Adhesive for ceramic tiles: which one is better to choose. What are tile adhesives and how to use them? Appointment by material tile adhesive

It is not visible behind the tiles, so its selection is often overlooked. And this is wrong, because it is thanks to the adhesive mixture that the tiles serve for many years, keeping their appearance.

Modern manufacturers offer dozens of different formulations, the price of which can differ significantly. Therefore, it is not easy to understand all this variety, but knowing the main types of adhesives and their characteristics, you can easily opt for the necessary product.

The main difference between adhesive mixtures is their composition, they are:

Cement adhesives for tiles

It is a common and affordable type of glue that attracts milestones with its low cost for large volumes of material. Cement mixes are sold in dry form, so they need to be diluted with water, for inexperienced builders this task can become a whole test. Cement mixtures dry quickly, this fact must be taken into account when working outdoors. The compositions of the powder are mainly cement and sand, but modern variations of this glue have various elastic additives that significantly increase the quality and durability of the material. It is elasticity that is important for the adhesive mixture, because, thanks to this quality, the tile will hold well, will not crack and will not fall off from changes in humidity or temperature. It is better to use cement mixtures for interior work in dry rooms for lightweight ceramic tiles.

Epoxy adhesive

This is a two-component adhesive mixture, often also called polyurethane. The peculiarity of this material is that it acquires its qualities only after mixing the ingredients. The mixing step is very important, you must strictly follow the instructions and observe the proportions so as not to spoil the mixture. Epoxy adhesive has high elasticity and adhesion, it is ideal for laying tiles in. It is an order of magnitude more expensive than cement compositions, but it has many times higher rates:

  • moisture resistance
  • frost resistance
  • elasticity
  • strength

This glue can be used to work not only with ceramic tiles, but also with porcelain stoneware and natural stone. Make sure that the composition does not get on the surface of the tile, but it is better to always have denatured alcohol on hand, with which you can quickly remove the glue from the surface. Another advantage of this type is the ability to work with imperfectly flat surfaces. After all, the glue contributes to good fixation even with small base errors.

Dispersion adhesive mixtures

These are one-component formulations, that is, you do not have to mix the components or dilute dry mixtures with water, because the glue is sold ready-to-use. The price policy of this type of glue is average, therefore it is located between cement and epoxy mixtures, thanks to which it has gained its popularity. Dispersion mixtures can rightfully be called universal, because you can work with them both indoors and outdoors. This adhesive will adhere well to a concrete wall or drywall, plaster or even old porcelain stoneware. But this material is especially popular when decorating rooms with and direct ingress of water:

  • Bathrooms
  • kitchen
  • showers
  • swimming pools
  • saunas, etc.

Changes in humidity and temperatures are not terrible for dispersion glue, so you can safely choose it for any finish.

There are other types of adhesive mixtures, but most often they have one of the 3 above-mentioned bases, and differ only in auxiliary components. When choosing a mixture, follow the recommendations indicated by the tile manufacturers or consult with specialists.

Ceramic tiles are one of the most difficult facing materials to install. To fix it on surfaces, special solutions are used - a glue for laying, which has especially strong adhesion characteristics. It allows you to hold the product tightly and, meanwhile, plastically, on a plane, preventing its deformation or lagging.

What is this article about

What is better to lay tiles on

Previously, there was no such question - what is better to lay the tiles on. Everyone used a cement-sand mixture for this. It is quite durable, but not always appropriate and comfortable material. Such a solution provides a clear adhesion, but requires a long drying time, which leads to premature sliding of the tile from the vertical, and in addition, its technical characteristics do not allow you to do without lengthy preparatory work. In particular, it gives liquid to the carrier base and the ceramics itself and they have to be pre-treated with water to prevent this from happening, and is also subject to slight drying shrinkage, which requires skillful leveling of the material.

Meanwhile, the glue mixture does not require such work, after its guidance and priming of the surface, you can immediately glue the tile.

The composition of the glue and its advantages

Many old tilers dislike glue for laying. This is due to the fact that not all of them know what this mixture consists of. The tile adhesive contains all the same cement, sand screenings and modifiers. It is the highest quality and careful control of the components that provide the solution with high technical characteristics, such as:

  • low hydrophobicity;
  • frost resistance (in specialized types of mixtures);
  • heat resistance (again, it depends on the brand);
  • strength of adhesion;
  • durability;
  • plastic;
  • speed of solidification.

How to choose glue

When choosing glue for tiles, you need to take into account such factors of the installation skills of the finisher as:

  • Installation speed
  • Professionalism and work experience

And the following parameters that will help in the question of how to choose tile adhesive:

  • Operating conditions (can it be used in places with high, unstable or minus temperature effects, as well as in a humid environment, the presence of antiseptic and antifungal additives).
  • Purpose of the product on the surface (vertical laying, horizontal, universal). Experts recommend buying glue for tiles with a specific purpose for the location of the product.
  • The speed of adjustment, which allows, if necessary, to align the location of the tiles in time, or to dismantle the glued material without harm, within a certain period of time.
  • Ability to work with a specific basis.
  • The type of mixture is dry (requiring dilution) or liquid glue (ready to use).
  • Economical consumption of the product.
  • Acceptable layer - some types of adhesives do not allow leveling tiles without a pre-leveled surface. Therefore, if you need to apply tile adhesive in layers of different thickness (which is available only for experienced tilers), it is better to provide this parameter in advance.
  • Universal application - on the product itself or on the surface.
  • Adhesion properties allowing to hold the laid tiles of a certain size.
  • Possibility of laying a certain type of tile.

These technical characteristics are usually always found on packages with mixtures, there should also be instructions on how to apply glue and other features of a particular product.

All types of tile adhesive can also be roughly divided into:

  • Specialized
  • Universal

It would seem that you can just purchase a universal product and not read tons of information on the packaging. However, masters advise choosing more responsibly, since such a mixture still does not give the maximum result in a certain area, like a specialized one, and its guaranteed service life is much less, despite the fact that the description on the pack is usually silent about this.

Thus, it is better to take tile mixes according to their purpose:

  • Moisture resistant with antiseptic additives - for masonry in places with high humidity and the risk of mold and mildew formation (for example, in the shower, bathroom, pool)
  • Heat resistant for mounting on hot surfaces (ovens, fireplace portals, barbecues)
  • Frost-resistant - on open balconies and unheated loggias

Universal tile adhesive is suitable for ordinary dry rooms, both for wall and floor surfaces.


The prices for the mixture are different - from 250 rubles per 25 kg to, on average, 1500. Many people believe that the better, the more expensive, but in fact, the high cost does not at all indicate which adhesive is better for the tile, but can only be markup for the brand name.

To avoid overpaying, you can simply compare the technical characteristics of an expensive product with a product of an average cost in a store and make sure that they are approximately equal, you do not need to worry that the selected mixture is something worse than a more expensive brand.

TOP 10 best adhesive mixtures

A specially compiled, independent rating can also help determine the best product for installing tiles.


This tile adhesive is suitable for difficult surfaces. The price is approximately 250 rubles per bag of 25 kg.

This is the best all-round adhesive. With its help, you can lay tiles, both on walls and on the floor, regardless of the type of surface.

It is distinguished by:

  • slow solidification, which makes it easier to work when adjusting, as well as cleaning the seam;
  • profitability - considering that it can be placed under the tiles with a layer of 7 mm and at the same time ensure high-quality adhesion;
  • elasticity and this quality is undoubtedly very important for laying tiles in difficult and hard-to-reach places;
  • budget due to low cost and low cost.

UNIS 2000

Almost on a par with Knauf, it is tacitly recognized as the best tile adhesive with the most powerful adhesion. The price is the same - 250 rubles for 25 kg.

Its advantages include:

  • 10-minute adjustment, which is the best option for the tiler;
  • a universal composition of tile adhesive, which shows itself perfectly even in strict multi-temperature regimes;
  • high elasticity, allowing it to withstand the deformation stresses of the tile of a temperature nature;
  • even a beginner will be able to glue ceramic tiles on Eunice, it is very easy to apply;
  • ideal consumption rates are 3.5-5 kg ​​/ sq. m.


Ideal for those who think about how to glue tiles on uneven surfaces without prior leveling. The price is 250 rubles for a pack of 25 kg.


  • tiles are laid on it with simultaneous assembly leveling;
  • possesses excellent adhesion properties, so that both standard tiles and porcelain stoneware can be laid on it, even from top to bottom.


A universal glue for ceramic tiles. Price - 265 rubles for 25 kg.

The disadvantages include the small operational properties of tile glue, it is not suitable for every tile. But in general, it is suitable for uneven surfaces and has low adhesion, more than 1.0 MPa.


Moisture resistant, good tile adhesive. Price 480 rubles for 25 kg.

Possesses white color, high adhesion, more than 1.0 MPa. considered professional. You can lay tiles on it in such difficult places as swimming pools, saunas, bathrooms, showers. Designed to work with any material of tile origin.


Considered a professional blend. Price - 530 rubles for 25 kg.

For those who are looking for how to glue porcelain stoneware and ordinary tiles with various installation difficulties, in particular - tiles on tiles, installation on warm floors, cladding of facades and plinths. From the pros, also the economy of consumption.


Ideal for installing mosaics and glass products, but also suitable for large tiles. Price - 645 rubles for 25 kg.

From the pros:

  • White color;
  • the ability to glue tiles and for outdoor finishing work;
  • the possibility of installation on a slope;
  • no masonry restrictions.


Moisture resistant adhesive mixture. Price - 650 rubles for 25 kg.

Suitable for cladding in a humid environment, as well as when installing "capricious" materials. Distinctive features also include:

  • high elasticity;
  • water resistance;
  • high parameters of frost resistance.


Tiles can be glued on it to eliminate the risk of point-impact impact, thanks to the reinforcing fibers in the composition. It is also characterized by increased moisture resistance. You can put both ordinary tiles and natural stone on it. Price - 700 rubles for 25 kg.


If we talk about which glue is better for large-caliber tiles and heavy materials, perhaps Keraflex is the most worthy material:

  • it has high adhesion;
  • you do not need to level the surface under it;
  • plastic, easy to lay.

Of the minuses - this glue is tiled, very expensive.

Whatever it was, when choosing an adhesive for ceramic tiles, it is not at all necessary to be guided by the data of this rating. This should be done solely from the characteristics of the styling and the type of the material itself. To select the perfect blend, read the directions and ingredients on the package carefully.

Among the wide variety of offerings on the market, it has become very difficult to know which board adhesive is best. What should you pay attention to when purchasing glue? Not so long ago, the tiles were placed only on a mortar of cement and sand, which was obtained following certain proportions. Experienced craftsmen added PVA glue to the mixture to obtain increased tenacity. If we talk about modern formulations, then not all also include these components and various modifying additives. It is in these additives that the tiles keep in place for many years.

All presented adhesive products may differ in their composition, however, according to GOST standards, they must meet certain requirements. When buying glue, it is very important to pay attention to its technical properties.

According to GOST, the main technical characteristics include 8 indicators:

  • Strength indicator - it indicates the maximum load that the surface will perceive;
  • Density indicators are a value that is measured in g per m2 and shows the maximum weight of the adhesive mixture;
  • Shrinkage process - denotes the deformation of the surface in the event of the influence of certain factors.
  • Viscosity index - shows the number of adhesive-type components in the composition of the material, as well as the likelihood of fixing the cladding without displacing the base;
  • Drying time - shows the expiration date, since the hardened mixture is unusable;
  • Material consumption - always depends on the density, for the calculation they take the mixture and divide it by 1m 2 of the area,
  • Plasticity indicator - thanks to this data, it is possible to determine how well the mixture is applied and whether it crumbles;
  • Water resistance parameters - indicate how the mixture will behave if moisture gets on it;
  • Adhesion indicators - indicate the quality of adhesion with a certain type of surface.

All of the above indicators according to GOST, must be taken into account when purchasing any adhesive composition for working with tiles.

Choosing a tile adhesive: technical characteristics

When choosing an adhesive for ceramic tiles, be sure to know its technical characteristics. If the composition does not meet the data in accordance with GOST, which are indicated above, in no case can it be purchased. In this case, no one will give you a guarantee that the tile will hold securely and will not fall off.

  1. Plasticity index. He should be moderate. If the glue spreads strongly, then it will be impossible to make the desired layer. The plasticity of the composition should not change, regardless of whether it is thick or rare.
  2. Spreadability. When choosing an adhesive, remember that when applied, it must fill all the voids. Otherwise, the tiles will fall off.
  3. Adhesion performance. The adhesive must be able to withstand any material weight. It is great if the adhesive is equipped with fast adhesion, this is especially true for boards with a large weight and size.
  4. Slow release of moisture. During installation, it should always be possible to correct the work, so the glue should dry as slowly as possible. In this case, it will acquire greater strength.

All these indicators are very important. Without them, the work will be either too difficult or impossible. That is why, before purchasing, be sure to read all the manufacturer's instructions on the packaging.

Composition of tile adhesive: main varieties

An important indicator is the composition of the tile adhesive. The quality of the work to be done directly depends on its components. If we talk about what types of glue exist, then they can be divided into certain classes due to certain compositions.


  1. Cement based adhesives. They are the most budgetary and in great demand. It consists of sand and cement, in addition, it contains polymer components that increase density, water resistance, compression and adhesion. All components in this composition are hypoallergenic. This brand of glue is optimal for long-term storage.
  2. Dispersion type adhesives. Differs in an increased price compared to the previous type. It is used for fixing tiles to non-standard surfaces without priming and sanding. Sold ready-made. Most often, glue of this brand can be purchased from the manufacturer "Tokan".
  3. Epoxy adhesive. The consistency is multi-component. Before you start using it, you need to introduce a catalyst, which makes the substance very durable against the background of the rest. It is unaffected by alkaline components, solvents, moisture or temperature fluctuations due to the fact that it contains a specific kPa.
  4. A relatively new adhesive is liquid nails. It contains polymers and synthetic rubber. This material is highly durable, but not suitable for use in rooms with high humidity.

Most often it is used for the restoration of a ceramic coating.

Shelf life of tile adhesive: what it is and how to calculate it

Recently, consumers are increasingly indignant with the purchase of expired mixtures for laying slabs, especially if it is a bulky material.

When purchasing material, pay attention to the production date. It is this indicator that is the starting point for the expiration date, and not the date of purchase.

This applies not only to mixes for tile glue, but also to any other material.

It is very important to take into account that before you purchased the mixture, it was still in the warehouse of the manufacturers for a certain time, and only then it got on the counter of the hardware store. Therefore, it is imperative to count on the fact that the purchased adhesive mixture must be used before the expiration date specified by the manufacturer passes.

Of course, we cannot talk about the principle of the shelf life of the building material, since it is about a food product, but still, this is an important point when purchasing.

So, for example, dry mixtures of cement, sand and polymers can be stored from six months to a year. This period is calculated based on the time when all the constituent components can retain their qualities. If at the end of this period the mixture was not applied, but it was stored in the correct conditions, then it will lose its quality by 5%, and this will happen every month. As for polymers, they completely lose their basic properties.

It must be remembered that each type of building mixture has its own shelf life. For example, dry and ready-made glue has different indicators of suitability, it depends on which manufacturer is chosen and what kind of base the glue has.

The optimal composition of tile adhesive (video)

Regardless of the difficulties that may accompany your renovation process, you need to choose the best adhesive for ceramic tiles. After all, it will depend on this how well the material will be glued, as well as how durable your finish will be. Do not rush to rush to extremes and acquire a universal type of glue, because it also has its limits, no one can guarantee perfect quality. Think over everything to the smallest detail, because the end result depends on everything, even in which room the work will be carried out.

While modern tile adhesives are generally quite versatile, there are points to consider. Already in central Russia, glue used for facade work or in unheated rooms will require high frost resistance. Its class must be at least F50 - that is, the glue will be guaranteed to retain its characteristics for 50 freezing cycles. Naturally, pay attention to the lower temperature limit of operation: for example, for many adhesives it is only -30 ° C, and not enough for a cold climate. If you see glue in the store that is operated down to minus fifty and with a class of F75-F100, it will be a good choice.

For oversized and heavy tiles, especially those laid on vertical surfaces, you will need your own glue - they are usually called "reinforced"; buying a "station wagon" designed to work with compact and lightweight tiles will not be the best choice in terms of durability. In the bathroom, shower, especially in the pool, moisture resistance is primarily required from the glue: check in the characteristics what adhesion the glue provides when wet.

Speaking of adhesion, it is stated as the pressure required to tear off the tile from the fully cured adhesive. For example, for an adhesive with an adhesion of 1.5 MPa, it will be one and a half times more difficult to tear off a tile than for an adhesive with an adhesion of 1 MPa. But keep in mind that this characteristic is indicated for the average "standard" conditions when laying on concrete, for other materials it can be seriously different.


Good luck with the repair!

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Tile adhesive is the second most important material, the quality and properties of which determines the final result when tiling surfaces. The range of adhesives offered by modern manufacturers is wide, therefore, without knowing the specific characteristics of various types of adhesives and comparing them with the requirements of GOST, it is difficult to make a choice in favor of a specific material.

In order for the tile adhesive to reliably hold the cladding, it is important to maintain the technical characteristics of the mixture in accordance with GOST

To choose the right mixture, consider the following questions:

  • general requirements for adhesive mixtures;
  • groups of tile adhesives;
  • properties and fields of application.

General requirements for tile adhesive

All types of adhesive mixtures for laying tiles must have a certain set of necessary technical characteristics, which, depending on the type of glue, may differ in value. Let's list these properties.

During operation (until the solution solidifies):

  • ease of preparation;
  • elasticity (should fit well on the surfaces to be glued);
  • a sufficient life (the ability to work out the prepared amount of the mixture, fix the displaced tile until the glue hardens);
  • high adhesion (adhesion of the solution to the surfaces of the material and base);
  • low fluidity and resistance to slipping (holding the tile in place of installation on a vertical surface).

First of all, the glue should have an increased indicator of water and frost resistance.

After the tile adhesive has cured:

  • compressive and shear strength;
  • water resistance;
  • heat resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • elasticity (the ability to take on the stresses of the cladding material arising from temperature changes).

Groups of tile adhesives

According to the material of the components, all adhesive mixtures for ceramics are divided into 3 groups:

  • cement-based formulations;
  • water dispersion solutions;
  • polyurethane adhesives;
  • adhesives based on epoxy reactive resins.

Consider these groups and their subgroups.

Cement based formulations

Cement-based adhesives are a dry mixture of cement, sand and certain chemical components, the set of which can vary. Requirements for the technical characteristics of cement adhesive mixtures are set out in GOST 31357-2007 “Dry building mixtures on a cement binder. General technical conditions ", GOST 31358-2007" Dry building floor mixtures on a cement binder. Technical conditions "and GOST 4.233-86" Building solutions. Nomenclature of indicators ".

Tile cement glue refers to dry mortars


These adhesives, depending on the type, are intended for finishing external and internal surfaces with tiles made from natural and artificial materials. The standard packaging of the mixture is 25 kg bags.

The specific gravity of the dry material is on average 1.3 g / cm3, the density of the ready-to-use solution is 1.8 g / cm3.

The compressive strength of a fully cured adhesive, according to GOST, should be more than 10 MPa for universal compositions and at least 15 MPa for materials marked "Elastic", "With increased fixation" and "For floor".

The composition of the tile adhesive is mixed in water according to the instructions available on the packaging and is used in two ways - by applying to ceramics and laying on the surface of the base. The cement in the composition of the mortar is used in gray or white (for glass tiles and smalt mosaics) colors.

Adhesive solutions based on cement in the process of hardening retain water in themselves, within a day they allow grouting of the joints, a full set of adhesive strength occurs within 2-3 weeks.

Storage period

When buying such mixtures, you should pay attention to the date of release of the material, since after the expiration date, due to hygroscopicity, lumps form in the composition. The shelf life of such mixtures in the manufacturer's packaging is from 6 to 9 months, therefore, when buying, it is necessary to take into account that this period must expire before the end of the repair - each expired month deprives the cement of 5% of its activity, and the polymer components may lose their properties altogether.

Cement adhesive mixtures, in turn, are divided into 2 subgroups:

  • thick layer (leveling);
  • thin-layer.

Thick-layer cement-based adhesive mixtures

These mixtures are used to level the base under the tiles, if the differences in surface levels are 1-3 cm. The use of such compounds allows you to do without plastering the base and reduce the repair time.

To ensure a long service life, it is important to choose the right adhesive

The composition of the leveling adhesive, which includes cement, sand of various fractions and a set of polymers, ensures the durability of laying tiles from any material. The material of the "reinforced" brand is used even for the installation of cladding made of natural stone and porcelain stoneware, the specific gravity of which, due to its high density, is one and a half to two times higher than the weight of ordinary ceramics. Varieties of thick-layer adhesives are also produced for outdoor and indoor use, for rooms with high humidity and high air temperatures.

The index of compressive strength of thick-layer adhesives after complete drying should be at least 10 MPa.

The disadvantage of leveling compounds is their strong shrinkage, which makes it difficult to calculate the need for material and does not make this method of leveling surfaces economical.

Cement-based thin-layer adhesives

Cement-based thin-layer adhesives are used for laying tiles on surfaces with level differences not exceeding 1 cm.

The adhesive layer applied to the back of the ceramic must be at least 5 mm. As in leveling mixtures, in thin-layer compositions, special additives are used that increase the individual characteristics of the material, which are necessary for its use in specific conditions, but the specific gravity of the adhesive does not change significantly from this. There are also varieties of such adhesives with enhanced adhesion and strength for laying heavy tiles.

The compressive strength of thin-layer compositions after drying should not be lower than 10 MPa.

The advantages of thin-layer mixtures are low consumption (1-1.5 kg per 1 sq. M.) And shorter drying times than those of thick-layer mixtures.

The disadvantage is low moisture resistance in the absence of the “moisture resistant” marking, which forces the use of only moisture resistant mixtures.

Water-dispersion (polymer) adhesives are one-component aqueous solutions of polymer particles based on acrylic, latex or polyvinyl acetate (PVA). They are used for lining leveled concrete, plastered and plasterboard substrates with ceramic tiles, forming a waterproof shell. They are sold in plastic sealed containers of various sizes. The specific gravity of the ready-to-use solution is approximately equal to the weight of the cement-based glue and is 1.3 g / cm3, the same value is taken as the density.

The technical characteristics of such adhesives are regulated by the requirements of GOST 28780-2004 “Polymer adhesives. Specifications "and GOST 12172-74" Phenol-polyvinyl acetal adhesives. Technical conditions ".

Dispersion adhesive is a composition of a water-based tile adhesive that includes acrylic or cellulose glycolic acid and special additives - chalk, latex

These materials are produced as thick white, colored solutions and pastes. Particles of glue suspended in water, when water evaporates or leaves it in the base, join together and form an adhesive film.

Instructions for use, as a rule, are presented in an accessible form on the container.


  • ease of preparation for use;
  • ease of application;
  • bond strength;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • heat resistance;
  • low consumption;
  • absence of combustible components in the material;
  • long shelf life when stored in a sealed container;
  • environmental friendliness.


  • the inability to use for leveling surfaces;
  • high price in comparison with cement adhesives.

Waterborne adhesive is the most common on the market

Polyurethane adhesives

Polyurethane-based adhesives are one- or two-component formulations. The technical characteristics of these adhesives must meet the requirements of GOST 30535-97 “Polymer adhesives. Nomenclature of indicators ".

Curing of one-component compositions occurs due to ambient moisture, which reacts with the components of the solution. Two-component substances harden when the components are mixed in a certain ratio.

It should be borne in mind that some types of polyurethane adhesives expand during curing and are therefore not suitable for tiling.

The material has high strength, sufficient elasticity and resistance to chemicals. Effectively bonds the surfaces of even dissimilar materials (metal - glass, stone - wood) to each other, has almost zero moisture absorption, is insensitive to large changes in temperature (from -50 to +120 degrees Celsius) and pressure. The composition, in addition to a strong connection of materials in a short time, provides waterproofing of the base.

One-component and two-component polyurethane adhesives are industrially produced

The glue solution is applied with a brush or roller, not to the tiles, but to the substrate. A prerequisite for the strength of polymer glue during use is thorough mixing of the solution and exact observance of the proportions of the components in a two-component design.

Material advantages:

  • strength and durability of the connection;
  • high adhesion to any surface;
  • moisture and heat resistance (suitability for underfloor heating);
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • quick set of strength (the possibility of making repairs in a short time);
  • the ability to choose a variety of glue for specific conditions without overpaying for versatility;
  • low consumption and no shrinkage;
  • environmental friendliness after solidification.


  • The need for skills in using this glue;
  • The presence of a pungent odor in some species;
  • Relatively high price.

Work with polyurethane glue should be carried out in protective gloves, and if the solution gets on the skin, wash it off in a short time with warm water and soap.

Epoxy adhesives are divided into two- and multi-component. A solvent-free epoxy adhesive is composed of a resin (base binder) and a hardener (liquid or powder activator). The binder is mixed in a certain proportion with the hardener, after which the mixture is applied to the degreased surfaces of the tile or base, and the product is glued in place.

A mixture of synthetic resin, mineral fillers and organic additives, the hardening of which is carried out by a chemical reaction

The adhesive has a setting time of approximately 20 minutes and fully cured after a few hours. The surfaces to be bonded must not be porous. In difficult cases, to increase the strength, the epoxy adhesive is reinforced with dry powdered glass fiber.

These adhesives have high technical characteristics, and therefore are used in critical places and in industries with aggressive conditions of use of the finish.

The value of the compressive strength of compositions based on reactive resins must be at least 15 MPa.


  • high strength with undemanding to the thickness of the adhesive layer;
  • elasticity and high adhesion;
  • waterproofness;
  • frost resistance;
  • long shelf life;
  • low specific gravity (1300-1500 kg / m3);
  • no shrinkage.


  • flammability;
  • high price.


Having decided what kind of glue to use for repairs, it is advisable to write out from GOST the characteristics that this material should have, and when buying, compare them with the data, albeit incomplete, indicated on the package. In this case, the shelf life is calculated from the date of production of the material, and not from the date of purchase.