The very night hour - before dawn. The darkest time before dawn

Especially those whose life was broken by the February 2014 state venue. As an rationale for his pessimism, they lead the facts that they say, "Ukraine died." Not in the sense that the crisis of Ukrainian statehood is observed, and due to the silence, the inaction of the inhabitants of this country. They explain their passivity by the fact that the Neo-Nazi propaganda caught up in people the remains of all of the human, turned them into zombies, in the magnitude of "Ukrainian National Nationality" and the telnik on the breasts for the Bander, the "Heavenly Hundred" and "Sacred War against Russian Aggression."
Well, the year, indeed, was difficult, even severe, ended in a whole chain of unpleasant events, whose savings again "pleased" some residents of Ukraine. But the mountains of the colors in front of the fences of the Russian embassy and consulates showed that the clikushy under the evil Russian Russophobian - this is not all Ukraine.
* * *
In mid-December, the sociological service Center Razumkov, known for its biased to political schools, which has now in power, published the results of a survey of residents of Ukraine, held in September-November of this year. Such a stretched duration of the survey of 2015 respondents, as well as the assessment given by the results of the Dnipropetrovsk "patriotic" site "The First Urgent News of Ukraine", suggest that "patriots" are not very happy with the obtained conclusions: "Unfortunately, bad trends that marked the year Back, just strengthened. "
Alas, but the trends, indeed, can not please the "Ukrainian patriots". Ukrainians and Russians are considered by the brotherish peoples of 87% of the inhabitants of the country and 28% of the West, and 45% of respondents in the East and 9.5% in the West are generally convinced that Ukrainians and Russians are one people.
At the same time, 62% of the inhabitants of the East and 18.7% of the West of Ukraine believe that relations with Russia should be normalized, even if the Crimea will remain as part of the Russian Federation.
44.7% of the inhabitants of the eastern regions believe that it is necessary to deepen cooperation with Russia, and more than 60% of them are ready to justify those who go to earn money in Russia. At the same time, 48.5% of the inhabitants of Western regions are convinced that this cooperation must be fully collaborated, and 31% advocates a decrease in cooperation.
54.6% of the inhabitants of Western regions and only 13% in the east of the country are convinced of the need to provide the Armed Resistance of Russia, if it decides on a full-scale invasion, in any case, even if there is no international assistance. At the same time, 27.9% of the inhabitants of the eastern regions of Ukraine proposes to immediately surrender to the decrease in victims, and 40% have not been determined with the answer.
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There is a difference in the perception of the current government.
Do not believe that reforms are carried out in the interests of most citizens of 83% of the inhabitants of the eastern regions and 57% of Ukraine living in the Western regions.
In the West, 53% believes that after the state version, the level of democracy and civil liberties increased in the country, and in the East agree with this point of view 25.6%, 67% agree.
But 43% of the population in the West and 80% in the East of Ukraine are not ready to endure even a temporary decline in the standard of living for the "reforms" and strengthening the Ukrainian army.
The data of the Sociological Group "Rating", funded by the Government of Canada, indicate that only 1% of the inhabitants of Ukraine fully approves the activities of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Verkhovna Rada, and 3% of Poroshenko's president.
And according to information made by the director of the Humanitarian Strategy Fund by Mikhail Pavliom, 73.6% of Ukrainians believed that the power is made in the war in the Donbas. 46.5% of the population are convinced: only another president will be able to agree on the termination of the war. "This is a sentence of this power," Pavli believes.
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No, it is too early to "bury" Ukraine, it is too early to consider its population of "Maidenth" only due to the fact that the most "stubborn" are angry and poured their hatred. Let them sneak, their time comes to an end. After all, as you know, the most dark hour - before dawn.
Alexander Gorokhov, "One Motherland"

Sometimes it is better to leave everything as it is. Stepping in a faceless loneliness among empty streets where eyes look, envy the free wind, lonely stars, wise sun and a mute moon. Sometimes we are afraid of losing and lose what we have. Although everything that we do not and all that happens to us is spelled by one hand. And if we learned to live in one real, they did not hide in themselves. Therefore, therefore, there is an emptiness so that the person can learn to realize and smile happiness. Our loneliness is not that I was lost in the emptiness of our hearts, but in what comes out of it. It seems to me that we are alone in a huge world when I look at your eyes. And let the days do not differ alone from the other as much as time from sunrise to sunset, and every day the emptiness becomes silent and there is no business to become silent and its misfortune is not the past, not to the future, it is content with what looks at people. But you will ever understand that the darker hour of your life before the most beautiful dawn. And let people come to your life in search of something new, but leave, remaining the same as they were. They will understand that the old past is better than the present. All life is more interesting when people around you are the same. And somehow, it turns out that they are included in your life and, without noticing it, they want to change it. It will take time and you will read this letter again. And only then you can understand it. After all, what is not ordinary person, the easier it is to see. Thus, he is more accurate for others, the easier it is to forget and lose it. And the meaning of his words, and the meaning of life is not to understand for everyone. Perhaps we will not see you again and everything will remain a simple dream of a lonely man, but I ask you never forget that your wealth gives rise to the emptiness of your heart. It should be found for it only there, there everything you find and feel on the way to it will find out your meaning. And where the emptiness hides your heart, the soul, the soul is faithful to the laws of life, your treasure is hidden. Your love.


Hi ...
Sometimes IT "S Better to Leave Things AS ARE. STEPPING INTO A Faceless Lonelinessly Among The Empty Streets Aimlessly, Envy-Free Wind, For Single Stars, Wise The Sun and The Moon Silent. Sometimes We Are Afraid to Lose and Lose What You Have. Although We Did Not Do and Everything That Happens To US Written by One Hand. And If We Have Learned to Live One Real, Not Hiding B in ItSelf. Maybe That "S Why There" SA Void To Be Able to Learn To Recognize and Smile Happy. Our Loneliness Is Not That Lost In The Emptiness of Our Hearts, And That Comes out of it. I Think We "Re alone in a Huge World WHEN I LOOK INTO Your Eyes. Andener As The Time from Sunrise to Sunset, And Day by Day Emptiness Becomes Silent and Avarice Is Not The Case Not The Past, Not The Future, It Is Satisfied That Looking At People. But Have You Ever Realize That The Darkest Hour Of Your Life Before The Most Beautiful Dawn. And Let People Come Into Your Life in Search of Something New, But Leave Remaining The Same As They Were. They Will Understand That The Old Past Better Than The Present. All Life and All the Better When The People Around You The Same. And somehow by Itself it Turns Out That They Are in Your Life and Yourself Noticing It, Wish To Change IT. Time Will Pass and You Will Again Read This Letter. And Only Then Will You Be Able to Understand. After all, Not Usually What A Person Is, The Easier It Is With the Mind. Thus It is Noticeable to Others, The Easier It Is To Forget and To Lose. And The Meaning Of Life To Understand Under The Force Is Not Given to Everyone. Maybe WE "LL NEVER SEE EACH OTHER AND EVERYTHING WILL REMAIN JUST A DREAM A LONELY MAN, BUT I PRAY YOU NEVER FORGET THAT YOUR WEALTH BREEDS EMPTINESS OF YOUR HEART. IT MUST BE FOUND BECAUSE ONLY THERE, THERE EVERYTHING YOU WILL FIND AND GET A Feel On the Will Have MEANING .exactly Where the Emptiness Hides All Your Heart, Soul, The Soul Is True to the Laws of Life, Your Hidden Treasure. Your love.

Life is not only an atmosphere of infinite happiness and a series of impressions and joy. You probably passed (or pass now) a period of conditionally called "pitch darkness".

When you do not sit on the spot, you do something, but feel aimlessly wander in a circle. Trying to establish certain areas of life, they are striving for something, but all your efforts and efforts do not lead to the desired satisfaction. You try to build a bridge to the hearts of loved ones, but it turns out to be laid only the walls ...

What to do?

Take it easy. Sigh up deeper and know what everyone passes. You are not alone.

When I happen such moments, I always remember a wonderful phrase - "The darkest time before dawn." You just need to wait, pull out ... break through!

Desert of Life

In any life situations, I read the Bible. It can find many encouraging examples and wisdom.

In "Dark Times" I was inspired by the history of Jesus Christ, who was 40 days in the desert. Before seeing big miracles in his vocation and life, he passed through a terrible period. Just imagine! 40 days without water and food ... And this is with the exhausting heat! Thirst, hunger, mental pressure ... Every day it looks like another: the desert, the desert, the desert ... And every step carries a danger - a meeting with poisonous snakes .... Brrr! The picture is not pleasant, right?

But he stood. He knew that a huge mission was waiting ahead - salvation of people. And that no one besides him can save people from sin. Therefore, I endured, the humbled myself, kept ...

I believe that you are a unique person with a special mission. That vocation that you have, you can fulfill only you. You have no other! And this world really needs in you! Remember this in difficult moments. And you will pass your desert!

Than in the larger darkness you got, the sharper you feel the brightness of the world. He is already starting to shine in your life!

Personal experience

Once I experienced very difficult moments in my life. Everywhere was bad. Forces and motivations to change something - it was not. It seemed, why? Everything will end so much. There is no point in life, faith in the best is useless ...

It was at that moment God found me. He answered my sincere inner search and in the room of my life turned on the light, which shines brighter every day.

So I share with you with this light. Know that you are not alone. All you go now - temporarily. God next to you. He is waiting for you to sincerely turn your eyes from problems to him and asked for help. He will never impose you. Because he gave you a free will and the right to choose: to be with him or without him, to be protected or vulnerable, blessed or damned, deceived or knowing the truth.

Jesus told him: I am a way and truth and life; No one comes to his father as soon as through me.
Ying 14: 6

I pray that everyone reading this article is filled with God's father's love. In order for the broken hearts to recover, freedom came to the oppressed fate so that the darkness, the bright light passes!

All this I ask my father in the name of Jesus. After all, it is written in the Bible "All you do not ask for my father in my name - it will be to you!". Therefore, I believe that there is already a dawn in the sphere of your life, where, it seemed, Darkness completely absorbed emotions, mind, feelings ... And you believe it :)

I know the best is waiting ahead!

And what helps you to pass through difficult periods in life? Share with me in the comments!

She was 17, when Mom died due to complications during surgery. On the nose of the graduation, shoes are bought, the dress is invented. And suddenly - Mount "Such a huge one, is something endless, you are from it under the blanket, and it and there Karaulit." She was then withstanding, and now wrote about this text, responded on the Internet thousand likes and ten pages of comments. In continuation of her piercing "sacrament of suffering" - this conversation with the inokens of Evgenia (Senchukov).

Many questions that we face in our church life are faced with time, they definitely find their answer. However, there are those that remain a stumbling block for both neophytes and believers with "big church experience." The righteousness of Job asked God to explain why he suffers. Bogochlovek Jesus Christ in terrible flour on the cross asked: My God, my God! Why did you leave me? (Matt. 27, 46). The question of the causes of suffering, the bog content is one of the most difficult in Christianity.

- Varlama Shalamov has words that you always live alone, you can always go through this path only alone. And what Bed is divided with friends is nothing but a beautiful myth. Do you agree with such a point of view?

Indeed, with the ultimate grief you always stay alone. And the point is not that another will not help you, just some part of your suffering is still not available to anyone.

- Amazed stories when people in the hardest life situations wanted to assist, but they themselves resisted such attempts. Smenworkers ran out of pure and cozy shelters back into their slums; The wives refused to leave the sadists from the threats of life as themselves and their children; Madly patients did not agree to accept assistance and so on. How can this be explained by the irrational human nature or ...?

These are very different situations, and you can explain in different ways. Stovers and homeless people are simply returned to the familiar lifestyle for themselves. They do not perceive such a choice as tragic, for them it is just one of the variants of the social niche. The complexity is that they managed to adapt to the discomfort, and it is easier for them to remain in them than to change their lives. A vivid example is a homeless boy Geclberry Finn from the Adventures of Tom Sawyer, which runs away from the widow shelter only because he becomes boring. Street life with the father-drunkard was not perceived as a tragedy - rather as a kind of freedom.

Wives of nudice husbands and manipulators are usually coined. Such women require comprehensive psychological assistance, which, unfortunately, to provide them often simply cannot. You should also not forget that they feel certain "responsibility" for their husbands: "How without me?!". After all, as a rule, men who allow themselves to lift their hand on a woman, the mood alternates: from the most severe humiliation of the spouse before self-vaccination, tears about forgiveness and the like.

If you consider the case with hopelessly sick, you need to remember that there are several stages of perception by a person of their diagnosis. The first stage is "denial" when people refuse to believe in their illness, into the degree of her seriousness. The last stage is "adoption," when a person has come to accept the fact that he is hopelessly sick. In this case, attempts to help he perceives as a "attempt" on this situation, which he has already accepted, as an attempt to destroy him without that fragile world.

All this needs to be distinguished. And the point here is not so much in the irrational nature of a person, as in psychological mechanisms, the essence of which is that a person is easier to accept serious circumstances than to decide to change them. It stretches to K. simple solutions. And it is predictable: in extreme situations, we try to save vital energy, and when there are no guarantees that help will come, we will send all the forces to survive in the circumstances that have already become accustomed, and not risking, rushing from your head to the unknown.

- Catholicism is called the "religion of Christmas", and Orthodoxy - Easter Religion. At the same time, the Orthodox special emphasis is placed on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe redeeming suffering that sometimes embarrassed unchurched people. Is there any danger here to turn suffering in the end of them? When joy and simple human happiness are perceived as something shameful and unworthy. How to avoid this temptation and be ready to accept not only Calvary, but also Easter?

There is such a problem. In fact, the passions focuses just a Catholic asceticism, for the Orthodox tradition it is not characteristic. Another thing is that it is rather, our mental trait is to "eat a bowl of suffering to the bottom." And it is connected with historical realities, an invalid of difficult living conditions (economic, social and others).

How to avoid this temptation? Only a thoughtful reading of the Gospel. After all, the gospel episode of the Passions of the Lord takes, in fact, one day is a passionate Friday. Everything else, the preaching of Christ is a call for incredulous joy: Rejoice and having fun (Matt. 5, 12). Even referring to the suffering, the Lord said: "Blessed ...".

Just carefully reading in the gospel, in the works of the Holy Fathers, we will understand that suffering carry strength and benefits when there is awareness that there will be enlightenment. I touched this problem in my publication "the sacrament of suffering": Calvary and Sunday are connected. As the saying goes, "the very night hour - before dawn." When there is no place worse, then Easter comes. If the suffering was infinite, and he had no exit in the form of light and joy, the meaning of our existence would be incomprehensible.

One of the most common arguments of atheists - the presence in our world the suffering of innocent: Holocaust, gulag, childhood diseases and mortality and much more. The famous Christian author of America Philippe Yansi even devoted a whole book to the question "Where is God when I suffer?". You are responsible in your article like this: "On the next cross next to my".

Here people unbelievers may have at least two counter-arguments. First, if God does not want to encroach the freedom of man and save the world forcibly, and therefore allows evil, then here the kid passing the N-th course of chemotherapy, crucified from pain in his arms from the killed Mother's grief and personally who did not express any Sinwhps? And, secondly, is there any temptation to submit God, suffering from us at the "Neighbor Cross", helpless before any cosmic force, like Fatum in the mythology of the ancient Greeks, bonding and over it too? How to solve these two dilemmas?

The argument about the fact that "God does not want to encroach on the freedom of man," it seems to me that there is no weakly working. Because evil often arises not in connection with the sinful will of a person. Of course, evil exists due to the fall of the first people, it is an ontological reason, but a person may suffer, being completely innocent. When someone got sick oncology, it means that he just got sick oncology. If a brick fell per person, then a brick has fallen on him - and there is no guilt in it. Thus, the first argument does not work.

As for the second argument, I, to be honest, does not arise the problem of the "helplessness of God before the fatal force." Excess anthropomorphism in the perception of God is generally inappropriate. The Lord does not correct evil because not in power, and not because it does not want to stop it. He simply does not correct it. Its motifs are fundamentally different from ours: My thoughts are not your thoughts nor your paths - my paths, says the Lord. But as the sky above the ground, so my ways are above your ways of yours, and my thoughts are above your thoughts (Is. 55, 8-9).

It should be understood that this world is in evil. Our task is to bring light into the darkness of this world. By big account, Christ and created the church for this. The Lord can sometimes interfere directly through miracles, responding to our prayer, but it is in any case some kind of creation, synergistic act. The answer of God is the answer to the prayer, the question or even indifference. When we read in Scripture: CE, I stand at the door and knock (Rev. 3, 20), perceive it literally - that God robbly knocks, never wanted, does not come first, expects our hospitality.

How to answer unbelieving on his questions? Remember, in the "Chronicles of Narnia", in the penultimate story "Silver Throne" there is a completely stunning dialogue. The plot is this: the heroes from our world fall into the narnia, where they find out that the prince of Rilian is languishing in the dungeon. He was not just captured, but also faded: and only at night he becomes himself, and in the rest of the time it is absolutely satisfied with his position and narnation does not remember. When he was freed from the spell, a green witch came out. She and our heroes begins to charming: convinces that there is no stretn, nor the sun (what would it be attached?) And so on. And one of the heroes, Puddhmur, resisting Charm, says very important words: "We may be, and the children who have identified the game, but, it comes out, we, playing, invented the world, which for all items is better than yours true. And therefore I am for this invented world. I am on the side of Aslan, even if this Aslan does not exist. I will try to live like the Narius, even if there is no Narnia. "

So there may be our answer to non-believers: "You, atheist, doubt that death will be calm. But I will better believe in it. " It seems that it is called "Parusa Pascal": "If you do not believe in God, you lose everything, if you believe, do not lose anything." In this case, even more: if you believe in God, you get everything.

Everyone loves to quote the words of Karl Marx expected from the context: "Religion - opium for the people." But in fact, the German philosopher spoke exactly the opposite: religion does not fool, religion comforts. It is like opium, that is, as an anesthetic. He even has such a phrase: "This is a heart for a heartless world."

Yes, it can be argued that my faith has a therapeutic effect that it is only fiction, a protective reaction. You can read so, because I can't prove the opposite. But faith in evidence does not need. There are things unoccupied, but this does not cancel them and does not reduce the values.

- Father Sergius Kruglov has the idea that one of the differences of a person from the entire tweak world is "the potency of such suffering that no one knows." How can the exclusivity of this suffering be explained: the ability to realize his reasons to bear responsibility or ...?

I would say that a person is distinguished by the ability to comprehend. Human suffering is not exclusively: a patient with cancer, the animal suffers at no less, but maybe even more, since it cannot ask for help. But it is a person who is able to reflect on his own pain, about her injustice.

In this context, returning to your very first question about the ultimate suffering that cannot be divided with anyone, you still, in this situation, at least try to find the cause of suffering when aware of your own inability to help suffering.

"But any doggie will tell how his devotee squeezed with the owner of his pain." What then does human compassion differ?

Human empathy is distinguished by only awareness. There is one of the opinions that the borders of the personality are empathy. Therefore, it is believed that the dogs are closer to man, to the formation of it than, for example, cats. I am close to this thought. The child grows into the person when he starts to learn to empathize, contact with the world. Any contact involves empathy. The animal is limited in its capabilities - it cannot reflect with a person about his pain, analyze the experience of another.

- My friend works in an Orthodox charitable organization of aid seriously ill. I admire how selflessly it beats for each child: inventing and conducting numerous charitable stocks, it stands for hours in the cold, collecting funds, organizes common prayers and much more. Nevertheless, it happens, her ward kids still die. And here, not only at the militant atheist, but also the believer "with many years of experience" may even have a ropot, especially against the background of the words of the Savior: and I will tell you: ask, and will give you; Search and find; They knock, and will turn out, because all seizing gets, and the seeker finds, and we will turn out. Which of you father when son will ask him bread, give him a stone? (LC.11, 9-11). What then mean these gospel words and prayer in general, if we do not get a request?

This is a difficult question for me. I would answer like this: the end is also a way out, relief. Another thing is that the "Balance is not complied with": suffering are doomed.

By and large, probably, your friend is - herself is the bread that the Heavenly Father gives a causing.

- One of the reports of Metropolitan Anthony Surozhsky was entitled "How to live with himself?". The farther, the more clearly you understand what exactly it is, and not external difficulties and tests, and there is the most difficult challenge human life. How do you answer for yourself on this question?

How to live? - Carefully.

Recently heard from the Orthodox psychologist Natalia Iinina Phrase, borrowed by her Evagria Pontiovsky: "What is not realized is easily turning into passion." I really liked these words. Inina, just says that the task of a psychologist is to help a person to realize what he does not want to realize. Asceticism is engaged in this: to realize yourself, find self. All monastic practices are an attempt to break through to their depths. All Christian life is the way to yourself, genuine. After all, you yourself are real, you can meet with God. Therefore, it is necessary to live with yourself sober and carefully.