Pelargonium Zonal: Description of varieties, photos, landing and care. Subgroups of pelargonium zonal

In the cultivation of pelargonium clear clear sea cyclewhich depends on temperature and illumination. Usually, flowering time in our climate begins in the spring and can continue in some varieties until the late autumn is enough for light and heat.


When growing pelargonium, it is necessary to remember that these are light-minded plants. Lined in open ground or outdoor air for the summer, they are finely transferred to the right sun. The exception is the royal pelargoniums, which are more picky to the effects of wind and rain, so they are preferable to grow on terraces, balconies and window sills, in protected places. If Pelargonium is in closed room (in greenhouse, on the window), where the light falls through the glass, the plant can overheat, especially in conditions of poor ventilation. Then it takes protection from the scorching summer midday sun. Will bring pelargonium and a slight shading, but with a lack of light, it will begin shirt and die bottom leaves, Stem is screamed, the plant will not bloom.

It is important regularly, once a few days, to a small angle to rotate the plant relative to the light source, this is necessary for uniform growth of the crown.

Temperature mode

In the summer, Pelargonium prefers moderate warmth, within + 17 + 23 o C. The landing in open ground needs to be done only when the danger of return freezers is. At a steady temperature of +12 about C and below, pelargonium ceases to bloom, also negatively on flowering is also the temperature, especially in a closed room. The fact that the plant is cold, can sign reddened leaves.

In the fall, gradually reduce the temperature of the content and the abundance of irrigation - the growth should not be active so that pelargonium does not stretch and not depleted under conditions of reduced light.

Care in winter

Optimal conditions of wintering You can create on a glazed and unscrewing, well-lit loggia or in a greenhouse. It is necessary to maintain the minimum temperature at night at night. Angels, bicolor and tricolor varieties are better to keep at higher temperatures by placing them in warmer places of greenhouse or loggia.

It is obligatory good circulation of air around the plants, it is impossible to put them too closely, if necessary, thick roots need to go a little. This will help to avoid the occurrence of mushroom diseases. Watering this time is quite meager, experienced flowerflowers Conduct it from pallets, clearly measure the amount of water and determining the time of the next watering by weight of the pots, while the top of the soil is always allowed dry.

There are I. other ways of wintering. One of them is to preserve plants in the form of rooted cuttings, the parent plant is thrown away. The method is used for summer growing Pelargonium outdoors.

The second method is also used in street cultivation: on the eve of frosts, the plant is digging, the excess solar shakes with the roots, the plant is strongly clipped and turning into paper, then suspended in the cool basement. The room should be with good ventilation and high humidity so that the plant does not dry. In the spring it is planted in a pot, with the onset of heat planting in an open ground. You can combine the first and second ways: first take the cuttings, and then send the mother's plant to the basement.

Wintering falls on the most dark time per year and lasts about 2.5-3 months (from November to February). Already at the end of January - early February, with an increase in the daylight, Pelargonium gradually begins to wake up.


When irrigating pelargonium, it is important to remember that it is rather drought-resistant plants, at the same time, easily ministerial diseases. Therefore, it is better to nourish the plant a little than to pour it with an excess. In the summer, watering as the upper layer breads, provided that the plant is in a warm and sunny place. In winter, in the cool conditions, watering should be limited, but do not bring to the complete burden of soil.

Signs of excessive irrigation will be sluggish leaves, often with signs of gray rot, in severe case The rotting of the stem will begin, which almost always leads the plant to death. Another symptom of excess moisture is the appearance on the bottom of the leaves "sore". When driving an earthy coma, the plant ceases to bloom, the leaves are yellowing, the edges dry them.

Air humidity For pelargonium is not important, these plants do not require spraying. Excessive dampness and stagnant air can cause mushroom diseases.


Supports are desirable to introduce with each watering, respectively, reducing the dosage. So, if watering is produced every day, then the weekly fertilizer rate is divided by 7-10 and give such a dose in each watering. If whom managed to dry between watering, then it is necessary to pre-moisten it clean water. During the winter holiday, the feeding is canceled if the temperature is maintained low and the plants are completely resting. When at least a small increase is observed, you can enter fertilizers in the dosage ¼. Soon after the rooting of the cuttings, a fertilizer with a high content of nitrogen is used. For feeding young plants, which are not allowed to bloom, use complex universal fertilizer. Before the onset of flowering period, approximately 2.5-3 months (in April), the fertilizer is beginning to use a higher potassium content. In signs of chlorosis, magnesium sulfate should be treated with iron sulphate (or simply a solution of microelements in chelated form).


Priming Pelargonium prefers fertile and well-drained. It consists of turf, humus, peat and sand approximately equal proportions.

Life expectancya separate bush of Pelargonium is usually 2-5 years, after which the plant loses decorativeness and better take care of the resumption by rooting the cuttings. The cultivation of a decorative flowering plant from a cutter will be required about a year or a little more. Cuttings, rooted early in spring, can be bloated by this summer, but it is advisable to give preference to the formation beautiful bush For abundant flowering next year.

Cherenci You can take at any time, starting from early spring and ending in the fall. But here it is necessary to take into account the time of flowering plants, which for different varieties It ranges from 16 to 20 weeks after the last seafrock or trimming (bloom occurs on young shoots that have reached this age). If you have a single copy of this variety, then for cutting cuttings you have to wait for the end of flowering. If there are several copies, it is better to take cuttings before, starting from February-March, then young Plant There will be more time to develop for lush flowering Next year, until this point you need to remove all appearing buds. It is not recommended to take cuttings earlier than the end of January, with a short light day. By this time, the plants are just beginning to wake up a cool wintering. If you take cuttings from sleeping plants, then the level of growth hormones in them is small and more time will need to roougs. For such pelargoniums, as angels, royal and fragrant desirable to take stalks at the end of winter or early spring (later, with an increase in the level of illumination, the laying of flower kidney closer to the tops of the shoots). For most varieties zonal pelargonium This period is not as important, since the flower kidneys are laid throughout the length of escape and the cuttings can be taken at any time of the growing season.

The cuttings must be cut off only with healthy and powerful plants - the stronger and the centered cuttings, the better it will continue to develop. For cuttings take the top parts of the shoots about 5-7 cm long, with miniature and dwarf varieties - approximately 2.5-3 cm. The bottom leaves and boosts should be carefully removed, under the lower node, make a slant slice with a small slope. Bottom cut cut in air, depending on the conditions for this may be required from several hours to several minutes. You can use drugs that are stimulating the root formation, but Pelargonium gives root well and without their use.

The rooting leaves from 2 to 4 weeks, depending on conditions and varieties. Roots are formed on the lower cutting cut. As a soil for rooting, a mixture of a sterile peat substrate and perlite is used in approximately equal proportions. It is important that water will not be stood in the ground. Sterilization of the soil before use reduces the likelihood of dropping cuttings. Small pots (6 cm diameter) or transparent cups (100-200 ml) are filled with a land mixture and kept on the pallet with water before the start of wetting the top of the substrate. After that, the soil is given to dry about a day.

Popular and another way of rooting. Take two pots, in a wider insert the second, narrower pot, the space between them is filled with soil, here and put the prepared cuttings. They are immersed in the ground about 1-3 cm (depending on the variety) and slightly pressed.

The next watering is scarcely and through the pallet when the ground will dry. It is desirable after planting cuttings to introduce into the ground with a second irrigation system fungicide. Greenhouse for rooting Chernok Pelargonium is not required. The first 2-3 days is possible to ensure the leaf (do not put a cutlery on the sunlight!), In the future, they restore the tour.

Optimal temperature Rooting the cuttings of pelargonium - about + 20 + 22 o C.

After rooting the first chip The cutting is carried out when it will form 8-10 leaves. A sharp point of growth is removed by a sharp sterile knife. It stimulates the growth of side shoots from the sinuses of the remaining leaves. If only 1-2 upper kidneys begin to grow, it is desirable to remove them or pinch them as soon as they give 3 sheets. The following segments are carried out as side shoots grow when they form 8-10 leaves. This will ensure a magnificent branch, and later abundant flowering. Optimally shaped the crown in the form of 2/3 of the ball. The last fascination of the plant is carried out no later than 16-20 weeks (depending on the variety) to the expected flowering. Since blossom influences and external factors (illumination), then you can expect its start in May or June, so the last partner is held no later than February. As they grow, patients or weak shoots are removed, shortening too rapidly growing, trying to preserve the uniformity of the root. Also cut out all the leaves, which in size or color do not correspond to the fortification.

As the young plant grows it several times per season transplant (neat transshipment) in a slightly big pot, not seeking to give a large volume at once. The transshipment is carried out only when the roots are tightly tired com. For a one-year-old plant, the maximum size pot should not exceed: for miniature - 9 cm, dwarf varieties and angels - 11 cm, for other varieties - no more than 15 cm in diameter. The last transplant of the cuttings this season is held closer to the winter holiday or after its end at the beginning of the next season.

Trimming the old plant after flowering, taking cuttings

After the end of the flowering of the mother plant, the top cuttings for rooting are cut from it. Pelargonium is very susceptible to mushroom diseases, so it is advisable to make a slice on parent plant Over the node and be sure to process the location of the slice of fungicide, sprinkle with coal or sulfur, these measures will reduce the likelihood of reinforcing stalks. Optimally carrying warm timeThis also reduces the risk of the disease. The old leaves that remain on the plant are better at this time not to delete, it will most like to grow side shoots. As young shoots grow, old leaves are removed. As soon as young shoots are growing at 8-10 leaves, they spend their segments.

To impart uniform crown and stimulation good blossom Old copies immediately after winter rest spend trimmingRemove the brilliantly and sick shoots, shorten the long, leaving on each shoot from 2 to 5 kidneys. In the fall, trimming is undesirable, because at home, without strict observance of the cool conditions of wintering, weak side shoots are formed, which will have to be removed.


Shining. Pelargonium propagates well with the help of cuttings - this is the main way of reproduction of varietal plants, only it is completely (excluding cases of the emergence of somatic mutations - spots) guarantees the preservation of all varietal signs in the plant. About the stallion Pelargonium read above.

Seed reproduction. Many varieties have a hybrid nature, and even if they can establish seeds, plants from such seeds will not necessarily retain the varietal qualities of the starting plants. Seeds successfully grown species pelargoniums and a small number of varieties.

Mainly on sale you can meet the seeds of F1 hybrids (first generation) and hybrids F2 (second generation), they produce large seeding companies by crossing two different varieties. The plants grown from such seeds are not very interesting to collectors, and more suitable for mass landscaping - they do not differ in the richness of coloring, but they have increased resistance.

The optimal time for sowing seeds is the end of January - February. With an increase in the day will succeed strong seedlingsAnd the seedlings will most likely bloom the current summer. You can make sowing before, but in the winter it will necessarily need an additional backlight, so that the seedlings are not pulled out.

For the extension of seeds use poor sterile soil. The seeds are sown along the surface, poured a thin layer (literally 2-3 mm) of the land mixture, shed and do not cover anything. The optimal temperature for germination + 20 + 24 o C. You can sow seeds one by one into individual small cups, then you will not need to dive. Shoots appear in 2-3 weeks.

Diseases and pests

  • Big damn pelargonia inflicts gray Gnil. Manifested in the form of a gray fly on the leaves and other parts of the plant. Its occurrence provokes coolness, dampness, overvoltage, poor air ventilation. Especially often the disease occurs during the winter holiday, which is why it is important to provide plants with good ventilation, do not put them closely towards each other, to remove patients and unnecessary leaves.
  • Often on pelargonia is found rust. It manifests itself in the form of concentric yellowish tops and brown hot spots on the leaves.
  • From the mooring of the soil can be observed holding the stem, manifested in the form of dark depressed spots at the base of the stem. This is the faithful death of the plant, but you can try to take the top cuttings.
  • Verticillese fading Called the mushiba, affecting the conductive plant of the plant. The disease is manifested in the gradual yellowing and fading of the plant and is not amenable to treatment.
  • Benefits and other pathogenic mushrooms are possible, which are caused on leaves, stiffs and other parts of plants. different kinds Spotted.

It is important to carry out preventive treatment of plants from mushroom diseases in a timely manner, especially on the eve of the winter holiday. Plants are abundantly sprayed with preparations or immerse the crown into a tank with a fungicide. It is advisable to use the systemic fungicides of a wide range of action, such as soon, topaz, profit Gold, Topcin, etc. when detected mushroom disease Patients of the plant are removed, they are treated with the same drugs.

  • Pelargonium is often amazed belokrylka. By purchasing a plant, carefully examine the lower part of the sheet for the presence of small white butterflies or white capsular formations, their larvae. When at least a few individuals are detected, it is worth abandoning the purchase.
  • When detecting mathematical Cherweet Also better not to buy a plant. In the sinuses of the leaves, on the stems you can notice clusters, similar to pieces of white wool.
  • Also pelargoniums can be amazed tRIPS, tley, ticks.

Physiological disorders not related to diseases or pests

  • Redness of leaves. Cause in too low temperatures. It is necessary to change the conditions of detention.
  • Plant does not bloomAlthough his general condition is good. The reason may hide in too high temperature, light shortage or excessive watering.
  • Leaves yellow and fall, the edges of the leaves dry. The reason may be in insufficient watering, with a strong tail of the stem - in a lack of light.

Photo: Nina Starostenko, Rita Brilliantova

Many flowers lovers love Pelargonium - beautiful unpretentious flower, Easily breeding, easy to care. Pelargonium in the people is called geranium, although it is not entirely true. which is resistant to frosts, and for many years it can be grown in one place. But Pelargonium is thermal lodge, and in the garden it can only be kept in the warm season. Growing Pelargonium It does not cause difficulties even at a novice flower, if you have the concept of the features of this flower.
"Country hobby"

What features of Pelargonium?

This flower is considered a family of geranium. In Europe, the flower was brought from Holland in the XVIII century. He quickly gained popularity among flower flowers. The breeders managed to bring a lot of many types of pelargonium. All varieties can be divided into six large groups: ampel (plush), English homemade large, garden, fragrant, voyage, succulent.

And plushistic I. garden varieties well multiply seeds and grow great in open soil, decorating flower arrangements.

Pelargonium - Growing Conditions

It can be grown in winter at home, and in the summer in the garden or directly in the soil or in pots, completing

  • Temperature mode. Pelargonium is thermal-loving, so before the first frosts it needs to be transferred to the house. Optimum home temperature in winter time Must be from 8 to 12 degrees. In the summer, the plant requires moderate heat 17-23 degrees. A plant falls into the garden to open air after the threats of return freezers. At a temperature of about 12 degrees, Pelargonium stops blossoming. But the high temperature for the plant is undesirable. On a low no comfortable temperature, the plant flashes the redness of the leaves. Removing the fall flower from the garden. It is necessary to reduce the temperature and amount of water during watering so that the plant reduce the growth and is not exhausted at low light.
  • Lighting. The plant is light-loving and with a lack of light weakly blooms and is very dragging. Interestingly, when growing in the garden, it perfectly tolerates straight sun rays, but at home the flower needs to be protected from the sun, by contracted flower. However, with a lack of lighting, the plant begins to yellow, losing the bottom leaves and barrels stem, and blooms badly. At home, it is necessary to turn the flower several times a week to the light for its uniform development.
  • The flower loves space, so no other plants are needed closely.

Pelargonium - Variety of species

  • Watering. Pelargonium is a drought-resistant flower, but quickly infected with fungal diseases. Therefore, when watering is better, it is better to be cheat than to pour. Therefore, the plant is usually watered when the soils are drying under it, not allowing its complete drying. On the pouring of the plant signals the leaves: they become sluggish and lowered. With a lack of water in the soil, the leaves are yellowing, the edges dried up, the plant ceases to bloom. Air humidity does not play roles in the life of Pelargonium, so it does not need to spray it. Improving humidity can provoke fungal diseases.
  • Subordinate Specialists advise combining with each irrigation, having calculated the dose of fertilizer on the amount of irrigation. Or feed once a week until late autumn. If the soil under the plant is dry, then you must first pour ordinary waterAnd then with the addition of fertilizers. If in the winter you managed to create a reduced temperature, then the feeders are absolutely not needed. If still flower grows a little, then the feeder is carried out the fourth part of the necessary dose of fertilizer. 2-2.5 months before flowering follows a plant need to be filled mineral fertilizers from large quantity potassium. If the symptoms of chlorosis of leaves appeared, be sure to turn on the chelate chelate iron and magnesium sulfate.
  • The soil. For beautiful flowering and healthy Plant The soil must be fertile. The composition of the soil consists of a mixture in equal proportions of peat, sand, garden land. Be sure to perform drainage from stones. Do not forget to loosen the soil more often to have good air access to roots, which will not allow them to bend.
  • Size pot. For Pelargonia flower pot Selected in the size of the root system. The plant is much better growing, and also blooms brighter and is rich in small tanks. In the large pots, the plant itself is actively developing to the damage to flowering.
  • For the formation of a bush and quick branching, it is recommended to discharge the top of the growth in about February or March.

Pelargonium, conditions of cultivation

Pelargonia reproduction

Good plant develops for 2-5 years. Therefore, it is necessary to multiply with its cuttings that can be rooted from early spring to late autumn. The cuttings take from the tops with a length of 5-7 cm only with healthy and severe plants. The lower sheets with a cutter carefully remove and below the node make the oblique cut, which you want to dry, and then put into the container with water until the roots appear.
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Geranium or Pelargonium has long and firmly occupied many window sills as an unpretentious and beautiful plant. It can be grown at home and on the flower beds: the flower looks great anywhere. Before buying, it is recommended to read how to care for geranium at home.

Geran: General Information

His scientific name Geranium - Pelargonium - Translated from Greek means "stork" or "crane". This unusual name plant got due to fruit - long as a bird beak.

There are more than 400 species of geranium in the world, which can be found almost all over the world, about 40 species are found in Russia. It is noteworthy that in Germany, geranium is called "a stork nose", and in the USA and England - the chewing room.

It is a meadow one-year or perennial, growing up to 60 cm. Soft leaves, covered with hairs, have palp-blade or finger-disseated forms. Large flowers have 5 properly located flowers, usually collected in inflorescences. May be terry and smooth, among shades there are white, red, purple and blue.

Among the most popular species Home geranium present:

In addition to the "clean" varieties there is a huge amount of hybrids, which can be raised by himself. Among the domestic species is often found by the name of Pelargonium. They relate to one Geranium family, but differ in appearance. Despite this, care for pelargonium at home, as well as geranium, almost the same.

How to care for geranium

Care at home for geranium, photos of which it is easy to find, brought fruit, you need observe the following conditions:

  1. Geranium feels perfectly when room temperature: in the summer it can fluctuate in the range of + 20-25 degrees, in the winter should not be descended below + 10-14 degrees. It is better to choose a place away from drafts.
  2. But to the light flower more capricious: the plant can even be left under the right sunlight, without fearing to harm, as the lack of light leads to the brand of leaves and flowers. The only thing that may be required is to turn the pot from time to time so that the plant is formed from all sides. In winter, the lack of light is filled with daylight lamps. If the light is not enough, the leaves will start rapidly pale.
  3. For geranium, the simplest purchase of universal soil is suitable. You can cook it and independently, mixing 1 pieces of turf and foliage, one and a half of the ground and half of the sand. At the bottom of the pot it is necessary to put drainage.
  4. The flower loves moisture and requires regular and frequent irrigation. At the same time, the water should not be stood in a pot or fall on the leaves. High humidity Also contraindicated. It is possible to use dilated water from under the tap, rain and melting will also be suitable. In winter, it is required to reduce the frequency of watering twice, as the plant is at rest.
  5. The transplant is required only if the pot has become small. It is not necessary to choose big pots: geranium does not relate to them and blooms plentifully only in "cramped". Optimal dimensions There will be: height 12 cm, diameter - 12-15 cm.
  6. The plant is not demanding to lure and is content with standard mineral fertilizers. They are made from March to September twice a month. You can also use specialized fertilizers for Gerani.
  7. For the formation of a beautiful appearance, it is possible to roughly trim the upper and side branches, as well as remove dry leaves and flowers.
  8. Pelargonium reproduction occurs with cuttings at any time of the year.

Proper transplant

Geranium poor belongs to transplantAnd therefore it is better not to change the pots more often than 1-2 times a year. The following factors can be reasons:

  1. The roots were closely: you can check it, carefully pulling geranium from the pot;
  2. Because of excess moisture, the flower began to wither;
  3. Despite care, geranium does not develop and does not bloom;
  4. The roots were very painful.

Usually transplant the pelargonium in the spring, from February to AprilBut this is not fundamentally: you can even transplant the plant even in the winter, only the bush will be longer. It is also not recommended to touch the flowering plant: it also spends a lot of strength on bloom and will be bad new house. Instead of transplantation, you can update the upper layer of the soil, swaying fresh as needed.

Some flowerflowers as an additional leaving every spring transplanted geranium into the street on the flowerbed, and the fall "take" him back. It helps to improve the plant itself, and at the same time split reproduction roots.

  1. It is necessary to prepare all the tools and process the pot with a chlorine solution if it has already been used earlier for another plant. This will avoid the transfer of the disease.
  2. Drainage is laid out on the bottom of the pot. These may be small stones or foam.
  3. Geranium watered so that the land is wet. Then you need to flip the pot and carefully get a plant from it, trying not to break and do not damage the roots. To separate the land from the pot, on the walls and the bottom can be slightly knocking.
  4. The roots are examined, and in the case of detection of rot or signs of the disease, carefully cut.
  5. The flower is lowered into the pot and fall asleep empty places of the earth, slightly watered, compact and sweep the soil.
  6. After transplanting, geranium is removed in a dark place for a week, then transferred to the reserved place. After 2 months, you can make feeding.

Similarly, the plant is transplanted from the street fall until frosts. If necessary, you can perform a gentle trimming. For this, all shoots are shortened, leaving about 20 cm. The slice should take place a few millimeters from the node. For the winter, geranium will not be able to give enough strong stems, and therefore in February-March the trimming will have to repeat.

Pelargonium can multiply by seeds and cuttings: the first option is suitable for new varieties, the second is for a new bush. Also, geranium can be multiplied to rhizomes, but waiting for it to have a certain experience.

Reproduction of seeds

From the beginning of March, it is possible to plant seeds of pelargonium from the beginning of March, pre-treated with the ground with a weak solution of mangalls to protect against disease. You can use purchased soil by adding to it sand and humus. Seeds are scattered over a loose surface and slightly sprinkle on top of the ground, then cover the tank with a film to create a greenhouse effect and remove for several days to heat. When the sprouts are fixed enough, they can be disassembled, after which the standard care begins.

Reproduction of cuttings

The best time for reproduction with cuttings - Spring. Sliced \u200b\u200bcuttings with 3-4 leaves (it is better to cut it off from the tops) put in water and wait until the roots grow. After the pelargonium he dried and buried in the ground.

Alarm signals

If the appearance of Gerania suddenly changed to the worse, you need to pay attention:

  1. With a lack of moisture, the leaves dries greatly and yellow, with an excess - become sluggish and unnecessarily dim, gray rotting appears on the stems;
  2. If the leaves, especially the lower, began to be imposed, there is a lack of lighting;
  3. If the plant has ceased to bloom, this indicates an overlooking a large pot or lack of rest in winter.

Like any plant, geranium even after good care susceptible to attacks of pests and diseases.


Geranium is an unpretentious plant, with home care for which even beginner gardeners will be handled. It does not require special conditions for growing and frequent transplant, easily tolerates straight sunlight and drought. The only thing to remember is: geranium negatively belongs to high humidity and systematic transfusions. In such conditions, it will begin to quickly stick and die.

Home geranium care

Pelargonium Zone - has long been considered one of the most popular and unpretentious colors for decorating residential and office premises. However, this is a plant that can be found in almost every house of flowers lovers, know more.

Appearance of Pelargonium zone

This flower was still loved by our great-grandmothers. And sometimes it may seem that geranium is an old-fashioned plant and boring. However, selection does not stand still, and its results give all new unusual and striking varieties of Pelargonium. Initially, this Pelargonium was a great growth, and blossomless flowering - small. Modern hybrid varieties - These are low lush bushes with large beautiful inflorescences.

One of the most for cultivation at home is the pelargonium zonal. This species is the most numerous. It includes about 75 thousand varieties. This geranium got its name because of its coloring flowers. They seem to have two color zones: the edges of the petals differ from the shade of the middle. Although this distinction becomes almost elusive during the short daylight due to lack of light. At the end of winter, the flowers again become unusual.

Flowers from different varieties are different. There are varieties with terry, semi-world and non-none flowers. They also differ in the number of petals. In some varieties of 5 on each flower, others can have more than 8.

Subgroups of pelargonium zonal

Pelargonium zonal, given the numerous varieties, has its subgroups:

  1. Rose colored. Distinctive feature is that this geranium has flowers similar to roses;
  2. Tulipovoid. Externally, flowers are similar to dense unbalanced buds of tulips;
  3. Navitic color. Due to large carved petals, plant flowers from this subgroup resemble garden cloves;
  4. Star. This geranium is distinguished not only by the form of petals, but also leaves. Their acute, angular shape has something similar to the star;
  5. Cactius. Representatives of this subgroup are quite rare. Flowers have long twisted or rolled petals. Externally resemble the flowering of cactus dahlia;
    - "Deacons". This is one of the most miniature geranium varieties. Blossom, on the contrary, they have a rich and magnificent.

Containing rules

Despite its diversity, Pelargonium Zonal does not require large differences in the conditions of detention. All varieties are unpretentious, care is needed minimal.

The cultivation of this flower brings a lot of pleasure to its owner, both in morally and in the wellness effect. After all, it is believed that together with fragrant aroma, geranium also spreads antibacterial substances and disinfect air.


The perfect cultivation of the Pelargonium zonal will be near the windows that go to the West or East. Too bright and direct rays, the plant does not tolerate, it is afraid of burns. If the habitat is selected southern windows, the flower must be pronounced.

Air temperature

Accompanied primarily maintaining a stable temperature, since these geraniums will not tolerate sharp drops. IN summer period The perfect range is from 20 to 25 degrees, in the winter - about 15, the critical lower mark is plus 7.

Source requirements

Soil requirements are similar to general requirement Other geraniums. It should be not an acidic soil of about 6.0 pH. Needed good layer drainage. It is worth avoiding additional feeding, since the plant can start living and negatively affect the flowering process. With independent compilation of the substrate, it is necessary to ensure that there is no excess peat that can provoke moisture stagnation. Ideal proportions: on equal portion of peat, humus and turf, plus sand salmon. Growing in such a soil will be the most favorable flower.

Watering mode

Care on irrigation should be regular. Gerania is required every other day in the summer months, in the winter - it will be enough and once a week - a half.


You need to make feeding with the arrival of March and until the end of August with a frequency of every 15-20 days. The main emphasis should be made on phosphorus and potassium. At other times of the year, care is not needed to complement feeding.


Too often produce a transplant of Pelargonium zone is not recommended. This process negatively acts on the plant and makes it weaker. He takes a lot of time and forces for recovery. It is also worth remembering that this flower prefers to grow in a slightly closed capacity. This favorably affects the duration and pomp flowering. And after adult plant It became higher than 25 centimeters, it is generally no longer recommended to transplant. The transplant is necessary if the rhizome of the plant too much and has already appeared in drainage hole. Conduct a transplant spring period.


A good option for the reproduction of this geranium -. To do this, choose the top cuttings in the spring, or early autumn. Selected cuttings are placed in water until the roots appear, which happens quite simple and quickly.

Diseases and pests

Insects, who are afraid of this pelargonium - whitefly, and cyclamen ticks, and a word. These plants are also subject to fungal diseases such as gray rot.

If the leaves and stems take a reddish tint, possibly geranium is cold. You can also moisten the soil. If this happened, and the plants have shuffled the stem at the base, most likely Pelargonium will disappear.

If the plant is well gaining green mass and the flowering does not occur for a long time, stop feeding the plant with fertilizers. But if the flower is rapidly pulling up, and the green part is very poor and rare, it is necessary to provide a plant more light. More often watered in case the owner noticed, or appearance brown spots On healthy leaves.

Growing and reproduction of Pelargonium fragrant at home The main rules for the cultivation of Pelargonium from seeds and the first dive The main rules for growing geraniums from seeds and other methods of reproduction Features of chlorophyteum care at home

Pelargonium is the plant of the Geranium family, it is it widely known as geranium. Native plant is South Africawhere dwells in arid and windy regions.

Geranium is a herbaceous, semi-student or shrub plant. Thanks to his unpretentiousness and abundant blossomShe is very popular for room, balcony and garden growing.

Love for Pelargonium nourish not only Soviet grandmothers, but also in Europe, actively decorating their balconies and loggias. It should be noted here that when growing a plant in spacious personnel, pots and in the "free" soil in the garden, it blooms.

The greatest abundance of inflorescences of different color can be observed in geranium growing in close pots (naturally to the measure of close).

In total, there are about 250 species in the genus Pelargonium, on the basis of which, in turn, many varieties are derived.

Most popular and common types:

  1. Royal (it is large-flowered) - is distinguished by large flowers with zonal staining of petals. The middle is always darker and velvet, and the edges are very bright;
  2. Plushelistic (or thyroid) Pelargonium is characterized by glossy leaves and velvet petals of colors. Its stems usually grow up to 1 meter long, which made the thyroid view popular for decorating balconies and loggias;
  3. Zone - characteristic feature This species is the zonal coloring of the leaves, the edges are always a bit lighter center. This is one of the most common species and on its basis has been displayed a lot of varieties;
  4. Angel is distinguished by fragrance of its leaves and flowers similar to Pansies. The only drawback is a gradual decrease in colors by autumn;
  5. Fascinous Pelargonium grows rather large and therefore often used for gardening gardens. True, you should be attentive, because She has very fragile stems that can break with strong wind.

Home care for beginners

The care for the care of the Pelargonium is simple, and it is perfect for novice flower water or those who do not like to mess with plants. The main thing is to observe several simple rules And follow the state of Gerani. If something goes wrong, for example, you forget to pour a plant, everything will be visible in appearance.

Select Place and Lighting

Pelargonium - a light-loving plant withstands direct sunlight. The best place It will be southern, oriental or western side for its location. Although in hot weather, Pelargonium can "throw off" almost all the leaves and only flowers will remain.

Therefore, in the region with a hot climate and in the midst of summer, it is better to remove the plant from the south side. You can do it calmly, because Move does not affect geranium.

In general, the lighting should be abundant, ideally the day day is 16 hours. With a lack of light, the stalks begin to stretch and the plant loses its attractive look. In summer, geranium is better to endure on the balcony or in the garden so that it is directly under the sun.

When choosing a place and lighting, you should consider and individual characteristics species, so Pelargonium fragrant prefers shaded places. And for the royal variety it is undesirable to enter direct sunlight, so that the location on the south side should be avoided.

Air temperature and humidity

Temperature, for pelargonium, moderate is preferred. She does not like any cold or big heat.

Optimal indicators:

  • in summer - +20 - +22 degrees;
  • in winter - +16 degrees;
  • some varieties can withstand short cooling (for example, Pelargonium zonal will withstand the decline in temperature to +1).

As for humidity, regular indicators will fit. Additional moisturizing (spraying) Pelargonium does not require. Extreme case, it is very dry air during the strong heat. But strongly wet air It may lead to rotting stalks and roots, as well as to the appearance of infections.

Also follow the circulation of air. It should be constantly. In the fine air, the plant will begin to root. This is especially important during wintering.

Watering and subordinate

IN frequent watering Geranium does not need. You need to navigate as the soil drying. But there are several rules, in the summer time the soil should always remain wet (but not wet).

The best way to test time to water the pelargonium or not, it is to check the soil to the touch. Upper layer Must be dried, but under it (approximately 1 cm deep into), the land should already be wetted.

In winter, watering is carried out less often than in the summer. The soil must dry well. During cold weather, Geranian water is needed 1 time in about 10 days.

After irrigation, you will definitely wait for water stalking into the pallet. After 10 minutes, drain the liquid and wait until it is completely stalking. It is best to carry out in the pallet, and not pour water directly under the roots. They know the most experienced gardeners and flowerflowers. But even if you do everything in "ordinary" - nothing terrible, the main thing later to remove the excess fluid. This rule refers both to the winter and summer watering.

With feeding it is still easier. It must be made during the flowering period - it is about early spring to the end of autumn. Once every two weeks is made of solution for flowering plants. You can choose any feeding not rich nitrogen. Dosage, see the instructions of each specific fertilizer.


In transplanting Pelargonium practically does not need, the exception is only to transplant the rooted cuttings, but a little later. Pelargonium grows about three years, therefore, usually, only replacing the top layer of the soil on the new one (the mixture is drawn up the same as the soil in which the plant is already growing).

The soil for geranium is a mixture of sheet and turf, mixed with sand and peat. The volume of each component is the same, i.e. Complied with a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 1.


Crop the plant is necessary annually, at the very beginning of the flowering period, i.e. in early spring. Usually all the upper shoots are removed (then they can be used to reproduce). Such a trimming allows you to give the lateral growth of pelargonium and abundant flowering.


Color geranium, as already indicated, from early spring and to late autumn. Flowering shape - several umbrella inflorescences. They can be completely different colors (depending on the type and variety). Flowers are also different in size (in some species they are large, like the royal, others are smaller).

Reproduction at home

Pelargonium Homemade can multiply in two ways: seeds and with cerebrals. The first, when growing at home, is not strong, since it is pretty difficult.

For breeding seeds, the container is prepared in the spring and is filled with light soil. In the soil sowing seeds and regularly water. The first temperature should be 20-22 degrees.

As soon as Pelargonium rose, the container is moved to a more illuminated place, but the temperature is already kept in 15 degrees.

In the middle of summer, young plants transplant in a mixture of leaf and turf with phosphorus and sand. In this case, the components are observed in equal amounts.

For vegetative reproduction A small pot is taken with cuttings (about 19 cm in diameter). To begin with, the Drainage is laid, and then the mixture of peat and sand is poured.

The cuttings must have 3-5 pairs of leaves, but not less than 2. They are trimmed or along the node, or slightly lower. Sliced \u200b\u200bcuttings remove the lower couple of leaves leaving a naked "column".

After preparing the cuttings, you need to do holes closer to the edge of the pot. After that, place the cuttings there so that all the leaves are above the soil and lose weight slightly.

Now you need to wait a few days while the roots "are clips" with soil. Only after that you can pour young sprouts. By the middle of the summer, transplant the pelargonium in the pots of more.

The soil mixture is prepared from leaf and turf, sand and peat, all in equal proportions.

Diseases and pests

Pelargonium Although the endless plant, but can also sometimes root, often this is due to improper care.

Geranium diseases:

  • gray rot;
  • rust;
  • verticillese fading;
  • holding the stem;
  • other pathogenic mushrooms, due to which different stains appear on the leaves and stiffs.

If the plant began to develop a gray rot, on its leaves, shoots, major stems and even flower petals begins to appear a gray raid. This is due to low temperatures, air humidity and the absence of its ventilation, abundant irrigation.


  • follow in winter temperature modenecessary for pelargonium;
  • regularly ventilate the room;
  • do not put plants close to each other;
  • remove dry or sick leaves;
  • do not water more often in 10 days.

If you have already found serious rot, First of all, delete all the affected areas. Treat a plant with a 0.5% copper chlorocation solution.


You can detect rust by concentric circles of brown on inner side Sheet. FROM outside Plates will be visible only yellow circles.

Causes: Dampness, insufficient ventilation.

Treatment: It is necessary to cut all the affected leaves and treat the plant with a solution with a belanty solution at the rate of 1 g per 1 liter.

Verticillese fading

This disease is caused by a fungus, which affects the conductive Pelargonium system. Gerani gradually faded and yellow leaves. No treatment.

Holding the stem

The base of the stem begins to appear and increase black spot. Gradually, the stem completely rotates at the base. Treatment is missing. Maximum what can be done is to cut the cuttings from the top and not allow the disease itself. Causes: Too abundant watering.


Insects that are striking Pelargonia:

  1. Bellenka - white very little butterfly. Instead, there may be white small larvae on the plant;
  2. Pliers live on the bottom side of the sheet and their presence can be found in the characteristic thin web on the plant. In case of damage to the tick, the leaves gradually become marble due to the deprivation of nutrients;
  3. Mute Cherver - detected according to the characteristic lumps, similar to cotton, in the sinuses of leaves and stems.

During the acquisition, carefully check the plant for the presence of a white barrel or milderry. If suddenly found signs of pests or themselves, refuse to buy.

Treatment: Reduce watering, carefully carry out the room and you can add additionally fertilizers.

Possible problems and ways to solve them

In addition to infection of the plant with various diseases and pests, less terrible problems are possible. Usually they arise due to improper care and are treated with the elimination of the cause.

Problems and solutions:

  1. If pelargoniums begin to blush leaves, then the temperature is too low and you need to set the required temperature mode;
  2. Little flowers, but a large number of leaves - you make a lot of fertilizers, reduce the amount, and better stop feeding it;
  3. Yellow lower leaves are lack of moisture and no ventilation.

The main thing in caring for this amazing plant - It is to follow all the simple rules or in time to correct the situation. And in the rest of the plant does not deliver inconvenience and pleases the eye with its flowering.

Several Soviets for Formation lush bush Pelargonium is in the next video.