Lilac flowers in winter?! Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases.

In the 60-70s, lilac for distillation was widely used in flower households. With the development of industrial flower growing and the development of the clove culture, interest in lilac weakens. Abroad, the cutting of lilac remains popular in cutting cultures - only in the Netherlands the sales volume is more than 10 million pieces.

For the surveillance, the varieties of lilac ordinary are used, which is determined biological features and high decorativeness of inflorescences. Lilac has a very short period of rest, in the open soil begins to vegetate in April. Bookmark and formation of flower kidney occurs in her year preceding flowering, on one-year shoots in sinuses 1-4 pairs of the upper, most large leaves. The laying of flower kidney coincides with the period of the end of flowering, passing the shoots and the end of the increase in their length. The differentiation of inflorescences in the kidney begins at the end of June and especially intensively flows in July - August, which coincides with the period of increment of shoots in thickness.


For distortions use terry and non-none varieties. But they must have a short rest period, early to enter the flowering time, to bloom abundantly, differ in high decorativeness and a long period of flowering. For early distortion, a variety of white flowers is preferable, since dark-colored with a lack of light is very pale.

For expensive varieties of lilac include: with white simple flowers - Western, Madame Floren Stepman, Marie Leigh; With white terry flowers - Madame Casimir Pern, Madame Lemoan; With lilac-pink simple flowers - Buffon, Marshal Foc; with reddish-lilac simple flowers - Gogo de Fris; with gentle-pink-lilac terry flowers - Madame Antoine Büchner; with light lilac with a blue tint flowers-Michel Boochner; With pink with a lilac, terry flowers - Contam Kerhech; with purple-red, inside with purple terry flowers - Katerina Chavemeier; With magenta simple flowers - Ludwig sleeper, Karl X, Congo.

From the varieties of domestic selection, Bogdan Khmelnitsky with terry, with a pink bloom, at the moment of complete flowering pinkish-lilac flowers.

Lilac, put on the surveillance, can bloom already in November. Lilacs are actually unlimited sales, but the farms are constantly felt the lack of prepared for the surveillance planting material.

For pastures, plants are used to be multiplied by the eyepiece, vaccination or green cuttings. Suitable with a cut-on three, four-year seedlings, multiplied by the eyepiece - four-year-old, and five-year-grown, six-year-old plants (in the grafted, the age of the grafted part of the plant is indicated).

Due to lack of lilac seedlings for pastures, plants with a 1-2-year-old crown are often used. The inhibitory and vaccination cutter, they have 1-2 and 1-5 floral kidneys, respectively, against 40-50 in four-year-old seedlings.

The surveillance of lilac is carried out in three basic ways.

The first way. Dugged in the fall of plants with a lore of the land in winter are transported in a greenhouse and cheat directly into the ground. Planting material grown on clay soilswhere saplings are well kept com. The soil reaction may be from weakly acid to a slightly alkaline (pH from 5 to 8). The field from which plants are digging for distillation, during the growing season, contain in pure, loose state.

In early springWhen soil is still raw, lilac feed the full mixture of mineral fertilizers. Then, before the commemoration of the vegetation, the molding crown is carried out: cutting annual shoots, leaving 4-5 pairs of well-performed kidneys. 2-3-year-old plants cut into 3-4 pairs of kidneys. The lateral underdeveloped and thickening crown branches are cut onto the ring, at the same time removing fat shoots. The faint shoots that appeared later circle in a mitten. Location with trimming will delay the growth of shoots and the formation of floral kidney. The soil must be watered, drying it is unacceptable, especially in May - June, when the shoots grow hard and flower kidneys are formed.

"Leon Gambetta"

In the second half of the summer (the end of July is the beginning of August), when the growth of shoots will end and the top shoots will be formed, the plants are pouring with a com. At the same time, it is cut off the bottom of the roots, whom is lifted and left on the spot. The shovel is not stamped, but somewhat obliquely to the soil. These works are carried out after heavy rains, and in dry weather the day before the start of work, the plot is abundantly watered. Busting bushes, which have at least 5-6 long flowering shoots with well-formed kidneys. The diameter of the coma 35-40, height 25-30 cm.

After 2-3 days, the substrupted bushes are plenty. With dry weather, in order to prevent the leaves' fading, the plants are watered.

Late in the fall, during the leaf fall, the bushes are transported to a special area located near the greenhouses, while ensuring the full preservation of shoots, kidneys and the land of land.

The surface of the site is lined with a 3-4-centimeter layer of sawdust or leaves. Plants are installed vertically, close to whom, then every 2-3 rows fall asleep with a 20-30 centimeter layer of sawdust or dry leaves. In winter, the plants additionally insulate the snow, distributing it evenly throughout the plot. Plants need to protect against mice and raven, the latter sometimes opened the kidneys.

The surveillance of lilac is carried out in bright greenhouses provided by the source of heat.

The plants are carried out by parties, 3-4 times in winter and timed to certain dates. The total duration of the distillation period is 25-30 days. Thus, for the surveillance of lilac to the new year, the paragraph of plants are carried out from November 30 to December 3. The soil should be easy for mechanical composition, refilled by organic and mineral fertilizers.

"Ludwig Schist"

Lilac is set by rows across the greenhouses in the grooves, the depth of which is approximately half the height of the lilac coma. At 1 m 2 there are approximately 7-9 bushs of the 4th age. The commercials of the first row fall asleep the ground, seized when the groove device for the next row, and so on. The soil around the comers are slightly seal. In the greenhouse, the temperature is maintained 10-12 ° C. After filling the greenhouses, the vents, doors, doors. Plants and soil are abundant warm water (30 ° C), to increase air humidity spray paths, walls, pipes.

After 2-3 days, the temperature in the greenhouse is raised to 30-35 ° C. Plants 5-6 times a day spray through a warm water sprayer. On the 5-6th day after the siren, lilac rushes into growth, on the 12th - leaves appear and separated shoots and inflorescences, young roots begin to grow.

At this time, vegetative shoots are plugged in plants, leave only under inflorescence with 1-2 pairs of leaves from the base of 1-2 of the upper vegetative escapes, whose tops are poured.

As soon as the buds begin to bloom, spray only the bottom of the bushes and the soil. Spraying reduce to 2-3, continue to moisturize the tracks and walls of greenhouses.

The air temperature is reduced to 25-7 ° C. For the 15-16th day, separate flowers bloom, on the 20-22th mass flowering comes. Upper shoots bloom 2-3 days earlier side. By this time, the temperature is reduced to 12-15 ° C and supported in such limits to the end of the color cutting, after which the greenhouse soils are abundantly watered, green shoots and leaves are cut on the bushes. Plants carefully not to destroy the com, transferred to the repository, a dark or adverse room with a temperature of 4-5 ° C and relative humidity of 60-70%.

For proper storage And a good agricultural engineering in three years of the plants can again be used to re-distort.

The storage of the bushes is placed horizontally, stacks, whips to the middle, and branches - outward. Each row of comers when laying are moved by a moisturized peat crumb or sawdust. The top row for drying protection is covered with leaves, sawdust or polyethylene film. During storage, the room is periodically ventilated, and with severe dryness spray floor, walls, etc.

Early spring bushes are planted in open sad For reassembly.

The second way. Forcing lilac spend on site. In mild climatic conditions over a plot where lilac grows, they arrange special shelters from greenhouse frames or polyethylene film for winter.

Deserves the distribution of the experience of the republican experimental economy of floral and decorative plants (Kiev), where for many years they grown lilac on permanent place Without transplanting in the ground of intermedible spaces under film shelter (Appendix 2). Heating in Orangery complex-stationary: lateral around the perimeter of greenhouses and canorriferous as an additional temperature for maintaining the required temperature.

For the annual receipt of the sort of lilac, two plots prepare, in the future one of them is used to distilse, on the second - plants are prepared by the next year.

The soil is well refueling with fertilizers: organic (reworked manure and peat - 20-30 kg / m 2) and minerals ( granulated superphosphate 30-40 g / m 2).

Lilac is planted early in the spring according to the circuit 50 × 50, 50 × 70 and 70 × 100 cm, depending on the age of plants, for which the formed seedlings are used. Before planting, they are cut off: the main skeletal shoots up to 3-5 pairs of kidneys are shortened, weak and unnecessary shoots are cut out. The roots are slightly cut. Feed the full, mineral fertilizer at the rate of 50 g / m 2 times in 3-4 weeks. During the bookmark of flower kidney dose nitrogen fertilizers Reduce and in August, feeding stops.

For prevention against mushroom diseases Copper preparations are used - composite copper and cinb (50 g per 10 l), 1% burgundy liquid, etc.

Before you start, the greenhouse with lilac is covered with a film. The surveillance start 25-30 days before the planned flowering period. The temperature is maintained in the range of 22-28 ° C.

Before the pasture cut out extra rapted shoots. After thawing the soil, the plants feed, the soil loose, remove the threshold at the base. With the beginning of flowering, the temperature is reduced.

"Madame Antoine Boochner"

Before opening the film, the fruitless shoots are cut to sleeping kidneys, external and small shoots are cut out. Early spring starts venting. At the temperature of the soil above 6 ° C, filmed completely. If the bushes have gross, rejuvenate them, cut into old wood with sleeping kidneys.

After the surveillance next year lilac winter without covering. The preparation of lilac to growing is carried out in the same way as the first year after landing. In the spring, annual shoots on 3-5 pairs of kidneys are cut, weak and excess are cut out, feeding.

With the age of plants, the quality of cutting, shoots and brushes of flowers are becoming larger. Inflorescences reach 30-40 cm length.

Third way. Plants are planted in pots, withstand one growing season in the open soil, and then set in the greenhouse. Flowering plants are fully implemented.

A year before the surveillance, the seedlings with formed floral kidneys are planted into pottery pots. With a summer landing, plants 4-6 are used, with a spring - 2-3 years of age.

The last reception in the 60s was widely used by Kharkiv flower. Its essence in the following: The grown annual seedling of early spring is cut off at an altitude of 30-35 cm. Form 5-6 pairs of upper shoots, all weak and lower in early July are cut off, leaving 2 pairs bald leaves. In the first half of August, these shoots are cut into the ring. During the entire growing season, plants are deployed: loosening, weeding, etc. Autumn seedlings are digging and cheered on a secure plot. Early in the spring, as soon as the soil fell out, lilacs are planted in 18-centimeter pots. The root system is cut off, but try to keep small roots. Annolete side shoots Saplings in the gravity varieties are cut by 6-8 pairs of eyes, in the rest - by 4-6, with less developed shoots cut off by 6-8 pairs of kidneys, with well-developed - by 4-6.

"Taras Bulba"

The pots are filled with an earthy mixture (black soil, humid, sand in a 4: 1: 1 ratio). 3 kg of ammonium sulphate, 4 kg, 2 kg of potash salt are added to 1 m 3 of the land mixture. The soil is tamped, in the pots leave a place to detention for water during irrigation. Locked plants watered with water room temperature.

Pots are installed on an aligned plot protected from cold and northern winds. As needed lilac in pots regularly watered. It is more expedient to carry out watering heated to 20 ° C water, then root system It is better to warm and supplies awakening kidneys. nutrient substances.

After 10-15 days, the lilac pots are planted in the ridge according to the 35 × 35 cm diagram. The edge of the affected pot should be at the soil level. After planting the ridges, the 3-5 centimeter layer of humus or semi-proverse manure is mounted.

Caring for supasted in ridges with lilacs consists in conducting regular irrigation. At the same time, one should not be allowed both excessive drying and mooring the soil, since in any case the annual increase is oppressed. With the onset of dry dry weather, there is a two-time spraying in the morning and afternoon clock.

In early November, the pots with lilac are digging out of the ridge and set to the storage with a temperature of +2 to -2 ° C. You can touch the pots in the inclined position (up to 30-40 °) into a deep greenhouse, covering them with a layer (15-20 cm) humidiation or leaves, and so stored until the moment of distances.

The production experience of T. A. Zykova in the pots of the republican experimental economy of floral and ornamental plants is deserved.

Annual formed seedlings are planted on the configuration site for 2 years. The same batch of seedlings are planted in the next year in order to annually produce planting material for pastures.

After 2 years, early spring plants dig out, and their place occupy a new part of annual seedlings.

Three-year-old seedlings plant in 25-30 centimeter pots. All weak and unnecessary shoots are cut out, the main skeletal branches are cut off low, over the largest kidneys. After landing, the pots are installed close to each other in the greenhouses or ridges of the configuration site. For protection from drying up the ridges, the earth is plunged, leaves, sawdust. During the growing season, they watered, spray, feed (from July limit nitrogen). In the summer, at the end of June - July, the trimming of small shoots is carried out, leaving large on which flower kidneys are laid. Over the summer, plants should give a good increase and lay floral kidneys. In August, fertilizers stop.

Madame Lemoan

For the winter, the ridges are well covered with leaves, sawdust or other material to protect the root system from freezing. In winter, fight rodents, as mice can damage the bark.

In the greenhouse, the plants are in batches. It is better to start the trampling from the beginning of January, because for the December surveillance only very early varieties With white coloring flowers - Marie Liera, Madame Floren Stepman. Before the distortion, trimmed - remove small, unnecessary, ill-sighted shoots. After thawing the coma temperature in the oranges, they are maintained within 20-30 ° C, the plants spray with warm water. Flowering time depend on temperature.

For better development of the flower brush during the growth, fast-growing vegetative shoots are cleaned.

With early distortion for the awakening of flower kidneys, various techniques are used: thermal baths, for which the branches of lilac are placed on 9-12 hours into the water with a temperature of 25-28 °; Spraying with warm water (35-40 ° C) 4-5 times a day. Thermal baths are used to distill potted culture. For plants with a lore land, frequent spraying of bushes with warm water is used. It should be noted that the spraying is better replaced by a high temperature (35-40 ° C) in a special chamber, where the plants are contained by the flower decree with a length of 2-3 cm.

The duration of the distillation is reduced by 18-20 days when processing plants with water ferry low pressure with a temperature of 35-40 ° C for 18-24 hours. This method is economical and reliable and can be widely used in greenhouse facilities using spent pairs of industrial enterprises;

smoke processing is a very simple technique. After a 24-hour processing, the smoke of the kidneys awaken on the second day, and bloom begins on the 17th.

Good results were given processing smoke with spraying with warm water;

freezing is widely used in the Netherlands. Plants are marked for four weeks - from mid-October to mid-November - with minus 2-3 ° C and air humidity 90-95%.

In our farms, it was used in the technology; developed by A. N. Gromov, according to which the plants are fitted within 10 days with minus 4-6 ° C. Then they are put into a cool sexual room, where they slowly thaw about 2 days, after which the trampling is carried out in the usual way.


In the practice of global flower growing, especially in the GDR, distillation of cut branches is widespread. Quality inflorescences are inferior to the plants obtained when the plants are distilled off. But this method is much more economical. The area is busy only 3-4 weeks, with 1 m 2 receive 100 blooming branches. Pumping plants You can use annually for 20-25 years.

This method was known to Kiev flowerfish since the 70s, but, when preliminary tests, defective inflorescences with short panicles, were skeptical and from further work Refused with him.

The many years of experience of the GDR flowerfields showed that the distortion of cut branches is very promising and deserves introduction into industrial flower growing. Can be applied in amateur flower growing.

Details of the distillation technology of cut branches is described 3. S. Luneva, N. L. Mikhailov, E. A. Sudakov, for which it is recommended to use Lilan's varieties - Madame Floren Stepman and Marie Lege.

Marticknik lay on solar protected areas with fertile soil and stationary irrigation system. For planting use annual ocullants, grafted on gravity flows. Planting scheme 2 × 0.5 m. Saplings form for the 2nd year. Height strain 30-60 cm.

During the season, plants care are carried out, including feeding with liquid mineral fertilizers in accordance with the results of agrochemicals. Especially should be followed by the security of moisture during the period of intensive growth of shoots.

From the state of the royalties, the results of the distillation are largely dependent. The mass of escape intended for the surveillance should be at least 200 g. To stop the growth of the Musicians are treated with drugs tour (chlorocholinchloride).

2 years after landing, 1-2 escapes are cut, then their number is gradually increasing and the sixth and subsequent years reach 10 shoots from the bush.

"Michel Buchner"

With early distortion use traditional methods. For December, diverges are used for minus 2-5 ° C in November for four weeks. For quarrelation shoots up to 80 cm long, 50pcs associated with a film from a film with a size of 0.6 × 1.2 m. After quarrels, the shoots create conditions for slow thawing, after which they are completely immersed in cold water (20-25 ° C) for 8 h - white and 12 hours - painted varieties. Such a dive into cold water compensates for the loss of water shoots during circulation, reduces the period of distillation for 2-3 days and improves the quality of inflorescences. Updated the slice at some distance from the node. To increase the cheating length, all the extra kidneys shall be bare. Celling is conducted in enameled, glass or plastic vessels covered with wire mesh 2 × 2 cm, for which welders are used, buckets. In one bucket place 50 shoots. The temperature in early distillation in the first week is maintained 25 ° C for days; in the second - 20-22 ° afternoon and 18 ° C - at night; Third and until the end of the distillation 18 ° F, and 15 ° С at night. With later periods, the temperature is reduced. Drafts and strong solar irradiation adversely affects the trampling. Relative air humidity 95%. The shoots must be wet constantly until the reckance of the kidneys.

For distortion use raindrop, snow or boiled water. It is impossible to apply hard water. The nutrient solution is applied by the recipe developed by the Ruplecht (GDR): Aluminum-potassium Kali Kal (SO 4) 2 - 0.08%; Potassium chloride - 0.03; sodium chloride - 0.02; Sugar - 5 in the first week and 3% in the next. The solution is changed daily. Before replacing the vessels wash, the shoots are wrapped with water.

The nutrient solution is prepared in advance, while the components are dissolved, and use when the temperature of the solution comes with the ambient temperature.

The solution is changed weekly, they wash the vessels before replacing, the shoots are wrapped with water. Subject to the execution of technology and all requirements, success will be provided.

You do not believe that Lilac in winter blooms in December as well as in nature laid time?! In vain ... And all because many flower products have long been interested in the travelers. Celling is a procedure forcing the plant to bloom in aptural time. So, with a certain approach, you can get a bouquet of self-grown colors even in the middle of the winter. Moreover, it is not necessary to carry out some kind of complex manipulations at all, create an artificial climate with adjustable temperature in a separate room and take up other difficulties to your shoulders. By itself, the proceeding procedure is not complicated. Here, for example, I will tell you how to get flowering winter lilac.

To date, 2 ways are known. winter surveillance Lilacs: a bush or separate branches. However, the first method is more suitable for professionals who make a living for flowers, because to reversal lilac a bush requires special conditions and spend more preparatory work. Therefore, to focus on this method we will not. Moreover, the second method is separate branches, requires only patience from flower daily careAnd the result will be almost the same.

So, the first stage is a blank of lilac branches. It is very important to choose to correctly choose the material for the surveillance. It should be only strong branches on which major kidneys are formed. Second important condition - Sufficient thread length. After all, in the process of reversing, it will be necessary to cut down the lower part every day, shortening it by about 1 cm. In this case, the whole process takes from 25 to 30 days, and after you remove almost 30 cm branches, it should not turn into Little stub, while retaining a commodity look. So the branch that is cut to distillation should be at least 50-60 cm long.

If immediately after cutting, the branches are recorded in a warm room, then as a result of a sharp difference in temperature, there is a significant risk of a thermal shrink, from which the kidney of the plant can not recover in the future. To avoid such a scenario, you need cut branches about 6 hours to withstand in the container filled with snow and cold waterwhich must completely cover the kidneys.

Next, the lower parts of the branches are prepared accordingly. Their slice should be oblique, as in this case the area of \u200b\u200babsorption increases, thereby improving the supply of kidneys with nutrients. The optimal angle under which the cut is made, an angle of 30 degrees is considered.

On this preparatory stage Ends and you can proceed directly to the pasture. For this branches are placed in a container with a special nutrient solution. It is simply prepared: in water, 1 tablet of acetylsalicylic acid is dissolved and 1.5-2 hours. Spoons of sugar per liter of water.

This solution should vary daily, because devoid of full nutrition from the roots, the branches quickly absorb the microelements contained in the solution, so that if you do not update the supply medium every day, the processes in best case It will slow down, and may be completely stopped.

Another important success condition is to maintain the necessary temperature mode. For the first 15 days of lilac, it is necessary to ensure the temperature in the range of 15-20 degrees, and in the future it should not exceed 15 degrees, but also should not go to too low values.

To judge how successfully the surveillance is, it is possible to change the state of cut branches. If everything goes fine, then by the end of the first week, the kidneys on the branches are very swelling, after which they will start opening. During this period, it is very important to prevent the dryness of the branches, since the formation of fresh greenery requires a large moisture consumption. Support the required level of humidity is best through the daily spraying of green splas from the spray.

The beginning formation of leaves will continue within 10-15 days, and noticeable changes in the state of young foliage should be observed almost daily. For about 20 days after the lilac was placed in a nutrient solution, the first flowers will begin on the branches. From now on, lilac flowers! The floral fragrance will not be so saturated as with natural flowering, and the paint will be not so bright, but the joy can deliver the fact of lilac, blooming in December, when the window holds a junior winter. This is a fairy tale in reality! And who would not want to get a lilac twig as a gift in winter?! Yes, perhaps there is no such woman.

Similarly, in the winter it blooms everything. For example, you can drive out not only lilac, but also a cherry. This is a winning option. She also blooms well in winter, like lilac, believe me! With this, her flowers also attract their beauty and incredibly saturated aroma. Still hello in December! Well this is only in the botanical garden and then in the greenhouse you will see, and then at home ...

Pulling shrubs in flowering time can be divided into groups: Early (December-January) - IIVA Japanese, Acacia, Wisteria, Golden Rain, Kalina, Lilac and Forzition; Medium (February-March) - Waigela, Spirea, etc.; Late (April-May) - Hydrangea, Detament, Jasmine Garden, Clematis.

The success of the stretching of shrubs depends on the ability to produce their cropping.

Crucify shrubs, taking into account that, on what shoots they are formed floral kidneys. In this respect, three groups of shrubs are distinguished.

1. Shrubs whose floral kidneys are sitting directly on last year's (annual) shoots: IIVA Japanese, Acacia, Wisteria, Golden Rain, Lilac, Plum, Forzing, Apple Tree, etc. In this case, pruning consists and remove unnecessary and weak shoots.

2. Shrubs whose flowers are sitting on short escapes growing from last year's wood: hawthorn, Deniya, Weiglala, Kalina, Clematis, Spirea, Philadelphus, etc. To improve the quality of flowers, shrubs of this group are tight in shortening shoots before flowering.

3. Shrubs whose flowers appear at the ends of long young shoots, need before trampling in short trimming for 2-3 eyes. Such plants include hydrangea and roses (chain-librid, repair and other). 55.

For distortions, mainly shrubs with fallen leaves (lilac, jasmine, dale, form-zea, etc.).

In addition, it is necessary to choose plants with a short period of rest, the so-called "early" or "you-racing" varieties.

For example, the sort of lilac M. Leiry (pure white flowers, fragrant, about 2 cm in diameter, are collected into bivocious inflorescences 25 cm long) ends the rest period at the end of November. When trampling blooms after a month.

Other varieties have rest period significantly later - in March.

The surveillance is harder to spend in the first half of winter and is much easier - into the second, when the lighting and solar prieucous is enhanced, and in plants the rest period is nearing an end.

Cut in the fall of the branches are stored before the distillation under conditions of low temperature - in refrigerators, in hermetically closed polyethylene packages. Content in refrigerators can be delayed to the desired moment growth in lilac and others flowering shrubs.

There are a number of techniques that allow to significantly reduce the duration of the distillation, for example, the effects of steam, ether, fertilizers, etc.

For this purpose, electric lights of daylight lamps are used for 12 hours during the day and night. The lighting flower is well combined with carbon dioxide fertilizer (2 times a day at the rate of 1-1.5 l by 0.5 m 3). You can extend the smoke to smoke for 20-30 minutes, placing them in a closed box, where to leave after the procedure for 2-3 days. This method is applied to shrubs with laid floral kidney.

Watering with warm water (30 ° C) in the last decades before blossoming speeds up the dissolves of buds, Uve-56 sizes the dimensions of the flowers and the brightness of their coloring.

A good effect has a purely mechanical impact on the kidneys - a small formulation or dusting (the results of such a procedure will be noticeable after 3-4 days).

Early spring pasture branches having flower kidneys laid from autumn is more successful in water with nutritional salts.

When the reversing branches of the kidney begin to swell, sugar can be added to the water, at the rate of 30 g per boiled water (increased sugar concentration of up to 5% reduces the time of the pasture, but reduces the quality of colors), or a special nutrient solution to accelerate the development of leaves and flower kidney.

0.2% solution full mineral fertilizer in boiled water;

Solution according to the method of Professor RUPPrecht: 3% sugar; 0.8% of potash alum; 0.03% potassium chloride; 0.02% sodium chloride. The solution is changed once a week with a branch cutoff update;

With a birch distortion, 1% sugar or 0.01% is added to the water citric acid (or streptomycin).

If the branches are cut in mid-December, it is recommended to add a few drops into water ammona alcohol.

For pastures, only glass or enameled containers are used, the water in them is changed once a few days, cutting the branches for 1-2 cm.

The temperature of the room where the surveillance is carried out should be: in December 26-28 ° C, in January 22-23 g s, in February 16-18 ° C. At night, the temperature can be reduced by several degrees.

It is not necessary to put vessels with branches in batteries of centrally heating or domestic electric heating devices. Before the appearance of floral kidney follows 57

Fig. Quince Fig. Lilac

also avoid direct sunlight. For this purpose, it is possible to cover the branches with a cap from light-tight paper.

With the blooming of flower kidneys, the branches open and immediately create an electric lift for 2-3 hours a day. To get the leaves of different shades, one branches can be moved closer to sunlight, while others - leave in the shade.

In mid-March, apple tree branches, cherries, currant, lilacs, etc. are cut off, about 50-60 cm long. The branches put in a cold water vase and three days are held in a dark, cool room. Then they are exposed to light and change water daily. A month after cutting branches bloom.

The soil is made up of a mixture of clay and turf and leaf land. In summer, the plant contains outdoors, in a windless, protected from the midday place. Up to half of summer, the plants are abundantly poured and fed with a liquid cow. Starting with the second 58 summer fishing, the watering decreases - it makes it

plant suspend growth and form floral kidneys. Water only when the leaves begin to give a lack of moisture.

If during the period of growth of the plant for several days not to give moisture, i.e. it is a bit of healing it, then it forms more floral kidneys, which, then, with a normal polyvka, can grow well and develop and give strong bloomrs.

Before the onset of autumn frosts gentle plants Turn in cool premises.

To obtain blooming branches to the new year, they are brought into warm rooms in November - December, water and spray.

After the plants are swinging, they are cut and transplanted into fresh ground. In the spring, as soon as the weather is allowed, the plants are inserted into the garden and planted in the ground, better without dishes. To re-distortion, the plants will be suitable in 2-3 years.

Top shrubs For distortion as follows.

Rhododendron. Early cultivation apply garden forms. Plants are completely covered with flowers to dissolve the leaves.

Golden rain (zischizus). Shrub with fragrant yellow flowers. Flowers at the end of winter and spring.

Peach. Very beautiful pink and red terry forms. Suitable for early distillation in January.

Lilac. It is a common shrub. For distances, lilac with rided wood and good floral kidneys are used.

For the success of pastures, lilac needs a warm location, abundant watering and spraying. She does not need light.

The largest lilac shoots are tied with moss, which is maintained in a wet state by spraying with warm water. Appearing leaf-point shoots pinch. 59.

Pulling plant

Fig. Rhododendron

When flowers appear, the moss strapping is removed and the spraying is stopped.

To prolong the flowering plants, it is necessary to keep in cool place.

For distortion, lilac lilac, grafting on the rice, as it starts blooming earlier than the root-own plants of the same varieties. Pick up varieties with the most abundant blossom. Coloring of the inflorescence and the terrain of flowers do not have much importance because even

with late distillation, all varieties of ordinary lilac, with the exception of white color, large extent lose the intensity of the color. Most often, as already noted, Mary Meliere varieties are used for pastures with white simple flowers, from terry - Madame Casimir Pernie, Antoine Buchner. The best results during the surveillance give a strong, well-rooted plants that have a uniformly branched crown during flowering.

The plants selected for the surveillance are planted in the appropriate size of the dishes into the nutritional clay-turf, fertilized by humus.

For summer, plants are transferred to sunny places in open ground. Regularly water and fertilize organic fertilizers Once every 10 days before mid-August. On the winter, dried with pots of plants can be laid lying in the greenhouses on fir branches Or dry leaves and close the insulation material. The lilac can be prepared in this way can be at any time for 60 winter are taken to the distance for the surveillance.

Pulling plant

Apple tree. From the decorative "species of an apple tree for winter blossoms in pots are suitable: Mal Yus Shaidek Keri is a gentle-pink flowers, terry; Malyus Floribun-yes Atropurpouris - with red minor flowers.

Thorough branches in winter is available to everyone. The branches put in the appropriate water, with their colors and bright greenery of the leaves, revive the room, becoming the first rising spring.

Branches of flowering shrubs It is advisable to cut for 6-8 weeks before their flowering in the ground, then many of them bloom when traded in room conditions 5-12 days after cutting.

Oreshnoy twigs, put into the water, bloom after 7-10 days, larch - after 18 days.

Quickly bloom and bloom the poplar, alder, aspen. After 20-30 days in room conditions, kidneys are opening in birch, honeysuckle, willow, black currant.

Closer to the autumn, the distillation time of the branches in room conditions is significantly reduced: so cut on April 10, the spirey releases openwork leaves in 6 days, it is wonderful and gives buds for 7 days of elder, in 10 days the leaves of the poplar, birch, larch, for a few days later Lefts appear in yellow acacia.

Wolf Lyko blooms from mid-April and before the start or middle of May. The branches of this plant, prepared in the last days of December, bloom 61 in the room

Fig. Apple tree

Pulling plant

after 7-10 days. Flowers pink-purple, fragrant, resembling lilac. Also quickly blooms and Cassandra whose branches bloom in the room not only in winter, but also in the fall.

Late trampling (the third decade of February - the second decade of April) requires less time and gives a better cut.

By January, Lilac is already ends with a period of natural peace, so at the late past challenge, there is no need to cool down in the refrigerator.

Try that frozen branches are taped as slowly as possible. When they hide, place them in cold water. After such a bath lilac blooming for 2-3 days faster and the quality of inflorescences will be noticeably higher. White varieties should be kept in water 8 hours, colored - 12 hours.

Then pour into a plastic decider bucket (such a container is perhaps most convenient) nutrient solution. It is necessary to prepare it 5-6 hours before use so that all the components have time to dissolve, and the fluid temperature was equal to the ambient temperature.

For the nutrient solution, it is better to use Tluu snow or boiled water water. At least it will be softer, the better. Too hard water is not suitable at all.

Dissolve in 10 liters of water 0.8 g of alumokalia quasans, 0.3 g of potassium chloride, 0.2 g of cook salt
And sugar: 50 g - in the first week and 30 g - in the second and third weeks.

True, from an excess of sugar, a breeze of flowers, on white grades it is especially noticeable. Therefore, when tracked in January-February, the "sweetness" solution is better to reduce: in the first week - up to 30 g, to the rest - up to 20 g per 10 liters. Sugar is first dissolved separately in boiling water, cool and only then pour into the solution.

Bucket Cover with wire mesh with 2 cm cells and put lilac branches in them. Solution change every week. Particularly important is the first shift. The branches are certainly rinse.

Day of Lilac is needed a temperature of about +18 OS, and at night +15 OS, but later distillation can be carried out in cooler conditions.
So that the brushes rose longer, the humidity of the air should be very high: about 95%. For this, first week before the revelation of the kidneys, be sure to spray shoots slightly warm water.
And in the interruptions between spraying, keep the branches "under the hood" from polyethylene.

When they bloom, your efforts will be fully rewarded with fragrant bunches of lilac! And so that the bouquet pleased the longer, add pursuant streptocid and aspirin to a bouquet to a bouquet (0.5 tablets on 3 liters of water) or boric acid (0.3 g per 3 l of water).

This beautiful bush It can bloom almost any holiday. Getting flowering branches to another holiday just like blooming and called - tracking lilac . It is known about it for a long time. Recommendations for the surveillance of Lilac are found in older pre-revolutionary magazines. The ability to distill is determined by a period of rest, which is necessarily needed by a plant before flowering.

For lilac this period is very small, so bloom is easy to adjust to any desired date. Tracking lilac It can be done both as a whole bush and a separate branch. Better the result is obtained when the bush is expelled. To do this, you need to worry in advance. In the fall, after the feast of the leaves, the bush is digging, transplanted into a suitable container and placed in a cold room, for example, a basement.

Wash the plant should not. If a tracking lilacit is timed to Christmas, then the piano needs to be done at the end of November - early December. The process will take 3 o - 40 days and is regulated by the room temperature. For getting good blossom It is necessary to make fertilizers. This is done immediately after digging and landing into the container. After the selection of lilac, lilac 3 times a day, it is necessary to spray with warm water and water daily and abundantly water.

After the appearance of the first flowers, the spraying is stopped, as it will speed up a bunch. During the surveillance, it is necessary to ensure that the growth of leaves does not prevent the flower development. It is necessary to track it at the stage of the kidneys. If the kidneys of the leaves develop faster than the kidneys of colors, they need to be removed. Optimal temperature In the room for pasting lilac about 20 - 25 gr. The temperature rise should be gradual: the first 3 days is about 10 grams.

Bonsai from lilac.

Casting lilac from a separate twig is much simpler than the bush. Just need to be calculated when you need to make a pile to get a flowering lilac branch to the desired date. Go and cut off the bush a branch where there are kidneys with flowers. Give her to lean gradually raising the temperature. After thawing, the branch is lowered at 12 o'clock in warm +35 gr. Water. Under water, cut her tip and put in a nutrient solution of full mineral fertilizer.

Spray the branch follows 1 to 2 days with warm water. At a temperature of 20 - 23 grams. Lilac will bloom in about 27 to 30 days. In the same way, the cherry branches can be expelled, but it blooms even faster: after 15 - 18 days.