How to remove the film from plastic windows if it is not removed? How to remove a protective film from plastic windows How to remove a film from a window frame.

Some work is desirable to perform immediately, so that there are no problems in the future. For example, withdrawal from plastic windows the protective film is often deposited, or for some reason not produced at all. In the future, under the influence of the sun, it bursts, cracks, takes on an unpleasant appearance, and the frame burns out in pieces, but such problems could have been avoided.

We will not beat around the bush, but we will immediately tell you how to remove the film from plastic windows, even one that has already hung for a decent time.

Newly installed plastic window

Follow instructions

When installing PVC windows, the craftsmen do not immediately remove the protective film from the windows. They work according to the instructions, and it clearly states that the film must be removed within 10 days after the installation of the window structure. Thus, they completely entrust the work of removing window protection to the owners. If you do not want to put up with this, offer the installers to complete the work to the end.

The protective film consists of two layers, on the first, decorative, the manufacturer's advertisement is usually applied, and the second, has an adhesive base that securely attaches it to the window surface. Being in a closed position, under the influence of sunlight and heat, the adhesive composition thickens more and more, tightly sticking to the window frame.

Delete upper layer after a couple of months it will still be easy, but by this time the inner one will already stick quite firmly. That is why the old film will be extremely difficult to tear off entirely. You will have to use a large arsenal of tools and tools to clear the window of the remnants of its former protection.

This is a common problem on windows.


So, let's look at how to remove the protective film from plastic windows, if the time for this work has been lost, and the materials have almost grown together.

The easiest way to remove the film from the window involves precise and careful work, which will take a lot of time and effort. Arm yourself with a sharp knife or blade, which will be convenient to pick up thin material, and gradually, piece by piece, tear it off the window. After the protective material is removed, it will be necessary to wash the window frame from adhesive residue. This can be done with a regular dishwashing sponge and detergent.

If you do not want to mess around with sticky adhesive on pvc frame windows, you can quickly erase it with an eraser. Again, it will take a fairly large amount of time to process the entire frame. However, we note that not everywhere there will be grandiose remnants of glue, somewhere it will be removed along with the film.

If you think that protective covering not too strongly stuck to the frame, you can try to remove it with a building hair dryer. The heated adhesive composition will soften, and in this form it will be easier to work with the film. Use a rag and a hard scraper, and systematically separate old film from the frame of your PVC window. You are unlikely to succeed quickly, but in terms of quality there will definitely be success.

Even the timely removal of material promises some difficulties.

Many housewives do an excellent job of removing protective coatings on frames with steam cleaners and steam generators. This method is extremely simple and effective: the steam heats and softens the film, making it elastic, after which it can be easily removed. Note that it is necessary to warm up the frame properly with steam, and do not pull strongly on the hooked end.

If you are dealing with ceramics and you have a scraper for glass-ceramic stoves in your house, then it is quite possible to use it. It will help to quickly and accurately scrape off all layers of unnecessary material. You can try to wash off the remaining glue with a detergent, while the frame should be rubbed with a brush with a strong bristle.

Among all solvents, white spirit proved to be the most effective for removing the protective coating from the frame.

It is convenient to pry off the film with a sharp knife, and then remove the glue with a rag soaked in white spirit. If you can’t immediately wipe off the glue, you can soak it in a solvent for a couple of minutes, after which it will definitely be removed. It is also worth noting here that among all solvents, this one smells the least.

Using a window scraper

Scattered remnants of the protective coating can be removed with ordinary tape. To do this, wash the frame with detergent composition, dry. Then stick a transparent adhesive tape on it, smooth it over the entire surface, and then gently tear it off. With adhesive tape, many unwanted elements will be removed.

You can buy plastic cleaners at hardware stores. It is better not to use these products, or use them in extreme cases, because they can damage the frame of your PVC window.

Removing the sun cover

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to remove the sun-protection film from the glass, to which it has stuck quite strongly over the summer. Of course you can, but since this coating is made from a special material of lavsan, solvents will not help us, we will have to use physical force.

Note that the instructions for use of sunscreen films usually do not contain any information on how to remove it. Manufacturers apparently believe that it is installed on the glass forever. We will not argue with them, but we will use available means to remove it.

To work, you will need a sharp knife, it is best to take a stationery option, as well as dishwashing gel. Using the gel, we will need to make a soapy solution, which we will gradually apply to the surface of the glass. Then we can easily pick up the soaked film and remove it with the sharp tip of a knife.

Cleaning glass from additional reflective elements

The process of removing the sun protection coating from the glass is very, very laborious, but if everything is done according to the instructions, the surface will be perfectly clean.

It is best to carry out such work on a sunny day, when the heated glass surface softens the glue. In this case, the shiny protective coating can be removed more easily. If the weather is bad, you can heat the glass with a building hair dryer or steam generator, but this must be done carefully.

In conclusion, I would like to note that when installing plastic windows, remove the protective film within 10 days, or ask the installers to do it right away. Otherwise, you run the risk of long, tedious and uninteresting work with windows in the future.

Gone are the hot summer days ... Shining mirror shine instead of a life-giving coolness, the window of your room began to bring trouble? Lowered the leaves of your favorite ficus? Was it only for dinner to wake up and twitter your favorite canary? And all from the fact that there was not enough light in the house! The miracle of technology - the thinnest sunscreen film, which saved you from the oppressive heat in the summer, began to show its negative properties with the advent of autumn.

Light transmission through the plastic window decreased by 20-30%. It's time to think about how to remove the film from plastic windows without compromising PVC profile And at the same time, do not scratch the glass ...

How to remove the light protection film

The negative qualities of sunscreen films begin to manifest themselves in the autumn winter period. And they are connected with the fact that the light transmission coefficient of these films is 90% - 5%. Manufacturers recommend removing the film from the plastic window for the winter. And they do this not to increase sales, but to prevent complaints from consumers who, when buying and sticking a reflective film, inattentively read the instructions.

The vast majority of sun-protection (mirror) films are currently glued to a plastic window in a “wet” way - using a soapy solution. But the composition of the adhesive - in most cases, remains a trade secret of the manufacturer.

We can only state that any reputable manufacturer strives to ensure that the adhesive is of high quality and resistant to UV rays, precipitation, temperature extremes and mechanical stress.

It is these properties of the glue that create for some home craftsmen who have successfully coped with the problem of high-quality sticking of the film, insurmountable obstacles when the time comes to get rid of it.

Of all the invented methods, with the exception of contacting the manufacturer with the question: what solvent to use for your solar control film to take it off?

And this information is usually placed on the packaging of the film of reputable and trusted companies from the Netherlands, Germany or France.

90% + products of firms in the region South-East Asia, either do not indicate the brand of solvent at all, or place this information encrypted, in hieroglyphs that are not amenable to the Russian mind, in the list of technical characteristics.

Craftsmen came up with 3 main ways to remove the film:

  • soaking;
  • warming up;
  • the use of solvents.

Soaking reflective films

If the film is pasted on the glass of a plastic window using aqueous solution with the addition of surfactants (surfactants), it is logical to assume that the adhesive used by the manufacturer is water-soluble.

The simplest will be old method soaking.

For this you will need:

  • cotton or semi-synthetic fabric that is true to size in size window glass;
  • spray;
  • foam paint roller;
  • basin for solution with surfactants;
  • construction scraper with replaceable blades;
  • plastic or rubber spatula.

Step 1

Over the summer, the film has time to dry out, and the polymer structure becomes brittle. It must be thoroughly soaked in water to remove. Cut out a piece of canvas 10-20 mm larger in length / width than the dimensions of the plastic window glass, so that it bends slightly onto the PVC profile of the window frames. Soak it in a surfactant solution. For this you can use any detergent, but best of all - dishwashing detergent - "Fairy", "Sorti", "Dosya", "Drop", etc. or window cleaner.

Step 2

Moisten the surface of the film with a surfactant solution from a spray bottle and stick a wet cloth on it. Moisten the cloth periodically with a spray bottle to keep it constantly damp. Do not hurry! The longer the film is soaked on the plastic window, the easier it will be to remove it from the glass. The minimum exposure is 1 hour.

Step 3

With a fingernail or a sharp object (toothpick, plastic spatula), pick up the film at the upper corner of the window and try to separate it from the glass by 10-20 mm. After that, moisten the separated area with a spray bottle, so that the solution gets between the adhesive surface of the film and the glass. Leave on for 5-10 minutes.

Step 4

It is best to do it with an assistant. Grab the unstuck corner with your fingers and very slowly and smoothly, without sudden effort, pull it towards you. If the film begins to peel off, you can clean the glass without problems. You will be successful!

Holding the corner of the film with your fingers with your other hand with a hard rubber (plastic) spatula, peel off a narrow strip along the entire upper edge of the window and moisten again with a spray bottle.

Step 5

All further work will consist in the fact that you will smoothly and evenly pull the film towards you, trying to prevent it from tearing, and the assistant will moisten the glass surface at this time so that the soap solution gets between the film and the glass.

The main thing is not to rush. The intervals after wetting should be 5-10 minutes.

Step 6

If pieces of unseparated film remain on the window, they are abundantly moistened and removed using a construction (stationery) scraper with replaceable blades. After the film is completely removed, the window is washed with a window cleaner solution. You can add a few drops of ammonia solution to it ( ammonia) to make the glass shine.

Removal with a hair dryer

Everybody polymer coatings sensitive to temperature rise. When heated, they become more ductile and much easier to bend or separate from each other. Reflective films are made from heat-resistant polymers. So that when they are actively heated in the Sun, they do not exfoliate spontaneously. Therefore, the temperature of their heating should be quite high - 50-100°C.

An ordinary household hair dryer will not work for this (the overheating protection relay will work).

To clean the window, you must use a building hair dryer. The film separation technology does not differ significantly from that when using a soap solution.

Step 1

Evenly heat the entire surface of the window with the glued film, holding the hair dryer at a distance of 100-150 mm from the surface. Don't keep your hair dryer in one area. Glass may break due to overheating.

Step 2

Point the hair dryer for 2-5 seconds at the corner of the film at the top edge of the window.

Pick up the softened film with a spatula and separate from the glass.

Step 3

Help needed assistant. Evenly, holding the hair dryer 50-100 mm from the glass, run it along the film in a horizontal plane. At the same time, the assistant must keep the film in a taut state separating (pasting) from the glass.

The main thing is not to overheat the film and glass, the film may begin to deform and stretch with threads, and the glass may burst due to high temperature.

Step 4

After removing the film, wash the glass.

Removal with solvents

All polymer films, including reflective ones, are sensitive to nitro solvents. Therefore, in no case should liquids containing acetone or similar chemicals be used to remove them. Otherwise, you risk dissolving polymer base, turning it into a viscous mass, leaving glue on the glass.

As solvents for glue, you must use either the solvent that is recommended by the manufacturer, or pick it up empirically by doing a series of tests.

For samples, use the pieces of film left after the repair, or by peeling off the corner of the film on the window glass using one of the methods described above.

Important to remember! Working with solvents requires mandatory use of respiratory protection equipment - a protective respirator with cartridges for working with chemicals, or a gas mask.

Remove all plants, pets (especially cold-blooded - fish, amphibians, reptiles) from the room! Work in the absence of children!

Windows must be open during operation!

The most suitable for removing the film are solvents based on petroleum distillation products - gasoline, naphtha, solvents:

  • nefras C2;
  • Z-646;
  • toluene;
  • ethyl gasoline;
  • orthoxinol;
  • solvent, etc.

Or based on alcohols - isopropyl, formic alcohol, formaldehyde, etc.

All these solvents are toxic!

After peeling off a corner of the film, apply a few drops of solvent from a pipette between the film and glass. If the solvent is effective, an iridescent spot should form between the film and glass, and the film should separate from the glass without any effort.

Apply the solvent between the film and glass from a pipette. Exposure between solvent application and film release time is 1-3 minutes.

The process can be controlled visually, by the formation of an iridescent layer between the film and glass.

Before starting work on the inner surface of the PVC profile, determine the resistance of the PVC window profile to the selected solvent. To do this, moisten a piece of cotton wool in the solvent and attach it to the PVC profile. If after that cotton wool fibers remain on the window profile, such a solvent cannot be used!

Be especially careful when applying solvent around the edges of the film. He shouldn't get on rubber seals windows, otherwise they will melt! Any solvent that gets on the rubber should be wiped off immediately with a dry cloth.

You can work only in rubber gloves resistant to gasoline!

Instead of a conclusion

These are not tricky, time-tested, but very unreliable ways to remove reflective film from the glass of a plastic window. All of them require time and painstaking, unhurried work.

To remove the protective film from plastic windows at home, you can use a solvent, scraper, hair dryer and other tools. You can also solve the problem with soap, window cleaner, brush, denatured alcohol. Next, the structure must be cleaned of the remnants of the adhesive base and the protective film. In this case, a screed, sponge, crumpled paper and special remedy for glasses.

Film removal methods

According to the rules, the protective film from PVC windows must be removed within 10 days, because after a year this will be quite problematic. The film is very thin and delicate, under the influence of sunlight and high temperature, it collapses and, as a result, dries up. To prevent the glue from drying out, you must use the following means:

  1. 1. Blade, knife or scraper. When using sharp objects, it is important not to damage the surface. Carefully pry off the edge of the film with a scraper or blade, then tear off the rest with your hands. After you managed to peel off the protection from the windowsill or plastic window, traces of the adhesive composition may remain on the surface. You can get rid of them with a cleaning gel (Cif, for example) and a sponge for washing dishes. When removing the adhesive, no effort is needed, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the surfaces.
  2. 2. Building hair dryer. The jet of hot air must be directed directly to the frame, and not to the double-glazed window, because cracks may appear on it. Under the action of heat, the adhesive composition will become softer, this will greatly simplify the cleaning of glass from the film. Similarly, you can use a regular hair dryer or steam generator.
  3. 3. White spirit or other solvent. Before using any of these tools, it is worth checking the effect of the composition on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe window, window sill. If the plastic is not damaged, then you can proceed to remove the protection. How to use: gently pry off the edge of the film with a scraper or other sharp object, then apply the agent between the plastic and the film. So gradually clean the entire surface.
  4. 4. Cosmophen. This is a special solvent for removing protection from PVC windows. There are 3 types that differ in the degree of impact: No. 5, No. 10, No. 20. With careless use, you can dissolve not only the film, but also plastic. Therefore, it is recommended to use the least aggressive compound number five.
  5. 5. Paint remover RP6. To get rid of the old dried film, it is necessary to apply this agent on it with a thick layer. After 10-12 minutes, the surface will begin to swell. To remove the film, wear gloves and goggles. The soapy solution will help remove any remaining adhesive and product.
  6. 6. Soap solution and a hard brush. This method is effective if the window is on the shadow side. Adhesive composition does not heat up much, respectively, its coupling with plastic is weak. For this it is necessary in hot water(1 liter is enough) dissolve 2 tablespoons of chips laundry soap. After wetting the brush in this product, try to wipe off the remnants of the film.
  7. 7. Denatured alcohol. Pour denatured alcohol into a spray bottle, evenly spray the surface on which the protection has dried. After 5 minutes, you can pry off the edge of the film and remove it with your hands. When performing these manipulations, be sure to wear latex gloves to protect your hands.

If the film does not come off, it will be possible to solve the problem with a chemical detergent (Shumanit). To clean the surface from protection, you must follow the instructions on the package. If, after removing the main part, small "islands" remain, then you can rub them with a regular eraser.

Cleaning windows from film residues

After you managed to peel off the film at home, the double-glazed window must be washed.

There are several ways and means:

  1. 1. Paper, rags and window cleaner with a spray bottle. First you need to process with a damp cloth to remove the remnants of the compositions, glue and pieces of the film. After that, spray the windows with a spray and wipe them first with a dry rag, then with paper (you can use napkins).
  2. 2. Sponge and screed. This option is ideal for those cases when it is necessary to reach windows. In this case, it is required to use a screed with a handle, the length of which should be within 25-30 cm. The cleaning itself is carried out as follows: first of all, you need to prepare a washing solution - 2 drops of the product per 2 liters of warm water. Wet the sponge in the solution and wring it out well so that excess liquid does not drain onto the windowsill. Wash in circular motions Special attention to those places where the protective film was removed and the adhesive base remained. Then in the container you should collect clean warm water, wet the screed in it and run it along the entire length of the surface. After clean windows wipe with a dry cloth in horizontal movements from left to right. At the end of these manipulations, remove water from the windowsill.
  3. 3. Concentrated soap solution. To clean the surface of the remnants of the film and glue, you first need to prepare a solution from the shavings of laundry soap, then soak a rag in it and wipe the windows. When a soapy crust appears, remove it with mint. toilet paper or newspaper. To avoid streaks, use a window cleaner with a spray (Chistulya, Cinderella and others).

A protective film on the frames of metal-plastic windows is necessary to protect against dust, dirt and scratches that form during transportation and installation. Manufacturers indicate that after installation of the structure, it should be removed immediately, without delaying it, especially in the summer. Why you need to hurry and how to shoot the film - we'll talk in this article.

So, remember that it is necessary to remove the protective film from the frame in a timely manner, namely, immediately after installing the windows or in the next 10 days. If the film remains on the frames for one or two months, then you can easily handle it. But if this period increases to 3 or more months, you will have to sweat and put a lot of effort into getting rid of it, as it sticks tightly. It is worth removing not only the film from the PVC profile, but also the one that is located on the ebbs and the windowsill.

Film adhesion enhancing factors:

  • The action of ultraviolet. This takes into account which side of the house the windows are located on. The film on the shadow side can be easily removed even after a few months. In the sun, it’s hard to tear it off after a couple of days.
  • The quality of the adhesive. Film glued with bad glue is more difficult to remove. This very often happens when installing inexpensive metal-plastic windows.
  • Heat. When installing windows in summer, the film dries very quickly, eating into the frame; in winter, this process occurs later.
The methods by which this problem can be solved are as follows: mechanical, chemical. The film can be removed with a scraper designed for cleaning cooking and glass-ceramic panels. To remove adhesive residue, small scratches, use the cleaner. Suitable COSMOFEN 10 or FENOSOL. Cosmofen can be bought from a company that installs metal-plastic structures. Do not take Cosmofen No. 5, as it is the most powerful solvent capable of dissolving plastic. Acrylic Thinner P-12 can do the job, but be careful and test the chemical on an inconspicuous area as it can change the color of the plastic frames. It is also recommended to use microfiber.

If the film does not tear off, it is removed in small pieces, you can use an industrial hair dryer. If not, take a home machine with high power and use it in turbo mode. Direct the flow of hot air to the frame itself, because if you direct it to the glass packages, they will burst. Heat the film, gently pry it with something until it cools, at an angle of 45 degrees. For example, a clerical knife, blade or scalpel. Now you can easily tear it off the profile. Try to use cutting tool as little as possible, and more to act with your fingers. To remove marks, proceed as described in point 2. Another method is similar to the method described above, but involves the use of a steam generator instead of a hair dryer. considered more efficient. Alternatively, you can remove the film with chemical substances:
  1. Pour denatured alcohol into the spray bottle. Take an ordinary container for indoor plants. Spray the compound onto the frame plastic window, wait for a while - as a rule, a few minutes are enough, prying off the edge, gently pull the film.
  2. According to numerous reviews, the Shumanit tool, which is produced by the Israeli manufacturer Buggy, is distinguished by its miraculous effect. However, it is very strong, and you should act with extreme caution.
  3. Also, white spirit will help you in this difficult task. However, remember that it is not applied on top of the film, but in the space formed between it and the plastic. To do this, it is necessary to pry off the protective film with a cutting object and pour the substance there. After some time, the film can be easily peeled off.

All these methods will allow you to remove not only the film from the profile, but also the stickers located on the double-glazed windows, since the same glue is usually used in these cases. But it is better to remove the film in time. And if you still have to repair, and you are afraid to stain the frame, cover it with masking tape.

Reading time: 1 minute

Owners of plastic windows often do not know how to clean the film of plastic windows. Indeed, this is not a simple matter. The film does not come off well, traces of glue remain on the frame, and many owners are afraid to use more “radical” measures (solvents, scrapers). It is important to get rid of traces of the film, and to save aesthetic appearance frames.

There are some simple secrets on how to safely and effectively get rid of the protective shell on plastic windows.

The price of tools and materials for film removal is low. However, it is better to peel off the protective tape from the window frames immediately after installing the double-glazed windows than to spend a lot of time on this later.

The fact is that the protective shell consists of two layers. The bottom layer with glue is thinner. Under the influence of sunlight and heat, the layer dissolves and is absorbed into the plastic. That is why simply peeling off the film from top to bottom does not work. The top layer will remain in the hands, and the glue will still stick to the frame.

Take off quickly protective film after a long time after the installation of windows will not work. The whole process will most likely take several hours. The shell can be removed by physical or chemical action. In most cases, both the first and second methods should be used.


Many new settlers are interested in how to wash plastic windows from the film. Often builders after installing windows break the rules and do not remove the protective tape immediately. The house can stand for several years until it is fully completed. During this time, the tape will "tightly" stick to the frames. In this case, it is better to resort to a mechanical method.

Using various tools, you can pick up the film and remove it from the surface. In this case, most likely, an adhesive layer will remain on the frame. It can also be removed with tools without resorting to a chemical method.

For information on how to remove the protective sheath with tools, see the table.

Image Tool Instruction

Household or building hair dryer 1. heat up an industrial hair dryer (a household hair dryer must be turned on at maximum power);

2. carefully, without touching the double-glazed window, heat the film with a stream of hot air;

3. Helping yourself with a clerical knife or scraper, remove the protective tape;

4. Remove adhesive residue with a solvent.

Scraper for hobs and glass-ceramic panels 1. pick up the edge of the protective shell;

2. gently guiding the scraper forward, gradually remove the entire protective tape;

3. treat the adhesive residue with a chemical agent.

1. cut the film and pick it up with a clerical knife;

2. slowly, without making sudden movements, pull the protective sheath towards you with your hands;

3. help with a knife, completely peel off the protective tape;

4. wash off the remaining traces with a sponge and detergent.

1. remove the protective shell with your hands (as it turns out);

2. “erase” the remaining traces of glue with an eraser;

3. wash the frame with soapy water.

Brush and soap solution As with the eraser, if there is any adhesive left on the surface of the frame, it can be removed with a stiff brush and soap.

The most effective is an industrial hair dryer. The flow of hot air melts the adhesive layer, so the efficiency of complete film removal without subsequent surface treatment is increased. It is worth noting that a household hair dryer is poorly suited for this task. The power of a household hair dryer is not enough, so you will have to additionally “fight” with the adhesive layer.

Advice! If you are not confident in your abilities, then you should use the services of a cleaning company. Specialists will remove the protective tape without damaging the frame and double-glazed windows.


You can wash the film from plastic windows with the help of chemicals. It is not recommended to use aggressive solvents, including alcohols, as such products can deform the plastic frame. In particular, denatured alcohol, White Spirit, RP-6 and Kosmofen will help get rid of glue.

It should be remembered that when working even with weak solvents, it is worth observing safety rules. Work should be carried out in a ventilated area or in a respirator. It is better to wipe off traces of glue with rags soaked in the substance with gloves on.

Features of use chemicals on plastic windows are presented in the table.

Photo Means How to apply

Denatured alcohol or technical alcohol must be poured into a small spray bottle and sprayed evenly over the protective tape on the frame. After about 2 minutes, pry off the edge of the film with a utility knife and pull slowly. In this case, traces of glue may remain on the plastic, which can be easily removed with acrylic thinner or white spirit.

COSMOFEN is a series of cleaners with solvent or non-solvent effect, designed specifically for PVC windows. Cosmofen-10 is suitable for cleaning the film. This is a mildly solvent cleaner that will help remove traces of glue from plastic frame while maintaining its integrity. enough to wipe problem areas cloth soaked in the product. "Cosmofen" is recommended to be used in combination with a hair dryer.

RP-6 RP-6 is used to remove old paint with different surfaces. The mixture is also suitable for getting rid of the protective sheath on PVC. To work with RP-6, you must wear goggles and gloves. RP-6 is applied in a thick layer on the treated surface and left for 10 minutes. During this time, the film will rise and begin to lag behind the frame. It remains only to remove the protective tape and treat the residue with a weak solvent.

"White spirit" is a universal remedy for removing complex contaminants. This is a rather weak solvent, so it must be applied not on top of the film, but on the adhesive layer. To do this, it is enough to pick up the upper edge of the protective layer, pull it back a little and pour the product into the resulting free gap. After a few minutes, you can freely peel off the film. If the film is long, then the procedure must be repeated until the White Spirit gradually dissolves the entire adhesive layer.

Advice! To remove glue from plastic, the universal remedy "Shumanit" is also suitable. However, it is worth remembering that it contains caustic substances that can damage the PVC profile. Therefore, you should apply the product to the sticky surface of the frame and immediately wipe it off along with the glue.

Cleaning glass

Many owners of plastic windows are also interested in ways to clean the window from the mirror film. Special protection that reflects the sun's rays is sold in hardware stores. Residents living on the sunny side of houses buy film for the summer. However, with the onset of cloudy days, it has something to peel off protective layer not so easy.

The problem is the same as with the protective tape on the frames. Although mirror film does not have an adhesive layer and is glued with water, under the action of ultraviolet rays it practically eats into the double-glazed window. It is very difficult to peel off such protection.

Advice! To solar protection for windows, it was removed easily, do not delay with its removal. If the windows face south, and the sun shines from April to October, then it is easier to leave the film or initially refuse to use it and hang blinds.

Simple methods on how to clean sunscreen film from windows:

  • With the help of denatured alcohol and a spray gun, similarly to removing the film from the frame, you can get rid of the sun protection layer on the double-glazed window. Denatured alcohol is sprayed onto the surface of the window and aged for several minutes. Then, with the help of a clerical knife, the edge of the shell is pry off and the entire layer is gradually removed by hand. It's better to start at the top.
  • Using a steam generator, you can melt the surface of the sun protection layer, and then remove it by picking it up with a knife. This method is well suited for "stubborn" film, which is difficult to pick up.
  • Clean the double-glazed window with a sponge with Schumannite. This is a powerful tool that must be handled with gloves. Also, contact of the product with the plastic parts of the window should be avoided.

Sometimes pulling off the film from the double-glazed window is not enough. Often on the surface of the window there are mirror, "silver" traces of the film. You should not take on a solvent: lavsan - the material from which the protection is made - does not come into contact with solvents. Everything is much easier. Enough to wash the window hot water with soap, and rub the “silver” spots with a hard metal sponge. You should not be afraid for scratches on the window: the double-glazed window will withstand such cleaning and become as good as new.

The video in this article will clearly demonstrate how to remove protective and sun protection shells from plastic windows.

Film on windows global problem, which will surely find its solution. Depending on the degree and duration of bonding, owners can use combined cleaning methods. The main thing is to remember the vulnerability of PVC structures and not to use aggressive methods.