Wall insulation from the outside of the panel house. How to insulate panel house outside and than

Suddenly increased relevance of the insulation of the facade of the apartment and, in particular, is associated with rapid increase in the cost of energy carriers and utility tariffs, which causes the need to save finance, and more efficient consumption of heating resources.

The problem is that most of the currently exploited apartment buildings have been built almost half a century ago, and their thermal insulation is far from such an effective, as if they would like their owners.

Statistics shows that heat loss through the walls of the house comes up to 50% of the total heat loss, which, you see, more than substantially. This indicator primarily depends on the design features of the house itself, it is maximum for panel houses, for bricks - somewhat less.

The insulation of the facades of the apartments is beneficial, from which side it is not to see if you have autonomous heating, then you can save on gas consumption about 20% of the Sumy spent, and if you are connected to central heating - then the average temperature in the room will increase at least 3-4 degrees (and if you put on 5-6).

1 Legal features

According to federal laws, the unauthorized change in the facade of the apartment building is prohibited, so you will need to obtain permission from the relevant instances (housing and communal services).

Usually, the permission is not accompanied by special difficulties, for this it is only necessary to go to housing and communal services and negotiate with those responsible for this, it may sometimes be necessary to write a petition in which it is indicated that all responsibility for the safety of work on the warming of walls on a multi-storey building will choose . However, there are situations in which you can get a failure to insulate.

As a rule, permission is difficult to obtain on the insulation of the facades of new houses, geographically located in the city center. When refusing, the only thing that remains you is to engage in the insulation of the walls from the inside of the house, which can also ensure the high efficiency of the thermal insulation of the apartment.

Moreover, the joint insulation of facades is much better and in a purely technical plan, since the appearance of a dew point is prevented, which is formed due to the difference in the temperature of the freezing of insulated and dismayed areas of the facades, as a result of which the walls of the apartment are expanding and narrowed in different ways, which may threate them accelerated destruction.

Also, with incorrect technology of insulation of walls outside the apartment, a moisture can fall under the insulation, which during freezing in the cold season expands, and flaps the thermal insulation material from the wall of the house. As you understand, the monolithic insulation, mounted for several apartments is less afraid of such troubles.

1.1 Selection of performers

As a rule, all work on the insulation of facades of multi-storey houses is performed by special firms or industrial climbers. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right contractor, which has the necessary knowledge, experience, and all the required permissions.

Since the insulation of the walls of the apartment outside refers to high-altitude work, which are directly related to risk, do not be surprised that the cost of remuneration of the contractor will exceed the total value of the materials for work - professional industrial climbers know the price of their work, and they do not care as cheaply.

In mandatory, demand that the Contractor demonstrates you such documents as a "construction license" and "permission to conduct high-altitude works", it will not be superfluous to learn from previous customers of this company, or the workers brigades - whether their result arranges For how much the insulation of the walls of the apartment was performed, as a contractor refers to the fulfillment of their duties, and so on.

It is also recommended to clarify the address of houses in which they have already performed similar works with, and go look at the quality of the insulation of the facade. Similar precautions, although they take a lot of time, will help you avoid many problems associated with unscrupulous performers in the future.

After the contractor is selected, it must draw up project documentation related to the peculiarities of work performance, namely:

  • Drawings of facades of apartments, with a detailed indication of the dimensions of window frames, eaves, and other architectural elements present outside the house;
  • Data on boundary loads that may experience the walls of the house;
  • The class of thermal insulation of the walls of the house - this item is a starting point when choosing a material used to insulate the walls of the apartment as outside, so from the inside.

2 Selection of thermal insulation material

The insulation of facades of apartments can be carried out with such materials:

  • Foam;
  • Expanded polystyrene;
  • Mineral wool (very efficient);
  • Foam cell.

Each of these thermal insulators has its advantages and disadvantages that determine the relevance of their use in a particular situation.

The insulation of foam is the most budgetary, and, due, the most common option. The foam is insulated anywhere, and anything, even when the effectiveness of this heat insulator will not be missed. The chase of the cheapness is the main mistake of most people, since using low-quality heat insulators you will not get the expected effect from insulation.

In general, if the walls originally have a normal thermal insulation class, then the insulation of the building outside the foam can be quite enough. If you decide to carry out thermal insulation of the house with foam, then consider that the higher the density of this material, the less heat-conducting properties it possesses, and, as a result, is better suited for insulation.

The polystyrene foam is also quite low-cost material, and, at the same time, its thermal insulation properties are much better than that of ordinary foam.

The advantages of this material include the minimum weight, ease of installation (it is great for facing the corner apartment), and hydrophobicity - polystyrene foaming actually does not absorb water, which is a positive effect affecting its operation.

The cons of polystyrene is the following when - instability to fire (requires the installation of special fire jumpers), and the lack of sound insulation. The polystyrene foam, in general, is perfect as for thermal insulation of walls outside, so from the inside of the house.

Mineral wool is one of the most effective insulation, but the cost of this material significantly exceeds the cost of analogues, therefore, it is rare enough for thermal insulation of facades.

The pluses of mineral wool include fireproof (the material is not lit), hydrophobicity, and good sound insulation properties. An essential lack of Minvati only one is a relatively large weight, as a result of which its installation on the facade of the building is made with a large number of fasteners (dowels).

The foam glass is the most expensive material used for the insulation of the facades of apartments. If you are not limited to the means, then preference is worth paying it to it, since this insulation has excellent thermal insulation properties, durability, and hydrophobicity. Foamglass does not burn, it does not start fungus, mold, and other microorganisms.

In addition to the insulation itself, you will need to break a large number of related materials, such as:

  • Building glue, liquid foam, dowel - for fastening;
  • Plastering mix - for surface leveling;
  • Primer - for additional waterproofing insulation, and for better adhesion plaster with paint;
  • Grid for reinforcement - to strengthen the plaster layer;
  • Facade paints for - as a rule, housing and utilities requires the insulation to be painted paint corresponding to the main color of the building.

The payment of the Contractor is performed on the implementation of all works, according to the composed of the academic act, which indicates the entire spectrum of work performed, and the individual value of each element.

For insulation of pipelines apply.

Wall insulation inside the apartment of the panel house - a set of actions aimed at insulation of the room from extraneous noise and maintain heat inside. In this case, the internal thermal insulation is applied. Although she has its cons, but it is rational. It is only important to choose the insulating material correctly, knowing its advantages and disadvantages.

Materials used to insulate the walls of the panel house

Such materials are presented with special requirements. The construction market is full of insulation, but not every one will fit. After all, it is about finding it inside the apartment. Here is a list of heat insulators used for panel houses:

  • PPU (polyurethane foam);
  • EPPS and other polystyrenes;
  • Mineral wool;
  • Reflective thermal insulation materials.

Consider each of them more details.

Polyurene Foolder

Representative of insulation sprayed type. Two-component raw materials, which is mixed in special equipment before applying and applied from the gun. Something resembles a mounting foam. After spraying increases in tens of times, creating a monolithic layer.


  1. It can be applied to any surface without its preliminary preparation.
  2. Penetrates the most hard-to-reach places, it closes the gaps and recesses.
  3. A monolithic layer is created without cold bridges, which allows you to qualitatively make the insulation of the panel house.
  4. It has good sound and thermal insulation characteristics.
  5. No moisture is afraid.
  6. Withstand the load.
  7. Easy.
  8. Durable.

But, there are disadvantages. For example, independently insulate the corner room of the panel house will not work. After all, this requires a special compressor, the hose system and the correct ratio of mixing components. This is done only professionals. Therefore, you will have to look for specializing firms. Another PPU does not let air and may be distinguished by harmful substances.

Mineral wool

One of the most popular materials for insulation of the panel house from the inside. The case in the composition. Mineral wool - product processing product. This means that the wool is absolutely safe and does not harm health. It is produced in the form of rigid mats or rolls. The cost is high, but the user knows what he pays.

Advantages of watts:

  1. 100% ecological product, does not distinguish harmful substances.
  2. Park permeable, which means that the walls will breathe, condensate and increased humidity will be accumulated in the building.
  3. Protected from fire.
  4. Some of the best sound and thermal insulation characteristics.
  5. Long operational period.
  6. The material will not spoil rodents and insects.

The main minus is a vulnerability to moisture. With the wetting of Minvat loses its characteristics. Therefore, to insulate the wall correctly, it is important to take care of the presence of a waterproofing layer. Basalt wool is one of the best representatives of cotton insulation. It has moisture protection and withstands colossal temperature differences. If you buy basalt wool, then protective membranes can not be used.

The main minus insulation of the angular room and the house as a whole from the inside is the presence of a dew point inside the walls. The dew point is the border where the cold and warm air faces. Condensate is formed in this place, dampness and mold appear. With internal insulation, the dew point shifts inside the house. Therefore, it is required to take care of high-quality ventilation inside so that the moisture has come out. It is good that Minvata misses moisture and it will not accumulate on the insulation.

The easiest and most effective heat insulator, which perform the insulation of the panel house. Not to say that for these purposes he is the best. After all, the foam is made from synthetic materials, which means that it may be distinguished by harmful substances when heated. The second minus - the foam does not miss moisture. So, the dew will begin to accumulate on its surface. The microclimate is broken, the wall will mock and coated with mold.

However, the material has its own positive parties:

  1. Small weight.
  2. Affordable price.
  3. Moisture security.
  4. Easy use.
  5. Long service life.

One of the varieties of expanded polystyrene foam is extruded expanded polystyrene (EPPS). It resembles a foam, but has improved characteristics, more durable and dense. He is not so spoiled rodents. The cost of products is higher, but with it the insulation of walls in the panel house will be better. In addition, the EPPS is a bit better protected from fire.

Foil thermal insulation

This is a kind of reflective thermal insulation. The material consists of several layers: insulation and foil from one or two sides. Thanks to the foil layer, the insulation is securely protected. A 90% of heat is reflected from this aluminum surface. However, from the above cases of thermal insulation, this is less effective as an independent layer.

Advantages of foil heat insulators:

  1. Reflects infrared rays.
  2. Does not miss moisture.
  3. Reduces noises and vibration.

Otherwise, the use of a thin foam for an angular room, which is strongly subjected to wind load and frustrate is irrational.

It remains to weigh all the pros and cons, compare these materials and choose the best option for yourself. Since the panel house does not have good thermal insulation, it is not worth saving on insulation. It is better to pay a little more, but enjoy warm and comforted within a long time.

How the insulation of walls inside the room

Insulation in the panel house from the inside has another disadvantage - a decrease in the housing. After all, the insulation has its thickness, at least 5 cm, plus additional layers. It is important to consider. The most optimal version of the insulation of the apartment from the inside is the creation of a frame. It is stacked by the insulation and there you can hide communications.

How to insulate the walls in the panel house:

  1. To begin with the wall is prepared. If the insulation is mineral wool or foam, cracks and other defects are closed.
  2. Next, a frame of metal or wood is mounted on the wall. These are vertical rails that are equidistant from each other. There is a space for laying insulation between them. The splitting step is equal to the width of the selected insulation. So that he entered tightly and never dangle, you can reduce the distance by several centimeters. When working with the Minvata (which is soft and puffy), you can make a gap of 5 cm.
  3. Laying insulation in the created cells. This can be done on glue, and for reliability, lock the plastic dowels plates. It is plastic that the cold bridges remain no longer. Joints are processed by mounting foam from the same considerations
  4. It remains to be sewn created by the frame of plasterboard and perform a decorative finish.

According to such a scheme, the insulation of walls and partitions is performed. Finish finish depends on the desire and financial capabilities. It is a tile, and plaster, and wallpapers, and painting, decorative panels. After that, the panel house can be considered warmed. The main thing is to choose the correct insulation and follow the installation instructions.

The accommodation in the panel house is not always comfortable, because in the winter the facade can be wrapped, moisture can accumulate on it, mold to form. This leads to peeling wallpaper and uncomfortable microclimate indoors - the temperature in the room is below a comfortable level. This is due to the properties of the panel structural walls that are not characterized by stability to change the temperature regime and high humidity. To solve this problem, you have to warm the walls, and it is necessary to do it outside.

Stock Foto Warm facade of panel house

Warming options

The insulation of the panel house outside allows you to stop the heat outflow through concrete. The additional layer of thermal insulation will be protected from the destructive effects of external factors. On the market today you can find many that can be used for insulation inside or outside.

Insulation inside

For the panel house, insulation from the inside will make the situation only worse. This is due to the movement of the dew point, which will shift closer to the inside of the wall. In practice, this means that the moisture will become even greater force to accumulate in the walls - wet and the wall, and the insulation, so the life of the facade will significantly reduce. To avoid such a situation, and at the same time reducing the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment and the destruction of the design, it is worth preferring the insulation of the panel house.

Warming Outside

The difficulty is that the insulation of the panel house with a large number of floors is possible only with the help of climbing equipment. It is clear that it is almost impossible to receive money for the remuneration of work and the purchase of building materials from public services. Moreover, an attempt to insulate the house at the expense of tenants also does not always meet understanding of all project participants. Therefore, you can go along the path of least resistance and insulate a separate apartment.

The main advantages of outdoor insulation:

  • There is no need to disrupt the inner decoration of the premises;
  • The internal useful area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment is preserved;
  • The reference design of the "panels" is strengthened, that is, the building is reinforced, which has a positive effect on the service life;
  • The insulation is an additional soundproofer;
  • The temperature of indoors increases with the same heating costs, since the walls are protected from freezing - heat loss is reduced through the panel box.

How to choose a heater

Choosing a heater for outdoor work, it is worth considering the following factors:

  • The climate of the region in which the panel house is located
  • Wind rose and precipitation
  • Available budget
  • Local features, for example, the designer project of the facade of the building.

By calculating the estimates and the creation of the project, you must contact the management company or the HOA, while directly insulation will be engaged in the brigade of industrial climbers

Thermal conductivity circuit with building insulation

Types of insulation for panel houses

The following materials can be used for thermal insulation of the panel house:

· mineral wool

It is one of the most popular insulation for outdoor work. This is due to good performance characteristics, in particular, low thermal conductivity. In this case, mineral wool is hygroscopic, so it is important to isolate it from moisture. Otherwise, thermal insulation properties are leveled. For this purpose, under the layer of insulation, it is necessary to lay a vapor-permeable membrane - the names it will protect the Ministry of Service from moisture. You can also equip the air clearance in the ventilated facade - in this case the membrane is not needed.

· Extruded polystyrene foam and foam

And extruded polystyrene foam or, as it is also called, Penoplex also has low thermal conductivity, so it can be used as insulation for a panel house. At the same time, if you choose from these materials, it is most often the foam is used as the heat insulator.

This material attracts its ease, moreover, such plates are attached to the wall without problems. In addition to the heat insulation, they provide additional isolation from sounds from the street. At the same time, when selecting a material, it is important to note the marking - the foam, it must be G1, which means "does not support independent burning. If the foam flame is flammable, it is impossible to use it. It is worth considering that not always the marking corresponds to the real position of things. Therefore, when buying a heat-insulating material, you must request a certificate for products - it must correspond to GOST 30244-94.

Outdoor insulation

Conducting work on the insulation of the facade of a high-rise building

The insulation of the facade of the panel house is performed at the following steps:

Preparatory stage

Preparation of the surface of the facade is needed - lines the end walls of the panel house, the plates are cleaned from the plaque. It is also important to close emptiness, cracks, the sealing of the joints of the panels is performed. If necessary, it is necessary to lay the seal between the joints, whereas a special mastic is used for seeding. It is allowed unevenness of the surface of the walls within two centimeters - such a deviation can not be chopped. When all materials are dried, the wall is impregnated with a universal primer, which is applied using a sprayer or roller.

Installation of insulation

Since in the overwhelming majority of cases, it is precipitated for thermal insulation of panel houses that it is worth considering the installation technology of this insulation. It is possible to secure the foam in the following methods: put plates for glue, put on either connect these two options, it is the most reliable choice. The direction of the salary is from bottom to top. In this case, the pasting begins with the installation of the starting plank.

After that, we begin to apply glue to the surface of the panel house - the technologies used directly depend on the quality of the walls. If they are smooth, then you can apply glue with a comb. If, as often happens, the walls are uneven, the glue is simply attacked on the surface. It is important to carefully fill the seam glue. All this allows you to get rid of emptiness under the heat insulator. It is not necessary to apply glue to foam.

Installation of foam on the wall

The option when the glue is applied to the foam, and not to the house, in this case it is not suitable, since the voids under the insulation will become natural bridges of cold, which will reduce the efficiency of the entire event as a whole.

Polyfoam apply to the glue layer and press well. By gluing all the plates, you need to leave them alone for several days. During this period, the adhesive solution will dry and give a shrinkage, after which the next stage of work will be performed. As for the fastening of plates of dowels, you can choose plastic fungi. This is due to the ease and small strength of the foam - this fastener will eliminate the facade from unnecessary heat loss.

It is worth paying attention to the gaps - they must be filled with the mounting foam, cutting off the surplus after the material is frozen.

As for the hats of the dowels, they must be melted with an adhesive mixture. All irregularities remaining after drying the glue, can be removed by the usual sandpaper.

Preparation for reinforcement

The fragility of foam is a serious disadvantage, so the insulation needs reinforcement - just glue a thin mesh. Such protection should prevent the destruction of foam in the expense of atmospheric phenomena and other adverse factors.

Preparing for reinforcement passes as follows: First, the angles are flown, after which it is possible to move to the pasting of the walls themselves. To simplify the process, a grid with finished angles is used, which allows you to minimize the costs of time. If there are no such grids, you will have to make corners from the usual grid. It is enough to cut off the long strip of centimeters width 30 and bend it at an angle - such a design is pressed against the lubricated glue of the corner of the house. In general, the cutting of the grid on fragments significantly simplifies the installation itself, which allows you to consistently close the plots smeared by glue. At the same time, the mesh must be placed at the jack.

People living in panel houses are often encountered with a cluster of moisture in the walls and the freezing of the facade in winter, the formation of mold, peeling wallpaper and other unpleasant phenomena, not to mention the decline in the level of heat in residential premises.

And it is not surprising, because, unlike brick buildings, panel houses are less resistant to high humidity and temperature drops. Credit with this problem helps the insulation of the walls of the panel house, performed outside. Why should it be used outside? Let's try to figure out.

Inside or outside?

Warming is designed to prevent heat leakage through the walls, and at the same time protect the facade from premature destruction. The modern market offers many different materials intended for outdoor and internal insulation. Since to insulate the facade of the panel house outside, only by professionals, the tenants may have a desire to separate the insulation room from the insutium. However, it is better not to do.

The dew point will in this case move inwards, which will lead to even greater cluster of humidity in the walls. As a result, it will be wetted not only they, but also insulation, which will noticeably reduce the life of the facade. Therefore, it is more expedient to warm the walls outside. This will not reduce the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment and will not break the inner decorative finish.

At the same time, it's not so easy to insulate a multi-storey house outside. To do this is only industrial climbers. And to force the public utilities to pay their work and the purchase of building materials is very difficult. Yes, and not all residents of the house agree to thread and hire a construction brigade. Fortunately, today you can quite conduct an outdoor insulation of a separate apartment.

If you do not have construction and climbing skills, in no case are not attempting yourself! However, if you live on the first floor of the panel house, then this is quite able to do and with your own hands, using the stairs.

Types of insulation

For the insulation of the walls of the house outside, a variety of materials can be used, however, as the most popular for many years you can allocate:

  • stone or glass gamble;
  • styrofoam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam.

The main property that combines these insulation is low thermal conductivity. Most often, foam plastic is used as thermal insulating material.

Mounting technology insulation

Preparation of walls

Immediately before the insulation of the walls, the working surface is prepared. All irregularities are cleaned and closed with primer. Special attention requires seams and facade finish.

All loud paint should be cleaned like a crepe decoration. To check its quality, it is enough to spend on the wall with hand. If the palm remains clean, then the primer is not needed. If there are some problems, it is better to re-safe.

Installation of insulation

For insulation of the panel house, foam is often used, so consider the technology of its fastening.

If you live on the first floor and decided to perform insulation yourself, then you will need a large and small spatula for applying glue on the wall.

It should be noted that there are three methods for its fastening: on glue, on a dowel or something else together. Most effectively use glue and dowels together.

Walls are covered upwards. At the bottom of the facade, a starting plank is nailed. If the walls are uneven, then the glue can be "digring", it can be applied to the rich surface.

Scrupulously fill the seams. Apply adhesive to the leaf of the insulation does not make sense. So that under the polyfoam did not remain, fill with glue mortar all the depressions and irregularities of the walls. Otherwise, the emptiness will create additional "cold bridges", through which heat will go from the apartment.

When the surface is treated with glue, you can apply a sheet of foam and well to press it to the wall. Before the next stage of work, it is better to wait a few days before the glue solution so that the adhesive solution is completely drying and the insulation gave the "shrinkage", and then continue to work.

For fastening the insulation, dowels are used - fasteners consisting of a circle, plastic sleeve and galvanized nail, which is clogged into the sleeve. Since foam plastic is easy, plastic nails can be used. They will remove the facade from the extra heat loss.

To securely warm the building, around the perimeter and in the center of the foam glued to the wall holes are drilled. The depth of the opening should exceed the length of the dowel for two centimeters, otherwise the fastener will be stitching outside. To guarantee reliable insulation, foam sheets must fit tightly to the wall and to each other.

Watch for gaps. In some cases, they are useful to fill them with the mounting foam, the excess of which is cut after drying, and the seams are maintained and adjusted. At the final stage, the hats of the dowels and the seams put off the adhesive mixture. Small defects that arose after drying the mixture are removed using a sandpaper and plastic grater.

Waste of the walls of the grid

Since the foam - the material is fragile, its reinforcement is required, which is performed by gluing a fine grid. For installation outside the building, a special grid is used capable of withstanding all atmospheric phenomena and maintain its properties under the influence of adverse external factors.

At the first stage, the grid is covered with angles, and only then the main surface of the walls trimmed by insulation. Special grids with angles will help facilitate the task - they will help you insulate the house without additional trouble. Otherwise, long strips in thirty centimeters are cut from the grid and bend at an angle. Then, using the spatula, the angle of the house from all sides is covered with glue, on top of which the grid is put on top of the corner.

To make it easier, the grid can be chopped into fragments, the size of the meter per meter, and then attach into small sections. The grid is glued to the brass. After the glue is completely dry, the walls are processed by plastic graters, excessive excess dry solutions and irregularities are screwed down. Making sure that the mixture was completely dried, an aligning layer is applied to the walls of the panel house and proceed to the final finish.

That's all you need to know about the finishing of the panel house. Installation of the insulation outside allows you to securely protect the apartments from the cold. Today, many construction firms offer services for the warming of multi-storey houses. But if you live on the first floor and have the necessary skills and tools, you can try to make insulation yourself.