Summer plants. The most unpretentious annual and perennial flowers for the cottage

Cottage is not only garden beds, berry shrubs and fruit trees. Beauty on the plot helps to create flowers of perennials. For the garden, unpretentious long-growing plants are indispensable as a magnificent frame for the work of the village of the canvas.

Beginner gardeners may seem that the breakdown of the flower garden and care is too troublesome. But for proper selection Crops Caring for colors does not take a lot of time, and the buds will be revealed from early spring and to deep autumn.

The most unpretentious flowers for spring

Early spring in the middle lane does not please the paints. Annual flowers are not yet sown, even the most unpretentious are still shown from under the ground.

Are there any plants that are ready to bloom in the first warm days? Yes, the wintering bulbous cultures since the autumn have formed budgetage of buds and in the spring are the first to illuminate the flower beds with all the shades of the rainbow.


Almost from under the snow, the crocuses of white, blue, yellow and even striped colors appear. Plants height from 7 to 15 cm bloom from March to May, and after fading the flowers go on peace. Ludge landing is carried out in traditional spring bulbous plants Dates, from August to September. The best place for crocuses is a well-lit plot or a half, for example, under the crowns not yet blossomed shrubs or trees.


Tulip - not only the most common perennials in the country sites, but also the most unpretentious flowers. Today at the disposal of lovers of spring colors - hundreds and thousands of magnificent varieties. However, not everyone knows that these garden plants belong to several species that differ and outwardly, and flowering timing.

Specively picking up the variety, with the help of only tulips height from 10 to 50 cm, you can decorate a plot to the Alpine slide. The flowering of the first tulips begins in March, and the most late varieties Faded at the end of May.

The bulbs of tulips are planted in the first half of autumn on solar sections with loose, rich nutrients soil.

During growth and flowering, plants need regular watering, which are stopped in the summer when the bulbs rest.

Types of garden tulips react in different ways to frosts. If in the southern regions, unpretentious plants for cottages and the garden can be considered the most magnificent terry and lily varieties, then in the northern regions, common tulips of Greag, Geesner and Foster need an annual digital.

It will help to replace the lowest, but easily wintering in any climate Botanical tulips or Kaufman tulips.


Together with tulips, Narcissus appear on the garden flower beds. Bloom lasts from April to last days May, while the flowers are illuminated by the garden not only with bright sunny shades, but also an exquisite aroma.

Depending on the grade of the plant reaches a height from 30 to 60 cm. Flowers can be both simple and terry, with a short or long crown. Narcissus prefer plots with loose fertile soil. They grow well in the sun and under the crowns dissolved at this time. The main thing is that the soil, in which the bulbs are planted in the fall, was not overshadowed by moisture.

Narcissus is a long-lying, unpretentious flowers for the garden, successfully used in mixed landings with tulips, garden varieties, dicentroy and other plants. Narcissus for several years feel beautiful in one place. Running, they form very dense curtains, seed that after fading foliage, that is, at the beginning of summer.

Wintering bulbous cultures seem to "go now" appearing in spring, unpretentious and bright, but their foliage cannot retain decorativeness for a long time. She dies, talking in the flower bed, so it is necessary to take care of the landing near the "replacement" cultures, such as peonies, perennial poppies or aquiligea.


It is one thing to choose the long-term perennials and unpretentious flowers for the garden in the sun. Other - find the same plants for open, and for shady sites.

Shadowish garden crops are not so much - the bright example of one of them is Barwin. Or small semi-staples bloom in the midst of spring and quickly spread, without difficulty rooting when contacting the soil.

Cultural varieties of Barwinka create spectacular curtains from fresh greenery with stains of all shades of blue, white, pink and purple. At the disposal of gardeners, copies with simple and terry wrenches, smooth and motley foliage.

Romantic legends are connected with many decorative plants. No exception - which, thanks to such a story, is more known not under its real name, but as a "broken heart."

Thanks to the powerful rhizomes of the dicentre without loss, it takes winter cold. Filling foliage foliage with the arrival of heat again rises above the soil, different varieties reaching a height from 30 to 100 cm. Spectacular plant In May is covered with white, pink or two-color wengles of bizarre, resembling heart shapes, collected into private inflorescences. Blossoms lasts about a month, and under the transparent shadow of young foliage of inflorescences unpretentious plants For summer cottages and the garden look brighter and hold longer.

The dtscentre will be indispensable at the flowerbed in the neighborhood with primoses and daffodils, muskari, fern and decorative varieties Luke.

The flowering plant is adequately loving in a single landing, and after fading the inflorescences will become an excellent background for other colors.

Lily of the valley

Classic spring Klumba - Forest, blooming in May. Thanks to the creeping plant rhizomes winter. In the spring, the leather leaves first appear on the flower tubes at the flower tubes, then the launched rosters rise above 30 cm. In each inflorescence there are from 6 to 20 white or pinkish, fragrant bells. Blossoms lasts until the beginning of summer, and then red rounded berries appear on the place of colors.

The advantage of these unpretentious garden perennials is flowers that do not lose beauty in the sun and in the shade, the ability to grow in one place to 10 years.


In the forest next to the curtains of the valley, you can see elegant plants for sale. Flowering from May to June The perennial is not as an inquiry as other spring flowers.

But on shady areas, near coniferous crops and shrubs culture height from 30 to 80 cm with drooping white or greenish colors-bells is simply indispensable.


May - Month of the brightest greens and unusually lush flowering Garden perennials.

At this time, under the crowns of trees, near the tracks and water bodies, the blue flowers of Brunners appear under the protection of walls and fences. Plants with a height of 30 to 50 cm, with decorative pointed heart-shaped foliage prefers to settle in a half-way, where there is enough moisture and nutrition for lush hard sockets and towering over them.

Self-blue unpretentious garden flowers revitalize the most shady corners, do not require special care, thanks to an attractive, often motley foliage guard decorativeness for a long time and can do without transplantation for many years.

In favorable conditions, Brunner is excellent and breeded the division of the bush.

Summer, beautiful and unpretentious flowers for giving

Bright, rapidly growing seals 1-2 months after sowing, flower flower beds in the most incredible colors. But autumn comes, and the plants are completing their short life. The following spring, the dacket begins with the selection of annual, ornamental crops, sowing and care for young seedlings. This is a lot of precious time, which could be devoted to seedlings of vegetables, care for fruit and berry landings.

Save strength and time will help specially selected for the garden for the garden, unpretentious flowers that bloom in different seasons and not needing painstaking care. Although they and bloom only in the second half of the summer or for the second year, but without transplanting for several years they live in one place.

Summer - the most fertile time for flowering plants. The incredible number of types are ready to give their flowers to the summer house. The main thing is to choose them to those plants that rightfully can be called noncain and beautiful.


When late tulips and daffodils are flowing in the garden in the garden, the decorative foliage of aquierey or catchment begins to rise above the ground. The bizarre bells of this, one of the most unpretentious perennials for giving, as on, is revealed at high upright bluers.

Flowering almost without breaks lasts from late May until September. And even without flowers, the plants do not lose their charm. Their leaves by autumn take the purple and purple tones. Depending on the variety of Aquillegia, they can grow from 30 to 80 cm in height. All this species grow perfectly in the shade, and on open areas. Already by the title it is clear that the catchment loves moisture, but even with a deficiency of irrigation, it is able to find water due to powerful rod rhizomes. Best of all, Aquille is growing on the lungs drained soils.

Flowers appear in the second year of life. Adult plants can be divided. You can do it early in spring or autumn.

Although in favorable conditions, Aquaille breeds self-sowing, this method does not allow preserving the properties of hybrid and varietal instances. Seedlings most often have a purple or pink color and can become a kind of weed plants, if it does not remove unripe seed boxes on time or not glowing flower beds.


Favorite unpretentious garden flowers belongs to many summer houses.

Its yellow or orange flowers are revealed in May and with regular irrigation do not disappear until the second half of summer. The plant height from 50 to 90 cm is noticeable enough to lead in group landings near and in the shady corners of the garden. High blooms will be safe next to fences and decorative shrubs.


Although the flowering of Arabis begins in the second half of spring, this unpretentious perennial can be considered to be considered summer, since its flowering is not completed until the most frosts.

The soil or stranded plant with stems length from 20 to 30 cm The planting field quickly forms dense, resembling curtain pillows, covered with brushes of small white, pink or lilac flowers.
The haircut helps extend the flowering and save the shape of the landing. Best Arabis feels in open areas with a light, aeronated soil. This culture with motley foliage is indispensable when designing, slides and other sections of the garden.


At the junction of spring and summer, there are many rhizuy perennials at the junction of blossoms. No exception is bright doronikum with large yellow inflorescences - baskets resembling chamomile. Flowers are revealed on reprehension, bare or lining stems with a height of 30-80 cm. Unpretentious flowers for summer cottages and the garden are planted in the sun or in a transparent shade, but not under the crowns of trees.

Plants Doronikum love moisture to save it in the soil under the light green foliage, the soil is mulched.

When flowering ends, the greens also fades. Decorative ferns, curtains of Nyuritius and Aquilius, with which the Doronikum combines greatly combined on the flower.


Surprisingly, as one type of perennials can decorate the whole garden. This is a numerous, blooming from June and September. Kistegious or resembling risels of lush inflorescences - not the only decoration of this plant. Shadowish carved foliage is no less promoting the plot. To do this, you only need to crop the color pains in the case of inflorescences.
Depending on the variety and type, the height of the plants ranges from 40 to 120 cm. Thefts are better blooming with regular moistening of the soil, but they do not like moisture stagnation. In garden landings, these beautiful and unpretentious flowers for the cottage look great on the background of coniferous rocks, and it will be a luxurious frame for.


Many cultural varieties of garden perennials are descendants. wild species, meet which can be literally behind the fence of the country area.

From May and until the end of the summer, flowering continues surprisingly trembling. Single or collected in the inflorescences of the whites of all shades of pink, purple, lilac and blue flowers Briefly. On all day, and on the spot of a faded flower appears new.

When the flowering season ends, the garden will not be empty thanks to the decorative split foliage of geranium. By the autumn it is painted in bright golden, orange and purple tones and the sweat flower beds and slides revitalizes the snow.

The height of the most unpretentious perennial colors for the cottage, depending on the view, is from 10 cm to the meter. All plants are unpretentious and do not make special requirements for the soil, grow up in light and under the crowns.


If the garden has a place for, or it is necessary to plant a high plant with bright colors and the same decorative leaves, the answer may be one -!

How is it possible? This is about different types Verbaine, equally unpretentious and suitable for decoration of the site.

Depending on the variety and the species easily adaptable to different conditions, the flowers are height from 20 to 80 cm.

For shady corners and fellowship, a selete or meadow can be perfectly suitable for long lying stems covered with coins-like rounded leaves. This culture is indispensable next to the reservoir, on wet areas that light green foliage successfully revitalizes.

For the decoration of flower, mixboraders and stony slides are used by the helpful types of suite with green or motley foliage and yellow flowers, in the upper part of the stem, forming spectacular accosate inflorescences. All shipyards are unpretentious, perfectly tolerate frosts and are rarely amazed by pests.

Vasilek Multi-Year

Annual cornflowers relatively recently moved from the meadow to the garden. For them followed their perennial relatives. From June to September, the flowering plants form spectacular, due to the carved, saturated green foliage of the curtain with a height of 40 cm to the meter.

Some of the most unpretentious perennial flowers for the cottage, cornflowers grow well in the sun, and in a half. They do not provide special requirements for the soil, perfectly get along with other cultures and will be an excellent background for peonies, nyondica, low blooming and decorative and deciduous plants on the flower beds.

Today at the disposal of the gardeners of the variety of many years of cornflower with the colors of purple-pink, purple, purple and white color. Vasilka large-headed fluffy flowers with original yellow colors.

Turkish carnation

In June, multicolor caps are revealed turkish cloves. Bright flowers with gentle petals are quite small, but assembled into dense inflorescences, they will greatly revive the cottage plot, create summer mood And they paint the flower beds in all shades from white to saturated purple.

A distinctive feature of the plant - flowering, which is located until September, the possibility of breeding self-sowing and incredible combinations of paints. The height of the Turkish carnation, depending on the variety hesitates from 40 to 60 centimeters. The maximum decorativeness of the plant is demonstrated on the light or in a half, if they can be planted near decorative and deciduous cultures.


Not only belong to the most unpretentious gardening. This multi-year culture one can bloom the entire area. Blue, white, pink, purple and two-color corollary inflorescences appear in the first half of June, and then repeated bloom begins about the second half of the summer.

Plants height up to one meter flourished in the sun, do not like too felling soils and thanks to a powerful rhizomy know how to survive in the conditions of moisture deficit. In the Garden Lupine - perfect neighbor For Nyuritius, multicolored Aquails, perennial poppies.


According to the pomp flowering of perennial poppies can be compared only with. Just one plant with wrenches of scarlet, pink, white and purple color is enough to change the appearance of the very imperceptible corner of the garden.

Despite the exotic look of Macs are completely unpretentious. They are not afraid of frosts, perfectly grow on any soil and carry drought without losses. But for excessive moisturizing react negatively. One day, settling on the site, with the help of very small seeds, the poppy can deprive themselves, creating spectacular curtains of dense carved foliage.


There are more hundreds of types of irises in the world, many of which are actively used as decorative plants. Blooming garden species begins on the border of spring and summer, and continues until mid-July.

When difference in coloring, sizes, habitat places, these perennial rhizome plants relatives are related to the type of pointed sword-shaped leaves collected into flattened beams, as well as an elegant form of colors. Although the whites, which dropped on the day or a little more, cannot be called long-livers, the amias of the plant bloom abundantly and long due to the set of simultaneous climbing flowers.

In the garden, the Irisians are in love with light or barely shaded areas with light, loose soil.

During the growing season and flowering plants need regular soil moistening. But it is necessary to interfere in the development of the curtains. Swimming and weeding can be touched by powerful rhizomes near the surface.

Coloring shoots of irises for 40-80 cm rise above the ground. White, yellow, pink, purple, cream, blue or blue flowers perfectly decorate the garden and perfect for cutting.


Chamomile together with cornflowers are traditionally considered a symbol of Russian expanses. Garden varieties Nyuritis is the same chamomile, only much larger and expressive. Simple and terry inflorescences - baskets are crowned with a ripening stems height from 30 to 100 cm.

In the garden, Nyurist prefers to grow on open, well-lit plots with loose, rich nutrients, but not too light soil. The lack of moisture and organications of the plant corresponds to those who are smaller with time and fast fading Baskets.

Nyurist multiplies with seeds, dividing adult kurturt, as well as self-sowing. It is necessary to take into account if all cultures have clearly defined borders on the flower beds and mixlers. For the most magnificent flowering of the novelist socket, it is desirable to divide every few years.

Best neighbors For one of the most unpretentious perennials for giving, as in the photo, flowers, gypsophila, bright poppies and bells. White inflorescences look perfectly on the background of carved greenery and inflorescences of Vasilkov, next to decorative cereals and onions.


Grow bells in the country will not be difficult even beginners. The plants are unpretentious, resistant to disease and pests, wimming well without cover. The only thing that hinders the perennial is the oversupply of moisture and dense, poorly drained soil.

In nature, there are many types of bells with simple, semi- and terry flowers in white, blue, lilac, pink and saturated purple tones. Plants from 20 to 120 cm high depending on the type and form find a place on the slides and as part of group landings with Nyurik, Pyremum, lush peonies and strict cereals.

Schot Rosa

Easily carrying drought, with luxurious decorative greens and carious inflorescences, can rightly be considered the queen of the country area. Plants up to 2 meters high - one of the largest in Russian gardens. They rise above the rest of the colors and even fruit shrubs.

Rose roses or Malva can easily create a living wall or turn into a center of lush flower beds. Beautiful, unpretentious flowers for giving grow on lungs, well-drained soils, multiply seeds, including self-seams. But transfer a large plant to another place will be problematic. The transplant is hampered by powerful long rhizomes, damage that leads to weakening and even the death of Malva.

Simple and terry, white, yellow, pink and red, burgundy and brightly raspberry flowers on powerful reprehensive stems are used to decorate the hedges and walls, on the flower beds and, as the plants of the back plan. Incredibly beautiful group landing of Malv of different shades. Before them, you can land the same unpretentious phloxes, bells, decorative forms Luke, cornflowers and low grades, as well as any textiles.

Spicy aromatic unpretentious perennials for giving

Choosing for the garden for a long-following unpretentious flowers, you can not miss the type of plants, which are more likely to be popular as spicy, medicinal or fragrant herbs. At the same time, many of them are not inferior to them. blooming perennialsTheir flowers will decorate the flower beds and can be used for cutting.

Today, numerous varieties are available to gardeners, Melissa Lemon, Kotovnik. In the area, if desired, you can plant the Issop, a chamber and even lavender. These plants are superbly looking at a separate, "pharmaceutical" garden, but they are easy to imagine both the mixlerer, on the flower bed in a rural style or in the form of free Kurturt in the hedge or walls of the house.

Unpretentious and useful perennials due to the lush greenery are decorative from spring and to frost. And during flowering, the mass of bees and other insect pollinkers attracts.


Oreshitsa is a native resident of the European part of Russia. Plant, familiar to many on the characteristic flavor of greenery and pink-lilac chaps of inflorescences, prefers to settle on open, well-lit plots with light soil. In nature, the soul can be seen on breaks and forest edges, in dumbers and dry meadows.

The first greens of the soul martyr appears in March, literally from under the snow. By June, the plant forms a lush cap from densely vented shoots height from 20 to 50 centimeters. And a month later, stalks with gentle inflorescences - baskets rose over greens.

Spicy aroma has the entire above-ground part of the plant, incredibly revered in France, Italy, USA. Here, the souls are grown as a natural seasoning to sauces, salads, to the paste and poultry meat, baking, in particular, in Pizza. No less delicious tea with grass and soul flowers. Collecting the souls or oregano spend from July to October until the perennial blooms.

True herbaceous shrubs of scenarius are gorgeous in the company Nyuritius, Lupins, Rudbecia, white-pink gypsophila and cereals.


Lofant or multicrees with lilac-purple or white corpid inflorescences is one of the most noticeable medicinal and decorative perennial plants. In the garden, the culture without difficulty enlisters the brightest areas, does not feel discomfort even on the sun itself and well the winters, already from early spring, demonstrating all the first greens with a purple or nashey tint.

Lofant is unpretentious so that grows and blooms not only with a lack of moisture, but also on poor soils. Simple care and slightly attention - and the unassuming plant will be generously shared with a dacket of scented, the smell resembling anise or polycriches, grass rich in essential oils and useful for colds, digestive diseases and urinary system.

In the garden, the effects of Lofant's inflorescences will not remain unnoticed by people nor bees. The plant, blooming since June and until the end of the summer, is suitable for decorating the palisaders and easily tolerates cut.


The monard with white, pink, purple and purple inflorescences is also a resident of solar, protected from the wind corners of the garden with a light soil.

In decorative purposes, this fragrant perennial plant is planted next to other similar plants, as well as in the neighborhood with Coreopsis and, nyondicon and low-spirited textures, for which the monard height is up to a meter will be a luxurious background.

Interestingly, the combination of this plant with one-year, blue and white large-color bells, sheds and other cultures, allowing to mimic a corner of a wild meadow in the garden.

In the country areas, you can more often meet the monazh lemon. Her greens during flowering period, that is, July to September, accumulates a lot essential oilsclose to oils Melissa, Issop, and other spicy taste and medicinal plants Their family of casnotkov.

Autumn Unpretentious Flowers: Learning Perennials for Garden

With the onset of September, autumn enters their rights faster. But it is too early to part with the beauty of the garden. Up to the fallout of snow, the game of bright paints of Sadovaya Geranian Kurtin is struck by the game, Badan dressed up in purple tones, surprised on the hills and borders. Many in the garden and colors of unpretentious garden perennials.


One of their brightest "stars" of autumn flower beds is considered. These plants are excellent in most regions, form green curtains still in spring, and bloom in the second half of summer, while maintaining an incredible variety of colors and pomp inflorescences.

Depending on the type and variety, Floxes will be indispensable on the Alpine slides and traditional flower beds, small water bodies and next to the buildings that tall plants decorated perfectly at any time of the year.

In the list of alcoholic phloxes today - more than four dozen species, among which only Flox Drummond is annual. All other quivering, bush, semi-gentic shapes with stems from 20 to 150 cm high - ready for many years to settle in the garden of a lover of decorative and unpretentious perennial flowers.

Perennial Astra

Annual Asters - unchanged leaders of the List of Garden Teams for Dacha and Garden. However, about true or often and unknown forget.

From August and to the Snow, these plants bloom, illuminating all the districts of blue, white, pink, purple shades. There are more than 200 species of perennial ASTR, differing in dimensions, lifestyle and shape. Alpine Astra is very small, and its inflorescences - baskets are located on herbaceous reprehensive stems, reminding familiar to all chamomile. And the Italian variety is a form of herbaceous, densely fruitful shrub, completely covered with non-musical colors. At the same time, all kinds are extremely decorative and noncains.

The height of perennial ASTR varies from 20 centimeters to one and a half meters. Flowers can be not only different colors, but simple and terry. These perennials are already with spring formed dense dark green curtains, in summer easily transfer excess light and moisture deficit, and in the fall completely transform the garden.

Bodystamas are amenable to formation, with their help you can create dense live borders and picturesque groups with other autumn plants.

The only flaw perennial Astra Inherent in many years of cultures. Survive in the garden The plant begins to multiply uncontrollably, quickly mastering all new territories. In order for the motley to this flower, the Astra does not turn into the "kingdom", will have to follow the settlement of the shrub and regularly remove the piglets.

Each of the 30 described decorative plants may claim the title of the most unpretentious perennial flower For giving. All of them are beautiful and amazing. In fact, a list of noncains, requiring minimal attention and generously dividing its beauty cultures not three dozen, but much more. It is only worth looking for, notice and transfer an interesting plant into the garden, choosing for a flower appropriate place and neighborhood.

Video about soil perennials in the garden

I, like many amateur flowers grow annuals. Some of them multiply by self-sowing. In the spring, it remains only to proper shoots and a flower garden ready. Of course, satellite flowers are blooming faster, but it does not always succeed. Yes, and not needed in some cases.

I'll tell you from my own experience. What I grow by self-sowing. (Posts last year)
Esholization. It happens red and white. I have a simple orange. (I love yellow tones) blooms in mid-June. In one place I have been 7 years old. Here is the beginning of flowering ..

Scrambled eggs. We also call him "the bride." Well, very good and unpretentious. King of Samosov. Once putting it, you will always be with a rasada. Easily tolerates transplant.

Purslane. I have the usual not terry. It is clogged in early June. I know, many are grown by a seedler, but it's easier for me.

IPOMEY. I have a gazebo - so romantic turns out.

Chrysanthemum annual. Also happens different colors. I have yellow. This is the beginning of flowering.

Petunia is usual. This is my salvation. If somewhere is empty and there is not enough seedlings, I will dissolve it.

Vasilek annual. Well, what about them say-cutie! One year grown for the esholence, it turned out. They bloated at the same time well, very good were!

Amaranth. He also closes the transplant too. Only for the third year, of this Amaranth, it turned out simple, without such "tails"

Rudbeckia one-year.

Verbena. In fact, I grow it with a seedler, but somehow climbed my self-sowing. Pleasantly surprised. I planted to Salvia and the velvets and suddenly she. But a late bloomed-turned was such an autumn composition.

We still have an Astra so much, but I don't like the neachwork.
Of course, I still collect seeds, as they say just in case. I do not collect only the eshole, softening, cornflowers, petunias, Ipomeyu and Amaranth.

And what kind of flowers are you sick?

Unpretentious annuals will help create a beautiful flowerub without much trouble. So as not to mess around with the seedle and enjoy bright bloom, choose unpretentious annuals.

Unpretentious annuals for your flowerbeds

Perennial flowers, it is, of course, wonderful. They should form the basis of your garden. However, and no one-year colors in the garden can not do. And there are several reasons for it:

Most perennial plants take the most decorative form of minimum from the second year of life, while annual flowers are able to show themselves in all its glory a year of planting.

Most perennial plants bloom a short time and need to carefully select plants for landing in a flowering color garden, while most of the bright seasons please us with their colors all season.

Using annual flowers, you can experiment and every year to paint your garden every year.

This year-old flowers will help create an interesting drawing of regular flower beds.

I think these reasons are enough to understand that annual flowers are simply necessary in every garden. Many beautiful annual flowers are grown through (especially in our conditions middle strip Russia), which is seized from February to April, depending on the type of plant. But what to do if you do not want to mess around with the seedle? Everything is very simple, there are two ways: either seedlings to buy already ready to buy, or choose unpretentious annuals that are suitable for growing in the open soil. And there is a lot of them! It is about them that we will talk in today's article and consider the most interesting, bright and unpretentious. And all of them can be sowed right in open sad Approximately at the end of April - Serdiny May. And many of them are quite easily multiplied by self-sowing, and you will not have to sow new seeds for the next year.

Accommodation for sowing in open ground

- Marigold - A very popular plant, height varies depending on the variety of 20 cm to 1 meter. They love solar places to the soil are not particularly whimsical, they grow almost any, except for wetlands. A beautiful plant will not only decorate your floweruba, but also a table (it is used as a spice) and a first-aid kit, and will also help in the fight against pests insects. Marigold flower all summer Before frosts. For more early blossoms You can sow velvets and seedlings in April, but if there is no time and desire, write to the open soil in May. Read more in the article.

- Calendula - All known marigolds will bring beauty and benefit to your garden. Modern varieties have a large range of paints from white to dark barded, flowers can be not only simple, but also terry. Flowers all summer.

- Neophila (American forget-me-not) - a gentle low plant is perfectly suitable not only for sunny, but also for slightly shaded places. Flowers can have a blue, white in blue clock or dark almost black color. Flowers all summer. Read more in the article about.

- Cosmeya - everyone is known high species This plant, however, besides the high on sale now there are modern varieties with a height of about 50 cm having a different color, as well as very beautiful terry forms of this plant. Blossom Long Before frosts. Surround high grades are lower and compact, add along the edge of the low-speed annuals, for example, nephophone, bugs or esthemia and you will have a very original and unpretentious flower bed.

- - When sowing in open, the soil blooms about two months later. Gives abundant selflessness. Loves solar places, depending on the grade, the height can vary from 30 cm to 120 cm.

- Annual Len. gentle plant With low bushes, about 40 cm form silky cleaners, which look harmoniously independently or as a background to brighter, high and lush colors, for example, roses. Possessed long flowering.

- cornflower - Field flower, flowers of modern varieties of which can have different color. If you cut the plant after the first flowering in June-July, repeated bloom in September is possible. Easily multiply by self-sowing.

- Mattiola Curry (violet night or evening) - a modest plant that attracts flowerflowers with its unique aroma.

- Nasturtium - Very beautiful racing plant, blooms almost the whole seasonAnd the variety of varieties and colors amazes. But besides beauty, the plant is still very useful, the leaves and flowers are used for salad, and green fruits marinate. Nasturtium as well as velvets is able to redeem the soil. Read more in the article about.

Also among the annuals grown by a reckless way can be allocated,

And now some more tips:

Never buy bags with different mixtures, in most cases you will not be able to get the expected effect for several reasons: it is impossible to distinguish germs from weeds due to a variety of shoots; It is impossible to divide the external and growing plants by sight, height and color; It may be that the plants of one species are the majority, while there is no other at all, or he did not climb, etc. etc.

Plants on the flower leaf, taking into account their height. Higher plants should be in the center or in the background.

Vertical accents on the flowerbed can be created not only from high plants, but also from curly, if, for example, to crush them a special device in the form of a pole or any other. Use for this long varieties of nasturtiums, fragrant peas Or Ipomey.

This comfortable material for creating regular clubs. Regularly called flower beds of proper geometric shape with a symmetric pattern, plants on which bloom at the same time.

I wish the lush flowering of your unpretentious flower beds!

Of course, not only annual flowers must decorate your garden. Unpretentious sad - These are perennials (choose not only winter-hardy and sustainable views and varieties, but also those that can grow for many years without transplanting, without requiring special concerns), and, of course, shrubs care for them comes down to rare ordinance and formation crowns as needed). And how to combine plants among themselves, to be beautiful, you will tell you.

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Valentina Mishchenko 1.04.2014 | 1203.

Eshcholce is well multiplied by self-sowing. However, if you do not want this plant to appear in various corners of your garden, you collect seeds in time and grow the echolence with a seedler.

Eshcholce is very prolific and propagated by self-saming. The fruits-pods ripen (yellow) are cracking into two parts and scatter seeds. Spring appear seedlings, and we can only break them. However, the self-sowed plants with simple flowers of yellow and orange shades (For example, Golden Gloria Theodore). Sorts with terry, white, pink and carmine-red petals, as a rule, so simply not to wait. Terry grades require more attention.

Fruits with seeds appear a month after flowering (it comes 30-40 days after sowing). I collect more green, uncooked pods, fold in a jar or a high box where they will divert. In the ground I make small recesses, sowing the seeds, I miss them well and sprinkle the soil about 3 cm so that the crops do not blurry. If I know that the temperature drops below 4-5 ° C, just in case, cover the site with spunbond. Self-sustaining the esthemium of any variety can be all summer. So it will last its flowering until October.

The fact is that the flowers live only 3-4 days. Then they fall and immediately bloom new. Therefore, it is desirable to search for a plant with groups (not less than 3-4-x) so that the composition looks colorfully the whole season.

Eshcholce can be replant. Let not 100%, but her sprouts are coming up. At the end of April - the beginning of May, sowing the flower seeds into a greenhouse to cucumbers, and when the seedlings reach 10-15 cm, transplant into open ground. For best Surrounding and creating a favorable climate cover the landing slightly wet newspapers or film. From the plants that climbed the self-sowing, they differ only in a slightly later flowering time.

In the garden design, this plant is appropriate in the background of the Alpine Slides and Rokaris (first of all, the Eshtolization is trembry), on the flower beds and moorish lawns, kashpo and containers. The main thing is that the place is dry, sunny, and the soil of the spay. In leaving the flower is not demanding: it is better to bother with mineral fertilizer in the spring, watering only in drought, making it in the evening when the flowers are closed.

Eshcholce, sowned under the winter, much more branched, earlier, heels, she gets more powerful and stronger, and it blooms more active. With all its opening, tenderness and trepacy, this plant is able to endure and freezing (up to -3 ° C), and leaps of temperature, and protracted rains, and drought.

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Plants that independently breed and fill emptiness and cutters in the garden today at the peak of their popularity. And the point is not at all that they can be "planted and forget", but in the unique effect of naturalness, natural wildness, which they bring not only in flower beds. Due to its unique ability quickly and without assistance spread, in the garden there is always a place of improvisation, unexpected forms and paints. Such plants form unique pictorial patches with landscape charm. And not necessarily in order to bring the effect of surprise to the garden, plant and truth wild plants. Many herbaceous seals and perennials, not inferior to "cultural" brethren on the beauty of flowering and impressiveness, also have a unique-wild character. Such plants that can independently fill the cutters and emptiness, they are called "vagabonds". One day settled in the garden, they will be at the most unexpected places with the help of Samosv, please and surprising the distances and resistance.

Picturesque patches on empty places will be happy to create numerous and variety of garden crops that provide a wide selection of not only heights and color Gamma., but also type of flowering, pomp and even the intensity of distribution. The main plant-trampions are perestynka, forget-me-not, and Eshcholce, but this is not even a tenth of all the diversity capable of death of perennials. Conditionally all "wild boards" can be divided into annuals, twilight and perennial species. The first are pleased with bright colors in the summer, but by autumn completely die away. The most typical annotum is a marigold. Two-bedrooms differ from the texts to the fact that they are blooming only the next year after sowing. Best Representative This group is a moon. These short-lived wrames, all without exception apply to seeds, most often settling between trees, shrubs and grassy perennials. But the perennials are valuable in that the duration of their blooming life is not exhausted even by 5 seasons, while the ability to produce new sprouts and multiply by self-sash is fully preserved. Perennial plants We independently multiply from next year after the landing and do not require absolutely no departure (not counting the cases when they germinate in unwanted places). Korovik, Outline, Dolphinium, Polevitsa, Lukovichnye Handsome - Crocuses of Tommazini settle in your garden, giving him a natural charm.

If you are afraid that the plants will capture the territories on which improvisation is undesirable - do not hurry to refuse perennials-vagrants. All of them have a shallow compact root system and unwanted plants can always be just pulling out. In addition, they will be distributed only in those places where there are the most suitable conditions for them and will never germinate in unfavorable soil or in bad lighting, which also allows you to control chaotic growth.

We will get acquainted with the most bright "stribling" closer.

Eshololization California on flower beds is stretched by shining bright orange ribbons. It is perfectly spreading on dry, illuminated by the sun's bright at the sun, painting the elegant openwork petty greens and large, cup-shaped simple four-plates. In the regions with severe winters, it is grown as an annual, but with soft - as an absolutely undemanding and independently growing perennial. It will not give way to her in assertion and a perennial with a completely different, fabulous romantic character - Akvilia, which many referred to as a catchment or alpine caps. Elegant, openwork, the easiest Aquille is painted in the most diverse tone of unusual flowers at the beginning of summer, confidently spreading in a half-trees under high trees, but in the sun often lost and losing the ability to create new wild workers. With the elegance of the catchment, it may exist without Nigella, or Chernushka. Filigree, unique-air, seemingly weightless greens and unusual blue or pink flowers This beautiful strolina will not be superfluous in large, nor in small gardens. Nigella does not lose its decorativeness all the garden season, because even the fruit-boxes look very attractive.

Forgetcoming Forest fills the garden with smooth blue, white, pink waves, blooming the next year after sowing and very quickly smashed. The best partners for forget-me-not possessing beautiful green Foliage sorrel coastal and manner. Forget it is one of the most simple and ancient plants. Reggaring with her in the status of the people can except the calendula of a medicinal, more known as a marigold. Unpretentious, bright, long-flowing calendula is one of the most cheerful gardening "wanderers." It perfectly manifests itself on flower beds, as a pot and a cutting plant, but still remains "wilderly", very quickly filling emptiness. This is the perfect corpuscale plant, when there were unexpectedly formed on flower beds and they need to fill in vegetation as quickly as possible.

On all the magnificence of Purpur elegantly lifestyled over any surroundings. It combines well with everyone garden plants (Including with roses), but especially good in combination with bells peacious with a cross-shaped flower shape. A magnificent spurricer, or a centrantus, well feels like any soil, unless water is stored on the landing site. It is not as high as a sparkler - a bush in width and height reaches approximately 60 cm - but no less lush, a bulkist and imposplane. A red fragrant conqueror with the smallest flowers collected into loose small inflorescences and siswatened elongated leaves very quickly spreads to self-sowing, it is best to look at the slopes and dry stone walls.

Does not know obstacles and restrictions and another charming "strolio" - Viola Sororia. Dense, rounded leathery leaves and elegant flowers With the smallest specks, even where the stones reign: it will easily germinate and in the cracks between the tiles on the tracks, and on the Alpine slides.

One of the most original "wandering" plants is an annual moon, which is often awarded by the epithet "Prince Shade". The wellness is notable not to its leaves or flowering, and partitions in fruits-pods, as if made of thin translucent parchment. Rounded plates and color, and in shape resemble the moon, thanks to which this is an amazing plant and got such a strange name. The main period of the decorativeness of the Wellness - Autumn and Winter, when unusual fruits are shining against the background of snow. Color's color is so amazing that in a bright Sun seems as if they emit a silver glow, shiming the glare as hung on the threads of the coin. The prince of the shadow will gladly grow only under the trees, on loose and fertile soils.

"Wild boards" can be used for the most different corners Garden. They feel great in large landscape flower beds, perfectly cope with the task of creating picturesque thickets in fruit garden, highlights living hedges and ramids, create flower beds without clear abbots. But the most good plants capable of chaotic growth in the role of framing areas of recreation or lawn sites are: neither other cultures will not effectively cope with the task of creating a lush rings around the platforms. Only pick up plants should be carefully, carefully weighing the combinations and providing for the development of landings for years ahead in such a way that the wild neighbors do not oversee each other.