How to lay tiles on a plywood floor. Tiles on plywood - we understand together Is it possible to glue ceramic tiles on plywood

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Many novice craftsmen are interested in how to stick ceramic tiles to plywood when finishing a kitchen or bathroom in wooden house. The choice of a suitable composition is quite difficult to make, since the materials are poorly compatible with each other.

That is what we will talk about in this article.

The main thing

The base composition is usually a two-component polyurethane adhesive made using synthetic substances. The drying process can last from several hours to two days.

The tool has a number of advantages that should be mentioned without fail:

  • affordable price adhesive composition has a positive effect on budget funds consumer;
  • a high level of elasticity makes it possible to use products for problematic grounds;
  • the operating temperature range ranges from -55 to +125 degrees, which expands the scope;
  • good adhesion allows you to securely connect almost any material to each other.

For more information, see the dedicated video in this article. As for the questions that arise in the process of studying, they can be asked directly in the comments.

There are situations in which there is a need to lay tiles on plywood. This process is necessary when replacing flooring or when completing walls. physical characteristics the base coating of plywood differ significantly from the concrete base. Therefore, the laying of tiles will be different.

Advantages and disadvantages of the plywood tiling procedure

Beginners are wondering - is it possible to lay tiles on plywood? For experienced professionals, this is not challenging task. But the procedure as a whole is relatively complex and jewelry. The technique of tiling is the same, but there are differences at the preparatory stage.

Laying tiles on plywood flooring has the following advantages:

  • speed of work;
  • low mass characteristic of the base, which is well suited for wooden houses on foundations with low strength parameters;
  • no need to perform time-consuming and expensive work on the construction of a concrete or cement-sand base for coating;
  • it is possible to lay tiles on a plywood floor in rooms with wet operating conditions (baths, bathrooms).

In spite of positive sides plywood flooring for tiling, you need to take into account its disadvantages:

  • it is impossible to mount a “warm” floor system on a plywood base;
  • there is a need for additional waterproofing measures for rooms with conditions high humidity;
  • The thickness of the plywood sheet must be at least 22 mm.

Surface preparation for plywood base

Before laying plywood, you need to perform such preparatory measures as:

  • remove the old finishing putty from the surface;
  • clean the base from debris and dust;
  • perform sealing of cracks and joints of the floor with walls using a cement-sand mortar;
  • in the case of a rough wooden floor, you need to perform side events for antiseptics;
  • set the required beacons with building level.

You can replace the level with a line drawn on the wall around the entire perimeter of the room. It will show the level at which plywood sheets should be laid.

Substrate preparation for plywood flooring

Fastening plywood on logs with a thickness of 30 mm. With this value of the thickness of the base, the required rigidity is ensured, at which the mounted tile cannot crack or vibrate.

To avoid stress whole sheet plywood, it is divided into several parts. Then they are fixed on a plank floor or a lag system in a checkerboard pattern. If it is necessary to lay the substrate on the logs, the gaps between them should be within 30–40 cm.

When laying plywood flooring, there is no need to limit the number of self-tapping screws, since their more frequent step minimizes plywood deflection and reduces its vibration. Self-tapping screws must be screwed in so that their heads are recessed into the plywood. This should be done to prepare the base for floor and wall tiling.

During the installation of the plywood base, it is necessary to regularly check its horizontalness using the building level.

Often there are situations when you have to use plywood with a smaller thickness. What to do in this case? You can use thin material, but in several layers. In this case, you need to lay out the squares so that the seams of the lower layer do not coincide with the upper ones. To obtain the necessary hardness of the plywood base, the sheets are fastened to each other and fixed with self-tapping screws.

Plywood flooring process

Base plates must be placed with certain gaps between themselves and distances from the walls:

  • the gap between the sheets must be at least 5 mm;
  • the distance from the edge of the plywood to the walls - 10 mm;
  • the gaps are then foamed up.

Before laying tiles on a plywood base, it must be leveled with a grinder and cleaned of debris.

The polished surface is dust-free, because laying tiles on plywood without pre-training practically impossible. This procedure is performed with a vacuum cleaner, damp cloth or sponge.

Then measures are taken for additional protection and plywood base (priming):

  • the primer should be applied in two layers;
  • in the case of rooms operated in conditions of high humidity, the plate must be moisture resistant;
  • but before attaching the tiles to the plywood on the floor or on the walls, the base is still exposed to additional measures waterproofing;
  • in this case, a special composition is used as a waterproofing material.

After the primer or a special waterproofing composition has completely dried, the stage of preparing the plywood base is considered completed. Next, the stage of tiling on plywood begins.

Installation of tiles on plywood

How to lay tiles on plywood? This is possible by following the following procedure:

  • mark the base;
  • prepare the adhesive composition;
  • lay in even rows using special delimiters.


It is necessary to apply the required marking on the surface of the plywood. It is performed in accordance with the previously selected pattern (checkerboard or diagonally).

At conventional device note the position of the first and next row. This is necessary so that after completion of the work it is possible to accurately trim the rows for junctions directly to the walls. Laying should be carried out from the far wall to the entrance to the room, this will make it possible not to walk on previously laid tiles.

Adhesive preparation

Special glue is used for work, surface preparation usually does not cause problems.

Glue is prepared in small volumes, but sufficient for the device of one square meter surfaces. The composition is applied directly to the prepared plywood surface, in a permissible thin layer, because the strength of the future cladding depends on this. The tile is pressed against the base and held for several seconds.

To maintain accurate laying of tiles, you must constantly check the evenness of each row with a level and use a rubber mallet to adjust the installation. Such measures are necessary so that the tiled coating is even.

Panel laying process

When laying tiles, it is best to use special dividing crosses, with which the thickness of the seams is regulated.

Laid tiles using these tools have aesthetic appearance, convenient to operate and maintain.

The result of properly done work should please for many years of operation of the coating. The question of how to lay tiles on plywood is not difficult if you follow simple rules tiling devices.

Often a situation arises when it is necessary to lay tiles on plywood. This procedure is required when we are talking about changing sex or when completing construction wall structures. However, the plywood base is very different from the concrete one due to physical properties material, and therefore the technology of tiled cladding here will be somewhat different. Below is detailed analysis how to lay tiles on plywood, you can see the difference in it.

What is this article about

Pitfalls laying

In order to achieve a high-quality result and at the same time not to face premature collapse of the cladding, when laying ceramics on a plywood base, two main factors should be considered.

  1. The main component of the plywood structure is wood, which has certain properties that are manifested under the influence different conditions. So, for example, under the influence of water, wood is able to soak, swell, and when dried, on the contrary, dry out, narrowing in size. In other words, such a basis will not be static, being in a dynamic state all the time. This may cause damage top coat and even its destruction;
  2. One of the components of plywood material is resin, the presence of which does not affect better side on the adhesive qualities of the base. Therefore, tiles on plywood are not glued in the same way as this facing process is presented in the classical sense.

Then how to glue the tiles to plywood, if this cannot be done in the usual way. And is it possible? Modern industry has already provided a solution to this non-trivial problem. To carry out the fastening of ceramics for such a situation, there is a special adhesive composition and auxiliary tools have been developed.

Suitable adhesive

Therefore, it is very important to correctly determine the adhesive composition on which it would be possible to stick the tile to the base of wood material. Here it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  1. With a veneered variety of plywood material, delamination can occur, and therefore it is recommended to use compositions that do not differ in deep penetration into the structure of materials;
  2. Plywood sheets are a fairly flexible type of finishing materials. Under excessively heavy load, their deflection is not excluded. The gluing of tiled elements should be carried out taking into account that they cannot move away in case of an accidental impact or when the sheets sag.

Because the elastic varieties of adhesives are the most best option choice. But the use of other alternative formulations is not excluded. hallmark One such means is that when the base moves into a dynamic state, they allow the tile to move simultaneously with it.

Their composition necessarily includes the inclusion of such highly elastic components as fiberglass, microfiber, silane, silicone and other modifying polymer additives. Such compositions are usually presented in liquid form, which allows you to skip the moment with tapping the lining - when you press on the elements, the mixture is independently distributed on each of the glued sides. but ceramic coating plywood can be glued with other types of adhesives. For example, like this:

  • liquid Nails;
  • varnish NC, foam shavings;
  • liquid glass;
  • assembly foam.

However, such solutions are not the highest quality in terms of gluing surfaces, so you should always choose specialized proven compounds.

Installation work on the base

Beginners may still have doubts about whether it is possible to lay tiles on plywood. For professional tilers, laying tiles on a plywood floor is nothing new. However, the whole process as a whole is quite time-consuming and painstaking. The technology for installing tiles is identical everywhere, the difference lies only in the preparation of the base and the choice of a suitable adhesive.

According to European standard laying tiles on plywood, chosen as a substrate, is allowed only if the thickness of the latter is in the range from 22 to 28 mm.

When laying plywood boards on logs, their layer can reach about 30 mm. With such an indicator of the thickness of the base, the necessary rigidity is provided, at which the laid cladding layer cannot vibrate and crack.

To eliminate the possibility of tension of the whole canvas, it is divided into 4 pieces. which are fixed to plank floor or a lag system in a checkerboard arrangement. If it is necessary to lay the substrate on the logs, the gaps between them are made at 30-40 cm.

When fixing plywood, one should not limit the consumption of self-tapping screws, since their more frequent attachment will ensure minimal deflection of the sheet, which will reduce its vibration. In addition, the self-tapping screws are screwed in such a way that their hats are recessed into the thickness of the plywood. This measure is dictated by the need for unimpeded grinding of the surface in preparation for laying tiles and the laying technology itself.

When laying plywood, they always control its horizontalness by means of a building level.

However, in practice there are situations when there are sheets smaller than prescribed thickness. But it is not possible to get the material with the necessary parameters. What to do then? You can also use thin material. However, the substrate in this case is made such that it will be represented by several layers of plywood. At the same time, the squares should be laid in such a way that the seams of the bottom of the underlying layer do not overlap with the top ones. To give additional hardness to the substrate, the sheets must be glued to each other and strengthened with self-tapping screws.

Please note: due to the dynamics of plywood under the influence of factors such as humidity, temperature differences, the squares of the base should be placed at some distance from each other and from the walls. The gap between plywood fragments should be 5 mm, between plywood and walls - 1 cm. Subsequently, the void will be closed with a plinth or foamed.

After grinding, dust is removed from the surface, since it is almost impossible to glue ceramic tiles on plywood with an uncleaned and unprepared surface. Do this with a vacuum cleaner, dampened sponge or soft cloth.

Another important reminder regarding the base for flooring in rooms with a high humidity regime (kitchen, bathroom). That is, for such premises, they choose not standard plywood, but its moisture-resistant variety. But before sticking tiles to plywood, the latter is covered with an additional layer of waterproofing material (this is done both on the wall and on the floor). As a waterproofing agent, a special mixture is already induced or in a powdered state.

When the primer and waterproofing are dry, the preparation stage is considered complete. Then you can start gluing the tiles to the plywood.

Installation work with tiles

Having chosen the right adhesive (two-component, polyurethane, for moving bases, parquet) and having prepared the base, laying begins floor tiles on plywood.

Initially, the layout of the elements is performed “in a dry way”. The tiled pattern is laid out so that, according to the scheme, the cut elements (constituting at least half of the tile) are against the walls. If necessary, the center line, which is beaten off first, is slightly transferred in order to create an even and beautiful drawing lining.

Elements can be glued on a tiled adhesive solution or fix with self-adhesive materials. Then they are rolled over them with a roller, expelling air bubbles. Tiles and plywood are laid with a tight fit of elements to each other.

When laying tiles on the walls, a wooden plank is nailed at the height of the second row to prevent the elements from slipping. This bar will become a support for the entire canvas until the adhesive layer dries. Therefore, it will be removed and filled with cut elements in the first row.

Since you can also put tiles on plywood on the floor different ways, then they start laying out the elements here either from the second row, or from the point of intersection of the center lines.

Smearing plywood adhesive mixture it is recommended to limit the area within 1-4 elements, and not to process an area of ​​​​more than 1 sq.m. In this case, the product is distributed over a wooden base with a notched trowel. After the adhesive layer has dried, the seams are jointed, having previously removed all the crosses, clips and pegs from them.

That's all the subtleties regarding the question of how to glue tiles on plywood.

Ceramics, laid on a drywall surface, does not cause difficulties during work and holds quite firmly. However, a number of additional procedures to ensure excellent results. First of all, this is the processing of joints drywall sheets putty that can increase the integrity finished construction. Then a primer is required. finished surface, which will provide excellent adhesion to ceramics.

At a distance of 40 cm, when working, it is necessary to put down guides so that the drywall does not move from the starting point after the adhesive has dried. It is worth considering the thickness of the sheets: guides are installed more often if the drywall is thin. As a fastener, not only construction adhesive with high elasticity is used, but also water-dispersion liquid nails, as well as tile adhesive with a cement base. It is worth considering that the use of the last two methods is not always economically justified.

gluing to wood

On the wood flooring ceramic tiles are laid in different ways, the choice of which depends on the condition of the surface and the conditions in the room where the work is planned to be carried out. One of them when laying directly on wood:
  • Careful strengthening of the surface so that there are no vibrations under loads.
  • The next step is the primer, which often uses formulations designed for non-absorbent materials.
  • Application of an elastic self-levelling compound.
  • Bonding ceramics. You can purchase liquid nails that allow you to glue tiles to wood, or an elastic adhesive.

Attention! Using liquid nails the surface must be carefully prepared: clean, dry, degrease. Using this universal adhesive allows you to quickly and effortlessly bond various Decoration Materials, including wood and ceramics without laying the screed.

The composition dries from half a day to a day, it all depends on how thick the layer of the substance is applied and what are the temperature and humidity parameters in the room. If the ceramic is heavy, then liquid nails should be applied in a spiral, with a small weight of the material - in dots.

Another common way to fasten wood to tiles is to install a metal grate on top. wooden surface. The metal mesh is nailed, and then the structure is poured with a thin layer of screed, which keeps the surface from vibrating. The technology for laying tiles after the screed has completely dried is similar to the scheme for gluing onto a concrete screed.

Ceramics on plywood

Before starting work on gluing ceramics to plywood, the base must be carefully strengthened in order to avoid further damage to the tiles due to micro-vibrations. If this is not done, then the tile will not hold on to the surface under heavy loads. For work, plywood should be used, the thickness of which is at least 25 mm.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  • Surface primer. It is advisable to repeat this step several times. Each coat must dry well before the next is applied.
  • Glue selection. The composition is best to buy with a high rate of elasticity. Only when using such an adhesive can an excellent result be achieved, in which ceramics will not crack under mechanical stress.
  • Gluing tiles to plywood.
Experienced craftsmen use compositions with a two-component base when working. They are divided into polyurethane and with epoxy resins in composition. The advantages of formulations with two components are excellent waterproofing performance and bonding strength.

Advice! It is best to choose two-component elastic compounds for bonding plywood and ceramics from trusted brands.

Two-component adhesive for working with ceramics and wood

Elastic adhesives, which include polyurethane resin and hardener, have high adhesive parameters. When working with this substance, both components must be mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, using a drill with a mixing nozzle or a mixer. Only after this procedure, the mixture is ready for application to a wooden surface.

Do not hesitate to bond ceramics, as the composition is suitable for use within a maximum of 1 hour from the date of manufacture. On the packaging, manufacturers indicate information about almost instant gluing, but it is better to play it safe and wait a few days (2-3 days) to get a guaranteed excellent result.

When working, it is recommended to use a two-component composition due to the different properties of materials - ceramics and wood, which change their dimensions relative to each other. This happens for various reasons: fluctuations in temperature or changes in humidity levels in the working room. If an adhesive is chosen that cannot adapt to the characteristics of the materials under consideration, then visible and invisible damage cannot be ruled out. The latter are especially dangerous, since if they are detected late, you will have to start work again, and this leads not only to time, but also to significant financial costs.

Advice! Only at the initial stage of working with materials should a suitable type of glue be selected. This will make it possible to determine with accuracy whether the ceramics adhere well, and whether the wood is deformed under the influence of vibrations and heavy loads.

Other methods of gluing tiles

While bonding ceramics to drywall, plywood, or wood is excellent when using high-strength adhesives or liquid nails, there are other ways to achieve the desired goal without further material loss. These include the following:
  • Use of a silicone based sealant. Gives a good result, allowing you not to be afraid for the integrity of the surface during micro-oscillations.
  • The use of tile mortar. If you use drywall (attracted to the tree by means of self-tapping screws) as an auxiliary layer between the tree and the tile, then the bonding strength will be high. Masters are not advised to be guided by the method for performing work in the kitchen, as quite a lot of dust is generated.
  • Application of putty based on acrylic in a dotted way. The composition is similar in properties to liquid nails.
  • Using PVA glue. Not recommended when working with thin wood due to its deformation due to moisture. Suitable for gluing to wood with a large thickness.
When choosing a technology for gluing tiles on wood, drywall or plywood Special attention should be given to the compositions with which the adhesion of surfaces occurs. In this matter, you should not save, the glue must fully comply with the requirements of working with the selected materials.

When planning a renovation in the premises, the owners are faced with the selection of material for the construction of the finish. Considering that the main load during operation falls on the floor surface, special attention is paid to it. Porcelain stoneware is one of the most durable and affordable coatings on the market. But no matter how high properties the material possesses, it will lose its qualities as a result of improper installation, the features of which depend on base surface and degree of preparation. How to properly lay porcelain stoneware on plywood and prepare the base is described in the text below.

Why porcelain stoneware?

The manufacture of ceramic granite slabs for flooring and wall cladding of industrial and auxiliary premises was organized by the Italians for a long time, but only in the eighties, technologies were developed and introduced that made it possible to give them exceptional design qualities. Glaze coating, different shades and texture solutions allowed the material to take its rightful place among the finishing materials.

Material characteristics:

  • Porcelain tiles are an environmentally friendly product, as only proven products are used in the manufacture. source materials, while there is no recommendation to limit use in rooms with children or people with special needs.
  • In the production, the technology of pressing and firing the molded blank is used, which gives a durable material that cannot be destroyed by the action of water, chemically aggressive environments, temperature fluctuations;
  • The density of the material makes it possible to declare the possibility of its use under heavy weight loads, resistance to destructive mechanical stress.
Exterior finish buildings
  • Tile surface for a long time does not change external characteristics when changing operating conditions and is recommended for use for interior decoration and outer cladding tasks, arrangement of sites, laying paths.
  • After prolonged use, the surface of the tile may lose its brightness, but applying an additional layer of a special dye will give the product a presentable appearance.
  • The tiled floor is maintained in good sanitary condition without the use of special equipment and chemical compositions– simple wet cleaning.
  • The price of the product is affordable for most consumers.

Important! When purchasing products from porcelain stoneware, make sure the quality of the products. To do this, read the product conformity certificate.

Design solutions

The financial costs of repairs directly depend on the correct calculation of the amount of material for the formation of a porcelain stoneware floor, the planned laying scheme, and therefore it is important to consider the following:

  1. It is customary to add 15% to the area of ​​the purchased tile for trimming to fit the coating to the perimeter of the room. With complex styling patterns (zigzag, checkerboard), the increase in volume will be another 5%.
  2. When choosing a tile, tone and caliber are of great importance, where the latter is the difference between the declared and actual size of the product. It is not uncommon for the packaging to indicate the parameters 300 × 300 mm, but in reality they differ by several millimeters up or down. The reason for this is that the manufacturer calibrates the products after carrying out the entire complex of technological measures, packs them in packages, indicating the rounded size. In one package, the tiles are the same, but the other batch may be different. With large floor areas and small discrepancies, geometric errors can be leveled due to the expansion joint and the thickness of the adhesive.

Ceramic tiles
  1. There is a high probability that the tone of the product in different boxes is also different. Therefore, when purchasing a product, it is important to select according to this parameter.
  2. Giving preference to the formation of a complex pattern, it seems useful to a person without sufficient experience to mark the base according to the intended outlines. This will help you accurately calculate right amount tile material and make sure right choice ornament.

Important! If the decision is made to lay the tiles with a seamless method, pay special attention to the uniformity of the sizing and the tone of the purchased materials.

Preparatory activities

The result of laying ceramicmagnet tiles on the floor depends on the correct preparation of the base surface, the use of high-quality glue, and the availability of the necessary tools.

The rigidity of the base is a guarantee of the reliability of the floor covering. If it is represented by plywood, consider the following points:

  1. The thickness of plywood for the base is selected within 22 - 28 mm.
  2. To avoid dynamic surface stress, do not use solid plywood sheets. It is recommended to dissolve them into four parts and lay them in a checkerboard pattern, leaving thermal gaps up to 5 mm in size.
  3. Plywood is fastened with self-tapping screws of sufficient size with a pitch of no more than 150 mm, sinking the heads.
  4. The surface is ground and primed with special compounds.

Plywood base

When installing porcelain stoneware on a plywood base, the use of cement-containing mixtures is not allowed. On the market building materials you can meet two suitable type glue: for internal and external works. Adhesive compositions for porcelain stoneware are presented as packed powder mass. Training working mixture is a process of thoroughly mixing with water, while the powder is added to the liquid, the opposite will lead to the formation of lumps.

  • measuring instruments (tape measure, building level, metal ruler);
  • construction trowel;
  • spatula for spreading glue;
  • capacity sufficient for the preparation of the adhesive mixture volume;
  • an electric drill, supplemented with a special nozzle for mixing working compositions;
  • rag.

Glue mixing

Important! Before preparing the adhesive, carefully read the attached instructions for preparation and use. Manufacturers' requirements may vary.

Tile installation

After proper preparation of the base and the acquisition of the estimated amount of adhesive, they proceed to the direct installation of the tiles. The work is carried out taking into account the following recommendations:

  1. The adhesive composition is prepared in portions - the period of preliminary "setting" after application to the surface does not exceed 15 minutes. Depending on the selected tile size, they plan the area for using a one-time glue batch.
  2. For inexperienced builders, it is recommended to use preliminary markings for tile placement over the entire floor plane.
  3. With an unmarked surface, tile laying starts from the far wall from the second row. In the future - in accordance with the chosen ornament. Tiles adjacent to the walls are glued last, as they often need to be adjusted due to uneven joints.

Start laying
  1. In the course of work, using the building level, the strictly horizontal position of the tiles is checked. When using the suture method, special inserts are used - two on each adjoining side.
  2. Excesses and drops of glue that have fallen on the front surface of the mounted product are immediately removed with the help of pre-prepared rags.
  3. In the presence of sanitary equipment or pipes, their locations are tiled last. Pruning is carried out as accurately as possible. For an aesthetic appearance use additional decorative overlays.
  4. After the adhesive has dried (the time is indicated on the packaging of the mixture), the seams are rubbed with a special paste. For this use rubber spatula and the residue is removed with a sponge.


Familiarization with the requirements for preparing the base for a plywood floor, the procedure for direct installation of porcelain stoneware on it will allow you to lay the floors with tiles yourself in a short time. The result of this work will be a reliable flooring with the longest service life without loss of user qualities. Proper care behind the surface will allow you to keep the room in proper sanitary condition.