Where to bend profile pipe. How to bend profile tube for greenhouses: the simplest ways and rules for the manufacture of blanks

During the construction of many structures, there is a need for a framework of a frame, erected from profile pipes. To assemble the arched structures of greenhouses, greenhouses, visors, canopies and other objects, profile pipes are preliminarily bent using for this pipe bender or profile years. However, it is possible to do without this expensive tool, armed with an ordinary grinder and a welding machine. Learning more about how to bend a profile pipe without applying a profiler, you can decide on the need for its acquisition. Perhaps alternative methods of flexible pipes will be much more complicated to perform the necessary scope of work. It is important when flexing profile pipes to avoid the appearance of fuses and cracks, as well as flattening them.

In this video, it is shown how simple and relatively quickly you can bend a hand-cutting tube profile pipe. The achievement of the desired radius is checked by measuring the distance between the ends of the profile pipe.

What units can facilitate operation?

Option # 1 - Compact manual models of pipe bending

The acquisition of manual pipe bending is appropriate only if it is supposed to be flexing a small amount of material. As a professional tool, these models cannot be used due to low performance and the need to approximate the bending radius of each product. Complete with this machine usually goes several replaceable rollers, by means of the installation of which the profile tube is flexible depending on the size of its cross section.

To achieve the desired bending angle, you must run the pipe through the machine several times. At the same time, each time you have to manually twist the central roller, lowering it below and below. The side rollers remain in a stationary position, therefore, under pressure from the central roller, a flexion of a metal profile occurs.

One of the models of manual profiles, allowing you to carry out the flexion of the profile pipe for several runs of the metal product between the side and central rollers

When working with manual tube bend, a person will have to use physical efforts. The equipment cannot be used to flexing profile pipes, whose cross section exceeds 40 mm.

Option # 2 - Electric pipe benders for pros

Unlike manual pipe bending, electrical models provide high-precision bending of the pipe. The fact is that the bending radius is set up to 1 degree with a mechanical or electronic method. The use of this expensive productive equipment allows you to handle a large number of profile pipes per shift. Typically, the owners of electromechanical tubes provide services to the population, which should be used if you are satisfied with the cost.

The electromechanical profilegility established inpatient in the workshop provides accurate flexible profile pipes of different cross-section on a strictly specified radius

The disadvantages of electrical profiles include their high weight and high cost, inaccessible to the ordinary buyer.

Alternative methods for flexing profile pipes

Method # 1 - Bulgarian + welding machine

How to bend a profile pipe under the desired angle with your own hands without using factory machines? If you have a Bulgarian and a welding machine, then you can be bending according to the following algorithm:

    • calculate the radius of rounding on a pre-drawn scheme;
    • in the place of the intended bending of the pipe with a disc saw (grinder), several transverse propilov are performed;
    • climbing the pipe in the vice, begin to bend it in the right direction, applying a small physical effort for this;
    • next, the propuls are brewed by the welding machine, not forgetting compliance with safety requirements;

welding seams are grinding.

Disk saw or Bulgarian, fixed on a special sole, is needed to perform multiple propyls in the scene of the profile pipe

Method # 2 - Double and sand

Perform the bending of the profile pipe along the required radius can be using another simple way. For this prepare sand, which is necessarily sieved and dried, if there is a need. Then one end of the profile pipe is closed, scoring a wooden wedge there. Fucking inside the profile sacred sand, clogging and on the other hand the entrance to the pipe. After that, the product starts bending around the metal blank having a suitable diameter. One end of the profile is fixed reliably between the pins, and after another pull.

Important! To facilitate the process of flexing the profile on a small radius, the place of deformation is necessary to heat the gas burner. The fastened sand ensures the integrity of the walls of the metal product during the mechanical exposure to the pipe.

Having finished the process of bending, proceed to the removal of clinies clogged by burning or knocking them. Sand is also removed from the cavity of the pipe completely. As you can see, the handicraft methods deliver more troubles, so they can be used in practice for one-time flexion of pipes.

In winter, the sand can be replaced with water, which is poured into the profile pipe and the product is exhibited by frost. It is clear that the ends of the profile are plugged with traffic jams. After freezing the fluid in the pipe, it is embarrassed by its bending according to a pre-prepared blank-template.

Metal Doodle used by masters for flexing profile pipes with their own hands without the use of special equipment in the form of pipe bend

Method # 3 - flexible tube with spring square

It does not allow to deform the walls of the profile pipe when flexing the spring, having a cross section of the same form, but smaller. The spring is made of steel wire, the diameter of which is selected, based on the wall thickness. Spring should easily enter the pipe. The planned bending place is heated by a soldering lamp or a gas burner. The rolled walls of the profile are easier to be flexed. To prevent burns, it is necessary to work in special protective mittens, and the product is tick. Spent the desired bend radius helps a dwarf or metal pins, scored in the ground around the circle.

Brief summary

As you can see, all handicraft methods invented by masters for flexible profile pipes require time and strength. At the same time, it is not guaranteed a hundred percent obtaining a smooth bending. The quality of the metallic frame directly affects the strength and beauty of the erected structure. Therefore, you should not neglect the services of professionals with special equipment for flexing pipes. Buying a manual machine for flexible profile pipes will not spend money for paying third-party services. Acquisition will quickly pay off if you yourself start producing pipes to order.

How to bend profile pipe yourself? Each owner of the cottage or country house has repeatedly encountered the problem of filling profile pipes, which are indispensable when installing greenhouses, canopies for a car, leisure arbor and other similar designs. Quadrogenic metal bases, unlike round, have an extensive range of applications and look more aesthetically.

Methods and features of sequare of square pipes

In order to bend a professional at a certain angle, you can use several methods:

Pipe bender is designed to be flexible with a cold stretching method. This method significantly reduces the possibility of forming a corrugated surface on a bending of the pipe.

  1. The use of a special machine is a reliable, proven modern method, requiring such professional equipment that can not always be at hand. Profilegib - this is exactly the name of this machine, will be offset by metal elements of any section, but it is not possible to find it at the right moment.
  2. If the fold of the proftrub is a single work, you can use pipe bending for round pipes. The pipe bending is there is a small, but significant drawback: it will take to make a giant effort to be made to bend a professional even a very large cross section, so this option has to be discounted.
  3. If you do not have a heroic force and a large number of funds for buying professional equipment, you can contact one of the numerous workshops, where you will quickly and inexpensively provide services on the collapse of any metal, including the profile. This option is optimal and allow you to bend the pipe for the desired radius or angle from the first time and do not spoil the additional pipes during the training process.

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Work with pipe bend

Profilegility - a special machine designed for professional flexion of profile pipes.

The lack of professional workshops in step accessibility does not leave another exit, except to bend the pipe with a pipe bender. The quality of the result depends on the diameter and size of the section, the wall thickness, the desired radius, rigidity and hardness of the flexible material, etc.

While working it is very difficult to avoid pipe deformations and small cracked walls. It is especially difficult to bend the proftrub in the center, closer to the edges of the fold is much easier and less deformed.

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Performing bend pipe

If there is an ordinary pipe bender at hand, you can try to bend promotion to them.

Better, if it is a tool designed to bend with simultaneous stretching. The stretching of the pipe will avoid assemblies on the inner surface of the bend and unnecessary pipe deformations.

If it is necessary to change the shape of a stainless steel, which is distinguished by fragility, due to which the crack can be formed, water is allowed into the pipe. Water creates hydrostatic pressure while in a closed space.

The bending hose is applied to the place where the fold will be, and drive. Profiter, filled with water, is easier to change the shape, it can be bent at its discretion.

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Application Bulgarian Pipe Bend

Another simple way to work with the pipe is the use of a Bulgarian, which many have among home instruments. In addition to the grinder, a welding machine of any type will be required.

Stages of work:

The radius of the blanks on which the bend is produced should be equal to the inner radius of the bending profile pipe.

  1. Before the start of work, the required radius of rounding is calculated.
  2. At the place of bend with the help of a grinder and disk for metal, cuts across the proftrube, leaving one fourth part of the perimeter untouched. The number of saws can vary from two or more, depending on the desired result.
  3. Profiter with propuls is easily amenable to any split, and it can be given the desired angle or circle.
  4. After the pipe took the right shape, the holes from the grinder weld and carefully treated with a grinding machine.

This method is one of the most popular elements for bending at home.

Many homemade craftsmen do not know how to bend a profile pipe on their own, not addressing workshops to those skilled in the art. In fact, it is not so difficult to fulfill such an operation if you get the necessary equipment.

1 Flexible profile pipe with their own hands - practical advice

Thousands of land owners outside the city and private house-building literally invest in their immovable property. They try to give her original appearance with all ways. Moreover, many landscaping operations such people seek to perform with their own hands, truly pride of their work.

Very often, during the arrangement of a country "estate", a person needs to be bandaged a profile pipe, which is currently very actively used for various purposes, ranging from the construction of fences and ending with the installation of an unusual visor over the entrance to the house. Perform the bending of the pipe manually, without using special devices intended for such purposes, it is difficult, and sometimes simply unrealistic.

This statement is especially true for profile pipe products. If the round of the circular section can still be warm up, crossed around a special template, securely fasten one of the ends of the structure, and then try to bend it under the required angle, then for the profile products, this method is absolutely not suitable.

The exit here is one: take up the device for bending a profile, to study the principle of performing an operation with it, and solve the problem of giving the pipe the desired configuration. It should be noted that even with the help of special equipment to carry out a similar procedure, it will be quite difficult - the likelihood that the pipe or deformation of its cross section will occur under the hands of an inexperienced person.

In order to maximally reduce the danger of such adverse development of events, it is recommended to pre-freeze the pipe by placing it in a large refrigeration unit of industrial type. If there is no large-scale refrigerator, it is recommended to perform a flexible operation in winter when there is a minus temperature on the street.

Before the frost, one edge of the profile product should be securely drowning, then fill the pipe with ordinary water and close the other end of the design. After that, we put the workpiece into the chamber or we take it on the frost, we wait until the fluid is completely freezed. Frozen water will not give the product to deform in the process of its bending. Yes, and the process itself, believe me, will go much easier.

An alternative to the described method is the technology in which sand falls asleep into the pipe, they put the plugs with both ends of the design, then there are 2-3 holes of a small diameter in it. They are necessary in order to subsequently when heating the blanks formed in the gas pipe have a way out. If the holes do not do, there is a risk of deformation of the structure.

After performing all the specified operations, you can start flexible. To do this, with the help of a soldering lamp, it is necessary to heat the selected zone, which will be bend, and then boldly bend the pipe. The described preliminary stages (freezing, the filling of sand, the heating of the profile product) do not have to do when you use modern pipe bending created specifically to work with pipes.

2 How to bend a profile pipe with a pipe bender?

Under such an adaptation, special devices of several types are understood, which make it possible to make the constructions from round or profile rental (for example, for home greenhouses and greenhouses, canopies, and so on) with a minimum of manual effort. All pipe benders are customary to divide into two large groups:

  • Roller (they are still often called profiles): used for bending along smooth radii of profile pipe products. In this case, the flexible is made on the principle of rolling pipe.
  • Hydraulic lever: With their help, metal structures are usually bent under the desired angle, attached in a specified location a certain force. The ease of procedure is ensured by the fact that the force is set by the lever.

The advantages of the use of pipe bending are as follows:

  • reducing human efforts to perform bending (manual work when using an electric device and is reduced to zero);
  • refusal to install additional fittings and conducting welding work when installing pipelines);
  • lack of flattening and chances (metal retains all its technical characteristics);
  • a guarantee of obtaining curved pipes with an accurate size.

In addition, pipe bending provides a truly elegant appearance of structures that are made of solid pipe products. From the point of view of decorative attractiveness, such structures can be considered flawless. Try to achieve similar results if you do not know how to bend a profile pipe with a pipe-bender. It is unlikely that you will succeed.

The choice of a particular machine for flexible pipes depends on the material of products, as well as from the type of work that you will exercise with the help of steel or (as you understand, plastic structures bending the pipe bend no need). For example, copper pipes for mounting the heating system or water supply is bent a simple hand-type pipe bender, which is intended for this material.

But already metal products for sanitary ware bent with the help of a device that can cope with a stronger and solid material. With profile pipes, naturally, they work exclusively with a roller device, which is created specifically for such events. It, by the way, makes it possible to curb and round seamless pipes with thick walls.

3 Popular models of domestic hand profiles

In construction stores you can easily find different types of pipe bending of foreign production. But their price is often not satisfied with Russians who prefer to buy proven domestic mechanisms. Fortunately, in their capabilities, they are not worse than imported products.

The most demanded devices for flexible profile products are recognized by manual machines "PG-1" and "PG-2". The first one is worth not more than 500 dollars, it is made in compact form, being mobile (portable) equipment. Due to this, the mechanism can be applied directly at the site of the installation work for bending copper, metal and with dimensions of no more than 40 per 40 millimeters.

Constructively, the device is a bed with three rollers fixed on it. The presser roller (it is central) allows the pipe breakdown. The ease of turning this roller is due to the presence of a comfortable handle. The width of rotating components can be changed to work with pipes of different sizes.

Profilegib "PG-2" differs from its fellow more powerful design. It is easily oppressed by pipes from the above-mentioned materials with dimensions of 30 to 60 millimeters. With it, it is allowed to even bend pipes in the rings. It is clear that the cost of such a model is higher. You can buy it for 750-800 dollars.

We hope that you now have no questions about how to bend profile pipe.

On how to make the bending of profile pipes on their own at home, many are conceived, when there is a need to build a gazebo, greenhouse and other buildings of this type. And this is not by chance, since profile pipes look much more advantageous compared to products produced from ordinary rounds of circular sections.

But the usual pipe, which has a round cross section, can be bent using an ordinary pipe bending, and the profile pipe cannot be bended with a pipe-bender, because hydraulic conventional pipe bending of shoes and rollers folds the form rounded. If you try the profile tube to bend, then fuses and cracks will appear on the pipe or the pipe is flattened.

For this purpose, several ways are applied. These include bending with special machines designed specifically for profile pipes. This type of machine tools are called profiles. However, these machines have a very decent cost. In addition, the ordinary homeowner has anything professional equipment. If the pipe bend is required only once, then you can find manual pipe bending, which are suitable for profile pipes and for round. They are relatively inexpensive (up to 100 dollars). When flexing pipes using manual pipe bending, it will be necessary to make significant physical efforts.

Another method, which in such cases is often used - this is the execution of a bending of the pipe with your own hands with the help of folk methods. But such a way can be bent pipes, in which either a small cross section, or they are made of a sufficiently soft metal, for example, copper.

With the help of pipe bend

In order to generate the generated pipe, it is necessary to proceed from the bending radius, the material from which the pipe is made, the thickness of the walls, as well as the pipe cross section. In addition, the required bending accuracy should be taken into account, the quality of the product that is obtained as a result of production conditions.

The bending of the profile pipes is performed in the permissible limits of the size of their cross section, as well as wall thickness. In this case, it is necessary to avoid the cross-section of the pipe so that the inner part of the pipe occurred.

When the pipe is in the machine, it worst and stretched along the edges. Simultaneously with this, the pipe and bends during the motion of the bending template.

Note! In order to save the resistance of the pipe walls on the bend, bending is performed under internal hydrostatic pressure. To do this, the plugs are put on the ends of the pipe, and liquid is supplied inside the pipe. After that, a bending pattern is supplied to the middle of the pipe. With this template, the bend is performed, giving the necessary form at the same time.

Using welding and grinder

Bend the profile pipe can also be without the use of special tools and machines.

And you can achieve in most cases of bending really good quality.

In order to bend a profile tube using a welding machine and a grinder, you must perform the following:

  • calculate the bending radius (rounding) pipe;
  • along the length of the bending area is evenly made from the 3d sides of the propulsion;
  • after that, the pipe with ease bend;
  • soaked places are welded;
  • welding places are processed and grinding.

It can be achieved in this way of good external results with the reinforcement radius of the pipe.

With the use of means of internal counteraction

As such a means, a specially manufactured spring can be served. Before you bend the pipe, the square of the square cross section is hung out of the steel wire. Each side of the spring segment must have a value that is 1.5-2 mm will be less than the internal size of the pipe cross section. This is necessary so that the spring can be embedded in a pipe without any effort. After the place of bending the pipe is installed before starting it bending, the bending area is heated by a soldering lamp. Then the pipe is performed on the blank. The radius of this discharge is equal to the required radius of the bending pipe.

Copper profile tube (for heating or water supply) in the winter period, if necessary, can be bent a slightly original method. To do this, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bto fill the copper pipe with water, closing one of the ends before the plug. The pipe is exhibited by frost until the fluid does not freeze. Bending pipes from copper after this is performed according to the pattern of the corresponding radius. At the same time, efforts are not applied, and the cross section is not lost.


Here is such a hand profile profitable to assemble: