What should be the height of the stairs according to GOST? What should be the dimensions of the tread and riser according to GOST and snip The size of the overhang of the step over the riser of the porch.

In the old classic English-language detective stories, the plot very often revolves around falling down the stairs. A similar cause of accidents is common today. Since the second level is becoming commonplace not only for country house, but also for urban housing, the issue of competent design of stairs - reliable and safe - is becoming more and more relevant. Important milestone designing stairs - a competent calculation of its main parameters.

At the design stage of the house

The higher the quality design work, topics less problems occurs during the execution of the work, the easier it is to calculate the estimated costs and the better the final result. This is considered an axiom, but for some reason in construction practice it happens differently. For the device of convenient and safe communication between different residential levels, this is especially true.

Thoroughly work out the future staircase better in the early stages of design. Squeezing the necessary ladder structure into an already existing, but very narrow opening in the ceiling is a very problematic matter. Therefore, it is better to determine in advance on the floor plan the optimal place for the opening, calculate it required size. Moreover, for such important element buildings, it is necessary to provide sufficient lighting (preferably natural) and the possibility of reliable fixation of the load-bearing elements of the stairs to building structures. All this is best done at the development stage. interior layout and the choice of technology for the construction of future housing.

Initial data

In order to pick optimal dimensions stairs to the second floor determine the initial data:

Other data will be needed for a detailed study. In particular, the choice ladder construction the material of the walls and ceilings affects, not to mention the consideration of the general concept of the design of the room. But first, you should calculate the line of travel, the height of the step and the length of the tread.

The main thing is safety

The popularity of the plot move among Agatha Christie and her followers in the form of characters falling down the stairs is largely due to the tradition of use in England and America (and also in Japan) 45 degree stairs, i.e. the length of the tread is equal to the height of the step. This achieves the greatest savings in the area occupied by the stairs in the plan. Domestic recommendations of experts call for considering this case as the last possible one, because the ascent, and especially the descent from floor to floor along such a march, is safe only for a person in good physical shape and in comfortable shoes.

A lower step and a tread longer than 250 mm is not only safer, but also more comfortable. It has been proven that less effort is spent when climbing to the second floor, and this is especially important for an elderly person.

Basics of the theory

Experience and science have developed some optimal parameters for tread and riser (in mm): 150x300 and 170x290. The first is recommended for outdoor (landscape) stairs, the second - for indoor. The optimal slope of the stairs - 30 to 40 degrees.

If a staircase is calculated for an existing building, special formulas should be used, where the following data are used:

The calculation of the parameters of the steps is done using 3 basic proportions:

  1. "Formula of convenience": a - h = 120 mm
  2. "Safety formula": a + h = 450 mm
  3. Blondel formula: 600 mm

The third equation is considered the most universal, i.e. suitable for most cases.

François Blondel proportion

French architect and engineer of the 17th century Francois Blondel (1618–1686) was one of the first to look for a mathematical relationship between the parameters of the human body and the architectural elements of a building. His research is at the heart of many modern ergonomic theories of architecture and design.

It is more convenient to start the calculation of steps according to Blondel by calculating the height of the step. The height of the interfloor rise is divided by the estimated number of steps, the result is sought that is closest to the optimal value - 170 mm for internal and 150 mm - for external stairs. Then, according to the formula, the length of the tread is found and the total length of the staircase is calculated. If the restrictions have the overall dimensions of the place under the stairs, the maximum length of the tread should be derived from this indicator, since this is the main indicator of convenience and safety.

Constructions with winder steps (these are those with one edge located at a smaller turning radius of the stairs narrower than the other), and even more so spiral staircases, entirely consisting of such steps, are one of the most interesting and spectacular in design and constructive solution. But rectilinear marches with platforms for a turn are much more comfortable and safer, and steps that are rectilinear in shape are also much cheaper than curvilinear ones.

But if the size of the opening and the space under the stairs allows you to build only a rotary structure, the winder steps are calculated along the central line of the march, laying off the calculated tread length along it, and the middle line cannot have radius of curvature greater than 30 degrees. The norms provide for a minimum width of tread along the middle line - 260 mm, and the width of the narrowest part of the step cannot be less than 100 mm.

It should be remembered about one more feature of the human body, which should include a competent calculation of the stairs. The length of the step taken by the right foot is, on average, 2 cm longer than that made by the left, and the safety of the stairs should be assessed by the descent - in this case, the area under the support of the foot is less by the overhang (“nose”). Conclusion - the left approach to the turning section of the stairs is more convenient.

In one march, you should not do more than 10 ascents, then you should place a platform with a width not less than 1000 mm. It is irrational to make the width of the passage less than 1000 mm, and the clear height of the passage (to the beams and the top of the openings) less than 2200 mm. The size of the march should be calculated taking into account the fact that bulky loads will also have to be lifted up the stairs.

It is customary to make the number of lifts no more than 18 and odd: a person starts the lift and enters the floor with the same foot.

Differences in the height of the steps of more than 5 mm during one march are strictly not allowed. Together with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which is fighting to reduce the number of accidents, doctors are in favor of this strict requirement: such unevenness in movement leads to sharp point loads on internal organs, in particular, on the kidneys.

The height of the handrails is about 900 mm, if the width of the passage allows, for a march located against the wall, a handrail should be made on both sides to increase safety when descending.

There is a special attitude towards children: a gate is provided to prevent very small children from entering the stairs, and the distance between the railings of the fence is no more than 100 mm. Sometimes provide children's handrail at a height of 450 mm.

If, according to the calculation, the flight of stairs is located near the window opening, it is unacceptable to leave it without a reliable fence.

When choosing a design solution for a ladder, you should calculate the maximum load that it can withstand.

The convenience of the stairs largely depends on the correct calculation of the steps.

All of us, climbing the stairs every day, do not hesitate to put our feet at the right height, and if any of the steps is a little higher or, conversely, lower, we will certainly get a couple of abrasions and bruises. Why, in most cases, climbing stairs is convenient? The fact is that there are optimal sizes of stairs that have been tested by time.
For example, there are .
Also, it should not be less than 12, but not more than 20 cm. Of course, there is nowhere higher, but how to decide what step height will be optimal for climbing the structure? It depends on the .

Main parameters of stairs

Marching stairs

To ensure comfortable conditions for climbing, it is necessary to install steps 30 cm deep and 15 cm high. These calculations were made based on the average length of a human step.

The optimal dimensions of the steps of the mid-flight stairs.

In private houses, these parameters can be reduced, for example, instead of 30, make 20-25, but in this case it is better to make steps without a riser.

The absence of a riser does not affect the usability of the stairs.

Spiral stairs

A spiral staircase significantly saves space in the room. Its steps are different in appearance and shape from conventional mid-flight stairs, which makes descending them less convenient. In order for the foot to stand steadily on the tread, a spiral staircase should be made without risers. As for the width of the structure itself, 200 cm will be enough.

True, there are much wider structures, but in private houses they are installed extremely rarely.

Calculation of optimal sizes

The height of the riser affects the convenience of the entire staircase structure and each step individually. Its optimal height in a residential building should not be less than 14 cm, but should not exceed 17 cm. These dimensions depend on the height of the room itself and are directly dependent on the size of a person's step.

Low steps with a deep tread are sometimes installed on stairs leading to the porch.

Finding out the width of the step of the stairs is quite easy if you remember the simplest knowledge of mathematics. To do this, you need to take the value of the depth of the tread and the height of the riser of your future staircase and substitute it into the formula for calculating:

Where a is the depth of the tread, and b is the height of the riser. If necessary, the data can be corrected and the ideal size determined.

Alternative Method for Calculating Step Sizing

Calculating the number of steps is the easiest. For this, the height of the room is taken (i.e., the distance from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second) and. Divide the height of the room by the height of the riser and get the number of steps. Ideally, the number of steps should be odd, since it is more convenient to start the climb and finish with one foot.


If the number does not turn out to be odd, then you should think about making the upper or lower frieze step a little lower or a little higher than all the others.

Using this table, you can determine the size and number of steps.

The ratio of the height of the riser to the depth of the tread affects the comfort and safety of the entire staircase. Any ladder must not only be suitable in size, but also comply with safety rules. Here again, you need to know the depth of the tread and the height of the riser. If you add these measurements, you should get about 46 cm.

To understand how comfortable your staircase design is, you need to refer to the comfort formula: a-b \u003d 12 cm.

Where "a" is the depth of the tread and "b" is the height of the riser. If, when calculating according to this formula, a value of 12 cm comes out, then your staircase will be comfortable and convenient.


There are special programs that will help you calculate the required dimensions for designing a structure. However, some of them are very easy to use.

Free service for calculating the size of steps and other elements of stairs

March width

This parameter is set by the current rules and regulations. In small houses, the structure can be 70-80 cm wide, not counting railings and fences. This width will be enough for an adult to calmly, without clinging to corners, go up and down the stairs. Two people are unlikely to be able to miss each other in such an area. The standard width should vary between 90 cm and 100 cm. For greater security, you will need a railing, but this will take up some more room space (about 30-40 cm), so this must be taken into account when planning the width of the march.

Climbing such a narrow staircase can be a real challenge, especially for a person suffering from claustrophobia.

Step depth

Tread depth is an important factor in moving comfortably from floor to floor, so you need to think carefully about this point and determine the optimal tread depth. According to GOST, it can vary in the range from 23 cm to 30 cm, but you can deviate from the norm and add a couple of centimeters. The main thing is not to forget about the comfort formula. If the step depth is increased to 35-40 centimeters, then, firstly, the design will look bulky and will not fit into every interior, and, secondly, the riser height in this case should also be changed.

Of course, you can completely abandon the installation of the riser, leave only the tread. This is permissible only in the case of curved stairs or if you are aiming to lighten the structure itself.

In curved stairs, the size of the winders will depend on other factors. They are used instead of turntables to arrange a smooth transition to the second floor and save space in the house.

It is the uneven depth of the winder steps that makes them uncomfortable.

winder steps

Winder steps are used in curvilinear and rotary structures. They differ in appearance from the usual steps in a direct march. They resemble a truncated triangle or trapezium. they will be standard. However, the depth of the step is different. So, the depth of the tread in its narrowest part (at the central support) should not be less than 10 cm. While the depth of its outer side should not exceed 40 cm. This will be the most optimal size for winder steps so that the stairs are as comfortable as possible and comfortable.


Check all the data several times with the help of tools and on the calculator. It often happens that because of one annoying mistake, everything has to be redone.

In order to make a drawing of a future structure, you need to find out its dimensions, the most important of them are described in this article. In the process of creating a ladder structure, you need to remember one simple rule: "Measure seven times and cut once." There is no need to hurry anywhere, it is better to act with feeling, with sense, with arrangement.

Ksenia Skvortsova. Chief Editor. Author.
Planning and distribution of responsibilities in the content production team, work with texts.
Education: Kharkov State Academy of Culture, specialty “Culturologist. Lecturer in History and Theory of Culture. Experience in copywriting: From 2010 to the present. Editor: since 2016.

Steps are one of the main components of any staircase. They are made of various materials, they can be either a separate element or part of a monolithic flight of stairs. The relevant regulations define the minimum and maximum step size for stairs , on which the safety of the entire structure directly depends. Typical stairs and degrees have long been calculated by designers, and for rooms with non-standard dimensions and dimensions of stairwells, calculations have to be done individually each time.

Varieties and features of steps

Depending on the form, the steps are divided into:

  • straight, having the same size and located on the mid-flight stairs;
  • running, produced wedge-shaped. They are installed on rotary or spiral staircases.

Steps consist of a horizontal part (tread) and a vertical part (riser). The standards allow the manufacture of stairs with open risers, as well as with one tread overhanging the other, which is called trimming, or overhang. The size of the step for stairs is calculated based on the slope of the march and the number of treads in it.

Depending on the location of the steps are:

  • frieze lower ones. They are located at the very bottom of the flight of stairs at the level of the floor or platform, rising above it to the height of the riser;
  • frieze upper ones, which are the last steps in the march. They are located at the floor level of the upper floor, or below it, at a distance corresponding to the size of the riser;
  • ordinary, located between the frieze steps. On a march, there can be from 1 to 16.

Permissible step sizes

The dimensions of the steps are calculated according to the requirements and recommendations of the relevant regulatory documents, which clearly prescribe their dimensions. First of all, in SNiP 2.08.01-89 * "Residential buildings" it is determined that the width of the intra-apartment flight of stairs, and hence the steps, must be at least 0.90 meters with its largest slope of 1: 1.25. And the number of lifts in one march is allowed to be made from 3 to 18. These parameters are fundamental in the calculations.

To make climbing stairs convenient and comfortable, when determining the dimensions of the steps, the step size of the average person is taken into account. It is 0.60-0.64 meters. The width of the tread (a) and the height of the riser (b) are selected depending on the following ratio:

a + 2b = 60-64 (cm), or

a + b = 43-47 (cm).

This formula was invented back in the 18th century by the French architect Blondel, but to this day it has not lost its relevance.

It should be noted that the most optimal is the ratio of the width to the height of the step 300:150 mm. The standard sizes of steps made of different materials are somewhat different from each other. Their dimensions also depend on the main purpose of the stairs. But general parameters can be given.

The size of the tread should allow you to stand on the surface of the entire foot. Its depth is recommended to be at least 235-250 mm and not more than 355 mm for straight steps. Winder steps in their narrow part should not be less than 100 mm, along the travel line - 250 mm, and from a wide end - more than 400 mm. For auxiliary stairs (to the basement, to the attic or attic), it is allowed to reduce the tread to 200 mm. Street steps can be made up to 400 mm deep.

Quite often, the design of the stairs provides for the overhang of one step over the other. It should not exceed 50 mm, and for wooden structures - 30 mm. An overhang is made if it is impossible to arrange treads of optimal depth, and a similar technique allows them to be slightly increased. But before carving out the deprivation of millimeters, it is worth thinking about the design of the steps called the "duck step". For each leg, you can lay a full, comfortable size here.

Stair construction, its appearance, convenience and safety are of the utmost importance for any home. A well-designed staircase increases the overall comfort level of the people who will use it in the future, and also affects the level of ergonomics of the room. Given the importance and significance of the structure, almost all of its elements are subject to regulation at the legislative level: the width and length of the span, the size of the fences, the number and height of stairs (GOST and SNiP).

Importance of Timely Calculation of Parameters

Basic structures are calculated at the stage of developing a house project. Width and height allow builders to calculate the most important parameters of the future building.

Often, when developing a staircase project, they are guided by current standards and the wishes of the building owner. Compliance with administrative documents governing construction and repair work is mandatory. After all, drawing a beautiful, amazing staircase is half the battle. The design must be functional, reliable, convenient and safe.

Stairs in destinations or in educational institutions require especially close attention.

How exactly is the construction of stairs regulated?

Documents that contain standards, norms and rules, in accordance with which all stairs must be erected, are GOST and SNiP.

For stairs made of concrete and reinforced concrete, there are GOST 8717.1-84 and 8717.0-84. The latter document also applies to stairs made of metal structures.

Their individual points describe how high the marches should be, how many steps should be placed in them and how high they should be made. It also specifies the angle at which the flight of stairs is placed, the width of the site and the type of fences.

Some sizes are given with specific values, others are a range within which master builders can choose the numbers that suit them.

What does "optimal slope of the stairs" mean?

The angle at which the staircase structure will be located in a private house, a multi-storey apartment or a public building is the recommended values. The minimum angle is 20 degrees, the maximum is 50 degrees.

A smaller angle indicates that the staircase is low, that is, it is gentle. Of course, it is quite easy to climb such steps and the risk of falling is reduced, but such a design turns out to be many times longer and takes up much more space. Often, designers urge owners to save living space by reducing the length of the stairs. GOST sets the maximum allowable angle of inclination at 50 degrees, since steeper steps are unsafe for a climbing person.

True, there are exceptions, such as the installation of stairs to attics and basements. Steep stairs may be allowed here due to their infrequent use and limited space.

Optimal (for a private house) is a flight of stairs inclined at an angle of 30-35 degrees. This range of indicators corresponds to the natural rhythms of human movement.

What data is taken into account in the process of developing a project

The most important parameters affecting the ladder structure are:

  1. The height of each floor.
  2. The total area of ​​the interior.
  3. Layout of windows, doors and open openings.
  4. The shape and features of the walls of the rooms (niches, ledges).

These data, which are determined from construction drawings, affect what the height of the steps of the stairs will be, GOST is also necessarily taken into account. In addition, the figures obtained allow you to see what will be the total height of the stairs, the length of the marches, the number and size of the turntables.

The existence of set parameters does not mean at all that the ladder structure does not need to be calculated. Individual projects are necessary, as the final dimensions are influenced by many factors (the material used to manufacture stairs and railings, the type of their finish, the materials used in interior design).

How are stairs calculated (GOST)?

The angle of inclination of the structure depends on how many steps there will be, on their height, and also on the distance between them.

Standards define administrative documents - GOST and SNiP. The height of the steps of the stairs can be from 12 cm to 22 cm. The choice of a specific size is influenced by the location of the structure and its purpose. For those stairs that are intensively and often used, it is recommended to choose a value of about 14.5-17.5 cm.

Speaking about the depth of the tread (the horizontal plane that a person steps on), its optimal indicator should be indicated: the allowed range is from 25 cm to 40 cm. However, steps with a width of 30-37 cm are recognized as the most convenient.

The justification for these values ​​is the size of the foot of the average person, as well as the width of his step. If for some reason the optimal parameters cannot be applied or the planned slope of the stairs prevents the placement of steps of such sizes, the project developers reduce the depth to 14.5 cm. At the same time, they provide a protrusion that increases the depth by two or three centimeters (step overhang).

What is a riser and what should be its height

The height of the steps of any staircase directly depends on the size of the riser and the thickness of the step itself. A riser is a vertical element located between two treads.

As already noted, the standard height of the stairs is 14.5-17.5 cm. At the same time, the process of calculating the parameters provides for a mandatory check for convenience and safety. To do this, add the width of the tread and the height of the riser (according to the drawing). If the amount is between 44 cm and 48 cm, then the ladder can be considered safe.

Number of steps

A standard flight of stairs contains on average 12-15 steps. This amount allows most people to safely climb from the beginning to the end of the structure or to the landing.

To determine how many steps the staircase being erected will have, the craftsmen use the following method:

  1. Calculate or measure the total length of the stairs (the distance from the first step to the floor of the second floor).
  2. Divide the resulting length by the approximate height of the riser.
  3. The resulting size is rounded up to an integer and recalculated taking into account the new data.

This algorithm is rather simplified, since in the process of real calculations many other factors are taken into account (the thickness of the floor covering on the first and second floors, the type of the staircase itself, the finishing of the steps).

Features of concrete stairs

Today, the choice of staircase design for many homeowners is facilitated by the existence of ready-made modules made of high-quality concrete (grade not lower than B15).

They are manufactured by certified manufacturers, so all the requirements of GOST and SNiP are met (the height of the stairs, their depth and width, as well as the angle of inclination).

The use of such structures greatly facilitates, speeds up and reduces the cost of building stairs. Reinforced concrete stairs are very durable and can be decorated with various materials and techniques, so they are installed both in residential buildings and in public buildings.

Separate aspects of the design of stairs

The height of the steps of the stairs (GOST provides for this) must be the same for all elements of the stairs. This is a mandatory requirement, which is designed to ensure the balance of a person moving between floors.

In addition, experts say that it is more comfortable for people to complete the ascent or descent with the same foot with which they started moving up the stairs. Therefore, many constructions contain an odd number of degrees.

If the platform between the marches consists of several levels, the difference in their height should be equal to the height of the step.

Spiral staircases and their steps

When designing spiral or spiral staircases, designers have to deal with winders. The requirements regarding their height remain the same as for straight, swivel or combined structures.

However, due to the specific shape of the steps, the depth of the tread and the width of the staircase itself are subject to strict regulation.

This is due to the fact that moving along screw structures is not as convenient and safe as traditional ones. For this reason, designers are not advised to build such a staircase as the main one.

Often, spiral staircases serve to climb to the attic or as an auxiliary means of transportation. True, many modern screw-type designs have a very beautiful design and become the main decoration of the room. To increase the comfort of future residents, their width and height between the steps of the stairs should be as close as possible to the optimal parameters.

Spiral staircases are completely unsuitable for installation in public buildings and educational institutions. They should also be avoided if a person with limited mobility will live in the house. True, if the owner still really wants to see just such a staircase structure in his house, he should place all significant objects and rooms (bedroom, kitchen, living room) on the ground floor.

The design of the stairs is carried out according to certain standards, which are regulated by such documents as SNiP and GOST. Established standards ensure the convenience and safety of a building for a room or for a porch.

Among other things, GOST defines their design features, parameters and manufacturing specifications. SNiP will provide assistance to those who independently equip the flight of stairs. It contains details regarding calculations (riser height, march width, etc.) and design.

Parameters of steps of internal flights of stairs

In order to be comfortable going up and down, the optimal dimensions must be maintained. Below are the key parameters of the stairs (in millimeters):

  • step width - from 200 to 320;
  • step height - from 150 to 200;
  • maximum step protrusion - 30;
  • the maximum allowable difference between the risers of one span is 5.

It is important to correctly determine the width of the tread. The ratio of the dimensions of the step is expressed by different formulas. The first is called the "comfort formula": the difference between the dimensions of the tread and the riser is 120. The second is referred to as the "safety formula": the sum of the dimensions of the tread and the riser is 450. These auxiliary equations will help you find the optimal balance of step parameters.

GOST requirements, which stipulate the width of wooden and other steps, are designed for easy descent and ascent. It is believed that the most comfortable riser height is 150 mm with twice the (that is, equal to 300) tread width. An increase in the last indicator will lead to the fact that several steps will have to be taken to rise one level. If the step width is reduced, the descent will be inconvenient.

The requirements of GOST regarding safety must be observed both during the construction and operation of the flight of stairs.

Building codes affect all stair structures. There are also rules governing the parameters of winder steps. From the narrow end, their minimum width should be 100 mm, while the overhang of the tread should not exceed 50.

Parameters of platforms and fences

For landings to be comfortable, they must also be designed in accordance with standards. Their useful width should not be less than the width of the march adjacent to it. For comfortable movement, the optimal length of the platform should be at least 1300 mm. If there is a door nearby, when designing, it is necessary to make the size of the site taking into account the size of the door leaf.

For the safety of the stairs, railings are provided. The height of the railing should not be less than 900 mm, for porch railings (with more than three steps) the minimum figure is 800. For the safety of children, the height of the railing can be increased to 1500.

Step parameters on escape routes

As for the points on escape routes, the depth of the tread and the height of the riser are clearly regulated - 250 and 220 mm, respectively. Escape routes require access to the surrounding area, either directly or through a vestibule. For the latter, a light opening with an area of ​​at least 1.2 m2 is required.


On the evacuation routes, all stairs (including fire escapes for the work of rescue teams) are made of non-combustible materials. The presence of wooden elements is prohibited.

Porch staircase design

For porch wood steps, the same parameters apply as for indoor steps. However, there are some nuances. The angle of inclination of the stairs for the porch should not exceed 30º, so that it is convenient to climb it. The dimensions of the porch step are within the same limits - an average height of 140-170 mm, a depth of at least 250.

Arrangement for the porch of wooden steps is widespread. However, in order to extend their service life, the tree is impregnated with protective compounds. It is preferable to use hardwood for the porch.

Designing and erecting a staircase requires a lot of money. But subject to building regulations, it is quite possible to perform this work with high quality. Leave a comment and share useful stair design tips.