Why does petunia wither and what to do? Proven tips for healing a flower. More about petunias

Surely, in the summer you have often paid attention to hanging flowerpots with chic petunias, which street cafes, restaurants, and parks acquired. And very often it happened that after a while, when you came there again, there was no trace of the former beauty of the petunias. Yellow, withered lashes, single small flowers. What's this? Apparently, the conditions for growing petunias were not met. Meanwhile, petunia is a very grateful flower and, if you follow the rules for its cultivation, it will bloom profusely, almost non-stop, from May until the frost. Do you want to know how to grow a beautiful petunia? Then read on.

Let's say you've already grown. Or bought it ready-made on the market - it doesn't matter. the main objective that stands in front of you - turn frail sprouts into fluffy ones, flowering bushes. So, let's start from the beginning - we will plant our seedlings in pots, flowerpots and balcony boxes. This should be done only after constant positive temperatures have been established at night, without the threat of frost.

Petunia at home needs good nutrition. Yes, flowering surfinia from nurseries are often sold in small liter pots, where cunning growers manage to plant 2-3 plants at once. This is done only to ensure the momentary attractiveness of the flower. You have probably observed more than once that such plants do not live long. Everything is correct! There is not enough food. Therefore, we will learn from the mistakes of others and follow the rules: small bushy petunias can be planted in pots and boxes, at the rate of 1-2 liters of earth per 1 plant. Cascading petunias, most ampels, surfinias are more voracious, so they need to provide 3-5 liters of land per 1 plant. Petunias Typhoon, Tornado are especially powerful, the minimum amount of land for them is 7 liters per 1 plant, and preferably 10-15 liters.

When deciding at what distance to plant a petunia, take it for granted that between the central stems of the bushes you need to withstand 15-20 cm. If you plant seedlings thicker, then in adulthood, stronger specimens will inevitably oppress the weak ones, since the branches will have nowhere to grow.

Between petunias, a distance of 15-20 cm must be observed, otherwise adult plants will be crowded in such a company in a month

I would like to draw attention to the quality of modern plastic boxes, in which petunias are most often grown on the balcony. These are thin-walled boxes with a depth of only 12-15 cm, length - from 30 cm and more. The depth of this container is very small and does not allow even a normal drainage layer (5 cm) to be poured. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, purchase deeper boxes (for example, Italian-made) - petunias will thank you for this! If this is not possible, you will have to save on drainage. Well, do it in plastic bottom There are more drainage holes in the box (with a hot nail or a screwdriver), pour a layer of expanded clay (0.5-1 cm) inside so that the holes do not clog with earth and work according to plan, that is, they release excess moisture. After that, you can start planting.

What land is needed for petunias?

Petunias, which are grown in boxes and pots, need a special composition of the soil. It should be loose, moisture-permeable, light. In this regard, a purchased universal peat-based soil is well suited. As additives, it is recommended to dilute it with baking powder (perlite or vermiculite), a small amount of sand and biohumus. Some flower growers grow petunias in such soil: garden soil is mixed with peat soil and baking powder in a ratio of 3: 3: 0.5. The soil for petunias should not consist only of garden soil - it is too heavy, cracks between waterings and does not allow the roots to "breathe".

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Important conditions for growing petunias are light and air. Moreover, these two components are equally important. Petunia will wither in deep shade (for example, on a balcony darkened by trees), just like on a bright but glazed loggia, where there is a small influx of fresh air.

Petunia loves open and sunny balconies with a south and southeast orientation, where it will bloom especially luxuriantly. However, modern varieties of petunias (for example, supertunias, minitunias, fortunes) also perform well on the north side, being planted in balcony boxes. Therefore, if you have a northern balcony, never choose simple petunias for it, they will stretch strongly and bloom poorly, only expensive seeds of modern hybrids will save you. Do not spare money - luxurious flowers are worth it!

Supertunia, even on the northern balcony, can look great, with proper care.

Petunia cannot endure drought for a long time: its leaves sag, flowers become like wet rags. If this state did not last long, then all the beauty of the flower is restored if it is watered. But it is impossible to allow regular drying, as the petunia will gradually begin to dry, turn yellow, and lose its external attractiveness. Moreover, almost certainly, there will be a drop in the immunity of the plant, which means that it will hurt and catch any ailment that “flies” past in the form of a tick, whitefly or powdery mildew. All in all, proper watering is an important condition successful cultivation petunias.

In the summer, during flowering, you need to water the petunia often - in the morning and in the evening. If you cannot provide high-quality watering, add hydrogel to the soil or use ceramic funnel cones to moisten the soil

Water the petunia generously, so that the water begins to come out of the drainage holes. In this case, there will be confidence that the clod of earth has been completely wetted. Usually in the summer the petunia is watered 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. Important Rule: Never start watering if the hot sun is shining on the flowers. You will ensure that the roots in moist soil begin to "cook", and this can lead to the death of the plant. According to the orientation of your balcony, work out your own watering schedule. For example, if the direct rays of the sun fall on it from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., then water the plantings at 7 a.m. and at 3 pm (or a little later, for example, as soon as you come home from work in the evening).

Please note that in May-early June, when petunias are already sleeping on the balcony (street), it is still quite cool at night. Therefore, try not to water the plants late in the evening to avoid hypothermia of the roots. The same can be said about autumn - September and October. In summer, such precautions are irrelevant.

Shower for petunias

On dry summer days, petunias should be sprayed warm water from a spray bottle. This will be a good prevention and saturate the plant with moisture from the outside. Evening abundant spraying has a great effect on the condition of petunias, making them healthier and stronger. Spraying should be done when the sun leaves your balcony. Otherwise, the plants will definitely remain sunburn- the rays will pass through the drops of water, as through lenses and burn through the sheet plate.

Removing flowers for... flowering

In order to achieve lush and constant flowering, you need to regularly pick off faded flowers (along with the seed box). If you do not do this, then the plant will direct all its forces to the ripening of seeds, and will forget about flowering for a long time. Yes, and he will look very untidy! Therefore, experienced petunia growers every day for 10-15 minutes are engaged in removing the ovaries - this stimulates the formation of new buds and flowers.

Petunia shaping - summer haircuts for future beauty

By the middle of summer, petunias usually begin to bloom worse, the lashes are drawn out, the flowers are smaller. In order to return the decorative effect to the plants, they are pruned. Bush petunias can be cut drastically, leaving 10-12 cm. Ampel haircuts are not so radical - the lashes are shortened by about half their length.

This petunia was trimmed almost to a stump 2 weeks ago! And now it's blooming!

Do not be afraid to prune petunias, do not feel sorry for them! You will see, the twigs and leaves will grow back quite quickly and after 2 weeks instead of the aging frail "freak" you will get a young magnificent bush of lush greenery and flowers. During this period, it is very important to correctly and regularly. Then she will very easily endure pruning and respond to it. rapid growth new branches and abundant flowering.

You can prune petunias several times a season, usually in mid-summer (July) and early autumn (September).

Petunia diseases - what can overshadow lush flowering?

Petunia is not a capricious plant, but it can also be damaged by a number of diseases. The most common disease that petunia bushes usually encounter every summer is this. On the lower leaves at the same time mealy appears white coating smelling of mushrooms (which is not surprising, because powdery mildew is caused by a fungus). The leaves themselves turn yellow, lose turgor and hang like lifeless rags. Getting rid of powdery mildew is quite simple if you use antifungal drugs (Fundazol, Emerald, Topaz, etc.).

Sometimes suspicious midges begin to curl over the petunia. Most often it is, for the destruction of which you can use any insecticide, for example Aktara or more armor-piercing Aktellik and Fitoverm. You can also destroy a close relative of the whitefly - aphids.

Well, the worst thing that can be on a petunia is this. A small arachnid settles on the lower part of the leaf plates and begins to suck out the juice, systematically leading the plant to death. To destroy the pest, you should use acaricides - "Fitoverm", "Aktellik", etc.

Sometimes an adult petunia turns yellow. This may happen due to a broken temperature regime, the presence of harmful "living creatures" or chlorosis - a lack of iron. occurs due to violations of the vital activity of the plant, which ceases to the right amount absorb iron. A similar disease is treated by spraying the plant and watering the soil with various iron-containing preparations - Ferrovit, Micro Fe, etc.

How to grow petunia seedlings from seeds - easy and simple! These flowers are very popular and bloom beautifully from June to cold weather. Of course, you can buy a couple of bushes for pots, but you can’t buy a big flower bed. And it is better to grow seedlings yourself. Petunia is unpretentious and there should not be any special problems with its cultivation. There are simply their own characteristics that need to be taken into account when sowing and caring in order to get beautiful lush bushes. What are the features Planting dates It is usually recommended to sow petunias very early. In February, and better in January directly. This method is good for experienced gardeners or those who grow seedlings for sale, so that in April they are already blooming on the counter. But with a petunia, you will already dance while you grow it, watering, picking. Why complicate your life and illuminate more seedlings. And when sowing early, you need to keep the young seedlings under the lamp for three days, without turning it off! And then it is necessary to illuminate. I am not fit for such feats, so I always sow petunia in the middle of March, so in 10 days I will start sowing. Let it bloom in June, not April - this is very good, because then it will bloom constantly until the cold weather! It usually takes about three months to grow seedlings, just in June it will be possible to plant them outside. And then in the Urals we can have frosts in the beginning and middle of June, but the petunia does not like frosts - it will die. And the overgrown seedlings will stretch, wither on the window - only tears. Preparing the soil for seedlings Petunias love slightly acidic soil. Therefore, they will like the purchased soil. It is basically all based on peat. If you yourself make the land for seedlings, then take 2 parts of humus and peat, you can add 1 part of garden soil. The main thing is that the earth should be light, pass water and air well. And you can acidify it by watering "lemon water". She seems to have told everything about the land, let's move on to sowing. Sowing petunia seeds Let's start with the container. It is better to take a transparent container with a lid or cake packaging. Be sure to wear more holes so that the water does not stagnate. The easiest way to kill petunia seedlings is to fill them with water. She will die from the black leg. When the holes are made, we fill the soil, press it a little and moisten it. Petunia seeds are very small. To evenly distribute them, you can sow with a toothpick! We moisten the tip in water, take one seed (it sticks) and lay it on the ground. You can make grooves in the ground and sow seeds along them. The distance is about 0.5 cm between the seeds. Well, they've broken it down. Now just press the seeds to the ground and DO NOT cover with soil. Petunias sprout in the light. Yes, and they are so small that they can’t just get out of the ground. Now we close our container with a lid or cover the container with a film or glass and put it in a warm place. No need to put on a battery! - they will boil or dry up without having time to ascend. Just anywhere warm. Usually, the seeds germinate very quickly and amicably. Their seeds generally sprout 100% usually, but there is already no one knows what variety will turn out. They interpolate strongly with each other. But more on this later. After a week, or even earlier, the petunia seeds germinate. You don’t need to immediately remove the lid or film, we gradually accustom it to dry air, for a couple of hours first. In a couple of days you can open completely. When a couple of leaves appear, we pick. You can sow petunia seeds in peat tablets, directly 1 seed in each. And then transplanting is easy, right with a pill. Picking This is such an incomprehensible word, but in fact we just plant our small petunias in large containers one at a time. It is convenient to dive them into cassettes, it is possible with 4 by 4 cm cells or into yogurt cups. It is advisable to then transplant into a larger dish so that the roots grow. Petunias are not afraid of transplants and tolerate them very well. Of course, when you first see these roots thinner than a hair, your hands tremble, and you don’t know which side to approach them from. The main thing is not to be afraid. Petunias - "give" grow easily. Prepare in advance everything that you will transplant them into. Pour containers, cassettes, soil into them, moisten, make a dimple. Now moisten the ground with seedlings. Take a toothpick again, carefully pry one flower at a time and transfer it to the finished hole. Then press down on the ground. You can deepen it a little, it will even be good. Seedlings of petunias at home The pick implies that the tip of the root must be plucked off from the plant during transplantation for better development root system. To be honest, I don’t pinch anything, it itself comes off during transplantation, while you take it out with a toothpick! After such a pick, in two weeks the petunias will grow well and can be transplanted into larger pots or cups. Care: watering and shaping petunias Petunias are very fond of water and sun. But while they are small, you need to water them very carefully, under the spine. Straight out of a teaspoon. And you can’t fill it in, in the “swamp” they will wither and rot. Plants need to be pinched. If you leave it to grow as it is, then you will have two or three long branches sticking out, and there are few flowers. And if the tips are cut, then the side branches will begin to grow and you will get a lush, beautiful bush. At flowering plants you need to cut off wilted flowers, then faster and more new ones will appear. Many people like to plant petunias in flowerpots, pots and decorate a balcony or plot. Do not try to plant a lot of plants there, they will oppress each other. It is enough to plant 1-2 bushes per 5-liter pot. And if surfinia, cascading, ampelous, then they need 7-10 liters per plant. Petunias have a lot of roots growing, and there is simply not enough land in the pot. You need to constantly feed and water. By the way, about fertilizers. I insist on herbs in the summer and water everything that is possible. Just push a bucket of grass, pour water and leave for two weeks. Then I add a liter to a watering can or a bucket of water when watering. And seedlings grow normally even without fertilizers, the first two months slowly, really. But then they begin to increase right in front of our eyes. Seedlings need to be hardened off before planting outside. If there is a balcony or veranda, then in April take it out there for a day. And when at night it will be more than + 5C, then you can leave it for the night. When cold, of course, you need to bring home. Petunias do not like frost and die at sub-zero temperatures. Diseases of petunias Spider mite - petunias usually get sick from home flowers. The leaves turn yellow and a thin cobweb appears on them. It is necessary to fight and treat with fitoverm or actofit according to the instructions twice with a break of 3-4 days. And do not forget all the flowers that are around are also sprayed from the tick. Violation of the temperature regime - heat - a purple tan appears on the leaves, and then they turn yellow. You can spray with any fertilizer containing ammonium, or dilute ammonia (1 ml per 5 liters of water) and spray directly on the leaves. And of course, move the plants to a normal cool temperature. Chlorosis or iron deficiency - petunias are very sensitive to iron deficiency. And they do not absorb it well from alkaline soil. And our water also contributes to the alkalization of the soil. Therefore, for prevention, I water the plants with water with lemon juice. For two liters of water 2 gr. citric acid- dissolve and water. Varieties and hybrids This, of course, is a personal choice of everyone, what is better to plant. Varietal flowers are not as gorgeous as hybrids, but you can collect your seeds from them. Even if they are pollinated, they can turn out even more interesting than the parent ones. But hybrids (F and F) need to be bought every time, they have almost no seeds, and what will ripen will lose all its beauty in the next generations. This year I am planting large-flowered varieties: Alba, Burgundy, Dark Purple and Blue bird. And ampelous petunia Rapunzel. Then I will write what happened.

Petunia is one of the most popular ampelous plants that adorn balconies, loggias, verandas and other places in the country. To grow a quality plant, it is necessary to plant seeds for seedlings on time. Consider when it is best to plant petunias for seedlings in February according to the lunar calendar.

When to plant a petunia in February according to the lunar calendar.

Petunia seedlings are quite difficult to grow. However, if you cope with the seedlings, then the plant will delight you with its gorgeous flowering throughout the season. In order for the petunia seeds to actively germinate and begin good growth you need to plant a petunia on the growing moon. It is believed that the moon has a beneficial effect on plants. Therefore, many gardeners prefer to take into account the phases of the moon.

When planting petunias for seedlings, you need to take into account the plant variety, the conditions of a particular region and the lunar calendar.

Favorable days for planting petunias for seedlings in February:

February: 6, 7, 8, 12-17.

In February, from the 5th, the moon begins its growth. On February 6 and 7, the Moon grows and is in the sign of Pisces. February 8, 9, 10, 2019 the Moon is growing and is in the sign of Aries.

From February 11 to February 12, the Moon grows and is in the sign of Taurus. On February 13 and 14, the Moon is in the sign of Gemini, and on 15 and 16 in the sign of Cancer. On February 17 and 18, the Moon continues to grow in the sign of Leo. And from February 21, the moon is waning. Therefore, from this day until the beginning of the growth of the moon, it is better not to plant a petunia for seedlings.

When to plant petunias for seedlings, taking into account the regions of residence.

In addition to the lunar calendar, before planting a petunia, it is also worth considering the petunia variety and place of residence. Since the weather conditions in each region of the country are different.

Also be sure to take into account 10-15 days for the emergence of seedlings. To this we add 50-60 days for growing seedlings. Such a simple calculation will allow you to determine the landing time.

In Central Russia and in the Moscow region, petunia seeds can be sown from late January to mid-February. With such a planting, by May the petunia will delight with the first flowers. In May, it can be planted in open ground or a hanging pot. As a result, this beautiful plant will bloom all season until the autumn frosts.

In the Urals and Siberia, it is best to plant petunias in March. Since in March daylight hours increase and the plant will grow better than when planted in February. When planting seedlings in February, additional lighting with special lamps will be required. Otherwise, the seedlings will stretch and grow poorly.

In wildlife, there are more than 25 species of petunia. Hybrids are the most popular among flower growers. They grow a bright flower in city parks, in the country, on a loggia or balcony. The flower is not picky and grows well both in the flower bed and in the form of a pot culture.

Flower lovers value petunias for their profuse blooms that continue from the beginning of summer and end only after the first autumn frosts. Grow these undemanding plants in all climatic zones. They tolerate drought well, love light and can grow in poor soils.

Data on the number of petunia species that exist in nature are not unambiguous, according to some sources there are about 15 of them, according to others - up to 40. The first cultivated plants from the genus petunia appeared in the XVIII century. The main characteristics of these plants:

  • stem erect or creeping with shoots of 2.3 orders;
  • there is pubescence on the shoots;
  • the color of the shoots is green, the shape is rounded;
  • leaves have different sizes and shapes, alternate, have pubescence;
  • flowers have a double perianth, which consists of a corolla and a calyx;
  • flowers of two types double and simple;
  • the fruit has the shape of a bivalve box, which splits when the seeds ripen;
  • seed size is small.

Among flower growers there is no consensus on the classification of petunias. Usually this kind ornamental plants divided according to the following characteristics:

  • bush shape;
  • flower size and type of flowering.

In the shape of a bush

Depending on the shape of the bush, varieties of petunias are distinguished: bush, cascade, ampelous. Consider what are bush types of petunias. They are undersized, compact, with upright shoots up to 30 cm long and tall species with sprawling shoots from 50 to 75 cm long. Varieties and hybrids of bush type do not need to be formed. To simulate the growth of side shoots, you just need to pinch the growing point.

The ampelous group of petunias combines plants with long shoots from 50 to 150 cm long. They are characterized by:

  • rapid growth of shoots;
  • long and abundant flowering;
  • resistance to adverse weather conditions.

Ampel varieties of petunias look good in hanging planters. Landscape designers use this type of flower with thin, long lashes to vertical gardening. Practice landing ampelous petunias into the ground to obtain bright flower carpets.

Cascading petunias have thicker shoots, the length of which is less than that of ampelous varieties. They grow to the top, fall down only when they reach a certain length. Varieties and hybrids of cascading petunias are used to decorate loggias and balconies. Their seedlings are planted in boxes, pots, planters.

By flower size and type of flowering

All petunias are divided into two groups according to the size of the flower:

  • P. small-flowered;
  • P. large-flowered;
  • P. profusely blooming;
  • P. many-flowered.

The group of small-flowered petunias Milliflora combines plants with a flower diameter of 2.5 to 3 cm. This species is characterized by abundant flowering, rain does not affect their decorative effect. Bushes are formed from numerous branched shoots up to 0.9 m long and erect stems not exceeding 25 cm in height.

Florists use when creating flower arrangements varieties:


Large-flowered forms do not tolerate difficult weather conditions. The flowers of these forms are very decorative, but the number of flowers on the bushes is less than in small-flowered species. Among flower growers, the large-flowered group of petunias, Grandiflora, is popular.

It combines undersized varieties with a stem height of 25 to 35 cm and high ones with a shoot length of 50 to 70 cm. The flowers are large in different shapes: simple funnel-shaped, double. The diameter of the flowers can vary from 8 to 13 cm. Flower petals with solid, wavy or corrugated edges.

Popular varieties of large-flowered petunias:

profusely blooming

Floribunda is a group of hybrids and varieties that combines profusely flowering petunias. The height of erect, branched shoots is from 25 to 45 cm. The flowers are simple funnel-shaped or double with a diameter of 6 to 10 cm. This type of petunia is used for decorative design flower beds and borders. Popular varieties of Petunia Floribunda:


A group of multi-flowered petunias Multiflora consists of plants of undersized, compact, abundantly strewn with flowers. The height of the bushes does not exceed 25 cm. The shape of the flowers is different - from simple to double, the diameter of which does not exceed 5 cm. The flowering of multi-flowered petunias is early and long. Plants of this group are used in the design of flower beds, balconies, grown in room conditions on the windowsills.

Common varieties among flower growers:

When to plant petunia seeds for seedlings

The timing of planting petunias for seedlings depends on when they plan to bloom. If a flowering plant needs to be obtained at the end of spring, then it is necessary to sow seeds for seedlings in January. For summer flowering, sowing begins in mid-February and continues until the third decade of March.

To get a full seedling, you need at least 3 months. Ampel varieties of petunias begin to be sown earlier than other varieties, since it takes longer to form long shoots.

Beginning flower growers can be very puzzled small size seeds. You need certain skills to work with them. There are pelleted seeds on sale. It is easier to sow them and the shell protects the seeds from various kinds of infections, in addition, it contains nutrients. Petunia seeds remain viable for 4 years.

Experienced gardeners have long determined the composition of the soil that is most suitable for growing petunia seedlings. Soils suitable for it:

  • sandy-loam;
  • loamy;
  • clay-sand.

Many flower growers practice mixing several types of purchased soil. Since it is believed that one type of soil may not suit petunias, and a mixture of soils from 2-3 producers will be optimal in structure and fertility.

If the soil in the garden is acidic, it is limed or humic fertilizers, organics or nitrates are added. Acidity can be reduced by adding sandy or soddy soil. Peat is added to strongly alkaline soil, and compost or sphagnum is added to moderately alkaline soil. heavy structure, clay soil corrected by adding peat and sand.

As for the soil for seedlings, many flower growers prefer to germinate seeds in peat tablets. Those who use the land for sowing carry out a number of measures to disinfect it:

  • to protect against diseases, it is shed with a pink solution of potassium permanganate, it should be watered at least a week before planting;
  • the second disinfection option is 1 hour in an oven heated to 150 ° C.

For those who want to make the soil on their own, the advice of flower growers who recommend the following options soil mixtures for seedlings:

  • clay 30% and 70% peat;
  • peat 1 part, sand 1 part, loam 2 parts;
  • peat 1 part, loam 1 part.

For petunias, you can use both riding and lowland peat. Instead of loam, you can add perlite or spruce bark. For 1 liter of soil, add 1 tsp dolomite flour to correct acidity.

Not everyone knows how to properly sow small petunia seeds. The main thing to remember is that the seeds are sown on the surface and are not sprinkled with earth or humus. Small seeds are not visible on the surface of the earth, it is difficult to sow.

The process will go much easier if a layer of snow is poured over the ground. On a white background, the seeds are easy to distribute at the right distance from each other. You can cling to them with a toothpick. After all the seeds are laid out, the planting containers must be tightened with cling film and placed in a warm place.

Seedling Care

Petunia shoots are so small that it is difficult to imagine how to care for her. Any wrong move can ruin tender plants. Failures happen to beginner flower growers, experienced florists rarely fail, because they know exactly what petunias need at each stage of development.

It is difficult to water miniature seedlings, but it is necessary and often enough. Drying of the top layer of the soil leads to its death. For accurate watering at the root, flower growers use various devices:

  • syringes;
  • small enemas;
  • screw into the tire plastic bottle detail of a ballpoint pen.

At first, water often and little by little, so that the surface of the earth is constantly wet. As the seedlings grow, the frequency of watering decreases, but the volume increases.

Light is needed for the normal development of seedlings. The first two weeks it can be illuminated for almost 24 hours. When sowing seeds in March, such a long illumination is not needed. It is enough to provide seedlings with 12 hours of daylight.

To illuminate seedlings of petunias, lamps are used:

  • gas-discharge;
  • luminescent;
  • LED.

You can turn on the lamp in the morning at 7 o'clock, and turn it off in the evening at 9 o'clock. This lighting will be enough to grow strong seedlings.


Picking petunia seedlings is not a mandatory procedure if the plants are planted in separate cups. When sowing in a common container, picking is necessary, as it contributes to the formation of the root system first, and then the aerial part of the flower.

Transplantation (picking) of petunia seedlings can be carried out several times. First time in the phase of 3-4 true leaves. In time, this is about 2 weeks after the emergence of shoots. With the help of a pick, the density of planting seedlings is regulated. You can dive into a larger box or into separate cups with a diameter of 6 to 8 cm.

In order not to damage the delicate roots of small seedlings, the soil must be well watered before picking. Some flower growers, when transplanting seedlings, disinfect the roots, lower them for a few seconds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After transplanting, the seedlings need to be watered, the earth after watering tightly sticks to the roots.

In order for the petunia bushes to be lush, pinching the central stem is carried out. After that, the plant has new growth points, the active formation of new shoots begins. The flowering period is delayed, but the largest flowers are formed on the lateral stems.

After a month, you can pinch the already formed side shoots. Forming bushes is allowed throughout the season, if necessary to maintain the decorativeness of the plant. Elite varieties rarely need to be formed. Simple varieties of petunias need tweezing and pinching side shoots.

Top dressing of seedlings can be carried out at the stage of preparing the soil for seedlings. In order for seedlings to develop well, you can add to the soil:

  • Appin;
  • Uniflor;
  • Powder;
  • Perlite;
  • Hydrogel.

Epin stimulates growth. Perlite loosens the soil. Uniflor supplies plants with microelements. Powder is difficult to acquire, it is silt, which increases the germination of seeds. The hydrogel helps control soil moisture levels and improves seed germination.

The supply of nutrients in the soil is enough for the first time. Growing seedlings need to be fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizer, the time for the first feeding comes 2-3 weeks after germination. The next top dressing is carried out in 2 weeks. The fertilizer should be dominated by potassium and phosphorus.

Different growing methods

It takes 90 days to grow a full-fledged petunia seedling. Each grower has his own proven method of growing:

  • sowing in a box (pot) filled with soil;
  • using peat tablets;
  • on toilet paper.

You can buy peat tablets in any supermarket. The sowing procedure is simple:

  • tablets are first soaked in water;
  • after they increase in size, they are placed in a box (container) with sides of at least 4 cm;
  • seeds are placed in the recesses on the tablet;
  • the box is covered with foil.

After a week, shoots appear. Before they appear, the tablets must be moistened.

To decorate a balcony or loggia, petunias are sown immediately in a pot or in a planter. Success lush flowering will depend on the right soil mix. For decoration, petunias are planted in one container. different type(bush, ampelous) and complement them with other colors: alyssum, lobelia. To keep the soil in the planter moist, hydrogel or vermiculite is added to the soil.

Transplanting petunia seedlings permanent place not difficult. The soil must be prepared and treated with a fungicide in advance, preferably in the fall. A good time for a transplant would be a cloudy day or not a hot evening.

Transshipment of plants must be carried out carefully, without damaging the root system. Straighten the roots, avoiding bends. Water the soil well after transplanting. Water should not fall on the leaves. To maintain constant soil moisture, use mulch:

  • decorative bark;
  • sawdust;
  • peat;
  • humus.

Summer care for petunias

Petunia is grown in a pot culture or in the soil. Summer care depends on the method of cultivation. Petunia growing in the ground does not require frequent watering, it is enough to water the flowers well once a week. Petunias growing in pots need frequent watering. On hot days, potted flowers can be watered twice a day in the morning and evening.

Petunias respond well to fertilizers with a high potassium content. Feeding can be carried out throughout summer season until the end of flowering. It is recommended to alternate mineral fertilizers with organic. Faded flowers should be removed, especially for ampelous varieties and petunias grown in pots and containers.

Experienced flower growers achieve lush flowering from their favorites. Beginning florists can do it too. Receptions are simple:

  • tweezing the central stem of seedlings;
  • pinching the tops of the side shoots;
  • regular watering;
  • removal of faded flowers;
  • top dressing.

Petunia can suffer from viral diseases. Cucumber and tobacco mosaic viruses are dangerous for her. Symptoms of cucumber mosaic:

  • stunted look;
  • small flowers;
  • yellow spots on the leaves;
  • the leaves take on an irregular shape.

When affected by the tobacco mosaic virus, the plant becomes smaller, its edges of the leaf plates are wrapped up and covered with necrotic spots. Flower petals show dots or streaks of white or gray color. Plants infected with viruses are destroyed.

From insects, aphids attack petunias. Symptoms:

  • young shoots turn yellow, deformed;
  • on the leaves it is easy to see adult aphids;
  • Ants scurry around the infected bush.

It is not worth delaying the treatment of an infected flower. Any grower should have insecticides: Aktara, Fufanon, Karate. A few treatments and the bush will take on a healthy look.

Problems of growing petunias

For beginners, when growing petunias, there are many problems, both serious and not so. All errors are associated with improper selection of the soil mixture and violations of the seedling conditions.

Yellow leaves on petunia seedlings can indicate an iron deficiency. You can rid the flower of chlorosis with the help of iron chelate. Flower growers prefer to use Ferovit - a liquid form of iron chelate. To return the plants to a healthy appearance, 4 treatments are enough.

Fertilize once every 5 days. Fertilizers are applied both under the root and by spraying on the leaf. A greater effect is achieved by alternating root and foliar dressings. Petunia responds well to the introduction of potassium monophosphate.

Twisted petunia leaves are a sign of poor care for a young plant. The reasons may be different:

  • waterlogging of the soil;
  • overdrying of the soil;
  • dry air;
  • increased acidity of the soil;
  • excess nitrogen;
  • lack of phosphorus;
  • lack of sunlight;
  • viral disease or pest infestation.

Seedlings grow poorly and wither due to insufficient lighting. To eliminate the cause of poor growth, you can change the place of residence of the seedlings, transfer them to the south or south-west window. As an option, install a lamp to illuminate the seedlings.

Another reason for stopping the growth of a plant is insufficient pot size. The roots have filled the entire volume and they have nowhere else to develop. This cause is eliminated by transferring the plant to a new larger container. After transplantation, the flower can be treated with a growth stimulator.

How to grow petunia seedlings at home: video

How to form petunias? Do you need to pinch? Which petunia to choose when buying? video

Petunia will not require you special efforts during cultivation. All measures for her care can be performed by any novice grower. This beautiful flower needs: systematic watering, timely fertilization and good lighting throughout the day.

Source: dom-dacha-sad.ru

  • Seed selection rules
  • Landing time
  • Landing according to the lunar calendar
  • Manufacturers recommendations
  • Rules for planting petunias for seedlings
  • Rules for the care of petunias after germination

Seed selection rules

Before you buy the seeds of a fragrant and lush flower, it is not necessary to take into account its color, although this indicator is important for the beauty of a flower bed or planter. You should pay attention to the variety that can be planted in the grower's region of residence. There are such types of plants:
bush. Sowing petunias is best done in small flower beds or on borders as a decoration. The flowers of the plant can reach a diameter of 5-16 cm, depending on the variety. You can grow them in a small amount of soil. These varieties of petunias can be pruned;
ampelous - characterized by hanging branches with flowers bright colors. This variety can be planted in pots. The length of the lashes can reach 150 cm;

This type of petunia is not afraid of temperature changes, but their branches can break off from wind or heavy rain.

Cascading - similar to the previous view. The difference lies in the fact that the branches grow up and fall down under their own weight. Such varieties require large space;
floribunda - planted in plots large area. They are characterized by large inflorescences with a diameter of 10 cm. They are suitable for central Russia.
These characteristics must be considered before buying seeds in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Landing time

All varieties of petunias are almost similar in terms of growing technology. Differences are observed in the form of a bush. Many beginning flower gardeners are interested in the question: “When to sow petunias for seedlings?” If you need to get early flowering and extend it for a long time, it is necessary to sow the seeds of the plant for seedlings in January, February and March.
A flower should be planted on seedlings when the seeds germinate. This period is from 10 to 12 days. According to the rules, petunias are planted in open ground with the appearance of the first buds or better with flowers. Often the plants are at least 60 days old.
Petunia is a heat-loving flower. It must be planted after the last frost.

Petunia planting month by region

Planting petunias for seedlings in 2019, as well as at other times, should take place based on the climate of the grower's region of residence.
1. Ural and Siberian regions. For growing seedlings in protected ground, seeds should be sown in the first half of March. If you sow them earlier, there will be no sense from them. Plants should not be overexposed in the greenhouse either - they will get sick, and there is a high risk that they will not take root.
2. Regions of the Volga region. Here we recommend planting petunias from the end of February to the end of March. If you comply with these conditions, then the flowers will receive required amount solar heat, will be strong and take root.
3. Moscow region and middle lane Russia. Planting seeds in a greenhouse, in particular in the Moscow region and the Moscow region, should take place from early to mid-February. If you sow earlier, then by May the seedlings will strongly outgrow.
4. Leningrad region. In these regions, the climate is harsh and one has to dream of warm days. Therefore, plants are planted in the garden no earlier than June. And the sowing of seeds occurs in late March-early April.
5. Southern regions. Due to the warm climate, petunia can be sown in April directly into the ground.

Interesting! During this period, in order to avoid frost, the crops are covered with a film, which is completely removed in May. During this period, frosts are unlikely here, but they do happen.

Landing according to the lunar calendar

Growers will start planting petunias for seedlings in 2019 according to the lunar calendar. You can start planting in February 2019 or early March 2019.
In each month, there are favorable and unfavorable days for planting this plant.

Already in April, gardeners begin to care for seedlings, pick, water and nourish the soil with useful minerals. In the period May-June, petunias are planted in flower beds or pots.
Experienced flower growers offer their novice "colleagues" to conduct a small experiment. Plant flower seeds in one pot on an auspicious day according to the lunar calendar, and in the other on a new moon or full moon. Watch the result.

The date of planting seeds can be chosen and guided by the advice of seed producers bright flower. The period of sowing flowers depends on when you need to get seedlings of finished plants. If it is intended for a flower bed in the garden, then it is necessary to plant it at the beginning of summer - the petunia does not like low temperatures.
If the flowers are on the balcony, then the seedlings can be planted in early May - the temperature on the balcony is always higher than in open field. This rule must be followed when planting ampel varieties of petunias.
Producers advise flowers dwarf varieties with small inflorescences, sow 2 weeks later than other varieties - they grow faster.
Petunia seeds germinate quickly, but after germination, their growth slows down. It takes at least 90 days to get a finished plant from seeds.

Rules for planting petunias for seedlings

Before sowing, you should prepare in advance a nutrient substrate for the soil and the container where the seedlings will be. You can prepare a similar mixture yourself. To do this, mix:
land from the garden or garden;
river sand large;
riding peat.
Mix these components well and you can start sowing. Pots or general small boxes are suitable for these purposes. It will be necessary to make holes in the bottom - excess liquid will flow through them. Petunia plants should be planted in containers with a wall height of no more than 10 and less than 8 cm.
Some growers choose as containers for seedlings peat pots. This growing option is convenient - you do not need to get it out of the pot, they plant it right in it. During watering, the container will get wet, and the roots of the flower will easily pass through them, and will continue to grow.

soil in peat cups dries faster than plastic. So you have to water every day.

If sowing is done in a regular container, then pebble drainage or fine expanded clay should be laid on the bottom. Next, pour a layer of the prepared substrate and level it. It is not recommended to sprinkle the seeds with earth - they need light.
Experienced flower growers recommend laying snow on the substrate, and seeds on it. This approach has the following advantages:
the seeds can be laid out neatly - it will simplify the picking in the future;
the seeds, together with the melted snow, will penetrate the soil to the required depth;
the resulting liquid will water the plants.
Instead of snow, you can use napkins, toilet paper. Paper should be placed on the ground, and seeds on top. Constantly moisten, several times a day. This procedure must be repeated until it is completely dissolved.
The soil for petunia should be loose, contain humus, useful minerals and trace elements.

Petunias - luxurious annual flowers with which you can decorate flower beds, flowerpots and balcony boxes. The variety of varieties of petunia is amazing, new items are released every year. Petunia has earned its popularity among flower growers for its long abundant flowering all summer and the ability to grow it in containers, flowerpots, boxes, which allows you to decorate terraces, courtyards, verandas and even house walls with flowers.

The secrets of the lush flowering of petunias are revealed in this article.. Petunia is grown through seedlings, with early sowing in February or March, about

Petunia seedlings are planted in late May - early June, when the threat of frost has passed. So that the petunia blooms profusely all summer, planting seedlings and further care follow the rules for plants:

1. Space for the roots. Petunias have thin, branched roots, in adult plants a rather voluminous root system is formed, therefore, when planting seedlings of flowers in flowerpots, balcony boxes, please note that at least 3 liters of soil should be covered per plant, preferably 5 liters. Thus, 2 or 3 plants can be planted in a 10 liter balcony box, no more.

Many flower growers, when planting petunia seedlings, do not believe that these small plants will soon turn into lush bushes, so they thicken the planting of flowers. Of course, with frequent planting, the petunia will quickly close and bloom, but soon the plants will begin to oppress each other and flowering will weaken.

For planting large cascading or ampel varieties of petunia, land with a volume of at least 10 liters is required so that the plants show the full strength of their flowering.

2. Quality land - the key to rapid and healthy development of the root system. Petunias need a loose, breathable substrate that won't compact after frequent watering, and that can both let through excess water and retain moisture. To achieve such properties, garden soil is mixed with peat and humus in a ratio of 3: 2: 1. It is useful to add a little wood ash to the ground for planting petunias.

3. Petunias need regular watering. , this flower does not tolerate the drying of the earth, and with a lack of moisture, flowering and the growth of new shoots weaken. Petunia, growing in flowerpots and balcony boxes under a canopy, is watered abundantly every day or every other day in hot weather. If the soil has dried out in the container after morning watering, then you can repeat watering in the evening. In a flower bed, petunia is watered according to the state of the earth and depending on the weather.

Petunia does not tolerate waterlogging and stagnant water in the ground, so make sure that in flowerpots and balcony boxes there are drainage holes expanded clay is covered in the bottom and the first layer to drain excess water after watering.

Water the petunia under the root so that water does not fall on the flowers, as they will immediately deteriorate, the sprinkling method is not suitable for these flowers. Water for irrigation should be settled, the same temperature as the air temperature.

4. Regular feeding of petunias is essential to keep them blooming all summer long. . Only with good nutrition will the plants be strewn with bright large flowers. To feed petunias, complex fertilizers for flowering plants are used, in which phosphorus and potassium predominate, but there is also a small dose of nitrogen.

Petunias also need trace elements, especially iron, with a deficiency of which petunias begin chlorosis or yellowing of foliage. For the season 3-4 times it is recommended to feed the petunia with iron chelate or Ferovit liquid fertilizer.».

Petunia loves foliar top dressing or spraying on the leaves with a weak solution of complex fertilizer. The flowering of petunias is enhanced after spraying with potassium monophosphate.

It is useful to spray petunias once a month with any stimulating drug ("Epin Extra"), to keep plants in good shape, reduce the impact on them adverse conditions- heat or drought.

Start feeding the petunia regularly with the blooming of the first flowers. Fertilizer is diluted according to the instructions and watered on wet soil, top dressing is done every week. Petunias are "gluttonous" flowers; they need constant feeding, especially when grown in boxes or flowerpots, where the amount of land is limited and frequent watering flushing out nutrients.

5. Formation of plants . Petunias, depending on the variety in the process of growth, take different shape- cluster, cascade or ampelous. Ampelous and cascading petunias grow long stems. To make the ampelous flowers look beautiful, they are grown at a height in balcony boxes, hanging flowerpots, they perfectly decorate the walls. These varieties do not form, too long stems are pinched so that they begin to give side shoots.

Bush petunias pinch at the beginning of growth so that they form as many branches as possible. Pinching in period abundant flowering, can reduce the number of buds. Sometimes bush petunias lose their color by the end of July. decorative form, fall apart, their flowering becomes weak. In this case, a haircut will help restore an attractive appearance to the plants. Just cut the stems in half, and then water and fertilize the plants well, in 1-2 weeks fresh greens will appear, new buds and flowering will begin with renewed vigor.

6. Prolong flowering and keep a neat appearance flowers will help the constant removal of wilted flowers. Do not let the plants form seed pods and their forces will only be directed to the formation of new buds, moreover hybrid varieties Still don't set seeds.