decorative paint, then it can be different. The most commonly accepted classification of paints is as follows:

  • Glossy.
  • Matt.
  • Satin.
  • Semi-matt.
  • Semi-glossy.

As a rule, the choice of a suitable dye depends not only on the aesthetic preferences of the customer, but also on in which room of the apartment the painting will be performed. In addition, a parameter such as the level of natural light intake is taken into account. So, for example, for the living room big size matte dye is best. As for a small dining room or kitchen, then optimal solution may become a glossy or semi-glossy finish.

Useful advice! Among other things, in order to choose the right paint that could be repainted, many more characteristics must be taken into account. For example, the ability to close old paint, resistance to damage and exposure to light, resistance to moisture, and environmental safety a particular product.

As for whether it is possible to paint wallpaper made of paper with acrylic paint, you must boldly declare that yes, this is completely acceptable and even recommended. In addition, do not forget about options such as water-based, latex, and alkyd-based dye.

Stages of work

Let's take a quick look at the main types of work that you will have to do to paint paper-backed wallpaper.

Necessary preparation

So, preparatory work represent the first stage, the quality of which depends on how successful the entire repair will be. Clean up dust, remove dirt and vacuum the room. Tape the skirting boards and other protruding interior parts (film or masking tape is suitable for this). A water repellent coating can then be applied. Only after this protective layer has completely dried, which takes at least 24 hours, you can start preparing the paint.

Attention! In order to subsequently avoid lengthy cleaning, it is advisable to cover the entire surface of the floor with a film or, in extreme cases, with newspapers.

Cooking paint

So, above we examined what paint can be used to paint paper wallpaper for painting. It will not be difficult to prepare the coloring composition. To do this, simply open a can of paint and mix everything well. If there is a need and the design of the room requires it, you can mix in a color tint.

We paint the walls: instructions

The preparatory work has been completed, the coloring composition is ready, and now we can proceed to the main stage: painting. Here's a quick guide:

  1. So, direct application is done using a roller. As for corners, as well as hard-to-reach places - use brushes of different sizes.
  2. First of all, repaint those parts of the walls that will later be covered by pieces of furniture, as this will help to "fill your hand".
  3. It is best to start by painting the ceiling (if provided by the project), or the upper part of the walls.
  4. After applying two layers of paint (between them it is necessary to take a break of several hours for complete drying), make sure that the surface is even and the layer is even. That's it, the repainting can be considered complete.

Be sure to watch the video instructions for the correct painting:


So, we hope that now you have a more detailed idea of ​​whether it is possible to paint paper wallpapers and how to properly organize the entire workflow. If you make a short resume, then we can say that for a good result you will need to properly prepare work surface walls, to repair damaged fragments, as well as to make a special layer with increased resistance to moisture.

Do not forget that when painting it is necessary to use acrylic or water-based paint, which is applied using special tools. When carrying out work, all instructions must be strictly followed. This will guarantee that the result of your work will delight both you and all your loved ones.