Spiral staircase railing: options. DIY spiral staircase

- compact construction for lifting, which must have convenient fencing... Consider in this article different variants its execution, manufacturing nuances, as well as approximate prices.

Important points when creating a railing for a spiral staircase

To get a convenient and practical enclosure of a spiral staircase, you must adhere to several rules:

  • observe the recommended height of the handrail: for a flat area - 1050-1100 mm, and for an inclined one - 900-950 mm;
  • the minimum pitch of the balusters must be at least 300 mm;
  • take care of the joints different materials- provide pads, washers, decorative elements;
  • think in advance about the method of fastening the fence to the stairs, install mortgages before facing the steps;
  • ensure smooth transitions of the handrail from an inclined part to a flat one.

The main types of fences

For a spiral staircase, you can choose any type of fence, but it is important to remember about the general ensemble of the room, the combination of elements. The main types include the following options:

  • glass fences - suitable for offices, houses in modern style execution;
  • fences with "ferrous" metal - a budget option for different occasions, can be dyed in different colors;
  • fences with stainless steel - suitable for streets and wet rooms, fit into high-tech interiors;
  • wooden fences- suitable for houses in classic style, for rooms with large spaces;
  • combined options- suitable for different objects, depending on what materials are used.

Glass railing

Contemporary and stylish solution, which will cost from $ 100 that is, for running meters. When designing such a fence, it is necessary to first take into account the minimum radius of flexible elements - in different companies it may differ. In this case, it is advisable to use tempered glass or triplex - so that if they break, they do not injure anyone.

Fencing made of "ferrous" metal

Most affordable option that can look presentable (high quality paints are required). The cost of such a fence will be from 80 cu. that is, for running meters. It is important to use profiles that are easy to bend and also look good in finished form (round pipes, rods, sheets).

Stainless steel railing

Long lasting, beautiful option, which will cost from 130 USD that is, for running meters. When creating such a fence, it is important to weld it correctly and process the surfaces with high quality - the finished result will depend on this.

Wooden fencing

A solid solution for a home, which will cost from $ 150. that is, for running meters. When creating fence elements, it is important to lay allowances for the joints, as well as apply good wood, which will not crack, deform during operation.

Combined fencing options

The most expensive solutions, which will cost from 200 USD. that is, for running meters. When creating such fences, it is required Special attention to devote to the joints of materials, to think over all the junctions and combinations different elements between themselves.

A fence for a spiral staircase can be classic or modern, carved or in strict lines - the choice of one or another option depends only on your own preferences. Create amazing fences and enjoy the beauty and sophistication!

Svetlana Zhidkova, rmnt.ru

Spiral staircase on the second floor - one of the most popular structures for communication between floors. Able to save space and decorate the interior of any room. Can be installed in the smallest areas, in an apartment, country house or a summer residence. Also known as pivot, round, or radial designs.

Construction and calculation of a spiral staircase

The device of spiral staircases has a number of disadvantages, for example, they are not always convenient, especially for the elderly and small children. In this case, it is preferable to use a regular marching lift as the main interfloor lift, and the rounded structure is ideal as a service or technical one, since it does not take up too much space.

To avoid falls and injuries, it is necessary to carefully prepare the project of the spiral staircase. Only if all the requirements (GOST and SNiP) and building rules are met, the product will turn out to be convenient and practical.

Drawings and dimensions of flights of stairs

  • H is the height of the stairs. It is the sum of the distance to the ceiling and the thickness of the floor (h p);
  • H 1 - the distance between the turns of the stairs, that is, the height to which you can climb, breaking one full turn.

    Important: H 1 should not be less than 2 meters, otherwise, when climbing, you can hit your head on the upper step;

  • h - riser height - the distance that you can climb, breaking one step. It is considered that the most convenient height is from 12 to 22 cm;
  • h 1 - tread depth. It should be sufficient so that when descending, the leg does not slip off the steps, and when lifting, it provides reliable support for the foot. It is recommended to take values ​​from 25 to 40 cm. At the central support, the depth of the tread step should be 10 cm or more;

To make movement convenient, the circular staircase must meet the following condition:

2 h + h 1 = 60..65 cm (1)

A round staircase with a width of less than 1.5 meters must be equipped with a handrail with a height of 90 cm or more.

Structural design begins with calculating the basic dimensions. Let us assume that the distance to the floor of the second floor (H) is 3 m. The width of the stairs (R) will be 1.2 m. The entry point is strictly under the exit (i.e., the twist angle is 360 °).

H = 3 m, R = 1.2 m, ω = 360 °;

n = H / h, 3000/180 = 16.7

Rounding the value up, we get the answer - 17. But since the last step is the floor of the second floor, there will be 16 steps on our staircase.

The length of the ladder (L about) along the main ascent line is calculated as follows:

L о = 2πR 1, where R 1 = 2/3 R, therefore

L о = 4 / 3πR, substituting the value R = 1.2 m into the formula, we obtain

h 1 = L / n = 5/17 = 0.29 m = 29 cm

Having checked our calculations by formula (1), we get the number 65. That is, a rotary staircase with such parameters will be quite convenient for walking.

The shape of the steps

h 1 inside = 10cm

h 1 ext = L in / n, where

L in = 2πR = 2 * 3.14 * 1.2 = 7.536 m substitute the value

h 1 ext = 7.536 / 17 = 0.44 m = 44 cm

It turned out that the depth of the tread at the outer edge is 440mm.

Of course, in calculations very rarely whole numbers are obtained, due to which errors appear and the shape of the steps is distorted. To neutralize this, the dimensions of the steps can be slightly changed, for example, the first one can be made slightly lower than the rest. This will keep the remaining steps the same.

Swivel stairs, as a rule, are made without risers. This is due to the fact that it is more convenient to move around on such a structure. Therefore, the height of the steps may have a slight blemish.

Calculating the distance to overlap

Climbing each step, we approach the overlap to the height of the riser (h). In our case, this is 18 cm. Having overcome 4 steps, we will rise by 72 cm.If we take the thickness of the overlap (h p) as 20 cm, then for the fourth step:

H 1 = H - 4h - h p = 300 - 72 - 20 = 208 cm

This is perfectly acceptable, since this parameter must be at least 2m.

When climbing to the fifth step, the loss of height will already be 90 cm and H 1 = 190 cm, with this value a tall person can hit his head.

Based on this, the length of the upper floor area along midline in our case, it should not exceed the depth of four treads, that is, 1.16 m.

This can be seen more clearly in the figure, which shows a round staircase, top view. The site is highlighted in white. The dotted line is the steps that are under it. The start of the flight of stairs coincides with the exit point. The rise is counterclockwise.

These calculations are approximate and do not take into account the thickness of the material from which the components for spiral staircases will be made, for example, the sheathing of the steps and some other nuances that must be taken into account.

How to make an opening in the ceiling slab

The staircase in the overlap of the second floor is best prepared immediately, when building a private house. If this was missed, then in the case wooden ceilings, it must be cut out before installing the interfloor structure.

The opening can be rounded or rectangular, depending on whether round or square spiral staircases will be installed.

The main thing is that the main condition must be observed: the size of the opening must be larger than the diameter of the spiral staircase by 10 cm on each side. This is to avoid injuring your hands on the walls when using the railing on the last steps.

If a round opening for a staircase is supposed, you should make its drawing on the floor of the lower floor, and then transfer it to the ceiling.

Drilled in the center of the circle through hole... Then, on the floor of the second floor, a pin is inserted into this hole and with the help of a rope, the length of which corresponds to the radius of the opening, and a pencil attached to it, a hole is outlined, which must be cut out.

Alternatively, the site where it is supposed to make the platform of the second floor can not be removed. This will save time on its arrangement. In addition, the cost of the spiral staircase will be slightly lower. But at the same time, the most careful calculations are needed so as not to be mistaken with the location of the site.

The staircase is faced with a veneer beam in the shape of a circle. The beam consists of several layers bent with a steel circle and stops. The first and last layers should be solid veneer pieces. For the manufacture of intermediate layers, shorter pieces may be used.

The design of the opening will be performed better if the layers are made one by one, then dried, glued and inserted into the next layer.

The finished beam is installed in the spiral staircase opening and secured with corner plates. To give more aesthetic appearance, decorative skirting boards are additionally mounted.

Finishing a staircase, which is in the shape of a square, requires a minimum of effort and skill due to the lack of rounded parts.

Step-by-step instructions for making stairs to the second floor

The production of spiral staircases begins with the selection of materials for load-bearing elements, accessories and sheathing. . Either an iron pipe or a sturdy one can be used as the center post. wooden beam large diameter. Steps and handrails, as a rule, are made of solid wood, railings and railings from stainless steel or again from wood.

Wooden steps

Wooden steps are usually made from oak, beech, maple and other hardwoods. Alternatively, you can buy ready-made steps for the stairs or use homemade ones by cutting the boards to the right sizes do it yourself.

For example, a rectangular plank can be cut diagonally to create 2 trapezoidal treads. Then you need to round off the edges with them, process the edges and varnish in 3 layers - the steps are ready.

Installation of balusters

You can cut the balusters with your own hands from metal rods or wooden rods. When making racks, some need to be made a little larger. They will go to the first and last steps and to the edges of the site. This will strengthen the strength of the entire structure and give the staircase a finished appearance.

You can try to make carved balusters with your own hands. This requires lathe... And in order to drill even holes in the ends of the racks, it will do conventional drill... Adjust it, like in the photo:

Smooth holes are very important, because they provide a strictly vertical position of the balusters.

Railing installation

For the manufacture of handrails, you will need two types of wooden balusters: large racks that are installed at the corners, and small ones for each step.

Making a bowstring

To bend the bowstring for the stairs, soak the wood blank in boiling water until it softens completely, then bend it in the right places, fix it in a bent position and leave it to dry.

There are more modern way- gluing many thin lamellas together. A spiral staircase on a bowstring made in this way can take on the steepest shapes.

Assembly and installation of the structure

The metal spiral staircase is easy to manufacture and will perfectly fit into the interior country house or summer cottages. The most popular is the design with cantilever support of the steps on casing... On this example we will show how a staircase with rotary steps is being built with our own hands.

The installation of a spiral staircase begins with the installation of a central post, which is a thick-walled steel pipe, with a diameter of at least 5 cm. metal support, steps are strung on it. A sleeve is put on after each step.

Then the steps unfold like a fan. In this case, it is necessary to very accurately calculate where the beginning and end of the stairs are. After the march is ready, each step is connected using support brackets that are installed next to the outer edge. Railings are assembled last - racks (balusters), railings and handrails are mounted.

Screw-type staircases are perhaps the most non-standard of all existing ones. This type of construction has more advantages than disadvantages. Externally helical view stairs looks aesthetically pleasing. In terms of functionality, it occupies less space, which is very important if the area does not allow building a staircase of another type.

Thanks to its simple design, you can do it yourself.

In the manufacture of stairs, different textures and materials are used. Depending on the proposed project, you can create a real masterpiece with your own hands. Everyone wants to install an original staircase in their home. You can modify the option spied on by others with the help of finishing original elements decor. Using quality materials and observing the necessary proportions, everyone can build a reliable spiral-type staircase - who knows how to hold a tool in their hands and understands a little about drawing. In order not to deviate from the topic, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the materials from which stairs are built:

  • valuable wood species;
  • metal structures;
  • concrete foundations;
  • a natural stone;
  • glass or ceramics.

The final appearance of the structure depends on the material chosen for the steps and railings. Following tradition, it is not at all necessary to make a staircase made of wood. In a modern interior, options made of metal and natural stone... Recently, there has been a tendency to build monolithic structures made of concrete. Very good results can be achieved by combining different materials.

Metal elements are very harmoniously combined with wooden steps.

By combining, saving on expensive materials, you can create unique designs. Glass-metal spiral ladders are no less popular.

When choosing a material for a future staircase, you should take into account the dynamics general style dwellings. By using the most common material, natural wood for stairs, you can get a durable structure that does not go out of style.

Consonant with modern interior spiral staircases made of natural polished stone look. More often only steps are made of stone, and the frame is made of metal.

The all-stone structures are sturdy but very bulky.

On the example of interfloor stairs in high-rise buildings of a common residence. Craftsmen build in their homes monolithic stairs made of concrete. The end result pleases with the most unimaginable options.

DIY spiral staircase step by step

The compact screw design combines light weightlessness with strength. We invite you to consider step by step instructions on the example of a structure made of wood and metal. The presented option will bring originality and comfort to the interior. This staircase will be made with love by our own efforts. Creation screw design consists of several important stages:

  • design taking into account the characteristics of the premises;
  • development of a drawing or use of a ready-made scheme;
  • calculation and purchase of the necessary materials;
  • marking and erection of staircase structures;
  • design of handrails or steps;
  • the final stage is finishing work.

Before proceeding with the manufacture of stairs or abandoning this venture, we suggest you watch a video in which people really share their experience. It turns out that if you want to do it is easy.

Any design in construction begins with measurements of the premises. The more accurate the calculations are, the easier it will be to work on the project. You need to take measurements together, for this activity you can connect household members. The step-by-step process for making a spiral staircase looks like this:

The number of steps will depend on the design and height of the rooms. You should also take into account the individual anatomical characteristics of the residents.

What the base of the stairs will look like without wooden steps, can be seen in the video. The result is still incomplete, there is a lot of work ahead. However, you can already notice the grace and beauty of the spiral staircase.

It is better to use parquet varnish - it is considered to be more abrasion resistant. The metal parts of the stairs are painted with nitro enamel or paint on oil based in several layers.

Which tree is better to use for steps

This question worries everyone who decided to make a staircase with their own hands. It is preferable to choose valuable breeds, they will last longer. If this option seems costly for you, you will need additional processing steps. Most the best option use hard wood: beech, oak, hornbeam, ash. The glue array of valuable wood species has proven itself well. For the price, this option is less expensive and very high quality. For those who want to save money, you can offer a budget option for multilayer plywood.

Larch steps look luxurious. The high cost of wood is fully justified. As for the pine, it is more suitable for ordinary stairs. However, this does not mean at all that it is short-lived at home. There are cases when birch was used as a material for steps. Each wood species has its own characteristics, pluses and minuses. The choice is based on quality and financial capabilities. Any wood after toning looks naturally like an expensive material.

Advantages and disadvantages

A spiral staircase can rightfully be considered an example of graceful beauty in the interior. The screw element performs several compositional and constructive actions at once. DIY steps will become bright accent in the design of the room. During operation, against the background of the advantages of this type of gatherings, there are always disadvantages. We suggest you weigh the pros and cons.


  • The staircase does not take up very much space, it saves space. Suitable for small spaces... Placed more often in the corner of the room.
  • In terms of costs, the helical structure is cheaper than the cruise version. If you use the budget option, you can save a decent amount, which is very important for people with an average income.
  • There is enough under the stairs free space that you can use to your advantage.


There are many technologies for mounting a screw structure. To do everything right and to make the process easier, each master uses his own tricks and secrets. We invite you to get acquainted with some of them. We hope this collection will be a useful guide to action.

  1. The main attention should be paid to the steps, how comfortable the structure will be depends on their quality and location.
  2. An important fact is the material from which it will be made. Materials must be durable, durable and reliable.
  3. It is important to pay attention to the fire and moisture resistance of the stairs. If necessary, treat the wood with special impregnations.
  4. The staircase must be equipped with a comfortable handrail so that the elderly and children do not experience discomfort when going up or down.
  5. All fasteners are to be carried out efficiently and reliably. Sharp objects should not stick out on the feet.
  6. To paint the base and steps only in a pure form; for reliability, you can walk on the surfaces with a vacuum cleaner.
  7. When marking, inaccuracies are unacceptable, otherwise the steps will creak.
  8. If suddenly wooden elements will wear out, they can be replaced at any time. To avoid injury, any malfunction must be rectified immediately.
  9. Railings are often used as decoration: forged elements, glass, carved wood.
  10. For the state flights of stairs need to be regularly monitored, painted and cleaned from clogging.

Knowing how to make a spiral staircase with your own hands will help you save money and give your home exclusivity. In made with my own hands designs there can be no doubt about the quality and durability. The above recommendations will help you choose your own necessary materials, make calculations and make high-quality installation.

Nikolay, Nizhny Novgorod asks the question:

Good day! I recently built a spiral staircase to the second floor at my dacha. And when making handrails for her, I ran into a problem. Straight railings are not suitable for my design, a special semicircular shape is needed, since there are children and elderly people in the family for whom this has great value... The staircase itself is made of metal, so I want to make the handrails also metal. Although if there is an easy way to bend wood or plastic, then I can use them as well. Please tell me how to bend a handrail for a spiral staircase in a simple way... It is desirable that I be able to do this myself and as quickly as possible. Thanks in advance.

The expert answers:

Hello! Nowadays, very often, instead of marching, they prefer the construction of a spiral staircase. You can, of course, turn to specialists who will fulfill your wishes in their workshop without any problems. But if you decide to find out how to bend a handrail for a spiral staircase yourself, please note that the handrails must be strong and safe during operation. The rules for bending a handrail depend primarily on the material from which you want to make it.

If you have chosen a tree, then there are two ways to bend it to the shape you need. You can dip the workpiece into boiling water and soak in it until the wood is completely soft. After that, you bend it to the shape that you need, fix it in this position and wait until it dries well. It is advisable to bend in this way when the thickness of the wood will not exceed 3 cm.

Can be glued individual details from thin veneer, laying them directly on the steps close to the uprights in order to accurately repeat the bend. Finished construction coated with glue, wrapped in foil and attracted with clamps. When the glue is completely dry, the veneer is released from the clamps. The finished handrail, starting from the top, is screwed to each post.

When working with wood, remember that after bending the material must be impregnated with an antiseptic, covered with a layer of linseed oil, and after it has dried and fastened to the railing, varnish or paint these parts of the stairs.

Plastic railings can be bent with a hair dryer. Hot air directed to the workpiece and gradually, as it heats up, bend it to the desired shape. The main thing is that the plastic does not melt. Therefore, control the supply of hot air from the hair dryer.

There are also two ways to make metal railings. If you have the opportunity, you can heat the metal in a special forging furnace and use a hammer to give it the desired shape... At home, you can clamp the metal strip in a vise and use a hammer to shape it.

Now you can choose the best option for yourself, how to bend the handrails for a spiral staircase. All of the above methods are simple and affordable, allowing you to do the work of bending handrails with your own hands at home without unnecessary financial costs.

If the staircase consists of at least three steps, it must necessarily be fenced, and the railings are equipped with handrails, which are easy enough to pick up when it comes about direct marching flights. But a screw product needs a radius fence with curved handrails, which greatly complicates the task. Finding a solution will help you contact the "Railing Empire". The production of fencing structures and their implementation at affordable prices is the main specialization of the company, so we can make a handrail for a spiral staircase of absolutely any complexity.

Our price: from 8,000 rubles

The main function of connecting structures between floors is to ensure safe comfortable movement. This means that the railing should be comfortable to hold on, so the railing should be adjusted to the size and height of the balusters. In linear structures, it is not very difficult to achieve an accurate fit, even at home and artisanal conditions. But the spiral staircase requires the participation of qualified specialists, who have professional equipment at their disposal.

It is worth paying attention to the aesthetic aspect. It is advisable to consult with an experienced designer to ensure that the handrails are consistent with the overall interior concept. The exact correspondence of shape and size turns out to be important in terms of aesthetics, as well as the quality of installation. "Empire of Railings" is well versed in the nuances of radius fences, therefore, having ordered a handrail for a spiral staircase from us, you can not worry about the result.

Cooperation scheme

We receive an order by phone or e-mail Our engineer comes to the object, takes measurements and photographs A project is drawn up and approved with the Customer After that, all the details of the project are manufactured in production. Delivery and installation of products at the customer's site

The choice of material for the handrail of a spiral staircase

When choosing a material, one should be guided not only by aesthetic considerations, but also by the operating conditions. Despite the fact that the installation of spiral staircases is carried out, as a rule, during indoor areas, you need to pay attention to the probability high humidity, temperature extremes and other factors that can have a negative impact. But there are also universal options. For the manufacture of stair railings and handrails, we use popular materials, the individual characteristics of which can be checked with the managers by phone:

Regardless of the material used in the manufacture, handrails are carefully processed to protect against aggressive factors and ease of use. With the help of special equipment, they are given an individual configuration and form, agreed with the customer. If you have not yet become one, call right now so as not to waste any more time. A metal, wooden or plastic handrail for a spiral staircase, ordered from "Railing Empire", will be pleasant to the touch, reliable and beautiful.