Urea solution for fertilizing the soil. Urea as a fertilizer for the garden: composition and properties

Every day the air is getting colder and the sky is darker. This means that the time has come to preserve the bright colors of autumn in our homes. Just a few simple and inexpensive accents can make any interior truly cozy and inviting. The queen of autumn - a pumpkin will help us in this. This universal material, from which you can make a huge amount interesting crafts... Pumpkin decor looks mysterious and attractive. It can be infinitely varied.

Bell pepper came to Europe in the 15th century from South America And so the Europeans liked it that, today, for example, in Hungary there is even a museum dedicated exclusively to pepper. This vegetable is extremely rich in vitamins and minerals, making it an essential food. healthy eating... In this article I want to talk about my experience of growing bell pepper v open ground... And why I manage to receive every year good harvests this irreplaceable vegetable.

As a rule, from the end of summer until the deepest autumn, bush forms of the stonecrop bloom. Often, due to lack of knowledge, they are all indiscriminately classified as varieties of a prominent stonecrop, but this is not entirely true. In fact, bush seducers have a fairly similar appearance and a similar flowering period, but belong to several different species. Let's find out which tall sedum plants bloom in the fall, how to distinguish them among themselves and choose the right varieties.

The smell of raspberries for me is strongly associated with childhood - the gentle hands of my grandmother and amazingly tasty jam, which was given out with teaspoons and only during a cold. Even then, I dreamed that I had a lot of raspberries. My dream has come true, every year I reap a double harvest. The first one is from ordinary raspberries and distillations of the second year of remontant. And in the fall - the second - 3-5 glasses a day from the repairing first-years. How to care for raspberries in the fall, I will tell you in the article.

Andy Chef's chocolate cake and Patisier cream with bergamot are quite easy to prepare; it will take only 1.5 hours to bake and assemble this amazing dessert. I advise you to cook the cake on the eve of the holiday so that he spends the night in the refrigerator, then the next day it will be even tastier. For cooking, choose fatty dairy products - milk, cream and butter as well as quality wheat flour and cocoa. From good products the most delicious desserts are obtained.

Do-it-yourself apple mustard from Antonovka, cooked at home, will put all industrial competitors in the belt. The mustard is thick, vigorous, the mustard seeds make the texture varied. Such a seasoning for meat, fish, sausage is ideal, even just for a slice fresh bread spread - it will be delicious! It is not worth harvesting a large amount for future use, it is always better to put a portion of fresh mustard sauce, in just 3 days the mustard will gain strength, become burning.

Among the countless varieties and hybrids of sweet peppers, there are, for example, the "Ramiro" pepper, whose popularity is literally worldwide. And if most of the vegetables on supermarket shelves are unnamed, and it is almost impossible to find out about their varietal affiliation, then the name of this Ramiro pepper will certainly be on the package. And, as my experience has shown, this pepper is worth knowing about it and other gardeners. In this connection, this article was written.

Autumn is a favorite time of many gardeners. The main crop has already been harvested and processed, but the time for rest has not come yet. There is still a lot to do in the garden and in the beds, but it is important to devote time to the flower garden. There really is something to do here, because many flowers are transplanted and propagated in the fall, and the appearance will largely depend on the preparation of the soil in the flower beds. decorative garden next year. Read about what needs to be done in a flower garden in the fall in this article.

Jellied Fruit Pie with Sour Cream Pouring is an easy-to-make and delicious homemade pie that can be made in less than an hour. For the filling, you can take any fruit or fresh berries, but I advise you to give preference to sweet and dense ones, for example, as in this recipe - pear, bananas, sweet plums. For cooking, you will also need a form with non-stick coating and a low side, the form is suitable for a cake with a removable bottom.

Autumn is the most mushroom time. It is no longer hot, in the morning there is abundant dew. Since the earth is still warm, and foliage has already attacked from above, creating a very special microclimate in the surface layer, the mushrooms are very comfortable. Mushroom pickers are also comfortable at this time, especially in the morning, when it is cooler. It's time for both of them to meet. And, if not introduced to each other - to get acquainted. In this article, I will introduce you to exotic, little-known and not always edible mushrooms that look like corals.

Leader in healing properties aloe vera in our country is still inferior in popularity to the simple, almost invulnerable tree aloe. Even its popular name "agave" testifies to the fact that the plant can withstand almost any kind of care and is very durable. But aloe tree is rarely found in the list of the most decorative species not by chance. To keep it in shape and not grow huge thorny giants, you need to know some secrets of the formation of this plant.

Pumpkin puree with zucchini and apples - tender, creamy, sweet and sour. The mashed potatoes prepared according to this recipe are suitable for baby and diet food. For kids, you can mix ready-made puree with milk or cream, add a few tablespoons of soft cottage cheese to it. It is very difficult to determine the taste of pumpkin and zucchini in this dish. The aroma of apples plays the first violin, the rest of the ingredients seem to be there, but you need to be a connoisseur kitchen tricks to name the vegetables in the puree.

If you are a busy person, but you are not devoid of romance, if you have your own plot and you are endowed with aesthetic taste, then consider the opportunity to purchase this wonderful ornamental shrub- karyopteris, or nut-winged. He is also "wing-root", "blue fog" and "blue beard". It really fully combines simplicity and beauty. Karyopteris reaches its peak of decorativeness in late summer and autumn. It is at this time that it blooms.

Pepper aivar - vegetable caviar or thick bell pepper vegetable sauce with eggplant. Pepper for this recipe is baked, and for a long time, then stewed as well. Add to ayvar onion, tomatoes, eggplants. For preparation for the winter, caviar is sterilized. This Balkan recipe is not for those who like to make preparations quickly, undercooked and undercooked - not about ayvar. In general, we approach the matter in detail. For the sauce, we choose the ripe and fleshy vegetables on the market

Urea (Urea) is a fertilizer for plants that saturates them with nitrogen. Leaves turn bright green, fertility increases several times. Shoots develop faster, and as a result, the gardener will receive products earlier.

In contact with

Urea (Urea): description, composition, characteristics

Urea is a highly nitrogen-concentrated substance. It is customary to use it as an additional or main plant food. Bushes, vegetables, fruits grow quickly, bear fruit well and are protected from disease.

Carbonic acid amide is called urea. It looks like a scattering of colorless, odorless crystals. Sometimes, a technical product is presented in yellow or whitish color.

Formula Urea (Urea) contains 46% nitric acid... It is highly soluble in water. If the temperature rises, then the hydration process increases. When heated above 80 degrees Celsius, the compound turns into ammonium carbamate.

Some people think that urea and urea are not the same thing. Not at all. Urea is the scientific name that in real life used little.

Advantages and disadvantages of using

There are no nitrates in the composition. This is the main thing positive quality... The use of Urea (Urea) has both significant advantages and some disadvantages.

The advantages include:

The disadvantages of using include individual qualities connections. It slightly reduces seed germination. In addition, it can harm young plants. It should not be used with other fertilizers, but should be kept warm and at a certain humidity.

Instructions for use

This substance should only be used for direct appointment... It is very important to pay attention to some points:

Basically, application takes place by scattering granules on the ground, but a solution is used for spraying.

Important! When fertilizing with Urea (Urea), follow the instructions for use!

The composition should be applied in the spring, which contributes to better absorption into the soil. If you decide to feed the soil in the fall, then you should scatter the granules in an empty garden, clearing it of perennial plants, foliage, herbs.

What plants are suitable for

It is allowed to use for all types of crops: ornamental, fruit and berry, vegetables, shrubs, trees. It gives excellent results when feeding agricultural species.

Attention should be paid:

  • it is allowed to use when sowing, but there must be a layer of soil between the plant and the fertilizer;
  • before sowing, using urea, you can get rid of ammonia and saturate the soil with nitrogen;
  • not recommended, but allowed to use during the growing season;
  • an excellent result can be achieved if you use the foliar feeding method.

The gardener can use urea when sowing cucumbers, tomatoes, berries, potatoes, flowers, shrubs, trees.

Dosages for different types of plants

Fertilize during growth by spraying. It should be diluted in an acceptable concentration; it is not recommended to break the dosage.

Agrochemical properties of fertilizers

An excellent mineral fertilizer that does not contain harmful nitrates. Its agrochemical properties include:

  • an excellent option for the root subcortex of plants;
  • provides large increases to the original yield;
  • she works great on acidic soils what saltpeter cannot boast of;
  • practically does not acidify the soil, in which ammonium sulfate is noticed;
  • in terms of nitrogen content, it practically does not differ from others useful compounds, however, it is suitable for use in those areas where the use of fertilizers is prohibited;
  • excellent agrochemical composition, which allows the substance not to be washed out of the soil.

A weak effect can be exerted due to the influence of ammonia in the soil, which can be avoided by increasing the concentration of the fertilizer. It is not recommended to fertilize the soil during planting, but it is allowed.

When urea is used together with potash fertilizers, negative factors are eliminated. That is, the effect of ammonia is weakened.


The price of Urea (Urea) is very low. In comparison with pure nitrogen, it is two times less. For one kilogram of this fertilizer, the buyer will pay about forty rubles.

Urea- mineral fertilizer, a source of nitrogen for plants and a growth stimulator. That is why urea feeding effectively conduct in the spring when plants weakened after winter begin to grow. For feeding, prepare a solution or scatter dry granules. Especially often used foliar feeding(spraying) with urea.

In the spring, you can feed with urea:

  • Strawberries,
  • Raspberries,
  • Fruit trees (apple, cherry, plum),
  • Garlic,
  • Black currant.

Information on the label


It is useful to feed strawberries with nitrogen fertilizers. in early spring, before the first loosening of the soil. But it is important to stick to the dosage here. If you overdo it, the bush will actively increase the green mass, to the detriment of the ovaries.

Urea solution for root feeding of strawberries. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of urea in 10 liters of water. 3 tablespoons hold 30 g of urea.

Foliar dressing:

  • If the weather is cool during budding, plant growth can be stimulated with a 0.3% urea solution, and a day later - with a 0.5% potassium monophosphate solution.
  • Foliar dressing can be done in the spring, at the beginning of growth. Solution concentration: 0.1 - 0.2% (that is, you need to take 10 or 20 g of urea per 10 liters of water).

Nitrogen fertilizers will be useful for almost all plants. They are especially necessary for them in the spring, at the beginning of growth. Spraying is best done in cool weather or in the second half of the day.


Dry dressing. As for feeding raspberries in early spring, the urea granules can simply be scattered over the soil surface under the bushes through the melted snow. Dosage: 1 tablespoon (10 g) per 1 sq. meter.

Nitrogen fertilizers are applied to the soil in spring, before loosening. Norm: 8-10 g per 1 sq.m. Phosphoric and potash fertilizers used in late summer and autumn. Organic can be applied throughout the growing season.

Nitrogen fertilizers should be handled very carefully, because their excess in spring provokes fast growth young shoots, to the detriment of fruiting ones. And this, in turn, entails crop losses.

Apple trees and fruit trees

Foliar dressing. Spraying with urea solution: 50 g of urea per 10 liters. water (0.5% solution). The processing of the crown of an apple tree and other fruit trees is carried out in spring time how the leaves will grow. Then the feeding is repeated every 10-12 days throughout May and June.

Apple trees respond well to urea feeding. In dry form, it is brought into the holes dug under the tree, at some distance from the trunk. This must be done before July. And after July, the tree already requires phosphorus and potash fertilizers.

From August to September, fruit trees and shrubs can be sprayed with urea solution 3-4 times. In a 10-liter bucket of water, dissolve 30 g of urea for the first feeding. For the second spraying, they take already 50 g, for the third - 100.

Immediately after flowering, it is useful to feed weakened trees with a urea solution: 20-50 g per 10 liters of water. The treatment is repeated after 14 days. The apple tree will shed less ovaries.

For intensive fruiting of an apple tree, when the fruits become the size of a hazelnut, sprayed with a complex solution mineral fertilizers:

  • For 10 liters of water - 15 g of urea, 20 g of potassium chloride, superphosphate extract, 1 g of manganese sulfate, the same amount of zinc and boric acid... The superphosphate extract is prepared as follows: 100 g of superphosphate is dissolved in 1 liter warm water, insist 12 hours, stir and pour into a bucket.


Foliar dressing: 0.5% urea solution (50 g per 10 liters of water). Cron fruit tree sprayed 2-3 times every 7-10 days. It is best to spray with the solution in the evening, in cold weather. Such dressing has a good effect on the fruiting of plums.

Dry feeding with urea. In the first year after planting the plum, no fertilization is applied. And in the next 3 years, in the spring, 20 g of urea per 1 m2 in trunk circle... Immediately after fertilization, the soil around the tree is dug to a depth of 15-20 cm. Carefully so as not to damage the roots.

With a lack of nitrogen also carry out feeding of plums with urea. Faded, chlorotic leaves become a symptom of nitrogen starvation. In this case, the leaves are sprayed with a urea solution (40-50 g per 10 liters of water).


Dry feeding and liquid feeding. Urea is applied in early spring under the bush in the amount of 50-70 grams. Then, during the growing season, give 2 dressings. The first one - at the moment the cherry blossoms, the second - after 2 weeks. For this, a solution of mineral fertilizers is prepared: 15 g of urea, the same amount of potassium chloride and 25 g of superphosphate are combined in 10 liters of water.

Foliar dressing. At the end of flowering, it is useful to give the cherries foliar dressing with a 0.5% urea solution.


Early spring planting winter garlic loosened to a depth of 2-3 cm. The first feeding is carried out when 3-4 leaves are formed. Prepare a urea solution: 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water. Using the method of sprinkling from a watering can with a strainer, garlic is poured with a solution. Solution consumption: 2-3 liters per 1 m2.


Dry dressing. In spring, shrubs especially need nitrogen fertilizers. You can simply sprinkle 50 g of urea per plant under the bushes (over 2 years old), and 25 g of urea is already given to bushes over 4 years old.

Dry dressing. In early spring, 20-25 g of urea is applied under the bushes.

Sources: "Encyclopedia of Country Life", the book "Onions and Garlic" (O. Ganichkina), EI Yaroslavtsev "Raspberries and Blackberries".

From year to year, the land can give a rich harvest of vegetables, fruits and everything else that grows in the garden or vegetable garden. Urea or urea replenishes nitrogen (N) losses, which are inevitable after harvesting fruits and tops. Granular fertilizer it is used for all agricultural and ornamental crops, on any soils.

Urea is considered a chemical "bridge" between inanimate nature and living organisms. Chemical formula compounds - CO (NH2) 2. Carbonic acid diamide or carbamide - solid crystalline substance, colorless and odorless, well soluble in water, non-toxic.

The highly concentrated source of amide nitrogen is converted into ammonium compounds in the soil.

Urea is synthesized in industry from ammonia and carbon dioxide. The crystalline reaction product is granulated to improve the physicochemical properties.

Useful properties of fertilizer for plants

Plants need nitrogen to create amino acids and proteins in cells. However, after each harvest, the amount of the battery in the area is steadily decreasing, it is necessary to make up for the losses. Nitrogen gas from the air, organic molecules containing the element N are not assimilated by roots or leaves.

Urea is used to increase the yield of all crops. The fertilizer is especially effective on acidic soils.

Signs of nitrogen starvation of plants:

  • slowdown in growth;
  • yellowing and falling leaves;
  • poor development of flower buds;
  • small fruit sizes;
  • decrease in yield.

The roots easily absorb ammonium and nitric acid salts (nitrates). They dissolve quickly and are absorbed by the roots, but can be washed out of the soil after applying the appropriate fertilizers.

The most nitrogen-rich fertilizers:

  • urea - more than 46%;
  • ammonium nitrate - 35%;
  • ammonium sulfate - 21%.

Urea contains nitrogen in amide form. Urea dissolves in the soil by soil bacteria that secrete the enzyme urease. The compound is sequentially converted to carbonate, then to ammonium bicarbonate and gaseous ammonia. Nitrogen from the composition of urea is assimilated gradually and has a positive effect on the vital activity of the entire plant organism.

Urea: instructions for use

Urea is an effective and affordable fertilizer. It is used for main application and top dressing.

How to dilute urea correctly

Urea granules dissolve easily in water, there are no problems with preparation and use. Heating and adding any other ingredients is not required. For root feeding of vegetables and flower-ornamental crops, prepare a solution of 20-30 g of carbamide (2 tablespoons) in 10 liters of water. Liquid consumption - from 4 to 10 liters per 1 m2. Under each adult plant up to 1 liter of solution is added.

Spraying and processing plants

Liquid foliar dressing with urea solution is carried out in the first half of the growing season before and after flowering. Urea is used to quickly replenish nitrogen reserves in plant tissues. During budding, it is treated with a solution prepared from 5 g of urea and 1 L of water (50 g per 10 L).

Urea penetrates the leaves faster than other fertilizers, provides a significant increase in the yield of strawberries and vegetables.

Spray with urea no more than once a week. The last dressing is done no later than 2 weeks before harvest. It is necessary to take into account the previous application of nitrogen and complex fertilizers to the soil.

A more concentrated urea solution causes yellowing of the leaves. You can use this liquid to control weeds and pests. Plants are treated with a concentrated urea solution until bud break.

Dilute in a bucket of water from 300 to 500 g of urea, spray garden and vegetable crops from aphids, weevils. To deal with Colorado potato beetle it is required to prepare a solution of 900 g of urea in 1 liter of water.

Features of the introduction of urea in the fall, spring

It is irrational to use urea fertilizer in autumn, as the granules dissolve quickly and will be washed away by rain and snow. A basic application just once before the start of the growing season will not provide the plant with sufficient nitrogen.

It is necessary to carry out additional root and foliar dressing at least 3-4 times.

The instructions for use provide for the consumption rates of urea for the main application in spring for various crops, g / m2:

  • berry bushes (per plant) - 50–100 when planting, 25–30 for feeding;
  • fruit trees (per plant) - 200 when planting, 25–30 for feeding;
  • cucumber, tomato, flower and ornamental crops - 15–20;
  • vegetables and flowers (protected ground) - 25–35;
  • cabbage, carrots, beets, potatoes - 20-30;
  • onions, radishes, lettuce - 5-10.

With the main application, the consumption is from 50 to 350 g of urea per 10 m2. Granules are scattered and embedded in the soil when loosening in spring to a depth of 10 cm. If you leave urea on the surface of the soil, ammonia and carbon dioxide are released, the fertilizer is destroyed.

Urea is applied directly into holes, grooves or planting holes for trees and shrubs. The fertilizer is thoroughly mixed with the soil to avoid contact of delicate roots with the granules. The application rate is 4–5 g of carbamide per hole. During the growing season, grooves are made in the soil around the plant stem. Urea is embedded in the soil to a depth of 5–7 cm.

Combination with other fertilizers

Not all fertilizers can be combined with urea.

Urea is not recommended to be used together with alkaline compounds. Is happening chemical reaction, ammonia is released and evaporates, along with it the nitrogen necessary for plants disappears. Cannot be mixed with ash, calcium nitrate, lime. You can add urea with compost, superphosphate, phosphate rock.

Pros and cons of using urea as fertilizer

Urea has the highest nitrogen content available nitrogen fertilizers... Due to the high concentration, smaller doses can be used, resulting in savings in transport and application. Granular fertilizer hardly cakes, does not lose properties during storage.

Urea does not cause burns to plants if the dosages and application rates are observed.
Do not overuse fertilizer.

TO negative sides urea refers to a decrease in seed germination with an excessive fertilizer content in the soil. The problem of nitrates in agricultural products also remains relevant. Urea breaks down to form ammonium carbonate. After a while, nitrification occurs, the soil is acidified, nitrates and nitrites appear. The latter are toxic to humans and cause unwanted blood changes.

One of the ways to reduce the nitrate load is the use of complex fertilizers, for example, potassium nitrate, ammophoska.

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Physical and chemical properties

Urea (pure)

- colorless, odorless crystals.

Urea (fertilizer)

- colorless granules ranging in size from 1 to 4 mm. Mass fraction nitrogen in terms of dry matter - 46.2%.


Two grades of urea are produced: A - for industry and B - for crop production.


Registered and approved for use in agriculture on the territory of Russia, urea grades are listed in the table on the right.


Urea is used in industry as a raw material in the manufacture of resins, adhesives, as well as in animal husbandry as a feed additive.

Behavior in soil

Urea in the soil is dissolved by a soil solution and, under the influence of urobacteria, secreting urase (a special enzyme), is ammonified in two to three days and turns into ammonium carbonate:

CO (NH 2) 2 + 2H 2 O → (NH 4) 2 CO 3

Ammonium carbonate is an unstable compound, decomposes in air, forming ammonium and ammonia bicarbonate:

(NH 4) 2 CO 3 → NH 4 HCO 3 + NH 3

For this reason, when urea is introduced without incorporation into the soil in the absence of precipitation, part of the nitrogen in the form of ammonia is lost. Such losses are more significant in soils with neutral and alkaline reactions.

Ammonium carbonate embedded in the soil undergoes hydrolysis. This produces ammonium bicarbonate and ammonium hydroxide:

(NH 4) 2 CO 3 + H 2 O → NH 4 HCO 3 + NH 4 OH

The ammonium formed when the carbomide is introduced into the soil is absorbed by the colloidal fraction and is gradually absorbed by the plants. It has been established that urea can be absorbed by the roots and leaves of plants without prior conversion. But there is a danger of leaching of urea from the soil that has not been ammonified.

During the process of urea ammonification, a temporary local alkalinization of the soil occurs due to the hydrolysis of ammonium carbonate. After some time, ammonium undergoes nitrification, forming an acid and moving the reaction towards acidification:

2NH 3 + 3O 2 → 2HNO 2 + 2H 2 O

2HNO 2 + O 2 → 2HNO 3

Thus, urea is a biologically acidic fertilizer. But after the assimilation of nitrogen by plants from this fertilizer, neither acidic nor alkaline residues remain in the soil.

Application on various types of soils

Urea is used as the main fertilizer on all soils for various agricultural crops.

On light soddy-podzolic soils

in the zone of sufficient moisture and during irrigation on gray soils, carbamide is more effective than ammonium nitrate.

In dry conditions

when urea is equivalent to ammonium nitrate.

On neutral and alkaline soils

it is necessary to immediately embed urea in the soil during application to reduce nitrogen losses.

Application methods

Urea is used before sowing and c.

Urea is used as the main fertilizer on all soils and for all agricultural crops.

Early spring winter crops are carried out with immediate incorporation of fertilizer into the soil by harrowing in order to reduce ammonia losses.

Vegetable and row crops are carried out using cultivators-plant feeders.

Urea is considered better shape nitrogen fertilizers for plants, since it does not burn the leaves and is able to be absorbed by them as a whole molecule, without decomposition.